lemons po==2 M to " any day de nd LEAMERY twel we] " “CW/7r m but. “clot: ding eeds thing listen I ares ILL Holuoin ms! 10:0: pd at Merhdden's Drug Store, Durham. Monday, April 30th. W. B. Phnnpo. R. o., Eyedght Specialist. Please phone for appointment. The Baptist Young People on giv- mg an illustrated lecture on "John Bunyan and the Pilgrim's Programâ€. on Monday, May 7th. The lecture will be given by Rev. Wm Spencer. who has a personal knowledge ot llvdtord. llunyan’s home and its sub roundinxs. The three hundredth an- uivvmary of his birth occurs this war and the story as told by Mr. Spencvr win he intensely lnterestiny. A silver onering will be taken. A tew of the former neighbors and' friends of Mr and Mrs Gordon 'iiiiiiiiil from Glenelg and town. met " their; new home in Bentincit one evening; recently and presented them withl some stainless steel cutlery nnd all fern alum as a slight token of the rsteeln in which they are held. The; eve-ulna was pleasantly spent Pl games. music and social chat. Some†of thoae present voiced the sentiment; ot all tho gathering in praise of the; iaerstiguable qualities of Mr and Mrs! Guides as neighbors and friends“ Lunch was served about midnighLI when the company dispersed wishingI Mr and Mrs Guides may years or) happiness in their new home. ', Invited for Second Year m At McFaddon'c Monday. The Branch OtBee of W. H. Taylor Optical Co. Owen Bound. will be open The violent windstonn of Ittat Thursday morning when the wind " times attained a velocity of M) to 60 lliustraud Lecture Mr and Mrs Guides Remembered Windotol'm damaged Hanover Home miles an hour. did lune damage tol Durham. though 1 number of tmes' in this ,toiehtrorhood were uprooted‘ In Hanover the High School being built on an emlnonce in the west-l end. received the full force of the westerly sole. The tin on one ii; her of the roe! was tom loose and _ couple of My windows were blown In. But the moat damage no done to the home of one of Honored-'3 den- tls',s. Dr. Staples The toll brick rhlmney on his house was blown down and it crashed through the root down Into the bedroom beneath. The hot “he: and cinder: mud much smoke, no the Bremen wore ttheat n hurry-up all. but they did not have to use either voter orchem- lc-als. The Bremen helped to untangle the bucks. pastor. hm outu tron the bedroom tum. Tuesday, May 8th. L087: .in Durham, on Thursday, April 19th, I snail sack used us a purse. contuininx one $10 bill and mum ones and some change. Fin- do»: will be rewarded on leaving same at, or notifying Review Ottiee. Next DWI-Ion Court hm willbe held on Thu-day. my 8ttt inatead of 15th by order of the Judge. Court open at 10 LII}. All parties concern- wd - take note at the newdue: Tuesday, May 8th. purpose. wanna]: and Tee-water have selected Thursday. Change of Date ___ _ The bullet Guild of Trinity Church will hold their monthly ale ot home made mung In the A.Y.P.A. room, 8.!!le May tith, at 3.00 p. m. At- ternoon to: will be toned. Sale ot apron». Halon: We“ men will close their stores tor the summer hall-hol- Buy on Wednoodty uttenoon. Mt. Potent bu chosen may tor sum Quantity of Sweet Clover, grown on an exceptionally clean farm, tor ale. Angus MacArthur. Rat. 1, Priceville Phone 608, r " Will Have oft5elat Owning. Dunn Council are now making arrangements for an otBeia1 public opening ot the new post otttee. Par doubt! as to date. etc., will be an- nouncing! lam. am: your Battery in to Smith'l “use and have It properly charged More putting it in your car. Only 76c. Smith Bron. mm roomed house. one quarter acre at had. Appty to In Heaven, Upper Town. Reeidence for Sale VOL. la, NO t'7 ii)iiitii.i..ii)t8lTdt Former Aberdeen Resident Died Suddenly in Michigan A religious census' ot Durham’s 1703 inhabitants e.tmNitlea them as follows: United Church 882: Anglic- an 286; Presbyterian 209; Baptist, 158: Roman Catholic 77 ; Lutheran 9: Jewish 6: Chinese 3: Salvation Army 2: Uttcltusaitted 71. ' The total taxable sssessment $630, 183. as completed by Assessor Mell- with is a drop of about $1000 from last," year. Property assessment is 8519165, business 842.850 and income $7473. 