tie toroq papers and periodicals. You don't We col need to do balms ot mu uttd'httttudtmtents, strangers or to to the trouble an". Write sending " mall. Pay II and we will No will be running tor and“ your dull) nun...“ GIVE th use Herbal Rsmedios a trial. They may save your life. Interaction Ind price lint Free. Write .13 M Are. E., OWEN SOUND SIM PLE HOME TREATMENT ean'o, ul trr 317 ot a" 'following complaints: Gall S'unes (rammed without u: operation). Asthma. Plies. High Blood Pro-nun. Stomach Troubles. Skin DIM Red wetting. Wm, Nerve mun, Constipation and Awemtcitla, Kidney Troubles. Bout Troubles. Partlysis. Bright's lilac-u. but and BmqaMtt Trout»... Bladder Troubles. Amt-h. Catarrtt. Draw. Gravel. Overt-men, â€we Troubles. mm». manna. Nam-ms and ul The Bell Telephone Company and its Bill in Parliament It there had not been an Amendment in 1920 with - the tight to raise new capital, Ontario and Quebec today would be struggling with . telephone system so hopelessly behind public requirements that m hunches of business would tsuffer. MttN The telephone company does not tfy - 9 want that state of afftirs to prevail E L' eivht years from now. The Bill is fal = to grant“ it. 'ca N subscriptions for Midst], OLD ACCOUNTS COLLECTED l/ich o.'er ',ti20g)C0gl00 to be spent during the next 1322-. Yeats-a sul stanlial part of which must be pro- xizul by sn'e of new shares-this margin of In: than ten miilion represents neither tho steady supply o:' new “win: nor the assurance of the future which Re company must have to serve the public with officioncy. in 1920. Ano her amendment is necessary now be- cause. of the seventy-five million of shares set in 1920, loss than ten million now remain for the com- pan y to offer to investors. This has happened, on tinee 181:0. The last atnenddient by paAia/mmi was in 1920. Ano her amendment is necessnrv mu ho. Remedied with NATURAL HERBS. wer the telephone company began in 1880 it had authority to sell shares to investors up to half a million dnliurs, but with the growth of the aystam this authority has been extended by par-lisp ment. It may not need it a!) for a good many years. But it does med now the Manna: that it will be able in the future to go into the market for new muney when it U, taunted. But if the company is not able even to approach in.. vestors, its assurance vanishes and to prepare for the future, becomes impossible. The telephéne system does not need, and will not lock. nll the txeeetty-rive million of new capital pro- vided for in its amendment new, nor next year, not the year after. It may not need it a!) for a good many years. But it does med now the Manna: that it will be able changes before new telephones can so in. To wait until people are clamoring for service is too late. Sn"?! projects in the past have been undertaken be- came the company has been confident of securing tummy from investors to put the new equipment into fur] Marika mt part an be supplied only through the put- ehaao of new sham hymn-tors. For the next five years the definite needs which the system is under public obligation to meet mean wading over $tdt0,060,0C0 in new plant. Year after yen. in good times and bad, new money is needed for more telephones if the system is to keep pace with the country. And of this money n Bell Tm Conway h III-high; before nth-mt this lesion a B21 reading ita enthuity to neck new capital. Ne (not er subsidy from parliament is involved. It is cure†a matter of authority to offer new all!