t MILL rovements ds T, 199.9 96H9Hooqoqo ats =o=o= On MI 'm Sept. f â€ENS 7/) " Du IORN LAWRENCE-4n Detroit, on Petr. 3rd. to Mr and Mrs Will W. Lawr- enco. a son. tWilliaruiright.) ATKINSON-in Mn tetgtelitN'q nur- sing home. Chesle.v. Jan. 3Itst, to Mr and Mrs J. J. Atklnlon chug!!- ter. (Helen Etiatrtreth.y HALMOAY--At Orchard. on Tues- day, Feb. 12. to Mr And In Clan Halliday. a daughter. MIDDLEBRO - In Owen Sound, on 21.! Jun. fo Mr m In C. C. ladlebro. Owen Sound. 1 daugh- ter. (Imam Jul) , assistants were Minion Circle mm. Over $15 was made. Mission Circle Present Play Tho (lirls' Mission Circle of Knox Church. Durham. staged a missionary playret in the schoolroom of the church on Saturday afternoon last. Mrs W. R. Alder and Mrs Jas Duf- fie-hi are Honorary Presidents of this Mass and Were responsible for train- ing of the members. "Pain Street" was the subject of play and in song and recitation showed forth the pain existent among the non-Christian peoples in foreign lands, in that they are tho innocent sufferers from so much ignorance and witeheratt.Onee the Christian gospel is introduced a thump-ti atmosphere permeates their home and surroundings and the Ang- el of Paradise and not the Angel of Pain descends upon these peoples. The costumes representing the nat. ives ot three nations. that of China, India and Africa were well carried out and the Angel of Paradise (Elsie Kearney) and the Anxel of Pain. (Miss Mary Brown) were costumed in flowing white Grecian robes. Miss Elsie Kearney was the class pianist and Miss Winnie Blyth at intervals rontritruted suitable selections in heepine with the story. Apart from the play there was a piano number in Hm» Kearney and recitation by Elsie Willis. Refreshments were ser- ved at the close. Mrs lather and l Mrs D. B. Jamieson pouring teafrom I a prettily decorated ten table. The , and will be utilized in or a new electric rang! hospital. ,,,, v..~.--.v-n vv‘rl 0v UllUqu w Minn Kettes. matron of Red Cross taxed", while Neil McArthur and Pat Hospital, and Mrs P. Gagnon, Tress. McMillan spoke tor the negative. Mr or the local Red Cross Society. were Harold MoKechnie Judged the debate ill Toronto last week end. wherethey and gave his decision in favor of the attended last Friday evening the re- ladies. Mr McKechnie also gave an m-ptiun giwn hy Dr and Mrs D. address. A humorous short play was Jamieson to the Durham Club at that given by Miss McLean. Neil McFar- rity A most delightful social time lane and J. D. MoArthur. The meet. Wilr: shunt and tho members ot the ing closed by singing the National rum, “m. have contributed liberally Anthem. Lunch was served. In rash donations and goods to the -"--_---- "N'w-n of tho local .hospital. were THURSDAY t BAND NIGHT '/,y2) Kart)“ f,',','.,',',',"',?:'?:,, “mmâ€; The Band will ovide music for Mrs 1'im"iC'2""pr'o'v"Q a; (Tomi but! skating tonight. T rsday. at Dur. I b T ham Rink. Be there t 8.15 and en- and .hmtlo-ss to the 110 old Durham- joy it. Admission 26e, neluding ind- xto-s in attendance. The proceeds of in: children 16e. tht- owning, sxs, was given to Mrs. I ruwnrn for the Red Cross Society. ---_- I Attertded Durham Club Welcomed by Neighbors About any ot the neighbors of Mr and Mrs Alfred Babb. who recently purchased the farm at Edge Hill. formerly occupied and owned by Mr Ernest Greenwood and have moved there from Michigan, anthered at [hair now home Friday evening to vxtc-nd'thprn a cordial welcome and nwnd a social night. Mr And Mrs. "who mow-d one entertainers and a very enjoyable time was open! in Ylliiiif' and dancing. The new couple have tour mull children and will be a decided acquisition to the neigh- borhood. On Saturday int. Mr Hugh Role rum-Wm! a telegram. informing him that his ulster, Mn Joule Currie. was in a very low condition of health at Norwich, N. Y., where herdnugh- ter resides. Misti Tenn Roee ht! been with her sister since early in Dot-amber [an and it is hoped better news will shortly bo