“9% ;pondlng a week. ttav- m the ho.- ' spending In We mm In Ier mother Kr and In e In: re- Darn-n. manned lo inn has very ser- not Iona “It mm ace " )me ot 0:0 Sept The an " s', Met our Price before you Sell your Wheat l d D = o ==lou=01 O c: It $015030} ii)' Kidney Troubles U I "v.s. Herbs the Juice comes trom' a , -11 Cy r====ao-===-""=e Invest Now in Sound 7 l First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds These Bonds are acloud First Mortgage on most favorably situated hitrhetrt-ela" Apartment or thBeo 'rvlilding.“ in Toronto, may he seemed in $100. 8500 to $[ml0 denominations. and mntuu in to yegrg. Alinking fund retires a proportion of these bonds each you thu. wwreuing the security. Offered by I bond house who have never had . loan " we cent to any client on any bond sold. PRAYHGE, Durham, Local Beale: (1i()fPlliil DONE WHILE YOU WAIT Best Quality of Flour& Feed _ Prnir. Floor per bag 4.30'Gunn'a kange, 100 lbs , ', ATCHFORD’S CALF. PIG AND POULTRY FEEDS. A". L 3V3 BIG CO BEEF SCRAP AND POULTRY FEEDS. and sell them " Reasonable Prloel. . Hmlsr‘d flour, per bag y.r.tlSle??r! Oats per 100 lbs 2.50 t -"I' F'lour. per bag .... 4.30 Crimped Oats per 100 lbs..2.50 r.', rid. Klour. per bag.... G'i/iiriiil'ii't Oats, per ton .. 48.00 . lfll'nlll‘d Flour per bag 4.00th chop, per ton....... 48.00 . ism-on: Chop, per 100 lbs 2.20 _ l Hnur, per bag........ 2.25 _' F'lour. per bag ...... 4.30 Mixed Chop. per ton.... 44.00 i _,'iy Flour, 24 lb bu ... 1.00 Feeding Molasses. Me per gal '/ "_' r",rr Imalf Flour per bag.. 4.60 (by the barrel) _iipecialls d 'DS DELIVERED IN TOWN EV ERV DAY. PHONE NO. 3, DAY OR NIGHT ~!\1PLE HOME TREATMENT You Pay for what you Get Whether it's a dress or car or or a tooth brush-the better higher the price. _ Safety first-we handle nothing speculative When you gat oar Beead you g Th , pfica is thy bunt caniist . S. McliatM'rrill JOHN McGOWAN Write, call, or phone No. 6 for particulars, We 9 'lieit your patronage. We handle the r', these Herbal Remedies a trial. They may save 1r life. Information and price list Free. Write in h a h sl for my of ths following compluinta: i: til S'ones (removed without In operation), Goitre tre ...-.i without an operation). Asthma. Piles. Heart Tumb- , High Blood Pressure. Stomach Troubles. Skin Diseases ml m-ninz. Worms. Nerve Troubles. Conatlpution and .vr-mlit‘itis. Kidney Troubles. Paralysis. Diabetes. “Arm's Disease. Lung and Bronchial Troubles. Bladder wuxhlps. Anaemia. Catarrh. Dropsy, Gravel. Overlatness. â€[1141" Troubles. Arthritis. Rheumatism, Neuritls and all HEN Igyts0N'fir BAKERY T H E PEOPLE'S MILLS This week ban-train Remedied with NATURAL HERBS. SEPT. 13, [938 it's also lr CANADIAN HERB GARPENS true of Bread car] you gab tha very beth at cansistent with quality. (by the barrel) Gunn'a Tanhge. 100 lbs 3.50 washing machine the quality the Box 5t3, LONDON [0:0 Born. on Aug. Mth, to Mr and Mrs Jack Jones. u son. Messrs Hector and Bobs McKinnon. mother and two sisters, spent the week end " Wm Aldcorn's. Mina Flora. Campbell is visiting her friends at Niagara. Mr and Mrs Wm Bell. Paisley, Mr and Mrs Arch Stewart and family ot Ceylon, Sundayed " Mr Alex Stew- Born, on Sept. 2nd. to Mr and Mrs cthrri1eld White, ODR, a. daughter. . Mr and Mrs Alex McEachern and family, spent Sunday at his mother‘s here. Mr and Mrs Jno. Burgess, Durham, Sundayed at Mr H R McLean's. Congratulations -to Messrs Clmord and Alfred Blacks and Mr Pete John- ston on successfully passing their ex- ams on their subjects tried at Bum- mer School, London. Mrs Flowers. Toronto, is visiting Mrs D. Nichol. Miss Mable Nichol has returned home after visiting friends in Torotr to and Hamilton. Miss Catharine McMillan came home after undergoing an appendicitis op- eration. Visitors to Toronto Exhibition trom' here were Mr and Mrs John William- son and son Walter, John Shortreed,l Harold Karatedt, Bert Aussum. J. M., McGillivray, Mr and Mrs W. Ramage.