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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jan 1929, p. 4

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M " One of In. folk whit-ct. t Courtty. Hii, wtUTTnti'ivi.io' mmwunding herb-l medicinal unmarried Fifty year: Mo, a quiet-going soul James Gallagher, came to tcGireriiir7h' County. o,rlupray ' mayylmw skill m l Canadian gentleman loot "so. ' his trousers pocket while hr. was asleep. The use I: may ' I by the tttet that he I. Herbs That Heal When Lungs and Bronchial Tubes Seem all on Fire ff "IV Fara Intends to establish a Mr J. B. Bower, the weather tore. plum in Turkey, employ Turkish cuter. sends out from Owen Sound. v. I' -rl turn out 200 can I day. his mum forecut of the weather to I: h- do» the modernization of Tim he expectedinthis district during 1929 'tr, will hr, complete. He has the gift ot persistence and . . q q though he has not always been right \ Canadian gentleman loot 8450. in his predictions. he certainly scor- _ his trousers pocket while ed. he says, about 90 per cent of hr was asleep. The case is gently them He claims he follows scien- ' l by the fact that he is use methods In his forecasting. ( “w _ n.1, Charlton or 9mm 1081.73: E iiiiiGU". " (tvtntt "ian Lung Remedy. full of the health- vmq mwrr drawn from Mother 1ture, Low". Wonderfully healing to lurwd llamas. A builder of good. I M .wl. Make the tttNuaintanee ot A l"iwl. reliable remedy. Keep well N I', ' "or. s','Pkgciithge,: cilia; " (I ulna er er one o wm'dlvs, now obi-dunno from n kt ot hm many p.Tsr'riptiors--tor k subject, to Bronchitis or similar ir', " num'v cough.- and colds -W'att his lian Lima Remodv. Inn of .5... 1mm, rhinos 'F, ,., "m Plan. It's too hard J. B. Iowa maku hi. Annual Wea. " ' Hm: trom a man's estate. l ther Forum - " Cad Art E.. OWEN SOUND Box 513, LONDON n a "a"""'"""""""""""------", one Trmtbles, 'r.r mu . do.» u. {lineman . of the Mnrttime Provincu , m to Ontario. mrrlod and r » home hon. Went in for rrr't% ctl leer,. but he an the r n urk here a oven more "yin, tr. mug the [on And Ice no“ o M nursing trauma. or course, as woman: gran because more nuw two poop]. dependant on Anyway. he cautrttt I uvoro whivh brought on pleurl-y. Ind ' .. he " a sturdy-willed Cun- lad ttr, wouidn't [In up, but .1 an, at home. for ovu- . yeAr. _r.' The doctor thinly tr... htm A mid be would hard to an vv-l 1rentrne"tt--ttu only chance. l, w Peter In. In tho lukoka ml for (‘onlumpuvu. when W. 1nd nurse; of skill and PR.. wm- are trvlmt to lead him back ' " of hralth and usefulnun V tone mad. but better "do his that ugmd Almost In. E th "19’ Hubs] Remedies a trial. irc, may nave an ifs. Information and price list Free. Write tan 'o, l s I in: t tr )f -.'t , fill-wring complaints: I Stones (removed without an operation). Asthma, Piles, " Blood Presanre, Stomach Troubles, Skin Dimes “whiting. Worms, Nerve Troubles, Constipation and pewtieitis. Kidney Troubles. Heart Troublea. Paralysis, zht'a Mac-axe. Lung and Bronchial Troubles. Bladder "tbters. Anaemia. Caurrh. Dropay. Gravel. Overratneai, _ M PLE HOME TREATMENT '='=""'""===='""""====-"=r===-, s. mum, Durham "ministration Building now in course of construct! f Canada, Limited. at their Inside, Out. plant program found necessary by lucreued produc building will be used by the Service Stock now used by service to be devoted to prduciion ' zshermnn Wrecked ", _ n, " pull. for t anemia] rw Mona 1929. i',).. argains! Bargains! Remedied with NATURAL HERBS ' uvcrtnk» the ti'"t'/,'"/t"r,t uld you not like to tte . In t work? A "trrcrtptton " {our "were". w e an to Hon. W. A. 12.5. 9 Ame-.1” Com:- THIS? COMMENT 13 don't sell their atulon n 15 inch leather top rubbers, red eolo. .prrial at ""..".m.............. C....-................ "li _ " inch leather top rubbers, white pole. 'perialat '_""""""".'....--......................... "li b It inch leather top Rubbers. red " Special....... ........ ......... 5-45 ' 4drli We have only 8“")in (filmy. taller:- so be mm to take advantage of these prices while no wave your size in stock. 's 15inch leather top rubbers, white soles .petrial tocleer at...................................... CHADIAH HERE GARDENS J. S. Mcllraith CATARRH V._. -"i-"___-. -'-vrv.'. uni-1rd, uvcrlulllt‘ll, u Arthritis. Rheumatism. Nettritia and an Repairing a Specialty In course of construction by Dunn! -lr Inside, 0n}. plgnt is part ot an by increased "pidGticn."r"iis, Gri7. the Service Stock Room. gllowlng .l,...-a.-_l A_ _ ‘ .. Bentinck and Glenelg Towshipsi in having their municipal eieetiokal, over early in December, are now.) Just a wee bit. missing the srotsssipi that arises over a would-be election.I 1929 Weather l Treeember--A good chance to be a record breaker for very strong. per- sistent winds. Very cold at timt, then turning very warm. November-Wore part very cool and strong winds in the last week. Oetotrer---stromr, cool winds for the Brat Week. turns warmer for a few days. but two thirds of month ie real cool. fTeptember--A very cool month and likely quite wet. ' April-First half of month cool and calm. About 10 days of very strong winds, then turning warmer and calm. May-About to days quite cool. A. bout the 14th very persistent and strong winds, then turningquitr cool June-About the. 8th, strong winds and etrM, then turning quite warm. About the 18th very strong winds. quite cool, turns quite mild, almost to end of month then cooler. "ly-Quite cool, calm and dry, last week strong winds. Autrmst--Quite cool, windy about the 24th. balance ot month milder. Mtueh---Coot and tikeiy,'wet. Last week windy and wet. Ptrhruary--About 10 days ot stop my weather. Middle of month quite warm, latter part quite cold. "mtary--very cold, especially the. latter portion of month. Following is his December an- nouncement ot 1929 weather: Below Is hls forecast for 1929 and it he proves correct, cool and cool- ness in to be one ot the chief tea. tures of the year. Lms' Weather Forecasts for 1929 t 6.45 --eV -- “may“ Its the extent of about 8150. Mr Stett. wler has no idea who could be guilty :cr this outrage as he Is on good 0 terms with all the people in the n i sectim." . No eoUeetionL-no chi-go CANADIAN CREDITORS' ASSOC" P. O. Box MU, Owen Bound. th We collect old notes, accounts. Judgments. mywhere. _ We seldom tan. Write for particulars. We take subscriptions for nlldany papers and periodicals. You don‘t need to do business of this kind with strangers or so to the trouble of wading by mail. Pay us ind we will be responsible for getting your dill) lo you regularly. ' "i That there are several Injurious [members still at large, is evident, ifrcm what has happened recently near Teeswater. The Teeswater News tells the story: Mr Clement IStefi'icr ot Ambleside was the victim le,', a. villanous trick last week. He xmotored to the Provincial Winter {Fair at Guelph. Tuesday, returning, home Wednesday tttterttocn. Ihtus. 3day evening he started hem home, Ito visit his sister, Mrs Frank Reutz,' ,cn the 4th con., bct before he had ;gcne far, his car suddenly broke cut) ,in a mass of Mmes. Mr Stefan; ithrew himself out of the car to os-', loam the flames, which mounted ar, :brut 20 feet in the air, Chas Schel-i it". noticing the eontiagration, bur-l {Hid tc the scene.and upon investiga- It‘m, it was discovered that a bag of [ istraw had been placed over the ens-j ine, under the hood. Some person! had evidently entered the garage on I Wednesday night, taking the bag ol'i, straw which Mr Stemer used for a: cushion on his wagon scat and placed i it over the engtne. It