West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Aug 1928, p. 2

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iore est isten! iILL mg ITORS ell, MERY 50 The monthly missionary meeting of the W. M. S. of Knox United Church, was held at the home of Mrs John lie-ll on Thursday. Aug. 16th. The weather being so beautiful. the meet- ing was held on the lawn with Mrs. Jas Mather. president, presiding. Alta" singing and prayer.the visiton' report and other business was at- tended to. It was decided to hold a quilting in the schoolwom ot the church on Friday. Aug. 24th. After singing another hymn the uripture lesson wu read by Mrs McQueen. The topic for study was medical missions in Canada, Mrs Esther, In J J Smith sud lies McGin taking the subject. Mrs John Bell a Beer of Stewndship. followed with s splendid sddreu on the subject " ‘Our Stewardship to the Lord) 1150 rollesliwsssnswered hystenou 'Bervice’ and the heath; dosedwith - and the Lord's Payer hu- be; In Bell sad her W ser- in view of the outstanding success .n Entrance examinstion by covering ‘hree years' work during the year. Edner W. Peick of S. S No. s, Nor- mabny, was awarded tt beautiful en. zraved sterling silver medal by his teacher, Miss Fl P. Murdock. Miss Murdoch's latest generosity means an addition to the branches of duct tion which she has encouraged by similar prizes in former rears-Com. “and Several Hemorrhaus Miss Beulah Btoneouae. R. N., who was recently operated upon in Tor. usto. tor the removal of tonsils.came !0 her home in Durham to recuper- ate. She was not home a day how. over, when a hemorrhage came on. PolloWed in fairly rapid succession by others. On medical sdvice she returned to Toronto to see the doc- tor who performed the operation and wss nceompnnled to the city by Mrs. Show (Magnet Even R. 14..) who accompanied her home. Rev. win' Hill, pastor ot Harvard' ot 1 1'or.mettatiortttl Church, on Park. ml ttnd a suburb of Chicago. will occupy the; ot 1 pulpit in Knox Church, Durham. on is: Sunday next. Two weeks ago he tive was in the pulpit of Wellington It) "I Church. Mt. Forest. and the ‘Confed-. erate' makes the following kindly. Hea reference: "Mr Hill preached iF) mom that were full of instruction Mt and inspiration and brought out the! supreme importance of prayer in the. M lite of the Chrutian. Mr Hill its1 arri worming holidays with Mrs Hilti, ter peoplc in Durham and his devoting n! Brit Sunday to preach here is grentlyap-x if tl predated by the large congrvgational 2:: that heard him." I While working on one of the lum- bes piles of the Durham Furniture Co. last Friday. we are told, . few employees witnessed a huge cnwling make come from its hit Ind 'iiiiiii'i) as quickly retire again. " was the. iarKes! ever seeen in this district iii this story of 12 feet long can bel couched for. At least it was not of; We ordinary variety and the hose] was secured in an attempt to drown'; wm Occupy Loeat Pulpit it out. whether this was effective or not is hard to say. but the reptile has not shown his graceful t?y tea- 1un-s since. Large Snake Seen in Lumtttyard Anon w. M. s. at Mrs Bell’s Mic- Murdock gives aitvcr Medal o. A. C. where they were successful! the 2nd and lat your: respectlvely or a summer's course in Agrlculture. Miss Inlay recolves this you her El. ementury Agricultural iGiiiGG.l Ml” Elma Ball. Hanover, the new) teacher on Durham Public Schooll has completed succsstully her sum- mer music coursc- in Toronto and in now qualified to teach the rum? tnettts of music to her scholars. l, of the late Rev. Alex Slogan. laund- er of Durham Baptist Church. On Monday evening. a music“ and liter- ary program will be given to which fuller notice will liter be given. 305:“.qu in Summer Conn” Misses Inlay Mchchnle and Hazel Baton have returned from Guelpl; The 75th anniversary of Durham Baptist Church. will be held on Bun. day and Monday. Sept. " and 17. The upeclai weaker will be Rev. H. Stewart. pastor of Ontario St. Barr. tist Church, Strattord and grandson Anniversary Sonic" . Mr and In Wm Nicholls sodium- ily. have moved to Stntiord. ttavintr secured employment there. Canadian Greys, I. o. D. E. have during the summer session. had their chat room newly decanted and paint- ed and ready for the toil opening. Mr Ju. J. Atkinson left with wife Ind family tor Cheney Wednesday,, where they will in future reside. Mr.) Atkinson will have the town delivery system from the store: there to be responslble for. GIRL WANTErN- Apply Personally at latter-ours restaurant. Mt. Forest. VOL. la, NO' 34 y.'