ider Turns - 'ho Executive WIan .1 fun an†I lOURs not an 1m, "Mr " In my 2m: " "ter hug 3M. ' no- by he " m- h. “In. In!» tho tt that The my a It war. To]. war can Mio ot for " do: Ct- " " Pr'""" ‘an "2" "i {"LH; Ne i',ru:.e DD“ It " " Ih; thr l0! I!" the prop mm†to pa inch; Sta In Ind t conw' M "tt cum ot t pow 9 Clay I can b. “udlml clearly ; tr tttmer, "The Comparison With “This at ttrut at more extraordinai- constant pull of tt " the l‘nned Sta capital invented In Inch an extensive and: ray-Hod on in“. But the In oljoys under the my system a solid Ills-n mm by their p an oble Britistt pa " "ne Wit " -('u:n and pm neg" town Home Afr ll Canada Analysed By South African Delegate to ELpire' ’Parlia- mentary Union Meeting Reports Findings U ,d "tt Everything 'I‘aordinary been: pull at the 130,000 aired States. with NO RACIAL STRIFE n hf h W M tt Que! " Fre sit Errs mm " legrif {England at. this tiais ta. â€Numb; a an: spun! In» . c an, Rome-dam the Milena†inst" 'ho French. 'ants tron alive tt I is not :ury correspondent. rdlnarily Interesting nousands of miles. wads and runways, in every Provincial Mime In Canada. re anti-Brit on by the truth it, m inf Hy because of the the 130,000.00 people tatetr, with so much In Canada, and with e anti-British propa- m by the American ruth is that Canada , British "women-j idity, a freedom _and‘ nwleasnoss which is, and which is entire-l be rrormauon trunk full dealing w, NM', ttlone nclt have the United ' Good in Canada very Provincial c -d all forms of ( and el'onnmln an 1t app ath H the outstanding tea, rvauons being those 'anadian ttntl South of government, and e French Can'adhns British (:dnneclJon Hatinnabip with the unwed in ide and e; States the which has [I n h TI tt of Europe, wrms or Can. "anomlc activi- ui under with m of all kinds, nil of booklets with C'aandian refus of tat" blgnes: tmpllsh here is nt What 31-. r nova: would advise}. , The MM help is Phillips' Milk of [Marnie __. Fm the 60 "ar'gitnce tu “mention ii sia'r, “which sandal-l with phyiitmnf You will in! noatisd use so quick in its elect. so bar-kn, ie a‘J'nt- . . t' '-v.:'? .c‘ -'." ..", the who racy min Dealers everywhere have Big ",' 'C,. Ben by the plug and by the ', ,' ew Vacuum fair-tight) tin. /. the at; ALARM CLOCK ' what 3-1 in» he to ttl reat rlul Do, her "Whe let your That Is ed to tti Lr?y above ymouE-of money (has been any?! away by us in; d Is no and Save "Poker Hands" in " quarre band haw usual." “ rtde helps d advilé. it o-da last ut I " ' you word. want- l BOure to at we genuine Phillipa' Milk ot Magnesia presumed by Arai. dams for so â€an in counting exacts was. Egon tmitto romaine minibu- tion>~auy Antwan-ye. Ben by the -plug and%r iii', Vacuum (air-tight) tin. You need cave only five (5) sets of "Poker Hands" to have this attractive Alarm Clock ticking] away in your home, keeping the right time, all the time. A "Poker Hand" is attached to every plug of Big Ben Chewing Tobacco. All the time you are saving for the Alarm Clock, you are enjoying a tobacco of exceptional quality, richness of flavour, and lasting satisfaction. This Alarm Clock is one of many presents procurable in ex- change for "Poker Hands". Dealers everywhere have Big DA_ L .I . -- - FREE Making the Most : Of Furnace Heat; ‘akes The ii 'C, ve d greatest loss of hes mne trot with he tr This kind of heating st ettec.tive, also re. drmlation, so fhat 1y mum tan rapidly TODE‘WG m the pl ‘8 into the me good, tey is a tt heating plant use me system. The "'e m t, Vt st be le 10011 as loosens useme its ofte a other an be aste what In Scottish ;£mpetr Ru'mn (loc. clt. 1909) eritfmatep the lengths at one year oh) as 20 ty 25 ram; at tdo, years 38 mmquoat " mm. in an: third, and 4543 an). at amend of the fwrtlyyek'; .mhereas n has ‘been quorum, above that ht Ply-'outu Ut ilen'gth of 53 mm. was “miffed it: tsri age geriiinly ngyxmme than. tire' mtg. .Vf?yycro.rAtetri'e.tsrstit mum-@345 up m0lp'e, "tt . why sopn mum! thqt my J, .' .' tttos/tsito."'" any; a? 0.1093 y My: iiiriNji, w Ite/ttir' mega Lions 3100}: ,pegaugp . Irrerlq' the qqrli-.orsegs," _ ' "'"." - A. . .. M‘na'd's Lmimem for tir%ie' and rid. The ...... uny‘ lvulllle, will!» In one CPBe . M thir, “as done on a wharf. ' rf"' â€Buckle u" '.RtNs Che other mm alumna was observ _ for Throat KG . m! s)it a wander: raft. Just when the' Asia In,“ “a monk. 