NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO - eammates for their expenditure. Try and show I surplus n the end of this year rather m a deficit. We an~ gradually niacin: the old van-ow bridges with new bridges or the regulation width. now nreGais. At this time I wat to press upon the minds ot you members the met an an committees Mid not spend more than the amount not “Me in However the Mlnluer Ls Med tor the interest this Council his 'atqam In this question. FIND“ The tinanees at our County He still In good shape and mum we will have a report from our Tumor. 'sherwirtg a dethett of from $1200 to 31500. it Is not as large a detteit as to had thought. The Clerk inform me, thatin uns- ver to his correspondence with the Dept. of Agriculture It Ottawa, inn- “ to I. tuberculin test for the Co. at Grey, that we my look for no such test tor at least thne years. owing to sanity of mtntttled vet- erhtarhsa and the great number or- pile-noun in she“ of as from But- o-rn Ontario and Southern Quebec. that the Dept. of Agriculture viii be ten busy testing attic for new re- utrlcted are“ in tint part of the country for the uhovo restricted to merit the, taith in me you have every year shown by doing my heat to uphold to decide. the dignity and standing ot out-conn- ty. one of the iargeat in the Province. The cost Agriculturo each year Agricuitnre being our basic lulu over which try and, being on the (arm. naturally cannot any t will speak of it tirtrt in my address. solved van " is the mainstay of our County should be; and in fact the whole ot our fair ren. The Dominion and we may truly thank met, but it our God tor the hleaainga he hascon- that a goo {and upon an in giving us good har- set we can vests this last year, the malt ot to start on which is nhown in the gmwingproo- question m vrity of our County. must urea Vania lei Cain’s Allow no to extend to you my sin- m-n than and input-lotion of the honor you have contorted upon me and duo um the Tp. of Emmi. which 1 wt. in electing Inc to the highest position which is in your - to the to one of your members --mgthetr the Wardenship ot the County ot Grey. t assure you that t it" strive to the best of my nbility To the Member. cl the County Coun- tn u the County ot any: BANK OF MONTREAL AN may Emu; f?? MONTREAL Throughout its long history the Bank of Montreal has always been active in serving the financial needs of all the people. Holste'n Bunch: C. R. LUCAS. Manger. FOUNDED beforcCanada c1iiiiiié')r / had any currency of its '. diiil..iiSsii; 'e'i',vrlnv' t, Batik of 1:3?“th 'Fez: tary o tame aut nzanon ti from thtGovemment to is. f.sf,iit1li.i) sue copper tokens for small tC(It, 'ii", change. Qua}: the two races in this country. - _ "Trade and Agriculture" indicates the early connection of the Bank with both urban and rural life in Canada. Reproduced herewith are the two sides of the "Bouquet" token, one of the earliest coins issued by the Bank. The inter. mingling of the rose, shamrock and thistle indicates the three branches of the British people-the English, Scotch and Irish-while the use of Engl'uh on one side of the coin and French on the other is significant of the mingling of Total Amt! in excess of $830,000... u TOKEN 'l Established 1817 Again may I say to you that [shall endeavor to extend to all the most sincere and courteous treatment. so that when the year is over you may have no regret for having elected me as your Warden. m ettttetttaitttt I regret exceedingly that only last week, Providence Ins seen tit to take away one whom we all respected, ittteritt ha. S. Wilson. One who had fitted into somnny pub lic places in the City of 0. Sound and the County of Grey, and one who will be sadly missed by all and I would earnes’tly express to Mrs Wil- son and her family our sincere sym- pathy in their and bereavment In the loss of a loving husband and tuber. set we cut give the youth of today to start out with. and looking " the question from this point of view, we must wee with our Education Dept. Home of Refuge The question is now