received by her relatives and friends in town. Slut-r in Iow Health On Saturday last. stein t A muscled team of thee crummy men of the Ndrthern group. try their "ttstruct/rr, W. S. Mekenaie ttnd com posed of W. A. Abba, Chesley; N. S. Rrutley. Walkerton; A. Wright, Car. Kill. was awarded the Sllver Cup for being the bent butter judges " their Convvnllon held in London recently. Mr Abba was manager of the Hdt- l'ndt-r the quices of the Ladies' Aid of the esbyterian Church. a concert will be Ken in Durham Town Hall, on Thur evening. Petr. 21. Entertainers will Mm Pearl New. ton, eloeutionitrt; rs Grainger. con- tralto soloist and r Thou Richy, tenor solollt. Ad non 50c. Wins Silvcr Cup Presbyterian Ladiu' Aid Concert per VOL. LII. NO 7 f. f 7 V . r iiisssillii.yi-i.)8' W Pelle Durham will Proceed 5‘ "ey.-.'. PlICS w-h M . S . FOR SALE: H never Flour $4 00 it am treet Paying ' Luv “PL'L'S' Mr“. ----- At in Fibrin] nmnrinv n' tho Tau-n " utilized in part payment electric range for the local rmmery for four years , Club Reception anon of Red Cros mas ALEX 'mompsou l The death occurred on Petr. 3rd, in! Summit. New Jersey, of Mrs Alex.) Thompson. ulster of Mr: Alex Mc- . Lachlan and Mrs N. McIntyre of town. Deceased has been ln falling . health the past two months hom tr) , naemla and death " the last wen _ not unlocked for. Mn Thompson weal an early Durham girl, Raettaelpatter. Ion md about 40 years go left Dur- ham. though at vex-ion. timed ha: been 3 vlaltor here. Left to mourn her posing are he: Mutant! and son and daughter: three Intern. In No. Lumen and Mr. N. llclntyre otl town; In ' of N. Y, State Ind] lttrxtther James ot Denver, Colorado. I was ‘Eowm EVANS . l Sad news reached Mr Arch. B. Mc-' Lellan on Monday that his sister in, Rochester. N. Y., had died that day.' She was Miss Sarah A. McLellan be tore her marriage to Mr Evans about} M, years ago. She was in her 65th year and leaves as chief mourners her husband, a son and daughter and three grandchildren. Two brothers, Arvh. B. in Durham; John A. in Cleveland and a sister (Mary) Mrs. Geo. Finney. Acton. will also mourn., Funeral on Thursday, 14th Feb. in Rochester. She had been ill about tour months with an illness ot a cancerous nature and to sincerely.‘ mourned. The Review. of which Ibel was a warm friend, extends sympa-f‘ thy to the mourns". i' “Hon. Dr David Jamieson enter. tained Friday night last for the Dur- ham Club and South Grey, the pro- ceeds to go to the new wing of the Memorial Hospital in Durham. Dr. and Mrs Jamieson received the guests who numbered 200. Mrs Jamieson wore a becoming gown of black vel- vet and lace with carnage of violets. The rooms were decorated with spring flowers. Hon. Dr. Jamloson and Mrs Jamie- son have the interest of Durham Red Cross Hospital ever in their minds as the following clipping from a city dailv will Show: THURSDAY I BAND NIGHT The Band will (wide music for skating tonight. T rsday. at Dur- ham Rink. Be there t 9.15 and en- joy it. Admission 25c, 'nciudlng lad- ivs: children 15c. Superior U.F'.Y.P.O. held their Feb. meeting Friday night at Bun. elqan school with a very good at- tendance. The vice president, Miss Annabel MacArthur presided and the meeting opened with "The Maple Leat Forever.“ After the usual bus- tmuu n splendid program was given. Miss Mary Benton sang a pleasing solo and Misq lza Trafford a recita- tion. Misses Kathleen McMillan and Beth McGiilivray argued the affirma- tive side of the debate: “Resolved that bachelors over 30 should be taxed", while Neil MoArthur and Pat McMillan spoke for the negative. Mr Harold McKechnie judged thedebate and gave his decision in favor ofthe Knox Young Women's Auxiliary held their annual snow shoe party on lesday evening. Feb. 12. After hiking several miles, they returned to the church where a social hour w’w uncut and lunch was served. A- bout $12 was realized. Hard en 30 year old Bachelors R-t "Nam" to receive information. and plan improvements to the