omore [3 Bur " Jewel c Jewel Forest ON l928. ISW ok! listed "Mding not . 33.00 3 MILL Wheat =0: .6q.qo.oqoot. CREAMERY 9.00 6:0: (a! Owing to lateness of arrive] we regret 'Priceviile and Glenelg' news has to be omitted this week for Inch ot time, elso a wedding write-up of the Mervyn-Schmidt nuptials. The Review would like to see write-up ot “In; that take place up to Monday In the printer's hands by Tuesday nlght at least. Operations at Hoseital Master Beverly Boyce, Crawford: Dorothy McDonald. Durham: George Stevenson. Holstein and Mr Peter (lagoon. Durham. had their tonsils re- moved at Durham Hospital Wedneee day. On Thursday last a serious appendicitis case was Miss Jean Coutts, the 12 year old daughter ot Mr and Mr. Ben Coutts. Vickern. At present writing, the young patient is progressing nicely. Mth Annlvomfy of Burm' Church Mr W. R. Watson has purchased the (rune residence. south ot Moon's maehine shop and will m it up us a milk dairy headquarters. lunch room and residence. He purpoxes remov- ing them in about a month from his present location In the Mlddaugh House. Anniversary Services commemora- ting the erection of Burns' Church, Rocky Saugeen. ttrty years ago. will be held in the church next Sunday " ternoon. July gth at 2.30 mm Rev. Mr Mackay, Walkerton, will com duct the service and Durham Presby- terian choir supply the music. On Mondayeveuintr, July 9th, supper will be served from ' to 8 p. m. followed by a good program of uddreuel and music. A Trip hte the Ladle. Previous to leaving Royal Alexand- ra Hoepitnl. Fergus. where she has been superintendent for the past few years. Minn Marion Petty was remembered by doctors and nursing an! by being the recipient of a. wardrobe trunk. The success ot the Grey Co. Men's tour to Southern Ontario has brought many inquiries into the once of the Sec'y of the ert. of Agriculture. T. & Cooper, " to why a similar trip cannot be arranged tor the ladies. Mr Cooper is agreeable to this pro- posal. provided there will be a sumo- lent number ot them to undertake the trip, which will include Guelph. Ham- ilton. Toronto and Brampton. etc. The dates get are July 17 and 18. For "iirii"tttTida and surrounding lod- ges in requested to attend, meeting " the lodge rooms at 6.30 p. In. tuither information imply to T. fe, Cooper. Markdtle. um att Your. Durham District L. o. L will " tend Divine Service in a body on Sunday next, July 8th, " Knox Church, Durham. All Orange brettr Pr-ttation at For“; Mr Wm. Rose of Tomnio. son ot the Ross who we: in business here, with Mr John Cameron. “Rosa &‘ (Wren? many years ago. was in town horn Saturday to Monday last, after a lapse of forty years. Oi course he sees may changes but we. delighted with the beauty of the place u compared with the days of nis bovhood. One of his object: was to survey the old spot, take some snaps and make a record from the tonnage: in Durham cemetery of mew nad relstivel. nucleons. Cameroon. etc. long gone. He called on . few citizen: still on deck, who cut recoil those early days and the vUit will furnish him with e story to tell to e sister in Scotland and other relatives. Mr Ron in one ot the principle in on engnving Inn in Toronto and we were planed to meet with him. The Women's Guild of Trinity Ch. will hold their monthly sale ot ttab ine in the A.Y.P.A. rooms on Sutur- day evenlng. July 7th at T p. m. when ice cream and cake wlll "o he ser. ved. Note change of time, trom , p. m. to T pm. Garden Party on the school grounds on evening of Thursday. July 19th. A ball game will be played at 7 pm. Refreshments will be served at the booth. Good program provided. Ad- mission 25c and 15c. body welcome F. R. Oliver. M. P. P and Agnes Unwind]. If. Till ugdfesg I pgpllc méung in Lunluh School on Mon- aâ€. July 9th. at 8.30 p.m. on the mutual-e tad Parliament. Every- The Shelburne Free-Press Econo- mist says the principal use