.-';)--,,-).,!.??.').'.'))]?' %OPICS° tl'-l.‘ 111i: Another Hydro Rebate I to Local Consumers ie/ The Angel of Death hovered over ure the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Tot. rewlten at Kincardine on Saturday morn- king! in: last. and scared away with the lost! spirit of their three month old son. the) There was only a brief spell ot sick- t My nest: and the parents mourning, be. feel keenly the death of their first ot! born and only child. A funeral ser- ose! vice was held in Kincardine Satur. m’nf day, Rev. T. L. Farr conducting same ror“ and on Sunday the remains were tile! brought to Durham for interment, Mr aid McLean. the student at present sup- :plying the Presbyterian pulpit, giving ithe burial service. Mrs Totten was :tonnerly Miss Annie Clark, daughter ttrd f of Mr and Mrs Wm Clark of town, i Mr Donald MeCormaek, Aberdeen. I arrived on Canadian soil Saturday, af- ter a six weeks ' trip through the iBritish Isles and the continent. He Ms spending a week in Toronto and 3 will return to Aberdeen Saturday . night. Miss Annie was a bright nigh school student and went into the third form classes when she accepted a position with the Bell Telephone (Co. as operator. Here she became V recognized for her courteous manner in dealing with the public and regret 1wass felt when it was necessary for her ts resign, due to ill health. In her days ot invalidism she has been (continually remembered by school- l friends and other», who loved her tor l her sweet and winning qualities and , now mourn her passing. f Death has come with its cruel hand limo the home of Mr and Mrs Mai. colm McCallum. College Bt., Durham, when " removed from their midst, their daughter Annie. at the age of i23 years. For some time she has made a valiant struggle for health. ,hut only a couple days previous to her passin’: was Death imminent. Every manger procuring I. return' ticket via the 'Armw' will be admit-, ted to grounds free of charge. l and her many relatives and friends of ths locality. were at the grave- side to share with them in their son row. Two cars of Mr Totten’s rela- tives also attended from Tomato. "Por ot such is Heaven." The engagement is announced of Mabel Margaret Walker to Dr James Cameron Smith. both of Laheiield, Ont, the marriage to take pure early in September. The groom is a son of Rev Dr. J. Fraser Smith. for merly ot Domoch, Mr and Mrs W. J. Allan, Chesley.: announce the engagement of their": daughter. Elizabeth Jasper. to James Clifford Cook. son of Mr and Mrs w.I J. Cook of Markdale. the marine to uke place the latter part of August. i Special bum will operate direit Toronto autumn. Mr Oliver Rogers, Prince Rupert, has arrived in town to Join his wife and daughters at Mr Arthur McClock- lin’s. Mr and Mrs Guy Shark and son Kenneth, ot Detroit. are holidaying with her parents, Mr and Mrs T. C. McGirr. The deep sympathy of town and community go out to Mr and Mrs Mc- Callum and remaining daughters, Misses Sarah. Florence and Gertrude in the loss or daughter and sister. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. from the home of her parents to Durham cemetery, her pas- tor. Rev. W. Spencer of the Baptist Church having charge of services at house and grave. . to Low] LOISIIMCISI Miss Hattie Firth, one time a freq- ,uent visitor to Durham, with her Sec-y. Elvidge received word last: tettt.ed, afagn::;nmia:: d 3:21:21: week from the Ontario Hydro Com.‘ ' ' to give rebate of one-sixth ot last renewing old acquaintances and made year's bill, to all domestic. eommer-' her headquarters while here at Mr. cial and power consumers. There is" JOB. Flrth's. no rebate on street lighting. This) Mrmnd Mrs Thoa. Allan. in com- glves consumers the benefit of aeeruedpey with Miss Edith Edge, motored surplus for the year, and will be a to Little Scotland, to spend over the welcome gift. While it will not be; week end with Mr and Mrs Clarence paid in the form of cheques, as last) Malcolm (Reta Roberts.) year. a. credit will be given on the; Miss Lavina Mortley has resigned rum}?! hyitllroh -tlll,ta'e"i, nolne 2ll bei' from the teaching staff of metunodh sane ttttt t e re te is