'tlies/ m mm!» were hoping to determine! :12.- “d 'atTTg; titat Ilic Fer: at the limpets attached to it A bottled“ trgtl'.htTMttt tli' unit has 'leytrrsed in a gale, with " on?†1'k,fi'l'lrgifaut " 1112,! km of ar, lirmmou Limpets. ulna. my. flu-pm†trho-- T "Impossible to Dogrnatiae" wmhl t2trgt"d" " n Itâ€: “with on wharf Animus, how W. I. BRehiaes 1_daattee, In mu, m an} pmvidmg ietstituiui-l " Inn] It. than a c...-...,'.-, . t. ..A Al t" - . uel ' Lorkiri,--lt is revealed in the ous-l ml of the Marine, Biological Aswan»; tion Just published, that .tbr " years! m-Ieutists have been prying into the, private life ot the Common Limpet, on the bottom of ships. . . ' l, Really interesting Common. Limpeui were markedorfth tiles 1nd decorated1 thh anti-fouling paint.- 'In one can“ this was done on 'tt wharf. V ' Spying on Limpets Man's 17-Year-Job mien? and at the same lime absdlutely safe. Tnousands of mothers have {bunk and) a remedy in Baby'ts Own Tabwts and many of them use noth- ins else for the ailments ot their little (mt-B. Among them in Mrs. Howard King, of Truro, N.S., who tittytr.---"I (an strongly recommend Baby's Own Tablets to mothers of young',' Elma-en the lookon mums " 1'()Tlif,'lls ,5 NI M 0mm: minimal-1 heating a home depends partly on the person who attend to the furnace. There are different ways'ot firing, and a man who has no experience with the kind of heating system he is using will burn more coal and obtaiuAess heat than will an 'gxnrsrfs-T “mum is a regular cooling cadiator during the winter. The cracked and shatter. ed foundation gives the icy winds free play under the tioor, and this must be very tight it ft is not going to be draity. Where there are holes in it, or where the boards do not at closely, cold air is continually pumped into the house. This trouble can be reme- died in almost every home. it the; Mor is in a bad condition, it pays best; to put in a new one constructed for; lwarmth and for easy cleaning. All; defects in the foundation must be re-: paired; and banking up with earth or; ttax straw in the tall is also wineg where one wishes to economize in; fuel. Shoveling some snow about the’ foundation will sometime suillce. l The amount of fuel required for; heating a home dementia run-nu m. 0...: ' watch on wharf “mute, how, is still pmvtding "bterestiturin. tion about the lives of these "in.. altC' as they are tie-cubed in aby's Own Tamas: Are the Idea! Remedy for Rahiec, and ;shouid hemied will patty and paint 'or plaster of Paris. - - l, Filling In the‘Craeko ( The surfaces ot the outward walla [also act as cooler: in {rigid weather, lbw-nun wind and (mt work into ithem. This should be prevented " ’much as possible by tillfng the cracks :and holes with putty and baint and lby nailing dowh tight all the loose isldings. When new buildings are 'eretted. care should be taken to make) "he walls wind and frost proof by1 "every modern method. _ i ' (lid roots with decayed shingles also admit cold air, and so do cracked ceil-I ‘ings. it pays well to re-shingle the) tron! of the residence when it becomes! dilapidated, and the cracks in the cell-j {inns can be iuled with putty or plaster, ot Paris and then covered, according Ito taste. with oil paint or muresco.f