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Durham Review (1897), 13 Sep 1928, p. 4

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First Class pasture (arm. contain- ing 63 acres, more or less. bordering on Durham. For particulars npply at the Review once. ‘ t will become a memory " Station-to Station at TRINITY CHURCH, DURHAM, on Monday, Tues., Wed, Thurs., friday----- 7.00--Open Air PROGRESS AT GENEVA Mrs. Allen mud-n why all: to her home eetqt 40e, while Mrs. Brown’s out The moon lies ht tho pout- cript of Mr. Brywy’n Utter. and tells the operator, “Anyone than will do." That makes it t Station-to- Station all. tion i, and. while you ro- main at the alarm. Kellogg's were the first corn flakest' ---and no one' has ever equaled the delicious flavor - the extra crispness that makes them world's favorites. cheaper.” (member the porueript Come and Hear the Church Army Crusaders You Need Christ-----'" Needs You ORN FLAKES* FOR SALE 8.00--In Church From England ERNEST HAYES, Rector CANADIAN NATIONAL as compared with ...... $4,855,459.00 for the eorrmsponding period of 1927, an increase of .......... $740,350.00 or tttteen per cent. m order to straighten up estate of Thomas Greenwood, lots 37 and 38. 2nd con. Glenelg, consisting of 200 acres of farm land with 175 acres under cultivation, are hereby otteréd tor sale by tender. The farm is in excellent condition. two running streams. splendid bank barn. nine room brick dwelling, heat- ed by hot air furnace, also there 13a drilled well convenient to house. Convenient to school and church. Tenders will be received up to Nov. Ist, 1928. Lowest tender not neces- sarily accepted. Kindly address all communications to Thou. Greenwood, R. R. No. l, Durham. HANOVER FALL FAIR Grand Display of Fire Works and sarreattratniorts " Friday evening THURSDAY, SEPT 20 Afternoon Palmer’s Attractions Hardy High Wire Acrobat 2.30 Heme 'taee--Trot or Pace Farmers’ RatMr-Trot or Pace Judging Heavy Horses Judging Came. sheep and Hogs Hancvor Concert Band EVENING Palmer": Attractison FRIDAY. SEPT. 2tst AFTERNOON Paimer‘o Attractions Hardy High Wire Acrobat Free-for All Horse Race School Drills Judging Driving Horses Hanover Concert Band Horse shoe Pitching Contact EVENING Palmer's Attractions Hardy H gh Wire Artist in sheets of fire High School Acrobats Beautiful display of Fireworks WEDNESDAY, SEPT. " Opening Day Program of SATURDAY EVENING RAILWAYS EARNINGS Try than with but” 5 Our neighbors to the south are hav-' n'ing a strenuous time likely to be. i- come increasingly strenuous till the ‘4th of Nov. arrives when it will be 0 decided iLtheir next President is to r".oe Hoover, or Smith. Smith is at "0' present Governor of New York and is 1popular there. Hoover is comparativ- - ely a new man and won honor and "dame for his organizing ability during the war and since. Smith is called if a. 'wet' candidate, personally being 8,'obiectiotsabie to the dry forces, but K) promises to uphold temperance legis- 's . 3d lation if returned Hoover is a. temp- czance man and will likely be elect. tt, ed. In conversation with a. Demo- 1k crat from Florida who is going to .t- vote Hoover. we learn that many a Demoerate will do likewise and it this erteeluut is common in the ‘solid south' ‘v ‘Hoover may win. Cansda's sympa- mlthy is largely for Hoover. erI' Arasoehatiott. .. C. RAMAGE & SON. Editor md Pro- g'apnurlyum 3wimv There is something very satisfying about having completed a task but it is doubtful if anything gives the same delight 1nd "titsttuttiott as bringing in the Itugt toad ot grain. " is the culmination of a season‘s " fort, the reward of faith in a kind Providence to give seed time and harvest. Member Canndian Weekly Newton» Preceding the bringing in ot the last load there have been many days of toil in plowing, cultivating, sowing and reaping. Possibly a little worry has erert in as unfavorable weather or pests have threatened the crop. But all this is forgotten as the last load is stored in the barn or in stuck or forked into the machine. The sat ishyetion is all the greater it therols assurance that the yield will be high and the quality of grain of the best. While man has no control over the weather, he is a big factor in deter- mining