†for purchase by investors, from time to time inthehtnreunevcapitelisreqnindforthe growth of the system. Then are three reasons why the telephone compuy in “in. petliHnent for this authority. Bed: of th- nuone u important the first reason The tele’he-e syste- eatrtgtett extend to meet the growth of the country unlea- there in e needy an], " new capitol you alter you. I? a progressive country like Canada the telephone system never stands still. Each year than are thousands of new telephones in new homes and Necnury plans cannot be nude “in. there is unurance that noâ€, may be obtained in the [mun to complete them. I? the telephone business it is essential that plans he made for years ahead. There must be cables and conduits and central ex- (IIIDIAI [Ell GARDENS The company's present “thorny to tech new capital in almost exhausted. CATARRH eight year,'? from now the second reason the third reason an average. every eight years u'judguwntn. anywhere. We IeIdom ot an. Write for partiettiartr. ttt No eoueetioa-ato charge ltr CANADIAN caeonons' “new, We collect oId notâ€. aeeohnta, P. O. Box 951, Owen Sound. Ont. Mttelt P" _ qt , ~o. , a q rr y M MS, LONDON 'the doing. Without that thought . mm would not have much to com- tcrt him " he goes along. The world of todey is e kinder world than ev- er it was In its history. There la In- justice nit-ll. but less ot it " former- ly. There in cruelty etlll. but it ts net everywhere, and much ot It that remains In unmetutt-ttaa not been a. bolt-bed beam it is not rightly un- deutoad how wrong condittone cane shout. lee! people ere trying to do the beet they can tn' the drum-tu- 'seinwttiettttter-rpuered, todo There are times when one wonders what Life is for and Whttt all human endeavor in worth, since the best a man an do in but proceed his little war in the generaldiroction lnwhich all are moving nnd lay him down at last. the soul of human econ-t u in remote. seemingly. u ever it was and must alwnyo will be. But I good deal is being done that is worth may be his need for the moment-S/ cm secure sympathy from the kind,; eonmunee hom the named. cheer-5 fume“ from the merry end the elixir, or content from the wisest man he knows. . I How well men come to know each outer in dealing with the unwoun- table problems of business. They do not talk about conscience and charac- tw, yet these are revealed in the processes ot daily intercourse witha ccr:npletenems that no indulgence in words could equal. until one man comes to know another-the square- end circumference ot him-even bet- ter than one rightly knows himself, There is not one among us who does not know where ‘to turn Among his assorted friendships for that which For half a lifetime, men travel side by side, from youth to middle age beyond-they rely on each other in every sort dt emergency. depend on each other ah the right hvad up- on the left and yet the day comes when they me together no more.. Something to think over as we on- ter the year 1929. is life an lawn- turn , (Toronto Daily Star) “Life is for all or us an adventure --a Journey Jrom a past that we can- not recall towards a future that we strive to imagine. There are many others with us on-the way, all pres- sing forwnrd. making fair time, get. ting what pleasure they can from the sunlight. saying little ot the anxie- tics they feel, for the way is long. the urge to keep going must be o- beyed. but how or when the Journey ends for each one none can know.' As the march proceeds an unseen! arrow ftiea and the comrade by your! side goes down. For life is an ad" venture all along tho way. I 1 William H. Hunter is the youngest hon of the late William and Mrs. iHunter. of the 20th con, Egremont. His boyhood days and later his A. B. C'tt and fractions were worked out iin S. B. No. 12, under the tutelage (ot Dr Rogers, Walter Eividge. Rich- iard Chadwick and Miss M. Whit- more (Mrs Chas. McArthur). He was not above making mischief and trouble for " teachers, but " the same time absorbed suillcient of the rudiments of the English language and the mysteries of arithmetical 'problems. to serve him in good stead ‘in later years. Naturally he "grew" to the farm. which he took over from his father. But just " chang- ing times demand changed condi- tions. that with the trend of mod- ern improvements, the subject of this sketch kept