‘RIL 4, [99.9 le Seeds ING MILL of GRAIN Feeds " Term Opens " EVERYTHING IN her and Millwork 10:0 aouo= Id Planin "a Harrison t Sons Co., limited BEN Hun FIVE JEWEL our. JEWEL " It " k/?'eir r bin. no Sena» boon Dal: Flooring "can You an!†“ills maimed: Cabinet- Cupboard. Bookcam Wardroboo SOUND n. _ VOL.LII.NO l5 than. bu the announced his inten- tion of leaving. but " date, of writing the tolerhona linen Are out of order. and authentic information mum be obtained. Though for some years now a Can- adian. Mrs T. G. Hutton (nee Jem- ima Drummond), a. bride of last ttul, still curries a heart full ot lentlment for her old home in Arbroathehire. Scotland. The friend. of early youth always cling closer and that she is mutually remembered is evident from the tact that she received trom old friends in Arbroathehire a beautiful Crown Derby tea set as a wedding gm. To properly hole and pack I set of fragile china for urog- the ocean would . be quite a trick, but they came through intact. Before en- tering Canada. the box required open- ing and every piece to be tumbled 1nd rebooted. Mrs. Hutton was a considerable time in receiving me. But she now he: the utilisation of boring an old family heirloom in her possession. reminiscent'of her, early days in "Auld Scotia." , Rev. Ju. Corry, Presbyterian per tor of Pricevme and Swinton Park congrmtlone. bu received 1 unenl- mous all to hlrbenk. 2'st Toronto and the eel] was sustain " the reg- ular meeting of Toronto Presbytery. _ An“ A . ._- _ The charge carries with it tn annual salary of 82000 Ind use of mate. Rev. W. G. Parnell, of Brown and Knox. Normality. Presbyterian chur- RECEIVES CALL TO FAIRBANK .. IN NORTH TORONTO Last year. Mr Vasey. Principal of Psisiey Continuation School. altered a cash prize to the student taking the highest marks at the Department Examinations in June 1928 in the subjects which he taught, via: Phy- sics, chemistry. algebra and geomet. ry. During the Buster hoiidsyp. Irwin Matthews received word from his Iormer Principal that he had won his prize, having taken on avenge ofI nine marks a subject more than his. nearest competitor. Irwin obtained! three tlrtst class honors and one sec-i ond in these subjects. He was 16 years old, 3rd August. 1928 and is at present s student in Form Tr in Duh, ham High School. Conttratutationt, to lrwin. from the Review. ‘ Beautiful Wedding am 1 WM untried to Mia. Annie Tolehard, one ot the well known Tolchnrd fun- ily ot near Che-icy, who survive- him and tin visited at Durham. Inter- ment takes place at Che-lay. Thurts. day att.30 p.m. Mr nnd Mrs W. B. Patterson of Glenn]; are unending the funeral. I Brilliant Ear-omen: Student Rev. Mr. Parnell also Leaving About one o'clock Monday atter. noon, John Dole: of Toronto, 1 ctr- penter ensued In track repair work In. - Injured when caught be. tween 1 rapid unloader of a work train and a car of holiest. He suc- cumbed ten minute. Inter. Deceased W. H. Smith of Durham. was badly Injured. The cyl- suddenly overturn. ed and he was caught by large quan- tities of the limestone. his rightleg sud several riba being broken, be- sides unknown internal injuries. He in engaged with the American Cytr ntde Gummy there. I Killed " Nomad: . While doing some repair work un- der a quarry car containing several tons of limestone at Beaehville, near lngersoll. on Monday afternoon, Alex Smith of that village, brother of Rev. July let in the day of the third annual u. F. o. picnic in Lever’e Bush. 1 mile north of Fusherton, on the Provincial Highway. The biggest and best picnic in Grey County will thin year be bigger and better then ever. Save the dune. Details later. Herold McKechnie, Beer; Pastor's Brother “Neatly Hurt l Chesley lolt one of her bright Ions in the death of Dr. Armand Halli- dar, Toronto. son of the late M. A. and Mrs Hallway. He had risen high in his profession and his passing in the zenith of his career In greatly to be regretted. . I Canadian Greys, l.0.D.E., will hold their monthly meeting in their club room on Tuesday evening, April 16. " ' p.nb. All members m sued to be present. q The well known Charter Smith} (rune home on Queen St., with loci hue been sold to Mr Ed. Kress, who is busy this week dismantling some. He purposes erecting theron 1 mod- ern brick dwelling this summer. t tca - -,s"ii,-.).ot.thlliti,d iiiiillEiigxttlt T Domawd was one of those mothers .whoae life was wrapped in devotion ', to that of her family, and who in re- 1 turn anIeMod to lavish direction on her. Mrs Tilieson arrived from Ctht. tonville Monday night 1nd .180 her f rousin. Mrs Percy Lewis (Dell Iaur i der of Toronto. cum: to In urn-AM .9 t der of Toronto, cane to be Itrettent at the (naval. The Review extends its condolence to the mourners. . Mr and Mrs Munro were married in 1873. by the late Rev Wm Park, and was one of the 'ehoir' " the ear. ly Presbyterian Church that than stand at the corner of Durham Road 9nd Upper Queen St. in Upper Town. She has been a lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church and will be buried Wednpsdny from her daugh- ter’s home to Durham cemetery. to lie hem!» that of her husband, who pulsed away 20 years Mo. Of Mrs Munro’s brothers and sla- fnrs. only one remains. Mrs Jennie Buchan of Bayfield, whowill be pres- on! at the funeral Wednesday. To Mr and Mrs Munro were born “W ""ildrnn. three sons and three daughters, viz: Lauder, (deceased 3 Tear mm at Evebrnw. Sank): Dom:- has of Regina: Will, (Scotty) of town; Margaret, Mrs E. L. Knight. Durham; Jessie. Mrs Lorne Robert. son. Stratford fat present on the At- lantic en route to Europe; Mary, Mrs Selmnr Tmoaon, ‘Cllntonville. Witt. consin.