all ta en up um Dnhlln Qphml and has accented HOME FROM EUROPEAN TRIP F'onowintt the custom of weekly journals. the Review next week will take a holiday. and no paper will be published. it is seven years since the Review has missed an issue, no paper holidays have been very in. frequent. The omce will be open as usual for job printing and receiving subscriptions; in tact, the main idea of the holiday week is to gain more time to get caught up on Job printing, and give the stat! a short holiday as‘ well during exhibition time. i ROBERT WILLIAM TOTTEN No ‘Review' Next Wh MISS ANNIE McCALLUM ARROW COACH LINES THE ROLL CALL iiiht iiliil tttttggi, ilil,tgitittt """"-- the Kingdom cf to Toronto. Min Bessie In holkhying with Owen Sound ”and; her cousin, Mr: McDermld ou Mu- tin) of New Orleans, who" on I. hol- day trip to Carnal. Next week Hr. and Mrs Lauder tote the Neckline trip given by the Greet West Ins. Co. people, where the former will attend the annual Convention there. Mrs J. N. Murdock and daughter Jean are holldwng a couple of weeks in Burlington and Hamilton. Mrs A. W. H. Lauder went to Win- daor this week where she will lee i I." nuu u Illa In Vlu‘.‘ I-V .i9wrmftW_ Mrs P. C. Litster (nee Jean Ren. C'i'idGu'i1' must register prior to wick) of Vegreviile, Alta., was the that date. guest of her brother Robert and tam-i J. A. M. Robb, Principal lly in town Tuesday en mute to her' parental home at Dromore. She had: ----_.---- been visiting a week with her par- FIELD CROP COMPETITION ents-in-law at Hanover, who havebe-g IN OATS ANNOUNCED come quite trail. The passing ot, . time is qute marked in her special) Judge Clublne. Richmond Hill, was case. for while Mrs L. belies her in this locality last Thursday and 25 years of wedded life, she had her Friday, Judging the Standing Field daughter Agnes married this spring Crop Competition in Oats, under the to Mr Goodwin ot Drumheller. {auspices of the South Grey Agricul- Mr an] Mrs J. Schutz and family,') tural Society. The judge stated he with Mrs S's sister, Mrs Haven of found the crops as a whole in good Oregon, spent Sunday at Waugh1 condition in this district and handed Beach. i out the pwards in the following 01:15- Mr Lindsay Hunt leaves next week) 1uf, excellence, ttll taking over for Toronto. where he is transferred, I" Alex. Grierlon 2 D. Robinson to the Queen and Broadview branch i.' Will Mather k. w, J. Ritchie of the Royal Bank there. Mr Wat-r ii. John McGirr 6. Geo. Ritchie Mr Lindsay Hunt leaves next week for Toronto. where he la transferred to the Queen and Broadview branch of the Royal Bank there. Mr Wal- lace Hepburn will step into the tel- ler‘s cage here. The following have secured tickets through R. MacFarlane & Co., C. P. R. Agent, for transportation to Win- nipeg on the Western Harvest Ex- cursions, and from here will divide for other sections of the West : Artie McIntosh, Gordon Robinson, Henry McCracken and son Gordon, Norman Thompson, Clark Morrison, John Morrison, Ritchie Campbell, Stanley Gray, Allie Hopkins. Wilfrid Adlam. Wilfrid Gruby. Walter Beim, Watson Walker, Laverne and Mrs McCallum, Joe Edwards, John Connor, Mr and Mrs Wm. Runnings. Miss [slay McClarty, Vancouver. and Miss Elsie Boyce, Crawford, are visitors with their uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs Jas. Ledittghatn, Miss Elsie Ledinghafn is visiting her relatives at Crawford this week. Mr anl Mrs J. Schutz and family, with Mrs S's sister, Mrs Haven of Oregon, spent Sunday " Wasaga Beach. Mr John L. McKinnon, B. A,, Sas- katoon, and brother Archie of Price. ville. spent Saturday with their cous- in, Mrs Wm. Smith. Mr and Mrs Austin Nixon, Whitby, spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W. McDonnell. Mr and Mrs Alex. McDonnell, Dundalk, also visited their son here over the week end. Miss Elizabeth Scott has left for a holiday to Manitoulin Island. Mr and Mrs S. D. Croft, were week end visitors in Durham from Goder- ich. Miss Lulu Mills and Jessie Croft remained with Mrs C. J. Howell for a longer holiday. I Mr and Mrs John Renwiek, Toronto ,vlalted over the week end with the ilatter's parents. Mr and Mrs Thos. fAtchison. The latter returned with them for a. stay in Toronto. Mr and Mrs C. Ramage and son Peter, motored to Wainfleet, Welland Co. Saturday last to visit with daugh ter and sister. Mrs R. J. McKnight. Mrs