before us, "What are we going to do about the enlargement of our home for the Ag- ed and tnttrm ?" The Province is try- ing to force on this and other coun- ties those mentally deBeUnta who are harmless but are still not eapatr. le ot looking after themselves. " we have to take them. then we will here to enlarge our Home for the Aged and 1nttrm by building on eddition so as to keep these patients senate from those who Ire only Igtttrrn. i There is 3 resolution from the Ca.) of Victoria warding the question to which I would tusk you to give deep‘ thought. Education The cost ot Educatlon ls Increasing each rear and it la an expenditure over which we have no control. We cannot any that the education we re colved was good enough tor us and should be good enough for our child- ren. The Gov't says this In not a fact, but In working on the principle that a good educatlon Is the beat as. to make many and we must not tor. get that, though We hare been recon; mending clauses. they Inve to be gpproved by the Dept. of Highways before they can be made, 3nd mini! changes are made this yen, requests for changes will likely be presented every year. However this is toryot1 to decide. County Road. . Although we are unending consider able money each year on our County and Provincial Roads. yet I believe if we make one clung:- we will have Islam but Ellis scored when he tuned] i to clear the puck. Lucas evened the I count near the close of the period on', a. solo rush and the tirtst period end- ed a tte, I-I. I Esrly In the 2nd period. ll Finder, _ batted tn a rebound to w therMir-i ooh: one in the lead. am way thru the period Paton tHyt the more 3-. Mon-pen trmnAmitinndH. Phaeton the Bull- one up on a! In the third period Ellis of the Bruins scored three In quick succes- sion on long shots from the left boards and held their mum um [Senators (MscCauley) l l 2 IN THE ESTATE OP JOSEPH PAT- ,Msroons (Lucas) I) 2 0 TERBON. late of the Township of I -- Egremont, in tho County of Grey, IlUiNS 6, MAROONS 3 Farmer. deceased. The Bruins defeated the Ma NOTICE is hewtry given pursuant (in the only league game Maya s',",',',",',',',,',') bt R. s. o. 1914, Chap. 121, Section ,iast issue and are now tied with the " and amending Acts. that “I pet E Maple Lents for that place. Tho' de- sons having claims against the Estate , tented agein the Maroons show avast of Jouph Panama, late pf the Town. ;improvement over the first game and ship ot Egremont in the County of had their share of the play but mis" Grey, Farmer, deceased, who died on! ed to come through with goals. Alex. or about the Twenty-fourth day of; Sim playing his tirtrt game in goal,| November A, D. 1927. are required _to, made a good showing, especially on deliver or send by post prepaid to. shots, from close in. Lucas a Henry, Solicitors for the Es-, The game w“ very even for thel ecutors of the Estate, on or before! first two periods but the three long the Eightesetth day of February, Ab.’ shots in the last period evaded Sim‘ 1928. their names and addresses. a to win the game. The first period‘ full description of their claims. ; very even, tho' Ellis scored in the writing and the nature ot the securd first nilnute. Sim stopped the first ity, if any. held by them. shot but Ellis scored when he failed AND TAKE NOTICE that after such to clear the puck. Lucas evened the last mentioned due. the Executors count near the close of the period out tshalt proceed to dUtrttmte thes -ta a solo rush and the am period end- of the said deceased among the pan ed (tie. I-I. 