lThe warm air in a' room always ascends to the ceiling. and it any out-i lets exist there, some of the heat is sure to escape through them. The First Floor l in many a home the tirst-storv nunr' he should be or plaster impossible .f 1511' limp than will an exper manufacturers ot as systems on th, ’recked Raft Just Success Seemed Assured motions v l:tt baby it 1 the mot] medy for Babies and cum»; (hiidren m to down "any f, g experienced person. i ot the various 1 the market pre- 2tich show how to mast jealously er in always on 11y which " em. thne absolutely 1nd this must be tot going to be are holes in ft, 0 not at closely, ly pumped into tirst-stovy tioor on few on the I ont _. _.1,4' . I3 _ "l' _tiSE, .. d M'Wdfsllmmgntg At he - W nut-16.13. no; 1175. superman on" Cd the “it; min 01.11. '?"tettl', Rswittii. are: taming-3 , tt3t r'."' . ocD"'ttELtit't' . and Ceatitara ointmoit "Ne. tour.“ Pimp": Blackheads and INeeeagrgegr.' Cutiqura, Soap (' Mtniu‘, the memo: Shams“ w Ibanez Monument for France life once more." You can get these pills: throagl) an? dealer in medicine, or by mail at tio cq'attts a box from The Dr. Williams Medidne Ct;.. Brudu'm“ nm me and by the time I or ten boxes I was con to good health. Thou “V _.. u__-vn nun-um. BCS u: Inn-l 81.. Tue-u ' P,e,lll9,h1pG2, Health Saving" Reminder We '.,l Discomfort after eating. gas pains ','in the intestinal tract, pains around ffthe heart, sour rising in the throat ‘Icailed heartburn, are common symp- itoms ot dyspepsia. it is a condition‘ iotten neglected until it has done per-f imanent harm. yet the treatment is' {simple The gxeat contributing cause! ito this trouble is thin blood. Good) ‘blood and plenty of it is required by! l‘the stomach to function properly. it; t the blood is thin the stomach becomes; jaluggish. food lies undigested. gas! Norms causing pains, often around thel [heart Instead ot getting nourishment 3 from the blood the system gets poison.) The proper treatment is to enrich the' blood, and there is no other medicines‘ can do this as promptly or as ettec.; thely as Dr. Willinms' Pink Pine! The sole mission ot these pills is tol‘I make new, rich, red blood, which 1 reaches every organ and nerve in the " body, and thus not only banishes in.', digestion and dyspepsia, but also aul, other troubles having their origin in , All M and m' tr " 'ttta ',f"1r,i'iWl's' 166 lit ISSUE Good Advice Pam One Who Had Suffered Much rremier Mussolini ordered a general circular Bent to all.. provinces setting forth that requests for his photograph could no longer be honored. ence and Foul: announced? one Twins have become so common na further score is ken: of tho set t Don't Wait Duce Quits Giving Photo For Twins and Tril .Am (5.373% f "it" “v m h ofD l S'I‘0MCII RESTORE“ lh rcmier Musso ion and dyspepsl troubles having watery blood. splendid results hm you-yer?“ 75c and-We 4.0m! who gave me the ad- Jon found the pills helping F the time I had taken nine as I was completely restored alth. Though Iam now in 'af I am feeling as well and did at CT, and am enjoying dish“ tr M _ . , _.-., â€was: at nee nose Wca is prepared with "or [Wins and Triplets ; the same caret-as if our reputation were to Hand or furry: w t'. m“. haw: fall upon that smgle package. as ussmm: mu :iLHuz‘mty, , , C. ‘In "mm; the Dual» 11m- m} hi, su,iHrptu;ri,er: mum: ot. ;;:‘1Q~ “In pawn Italy _ ty Fr». _fp_ Hui In nu? 'VrFlCJ. fir :2 t it pul"r~ti two ; Hwy “A. .t “I" ',t! Fin"- ilcgia rm.