1 Deceased was a homeloving man, kindly and Mmilonnte in disposition and a. devoted husband and father. The, nine-mi service was held at his home Monday. April 9th. after which the remains were conveyed to Simia for interment. Farmers bra to be Presented i, Durham “Every little bit added makes just tr lime bit more." This trite say- ing applies to Durham's population. which each your shows a tmutual gain. In 1924, it. was) 1562; in 1925 1627; In 1926, 1658; in 1927, 1694: and in ION, 1703. There Were " births and 23 deaths the past year, so the stark gained little on the Grim Reaper. The Ladies' Aid Society of Knox) United Church have been fortunate) in taking steps to have Gilbert and, Sullivan's famous opera, 'The Mikado' to be presented here Friday, May 18. Miss Hahn. the welt known music. at nuthorlty of Hanover, la respon- Bible for the performance and but year In Hanover and elsewhem. aetv Med great success in other 'tttally well known out" by same comm on. viz "H. M. S. Put-tor. " and “Pir- ates of Pe-c" lt will be the metal event ot the season so 1411) date open (or same. Durham's Population 1703 Assessment the Same Tho. April meeting of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church was held on Friday, the 20th at the home of Mrs J H Mandyen, with a good at- tendance. Mrs Derby, the President presiding. The meeting opened with singing and prayer. Mrs Derby read the Bible lesson from Psalm M. The members responded to the roll call with a verse on 'nroeship.' The visit- ors' report had vnrious items of busi- ness and correspondence were attend- ed to. Several ladies engaged in prayer. Mrs N. McCannel had the topic from the study book which dealt, with many phases of the work of our church " home and overseas. After singing n hymn the meeting closed by, all repeating the lord's Prayer. ', The contract for the coal supply for the Grey Co. House of Refuge at Mavkdede, has been awarded to Mr. Melvin Greig-Calder ot town, who is quickly adapting himself to his new business. Prnbytorlan w M. 8. Have your valves ground. ignition overhauled ant) carbon cleaned this Spring. Only†labor. Smith Bros. Will Coal the Home of 'tetuge - can supply you with I new one at a Very reasonable price. To Ford Owners Why be bothered with battery trouble this year. when Smith Bros. M dogs and 1 bitch are enrolled, «a ttt itil ttttttttit iiiltgitttt S, Durham Town Hall 2;} Officially Reopened ",; But " was in the part singing that ' the work ot a chorus an a chorus (doth shine. Personally we have I heard nothing finer for a long time ; and numbers Krave orgay. allappear- ' ed to enter into their spirit. A beau- _ tiful thing and one hundred per cent Canadian was "An Indian Lullaby" written as p, tour part ladies‘ chorus iby the late Dr Vogt on the request :01 his latc wile. who saw beauties in 'tne poem if set to music. The words home from the late Duncan McKel- ' lar, a. onetime poet of Canada and it thus mtteh merit that the late Peter (McArthur, Ontario's famous literary 39011, stated he would travel a. long: ',way simply to hear these words as impressed in song by Dr Vogt and [sung by the. Mendelssohn Choir. The closing number '(ireoting to lSpring' arranged trom the [line Iran. jube waltz, gave the audience a. thrill Cand the beautiful lilting melody lost {nothing as it came from the lips of Ithe chorus. We could go on enumer- Esiting but it would simply be a repe- ititltm of adjectives. _ I Reeve Bell opened the concert with In few words of welcome and at close ': Hears P. Irwin and C. Haulage were ‘mover and seconder in a vote of 'thsnks to the choir, leader and piaw i ist Mrs Horton, for their fine conceit ers Moore responded with thanks. 1 Art Exhibit Next Week at High kUd A pleasing function took place at the close when Shirk-y McIntyre, on behaif ot the young dancers, present- ed their direetress, Miss Julia Weir, B, A. with a large boquet ot roses as a mark of appreciation ot her work. which she acknowledged in a few words. The dancers were Mary Piek. rring, Elsie Hunter, Louise Jamieson. Shirley McIntyre. Elizabeth Harding. N. McIntyre and Ned Burnett.