'ties entitled thereto, having record Early in the 2nd pet-sod. a Finder, only to the chin: ot which menu": batted tn a rebound to p... auxin. then have notice. and the and Execu- oona oneinthelend. Half way umt'tors will not be IMP bf tho Giil the period i‘enton and the no" planets. or my part theioot, to any train on I you tron Ann! and B. "rmtnor-ttsMqNtttserelMrnner.l' Pmeputthesnm mutant t?'eftnunotuitrsemiseordbr scion-h. ' " thmnutt1trti-eimestigiArthsitsoai.l in the third period Inn. ot the! Dltod It Damn-Ulla Mttt dar of B_minal¢_u~edthreein¢uiek "eeer.hmrderA.D.ttM. I shots from close In. The game WIS very even tor the first two periods but the three long shots in the last period evaded Sim to win the game. The tInst period very even, tho' Ellis scored in the firtst Intimate. Sim stopped the timt in the only league game played slnce last Issue om! are now tied with the Maple beats for tirst place. Tho' de, tented min the Maroons show avast improvement over the iirtst game and had their share of the play but foll- ed to come through with goals. Alex Bruins Wenton) Maple Leads (Eccles) Senators (Machuley) Mucous (Lucas) i The thin! was the'lnost even of the game and Hotatein was kept scoreless until last nv'e minutes of the game, when Ellis scored on a long shot. Schenk batted in a rebound which Jumped Young’s stick as he attempt- od to block]. For thirlosers Siembre and Mm‘ were outstanding while for Holstein Brown and Young were but. Teams: Ayton - turntsdene Swmbre. Werner, Wldmeyer. Damm Schenk. Buttts--rcoente ' Doersun. Holstein--. Young. Ellis. H. Finder, Brown. Ecclos. Woodyard. 'attrs-Pin-, ow. Bron. Irvin. l There was no scoring in the firtst the minutes, of the play, although Hol- stein had the better of it. Brown o. pened the scoring on aniee pass from Keelea. Woodyud came right back to make Holateln two up, with asnap shot from the right hoards. Smmbre opened the scoring tor Ayton on a lone rush. Browniune back and tal- lied on a pass from Woodyard and the period ended with Holstein lead- ing 3--1. Holstein increased their lead to G---1 in the second period by" successive goals try Brown. I this yen. The tee was in Ideal con- ditton which helped to make the gunn- faster than prev,ioua games witnessed here. There is considerable rivalry between the towns and each team gave their best. Holstein defeated Ayton In the me- turn game by the score of 6 to 2, and won the round li-S in home and home smog. It was witnessed by the largest crowd to attend a. game was opened by a. hymn, after which Miss Wotson read the scripture les- son. The tirtrt topic on "Hymns and their authors†was given by Ross Rife. A very interesting second to- pie was given by Mrs Hustle on "Books we should read". The devo- tional part ot the meeting was closed with prayer by Miss .McKechnie. There was a halt hour or community singing and games. after which the meeting was closed with the National Anthem. The Community Circle met in the basement of the Prmtrrterian church on Wednesday evening. The meeting Mr and Mrs Hartley Alllngham of Georgetown, and Mr and Mm Scott Eccles of Mt. Forest. visited Mrs. Brown Br. over the week end. Much sympathy 15 extended to Mr Geo. Calder and family in the death of his brother Wm. ot Durham, who died suddenly Tuesday on the tram. proceeding from Llatowél to Palmer- atom Messrs Neil Calder and Robt. Sim attended the Fall Fairs Convention. held in Toronto this week and will give a. report at a meeting to be held l this Saturday In the Hall. Por Bale.-A9ne cooking range. good I as new, . real bargain. Ed. Rae! Messrs John and Ritchie Scott ot Dundalk. were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Thos. Dingwall. in announcing the new Directors of the Fall Fair in last week'o issue the names of Messrs Nelson 11ch Ind Ju Lewis were omitted. Mr Allan Aitken hos been hid up tor the past week but at time of writing, is improving nicely. Me had received a scratch from a. sow some three weeks ago which lately turned to blood poisoning. The Young Ladies" Auxiliary ot the Presbyterian Church are holding a Valentine Social on Tuesday, Febru. ary Nth. The main item on the pro- gram will be a play entitled "The Pa. tron of Art." Lunch will be served at the close of the program. Mr Ed. Rae bu bought the barber shop of Mr Dom ot Mt. Forest and gets museum on Much lat. Mr. Gordon Long will take over the bar- ber shop here. ' s. HOLSTEIN LEADER HOLSTEIN a, AYTON 2, LEAGUE STANDING Won Lost P'ts That was an excellent suggestion of the worthy Editor in the last issue ot