Just what that last load shall I Street Corner Preaching is being (eonducted this week by "Church Ar- my Crustuiertf' trom England. The iexhorters are under the sanction of ithe Diocese of Huron in their "Crus- ade of Witness" and are assisted by Rev. E. Hayes of Trinity Church. Their messages are highly evangelical 7 and with plenty or hymn music, lend i a sanctity to our streets. " is a uni- lque and suggestive incident to see Ethe Anglican Church adopting Salva- ition Army methods, and it might not (hurt other churches to throw aside 3 dignity and follow our Savioul’s plan. i (Mrs J. H. Weaver of Bottineau. ‘N. Dakota, sends us the following o- hltuary of her only brother and will Elm remembered by many South Grey- Eites, where he was born. He was a inrphew of the late Dan McDougall. [of Bentinck.-Ed.) 'i "Alexander Cameron, son of John ;Cameron and Mary McDougall, tor, 'rnerly of Glonelg. pssed away in Ban 'ancisco after an illness of 10 days, death being due to embolism entrm arteritis. The remains were accom- {panied home to Bottineau, N. Dak. by ‘Mr and Mrs J. H. Weaver, the latter l being only sister of deceased and was 'ilaid to rest beside that of his father, {mother and grandmother in Oak I cemetery. Native of S. Grey If the people won't come to church. take the church to them occasionally. Mr Cameron was born six miles north ot Durham, at the farm home in Gleuelg, Petr. 5, 1R65. He got his early training at Latona School and later attended the C. A. Fleming Bus- ness Collette. At 17 years ot age. he held his first position with Cor- bett and Sons Iron foundry. going from there to Toronto. Following his parents to the American side in 1889 he held positions of trust in Detroit, Chicago and Philadelphia. In 1904, he became associated with the Amer- can Bank Note Co., of New York. He travelled through we Western States tor 16 year; in April, 1920. he was made Pacific coast represent- ative of the company, with head- quarters in San Fransisco in which capacity he served until his death. He leaves to mourn his lose. one sister. Mrs J. H. Weaver, two broth- ers, John and Archibald, all of Bot. tineau and another brother Charles of of Anchorage, Alaska. Mr Cameron was a member of all Masonic bodies from the Blue Lodge to the Shrine. and in respect ot brother Sir Knight, an escort from Lorraine Commonl- ery of Bottineau, accompanied the body to its tittalresting place. Friends from a distance attending the tuner- al were Mr and Mrs J Great of Tral. ley City, N. D., Menu Smith and Foxvog. ot Chicago. representing the Co. he no faithfully served for almost ss years. The masses of beautiful flowers tea-tilled to the esteem which we: held for him. The undersigned otters 11 young p'es for sale. tive weeks old. York- shires. For terms apply to Geo. J. Tumbull. Phone Allan Park R. R. 3, Hanover V ' - um I AKIU ‘AKbHIVEb “" TORONTO HOOVER VS. SMITH YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE TH E LAST LOAD Dies in California THE DURHAM REVIEW el After his visit to Canada Premier Baldwin said : "Undoubtedly Canada would be the greatest nation in the world because of her tremendous en- dowment ot wealth and because of the kind of people found here." Can. ada is in the place of leadership. We need a new national consciousness and sympathy. We need vision, tol oration and a willingness to give the _trest we have to serve the national interest. Above all we need the i Church at the heart of every commun- ity. a community church, a minister- ing church, a uniting church to bind these peoples in the bonds of Christ. ian brotherhood and to lift them to divine level of life where they will say 'Our Father, thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth.." In the last two years the United Church has opened 285 new missions With over 1000, preaching points. where no church was working, a great accomplishment. but not t? nough. We have enough new Cana- dians to build a new town every day in the year and require two new schools every day. How many new churches and how many more min. isters should we have to care for them ? l The many friends of Miss? Mary McCalIum were sorry to hear she had , to undergo several serious operations l in St Joseph's hospital, Hamilton. aWe