abreast to such an} extent that he was the first to intro-i duce the Delco lighting system for! ‘stahles and house on his line and al- ‘so installed a power milking Ina-i chine in his stables.. Also to mini-l mize work and cover acres in a dam; rather than rods. tt Fordson tractor? was put on the farm. While it has? been a 'treatHabor saver. it has also: proved his undoing twice, as both he) and his young son have at different} times suffered from its power. l Mr Hunter is still what the world:: calls a young man. and apart troml his farm, has many other interests. For some years he has been on the: Executive. Board of the South Grey Political Association: on the Mana- ging Board of Amos Presbyterian Church. Dromore; a trustee of the, same school in which he learned the; three "Wa". He is also a member, of the Royal Arch Masonic Lodge. Durham. His rise to the Reeveship has been rapid, having served one year in Township Council and one year; as Deputy Reeve. l the light ot dar there in I dearth of good material, but nomehow or other. moot of the municipal†bent minds hail trom the centre or southern halt of the Town- ship. As the hills on concessions near- ing and over the twenty mark in the Tomhlp gndually Increase in length and depth. there also hove to be volleys, end in one of these. Eg- remont's Reeve for 1929 that saw Not since the passing ot Mr George Lothhn has the northern end of Et remont Township been honored with . Reeve In their midst. Not that Ghtnuth‘lm and“. Member and!" Weekly News» C. MIAOE & SON. “to! ad Pro Egtcmont’s New “MARCHING MEN" 1 The Funny Herald and Weekly Btar of Iona-u] hold. 1 record for subscriber. renewing voluntarily and continuously year utter year. After alt ia it not aux-prising when one com Ildorl the quantity and guilty (an on- ___A... _ - the reader- m given uiir'Tai and. It 3 price ridiculously low-tl Iyenr or three year: tor " I Only some 19 anxious voters brav. xed the weather on Monday at No. i ;polling subdivision. And Mr Theo. iWidmeyer is again receiving congra- =tulntions on being one of the mem- ahem st the council table during 1929 3 Owing to the somewhst stormy jweather that has struck our locality, only eight individuals turned out to [church service on Sunday. while Rev 'Mr. Smith braved the storm all the way from Durham. . ' I Miss lubelle Lsidlsw of Toronto/ is spending s few days visiting with her sister. Mrs Slurp, St. The 'tht' patients are improving and so hr no further developments have; been heard from A few mud an. odlGTiciiud the funeral ot the late Mr M. Morris of Anon Int. Thunday. Mr cm Bailey" ist ’LiEiniizwv-Ikned tn thin loculty bu Thursday. The chopping mill is running full force these dun. Mr Bert Rahn in- lulled I new chopper last week. Miss L. McQueen of Arthur, has returned to her duties at No. 8. Mr Austin Derby arrived home last week from Sank. to spend a holiday with his mother. / Mr George Henderson is assisting Mr John Cooper with his winter's work. Mr Sterling Lamb arrived home last week from Blggar, Sank. look- ing as tho' Western lite agreed with him. Miss Carrie Grierson, Hespeler, ls spending a couple of weeks at the par- ental home here. Messrs D Stewart and J. McDonald spent a couple of days last week in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Fred Cult spent Xmas with the latter's mother, Mrs Rom. Bell. Mr and Mrs Jno. Grlenon and son Howard. