KI tool. When we omens the scene ia chased. The: for u about time We as trees of can: am much!“ Petutweur..GiiaiaG"i, . woke m the Nonhhnd. "Thin in the (can when]. Tho 89mm in. In a. m. e 1,‘ “I‘ nun-V“. “W TOW. 0nd nab. mice. outlined the sky by Lung "no. of mm troo- and the long slopes and the .toep rocky Inch-1w. One can a will... of n and hillside covered with white hitches ad in a. moment it ia hidden "we '.e"radee-tttrwtniGoTiii M IIVL-‘ -_- - ___......wuu.y Iv null. And time in the edge of theoromu In what is left of a log cabin. Only a tow Ion In the form of a mm. but close by in a wellkept. oblong mound ado-0d by u neat. smell picket! inâ€, telling its own tale to the m; at by. And than than an the hm: in ev- cry tom. blah bald knobs. tno‘oow on! ' _..- _ V..." "nuc- cu aclIOOI. Men, is a dug out In the side of tho tun Some one llves tn it tor their la a wash out on the bit ot clothesnne stretched born the door to the unrest spruce. It must be some lonely bachelor's home tor the In " consists ot I dun. three loch Ind raga. Then we follow 1 long uretch of corduroy road talien into he and consequently to min. And there in the edge of the-wood- In that ls left of I log cabin. Only I m In.- In on- .-- __ yam -,ritradi - After seemingly ending marsh: lama we suddenly come upon what high! have been the ttatttetteidotthd Ohms of old forthegroundla strewn with boulders. And it looks " it those mighty men of “once upon I t8me"ttad hurled them " etch other a boys hurl than mow hallo when thv -~ .» storming the forts in their hungry winter bottles at Ichml. - -'R:"'-"""""Q. “an-(vi? " and the network of manages, the hit- of Mend: or long peninsula. One ceases to marvel at the dexterity " the Ojibway with paddle or oar, and we too. feet a desire to tollow them, alluring waterways. And tho Blueberry Bushes (miles of them; lend wings to the imagina- tion even now in their brown Aut- umn tints. .0 that we and ourselves penning them covered with lucious blueberries with their grayish bloom and manning In site any we and [rowing in our southern Ontario "when. The best of the blueberries (row in orcloee around the monkey} .00.. cuivery, water-sound bogs. Ion-Iliad to a depth or 15 teet or) lore. and dangerous for the inex. urlenced to tnvei in. But the waters-the highways of tho Ojihwny~l cannot do them Jute ilee. There are the wide tributaries of the Moose Ind the Albany, with my Inner streams; green-rim- mu lakes with n triage of ice just low tor they are beginning to freeze up. and the network of names, the bits of lshnds or long Peninaulas.' one ceases to marvel at the dexterity " nu 'tai-., --i» --- rock in many places. Chimps of Just pine lend a different shade of new. here and yonder the white birch†stand out clearly against a hckmnd o! spruce. showing " their donate tmeery of bare branch.; on. Poplar-a. tunnraclm and an 00’ axiom! out or elm, add variety to the scene. while touches of vivid: can no given by clusters of bright' red berries borne on Ihruha. varying, Com two to about eight feet in! blight. In some Men the land is} "Conny covered with a new growth, of M pine. or spruce. Mother Nab, an in trying to cover the wars re: eetretd during forest in: or through unrele- cutting of trees where acres at Inna we covered with stumps , or 3 (eat high. l we were passing through sphcé i365 min. n is wondvrrul how such for. OII growth. "ilt on seemingly bare on either side. Homepayneis a. fair hind town with has nilmd yards. sto" yard: and n feeding gallon. On tho left were high hills up whole steep rocky mee the town in climb- ertn'; a large house and n forest runners look-out are on the highest pout. North-west from Hormtpayne,: we followed . wide river. some iiiit) wary of the Albany. probably the Nahum. Then suddenly the scene] changed and great muses of bare; lock were piled high. Tiny new iogl Mums Rave as a touch of '1tlrttipats) “any: that pus in tho night." then; and more was much of it In orderly Mtets uniting cars tor tramoorta- tkll. Near obo was a blueberry marsh shut in by bare harUlcohintt MI. Burnt River is a tiny