s.» ,‘ b'i ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Jr t--Nary Stevenson. I norothy Dyer. Elma McG: not]: Cal-mount. Sr PP*-"Ilrl mm. Go mount. Lloyd Gibson, mm no. o-nrollmi. 33. Average alter/Pee 2x G. "re Watson, Principal Junior Room " lli Elmer Love. Wallace Lewis. Marion Johnson. Aura McGulre. Mruce McKenzie, Charlie Bullet. Ee. ther Guild. Fllleett Smith. Dirk Pidler Jim McCall. Bill new. Jr Ir-Harry Mather. Heten Butter, vera Leith, M. " m--artma Rite, hurls Troup, Alma. L Vincent Eltitr. Eva G i'hriutie. Lloyd Tynd venson, Mic-m Brow: Murray Aim-n. Frail 6'artor. No. 'utroned. M. Ave: Senior Room IV Class-Maru Althea. Bert Ma- ther. Margaret Irvin. Inky Sim. Mary Woodyard. Irene Ellis. Morris Fiddler Joseph Heaney. Martorie Neloular- 'retttt Haney. George Steven“, Norma Johnston. Walter Allktll. Wll- ma Dillon. Beverley (llbson. Milton Mann. Vera All“. HOLSTEIN SCHOOL REPORT the hostess served lunch. in; meaning will be held at the hon Mrs Jan Kerr, on March 7th. eDrpite stormy weather. on Wed- nesdny. Fri). lat, eleven indies nth- PM at in! home ot In as. Mush- m. (or the monthly “any Aid meet. in; of Varney Church. The Presi- dent. um M. Leeson opened the meeting with hymn 123. “Nth of our Fathers" mm the Lord‘s Prayer In unison. The scriptun tending from Proverbs, 4. was read by In. Elmer Fee. Minutes of binary mwelling fr!!! and :dopted. Amuse- mentu were made tor a. Vnientino Social rn Tuesday nâ€; Feb 14, " which a good time is predicted for att. Miss Jeanette Kerr’s paper on 'What a choir menns to a church‘ was nail 'rreparmt,trttowing how very help- tut this organization can be in spread- ing the tospol. A duet was well n1- dated by the Misses Lennox. The, meeting Nomad with benediction and’ Val-nay Ladiu’ Aid bee. Brtore adjournment the Trus- tees “was“! their apprecmlon to mom- present for their nttendanee,as the unusual number belokened in- creasing interest in the work. A vote of that: "a tandem Mr A, J. Corbett of Mount Forest for In- wreat shown and help " the annual The auditors' report showed the hooks in good shape with a substan- tint titture on the right sue. TheBee'r Treo. “we a brief report of the youâ€. timuteeg. The erection of the new fence can-M most of the expenditure hut It in a great credit to the Trus- u-es and community. New Things Are "lhm" ton had the honor or being miectod Trustee. the same omchls as the put year continuing In once. may†mer Patterson, R. J. Eden and J. J. Wilton. After much discussion over the ar- lou which“: brought up. including the fence built the past sumac-are- taklng and annual bee. Mr R. J. Eden gave u very album†upon an halal! ot the Trustees. Mr J. J.Wll- MerterHet was appoint“ chairman anf he handled the meeting nil. wry held their “In! need); I». 4th In U. tt. S. No. l, E. k N., VIII: a goodly number present. Mr. Don.i Ulcer-11' , 'lr,l'll'll2Ur,d The Durham Review -artma Rite, Ruby Watson, Trup. Alma Leith, HelenSmlth Ellis. Eva Gadd. Jr m--avan Lloyd Tyndall, Wlllard Sto- Aih.ne Brown, David Anna. Aitken, Prank Gadd. Greer Al hhertisa-tis Trustees at Maplewood cello- Give the people the good news advonu‘eoue prices. They this “store news" and will menusâ€. Let us ehn- vn- tl You have the geods and the desire to sell them. The readers of the 'Review' havethe money and the desire to buy. The connectinglink is ADVERTISING joy in thdjiG,i Every member of every family in this community is ipurrestedinihl' news of the day. And no items are read with Keener relish than announcement! of new things to eat, to wear or to en- inv in Olin I-.., ea lunch. The next held " the home ot Gordon Car Elizabeth Alt. n. Geo. Dyer, McGuire. Ko. 