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs P. Jacklin, near Elmwood. Mr and Mrs J P McLean spent the holiday with trionda in Holstein. Miss Catherine McLean of near North Bay, spent the Xmas vacation with her parents. Mr and Mrs D Mc- Lean. Miss Isabel Mcttuarrie returned to Toronto Wednesday after a week with her parents here. Miss Mary accompanied her back to spend a. week with Toronto friends. Mr and Mrs J S Davey and family spent Xmas in Kincardine. Mr and Mrs W. A. Williams anu family. Mimieo, spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Fred Cuff. (Toot late for last week) Quite a number are suffering from bad colds and the flu. Wishing for yourselves and for your paper, aprosperous and success- tul year during 1929." . . " It may be of interest to you to know that we are this year experiencing a record breaking Fall and Winter. Usually we have some sleighing in October. That may go away and return again two or three times before it comes for good about the middle of November. However, this year we have not now, and have not had as yet enough snow for sleighing. The autos are running out on the country roads yet, astute of affairs entirely unknown In this part ot the North. "We had a. dandy {all nnd winter to date: so tar no snow tor sleigh- ing and not very cold, Had a good crop but did not get the grading we should, which should have been 3rd and 4th Northern. We still hope things will do better next year." Rev. C. Sinclair Jones, Cochrano,0nt. "I any any we have had very Me weather all tall. The weather still continues tine, though a little colder. Very little tmow--not near enough tor aleighing. Wishing you the com piimenta ot the season." Thee. Ewen, Bethune, Sask. John M. Campbell, Regina, Sack. The Federated Women's lnstitutea of Ontario have granted $6000 tow- ards providing doctors in spenely settled notions ot the Province where the need is great, the practical experiment in about tobegin inNorth Bruce. Dr o. W. Anderson of Tob. onto is to open a practice " Tober- mort'. The experiment is in its in- iancy and this in the only appoint- ment so far. said Geo. A Putnam, director of the Institutes. antennae. Those who and beside n open grave mull. sustain. as they never an elsewhere. u: apprehension ot the brevity of human life and the need that emu of u better unpred- ation at the merits ot men as. all to. gether. they marched u fellow-sold- iers slang the way." "rmtehrrodanttaaitttHhamt" my be permitted them. They din- gree Amt deal About this and that. but very few are baddntetttittet. ed. Those who adopt evil " their In the Editor's " Box rrte DURHAM REVIEW must be very for and deeply HAMPDEN ABERDEEN .'iiueiirpa'2 "etimtt when - member ot an! funny in laid up gt once. It and In Duh! Donnelly. Mr, no In In 14an magnum..- m Mrs S Vickers accompanied by her mother, Mrs Derby, Hampden, mn- ed with Mr and Mn And. Green and faintly, Pal-lay, lat week. Miats Lam: Nighton, student It Toronto Baum!“ College Ind Mr ' Brunt of Iclutér Univertrity,tspent Mr and Mrs David Lamb and fam. ily, Aberdeen, spent I plea-ant New Yen's Day with Mr and In Thou. Torry. The Sunday School of the Baptist: Church held their annual Xmas! Tree and concert on Xmas Eve. The' Weather was ideal and a splendid! a' crowd attended. The different num-l Ibers on the program were interesting; o'and well rendered each child trom; k' the tiniest beginner to the adultl vicissses taking part. The musical} if part of the program consisted of 3; schoruses by school. solo s by Mrs J.! _ f P. McLean and Miss Elsie Boyce, al . I humorous dialogue 'Waiting on the; a! Train' by " boys and girls was welll r5iven: a pantomime 'Silent Night' by '5 young ladies, showed the training; given by Miss McQuarrie, our tea; r‘ cher. This was followed by the same 13 girls with little Bernice Wise and “ Phyllis McGregor in a tableau, eu. ltitled ‘Christmas Star'. An impres- P', sive sacred pageant, "Bethlehem' at; the close was presented. Rev H. " Crickington was chairman of even! .1 ing and as well at close gave out as’ teaming from himself, 12 special pri-5 lgzes for regular attendance to the fol-2 '.lowing: Edna Porter, Jas Porter,, IBobbie Mighton, Gordon McLean, J.i' 'i McLean, Erma Mignon. Florence Lie-i "Lean. Bessie Adlam. Ulva McDonald, .Lolita Mighton, Sarah McLean and?‘ ii Geo Brown. Also 5 special prizes,‘ " were given by the Supt. from the 5.