ot the North Pole uppears to be to give explorers I chance to so out to re:- cue explorers who have gone out to rescue explorers. Sign, shown In their recent and bereavement. ' Cooeu wish to express their unprec- Varney Garden Party will be held " C. M. Lemn’s on Tuesday ev'tr, Jul 10. A good baseball game, supper served on grounds. good progrun will be the futures. Admission : Adults, Me: chlldren under 12, 150. Btrawtrerry shorten“ time in here. Yes, we no generally short on the summaries. VOL. M, NO. 27 'rt-f-at-i-i-fl-i-ttet-gi-tltd 'j . $-iiilliiiiii8lTttll! MEETING AT LAMLASH No. 9 S CARD OF THANKS S. will hold their the school grounds All - --- - "Fe"""." . " 7 n,“ - ' A rum Wnlhrton Wm" trod 'tl month old. .. MB. h. ll. In!“ Li,ttj,tiijjtie,t'l?i,iii m l l, Mm At 5 o'clock the honored guests sat down to a. sumptuous dinner, the table being centred with a 3-story wedding cake and many other tasty delicacies. A number of toasts were tendered the bride and groom of 25 years and their seven children. Mr and Mrs Meiosh received many use» in] gifts. Mr and Mrs Melosh received their guests very cordially, the latter being charmingly gowned in a. becoming dress of navy blue silk crepe. On Monday, July 2nd, Mr and Mrs Nicholas Melosh celebrated their all- ver wedding anniversary by entertain. ing about 75 friends and neighbors at their home south ot Dornoch. As evening approached about 150 young people gnthered and all spent an enjoyable evening dancing. A dainty lunch was served at midnight. After all had celebrated to their hearth content. the guests. dispersed after wishing the host and hostess many more happy anniversaries. good will and esteem of the citizens of Durham in as great a degree at their golden wedding 25 years in the future, as they do in 1928. A quiet July wedding was solemn- lzed at the Presbyterian Manse, Dur. ham, at 2 p. m. on Wednesday, July 4th, when Rev. B. D. Armstrong u united in marriage Mr Angus McDon- ald and Miss Catharine Isabella Black. eldest daughter of Mr John A. Black. Chesley. The bridal couple were unattended. For this occasion the 25-year old bride donned a cream georgette en- crusted in silver end rhinestones and both bride and "groom were the re- ipients of many good wishes, as well as more tangible tokens of the oc- casion in silver. A buffet luncheon was served the callers from a pretti- ly decorated tea table carried out in pink. Mrs Gagnon poured tea, nerds ted by her daughter and Miss Vera Mountain. There was also a hand- some three story wedding cake bear- ine the date 1928-1903. The three sons were all home for the occasion and with their many friends in town and elsewhere. trust that their parents will carry Mr and Mn Nicholas Melosn Alto Entertain Frlcnds For the occasion the bride was at- tractively gowned in a. beige chan- tllly lace gown and shoes and hat to correspond, while her travelling coat was also of Kuhn blege. tractively gowned in a beige chan-l The Garden Party Monday even-‘ tilly lace gown and shoes and hat tol ing, was a successful sequel to Sun- correspond, while her travelling coat day’s services. The night was ideally wat, also ot Ktusha Metre. l warm for an outdoor function and the The only witnetgtset, of the marriage man in the moon, almost full. smiled were the bride's rather, sisters. Mrs: his approval. Rev. Mr Young was Glen Allan of Windsor and Miss Iona: chairman over the large gathering. of Gait teaching staff: Mr Glen Allan, numbering about 600 and had as cler- and Mr D. and Miss K. McKinnon. lice! assistants. Roy's Crickington ot The happy couple left immediately Muiock Baptist Church: Rev. Mr Pin? after the ceremony tor a motor trip eo, a former Mulock pastor: Rev. Mr to points in Eastern Ontario and on Couch, the speaker of Sunday night, their return will take up residencel and Rev. W. H. Smith B. h, of Dur-' itt Chesley, where the groom is