'P"' me good nuts of new things " as prices. They look to you for news" and will respond to your Let us show you that Feb. ltF--Maroom, vs. Bruins Petr. 14--searators vs. M. Leafs First and Second teams play otrs, I S s. NO. 11, EGREMONT Sr Iv-Ivan Blacks. Jr nr---Edittt Hineks, Irene Gardiner. " m-Rot" Swan-r. Edna Watson, Gilbert Me- Eachern. Perry Brennock. Alex Me- Eachern, Fred Wagner. Ir-Billie Switzer, Jean MeEaettern, Everett Watson.. Sr I-Teena Watson. Jr, r-Ormond Shawl. Della McMurdo.i Emma Wagner. I I Team A i ll Tram C. Council adjourned to'Aeiiiaiay March 12th. " 10 o'clock a. m. for gem-ml business. Robb-Mack: That the following accounts be paid: A, Hunter services as Weed Inspector, $5.00; Pay sheet No 2 for road imp. 836.25: Supt. ser- vices $14.00; Clerk, for registration of 48 births, ' marriages and 20 deaths, 819.25: Councillor Mack. fees and search Registry Omee re Treas- urer'g aunties $1.00; J. M. Nicholson and F. C. Hopkins, services as audi- tors. $18 each; Members of Council.1 att'ce at meeting to date $15; 1t.H, Christie, use ot room " Carried I Philp--Maek: That the. Clerk be in- structed to communicate with the Dept. of Highways. requesting per- mission to change the Road Supt. and if given. that applications for the or. hee be asked for. Carried. The Auditors presented their Re. port to the Council. Hunter--Phiip: That the attditortf report as read he received and Adopted and 100 copies printed for distribution. Carried. _ Hunter-Mack.. That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to Sign and sub- mit to the Min. of Public Works and Highways or the Province of Ontario the petition ot the Corporation of the Township of Egremont showing that dating the period Jan. 1 to Dee. 31. 1927. there has been expended upon the township roads the sum. â€Â£61.73i and requesting the statutory grant on that amount as provided by the o'") Highways Act. Carried. Philtr-Rotrb: That the Treasurer be Instructed to place to the credit of the Trustees of P. V. Holstein the sum of 3297.02, being amount of levy for 1927. Cttrrted. Robtr-Phiip: That the Clerk re- quest the Council of Proton Township as the initiating Municipality rennin No. 51-22, to reiun'l the unount paid to said Township tor Clerk's services, Court of Revision. eta. amounting to $100, as per Engineer's Report on said Drain. Carried. Mr Audit-Ir Hunter, Weed Inspector reported in reference to the meeting or weed inspectors hekt at Guelph on Jan. 10th. Mtrek--Pttitp: That the report be received and adopted. Carr. Mai-Hunter.. That the Reeve be instructed to sign Ply Sheet No. ' for work performed on reeds. Carr. Councillor Mack reported that he had marched the Registry once re the Treasurer’s snretlee end found them .utstitrtnetory. Hunter-- Philly-- That Cotm. Mack's report re Treasur- Pr'tg suretles be received and adopted Council met Feb. 6th. Mouton att 'Trent. Minutes alopted. No. on mil, 83: avenge “We 29. ken, Bert Quid. Jr Pr-ah- Moore. Herbie Fuller. Blue Moon, L Mather. Pr "V-Pitts Mm. H. Tyndall. L. Beulah. Norm Smith. SENIOR CITY LEAGUE SCHOOL REPORTS David Allan. Clerk Hunt, teacher The second “655;; the not ev- en tho' the Bruins scored the odd (our. coming mm the stick of Ellis minutes before the Benton scoréd from I sen-able. the period can»; , --4_k, In favor at Bruins. tirtrt period, when Kitten Ecol-raw} Ti' a. pus from mu. A few minutes Inter scored on u long shot and I tew The game started on very slowly. due to a lay on the teams um tho' each smile was tested there he no The Maple Leafs tntttetNv1 their Bee. ond reverse from the Bruins and also their worst defeat to date, due to the aggressiveness of the whole Bruin mun. backed up by superb goal-tend- ing on the part of McKenzie. The Bruins are lure of a. place for the play-085 it they can win one of their remaining guinea. M, Leafs (Eccles) Senna-s (McCawley) Mal-cons (Lucas) Bruins (Fenton) We ask you to accept this gift as a. token of remembrance of our good wishes toward you. Signed on behalf ot the Young ladies' Auxiliary. Eileen Gibson. Charlotte Smith, Florence McMillan. We, your associates in the Young Ladies‘ Auxilary ot the Presbyterian Church, feel that We cannot let the. ties of friendship that have existed between us for a number of years, pass without some appreciation of your faithfulness in the work or the Auxiliary. i I At the close