} ,S- to one boy or girl in each class; l for repeating from memory verses of! 1ittcripture. These scripture passages; were chosen by the pastor. Nora: I Walker repeating 482 verses of scrip-I iiiii, wns the winner. Others who; received the special prize were Geo. SBrown. Gordon McLean, Erma 'ui'i') lon and Donald Walker. in all over;E :90 presents were given out and al bag of candy, each with candy stick? {Were also passed round the large?" 'crowd. a treat of the Supt, Mr A. c.; iMcDonald. He also thanked the tea- chers and oillcers ot the s. & and» parents and children for their coop Feratlon during the year and request- ed a continued cooperation during .1929. After singing "God save the ‘King’ a most enjoyable evening was u _ closed. l Mr and Mrs Joe Porter 1nd family attended a euchre party and danth It the home of Robt Whore. Dur- ham, New Year's night. visitor in the neighborhood last week Mr and Mrs Jss Summon. Psisiey, spent Thursday with Mr 1nd Mrs G. Brown and family, siso visiting oth, er friends in the section during the holiday. B. B. No 6, held their school con- cert on Friday stternoon and was well attended, showing the interest ot the section in the work of the pc- pils sud their teacher. The school house was nicely decanted for the ocesslon. Mr John McDonald was chosen by the pupils to set us chsir- man. The program consisted of dis- logues. choruses and recitations. At the close ot program, Santa Cisus ar- rived und distributed the numerous gifts. Each pupil had to give agiit to the name they drew. The teacher also gave each pupil s useful gift pencil box, pencils and rubber. The teacher was also remembered by her pupils with various gifts and I well- worded address. read by Erma Mighton and gifts presented by Al- bert Blemsn. showing the sentiments of love and respect the'pupils had for their teacher. Miss McQuarrie. She, with her pupils, deserve the highest praise for their afternoon entertainment. Lunch was served at the close. A number from around here “a. sufferers from the tlu And our good doctor is kept pretty busy. Mr end Mr: Waiter MeCrie md three children. ot Sank. Lending, Sash, were recent visitors with the lormer's mm. In J. W. McKechnle Mrs Ella “any in mending a few days with her sister, Mrs Jerry Allard. . Mr Norman Thompson is engaged with Mr Alex. Fletcher a mum. Mr and Mr: he]: Lnughlin. Wand- by, were New Year visitors with Mr Duncan McArthur and sisters Mutt Belle Louder. Toronto, spent the week end with her parents. Mr and Mm T. G. Lauder. Mute:- Sumnle hepbum. Cheney. spent a few any: with his grandmo- ther. Mrs A. Symon We ere having real cold venture! present and we hope it will he the mean- ot elem-1n: up the In. Our Ichool is closed " mount on " count of no my cue: In the section The U. P. w. o. will hold their monthly meeting at the bane of In Thos Turnbull on may Inst-noon of this week. Mr and Mn Wm. Venue In" ta- ken up residence in Owen Sound. ROCKY (Intended tor last week) Wm Brown was aid up With the Bu. To ot the use: have been ll cermnly very Incon- m - member of the with their muentihliri." In this section we and Luna-ill w! and} ken-731V ,ung 482 verses of scrip ' winner. Others who special prize were Geo. rn McLean, Erma Might. “wku. ruswy, Mr nnd Mrs G. Iso visiting oth, tion during the rrter and family tt It! and danée ll Whitmre. Dur- It ONTA a welcome =u=o== i The Dem"! - entertained 'thlrteen ot their friends Christina (Dar and Mrs A. McIntosh the no Mothering New Year's Day. All had a lovely time together. The dar we: spent in some: and music. redhead ivictrol: mule which ntl enjoyedmot ,uying anything about the 'sata,-- :gooae. chicken And rabbit. All were itsutt1eienttr scuttled. I Sorry to hear the Koepp (may on I." hid up with the tia, “so _ Mary McIntyre. We hope to leethem lublo to be mood coon. Min Holmle Sullivan who ttan been touching in Guelph, has re. signed and taken 1 school " [Huh Lake. Her two younger Men who Mr A. McIntosh and “no: spent Xmas with the Greenwood'l. Christmas and the New You pu- sed over very quietly in our burr. - Damn uni Mr ad In Goo Anon and anally. up New Year's - with It and In am I!