sys- tem. ers and new water mains laid in March and Anril and the paving un- dertaken in May and June. Engineer Proctor of James, Proctor & Rollfern of Toronto, who willhave charge of the work, was present and explained any facts not definite to the council regarding the sewers and main: H. J. Snell. proprietor of the local waterworks system was al. At a necial meeting of the Town Thousands of but Council Tuesday night. a. unanimous Destroyed-odor vote was recorded in invor of I reso- clover all] pm lution passed to proceed with new, - in: Garafraxa St. from Stone Plant Another disastn to Review corner this early summer. Durham on Pride The resolution called for taking the o. B. Hunter’s preliminary steps before actual com mired cleaning Dial structlon commences and it will be strayed by tire. advertised in a week or two. The al- Feat ot its kind ternative plan of division of costs, the province and i. P., town paying half cost and iron. of tseed contalnec [age property owners half, has been were a total lotsa. selerted. it is planned to have new The elevator is HELPING THE HOSPITAL THE ROLL CALL soul-t. Mrs Geo. Tracy; Mtutatrem- Wm Robertson, R.J. Corlett,, Ju. Robertson, Robt. Manley. John Mills iHoward Smith, Duncan MeArthur, W Runnings, H.R. Ridden. ror nu raumul and naming work of Barleycorn and not In , position to the past year,. and this wu also ex- control hil car. " VII fortunate tended to the put oitieerg. Indeed that no bones were broken but In the success of all branches or the other mm. In David-on received A church's acnvlues an be traced In levere shock and " are of writing. all llnes to the work Ind cooperation it it Icarcely known to whet extent between pastor and people. or how seldom . mm» m- p.-. " wr ma Human and untlring work of the put year,. and {hi5 wu lilo et tended to the put onceâ€. Indeed the success of all bunches of the The putor, Rev. Mr McWillhm. was tendered a hearty vote of thanks for " faithful and untlring work of the put year.. Ind-thin In: .1... -- Omcers tor 1929 are as follows: Cong. Bee'y, Hugh Riddell; Congre’l Treasurer, Wm Smith: Mission Fund Sec'y Ttdur., Wm Robertson: WMS Bee'y Treaa.. Mrs Ridden; Y.P.S. See'y Treas. Wm Running; 8. S. Bee'y Tress. Mrs A. McIntosh: or. Town Thousands of bushels of clover and On Jan. 30th the annual meeting or Latona Presbyterian Church took place and it is a matter ot tmuitiea- cation to officials, members and friends that such an encouraging re- port of the church’s activities was heard. Mr H. R. Ridden read the minutes ot last meeting and W Smith gave the congregation] report, show- ing rbaIsnce on hand ot $60, after, all expenses had been deducted. LATONA PRESBYTER'N CHURCH, HAS SUCCESSFUL YEAR The eontlagratton was a serious one as well, m that it has thrown out of employment the 12 to 14 men engaged there. It is to be hoped Durham sees no more eontiattratiom, for years to come, " this makes the thlrd costly one inside or five months --the former ones being Smlth'a gar- age and Clark Metals factory. weekly were being shipped to various places throughout Canada and the United States. On stock the loss is roughly estimated to be $50,000, but in machinery as well, the loss is very heavy, reaching possibly $30. 000. It was equipped with the most modern machinery for cleaning, hul- ling, ete, two new machines placed last year, costing alone $10,000. The building with new addition cannot be replaced for less than $10,000 or 812. 