J. H. Harding and daughter Elizabeth, left Monday to spend a few days in Orangeviile with the farmer's aunt, who in quite ill. Mr Gordon McDonald, manager of the Chatsworth branch of Royal Bank wth Mrs MacDonald and son Hunter, have retumed home after a motoring holiday to Goldwater and other points in the Northern Lake district. Mr and Mrs Alex. Darroch, Jr., of Harrlston, visited the iirtst of week with relatives at Review Ottice and with her parents at Priceville, Mr. and Mrs, Wm Ramage. Mr and Mrs Arch. McDougall and cousin, Mrs Minors, Toronto, were \isitors over the week end with the rormer's mother, also brother John. Misses Marian and Ruby Scarf left on Monday night from Owen Sound, on the S. S. 'Manitoulia' for the Mackinac trip. Miss Lavina Mortley has resigned from the teaching staff of Richmodh Hill Public School, and has accepted a school near Weybum, Sask. She lett this Wednesday for her new po- sition. a brother of Mrs McKinnon’s in Michigan. whom she has not seen tor a number of years. Mr and Mrs Arch. McKinnon and two yopng daughters, Margaret and Betty, left Monday by motor to re- turn to Winnipeg. after a month spent with the formers sister, Mrs. John Burgess and other relatives and friends. They will visit en route Rev.. Ind In w. H. Smith and son. DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST M, 1928 ,rtttt which la human“ the [cluel- Leoee I Pupils who are desirous of attend- [ ing Durham High School this coming school year, are requested to register either by mail or in person on or be- fore Tuesday. Aug. 28th. The Prin. cipal will be in his ottiee in the school bullding from T p. m. to 9 p. _ m. on the evenings of Aug. 25th. 27th and 28th to receive registrations and to confer with parents or scholars Ewho may wish to consult with him. In case of registration by mail, a ;statement or intention to attend, ad- ‘dressed to the principal will be suf- ficient. The various classes will be organized on the registration of Aug. ‘29th and pupils in order to receive consideration must register prior to that date. fAdlam, Reginald .... ‘Anderson, Christene .. I Arnett, Dorothy . . . . . lArnett, Reg. ......... 'Bailey, Florence ..... Beaton, Mary ........ Brown, Mary ........ Collinson. George .... “lagoon, Norma ...... (Hay, Ellen .......... Hind. Elizabeth ..... Kearney, Bea ........ "rearney, Elsie ...... Kelsey, Maude ...... EMacArthur, Frank ... ',MeAulitte, Helen .... MeAulitte, J. D. ..... McCulloch. George ... ‘Mcl-‘adden. Freeman . ‘McFadden, Reg. ..... McLean, Sarah ......r Marshall, Eleanor ... ‘Milne. Ina ........... I Moon, Clifford ....... ‘Mol'tley. Myrtle .. . .. Mountain, Vera ...... Murdock. Blanche ... Noaves. Ernest .P.... Ritchie, Dorothy ..... gSmlth, Donald ....... I Tiaianov, Harry ..... i.Tinianov, Rose ...... 1 Traynor, Janie ....... Vollett, Fred ......r Willis, Elsle ......... Wilson, Kenneth .... lWllson, Wm. ........ Young, Donald ....... Beginning about the middle of Sep- tember. South Grey's lady member will commence e six weeh' speaking tour of the Western‘Provinces under contract of 3. Chang“: ttrm. One address will be given each day, bear. mg on the line ot women's sphere and work. We hope ell her exper lance- will be plenum one. and the when” will doubtleu prove of mut- ual ttemeat to the nudienoe And the Miss MacphailLM. P. The following pupils have been promoted from Form I to Form H, Adlam, Arthur MacEachern, M. Armstrong. Violet McRonald, J. Illalr, N. Mervyn, E. Burnett, Orma Millignn, T. Clark, Jean Murdock. F. Collinaon, May Noble. o. Corlett. Marguerite Noble, V Glenholme Harold Renwick, R. Goodehild, Frank Rotseboroutrh, P. Greenwood. Jasper Schulz, J. Falconer, Josephine Stormy, M. Falkintthtun, B. Styles, J. Harrison, G. Tobin, M. Hargrave. R. Tucker. E. Henderson, J. Twamley. l. Hind, V. Watson, M. Hopkins, G. Jacques, L. Leith, M. Kelsey. N. Winner ot 1st Form Medal, Orma Burnett. l-Mndieateg lst class honors, 75 per cent or over: 2~indloates 2nd class honors, 65 to " Following is the standing of can- didates in Middle School eaxms. and successful ones in Lower School and Form I and Form ll. Almost unpas- sed in the lower forms. and in Mid. dle School. the percentage successful was 4% per cent above last year. Congratulations to students and staff, Middle School Results, and British History, which was NOTICE Will (our West a very Promotions, Durham High idol ml. Tea was served after onthe club We mum Lady Bowling Activities A rink of ladies comprising Mrs R. Mturhrdttne, Mm Alder. Mrs W. H. Smith and Miss Winnie Blyth won third prise " 3 ladies' bowling tourn- ament in Walker-ton Thursdsy lut, and received pyrex dishes. There were two other rinks from Durhsm present. On Monday of this weekon Durhsm greens. s Scotch Doubles was held by the ladies, when eleven couples were trying it oat. Mrs R. local-hue sud Mrs A. H. Jsekson held the high some mi received may bru- comporu with lines 14va Manley and Mary McKochnie as second high, receiving incurred Grey Co. United Church Rally at Markdale In the evening at the Armories. con- tests in dramatics and public tspeak- Ing will be held and a debate will be staged by the winning debating team in the Presbytery. on “Resolved that the extension of the franchise to women has resulted in the social. moral and enonomic benefit of the country." Mr Howard Graham, Van- leleur. is President of the Grey Co. United Church Rally movement. On the afternoon of above date," a Softball Tournament will be held at Markdale, when several United Church teams will compete for the honor, won by Durham ladies' team last year. Durham team will aim to defend the shield. A waytarer passing along Upper Durham Road, in front of Miss Mar- garet Hunter‘s home, cannot help but have their eyes rlvetted to the panorama of color that adorns the front of the home. At present bloom- ing la a rare specimen of a lily, the 'Lilium Auntum' _ which has four large blooms upon It. all from one stock. Bell, T. Burnett. E. Clark, B. Firth, D. Harding, Hay, G. Hopkins, G. McArthur, P. McCrae. G. McFadden. M McLean. C McIntyre. N. Mottat, M. Noble, G. 3--indicates 3rd class honors, 60 to 64 o--indieateg a pass. 50 to 59 per cent t--4ndieatet, a failure. The following pupils have been promoted tmm Form " to Form m ; Allen, 1. Pickering. D. Armstrong, M. Reay, L. Carpenter, H. Renwiek, Jean difficult and tricky paper, caused most, I of the failures locally, only 4 out of, I 18 writing, making the grade in this; subject. while the Provincial average t was below 50 per cent. An effort is. , being made to have an examiner: come to Durham next week and have, .l a supplemental exam. when those! I tailing would have opportunity to write another Br, History paper. _ l Winner of 2nd Form Medal. G. Hay Renwiek, Jean Ritchie. D. Rowe, C. Ritchie. A. Robinson. D. Smith, D. Smith, W. Taylor. A. Traynor, C. Vollett. P. ngglns. R, Wilson, H. Wilson. K. McGllllvray. E, McLean. v. Mitchell, C. Noble, M ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ~I '. 'd Protect your Complexion I from Summer Heat WANTED FOR HOMEIN TORONTO Girl, IN to 26. as general servant. Family of tour, permanent position. good home. Wages arranged accord- ing to qualmcatiotta. Write Mrs G. M. Walker. 170 Strathallan Bl'vd. Toronto, or tele- phone Hudson 7771 W. _ Mrs H. Morlock is at present a patient in Durham hospital. and her friends hope it will be of short dur. union. Face Creams. Cold and Vanirhiu Cm as all mites Talculls. La ti ms. Face Powders, Soaps, Etc. Use name of these and st all than look your but B. McBETH ”cyan/den 's gray 6tore Phone 21 Other Flavors This Week End Homemade Patties ..., In Fancy Boxes Preserves the Teeth Ward/l (ttore We”): Squibb's Tooth Paste rum-bodWeeuyunoonmlnumon. Talmud.“ ”Mayo-rum QWllOON.Pum Sweetest Maid Chocolates Stomach Sour ? Keep the skin soft and white during the sultry summer months. We have wonderful variety in Take Riker’s Milk Magnesia 25c and 50c 50cm BOAT AND RAlL TICKETS Wampole'l Enact . . . . . 31m Rexall Syr. Hypophosphite., $1 Baker's Pomona ...re _ $1.t"t Beef, Iron and Wine ....$1.00 Haemoglobin Capsules .. $1.00 The undersigned beg to exprrss appreciation for the surgery and hos mm care. that enabled our daughter Joan to leave the hospital. Also to the Women‘s Institute of Allan Park. unlock Ladies' Aid, and to many in town and surrounding country who lent ttowertt um save kind words during the illness. A Mk Shaker FREE With a we or $1.50 tin TAR. ENGLISH H EALTH SALTS Summer Tonics Draggiu and Station" Phone 3. DURHAM Blood Hot ? CARD OF THANKS Ovaltine Mr and Mrs Ben Comm Durham, Ont. I . '2f {M 1.. 'tsit'y"e. 1,tis. '

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