the Review. regarding having a high up omciai and our worthy M. P. Miss MacPhaii celebrate the opening or the new Post Ott1ee in Durham with pomp and splendor. Durham owes an everlasting debt of gratitude to the U. P. o. members) in the King Gov't. who happened at: the time to hold the balance of pow-) er and who through the ability and,' tnmtenee of our worthy M. P. repre-l sentative, pressed tor the coat of a As {announced in our budget last week, voting for two new elders the past two Sundays. in Knox Church. Normanby. resulted in the election of Jan. Petty and W. J. Allan. .That certainly was an excellent showing the United Church at Hamm den in: made in going over the top with their allocation and speaks well for the spiritual welfare of that; plucky little congregation. l The annual congregational meeting of Knox United Church, Durham. on Monday evening was a. very harmont ous and enthusiastic affair. The large number present showed keenin- tenant in the welfare of the church. I Again we must refer to these du- I Ming teotsty morning: when the slit. l terintr white laden tree! stand silhou- ‘letted against the smoke my back- ' ttround-one of Nature's lovely etch- ings. This and the cilia artist Jack Frost’s delicate trwedes on the win- ' dow panes, along with the thermome- '. ter registering 20 deg. below zero are convincing evidences of Ontario win- _ ter weather. The sleighing now 13 most excel- lent and those having teaming to do are making good use ot it. We extend sympathy to Mrs Jim Smith. whose sister, Mrs Dr. Dixon, was buried yesterday In Chcago. Last night Mr and Mrs Alex Hen- derson entertained a number of their relatives and neighbors in honor ot their silver wedding anniversary. Their many friends wish them 25 years more of prosperity and happi- ness. A number of Mr and Mrs Campbell Watson’s friends from con 16, were at the reception tendered them last Friday evening. Mr John Troup returned home from Bunnlo lust Wednesdlp. L MeArthurm one yesterday brought a. crowd and good prices. We are glad the section to the north is free from the am“ pox quarantine. Mr and Mrs C. Witherow and be- by Elmer. Calderwood, were recent guests of her mums. Mr and Mrs P. Mutch. Miss Agnes Orchard went. the week end on con 10. the guest ot her cous- ins. Mr and Mrs W. Orchard. Mr and Mrs A. Wagner, Cedarville viaited her enters here yesterday. Mr and Mrs J. Nicholson recently visited " K. MeBrider's, Woodland. Miss E. Oliver and Rutherford Hen- demon expect to meet No. 7, Nor. manby on the seml tinat debate this week at Vnmey. Messrs J. Nicholson and F'. Hopkins Jr., have been busy auditing the Township books. The U. P.Y. P. o. meeting was well attended Inst Thursday evening. Mr J. McDomll. president for the U. F. 0.. was chairman and presented an interesting, Ttttded prognm. followed by games. Congratulations to our Reeve, Neil Calder. for being chosen. as Grey’s Warden. Irvin. R. Finder. Referee. Bert Bode: near the dose of the and when Iareaatsmtrxsdiinort-tsot. _BPinat Smith, lemon. Ellis, H. NOTICE TO CREDITOBS THE DURHAM REVIE“ RLYTH’S CORNERS was & HENRY. I Mi}. “mace m w" Solicitors for the Executor} In. J. “mace, Executor: t sun. has. G. Brown, B. Solicitor- for Phone Dundalk Act qulckiy u this property will not star on the mute! long at the price nixed. which is much less than the nine of the buildings time. Am ply owner The welt known Wilson homestead is now offered for sale. In! 26 Con, 20., Tp. of Egremont. This is one ot the cleanest and best farms in the county ttnd presents an unique op. portunity for some one. as it inns " ways been 3 ml money maker. 