‘ Mr and Mrs F. Reilly and family. Not one of the foregoing list had any inclination to get in the swim. l Mr and Mrs W. Ramage, on invita- tion, took in an anniversary at Har- riston Sunday last. An enjoyable evening was spent at the Parsonage on Friday by the young people St. Columha. who appreciate the sociability and hospitality of Rev. P. and Mrs Sullivan. PRICEVIUJ'Z & GLENELG (intended for last week) We notice in a. recent issue in the Review. the lower part or Priceville correspondence dealt wholly with re. porting the sermon of one of our able clergyman and the congregation of St. Columba is to be congratulated in having a good pastor. It was our privilege to attend service in McKin- non Hall one Sunday Ir. m. lately and listened to an able sermon by the pastor, Rev. Mr Corry. The Hall was cram run to the door. The keen reaper Death has a har-I vest time ot its own, be it in summer or winter. It matters not whether, the temporal harvester is busy at' work cutting the fields ot grain or not. He says. 'Come with me, time is up with you.' Week after week the diaerent cemeteries are made richer' try having a funeral procession enter in at its gates. Recently a young lady was called away in the prime ot life, Mrs Hardy Harrison (nee Flos- sic Hooper) one ot Top Cliff's old girls, where she was born. the daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs Abram Hooper. As another correspondent will be giving a fuller account, we will not sa ymuch, only the funeral to Mc- Neal's cemetery was largely attend- ed. Rev. Mr Sullivan, Priceviile and iStudent McLean of Durham, omeiat- ted at the funeral. We were sorry to hear of the ac- cident that betel Mr Abram Crutch- ley's at Malcolm Mekeehnie'ts big raising, but hope he gets over it all- right. Sunday is a long day to stay at home to those whose habits were to be at church service every Sunday morning, but now must yield to the intirmities associated with the pas" sing of many years. In olden years we travelled independently on foot, on good old sole gear to prevent the regular attendants from coming in contact with the many obstacles to he contended with on the highways it long ago. Wedding bells are loudly ringing, We were sorry to hear of the death of Miss Irene McLean, daughter of Mr Hector McLean. north line, Arte- mesia. This young lady passed tora teacher some years ago, but under untavlrable health conditions she had to stay at home. Teachers are out on duty again " tetr. what seems to them a short va- cation. Only $100 I. month tor daily 6 hours labor. Their grandfathers got only $25 monthly. Mr Hugh McCormnck. Aberdeen. and Mrs _MePhtul and daughter of S. here slnce wynuuu. . The new mail courier at Edge Hill -N is getting along well for a beginner. We notice a flue portrait of the young hlshlnnd Warden of the Co.ot Grey. in the last report on County Council. of Mr Neil Calder. We do not know whether Neil has the fath- er and mother language. the Gaelic. We were amounted with his mother from the any: at her youth, where - 1""- Ill-I Meanw- PRIGEVILLE Mag: {h passed " Top EI Luv: (here Men wanted for bush work (01mm; - ‘a ground Oct. lat. A l a was - .