000. insurance covered only a small part of the loss. - A number of men busied themsel- ves in removing possibly 150 or 200 bags ot the more valuable alsike , seed from the main fioor of the doom. . ed structure, dragging them out be. _ tween the railway tracks. The Stone , Plant yard engine was secured and ' hauled several freight cars standing I on the track near the blaze, out of ' danger. in the meantime tiames had broken out and the intense heat soon developed, prevented any further re. moval. The blaze was at its height from 3.45 tot 4.00 p.m. but fortun- ately the metal roof of the building confined the volume and prevented burning embers being carried away. The only two other buildings endan- gered were the C.N.R. Station to north-east and Wilson cottage to west and the snow covered roofs of these removed much danger, though the cottage window sills were blist- I ered with the heat. By 4.30 the [ structure was in ruins, though the I blaze ot burning seed continued all _ evening and, even for four or five 1 days after, the odor of smouldering , grain saturated the town. _ F Mr Hunter conducted an extensive l seed business. and had 12 carioads , or more in stock at the time, one l having been unloaded only that morn- a ing. It was comprised mainly of al. t sike, timothy, sweet clover and oth. I er clover seeds. About four carloads 1 weekly were being shipped to various t m. when the town alarm, was sound ed and when the firemen and crowds began to' arrive, dense smoke was Been issuing from front and rear at the top of building. ', Another disastrous tire less betel , Durham on Friday afternoon, when I o. B. Hunter's large hulling and seed cleaning plant was totally de. stroyed by tIre. The plant was the Feat of its kind in this section of the province and thousands of bags of seed contained in the building were a total loss. The elevator is located Just south of and across the tracks from the C. N. R. Station and only last sum- mer a large new addition had been built to it. The fire started on the top floor from some unknown cause, possibly a hot bearing. No one was working there at the time though Mr Harry Huglll. foreman of the plant, had been up a couple of minutes previously and saw nothing amiss. When he went back dense smoke pre- vailed and with so much dust and _ other infiammable material. the frame building was practically doomed trom the start. it was about 3.10 p 1 Hunter’s Seed Elevalor Wen! up in Flames 'troy.d.-odor of burnt sweet clover still prevails over town served at close _ juries. DURHAM. THURSDAY' FEBRUARY 14, "/dii' Barnum y time though Mr Reid of Seufm'th had been named in of the plant, as referee but was tttttMed too late 'uple of minutes to catch train and phoned Monday he nothing amiss. eculd not come. R. L. Saunders, of dense smoke pre- Durham was then consulted but he much dust and was booked to referee in Arthur, then vterial, the frame Han-ls Rife. Walkerton, was chosen. tieally doomed Perhaps Rife meant Well and the LS about 3.10 p game was too fast for him; at any larm. was sound‘ rate, he pulled such raw decisions men and crowds and lack ot decision, that Durham we smoke was was up in arms against him at end mt and rear at or lst period, and the break-up came before the 2nd was over. busied themsel- The that period saw some wonder- With which is incorporated the Ionic]. Mrs Bert'Stoneouse has received the disquieting word that her sister, Mrs Wilmot Davidson (Jen. Brown) of Toronto, was on Wednesday, of last Week the victim of I car 'lcci- dent and as is the usual Case.-- thrcugh no fault of her own. With‘ her husband,. Mrs Davidson was re naming about 2 a. m., Thursdny-iut trom. a Masonic function in the.city and was stepping out ot the our in from of her home. She had hugely reached the curb when n ear acme n. iong " territie speed and buried Mrs Davidson thirty feet shew. " up peers the driver . of this speed cu " Wiimot Davidson a , Victim of Speeding Can Durham presented the foot: of Monday night's t1ttt1rtiatted game to the O.H.A., who ordered a re-play Wednesday, 13th inst, In Walkerton with McCarthy of Toronto refereeing. Walkerton won 6---8, thus taking the round by 3 goals. Score was tied I ---l at end of lat period nod 2--2 at end of mm Walkerton will now meet Monkton in the tretni-tlntutr. i Walkerlon won . About 220 acccompanied the team on the special from Durham, a. few from Orangevme and Pricevllle. 