the miscreant , hoped for something very sericusw to happen. he very nearly had hisf wish tmimiied,=trr the owner or the) car had a narrow escape from beingi t badly burned. and the mm damned 1 OLD ACCOUNTS COLLECTED LATEST METHOD OF HOW TO SET A CAR ON FIRE W All the crzminai's not in prison yet are reported. ' , The Deputy Minister ot Health ;thinks the peak has not yet been ireaehed in Central and Southern Ott- tarlo, but In the Northern section, improvement is taking place. ‘ 0n the whole the bulletins telling of the king's Condition and progress have been favorable, though grave anxiety cannot wholly be laid aside. Crowds still assemble to wait and watch tor the bulletins at Bucking- ham Palace and crowds at thousands of other places wait and watch tor the papers and ask "How is the King?" That his life has been pro- longed over the holidays is matter for gratulation to his faithful dotrr tors and the public and a greati heart-throb of thankfuluess will toi-l low the first bulletin that says “curl of danger." It behooves everyone- to avoid ex- tremes, live In pure air and cease to worry. DEATH OF PATRICK MALONE In the village of Grieravme, near Meatord, it was reported, only one man has escaped. and country neigh- bors were coming in to attend to stock and other necessary duties. Nothing like this has been experiene, had nearly three columns of deaths, " in all. much above the average. and many of them undoubtedly due to tin virulence. As Minister * Ed. ueation, Premier Ferguson has ad- vised a delay in reopening schools in some parts, which will likely he done. For the same cause avoidance of congested public meetings is rec. ommended. The mild winter we have been having no tar. ls generally spoken of u the cause of the lncrease of the inttuengtt or the "Flu" " it is popu- lnrly called. Montreal and other clt- ies have tsuffered rather severely. The Toronto Globe of Monday last, “ember Canadian Weekly Nnnup: 911' Asunchtlon. 1 c. RAMAGE & SON. Editor and Pro‘ priotorn ' ghtanrhnn‘ 3 11.6 up Durham, though a ttsw" cases HOW IS THE KING? THE FLU AT WORK Again the schOolboy outgrow: his clothes. Publishing 'circles report the expenditure by the MU Herald and Weekly Star close on one halt a million dollars for huge new print- ing preset to cope with their fast- growing tntttaeription not. At their new low subscription rate of3 yrs for " one is prompted to ask. "How long before they outgrow this one t" Get a big bundle of old papers at the Review omee. Only " Two bun. dles or more at the same rate. Suit, able tor several purposes. er, Mr Wm Lawrence was elected a trustee in place ot Wm Jacques: Lawrence Chapman was appointed See'y Treas in place ot Geo. Whit- more, who resigned. Mr Herb Atkin- son took the contract of supplying the wood tor the coming year. Mrs W Hargrave was nppolnted caretak- - 7 I --'-.---- t Sorry to hear that Phyllis Lawr-i lence. daughter ot Mr and Mrs Wm! CRAWFORD ILawrence. was operated on for an! (Arrived too hate tor last w t pendicms in the Red Cross hospital I The bri ht a d ha , Km eek. 9 Mr James Atkinson of Toronto. is]; cert: and. 2fid"",12', "lil on l',', (3:: It,',':',',','.' with his son, Mr Herb. “I pupils ot the United Church s. s. 1 Mr Ernest and Miss Chrissie Me, I,',',',', t',',7"g,",'/1',e, in 'll',',',",",,',',',',',',',' BUC- lGirr spent last Wednesday at the f '. . e ecomtlons The annual school meeting was held in the school last Wednesday. The auditors report showed a balance on hand or $952.60. Mr David Young is visiting with Mr and Mrs Robt. McFadden. Sorry to hear that Rob is under the Dr's care. Mr Ernest and Miss Chrissie Me, Girr spent last Wednesday at the home of their brother, Mr John Mc. Girr. I Mr Thos. Atchison spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John