‘__,A___ "33:“ ottipe l "OeNAer Everybody around here in tiniahed harvesting ad the hum ot the thresh- lng machine is heard. Mr and Mrs Hertf Haw spent the week end visiting Niagara friends. Mr and In Don McDonald and Dorothy, Misses Ema and Mary Mc- Cannel. with Miss Ethel Hawke, Tttru onto, motored up Ind spent the week end at Mr Angus McCannel's. School has started Igun with Miss Badman ot Hamilton in charge. Mr and Mrs W. Boughtop and Miss Alice. visited friends at Nottawa rec- entiy. Wedding bells are ringing quite clearly these days. Mr and Mrs Lyman Jackson and daughter Thelma and Mrs Leslie Jack- son. ot Marion. Ohio, motored over tor Geo. Jackson. who has been vim Mug his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Black. ' Mrs M McTaggart met with a sev- ere agcidem one day last week when she fell and broke her leg. Being a- lone at the time, her plight was not discovered tor an hour. With pion- eer courage she is now making fairly "ood progress at home ot her daugh- ter, Mrs A Curry, Mt Forest. Mr and'Mrs A L Hincks were Sum day at the latter's home. Mr and Mrs Herb Corbett and Mrs Angus McCannel. motored to Toronto and took in the 'Ex'. Wor this Week.) Mr and Mrs Gowdy, Mildmay, were early in the week visitors at Mr 139 Doig's. Mrs Thou. Walton spent a few days in Toronto, taking further medical treatments. Mrs Peacock, Peterboro, is visiting her sister, Mrs Wm Scott, Br. Mr and Mrs Emerson Poster. Cree- more, visited the first ot week at W. R. Scott's. Messrs G H Gilkes. Stanley Paxman and Robt Stewart have had (shave repairs made to their cars as the re- sult of three separate accidents, but fortunately none ot the occupants in- Jured. Mrs (Rem) Chesher and children. are spending some holidays at her old home at Peterboro. Mr J. McMeekln, Port Credit, spent over the holiday at Wm McEachnle's and with Mrs McM. returned to Port Credit last week. Mr and Mrs J McEachnle visited " Mr Peter McEachem's first of the week. A number from this part attended the school fair at Ventry Monday. Many were pleased to see Georgina Hanna out in a car at school fair and hope she will soon be able to walk again after her severe accident. Little Miss Helen Gilkes is having her tonsils removed at Mt Forest Hos- pital Tuesday. Miss Flora Russell has returned from a visit with her slster. Mrs J. G. Spence. Mrs E S Matthews and Miss Dell Scott were Exhibition visitors at Tor- onto last week. Miss Hewitt, Toronto, Miss Ina Burnett and Mrs Bert Gillies and son. were recent visitors at Mr Jag Mitch- ell's. Mr and Mrs Thos Weir and dauzhu ter, N. Egremont: Mr and Mrs Ed.i Heard and daughter, visited the flrstl of the week at Mr Jno. Scott's and) Mr Chester Fowler's. l ' A band ot gypsies took up residence lin the village over week end. ' Mr Walter and Miss Alice Stewart 'were among the western excursion- Rev. W. M. MeWilliams, Chats. worth, vilsted at the home ot Mr J. Sinclair, while having charge of an- niversary servicvs at Ventry. Mrs Chesher, Sr. was a recent guest of her son, Rev. A. E. Chesher Mr and Mrs Ed. Gilkes went on Harvesters' Excurson to Weyburn, Sask.. to visit the latter‘s aunt, Mrs Jas. Dixon. Mrs Robt. Renwick and daughters, Durham, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs Jno. Sinclair, Mr C Ridden, Listowel. spent over Labor Day at the parental home. Mr Geo. Ridden has been spending a few days at Mr Tmeman Hills, Luther. Mr and Mrs Ed. Scott and daugh- ter Ethel, left last Friday to visit several places in the Weat. Mr and Mrs E E Hockrldge are a- way on a motor trip to visit relatives In Toronto and Bowmanvllle. On Tuesday. Aug. 21tst, a. little girl was a welcome nrrlval at the home of James Doig. Mrs Doig, Br., Mildmay and Min R. N., Toronto, were recent visitors at Jan. Doig's. ST. COLUMBA UNITED CHURCH, PRICEVILLE - SUNDAY, SEPT. 16th 11 a.m.: "A.Large Place." 