11 from Allan Park and 90 from Hana ver. 0 fully fast hockey by both teams with- , out a score. though Oberie blocked . 15 shots to McDonald's 8, showing . that Durham had a little edge on the . play. Rife was letting everything go l without penalizing. and the home , players found they could trip El. , videe in poke checking and get away with it, so in the two periods it frequently happened. Just before the close of the lst period, a Walk- erton player kicked the disc in the nets and though goal umpire. Dur. hrm players and several spectators protested, Rife was determined to call it a goal. Durham manage- ment at once phoned Bec'y Hewitt ot the OHA. to protest the game. but Mr Hewitt was not in at the lime. . After 15 or 20 min. delay, they re- sumed play under protest to give the spectators a game and the penalties started. Walkerton counted the first [goal in 2 min., when McGirr in clear. ing the puck. it hit a Walkerton player and deflected into the nets [ Wilson drew a penalty for legal body V'et‘kin': and in his absence Walker- tr' again scored. The final straw ', v. T 't broke the camel's back follow. ' ed h "on Clements was ruled off for , a mi: 'ody check which threw the ' oncoming opponent. Instead of the I penalty box, Clements and the Dur. l ham team skated off the ice. when l they now fully realized the referee t was determined the game should go I to Walkerton, and it was all over. f was selected to take charge of the game, who proved so incapable on the Job, that the Durham team, after put- ting up with it for nearly twnwriods left the ice in disgust. There was a. splendid sheet of ice; an ideal rink; a crowd of 800 or 900, including over 300 by special train from Durham and Hanover; and great enthusiasm tor, and keen rivalry be. tween the two teams. Under the cir- cumstances, it was most regrettable that a home-town oimtial was selected What might have been a wonderful hockey game in Walkerton Monday nirht in the 2nd O.H.h. tsemi-tintl was spelled by the negligence or the O. H. A. in ensuring that a compet- ent referee would be on hand to ban- dle the match. Riferee Made fare of Game and DJrham (hit "n to What email more In her in. Rea-played Game share of John , position to wu fortunate "tp er this season, Except at gun md tUriah, it ‘1' not cloee. Welkenon played steady hockey throughout. and.piled up a. lend of '--1 at end of In period end b--t " end ot second. At opening of 3rd tension, they In- creued their lead to 6--1, um then Dun-hem. who had been playing an tn. etteeuve, (Idea-Ive me. rein-em the Arewortm. They upeeded up. pro- duced some “up†mun my. Ni i In the Brat tsemi-final play oft, int. 0.H.A. -on Durham ice last Friday. Wolkerton was awarded a 1 goal de- gnlon. T-B, though rightfully this In; the score in Durham's favor. The locals were the victim of poor refer- eeing hr Murear ot Palmerston, who “loved the visitors a goal scored Irfter on oil-side. and disallowed I. Durham an! in the hectic lino]: With only 3 duy'a. -notiee, there wu a. good crowd in qttendance. in- cludlng nearly so Walkerton visitors. The gune itaetf was unlike any oth- ate Goal lead for Walk- _ erton in lst Semi Final Hrs Geo. Newell returned to her home in I. recuperatlve state after her operation for appendicitis In Durham Hospital. Mrs Chas. Lawrence. Durham, was operated upon at the Hospital last week end for a serious internal op- eration. . Mr: Philip McDonald. Elwood.“ another nnnendicitis patient " the local hospiul. Mrs Wallace Wellwood. Dundalk. in I patient in Durham Hospital. and operated upon for appendicitis. Mr Donald Mellvride, 2nd con., Nnrmanhv. went over to Holyrood, Bruce Co., last week to see his lis- ter. Mrs Jas. Ibex (nee Flora. Men. vrlde) who Is very low, tsuffering from a severe stroke. He found her sensible. tut a. fatal termination is feared Mrs Lorne Robertson. Si visited with her sister. Mrs Knight. the tirset of week. _with Donzlas' parents, Mr and Mrs. W. G. Brigham. Douglas has been a successful representative of the Great West Life Co. for some time. and is now transferred to Toronto, where they will in future reside. Misses Alma Hughes and Florence Kress are in Toronto for a few days this week. Mr and Mrs Douglas, Brigham and tho lattr‘r's parents of Rockwood. Ill- inois, were vlsnors last week end with Donzlas' harp!"