of one oithe practis- 'es cf the above play, Miss Lizzie Mc- Kenzie, who is leaving our village in the near future was presented with a. silver butter dish and knife. to which Lidzie made a touching reply. The following address was read by Miss Eileen Gibson and presentation made Miss Florence McMillan 2 Miss Elizabeth McKenzie i Dear Elizabeth, Directors-Mr Hastie. Mr Burrows, Mr Dingwali, Mr N McDougall, Mr. C. Penton, Mrs Tuck, Mrs Hostetter, Mrs Arniil. Mrs Irvin. Public Attditor--Mr. Rife. Board Auditor-Rev. Mr Jay. The Library will be open to tho public from g mm. to 10 p.m. The annual meeting ot the Holstein Public Library was held on Petr. Tth, when the following ottieers were elec- ted: Preaident--Mr. W. Hustle Mecretary--Mrs R. Irvin Treasurer-air D. P. Coleridge Libraritrn--Mrs Burrows Honorary Directors: Rev. Mr Jay, Rev. Mr Johnston. Mr Hildyard. Miss Watson, Mrs. Coleridge. The subscribers ot the Holstein Public Library are cordially invited to send in a list of books they would like purchased to the Secy. during the coming week, " the Board are about to purchase new books. was In charge. The meeting was clos- ed with the National Anthem The Community Circle met in the basement ot the United Church on Wednesday evening. The entire pro- gram was given by the girls of the Circle. The meeting was opened with a hymn, after which Miss B. McDon- gall read the scripture lesson. The tirtrt topic was given by Miss E. Gib- son. and the second by Miss Rolufs on her life and experiences in school teaching in Algoma. The devotional part cf meeting was closed with pray-, er by Miss Theme. Some new games) were introduced by Miss Watson who‘ â€RUINS 7, MAPLE LEAFS 2 I There dicd " Central Mines, Man. ‘ltoha, from In muck of Bu, Ernest anddell. age M, son of Mrs and the late w H Weddell. About 20 years ago he came with his parents from Monitoba to the late Peter Dixon pro- perty. on the 12th con, Emmont. now the John Rice lam. Here they farmed for two years and while here Ernie attended school at Holstein and many of his school mates will recall him. He enllsted early in the war and saw long service in France. a The Young Ladies' Auxiliary will hold a Valentina Social in the tttuse- ment of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, Feb 14. A play entitled 'A Patron ot Art' will be put on by the ladies of Auxilary. The program will also conslst of “News and a. variety of music. Mrs Mervyn Beley, Brantford, is spending a few days with her parents Mr and Mrs C. Drumm. Miss Winter is visiting her sister, Mrs John Philp in Mt. Forest. Mr Clarence Penton was in barium this week attending a Co. meeting of the Orange lodge. Mr M. Lynch visited with his ptus ents near Ayton over the week end. Mr Alex McMillan visited with his parents over the week end. Mn Drumm is this week visiting her daughter, Mrs McLaughlin in Palmerston. Mrs 115 Smith received the sad news last week ot the death ot her sister, Mrs (Dr) J T Dixon, (Lydia Burrows) of Chicago. auspices of the Women's Institute to be held in Roberts' Hall on the ev'g of Feb. 16th " 8 p.111. Splendid pro- gram. Ladle: are kindly requested to provide lunch. i 1cm no Ptkaiil} Remember the At flame under the LEAGUE STANDING Won Lost P'ts HOLSTEIN LEADER through the - "'--. -- “I - - person or persons or whose chin Fil not any 1 ttee shall not have been received by price ate them at the time of such distribution! the nine Dated " Durban this 24ttt by of " on» January A. D. 1m. 1 . last mentioned date, the Ezeeutors shall proceed to distribute the assets of the add deceued among the par- ties enutled thereto. hnvlng up!!! only to the culm- of whlch they shall then have notice. and the nu Exeew tore wlll not be liable tor the said IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH PAT- TERSON. lute of the Township of Egremont, in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuanti ttL R. S. o. 1914. Cup. 121, Section: " and amending Acts, that all per sons having claims ngninst the Estate! ‘ of Joseph Patterson, late of the Pe' ship of Egremont in the County at Grey, Farmer, demsed, who died on or about the Twenty-fourth day of : November A. D. 1927, are required to: deliver or send by post prepaid to, Luca. d Henry, Sollcttora for the Ex-I ecutors ot the Estate. on or before; the "htoenth day of February, A. 0.