tV ham. Rev Mr Couch had a special contractor and builder. The bride is' subject on "Uughter" while Rev.Mr. well known in Durham and vicinity, Smith dwelt on the topic ‘Say it iwith for as well as being a native of town, Flowers’ and it is surprising how has taught school for several years at many thituts can result from the tom Dornoch and Townsend's Lake. xic. The Victoria Male Quartette of The Review, with many others,) Hanover contributed several selec- join in wishing the bridal peel!') ticns: Monk and Schmit rendered or many happy years in their MW rela-l chectra selections, " did the Sharp tionship. Efamily on violin: solo, Miss Elsie ---.- Boyce: recitation. Miss Marion La- 1 mont. The ladies of the congregation WALLACE - DAVIS , provided a wonderful supper and to A quiet wedding was soternnisedi which all did justice. Gate receipts at Durham Rectory on Tuesday, July were $136.00 on 3. Me and 16e admis- RM “than Mhu Man thl: and“. sion fee. The only witnesses of the marriage were the bride's father, “stars, Mrs. Glen Allan of Windsor and Miss Iona of Gait teachlng stall: Mr Glen Allan and Mr D. and Miss K. McKinnon. Mr and Mrs Vollett registered the vows at the bride's parental home in Toronto, Mr and Mrs Richard Beam- ish, and today she regrets that her parents" are not living to rejoice with her on this occasion. However she had two sisters. Mm W. A. Mephers son and Mrs Thurston Standish, as well as a brother, Victor Beamlsh and family, all trom Toronto, to cele brute with them for a short time on Monday. The Review. with many others, join in wishing the bridal couple many happy years in their new rela- tionship. WALLACE - DAVIS A quiet wedding was golemnised at Durham Rectory on Tuesday. July 3rd. when Miss Mae Davis, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs David Daw ls. Holstein. became the bride of William R. Wnllnce, son of Mr and Mn. Thomas Wnllace. Normanby. Rev. E. Hayes calcined. pan on the occasion of the 25th an- niversary of their marriage. Time has dealt lightly with them and were it not for evidences. such as a flue family of three boys, one would be inclined to disbelieve that a silver anniversary was upon them. The bride and groom were attend. ed by Miss Ellen Marshall. niece of the groom and Robert Davis. broth. cr of the bride. The bride wore u gown of biege satin with hat and shoes to match. The happy couple left on a motor trip to points north, after which they will take up residence on the Mo! Normanby. The Review "tetg with their my (dumb. with for them much happiness and prosperity. Ceiebraled Their On Monday afternoon last, 2nd ot July, Mr and Mrs W. C. Volleu were at home to their frienls from 3 to 6 Durban and District Orange Loam} with the imam when not hm will celebnte the glorious 12m in her tonsils removed. There wen Owen Sound next Tttttradar. My the two children In the (may. Mr and Mrs w. C. Vollon mark the 25th Wedding Anniversary Em El tttttggi, Review. MCDONALD - BLACK HYMENEAL Silver Weddings miineTv; may w." rho-ma I wanna it“ mim- .. f, i, We are publishing elsewhere the' history or Crawford churches as; read by the pastor, Rev. Mr Young! ! and to whom we are kindly indebted for some. These make excellent his- I torlcal data and should be preserved.; If the church were given power to speak and tell ot the many events, {sad and jovial. held within its walls in that period. these columns could l not do justice to them. But in Craw. for during all these years, "the eye has not been dimmed or the natuml sight abated" in seeking after high- §er truths and today there are no more devout followers or the lowly Nazarene than those attending Craw- ford United Church. They have I caught the torch thrown to them trom their torbears and have ever held it aloft. The church was again filled to the doors at te evening service when Rev S. E. Couch, a former Methodist par.