McGlrr. i Mr and Mrs W. Williams and tany l ily ot Mimosa, spent the holiday with Ihls parents at Edge Hill. and also lher mother. Mrs Robt. Bell. I Miss J. McClockh'n spent a few [days last week with friends in Tor- onto. ' Mr Wm. Jacques is visiting with friends at Stratford and Ingersoll. Miss Mima Harlgrave ot Toronto, spent a week with her mother, Mrs W. Hartgrave. Miss Ada McLean ot Toronto spent Christmas holidays with her aunt, Mrs N. McCannel. A Happy New Year to the Review and all its readers. Sorry to hear Mr Alex Vaughanis under the Dr's care with a. sliglnal- tack ot pneumonia. Miss Marlow Vessle ls spending the holidays with her cousins, Irene and Blanche Mekechnie. Misses Ada Banks and Marion Boyd spent an afternoon with Mrs Geo. Pearl of Zion. Mr and Mrs J A Boyd, Miss Mor. lon Boyd, Miss Ada Banks and Mr W Nolan, spent a pleasant evening at the McCallum homo at Mutock. Miss Olive Dunsmoor, Durham, is spending the holidays with her p,wandmother, Mrs Vaughan, Sr. Mr and Mrs Melosh spent an e/en, ing lately with Mr and Mrs Jack Barry. Mr and Mrs Jack McKechnie and family, spent Xmas day with Mrs. McI;'s mother, Mrs J. Vessie. Miss Annie Schafer ls noun from o. Sound, assisting in taking care of her mother, who is not so well. Mr and Mrs Herbert Trattord and family spent Xmas day with their daughter, Mrs Jas Miller of Rocky. Mr and Mrs Alfred Orchard or Wcrodstoek, is spending a week w1th the latter's parents. Mr and Mrs Her Trattatd. Mr and Mrs Willie Bell, Latona, spun an afternoon with their aunt, and uncle, Mr and Mrs Gillan Boyd. Miss Marita Boyd, Toronto. is spending her vacation wth her grand- mother, Mrs R. H. Banks. Mr end Mrs Mike Casey and fami- ly, Mrs Jack Vasey and family. also the Kenny, Keitter and Barry tami. lies, spent Xmas Day with the Me- losh family. _ Mr Willie Jones. Lisbon, N. Y., and sister, Mrs Geo. Hay, from near Dor. noch, spent a day with Mr and Mrs. Herbert Tratrord. Miss Mary Melosh. Tomato, spent over Xmas with her parents. Mr and Mrs Nicholas Melosh. returning on Thursday. Miss Catharine McLean us a week end visitor with her friend Miss Corinne Lawrence. Mrs Jack Cuwell visited her moth. er. Mrs Robt. Webber. who is ser- iously ill in Durham Hospital. Mr and Mrs Arch Watson, Welbeck. and Mrs Edge and family, were New Year guests with Mr D Watson and family. Mr and Mrs Alfred Orchurd, of Woodstock, were week end visitors with the latter', sister, In In Mir ler. Mr Alister Lunence spent Xmas with his parents here. sleighing. I The annual school meeting m; held in the school Wednesday oflutj week, and there was not. 3 very large "mresentition ot the ratepayers ttrea-' ent The_retlrlng trustee, Mr Earl. Vessle. was returned and the care- taking went to Mr Jno Graatry at $110.00. I HE DURHAM REVIEW We are hulng handful Xma- eather with just enough um for ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO GREEN GROVE ROCKY GLENROADEN " . F"""'.. -... ll W . n . by Rev. Mr Crlcklngton. ‘0 rite, ca u or phone No. 6 . The Senior girls had a pleasing ll for particulars. Stu drill. while the Junior glrlslud'o the drill, "The six points or the! P. RAM Christmas Mar.' The seeds bore the, AGE, Durham, Local Dealers wands 'Truth. Peace, Love, Mercy,: if t _ . . Good-wlll and Joy' and each girl rc-' S e y first we handle nothing 'Teculative cited. drawing that if we u Indlvld-i ugl- poueued there It! quantum; o'"'""'"""-----,,,,,,,,,.,,."-...., l ‘dit upon the participants and upon the S. S. teachers and all those who in any way helped to make it a MIC. cess. Rev. Mr Young, the pastor, mled the role of chairman ably. The musical part of the program consist- ed of two choruses by the school. two anthems by the choir entitled. 