sincerely hope for a speedy re- covery. Misses Mary McGiilivrsy and [ Flora McDonald. motored to Hamilton Thursday to see Miss McCallum. also to visit friends there. Mr and Mrs Peter McCallum with Mrs Oliver and Miss Mary ot Owen Sound, were the guests of Mr and Mrs A C McDonald Sunday. The sympathy of this community goes out to Mr and Mrs Dunn and tamily, Toronto, in the death of their beloved daughter and sister Irene. Messrs Gerald and Clifford Brunt, with Mr Erwin Brown, Mrs Robt and Miss Mildred Mighton, motored to Toronto and were numbered with the Exhibition sitrhtseera. Mr and Mrs Anderson, Miss Alma and Master Earl, were our guests on Sunday. Mrs Wm Fulton had the pleasure ot entertaining Mrs Stemple (nee Irene Witthun) a former teacher here and sister. Mrs Duggan, both of Detroit, last week. Mr and Mrs Dan McDonald and sons Ivan and Warren, returned to their home in Toronto, after spend- ing a pleasant two month holiday at Miss Hobkirk's home. School reopened Tt sday with Miss Mary McQuarrie, Aberdeen in charge. We wish teacher and pupils a pleas- ant and progressive year. Mr and Mrs Ernie Calvert and daughter, Miss Catharine, Toronto, were week end visitors at the homes of Geo. Brown and Wm Fulton. Mr Brown and Miss Faith motored back with themand visited friends inTots onto, Fal Is, A goodly number from here attend- ed the BYPU rally in Chesley Monday afternoon and evening, winning the silver trophy for largest number in attendance and mileage considered. Heartieat congratulations are ex- tended to Mr Jno. McDonald in being appointed President of the BYPU of the o. Bound Association at Chealey. Monday evening. w Mr and Mrs Victor Jacklin, Hanover, were guests of Mr and Mrs G. Brown Sunday. Mr Jack Lunacy. Regina, is at present visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Lunney. Mr Geo. Lunney and son Keith. Toronto, are also guests at same home. A goodly number from here are attending services " Durham held at Durham by Mr Cutie", a student of In: Angelo: Bible School. Guests of Mrs Hannah Mighton on Sundly were Mr and Mrs Alfred Smith and family, Meatord; Mr and Mr: Thou was. Mr and Mrs R. Funds and family, Hlnover: Mrnnd Mrs Jno. Shmmn and family, Messrs In: and Stephen Stlmn, Crawford; Mr J. lighton. Ebenezer. and others. 40 visitors in ttii. (Continued from Patre 1) ‘New Canadians’ MULOCK ‘rie. Buffalo and Niagara Mr Hugh Mum 1nd dunner u- abel, Mr Bert and Miss Nettie Byers, Mr and Mrs Connd Selm end Mr and Mrs Clarence Semi. Were anon; the number who attended the 'Ex' at Tor- onto from this part. Misses Barbara and Isabella Byers. Boston, are visiting friends around the old home at predent. . ,1 L...|_A,. Ttnh. mas June: Wood and Dunno- y..- by, Preston. returned home after spending a week's bond-y at ‘Bonnle View Firm'. A number of friends ct the late John Robinson, attended his funeral snurday last. which took place from Wm Kerr's to Hampden cemetery. Miss McQueen, Arthur has taken charge of S. S. No. 8 tor the coming year. _--. “"‘"‘-- "not our com- munity would make an resort, judging by the 1 hora that ptuu' our Wt mer. Those who have yuan. We are still thinking that our com- munity would make an ideal nunmer resort, Judging by the number of vis. itora thnt pass our way each sum- mer. Those who have visited among the neighbors recently were Mr and Mrs Bert Russel and children of Illi- nois; Mr Jno Abel, St Charles, Mich.; Mrs Mallory and son Elvin, Jackson. Mich.; Mrs Lyons, Toronto. Mrs E o welding is recovering from her illness. Lawton's Cale. Mrs Sharpe. Sr. is attending ner grandson. Willie Smith who was trampled on among the horses. Hope he will soon be his usual self. Threshing has commenced in this part while others are busy sawing. Others have their tall wheat sown. Mr and Mrs Sam Hepburn. unesncy spent a day recently with their par- cuts. Mr and Mrs A Symons. Teacher and pupils are preparing for the School Fair which is to be held in Edge Hill School next Tues- day, A pleasant family reunion was held at the home of Mr and Mrs L Mc- Lean on Saturday afternoon. Friends were present from Toronto, Port El. gin. Bentlnck and Gleneig. The young people enjoyed races and a. ball game while the older people spent the time in