- tor, delivered an inspiring message. Music was supplied by the local choir and the Victoria Male quartette of Hanover. Rev. Mr Little selected for his texti 2 Chron. 7 : 14 ; the same text as at the opening and in all these years. his message has lost none of its earn-l estness and vim. In expounding his, text, he pointed out that God's path- way bt blessing involved tour condi tions: lat, that His people would humble themselves; 2nd, that they would pray (tor prayer will movethe arm that moves the world): 3rd. that they would seek His face: and lastly: would turn from wicked ways. We cannot be Sunday Christians only. '; So on Sunday last from far and' near. Crawford church was the mecca and its every corner was taxed to' the utmost. The speaker of the mom- ing was Rev. John Little, now pastor“ or Conn United Church. Over 31L years ago, Mr Little was pastor of Domoch and Rocky congregations,! anl had occasion frequently to at- tend Crawford chureh, as a brother pastor and had the honor of open- ing the new church, now 30 years! old. ', On the choir platform and pulpit, were ranged older members of the' congregation from near and tar and; a voluntary was sung by eight mem '; bers of this impromptu choir, led' by a. precentor of many years, Mr.' Andrew Milne. The other: were S. yi Morrison, lnsp. for E. Grey and Mrs. Morrison, Mrs R. Twamley. Mrs Kidd Wm Cooke. Jno. Sherman and Jas.' Milne of Elderslie. The congregational hymns were all familiar old timei numbers and the singing ot ’Kiimar- nock’ and 'French' never sounded sweeter. ), Fifty years in the lifetime of a congregation may witness many chair yes. The titat child baptized may. at the completion of fifty years. be look- ing with mature eye on its grandchild. now also attending the same church. Sunday and Monday. July I and 2, Crawford United Church celebrated its Golden Jubilee or tttty years ex. istence as a church centre. To be exact. the former Presbyterian body have been organized 50 years and the former Methodist body 52lyears, but these two have become as one since 1921 and tew rural churches to-day can bear testimony or good works performed for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom as has this appoint- ment. An extremely sudden and sad death occurred at the Hospitnl this Wednesr day morning, when Arnold Brown. the 16 year old son of Mr and Mrs. John Brown. near Fiesherton passed away. That morning with his only sister. they were brought 'ga the Hos- pital to hove their tonsils removed. While under the anesthetic. the boy's heart ttuttered and despite every. thing that medial science could do to bring back the nor-uni heel-t bent. it was of no "nil end he weed out. The sister. ot course. returned home with the stricken tether. not having her tonsils removed. There wereon- PASSED AWAY DURING OPERATION AT HOSPITAL Crawford United Church Held Golden Jubilee LARGELY ATTENDED SERVICES l DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY 6, 1928 With which is hcomntcd the Home“ Len" 1 Congratulations to Mles Adeline Graham, R. N., daughter of Mr and Mrs John A. Graham. who has been successful in her exams " Western (Hospital, and is snow fully qualified jReglstered Nurse. She spent over the week end with her parents here and her young brother Donald accompan- led her to Toronto for a week. Please ed to report her mother ls slowly im- proving and was able to enjoy a wheeled ride Monday, her first day foutslde the Hospital for several months. l, Welcome visitors at the Review omce last week were Mr and Mrs. Robert Pettigrew. who a number of 7years ago were well-known citizens, ot Normanby and neighborhood. They were allured by the West and located near Biggar, Sask. where and near where most ot their large fam- ily, mostly married. are Mill to be found. They are Just lately home from Victoria. B. C., stopping off at Biggar ot course, and trom there