‘Their Highland Flinn. Foursome reel and Three man's reel and sword dance in costume were a delight to watch. NOTES At the close of concert the I. o. D. E, under whose auspices the concert wah held, gave a reception in the lower hall to the visiting ladies. Here The local High School Board and stat! haw arranged with " Ameri- can Co., thc Bison Art Co. to hold an Art Exhibit ct :00 or the world’s best picturos in the High school hero, on Friday. May 4th. The Company gives the display free, the school paying t'TpCDeet' only, on condition that any pictures purchased are bought trom thtm. On the afternoon ot Thursday, May 3rd. Public School pupils are admitted free. On Friday May 4th. the exhibit will be thrown open to the public from 3.30 to 6 p.m. and altcmoon tea will be Berved by the These were Mrs Edgar Armstrong, Mrs Clm’ord Waugh, Mm Geo Cubs bush. Mrs Louis Inglis, Mrs W. J.' Taylor. Mrs C. C. Middlebro. Alt the selections were suited to tine range- ot' the respective singer and Were Well nnderod. Mrs Mlddlebm as a former Durham resident. ri-i-eiv- ed an extra round of applause. i. o. D. H. at the High School. It will an) be open to the public in vveulnx " 8 p. m. A program will be given. Admissbn either after- noon or evening is Me for adult?' and We for children. After trrmting expenses the proceeds oi the exhibit will be utilized to pur- chase pictures to adorn the walls ot Like Julius Caesar, the above chor us. comprising 46 of Owen Sound's beat lady singers, came and saw and conquered. The memories that lin- tree are those ot a well balanced chorus and the program ot a Bttta'ic. ient variance to suit all musical taut- es. Mrs Jae T. Moore is the diree tor who wields the baton and her in- terpretation of the various numbers as the choir sang them for her, was happily xiven and good Judgment was shown at all times. She has a splend id troupe of vocalists. " of them appearing Mammy night as soloists. any Id, giving one picture tree the class selling the most tickets. Treble Clef Chorus from Owen Sound Achieve Great Success Stores Open Next The first Wednesday open night of the season tor Durham stores wilibe next Wednesday, May 2nd and there. after for tive months. Thursday at- ternoon, May am, will be the tttart ot the weekly Thursday half-holidays until Sept. 30th next. This is no change from recent years. All Show pars ot town and country kindly bear dates in mind. C (Continued on page n DURHAM, THURSDAY APRIL M, 1928 Wednesday Night With thick is incorporated the Iowa. hug, ', The Young Ladles' Mission Circle of Queen St Church were entertained by Mrs H. S. Fiddes at the Parsonage tor their monthy meeting on April 19th. Mrs Kinnee, president. presid~ ed. The. opening hymn was "fake mv life and let it be' which was followed by prayer. The devotional reading, Thtthttsiturtfe workers for Christ' was , read by Miss Eunice Moon. Miss M. Storrey read the 34th Psalm. All joined in slnigng 'There's a wideuess in God's Mercy' The Watchtower was real by Heralds Ada Metealro, and Irene Elliott. The next chapter ot the study book 'Ou%tian Missions in Modern Industry' was taken by ‘Mrs Padtietd. This dealt ehiefiy with ,the youthful American workers In .such modern industries as beet pull- iing, cotton and tobacco picking as well as mining and lumbering. These young workers receive very poor pay fund when the long day is over they a have neither time nor energy tor ed- ;ucational or religious pursuits, ; The Owen Bound Sun-Times print- ed a story about the delayed opening of Durham's new post office in Tum- day's issue which was correct, except where ineorroet, and tht-lzttteralniost mainly. Miss MacPhuil did not sug- gest Hon, Mr Elliott's coming, word was not received that Hon. Mr Elliott could not make it convenient to come he did not suggest that the building be opened without cmwnony of any 3 kind, and Miss Mac-Plum was not "de ’turmined to have an otttclttl opening 