90 acres cleared, 10 acres hardwood bush. brick house. driving shed. ttne) L. Barn. up-to-dnto nobles. water in barn. 80 acres mum, convenient to church 3nd school. nation 5 miles. l The Toronto women's Liberal As- sociation staged an oratorical contest last week, the following topic being chosen by the winning speaker,Mise Evelyn Craw. second year student at Toronto University: "Now that wom- en have a franchise they should ex- exercise it at every election to pro vide a sound government tor Cana-, dtt-a Government that will make} war a foreign element in the coming years." Only nine of the seventeen contestants spoke. and among these nine was G. D. Kendell. son of Rev. Geo. Kendell ot Maxwell. I Enters Oratory Contest We are gathered here tonight to spend a social evening with you and extend our best wishes to you for a long. happy and prosperous life to. gether. Mrs. Watson, who is a new- comer to (his vieinity--we bid her a hearty welcome. May all the Joys that cling to the New Year be yours. We ask you to accept these gifts as a token of remembrance ot our good wishes towards you. Signed on behalf ot the community: James and David Hooper One ot those pleasant events which do not occur very often was the pre- sentotion to Mr and Kn Campbell Watson Pridny evening Inst. when one hundred or more friends md neighbors of the newly-weds called It their home to spend a. few eocinl hours with them in chat, some: and dancing. At an npproprinte time. Mr Joe. Lothinn requested Mr nod Mrs Wntson to come forward. the Mrs. Jim Boomer to read the address. Messrs. David end Jim Hooper pre- sented them with two upholstered lee- ther rocking chairs. Mr and Mrs Wat- son thanked nil present in I. few well chosen remarks. Short speeches were given by the ehairtnan nnd by Mr David Mekelvie tailored by singing "they are jolly good fellows. Refreshments were then served. Good music with lots of pep to it was fumished by Messrs David, Jim and George Hooper and Bill Small. We Join with the com- munity in wishing Mr and Mrs Wat- son long life and lupplness. Following Is the address: Dear Mr and Mrs Watson: Burro-ton cludedhthe Mrs James Hooper Sr. is under the Dr's. are " present. Mrs Hooper is one ot our pioneers and has enjoyed good health. not requiring . Dr. for thirty yours until last Thursday. Yeovil U. P. Y. P. o. Club will do hate with No. T, Normnnby It Var- ney Saturdny evening Feb. 4th. Ad- mission 15c. Miss Grace new has been visit- in her brother Reggie recently and at- so took In the presentation " Mr. Campbell Watson's. Mr Donald Wnuon pnrpooei hold- ing a dunes this Friday night. While returning home from Mou- thur's sale Monday evening, Kinny Wells got lost in the bush. However after viewing Major's tine big wood- pile for I. while, he managed to and his way out and home min. Mr John Andrews tttat tt dance Pri- day evening [my when all had agood time. ' ' " A "It; Thos. Barnaby who has béen sick since ttuet.thrrintr, is very poorly at present. Mr and Mrs Irvine Geddes unend- ed the silver wedding of Mr and Mrs Alex. Henderson of the 16th con. on Monday evening dust. Mr and Mrs Thos. Atchlson visited in this vicinity lust week end. Middlebm' PARK Port SALE N. G WILSON. R. R l, Proton In “that to be tel mm: tor the elm Sr m--M.vrta Alles H, Laura Ellis, H, Kenneth Ross. Reid Kelchahaw. Jr m---Wiibert Schenk H, Geo Hors- burgh H, Laverne Baton H, Harold Hilton. Sr Ir-Marian Horsburgh H, Mar. 16 (Frl.).......... Owen Sound Mar. 17 (Sat) .......... Chutswouh Mar. 19 (Mom) .......... Mnrkdnle M11220 (Tues.) ........ Flesherton Mar. 21 (Wed.) ............ Durham Mar. 22 ('l'hurs.) .......... Hanover BRUCE COUNTY Mar. 23 (NJ .......... Walkerton GREY COUNTY Mar. 24 (Sal.) .....-...... Dundalk ht. Gov’ts Sad Clea-i: 2.1ft1lu'f,', lk-strata, I'raicetta,'t'i .0??? Lectures will be delivered by ek. perts each day " 2.30 p.111. on dis- uses of dittemnt turn: crops and la- sect pests, destruction of weeds and all other pluses of farm work, etc. Information will also be given as to sources of pure seed groin. Samples ot selected varieties of farm cums will be shown. The train will stop from , mm. to 5 p.111. each day at the following points: The most approved Power and Seed Cleaning Machines will be in operation daily on this train. Pm!