social chat. At the close of the day's sport a bountiful picnic lunch was served on the inwn and all dis. persed to their homes feeling that it was a day well spent. The weather has turned very coal. Autumn is here attain, so may expect a change. The years tty past and make us feel the time is short. The snow will be ttying next month if we have it as soon as we have hadit in past three years. But we hope not. Mr Lorne McIntosh, Misses Ruth and Jean Lowe, Mr and Mrs John Lowe and sons, Mr Donaghy, Miss Cain and Mr Feeley. all of Niagara Falls. were guests of Mr and Mrs E. B. Dargavel. Miss Jean Lowe, Mrs D's sister. Is remaining for a week. The Women's Missionary meeting was held in the church Monday when quite a number were present. Miss Bessie Campbell left for Tor- onto Monday after spending six weeks with her sister, Mrs Will Rob- ertson. Rev Mr McWilllam arrived home after a month's vacation. We were pleased to have h m occupy the pul- pit on Sunday last, when he deliver- ed a. splendid sermon. 'Whataoevera man soweth. that shall he also reap.' Mrs Ed. Muldoon left Sunday with her son and daughter for Hamilton, where she will spend a while wfth her father. Miss Reta McIntosh left Monday for Niagara Falls where she will visit with her brother and other friends for a week. She returns via. Toronto to vhrt a teiv any: with her aunts. We are pleased to see Jan Crutch- ley able to be around again alter his accident which might have proved fatal, What might have been a serious accident happened to the Mines Mor- rison on Thursday afternoon. Just north of Domoch. Something went wrong with the ear. Miss Annie was " the wheel. The car ran into the ditch, turned aver, wheels up, 5min in under, but were only shaken up. Help arrived shortly. It might have been much worse. Mr A. McIntosh took in the 'Ex.' for a week. Fresh eggs and live poultry. my quantity. Write for weekly price list. Twin City Produce Market, Box 264, Kitchener. Ont. many citizens who assisted In remov- ing put of the "oelt, tad also In in tuhting the tttttttes u the" nah which destroyed our can.“ proper- ty Int week. N ROCKY SAUGEEN CARD OF THAN " DORNOCH WANTED Gk is recovering being under Dr. and brother Bott. ned home after loud“ at 'Boeusie SMITH BROS. is attending her the I" lulu. nu..-" - Mrs Arch Brown and non: J. D. an! Mennder were the guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs W Mont. Brant. Mr and Hrs w. Campbell. Ralph and Chnrlle, were recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs C HcClock- lin ot Zion. Mr and Mrs Carlyle MeDtmnid of Welheck. were Sunday vlslmrs It -- r‘ “- n A, Me. who Went on openuou pendlclul Sound-y lost in Hospital. She ll doing nloely hope tor a speedy recovery. Miss Nellle Stlnson bu her studies at Rollover Big! and Miss Florence McCulln been enrolled as . student school. We wish them every during term of 1928-'29. Mr nnd Mrs Jan , Sunday visitors with Scales and Mr and . Brant. ' The annual meeting ot the CYPS, met in church on Sept. 6th. The new otBcertt were elected for 1928329. The Y.P.S. was formed two years ago and has beenssplendld success. Each year we should strive to improve this organization and with the newly up pointed executive this should be ac- complished. The ottteers for the en- suing year are as follows: l Pres., Wm. Campbell _ Vice Pres, Miss Mildred Henderson suing year ore " follows: ‘ Pres.. Wm. Campbell . Vice Pres" Mitts Mildred Henderson Sec'y. Miss Jessie McCulin Treat. Mina Margaret White Organist, Mus B. Boyce Captains, Mr Kline McCulln. Miss Myrtle McDonald. Ml” Jessie Twnmley won a week end visitor at the home ot Mr Alex. McDonald. Misses Mary and Georgina White of Durham, spent Sunday at the par- ental home. Mr and Mrs Norman McDouttalland son Austin, Mr Ind Mrs Austin and daughters. Hamilton, spent over Lair or Day with relatives here. Communion service will be held next Sunday. Sept. 16. Preparatory servlce ll being held am Thursday evening. We extend heartleat commutation: to Mr and Mrs C1ittord Cook of Glen- elg. on the occasion of their mu- rlage, whlln took pluce recently. The bride, formerly Mitstt Elisabeth Allen was a successful teacher end taught lust term in B. S. No 9. Dill-Ia. We no sorry to learn of