hamlet, with miles And amen of burnt lands “net and 6mm yang peop- ie‘n ton- ead both Mn 3 thriving my industry end lumber Hill. At lieu. a siding man but to theuw due with their [not row. at lun- berrtus. Ratnrntutttavetreen u mum in thin part of the north country u it we. in South West Grey this full for the rivers and ble- appeared to be connected by many miles of thood waters, the trees and shrub. landing in water every- where. Paterbeii seemed like ntiny village with some new bungalows built of; logs and a general store md pool! mom. Oba In a Junction point. Pulp: Wood is everywhere in evidence:, long trains of cars were piled high cu"- m WWI. Bo far re In Ind handful "num- “thum- “hematolmedayLWelehTop do u a nu. Oct. tut and when 'twaanirtttenmtattto-suie next We have med them " each other their mow halls when mung the forts in their Inter bottles at Ichool. dug out in the side of 1tt'ed In this city by Hotel Cod]. VI " mm. On Cbrlltmnl Dar, alter only it few than consider serioully the bulldtli " been â€lhour’l illneII. Mr Patrick Mom, or " new Hall. l ttte 'e,C.tiicia quietly away in the home ot Mr end Mr: Harry Richard- 're,A,',tt, " daughter. In Hugh Lunont. 78 Bon-in-taw um daughter Annabel, l mooted by years of use. he WM born in Peel the late Wm and Mn Mellvride. ' ' tttetreeklCo. When he was seven years old. Rowley, Alta, And their Charmin miter every-i his parents moved to Normantry, three daughters, Flora, Gene andAl [where he grew to young manhood. nabelle. gave us a brief but plenum tiny village i Thence he went to Minto, where he visit on Monday Ituyt and will rem! B built orimet Miss Elizabeth Waimsley. their visiting with their many friends an i md pool-i marriage taking place on April 13, relatives until spring. roirtt. Win, 1875. Alter a couple of years they At our annual school meeting heb Ji1d'"g"it:, I came to their Egremont farm: con. on Dec. Mth, Mr E c Wilton was re In orderly) 16, lot 10 where they lived untilthey elected trustee and your scribe re-el transportreelebrated their Golden Wedding, eeted Sec'y Treag. Among othe , blueberry'They moved to Yeovil in the spring business was the decision to orde atdlcoklngiot 1805 and Mrs Mohan died the fol- enough evergreen trees from thi ny hamlet, ; lowing October. For a while he re- Dept. of Agriculture, to plant a. coup urnt lands: maimed there but the last few months 1e ot rows around the school yard. (tis a fair‘m his life were spent with his only :1"! tyaac,i:H.1i1i. Eliza (Mrs Lamont). to whom ----_--- tr tr a on. I We join the community in extending up 2,','rf sympathy. In the absence of Rev. KNOX CORNERS A Ie,tiir. Graham. the funeral service on Miss Margaret Petty left Wednetr 1e hightst j Tuesday was conducted by the Rev. day for o. Bound, where she has se Dmepayne.j T. Dodds. Sarnia. who was visiting cured a position. some trite; his brother. “Jesus lover ot my Soul' Mrs Thoe. McAllister spent a week mainly the! was sung and 23rd Psalm read and with her daughter Mary in Toronto, the scinei the speaker based his remarks on and returned with the latter in time Tho simple mkture of glreerine, buckthorn bark saline, etc. (Ameri- Pa acts on BOT" upper and lower bowel and rer"s. constipation In TWO hours! th'ngo out old wuste matter you r, I",', thought. was in your system. Don't waste time with pills or remedies "rhieh clean only PART of the bw H, but let Adhrrika (he stomach am have]: a REAL cloning out! Orv how you real. lo Mun Drug _ Glycerin Mixture Another year with its joys and sor- rows, is drawing to a elose---1Mg, a completely new year, lies ahead ot us unsullied. We hope each day will be happy, bright and Prosperous-- filled with unregrettahle actions. Standing at the portal ot the open. ing year. Words of conuort meet us. bushing every leer ; Renting on Hit; promise. what have we to tear, God in tumult-tent for the coming The usual routine of business was followed at the school moptings last Wednesday. At No 9, Arthur Irvin ls trustee, representing con 16, tol. lowing Norburn Horburgh who with- draws after a six year term. ' We doubt if very