'nnd have Mr Elliott come." That is the Government's method and Mr. ’l-Jlliott's desire. Otherwise the story was correct. Queen St. Minion Band Mrs Padiield very skilfully drew several comparisons between the cou- ditiona of American workers and thine existing in Oriental countries. She outlined one method in which we may help them, viz: through the owner of the industry who is usually unaware of the actual conditions ex- isting ant is often glad to give his support and cooperation in behalf of his workers. After the Mupah bene- diction. Mrs Fiddes served light rc- i'reslunents and a social half hour was Bpent.. A Grand Mix-up. JUST ARRIVED: A shipment ota varied assortment of afternoon and (warning dresses Call and see them. Mrs J. C. Nichol. The sympathy ot the community is tendered the bereaved family in their deep tttttttttion, The funeral takes place at 9.30 a. m. Thursday to St John's cemetery, Crlonelg, Rev Father MeGoey conduct- ing the last sad rites. Six or seven years ago he suffered from pneumonia which weakened his vitality. Ho regained his strength to a large measure but last Saturday tell a victim to acute Bright's Dis- ease and survived only two days " ter. Besides the grief stricken pan ems, three sisters and two brothers will mourn his early demirte--Katli. erine of Toronto and Joseph ot De- troit, who are older than deceased, and William, Margaret and Cecelia, younger. Sudden Death of WILFRID G. QUILLINAN The death of Wilfrid Gordon Quil- llnan, son of Mr and Mrs Michael Quilllnan or the 6th con, Glenelg, on Monday last. was a some bereavement not only to the immediate tamily cir- cle but to the whole neighborhood. Wilhid was Just entering manhood, being only 18 years ot age and ,was an industrious boy and popular throughout the community. Now is the proper time to lay in your next Full and Winter's supply of Coal when prices no at rock bottom. Then there will be no cause to worry about the coal shortage next winter. Above prices include weighing and delivery charges. Kindly place your orders now. Reduced Prices tor Coal Bituminous Coal also supplied Fire. Accident and Automobile Insunnco Phone " Glsnefg Young " Chestnut Coal, $14.50 per ton Stove Cont, $11.75 per ton Coke, $11.50 pet ton Pen Coal, $11.50 per ton Wm. Calder Estate Melvin Greig Calder Mrs Thou C. Morton and daughter Norma of Cmioux, Sank. are spending: a few Wee-ks with the former‘s par- ents Mr and Mrs Richard Barber. Mrs And. Derby and Mrs A, W. 11.; Lander are in Guelph this week ab? tending the sessions of the Provincial, W.M.S. cf the Presbyterian Church. ’ Mr Hugh McCrae has purchased a. building lot on South Bruce St, and already preparations are under way tor building. Dr. and Mrs Park and darqhh t' Helen ot Hamilton spout over ttto week end with his mother and sister here. Canadian Greys Chapter, 101)}: will meet on Tuesday evening May I, in their club room, when important bus. iness relating to the Chapter wllibo taken up. Mr and Mrs 39mm “min-r enter taint-(l thv choir of Knox Church at their homv Friday (Inning last. when a pleasant time was spent by one and all. Rehearsal occupied the early section of the Honing and this was followed by parlor games and con. grats. On behalf ot choir, Mr Peter Haulage extended thinks to Mr and Mrs Matiwr tor the hospitality shown. Dr D. B. Jameson was in Elmwood Monday removing tonsils on some of Dr. Steven's patients. TRUCK FOR SALE 1925 Chevrolet Ton Truck. Rots onably pricegl. _ _ . " Mr Roy M. Grant, con of Wm. Grant of M; Forest, but fonmrly of Vunn-y has magma from the Royal Bank " Mt Pbresl and taken a posi- tion in the law othce of his brother. Mr Campbell Grant of Walkerton. preparatory to â€wiring ()ngoodu Hall. Toronto. in the full. Mrs Flora McPherson and Mrs Juo. Burgess am spending, a In" daysin the city Hula week. Mr and Mrs Melbourne McKay and daughter Marjorie. Inwood, tvturtted to their home a'itt-rspeuditsg the Raw tet. vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs Richard Barber, Imrham Mr and Mn Joe Patterson and fam- ily of Chesley spent tho