7.30 p. m.: "My Responsibility" A ttne turn out at each service ldds Gkam Furniture co-tr. SWAMP COLLEGE inspiration. Last Week's Budget HOPEVILLE MEN WANTED THE DURHAM REVIEW _ --r. Sumun. pastor G, spent the pint six weeks. Hits mother, Mrs H Chrke. returned home with him. Mr Stanley Clsrke. Edmonton spent a tew dsys the Argt ot Int week with his uncle, J. H. Robson on " vsy home from Camp Borden. when he Vishnu " the aa.' this yes:- iron: this vicinity no In Geo. E Penn. Misses Once and Vina Paylor and Mina Edwards. Messrs Jim Pesrt. O. Pent. Fred Cook, Reuben Psylor snd Ernie Ellison. . Mr Keith Edwards, Detroit. holidsi- ed " his parental home here last week. motoring to Toronto Saturday to attend the 'Ex.' Congratutvtiontt to Mr and Mrs C. Cook (nee Elizabeth Ann.) who were married Aug. 29th st the bride's home, neu- Chesley. Mr and Mrs E. A, Cook and Mrs. Eugene Brown, Detroit. spent the past week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs W J Cook and attended the Cook-Allen wedding last week. Masters Murny Ind Howard Cook returned to Detroit Tuesday with their father, after spending the sum- mer holiday with their grandparents here, Mr and Mrs J. J. Penn and family} "" - "'I" -_._ spent Sunday with o. Bound friends. "For 20 year; I took soda for mm. Mr Charlie Robson left Tuesday for gestlon and stomach “A One bottle Strathclair. Man. . of Alderlu brought me complete txr- Mr and Mrs S. Putherbough. Mr J. liet."--g. B. Hardy. Mr and Mrs S. Putherbough. Mr J. Putherbough and son Norman, Lon- don, called recently on Mr and Mrs. W. J. Cook. Mr E. R. Peart had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse recently. Mr Oren Peart started threshing on Monday. Misses Alva Greenwood and Jean Clark are attending Durham High School. Mr and Mrs E. A. Cook, sons Mur- _------- .-_"' ~77?" ' - - 7' _ {an 1"rt,',tHopte,a'"',htl,v' d, 2,ol .12: VOTERS LIST. 1928 W. J. McFadden. Orange Valley. Municipality' of Glenclg, Cpqnty of Miss Edna Lyons, Harkaway, com- menced teaching " S. S. No 5 Tues- day morning. Mr and Mrs Geo Arrowsmlth. Mrs Percy Hunt and two children. Ceylon also Mr and Mrs J Menu-dun of Markdale, were guests ot Mr and Mrs J. J. Pear! Sunday. Mr Jtus Banks and sitter. Mrs M. Smith, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs K. Vaughan. Arthur. Mrs Philip Harrison and her little daughter, B. Park. spent the week end at the Nelson home. Mr and Mrs John McKechnie and daughter Blanche, visited with Mr. and Mrs W Clark am ot week. Mr and Mrs Paton, Walkerton were visitors " R E Bryon's. Sunday. (Arrived too late for last week.) ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO PONWIAC SIX , in Performance _ and Appea [ance 1,sssrsio1'1i" TODAY’I Pontiac Six in the - input-iv: mph otvaiueirvasinthewhouhutoeroftheio-eeicu Sautantinittnins hmdngylammd economy whit-om impoetantmeehnnicaind--t_ "n-Marv-ore-e-tfold-te. More intriguingbuutyandthemuchduireddrofmued eoutuauvluenneitieredbrtut"eo"nui", "naetermau-dinrBertim.. Ana,i,e-suiitstseiiiuneeotbe-rendreefete- mnnee,Possucsisris-e-iraeeublemr . . '-rtutseiuti,eouit-agsteari-uratos aeiveosasrat-ietoh-ririteatiut-ith whichiotaetedtuteip. cometnnnainveatietttu-in--G-t ZION M. GREIG CALDER DURHAM, ONT. auro-raso,tasoiarea..c.or9-dNr-"" which-damâ€. ,sranestmsroosot.syy1,,.fle- emu and Mr and In W J Green- wood. spent Sunday ev'g at Mr A. Helntooh'a, Domoch. Mr and In J.Atklmn and family ot Durham. were recent visitor' with Mr nnd Ms J R Edwards. visited Hanover friend- Visitors' " the Davis home the that of week mere Mr and In