'loy to the World' and ‘Stsrry Night'. A motion song.'The Wondrous Stcry' by the Junior pupils; solos try Miss Elsie Boyce and Master Steven Bun.' son. These were well received by the audience. 'Chrlstlnu in Mother Gooseville" and "The day after Christmas. proved to be two humor, ous dialogues. Greetings were con- veyed from the unlock Baptist Ch. A splendid program was submitted by the children, which tetiected cre- were cheery and appropriate, consis- ting of a large ans Tree beautifully decked, combined with the Xmas cofcrs of red and green. The church was well filled with an appreclauve audience and good order and atten- tion prevailed. Last Wednesday was annual tttth- ool meeting day and the election of new trustees. This year Mr Noah Schenk replaces Mr Geo Bruno. while Mr Milton Schenk supplies the wood and Hudson Byers tIlia the or. tice of lighting the tires. This Manda) is nomiriatlon. Will there be a. hot time. or will everyone be agreeable ? _ 1 Mrs J Derby is visiting her daugh- iter Mrs Vlclwrs of Mulock and Mrs, Green Paisley, during the holiday. Mrs Anderson and daughter Nellie. are visiting with Barrie friends over the week end. A few of the families in this loc- ality are Laid up with the 'tia.' Little Nathan Widmeyer who has been on the sick list the past week, We hope will soon be " usual self. Mr and Mrs Dixon and son Clyde, who have been an patients over the holiday at the home ot Mr E. o.' Hickllng. left for New Brunswick on Old Year's day. i me Christmas season passed oft very quietly with a row family reu%mis, to eat their Christmas turkey to gather. A Happy New Year to all. With a bright sunny day and the moon on the wane, the old year is passing out, leaving us with enough snow for good sleighing -and those who wish may still use their 'Lir giv’s'. Everything to be thankful for. [nude arrangements for the LGGG l as follows: 1 Mon., Jan. 7, In the Anglican Church ---Addrem, by Rev. W. H. Smith on "Christ's Call to Repentance." Tues., Jan. tr, in Pmbytorlnn Church -Addreag by Rev. Wm. Spencer on; “Christ's Call to Confession." Wed., January 9, In Knox Chttrett.-.. lllustrated address by a represent- ative of the Bible Society. Thurs., Jan. 10, in the Baptist Church; -Addrcss by Rev. E. Hayes on! “Chrlst'a Call to Communion." l Friday, Jan. 11, in Queen 8t. Church; --Addtxsss by Rev. B. D. Armstrong; on "Christ's Call to Consecration."'; The services will begin each even- ing at eight o'clock and it is desired that all our church people should keep this week tree of other meet- ings and attend in such numbers as to till all the churches. The offerings as in former years, will be sent to the Bible Society. Week of Prayer first Week of Year At request of y friends, I an a candidate u cillor st next Monday’s election and respectfully ask vour vote and ttttence. It will be "w aim. it elect ' to study and wev” fur the. welfare of the town,to . "mainly in pub c expenditure u; saerMeing " iency, 3nd in or 'ls' way advance yo interests. Wishing all a prosperous New Year, V" Yours very truly, ; HERBERT MURDOCK I Electors of ttit, Ladies and Gent] :1: all public exp nditurea. With 'the season's com Imenu. Your, for service. l To the ton of Dnrhun Lune. Gentlemen : I have nominated for one of the Cone positions In the eiection ot Hominy ext. 1 mpecttully at your intiuen e and vote on my be half. It elec ed it will be my pleas- ure as well my duty to consider the best lnte at: of our town and to combine econ my with emeieuey in T_he ministers ot the town have January 7th to 11th, 1929 [ .. ELECTION CARDS HAMPDEN C. HOWELL by the FARM FOR i===-L=La2i,""ci","ic,", ll son. Three" v, m ile from ings. For pa In Township i farm tor sale or on con 2 and Messrs Hem: of Detroit, spent Darenlnl home. ') Mr Alex McDonald. Supt. of S. B., was then cslled to the pintiorm. He ' presented s prize to Mr Robt Mc- Csslln