- u. ".s" u..- two nature, he is still in an extremely (ritical condition and the fact that he cannot take any degree of nour- lehmcnt makes his progress more dimeuit. His many friends in Dur- ham will hope that his life may be prolonged and aria to make Durham and more particularly 'The Hedges", for many summers. His brother. James A., ot Minneapolis, has been at his bedside for the past week or Friends in town have recently re. celvod word of Mr Harry Hunler‘s serious condition at his home in Tor onto. While word the past week has been of a more Prtptttrrsagrirtrr Mrs George Campbell is apt-Ming few days in the city this week. Miss Elizabeth MoKechnie of Por, tage La Prairie. in visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Arch. McLean, Aberdeen. Mr and Mrs Robertson. Btrattord, [cadet more encouraging a s. McBETH Buschlen was a big factor In the Durham drive in the but. when he gave assists to Elvldge tor 2 goals. an assist to McGlrr for another. and i Durham got the opening counter t minutes after the “emu. oil ET vidge's stick. Then the hydro. which had previously been dim and bright- ened, min grew dim, and play was halted for " minutes, until power was again at full strength. Walker. ton then scored " times in succes- sion in the three periods before Dur- ham again beat Oberie, most of them snappy shots from the wings i a displayed a whirlwind tittiah, soorinz 6 goals to l more for Walkerton, though Murear disallowed l of bur hnm's scored after he rang the bell, though " completed a play. Wampolc’s Cod Liver Oil Scott's E Lynn’s Pure Norwegian Squibb's, A " and other, Cod Liver Oil 1'retmratiors Roberts' Syrup tl ca Liver Extract and Tar Buckley’s Bronchitis Mixlure System Builders Durham Branch - _ .. P, sixty years of growth, from a single office in Halifax to a position of international importance, there has always been a sincere spirit of helpfulness between this Bank and its customers. That was the spirit of the pioneers who founded this institution-that spirit guides our work to-day. Phone 21 Just New. Price $225 A 2.50 Box of 2 dozen ..r. Bottle ot " for..... Bottle of 100 for. . .. AN.A.th'N TABLETS ASPIRIN TABLETS PNee F..... 50c to $1.50 MIXED CANDY.... 19c lb (NONti'ti B )XE!) CH‘DJOLATES REXALL Beef, Winee Iron Published Weekly at 83.00 I you In Adv-mac. non - -___- L " - LAD†s' "Ah" BAGS ASA. Tablets The Royal Bank . of Canada " 'c,Tudde, 's gray &ore A and Spring Tonic ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO PRICE $1.00 (For Pain) Ae Jtore Weâ€): u will u. Smhing a n. Reoat GROWTH 25e 25c 25e Try One of These J. A, Rowland. Manager '---'-v-------------~ 1 Bullet being In on several otr olden. referee Inma- lulled to pen- ulhe “legal checking. when on two or three owl-tom. loulplayorsw-n- charged, when not near the puck. " penalties were handed out---? to WaWertoet Ind I to Durham plan-rs. McDonald blocked " direct slun- on goal In lat period, 7 In 2nd, T in 3rd: while Oberte turned usidv II In In. 8 In 2nd. and 7 in am, making 8" even total. Drugs“: And Sutiono Phone 3. DURHAIP batted in a loose puck ttitturelr. thus tUrurinz in four of the the goals we rod. The last one was a melt). Ion:- ettort by New". when he swoop-d among the 1Nkerton defence, so- cured the disc and shot lhnugh legs lam than“. See our annual. Seerimmvd. 1 thin year. you will knowing listk‘ mt, In choosing from our nd decoration“ for your on will have the 'gatitttttt New Wall Papers Scott's Elllsloll "tritrit's, Man's ‘ tn “moo. To United m C. mm: a ION. Putin-Mu have (ho 'ratitttactiott ol (In! they have ml If m. good unau- and sun Durham. Ont. Sgnworlhy f.. u-a very tow paper:- home. 1 ion of