may from here will be able to attend the Nomina- tion 'mlny. . A few, who†Christmas plans were upset by sickness, purpose en- frr‘rdnfzg ta-morrow - New Ynar's Day. But a number must still deter their festivities. Mr and Mrs Murray Henderson returned to their Alma home Satur- day, after enjoying Xmas and the en- suing days with relatives here. Miss Bessie Allen. Toronto, was home for the holiday. Mr ttttd Mrs Jae-Allen intent stew days previous to Christmas In her parental home), Mouton). Mr and Mrs A Nicholson and baby Mary, were Xmas guests In D. Me Donald's home, Hopeville. Mrs Wm Eccles, in iisriii", has attending the sick in the home of her son Arthur. lnlluenxa still prevails in our to. eality--almmrt every day fresh vic- tims are added to the great majority or sufferers. untitl we wonder who will be fortunate enough to escape Mr and Mrs S. Eccles, Mt Forest, recently visited Mr and Mrs Hugh Lamont and family. all ot whom,ex. cont Isabel. have been confined to the bed with " teles, A Drimmie and A Henderson, [who laid him to rest in Amos ceme- iiery beside his wife, upon whose monument is inscribed the following verse, composed by himself: My own dear wife, I loved so dear, You are not dead but sleeping here ; You were not mine but God's alone, it was His will to take you home., Mr Mohan was a kind friend, much respected by all who knew him. One. who lived near him halt a century remarked, "He was a genuine neigh- bor." Besides his daughter, he leav- es seven grandchildren. . the text, "it a man die. shall he we again I'" The pan bearers were D. Long. T A Reid, A. Merchant S. Ee 3.3; ii?irt2rriiUG.' "'53 'th"siiiirtit'i; The hnu wss tttted with s good- wont swiftly 'home' and for s time. natured crowd m "" mild critio our truckload Vss forgotten. clan wss onered. even of the Good In the only morning of our second We System. Mr And Schenk scor- dsy out from Toronto. we were still ed the present Reeve snd Deputy as Ms ",,t,t'g."e, '00de yearling]. part ot the County Council for the My . spruce so po s _ ttredoartinatirttt, but an- adam t1',t,edU."' 4'L','l"L'"'actt'e'"ut tnerTmdtsttoooenttteaniandstutdby . the time brenknst was served we :26 Jr.." was l debenture wlmboo: were weeding t lon stretches of ' ; BOW wss up tl u hunch level humid: l‘ines olsucks 8480,000. He Ill-0 Scored tteavity the of “an.“ gain. Bresklsst wu injustice ot Normsnby only receiving bevel] ttntahed when the trsimnsn 81300 in road mats. though tttttttrite coiled Winnipeg sud the porter wns uting 821,000 " sn usessment. Mil-ll! Md getting everything R H Fortune sud Dr Eaton sdvo- and "erytsody seedy " once. csted strongly tor s new Community) my either the "ttiqr or the lumber nun to convert It Into feel. except tor " on: use. “nee it mid be too - to envoy it to centre- nun which It could be dupo-1 ot Bttttttoturmtraroas,t1tertmset. and the lure an. out one " one. the tune eter- that shone down on ovr Eastern homer. Our thoughts wont orittlr 'home' end for a. time. our travel-land was forgotten. mdutirtettrtthetwttuht t'ttasdiiuurremtsoarwitht- Die mixture of glycerin. ark saline, etc. (Adleri- RWY" upper And lower rel"s. conQUpnuon In Stops Constipation Mildred Leena Booth BUSINESS CHANGE BERT mokaNE we ullcit 1 than of your patronage CHOPPING muss: " bags..$1.m " has. .. 75c " has... so: Stumction muted noun AND FEED always onuand Having purchaud ORCHARD MILLS Before entering on his duties as inspector in 1906, Mr Galbraith had spent about 25 years as teacher in public and high schools so that he will be retiring with close on halfa century or educational service, so that release from duties that ot recent years have become more ex- acting. u well uni-nod. Though still a man of much vigor and energy, performing " duties with ability and acceptance. Mr Gal. braith no dnobt feels that the dunes ct the position are too arduous and that he may well take advantage ot his rich? to retire. He will do so. bearing the good wo and best wish- es of all for many wars of useful» ness and happiness. Scmewhat of a surprise was sprung whon it became known that Mr