for being the most regular ‘attendant in the Bible Class. The members of the B. B. showed their ‘aifection for their pastor and his 'wite by presenting them with s " gold piece. while Rev. and Mrs. Young presented the Sup't with 3. gift, in recognition ot his faithful work as Sup't for 12 yesrs. Each child was given undies and a pres- ent. The Sup't requested a (pntlnued cooperation or parents. children and S. B. workers for 1929. ; School Concert _ Miss Petty, the teacher and pupils held a successml Xmas, concert on Thursday evening, Mr Wm Campbell. " chairman, presided over the line program in which the Xmas spirit reigned supreme, There were recita- tions. tableau, drills sud humorous dialogues. Santa. Claus in I very cs- pablo manner, distributed the pres- ems. Miss Petty treated the pupils to a Mg ot candles sad also gave n handkerchief to each. The section p"esented the teacher with silver candlesticks Ind candles. Messrs Herman and Otto Kaufman rd non-ah ----= _. --- The program Wu mungly brought to a close by the presentation by Mrs Edgar Boyce of the pantomime. "A bide with me'. The solo was sung by Miss Elsie Boyce. we would surely have the true Christ- mas spirit. A pantomime illustrating the beautiful missionary hymn "O Zion haste" was well presented by the following young ladies: Misses E. Petty. Elsie Boyce, Jessie McCasiin- Margaret White. Eda: Biefmn. L. Kaufman and Myrtle McDonnld. and the hymn was sweetly rendered by Miss Blanche Boyce. There were two short pantomime» 'The Christmas secrets" by four small children and “Santa's mlstnke” by little Evelyn Rustic. which were much enjoyed. f These B tad: are e closed First Mortal favorably situated hitrherttt-rur,, Apertnu I uilding- in Toronto, may be secured in . U.” d m wminatione. end nature in to Fears. fund retiree a proportion of these bonds euc increeeing the eecnrity. OSered by 3 bond house who have never of one cent to may client on any bond sold. Invest Now in First Mortgage Danicular“ W. MCLEO DE FOREST CROSLEY the Yuletide Italic m. T.'." closed First Mortgage on mm" f""' highest-class Apartment or Office 'l,',',':": I"',,',.': secured in $100 8500 tr ' no In . ' _ J.i,T,'CC. 'ff?" "l to P"". AeiniAus: raoa‘ Prloevillo Jill/ally Janka , Octane more Sound P, Real Estate Bonds is he" French. he]! English. the first part being the story of I ha- hitnnt Colin while the chorus is an English In charity. "Blow ye wind: of momfne". This bi-lime nnl Ion; appear: to have been pop- nlnr my year- ego It I time when white pine we: exported In [urge quantities on the old snilinz Ihips from Quebec which curried over-en the logs lifted down the St. Lawrence from the Ottawa River. The word ‘chnnty' is con- sidered by come authorities " con- nected with the 'Ihnntiee' of the Quebec lumber-jab who frequent- ly were sailors u we" as woods- men end always an; at their work. According to Ralph Connor. the half-breed or meti- from whom he recorded thin Bong we: n hand- Iome chap with beautiful voice and manner. and we. a first-class emoemnn. A number of purely French Canadian cheniey- us well will be can. by Ulnee Pequin. at “my. 5- the intention is to L"iC"1G' at.” Intention is m. e t _ Festival Canadian " Mb. CAI" CONNOR Ralph Connor. the well known Candi-n nan-list, collected recent- ly from I half-brood voyueur in the Canadian Northwest I highly interestin folk-on; which will be sun; at the Vuncouver Sea Mure Festival next January by Ulysee .luttui.tt, y long-en]. This sum: Bi-Lingual“Chant3 A Sea Discovered such you tl JAN. had s loss madam 'us “75.00 ”Erma-Int! “WU" 3.33.00an to inve irreveh mud, known I -[rum which of Rio de Jami tho tomb of Ce, M o, some: savi r erior " baking " HEN nu. ron MO A? all ( patro all a l W

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