istruck east tor the early home ot 'hoth where they still have many 'friends. Mrs P. was Miss Irvine, a icousln of Mrs Arthur McClockiin of town and both the visitors being ikeett observers and good conversa- Ztionallsts. a visit is a treat. They hear greetings from old friends ot this neighborhood who are. happy and hearty in the twin cities of n. C. Mr P's mother, many will be glad to know, is still cheery as ever. though in her 86th year. Both visi- tors are in love with B. C. and its ' climate. ' Mr Donald McCormack, teacher at Aberdeen, left the first of this week to form one of a party ot a conduct ed tour, that will 'do' England and the continent tor six weeks. We hope he will come back greatly in- vigorated and while admiring ttre old nod and historic places and tra- dition which abounds there, can yet say 'My own Canadian Home.' Mr Fred Ritchie of Craik, Sask. came to town Wednesday to visit Ilia hither. Jas. Ritchie and brothers, “an and Murray. It Is 20 years since Fred left Durham. MISS Helen Milligan ls thls week attending the North Bay Normal Sch. Students' Reunion at the Mount Roy- al Hotel, Sparrow lake, Muskoka. Mr and Mrs Will Watson and daughter Onalee. Detroit, motored to the Watson home in Normanby Tp. for a tew days. Dr Ernest Leeson. his son Ernest and Mrs Leeson (nee Mannie Moun- tain) and three children, all of Chi- cago, are overon a. visit to the for- mer's brother at Vamry and sisters at Mt. Forest. Mrs J. J. Sutherland and son Arch. of Strattord. motored to Durham and spent a few days with Mrs Thos. Banks and other friends. Mr J. A. Rowland of the the Royal Bank Is on his yearly vacation and with Mrs Rowland and funny are spending them in Embro and Kings- ton. Mr and Mrs Arch Smith, Toronto, were callers at Mr Jns Turnbull's, the firtrt ot week, en route to his home at Elmwood. Mr and Mrs W. Pearson, Mrs Bre- man and Mr J. T. Collinson. all of Hamilton, visited over the holiday with Mr and Mrs Arttturatitchie, Mrs And. Ritchie and other friends. Mr and Mrs Donald MacMiilan,of Pricevilie, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Victoria It., to Charles J. Braiden, son or Mr and Mrs W. Bniden. Shelburne, the marriage to take place in July. Mr Murray Smith, manager of the Standard Bank " Tilsonburg. with Mrs Smith, were visitors over the week end with his parents. Mr and Mrs John Smtth. Misses [any McKechnie and Hazel Beaton are taking a. tetuthera' agriculv tum] course It Guelph o. A. C. Mr Geo. S Burnett bus taken tt po sition in Gratton’s Store, Woodstock Mrs Henstridge. sister of Mr R Barber, and daughter, Mr and Mitt TI Egate of Hamilton, visited at Mr Barber's recently. Mr and Mrs Robt. Bell and family, Tc.onto, were visitors with Mr and Mrs Jag. Turnbull, Bentinck, for a few days. Mr and Mrs C. J. Howell and Mr. Herbert Sills had a midnight motor trip to Dunnvilie for over the holl- day with Mr and Mrs Will Buchan. and also saw Niagara Falls illumina- tion. Mr and Mrs John Hamilton Were visitors in Owen Sound over the hol- day. Mr and Mrs Moore McFadden and daughter Kathleen spent over the holiday with relatives and friends at Btoutrvitte and Pickering. Dr and Mrs C. C. Ramage. Brussels spent over the holiday with his par ems here. Mrs G. L. McCau-l and datuthter Winnie of Toronto. spent the hon» day at W. B. Volleu‘s. Mrs Mockler and Miss Eva Mockler of Toronto, spent the vacation with Misses Mockler and Chadwick. Mrs Thea. Noble, Montreal, is via- iting with her friends and relatives in Durham. Mr Brock Grant and sisters. Misses Allie and Edith, Toronto, spent over Dominion Day with their sister, Mrs. A. S. Muir at Ceylon and with Dr. J. P. Grant here. Miss Sarah Woodland ot Toronto. was a visitor with Mr and Mrs Ed. Ktittys for the holiday. Mr and Mrs John Renwick and Mr Cecil Alchlson and friend, Toronto, visited over the week end with Mrs R's parents, Mr and Mrs Atchison. Mr