‘ .1 w? t'lt (nth. ‘e --A monument to , Fiasco Ibax‘ez. the who passed the, last ite 1mm mu be (Erect, pubm' square despite "s" I can!) rmrtgt n livvc: was, and pre- kvelopmenu. -MO down for nmirnl gun- . may for the ut to tav-- athG m "r. 1 it. ' “hind. S23 l Corona. ' I , hrs i . i A-- uil _ TORONTO u. '29 esitiintt at my est Bethel; but I was advised Williams' Pink lust say that I On tr t ot Kempt, her son at xshing says: strongly re- , Pink Pills. xfferer trom lowing the k Pills ls at I‘M: ting! " '!w:i. , ‘r.;a-..f K se'mits. --- n " d The Indkupoul Cancer Hospital, In- dInn-poliu. Indium. In: pubHINd a booklet which [has Interestmx (an. about. the mum: of Cautreu. Mm menu what to do for pain bleomnsr. (Mar. etc. A Wunhlo .uieie In the nmnravmem of any Gum Wrute far It fn-v‘u'. ".I")Ylnn~ my thin nu)" 3 He is interested in colonial and)! »and dealt with the welfare of colored Fpopuiaiiona in his tirut speech in the Belgian Senate. The (Rite of his trip to the Indies has not been tued, nor has it been decided whether Princess Astrid will accompany him. Hrusssels---Prince Leopold, heir to the Belgian throne, will shortly visit the Netherlands Indies, to study the economic and social problems of this rich Dutch possession. by actual rem-rd "Hart you nu i.rcd benefit fur:- (Ming: Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Curvy-mu}: A questionnaire enclosed with ’ every bottle of medicine has -. NIE, brought, to date, over 400,000 , __ m: replies. 'Theoverwhthrsir,grr,,, . , ‘ ‘t a,“ jority--in fact, ninety-eight mu F) " ' r, of a hundred-says, "Ks." lf h _ . this dcpt‘vdnl‘lc nwdcinl, hm v’. , be. l . “JV?â€- helped so mauywomcn, iau’t li fiii 1'â€; Ki'ii, b" IE, reasonable to suppose thvr, " 'irttiglNiii[Sii, IE will help you too? Ger a bunk ng . from yuur druggist today. -r . r "l . . EMhanf Lgdu 8 Vegetable Compound Belgian Heir to Study Rule in Dutch Indies fellow: Lester K DE Ute Minard's Lin In conformity voluntary poverty year refused a leg left by her father, "We felt that , day to open a m poor which would a 'dry' pub “how I It has come into helm: as the t'esuh lot tt longelterished desire ot Miss Mn ire" Lester, a London Welfare worker ‘to establt’lh a club for poor people where they might tind entertainment and opportunity for Improvement all nominal cost. So that its nwmhrr- shall not feel exploited or pauperize '. she and some of her friends who arr» interested tn her Voluntary Poverty Movement, undertake to lead a life of almost monastic simplicity during their term of service as wruleps at Kingsley Hall. enter and Pall Mall. Kingsley Hall, amid the noise and squalor streets ot Bow in the Bust Er asks tor neither initiation t pedigrees. London-po, on quirement tor n city‘s new“: clul, tion to the {anion 400,000 WonieG And the Poor Also! 'overty Only Key to New Club Opened in Slums of London . ti unity to n educa RED ROSE oRAridi: PEKVOE is extra good "Om debate p LYDIA LPNMXAM mm: Ct. .r - _ "r' name-nun,“ Every paging: o.t. Red Rose Tea is USch H it w‘th a ll d ll H " is the nembership b. In can†I. clubs ot I 'r,,'-').::',--)"':",:-": It May BE :'_"_r,"r'rt,',r(,,',r f “Kym! fo te Report Benefit d ‘iccadu situate In Mi stir, gas I capable product and p- iuse it every day. But it's in tt' :m that Qatari; means mm inig‘ht when constipation n'uu Uieved--or colic Pains-te ctis teeine. Never be With-w " mothers keep an extra but crened, to make sure there v.1"? {be Cast/origin the house. n a ‘tive for o P chfwven. tor; u hunk that come' with it. th ' 10 , M, I" . ‘ T " ut Ln p, . If I ee , . I“, V/ , ' ‘ ,avéft H fiaiidtih ' _it,iiiiilii s' (a s MPP, {"2}- l n f, _.,q% F. k, BlllE2) . lfretfui. No sooner fake: littlemne is an em. ' If res drops soén brings come-J harm done. for Cttcoric, rtmcdy. meant for bn‘nirc. safe to give the “may!" I httrte the doctors’ word fo d 66o Robe y When :10!†"d, _ Childitarthy for It _ Wild Hogs Devastate __ British Guiana Farms nATErt'jirig 'utoriu it I comfott wh nd is good tea" lug tttie he Ba fleifitd Advertisements Mu..U.E.A. tacking fought or1_hrGirJi Lin tle is!!! 99,me w, tt'ta tx -E-iiC, BEA-7%.}: Ivantett l