} 1928, their me: and addresses, a} full detserhrtion of their clnims. in: writing and the neture of the new»: ity, " any. held try them. l AND TAKE NOTICE that otter went ask you to accept these chairs, not for their intrinsic value but as a slight token of esteem and we hope they may ever remind you of your many friends in the vicinity. Elgin Lamont, Melvin Troup. Arth- ur Irwin. Donald McArthur. 1 You will always hold a. warm spot in our memories and hope that God's rlchest blessing will follow you to your new home and that you may have much happiness and prosperity. We feet we cannot let you depart without showing our appreciation ot your valued friendship. We would, us. During the years you have spent here ,we have learned to love and re- spect you. You have always waged to be a. klnd friend and neighbor and ready to lend a. helping hand in time of need. Your loss to our Commun' ty will be tutotlter's gain. 1 Family Dear Friends: We, your neighbors and friends have gathered here this evening to spend a. few social hours and to bid you farewell as We have learned with deep regret that you are about to sever your connection with During the early part of the even- ing a. short program of music. songs. readings and recltations and speech- es was given. The main feature ot the program was the reading ot an ad-, dress by Mr Arthur Irwin and the presentation of two handsome rattan chairs, to which Mr McArthur made; a. suitable reply. At the close they sang 'For he's a Jolly good fellow.’I The reainder of evening was spent; in games and dancing. , Mr and Mrs Laughle McArthur and' I Congratulations to Miss Oliver and ' Mr Ruth. Henderson who won honor I for Yeovil club by winning the debate lat Varney Saturday evening. About 80 friends and neighbors as- gambled at the home ot Mr and Mrs Laughle McArthur of Egemont. on Friday evening last week to tender them a farewell party, priorto taking up residence in Arthur. The Northerner, are anticipating an interesting program provided by the Southerners next Friday evening at the Ladiea' Aid Social in the Un- ited church, Holstein. Those who attended from here the ‘Stars' class party given by their vice pres, Miss Myrtle Cowan, in her home lust Friday, report an enjoyab- le time. NOTICE TO CREDITOBS Mr Hiram Bowling. Wainwright, Aim. called on some old friends last week. Mr Geo. Long spent a. few days last week in Toronto with his moth. or and his sister. His mother accomp- anied him home. Mrs R. A Nicholson has returned home after spending a few days in Holstein with Mr H. Hiscock who is recovering from a slight paralytic stroke. We hope all the sick folk will soon be quite well again. Mr Geo. Lon: snent 1 row a.“ We are glad to hear Mrs C. Mein. m-s. who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, is improving. Her sister, Nurse Baird ot Chicago is with her. the puck over McKenzie tor the neat- est goal of the game. Fenton scored the last goal of the game on a com- bination play by Ellis and Fenton. Brown opened the scoring for the Leafs on a lovely shot and with El- lis and Eccles in the penalty box, he again tallied with a lone rush, elud- lag the whole Bruin team and lifting titer an individual mah, giving the Bruins . 4 goat iendet the end of the second period. As the me - older the gum became {alter and thetnatperiod new the most exciting hockey of the night. Near the tigtrt or the period Pirder we: penalized but even with the odd mu the Leela ruled to score and just " he returned to the ice Penton scored from a. pass out from the corner. Ellis scored the next goal on a solo msh shooting from the right boards, the puck pas- sing through between Ross' pads. was a HENRY, I Salmon for the Executor: Phone thmatk me DURHAM REVle YEOVIL w, an a: er," visiting Wresant. mtl Mr B: on: Arthur, er- W. I. K me! Mr F "ti week to of con. We on this con s} The well known Wilson homestead l is now Mend for sate, Lot " Con, s: M., Tp. ot Emmi. This is one of [the cleanest and best farms in the 1' county and presents an unique om s' portunity for some one, as it has nv, :3 ways been a reel money tanker. " ' acres cleared. 