Robt Galbraith. n. A., of Mt F'orest,, who has filled the position of Public Sch- Ml [Mum-for for North Wellington so faithfully and efficiently for the par: 32 yturss,"tvas tendered his res- ignation to Wellington County Coun- cil to lake effect at the end ct June 1929 INSPECTOR GALBRAITH RESIGNS Wishing the Review and staff and all its readers a. moat happy and prosperous New Year. Miss T. Byers spent Wednesday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Donnelly at Allan Park. Mr and Mrs Richardson (nee Anna bell Macllvride) and three daughters from Rowley, Alta., have been visit- ing Mrs Wa aunts and uncles here, respectively, Mrs W Carson and Mr Don. McIlvride. Mr Jas Watson left Monday to spend the holiday week with his son Wilfrid in Toronto. Rev Mr Purnell had a very suitab- le Christmas sermon from the text, "There was no room for them in the Inn" he compared that far away day with the present. He showed that there is little room today for the Christ in the busy world. Little Bernice. Koenig and Susie Marshall saang " this service "Away in a Manger" and the choir had a Xmas chorus. Mr Ronald Smith was home over the week end and returned to the city Christmas Day. Mr and Mrs Norman Marshall, al. so Miss Mary Marshall came home from Toronto last week to spend Christmas with relatives here and in Egremont. Mrs Thou. McAllister spent a. week with her daughter Mary in Toronto, and returned with tue latter in time tor Christmas. At our annual school meeting held on Dec. 26th, Mr E C Wilton was re- elected trustee and your scribe re-el- ected Sec'y Treas. Among other business was the decision to order enough evergreen trees from the Dept. ot Agriculture, to plant a. coup- le ot rows around the school yard. Mr amt Mr: Harry Richardson.’ son-in-uw and daughter Annabel, or; the late Wm and Mrs Meilvride, of? Rowley, Alta, and their charmingl three daughters, Flora, Gene and Aw nabelle, gave us a brief but pleasant visit on Monday last and will remain visiting with their many friendsand; relatives until spring. F er organizations. That the Tp. In]! need: repairinlg badly or a new one out and out few will deny and the incoming council might do worse than consider seriously the building ot tb new Hall. R H Fortune and Dr Eaton udvo- cued strongly for s new Community Hall. altering nan Inducement 81000 from the Women's Institute nnd oth- m pending'iththmhthe new for reeve.--Hotm. the meat new: A. Schenk. 3nd Ovens. Mr Hansel!!! nu stepped up for Genny with Mi. linger n possible tin! for the posi- uon and Ted Wimpyâ€. Henry " ler, Jno Anna and Con But: tor councillors. no nomination In Anon Hominy RLYTH’S CORNERS "ourtsat in the Mly Hamid and ;Weekly star, Montreal. It Ins my readers in Nova. Beotin u in Su- ‘htchewan, and in It: new form is “he an of the Dom He served th Township one year as Councillor; served tour years. He has had one ear'e experience as Deputy-reeve; I h ve had three years I am. stepping up o leave the road clear for others. I right ? You are the Judges. th the above ex- planation. I respect lly solicit your vote and intiueneei and it elected, will give every tter that may come before the cou ll. careful con- Bideration, both in T ip and at the County Council. To tho actors of the Township of Bgrmuo t: Ladies an Gentlemen: -, I am in he field tor the once of Reeve for 929. At the close of my remarks N inatlon day, I stated from the pl form that I would stand for" that sltion. My opponent, (speaking be re me) stated that he did not know hlch position he would stand for-bei tr nominated for both Reeve and De ty-reeve. At the close of the meeting he signed up tor Reeve. We wish all awhappy and prosper- ous New Year. Tho ffu has struck the Bend badly. Nearly every household has some sick and in some cases whole tami. lios are laid up. Mrs Will Stevenson and Mr Alvin Rawn are at Mr Geo Rawn's, Wood. land, who is seriously m. Owing to so much sickness there has been few visitors and very lit, tle pleasure going. Mrs (new) West, laurel, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs Erie Sharpe. Mr