†OlNred by . bond house who In" never had I loss of one cult to any client on any bond sold. TheaoBmds are aclosod Fir-t Korma“ on most favorably situated highest-class Apartnu m or Office uildintr in Toronto, may ha secured in MOO. C500 to I m dsaoatt unions. and matura in to years. Aamkinu Ind retires a proportion of the» bonds each year thus increasing the aeourity. TORONTO SMITH BROS. Invest. Now in Sound 7t, First Mortgage Real Estate B ’. RAMAGE, Durham Safety first-c, Special tooleernt.....:.............Q................... I...“ I Men's 15 inch leather top rubbers, red role. 5 95 , Specinl at "b...................... ...................... a , Men's " inch leather top rubhen. white Iole. li 95 I Special at "m'.'.'.."...................................... . l Menu It inch leather top Rubbers, red sole. 8peeial............................ 5.45 ' 4-95 : We have only a limited oftheee rubbers no he i sure to take advantage of these prices while no ' have your size in stock. i Men_'tr 15 inch loath†top rubbers, white no!" Write, call. or Bargains! Bargains! DE FOREST CROSLEY J. S. Mclllraith 3iiotity Janka Repairing a Specialty ‘we handle nothing speculative 2 Octaves more phone No. 6 for particulars. GetabtgHtsdieototd “Dena! the Review Dace. Only Se. Two bun dle' 8r - 'tt the can rule. Suit able for seven! plum. I!!! J..- udinghnm left Satur- any (or Tomato Not-ml School. " m â€and!“ her nation with her mu. It and In In Ledlnghum. Nuns Sulllm - her vncation “tending the nick. She m called to It Ju unwr- to attend his Bon, who in my III with pneumorr In. Weamtruaaedtott-tae is up (or A few in" with the nu. We II- the bee which he: been n wonderful all: ell Mmuner, in its convenience to the people. " 3 M It“. H. I. " your: old nod quite lull-t. u not " our. We hope there will be I ttatt-o m non. m - also: the row tho ' “I. It It“ Shewell had the m to an and Ipnin his MUG. Btet [a " quick moving on m not in“. he would have ‘. Local Dealers m attidtttq M In GIeth,uro “mamas-um. Nam-av..." Gourd Vuoy mrhottnAhMuqtahmtetttuvattrum. 'nerr-Ar-eh-terr-ate-ttsos, Any tim- your venlonce. You may Judge the mar. vellum musical quality of this great radio In- strument In your own home. You can enjoy the new clarity of tone which com. with two extra octavu and the murful volume of the new Dynamo speaker new Dun-ale Speaker. Walnut Console 7-1ube bitterness operated Neutmdyne circuit with All the exclusive De Forest leey feature Jympkony tu, JAN. to, “29 {#3145 l . .. $275.00 W. coming in ma Menu; 1' Tho-N a" after a I comment - In ll‘noks. " Me: nolo b (“Mann "l well acted l "lurks. q Ind list! A instrumenm hut-1y um m. l spirit In w Illhered In at , an for m. election W Aldeom. Rev and visited Wedt loud-y In when the wraith-d l the hollda: ted to the (an by I h Ir Jim I tate hi: run Clmnmn. Mr David visiting Em iron: Dunk-l In Swlmon or. In with the rho ba turn [not Nil HOLLAND John “0“th I â€we of Holland um. winning out law and Ronald calora chosen In» tor Cartme Kuhl Witt 204 vow. 'tierted, m I'll. the d " do W of lo Con And w. cor ' Holm . V ' And. tlrhenk _. Wm. (Nam; . . _ â€PI'TV-REEVF "Fury Spin: T _ Jol Even with t load-3'1: elm W vitUgte unby furnish Monk by I My my" tor trd ' [Ive the deridin on. the by nearly â€all“? For RBI-3"} M Mr J. B. Whittaker J. A. “VII .. Wm, Burnett ROM. Puni- . Alex. Cameron J. H. Hogarth . COUNCIL Itirart Coo“ Metdrum Mr Mr All wanna Jack . Joni: Black . COUNCIL tthat Philip Buckley MI “(Quinn Andrew Wilt-hit Wilbert Wright John "clincher: For RICKY! hlw Mt hr REEVE "Mott Mann on Sat t " " MIMI I :Klnllol “B's. [In pm M Running ounrlllor Jo W n Mil sULLlVA Pres] Ir tit) d d the menu ll PRICE‘ ll M rd H M M " of MM tgit