10 acres hardwood‘ l, bush. brick house, driving shed, tUtel I L Bun. unto-data stables, water in I barn, 30 acres alfalfa, convenient to ichurch Ind school. station 6 miles. I Act quickly as this propeny will 'ehftfCytytrerut"%Ti"at'iit price asked. which is much less than [mum out. minimum. " Me - Mr Fred Holliday is moving this week to his new home on the 9100-. con. We the sorry to have them leave this community as they are active workers, both in church and social service. Mrs Romany will be espec- ially mined in the choir where she often took a solo part. We wish Mr Basil Pringlemier and children. Arthur, are visiting her mother, Mrs W. J. Kelly. i We are glad to hear that Mr John Eurig is out and able to attend to his work after being eotttlned to the house for some time. Mr and Mrs J. P. mom and Mrs. J. Watts visited friends in Arthur recently. i Mr and Mrs Murray McKenzie, are visiting at the parental home atl present. I Mr Everett Rum made a business trip to Durham the tirtrt of the week. We are sorry to hear that Mr Hoot. man is seriously ill with family mem- bers tn attendance upon him. We hope he will take a turn for the bet-, ter soon. I Mrs Will Stevenson spent a few days visiting friends In town last week. ; Miss Jane Matthews ls spending a itew weeks at the home of her broth- er Earl. I St. Paul's annual vestry meeting [was held Sunday last when most of the omeertr were re-elected, viz: ‘Wardens, Earl Matthews, Jag Muck: ‘Sldesmen. James Hamnve, Milford iMatthews. Carmen Queen: lay dele‘ gate to Synod of London. Jas Tucker: 1 Substitute. I. C. Queen: orgtusisst,Mrs; John Queen: vestry clerk. Mrs Earl.' Matthews. The auditors’ statement; showed a balance on hand. ', Mr Milford bowling and his little daughters, 10th com, spent Sunday afternoon with his sister here. Ilock's comers. 777" a 1 Mr .113 Eden attended the Orange _County meeting in Durham Tuesday I last. Mr Thos Duly of the 20tr con. un- fortunately jumped from an upsetting load of hay and landed on the up- turned runner. resulting in eight {rac- tured ribs. He was taken to the home of his son-in-taw, Mr Wesley And- rews. The mldent occurred at Pol. Robt. and Thou. Davis were visit. ors the ttttst of the week at the home ot Mr Thou. Moore. Mr and Mrs Wm Nelson. Orchard, visited Sunday with J. C. and Mrs. Queen. Mr and Mrs Wm Gordon and fam- ily visited Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Austin Hana. The. foregoing quoted paragraph is from "The New Outlook". Rev. Mr. Burnett was formerly of St Marys, and previous to that of Dromore and Knox. Similar kindly Christin feet. ing prompted the United Church to appoint a. delegate to reprelent them " the funeral of the late Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. Leslie Clay, D. D. W. J. Burnett of Parkview Presbyter ian, of the same city, exchanged pul- pits. This is recorded by the corres- pondent because he believes it lsone ot the tirst, it not the first, of such changes since the consummation of Church unlon. Are suck exchanges taking place elsewhere in the Dom- lnlon one wonders? Thu is the tirat we hue noticed Surely than men are to be commended tor their largeL mlndednesa." . "On Sunday evening, Jan. 15, Rev. W. W. McPherson of Westminster United Church, Saskatoon, and Rev. Mrs Will Hooper spent last week with her parents In Durham. Quite a. number from around here spent a pleasant time " Reggie Ramada dance Tuesday even'tr. Mr Geo. Husud with his accordeon sup- plied splendid music. When George gets his coat oft he can play tor five hours steady. Mr Gordan Lem: is In Guelph at Messrs