T. J. McFarlane. Toronto, is visiting: his brother and ‘sister at Letter Breen and calling on old friends. spending the holiday": ai relatives here. The Deputy-reeve of Egremont for 1929, Mr James Mack, and the coun- cillors, Messrs W. J. Philp, Erwin Robb and Neil McEnchern, were ttll elected by acclamatlon on Monday. but there is to be a contest for the reeveship between Messrs Wm. H. Hunter and John A, Ferguson. The election will be held next Monday, Jan. 7, 1929. The village trustees were elected bv attttumsaH-, .I... j Another of our older citizens pas- Bed away in Mount Forest hospital at 3.30 Monday afternoon. in the per son of Mr Colin McKinnon. He came here from Buiralo twenty-eight years ago, and has since kept store " the north end of the village. About ten years ago his wife died, since when he has lived alone. He spent Christ- mas with his closest relatives, cous- ins in Guelph, where he caught the cold which developed into pneumonia and trom which he never recovered. The funeral takes place today at two thirty p. m. Mr Mortimer Lynch spent the hol- idays visiting friends in the city. Mr Fldler has the rink ready for skating and hockey. Come and en- Joy the sport and drive the ttu away. Mr Gordon i%itn, Miss Ritchie ls staying with Mr and Mrs McGuire while they have all been laid up with the bad cold or tiu. We are pleased to report that they are able to be out again. Mr and Mrs Clarence Fenton spent Christmas with Mrs Fenton’s parents in Arkwright. Mr and Mrs Geo. Fenton spent Christmas with friends in Allenrord. Mr ttnd Mrs Field and family who have lived here for some time, re turned to their former home In Ham, ilton last. week. Miss Agnes Dunn of Durham spent the holidays with her sister. Mn J. Pinkerton. Miss Isabel Lem: of Mount Forest spent the holidays " home. Mn. Slurp and Mm Mable ot Durham, visited Mr and In Leith last week. Mr and Mrs Fur Lawrence and Mr Rom Mathews of Durham, spent the holiday with Mr and In R. B. Mr Bert Ecclea, who spent the holidays with hia - here. Mart- ed out on the road again Wednesday Mr Hootener. traveller tor the Weaton Shoe Co.. apent the holldayl at his home here. Mr and In John [my Jr lad family of Toronto, and Mr Earl Butt. Mon of B. c., went the holiday with Mr and Mn Manny. that there have been no very notion. men. and nearly " cc on the road glam no Pineal“: A-----" The bonds" puned all van quiet- 1raatrornnnrotoxtreittsemrareor have been hid up with the an or Ind cold. that bu been going att over only rally Natlonat Farm spacnou CARDS on will be held next Monday] r, 1929. The village trustees elected by acclamatlon also. HOLSTEIN LEADER QOUTH BEND Your: relpectully, JOHN A. FERGUSON -- - “Incl: Jul} o leave the road I right ? You th the above ex- tt tly solicit your we and it elected, tter that mar Mm it, careful con- I T in and at I. "Halt' RFVH‘V Bradford, is that n deputation ot two Coinc}ll;-; Clerk and Tron. being sent to o. Bound to Minute chum. was kept Co. roads (which was Bnally settled Oct. 1927) would divide the township this year. He charged that a motion by Pttitr--Maek.. "that present Co. mad is In beat interests ot township and should bechanged to 14th eon.†m not printed In the papers and Ex. Dep,-Reeve J. A. Ferguson was the financial critic of the past administration and made a rousing speech. There were a lot of things the Council had never mentioned, left for him to tell. There should have been s certain sum toecitied tor Road Supt. to expend: taxes were high because he had a free hand and spent too much. The Tp. rate had been struck too low this year. Expenses were too high : the Supt. had spent s lot more, his asl- sry us higher; printing costs were up from 8443 Int yesr to 8606 this; salaries were nearly $500 more. Lsst election. Mr Hunter was elec- ted Den Reeve to have County road changed; sad Mr Cslder, reeve, not to change it. He hoped no issue like A‘ _--.., . . . _ " Coun. James Mack had advocated County Road built straight through ' Township. along 16th con to Prov'l " Highway; when this did not meet It favor, he supported its construction lt along 14th and thru Holstein. The ', increase in taxes had made all take 3 notice. Bd. of Health alone was . $648 this year; over $400 higher. 