and Mrs Jas. Lyons and Mrs. McPhall, all of Toronto, spent over the holiday with their Slater, Mrs W. Hargrave. Mr and Mrs Percy Barber. Inwood, w“? visitors over the week end with his parents. Mr and Mrs Ric-hard Barber over the holiday and enjoyed with them a day's outing at Eugenia. Miss Amy Kelly Wis home over the week end. Mr and Mrs Arch. McComb, Toron. to, visited with Mr McC's parents, Mr and Mrs The: McComb over the week end. Mr and Mrs Dougald Campbell and family from North Dakota, arrived on Monday by motor at the home of her father, Mr Thos. Greenwood, on a summer's visit. Miss Ktthleen Firth ls holidaying for a week In Peterboro and King- ston. Misses Isabelle and Mary McQuar- rie, of Toronto, are holidaying with their aunt. Mrs Neil Sinclair at the Mr and Mrs Thos. Young left on Monday for Owen Sound. where that evening they took the boat for Port Arthur on the titat lap of their wes- tern trip. Prom here they visit in Winnipeg and points In Suit. Their eldest son resides at Creelman. They will eventually Journey to Bani! and after this visit, Mr Young will re- turn eastward while In Young will proceed to Washington State where Mrs Y. has relatives and on to Los Angeles. where a sister resides. She will return home via Chicago and spend a time with another sister and expects to make Durham by the end of October. We wish for them much pleasure in their trip and will call it a belated wedding tour. Their daughter. Miss Hazel. end sons Clif- ford and Donald will meme the ranch in their absence. Mr and Mrs Albert Middleton with Mr and Mrs .133 Bank: and Miss Atr bott ot Corbetton. motored to Buftalo inst week to visit the two RODS of the Middleton: and other friends. They arrived home Monday night and Mrs M's niece, Mrs Cecil may and daughter returned with them. Mr James Bart left on Monday for an extended visit with his nephew at Bagot, Man. and Mrs Wallace at Dauphin, Man. The railways are not busy carrying passengers of Mr. Butt's tttre-M,-- from East to West. Mrs John MeAulitte, her daughters , Mrs Shewell and tour children and: t Miss Stella. came to their home In! t Upper Town on Monday from De; troll and will spend July among old, neighbors and relatives. I ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO , Protect your Complexion I from Summer Heat Face Crust. Cold and Vanishing (runs (all prices) Tnlcuns. Lotions. Face Powders, Soaps, Etc. Use some of theso and at I†time. look â€when S; McBETH Phone 21 FRI DAY, JULY 6 FRIDAY, JCLY IO FRIDAY, JULY 13 Phone 611, r 3 For Reid Stomach Kills Ground hogs, Rats, Bed Bugs and all put: Pure Paris Green, Sik I . "it l 1)iiiii-iiiis,s: Jï¬ "i..):';.:-,,:,-.,:.,-,;,,;-.;,::,., t4 “as? ', 1",i,lli' T:lS' pr t "!' ---""'. "fi']'-"?"?'? m: , 'to t'l"tlttiL-t",i'i /. I I 'r- ',".',,'ri.,",sl,,aii",ti,,,t,'ii,a'i,is"i, _ Ptstttsttedwoeatrattt.00-rtnae-. momma-n. 'M0arearttsMvnrtesa. 0.“!mele spirit guides our work to-day. v... will at. 'rmhiag a n. a.“ IN sixty years of growth, from a single ofhce in Halifax to a position of international importance, there has always been a sincere spirit of helpfulness between this Bank and its customers. That was the spirit of the pioneers who founded this institution-that Anenate Lead Lime and Sulphur Bordeaux Mixture Church's Bug Finish Carr's Bisnusthated Magnesia Tablets Keep the akin soft and white during the sultry summer months. We hue wonderful variety in 'ojadden Is gray Jtare PICKING DAYS 'exatt Jiore Weâ€): Cyanogas The Royal Bank of Canada ‘ Strawberries C. P. R. BOAT AND RAIL TICKETS GROWTH WM. JACQUES Bringcontninevs and pick yourown. 15¢ . lb. No children under It allowed on fuld.. Carr's Cough Syrup no“ tor Stub! and .nnchitic Clearing tli per cent Dircounl Remnants .r...rre.. " Roll A Wonderful Minion! For Had Colds and Null Catarrh ........‘ Dwain 3nd Station" Phone 3. DURHAM Wall Paper Durham, Ont. Vapure 'N L