Tho: 1nd Cluenre Duly undoi Wes. Andwws out. tsplit Ind piled' 81/. cords ot wood in 7 hours foer' Moore. This Is a fact. Who can; beat it ? It the 0.'A. C. Mr Thos. Duly had the misfortune to have that; mum†. run]! ot . load ot hay upsetting Monday ot this week. Mr Dolphin Lawrence has been but: sawing wood tor several of the farmers 'tn the vicinity. . Notable Pulpit Exchange PARN FOR SALE AILAN'S CORNERS SOUTH BEND um; I. iwo week's course u payed In zero conditions. it shows the strong Insomniac game holds. Ed. In a C. P. R, ployee In Regina. which column: oldest brother Gordon has been for mmv van-- ts played I shows the are pleased ti, Giii of Dm‘ress. Rugby itt a we to Mar up under, " “I-..“- . bed. ttuttering from wrenched knees 3. first halt." . . Although some who went through the gloves and their fin trosttritten, the mun caption of Ed. Find-luv game in good style. 1 Any auu Jonnny Auld on the line. ramped away to a It-a victory over Edmonton',: most powerful thrent In many seasons. The Pats won " tlstlcally and on their 'merlts white some brave 300 souls looked on link! whirling snow tiaiteg ml lama! the sheltering fence just “closely as the! mercury hugged the bottom of the thermometer. 3 under conditions that have never lbeen surpassed on a. local football :fleld tor sheer downright cussednesu. jthe Pats, through the brilliant hack-l fold play of Harold Mart-h. Soul! Bloomfieli luv] Freddie Metallic. and the heady opportunism of Ed. Find- lay and Johnny Auld on the line. ramped away to a It-a victory over Edmonton's most powerful thrent in many seasons. The Pats won or- tistlcally and on their 'merits white some brave 300 mm Imbml -_ -- .. Mr and Mrs J. “5mm. Tomnm.!1“9 acres. lot 20. we 12. new“ and formerly of Dromore, is mung six miles east of Holstein on Count: a name for himself in Western Inn». Road. Good bunk hum " A" M, rher', tear rugby. "Ed." helped the Re-lpen and driving shed 26 x 100 '. brici gina Pats win the prairie title m‘dwelling with turuace; wood sto: 1925 and 1926. and this year in an good orchard, 35 acre-‘3 plumbed. etiort to make it three in succession, TERMS. 87000. he is playing the greatest football ot Ono third cash. balance hearing :r. 'his life, says the Regina leader. temt at 41i per cent. or sit11ise, hi“): 'ttti" 2/rle,',' J,"ffll't"h't,',1itetane to suit both parties. 5 p o o 11 rue y n pnper , . and a later edition tells of his eitort I JOKNRI 1"r,,feee, “I†being a. unit in the success of his . ' ,team in reuUntrtg the Junior Jiaiiii,l---------.,,L,e, ion ship of Wetrtertt Canada. The [iii HOUSE FOtt BALE 1tier says it this way: "Terminating -' one ot the most spectacular cam- , bedrooms, 1 double, 2 tritiF.K '. pains ever waged by a mid machine; dining room. mu4or, kitchen, gowt on the plains, Al Ritche'n righting~ "me- 1,4 “m of load. ekuettir Ifvttt, Pats wrote an entire chapter of rue-' spring well. Apply to nruce 1lr0sirl. by history Saturday afternoon at.' aie, Holstein. Park Hughes when they annexed the ""'"--e-r-soye-e-r-c-me.-, Junior championship of Western Can-i "'"'--- " ada, and the shimmering Gillespie trophy which accompanies it, for the I,',".,',-,',','," - Emu II, ti,il third year in tsuccession.' . Under conditions that have never-l 'etilry P"ruetioes mhles you many years. Former Damon u, is Rugby Star winter weather which tarhed some time in coming this yen and may not any long enough to wear out its welcome. But it is long enough tor shut-ins. The “runner hns been pretty Stup- py and the roads not In very good Tndition the hat week. but the poo them success on their new farm. The Review tom Myriam A few from the Bend "tended a to ntt My - " n um tar party It Woodland on Monday night. umber-n. Let a. m tn you; and report a good time. I Mr. Edwin Findlay youngest son of may friends In 1 Drudge l Lux 1 Ammonia l Rinso 1 Cbipso l Gillex Winter Underwear Men's Heavy Socks . School Children's Hose Sweaters Rubbers Price Reductions gh some of the Pats rough the game “than! their fingers severely