t1rst of the week at the parental home in Glen. six. Miss Christene McKay, Detroit. was a visitor over the week end with her sister. Mrs A. I). McAuliffe in town and with Mrs Arrowsmith at Glens“: Gent"). Mr Herb. Kelsey, Cheursy, was a visitor over the week end with his brother, F. W. Kelsey, hem. Mrs (Dr) Bell and Mule Miss June are visiting Mrs B's father and bro. there at Shynor this week. Mr Eddie McQueen was a. visitor) the first ot the werl; " his home; here. ; Dr. H. Robinson. Walherton. spent the firtst of the week with Dr and Mrs A. M. Bell. Messrs Doug. McKinnon, Cmicknhank. Roy Buckley. a: Kate Maximum. all of Chet wrong. were in town Monday, Mrs Robert Renwick of Dmmoro. visited for a few days last weekend wich her son Robert and family in town. (ARI; at the Review office McKinnon, James Buckley. and Miss all of Cltesley en. The bride WIS given Mctty try her on: Status Mrs Coleman unveilâ€! (other and her gown was of white in an ensemble costume of twig-n gem-gene and chant/lily lace. Ttte lmshu tweed, trimmed with fur. Mr Ions train was formed with lam-d stt-i and Mrs Coleman will. on their r.- wer tibbon edged with orange bios, turn. live in Toronto. nouns and falling from the waist. The Thema were over 2m; Kurtis at ti.» French veil was of duchesne lace and wedding reception. point d'esprit with sprays ot orange - - blossoms. Her boquet was ot pink mean and lily ot the valley. Mrs. BORN Bruce GHMth attended the bride as LR'vi--itt Durham. April mm. to Mr matron ot honor and the bride's cons and Mrs Geo. Levi. a son. in, Muster Donut-I Kazan-2m page. MILNE--tn Durham Hospital on Wu: Mrs GHMth wore n ttoek ot shaded nudity April 25. to Dr and Mrs. J. sill: net with t1otmeed slurt over E. Milne, Pricevillv, a daughter. gtorgette and Picture hat. Mr (Home PATToN--4ht Sunday. April 22, in Galena. brother of the bridegroom, Durham Hospital, to Mr and Mn. was best man and the when Wore Roy Ptrtton, a daughter. Messrs Prank Wilkinson. Tomato: WALKER-- At Durham hospital. Ars Howard Keller. Rochester .' Stewart Ill M, to Mrs Walker. nestroro, a Snyder. Kitchener: John new: and daughter. Oi' wide interest was the wedding of Korma Olive Mary, only datathtor of Mr and Mrs J. P. Whelan of Hum- ilton and granddaughter ot Mrs Thos. Whclun, Durham. to Mr Edward Cuye- man, youngrr son of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman ot Hamlhun. which took place at 4 p.m. Saturday "ust, April 21, in Centcnuary Church. llam- illon. Rev. P. L. Dimmitt oak-hung. and W. H. Hewlett at the organ. E Maj-adder: 's gray &ore Wampole's Cod Liver Oil. Scott's Emulsion. Lynn’s Pure Norwegian. Squibb’s. Ayeist's. and other Cod Liver Oil preparations. Phone 21 - - - - ~--n-o-‘ - Farmers! Build up your System with any of these Preparations Roberts" Syrup of Cod Liver Extract and Tar Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture. . . . . . ... . . . .. COLEMAN - WHELAN The Season’s Wall Papers E B. McBETH ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Published - a 88.00 I "" in Human. To metro tlttnt- "" I you In “use. e [MIMI & OOH. hm comm gs â€(sinus Prices Lower Mics! and ttt Makes old Hats look Ilka new. Me a home. HYMENEAL e 21 Durham, Ont. C. P. R. Tickets to att part. of the world. Elkay's Straw Hat Dye USE OUR FORMALIN to Pruu t Smut ---0orantetd 40 per cent. During the. signing of the realistâ€, Mr H. M. Main mm: 'Culm an an: NIrM' Ind l txscep'oiort was hold tis- lowing the chua'eh cerunony u ttw home of the bridr'a [um his. ' Turn†Ave. Roses. pink snap dragon and blue lupin with palm: and term. - and In the decoration of the span Sm room as m,tt as at the church. Dr and Mrs Prim: l‘clnmn assist"! Mr and Mrs Wttelatt in rvceiviurt tl," wasâ€. (Juries Hmderaon. 1ruclton The brlde and brldrgroom left by motor for Quebec city and the Etttir. orn Sate: Mrs Coleman ttavelled In an ensemble costume of beige Hush: tweed. trimmed with fur. Mr and Mrs Coleman will. on their n- tum, live in Toronto. Drzlggilt and Sptioner Phone 3. DU KHAN Room Lots, Halt price ard up. Papers 10c New p n A