the I Mrs Harry McDougull ot D Miss B Boyce has returned home. after spending a pleasant holiday in Toronto and Hamilton with friends. Mr J. D. Brown was successful in obtaining his Normal Entrance and Upper School work. Congratulations. MeDonald--_, Reunion An enjoyable reunion was held on Saturday, Sept. am when about 45 of the McDonald - McLean connections gathered for a reunion. The picnic was held " the home ot Mr L Me. Lean, Rocky Saugeen. The afternoon was spent in games, contests and social chat. after which lunch was served. Among those who attended were Mr and Mrs Jas Summon and son of Port Elgin; Mr and Mrs Jas. Watson and family, Tomato: the Watson and McLean families of the Rocky; Mrs Arch Brown and sons: Mr and Mr D J McDonald, Florence and Ronald, Mr and Mrs And. Hastie and Dougald, from Crawford. Mrs Mche itt III her daughter, Mrs hope she may soon gain. Miss Esther Petty ans commenced her duties as teacher. We wish her success. The Royal Bank - of Canada ' 1lurhnmBmneh- - -J.A.Rowlnnd.M-ngar p, trt'Etargrrsutrrowth,tromasimtieamee in Halifax to a position of international importance, ttterehaaalwaarebeengoincere ttpiritMhe1rtu1neasbetwednthuBankGg itscustmners. 'Thetnmatheapiritot the pioneers who founded this inatitutioer--that qtirittruideeourwmhto-day. Yamaha-wan.“ of Mr It: I}: McDougall V Lora with Mr and Mrtt Mr and .Mrs E Berry Burn “I than I..._._, mm of Durham, mm. oreration tor up- llll Blue!” KCKechnle has p. [out in mm tuned to man: School In Durham. " nicely and we - In!” Boyd bu returned 1.. recovery. her school In Toronto. feeling mum son by resumed Improved from her Western trip. over High School The W. M. B. meet at the hotneof McCulin bu use Mn D. C. McKechnIe on irth ot Sept student. of ume On mount of the buy time, not a» em everyuucceu W . eronrd was present. as wa- M's. expected. but the meeting was “u. Monongau were coo-Ml one. Mn Mekeehnie and lt Mr and Mrs T. helpers served I dainty lunch. Th, ---- mmnn- the 'rtuutirotteriatr. “1H at the home of T Stinson. We pe quite well a- mucus T7 museums ot Mr 1nd In J. A. Bord, In" Marr Boll, - All - uld her mother spent: dar may with Mr and Mn, Ju. Bun. Rivervlev. [In [none IcKochnie ls spending . fortnight with her aunt. In Louis: Shudroth. Pulley. and to no In Ju. Vaughn: hom- from the hospiul after her very an “. sickness- - Tl-""'"" In Cm. sch-tor II spending " tow an In Toronto this week, has In; her the“ summed in the hos her echool in Toronto, feeling mum unmoved tron: her Western trip. The W. M, B. meet It the homeof " D. C. chechnie on 5th otSept On wt " the My time. not Hr- luco I. ma m pmeent as wa' expected. but the meeting was asu: ceeetnl one. Hr: chechnie and helpers sewed n dunty lunch. Thr. next meeting, the Thaairotterirur, “ill be held in Burnt Church. Rocks, Seugeen on Oct. am. when all an cordlelly invited. Mr Patrick CofBeid of Detroit. Ir spending his vuutlon with his uncle Thou. Melon. Sorry to hear of the serious illnvs+ of In Herbert Tallord. the [mum- being u ml bmkdown and erysip elu In the hoe. Her may friend: wish her 1 speedy recovery. Mr and In Rom. Nixon. Toronto. .rtstnt. the week end with the latter', Mr and In spent the week sister Mrs Ch Mr and Mrs sister Mrs Chas. 'rttttord. Mr um Mrs E. Ttttford, Mr and In Harry Styles and funny of bur Mm ulna Mr And In: Wm Crosso' Cheney. spent 1 day recently with Mr 3nd Mrs Herbert Trattord. 'sCiLrirs, Gillen Boyd day with Mr and Mn Wm Rocky Wu. “FALLE (iliir'fi'i"'iiii (','l/)1,eo,tt,eae."i"i I Tuesday & Wednesday ll Sept.18& 19 61==o=ao=o=o in Town Hall, Wed- nesday, Sept. 19th. Good talent engaged. See bills. ----‘- - South Grey CONCERT (1E0. RITCHIE. Pres JAS. MATedy?, Sccy '. 13, W28 ond spent a Wm Bell of '.., iisp 3=o=o Invest N The“ Bondl [.7011ny mun truildirttttr in M .l000 denominal fund retires n pl incronsins the J of one cent to al p.lth)ftli T H E CHOPPING 539:5 Best ilu Boy-l Housv'd [nestle Plan o Oman Flo King Edward M Flour, I Pilot “our. I may Flour. Mattie Leaf F Patric Pride .LATCHFORD'S oumu's am I Get our noon: DELIV Safety firs First M SIMPl GIVE Oifered by Write, cal Wr JO fa Whether or a toot) higher th When y Ths pm our Ki SE P HE lit "

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