Philip Harrison and little daughter, 3M. and Mr and In H. Lunence and Ann: of Egremout. Mr And In C Palmer und dum- ter Betty and Mr W. H. Edwards of Eugene, spent an evening the ttrat of the week with Mr und Mrs R, T. Edwards. -u.ind Mrs Harry Holmes and fa. mlly of Durham, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hugh McArthur spent Sunday with friends in Durham. Took Soda 20 Yeays for Gas - Stops now Mr and Mr: Clifford Cook returned home Friday trom their honeymoon, and one busy getting settled in their new home. Alderllu. relieves stomtch (as and sourneu in TEN minuies. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowels. " re- moves old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Let Alder-Hui give your stomach and bow. els a. REAL claiming and see how much better you feel. It will surprise you. MePtuidett't, Drug Store. List Act. NOTICE is hereby given that l have complied with Section 7 of the Voter: List Act. and that l hue post- ed up at my othee at hot 40, con 3. E. G. R. on the tltrt day of August, 1928, the list of all persons, entitled to vote in the said Municipality " Municipal Elections and that ouch list remain there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceeding! to have my errors or omission correct. ed according to law, the last day (or appeal being the 21at day ot Sept- ember, 1928. Dated this lat day of Septetnber.1928 Hector H. MacDonald. Clerk of the Township of Grey; (Form 4, Sectioi 10 Voters' Gteneltr iGn “a ma Cook. ndl Bundli- Dnvls home the Ir and In Philip daughter. 8.15:1. T. erenoe and Inner And daugh- TtseD.rtt-U.r.0.u" h. mmmmcmmn. Melanie-an. alum-nu -udtaotretttr-'_ Phone 2, r12 PRICEVILLE, on Residence. MAIN STREET, M0LSYEm, out. J. L. SMITH, ILL, KC. PS. one _und_ residence, cornchouym and Lamhton.GpiGiiedti Pit'di; otmN, hours: ' to 11 LIL. 1.809! p. m., 7 to Op.m., and." an“ wife. PICKERING. DOS, Los HONOR (auburn: of Tom-o Univonity. Mum: of Royal van... of Dgntasf Burg-om- of Ontnrio 300.! On: .1 a J Batman's New stag. Graduate of Toronto UM (Successor to the Into Dr. m HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Olin. my; Graduate Royal (10!!me Surgeon. Dena-try In all " in.» Glace. Eat of (Jenn-u Drag m Emma. on um Street. The Science that adds' Life to years and years to life. can and is. n. W Ins In Durham TMâ€, Thump - “turd-yo DRS. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLlVRAY Llconud Attetlq- tor any M Duel unused " Benn! 06100.1. duh. also through Durham In!" at Flecherton Adranee. Geo. M. Dim-l. Dundalk P. o. Phone " r " Llecnud Auctioneer tor Ge. Terms, remnuble. 811. " Residence: Phone 607 J. F. GRANT, D.D.S.. LOS. DURIEIAM BEIGE SCEQQL Intending pupil: Cholid prep“. we enter at the beginning of the full term. lnfbrnntlon u to cow-e. my be obtained from the Pnnclpu. J. H MCQUARRIE. B. A. Each member of the In! b a University graduate and In a). lenced teacher. 1. Junior Matriculation . a. Butane. to the Normal Ochoa. The School In thoroughly equip.“ to take up the following counc- c-. thy town and good mum cw be obtained " rationale rut-0 The School has 3 creditable rem! In the put which tt hopes to - uln In the future. Brunch one: " Damn Open all city may (Indium. Culver-It] of m Durham ta In “(motive and bau- GEORGE E. DUNCAN IWCI " null! J. E. MILNE. M. B. M. C. McLELLAN All tho your round Eyes Examined and 00m Hours: 8-8 p.m., r-o p... Band.†excepted Quality the best and Prices the lowest. At your service than JAC. LAWRENCE. - PHONE 1. Th. arm TOWN a“! J. C. HOWELL CHIROPRACTIC (sumac trr/drain' - "“‘ BR. h. M. BELL MO tyltEll. John Monicaâ€. China†R. R. No. 2,