he team, with the ex- 1. Find-In survived the - an " b. 1'. It. em. Ba, Which Conway his Gordon has been “a. R. J. ARNILL seem to enjoy the in Exremont _ his "hiette mlzhty hard but when a “many his been with in sun in couple of "1 tn the in the following t HOLSTEIN Regular price 7le for the 53c ; The pmperty ot J. C. "sirbairn. '100 acres. lot Mr, 'NMt t2, Esmmom. six miles east ot Roland. on County "toaut. Good bulk born " x " “any (pen md driving shed " x no .' brick dwelling with humane; wood slum. ‘good animal, " acres ploughed. TERMS. $7000. Ono mm east. Mace bearing m tom: at " per cent. or simian" perms to suit both “rues. -. -"-e-..qqr. wun Civil Service. halal Katha“ Areetat Com-u for Famen' Son. Curerul Attention. Best Results. Free Caulocue on must. g Kitchen my; In good condition. [dining room table and claim. glass- .~mp cupboard and sideboard and sev- Urat other household was". Includ- 'lng a number of teat jars and other lkncben utensils. Apply to Individual Instruction ensues you to begin I course " any time in Telephone r. 2, m in. “will. Steinem-m); In} ' “mum... Muriller FA" "" SAL}: Mold articles. Includ- ber of Jon has and other mils. Apply to PALMER PATTERSON, R. R. 3. Durham. Oat. FOR SALE. Also our usual Bar- gain in Laundry Soap i. 2mm: “been In the morning um! , that he - Yet he tnmlled Uta-M'- roll or up, why. " “In I numw In set In Western musical Ilrc‘Io--. bun-5y In his 30's. Allan "at t m-r In I unusual mmyvtluun n 'tuver In! year mun. human and against him - wwml Heed Wesslanls. Ile ha steued up Mth at cum-(n co mm In touring western Can fur an " Windy-a and [row he wtti an" .75 Wit-Hy Tsith pauses. We hope another h lunenry till ulna In Old and if he one: to within 25 mm:- we I'll! go and bear the at: of his fuller uni "r. Whr Wm or.» of Wm m Isl-g? " iii mum! to than as putting on Robert Wau- of No why. In making a m Mr Alba Watson, so Watson. W of Hb., Brande m grandam “'de 'teuooWou.u.. I'm the doors bat his“: mum I you“ -.h' or the Fertt prenatal the humorous pl.) Mt", which delighted the u "on “an to "itrtt. " mm mu. m " hours and a with ttte and -iment. Tl: Ln; you wen Jack and Hum-- lottow nu Bath" Imam. Webster, Sunk-y Sharp. " Jesue Mm. Muriel "-1 Goldsmith. Councillor Rom. m: m qAqteatgagt and um lunch hon. at the clown P - over "O. TM cum will thrtr 'sus' In WINNIE ford Hair day night. Wlnnin. any in Musse- tietendid Concert at Welbccu niche-r." was mad l la-unox. The (muslin nun! Repoh us ans iowtate member»: " M. McKwttttie: Final als, Mus M.vrtk. Kn stems. Kiss Mar) Ma dun. HIM; Ingum Musk“. In; bank In; closed In ttw u with); the class tox Pant In lulu-n. It - “min. of Amalia†The, Young Women', Au Knox Church. met Mr the-i moml'ly stud) Ann-(Ina: in l hum of the chttrwh on Mot 18. The prvrrideest. Mrs c, meniscus It and method when othct ttan t ' my.“ and In vision Plot. E. Raul. n h comb: mm to [NI-Inna. on Tuesday out: "1le 0-3.- Ft hymen-s. Why not and Immune; feeling a Manor“! “who: On tTeresa/v, P, Servin- wilt In In Red Church I! 1 Mn; Alfred Mart glu- an manor“ were deqtied the aâ€: the l'um-ml u Mr Don-M Idlwrl Nomaby. "mum-1 Mrs In. Kerr, “who (am on the 31d ton medy known us tht. Ftty's Corner: Th my; $1200.00. Adding more Land The Mm yen old son I " Behr'" of Norman». . ed In. My by Dr " B lot appendicitis. Also Tho Prteevitie “deft-ml In up “whim hospiul tuiurday. The “Mum's Guild Church will net-w pom-um and “MW and cake P. A. room- Tired..' on an. In. 5 Inn. Ind " dosh; of the rink a! lo - helping tor 31w. Mr Fred C. "MIL Ryan. tormerty ot tttgtatrd u manna" C Minoan Bank a! 5m uni-Ir"! um bond um has: In Bt. Cclhul'im The. Durham club of TI ttM!et on Holiday new At the bow at Mm Sum Ave. Take Bay or Chm- " Peetts Ave. I he aim: tTet, upon: " car. Mu ttlor FOR SALE: A u-wd er with motor. " It and examine it M Ho VOL. la, N0 chli Sh r of New I‘ d nest urn-I Phone " human Ot securing [rum-s. "ttt side The, éï¬ï¬l to m 4 In: ll th "III M frttet Hom" l. Krvl lurk-l " ttge Werld‘ " h " q-lt tie