9 He retired as Deputy and stood for , Council: but afterwards was induced, ' to stand and qualify " Dep. Reeve. i Road Supt. John McArthur follow! ed with a summary of amount spentf on each of Tp. Roads. An average! of $38 per mile over the whole town-' ship was spent and he had been fair ; to every part of the township. A- [ mount spent on Road 2 (2nd con) was $2395.85 which included $781.61 paid by Holstein village. On No 4 Road, $458.20 was spent: No 6, $1053.41. including townline and a special grant of $250. No il, $550.72 : No IO, 81777.40: No It, $134: No 14. $678; No 16, $488, including special grant of 875: No 18, $516.03 ; No M, $556.59 .. No 22, $645.90: Glenelg townline $34.75. Total pay sheet was $10403.57 and deducting Holstein's _ payment. left $9621.96 on which town- ship will receive government grant. Reeve Calder having just arrived, l was next called upon. He referred to t the honor bestowed upon himself l and Egremont in receiving the War- - denshlp the past year. It was over E 50 years since an Egremont Reeve t was similarly honored. Not hearing f previous speakers. he did not know (3 what had been said or where to be- e gin. (A voice "They took all the cre- I: dit and all the blame"). A by-law was N to he presented for providing rural Il hydro service for some farmers near M Holstein. He believed we should try N to secure Hydro for the whole. Tp. before passing hy-law. Replying to -- J. A, Ferguson's question. he said the Dept. has the laying out of County Roads. her of sheep killed and weeds in}; both be reduced. He left name in meantime and later quttlitied. Coun. W I Phllp would stand an- other year for council and withdrew for Deputy. The amount spent for sheep killed was over $1000. 8600 higher than Inst year. He favored: by-law to either muzzle or tie up dogs at night. Over 20 bridges in Tp. would Boon have to be rebuilt, and he advocated building one or two each year. The day is coming, he tsaid, when Tp. would be forced to cut all weeds. Coun Erwin Robb had been four years a councillor. He stated num- mds. It Wu the Co. road layout which took him to County Council. it supported by Reeve, he thought it might have been changed to along the 14th, and through Holstein. Reeve Watson ot Proton and he had been mover: in getting Conn to Ced- arville, townllne taken over as at County Road. Owing to considerable illness throughout the Township, the lull m not Med u usual. still there was a tttir attendance. As Reeve Calder wu Absent on business in o. Bound, Clerk D. Allan, tirtrt called upon Dep Reeve W. H. Hunter. Tax- es. he said. were high and would be, as the people were demanding good GNTAHIU Am. TORONTO Brick house. stable, and gnrdenI Apply to Thou. Dingwall. Holstein Class V-Mervyn McCannel. Sr IV Neil Phillips. Jr IV-Mary Wilson, Olive Hill, Violet MCannel, Lloyd Kinsman, Nellie Hargrave. Jr lll -lim Hill, Florence Kinsman. Flor- ence Clark, John Ritchie, Annie Me. Cannel, Sr u-Edna Harrison, Rem Kinsman. Jr ll -__ Eva Harrison. Gretta Williams and Wilson Clu-k. eqcal. Angus McDougaII. Claatt b-. Irene Wilson, Clifford Mchnel. Vera Hilts. Sr Pr-Ross Hill. Mary, Weir (abs.) Jr Pr-Ula Hon-lson.‘ Marjorie Kinsman. No. on roll, 26; average att'ee 24. I I B. B. NO. M, EGREMONT Jr " - Ruby Watson', Edith Hlncks‘, Edna Watson, Percy Bren- nock, Br m---Pteddie Wagner, Gil. bert MEaetterne. Jr m-Jean Me. McEacbern‘, Billie Switzer. Sr tr-. Everett Wataont On'nond Shana. Jr tT--a'ena Watson, Emma Wagner Sr Pr-Della McMurdo, Mable Wheel. er, (abs) Marjory Wheeler (abs). E. Wells (abs) Jr Pr-Nora Watson, Lloyd McMurdo (abs.). Those mark. ed . present every day. A letter from Mr Neil ucEachern. regretted " unavoidable absence. attending I. funeral, but stated he would stand for Council " there wu no retrrmentative tooth ot the 10th v e -. ----- rw'l‘ “I 1 ""! , It stone crusher had been bought a art-ed how Vino! give- ttext l yuan Mo, Township would be bet. round sleep and . BIG Ippvu'l ter " today. Cmmeit should ger- The very "EST bottle often ad lonely consider buying one. He no several pounds weight to thin chil no politician-he took . sand on ren or adults. Testes delicious. everything. believed in inir play sud chden's Drug Moro l s Iqmre deal. He declined to dual: e"'"-'"'"""-"-'"----- ify tor either Reeve or Deputy this MILL FOR BALE l on. ' I , y Replying to Mr Ferguson, Den. My chopping. shingle and lath": Reeve Hunter stated Mr McArthur " Orchard tor lg ' 'tgc [lam] had been instructed to I " $88 water power. Attro um or 'el: . pe l, , and I ot 16, con I, Ememuu per mile on every part ot mud; there containing 150 acres. for sale or t was no south against north division. rent. Also I thoroughbred Tamwortl He still believed Dept. of Highways now and 8 young pigs 6 weeks old. would not designate any rand until Grocery store in connection “1mm"; approved by Co. Council. Reeve Cat. Atrpty to WH. DICKSON. der else replied: it was alwsys " R. R. S, Aytoa , intention to tslay flit ttnd he had "e"""""-":::""::::',."-"'---------, shown no favors. It any or present FOR ttALE Council stood for Reeve, he would Sim building known as McHedd not be' a candidate, otherwise he hie property on Main Street of mm would not any. ham. ideal location. anunnn-Ml Noble Wilson stated there m dig. tsatittmetion trough the Tp. with the roads. and thought time opportune to petition Gov't that mat be In- creased from 30 to 50 per cent. ship, out ot the papers. He had been 4 years a Councillor, a years Deputy Reeve and wu standing for Reeve this year. He would work tor uplift and harmony throughout the town- SCHOOL REPORTS Taylor a Co. Dromore We cordially thank you for your valued patronage during the past year. and extend to you all our very best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year To our Customers and Friends: C. E. Hlncks, Teacher 26: average att'ce 24 NY Parslow, teacher we RENT 14, EGR'T and PROTON stated he the 10th 5'""m"====utme"====, One driver, rtaing to Btoken. Apply to R. n stein. the young man or the young woman with Busineu Training. A Mere “Job" can You Newborn. Call or Write tor our Free Catn- logue. Get Marted on the mad that lead: to 80605“. Store building known as Mow-01H ale property on In": Btreot of Inn- ham. Ides] Iceman. 1fu'u'l'fl price. Apply " MOP. l . V v ‘V - "QUIT 708:8? GMT. A Permanent Position Ind Good 0n- portunny for ndvmoement await Human canning convenience of our puma: In that vicinity. Fall Tern Opens Sept. lncreau We have open“ I Cream. Buying Station " TAYLOR'S STORE. DROMORE. tor the Phone " Ind out Highest Market Prices Vino] II n delicious compound J cod liver peptone, “on. etc. Nor-mu, - tired. “we people are m], prised how Vino! gives new I mud sleep and a BIG lppvll'l The very FIRST bottle often ad tavern] pounds weight to thin chit ren or adults. Tutu delicious. chdeII'I Drug More I Bring your Poultry to us "I "all, Iron and - can " don't get tired um um: vnn' Also. I Inn clued ls poundsfj In te. Comm. t Washes, Carlies Coal, , Woman Gain: 18 pound JAN. 3. W. A, TRIIBLIL m? m... your Earning Power by Wilt I Cottme In FOR SALE Mills and Panama. Hanover. Out four. tor sale B. Long. Hal Holstein Ltl'1: Fun "i, _ at 2 you. All a South Agricultun The In In Jun:I Ma lh (WeeteAthe " U District Meeting Friday, Tl [or as “new Won The AWN "tt'tt Immune. ( the home of I turn I . In! Ill rigtnat sketch mu Ruby jun oomph“; mm m training at for m. word "revived M luv your old it Dr Tove" Butt' In IIHI Lou. Homer or ovt how would THE ANNU sum thou of th In th, Ty, are In“ their old In lbw". Bit min and I hall. in II ad .00th new! The old l the Mo Church, Mun! (much u mum on .igntngt. (at Dr. “mam Choli- “a After m lace hum-sum 3-.tttt,va than-kl nut oftt Inn-null We!“ vi m.blu mm III VOL. wing or I mad and l lome lawn our by Mr Koettitattt.v hnd oete, Ilc lo [Au-um “novel M II of the the Nat no! FOR " the JAIII'IS 0mm tim of hm. In hi" mum-.1 ndo a "t' my I " 'l,'.'2'l 'nym: a! he tmeer, l y- mam: Mrs " rlul Ill " b pr of In Inn! luv In In to " n he old tun MI MN of