- tical demonstrations in the use of proper screens will be given by qual- ified men in charge. A limited cinn- tity of grain and seeds will be thor. oughly cleaned and graded " each of the points designated below. tttWt [WISH musing motfte rs? Am: Because it rovidee an easily adult and food rich in the essential vitamin that aids in with; 'trom bones and good teeth. Takeuypualr, wholesome, Question: Why item-l. sifted cod-liver oil no ycq lietrfut as a vitamin. Winter Underwear Men's Heavy Socks F School Children's Hose Sweaters Rut 1 Drudge l Lux 1 Ammonia l Rinso l Cbipso 1 Gillex Price Reductions SCHOOL REPORTS LESSON No. 20 S. NO. 9, EGREMONT GREY COUNTY R. J. ARNILL expecgnnt and in the following : HOLSTEIN Regular price 71c for 53c M,on roll 14. Avenue mend'oe. 12. , Manama, I We. t single- dining mom, parlor. kitchen. good sable. % were of loud. electric llgln. sprung Well. Apply to Bruce McKen- zie, Hollteln. The property of J. C. hurl-kn. 100 com. tot M, con 12, Dav-man. six miles east of Holstein on County Road. Good bunk born " h" M, sheen pen Ind driving shell " x 100 : brick dwelling with rum; wood shed. good orchard. " ms ploughed. TERMS. 87000. One third cash. hull-cc bolting in tort-st at 4!. per cent. or similar terms to suit both nudes. -"-'-e".M.. â€m'mlo 331’ m. tNieistrtarurtstp, Societal-m work Civil Service. Practical Methods. "new Cour“ hr Fat-mow 80M Cuel‘ul Attention. Beet Resuh's. Kitchen we in good condition. dining room table on! choirs. dua- top cum and moon-d and new 1ngtlrnttmtteroftemt-randother. kitchen utensils. Anny to Telephone r. 2, line 151. You any In.“ any an Individual ttttstruction enables you to begin I. course " any time in Are you one of our .atisfied patrons t If not give us a trial 00! AIM -- Santa All BOISE]! “HIE" Mr. Farmer; mum? roan?†iiht Free Gamma on HOUSE FOR SALE FAB! “ll! SALE JOHN FAIRBAIRN. PALMER PATTERSON. Also our usual Bar- gain in Laundry Ont rum life. On in Knox church torth, with the Junie“- h the Nauru!" law their MI†m at this week when . Mule wt [1mm bill of luv. The topd u: ou can. but Tuesday nlglm tors. mu shoved the mum-t The Men‘s Mariana " Qucen l. Church. “and Rev. ll. D. Luminous p we Preritryteriam Church. in n In; soul pun-us town-Ms r and I? hope VIII Mum be “he up Mr: mules mam 0n Mr n. L. Walden. stud-m, KI lea. ably WM thr pulpit rmactul to lulu- charrr ol U Ices - next Sunday " or Inn-use! to know that Mr Is I Gn-y County boy, lulu! I Mr "a: Walden. auc-lkmwr. l and In Walden. Prawns mum to Mr Walden. In was formerly In; los. Show. will "all mammal years .10 u lo dull: of Mr slurp. Cotuits to to" with his horn- on tl lam loud. I seven- “and"! mm and tor that" dn bone I.“ the tam of ttto " You-c rum. “11mm“ lammJtns-lmhbu w, I lull of lightning entet lam. My killed the hoe smug We the allou It on him “I W1. Ind re in a mu (all (at It Slurp, Men's Walkman Active at and madly. uh. pantry next morning, Me, mko‘ and other vi landed there without The party dammed In out corrmehtne on tir Student Pastor We" Receive‘ Ir Wm Thomlmon was t of I lie-ml surprise I “my M when than! his mum drum-ed into on kahuna 81. East and My new evening toeeth Wm Kenn was mu mush.“ cm“! and saw you» liu doâ€. " was a double. my Mr Thompson. um upon ih, an Made Magnum G. S. Burnett, GI-nls' I nude " "triRrtrttent fat ot' his cmdltom. and tl than chew] sitttw smur Wtth another (urnimi: min and sight or In: ' "tam. handling furnish" have war, gather ou-rdnt We. Party How an Don't W to an!!!) " mumm- now waldo-m it: II Windsor, “you! tite his n Gay Co. folk :1 u cum I ing boxes "we Reminder mk- Templo. Hamil, , 1928. l-lvarybody Welu On Way, Attr. 17th. In Bel-ttttie, a box nodal untitled "Raul-mm: du Hill School" will be held. cone Admuuoet '25c, Lu The Ladies“ Guild m Tri will - an Afternoon TI d â€we hkinr in I‘ll-l. Saturday. Feb. nu M. A an of houn- II “I be held on tirst Rulur loath hereafter. Cu hem at no. Hm 'Thor' wnrher hrd for work I the tum-sea Thn Hoapttat Ito-rd have punt-wed n Inn:- The young people of Inkling I play tn the W on Friday. M. 1001. en Hm." Everyone I14 “on 2Ge. FOR BALE: A " with motor. VOL. M, N0 D" crusher" which for work n the m Mgr-sd 'teeqt for I cum. " tttt u “on: “We the if "' IN