- There are also " grand- children and 2 grout grandchildren. _ Deceased was a daughter of the late John and Mrs Lauder, born in Langham. Durnhdeshire, Scotland. She spent her third birthday crossing the ocean with her parents to Cana, da. They came itnmediateiy to Dur- ham locality where the hther engng- ed in pioneer farming on the farm north of town, now owned by John W. McKechnie. Here she grew to young maidenhood and later married John Allan Munro, who at that time wan established m the Registry ot. fice here. at the division ot North nnd South Grey. Deeetused't, father later moved to Varney. where the tamilv homestead was north of Varney rail- way siding, on Mr John Kerr’s pres- ent farm. I A lifetime of eighty years in one i place falls to few humans, but such lie the life story of Mrs Elizabeth I (Bessie) Munro. who passed away fort Satur'day evening at the hospital [here at the age ot 82 years, 7 mos. I The late Mrs Munro suffered astroke iot paralvsis. tirtrt in the late sum- mer ot 1927 and was taken to the, hospital in September of that year' for treatment and since men has been s patient there. .While at timea.l brighter than others, she was always' able to recognize her daughter iid-ip, aret (Mrs Knight) and son"‘Scotty". who were especially devoted in their attention to her. The matron and' sum of hospital in their long attend-i ance upon her, grew to sdmire and' love their patient, who was ever cheerful and bright. . I Early hha Resident Passes Away Saturday Here at last! Durham Old Girls' and Boys' Reunion. April 19th, at 8.30 p. m., in the Brown Betty Tea Rooms. 42 King St. East. Torontto. (Opposite King Edward Hotel). Cards. Dancing. Refreshments. You are all invited. Single ticket $1, in- cluding tax. Rtrunittn In Toronto The Markdale Standard Editor was presented with a. basket of potatoes, dug on Good Friday by Mr John Gib son of Orange Valley. Due to wet weather he was unable to get them cut of the ground last fall and now has,( he estimates, 40 bags to ditr.I They are of excellent quality and! are well preserved. W. T. Harris. ex-Mayor of Owen) Sound. wu found dead in his bed at: Collingwood on ‘Monduy morning.’ Mr Harris was head of the wholesale! ithn of T. Harris & Co., OwenI Sound and for the past rear bu been ’2 manager of the Ahrutngwood branch' ot the National Groceries. I MRS ELIZABETH MUNRO iiiht _ itil ttttttttti, tiltritittit, a -......,.v.. wuucl, o. mucomo and l: T. G. Goodehild on Queen M. All 1 cellars were flooded but fortunately l the water did not reach the floor lev, els. On Sunday, the new current, i fairly swift around Mrs Leith’s, be- , gan undermining the north walls . Quite a large hole was torn out and ' a couple wagon-loads of sand bags , were filled in to preserve the tourr dations. On the Durham Road across gully. , east ot Garafraxa Bt., a washout ot I part ot roadway occurred, which will . soon be repaired. As. it is, only a I narrow roadway remains open there , for traMe,makimr it a dangerous spot Further on in front of Robt Smith’s , home, the road is a sea. ot mud. Un- _ tit these are improved, the Council has temporarily closed the roadirom _ Main St./to hospital and any accident [ over " is " owners' risk. In Holstein village the south end of the dam gave way about 4 n.m., for a width of M n, which carried. a- way part ot railway bridge as well and Booded the centre of the village. Our Holstein scribe gives lull par. ticulars. With the bridge down train service on the C.N.R. to Palmerston was cancelled Saturday. This week 1 the Railway Co. has a large gang of ‘men at work rebuilding the broken portion and through trains will be rPeiayrtanininisuri,Go. Inthe 'Pe"ttirrt-aentrera, man and ex» prostate bell; transferred by motor in Holstein from one train to anoth. or. A'he road. released by breaking of. Holstein do... carried away Orchard dam also H'rockedthe new bridge 'tttttit 'fp/lNhuttii', l Wgh. ' 'way as w as a ewrards l lath 01.3. Consequently No. " feet 1ong,--trom JohTSmuh's harn- ess shop to the Ford garage. It was in 1912, this part of the town was last flooded and it also happened 34 years ago, we are informed by Jack Klnnee. . Robt. Smith’s sawmill and tnnes' machine shop were entirely isolated by water, and the new curt-en also surrounded the homes of W. D. Con- nor, Mrs Cain, Jae Mather and Mrs. D. Lelth on Gemfran. St. and those gt Cameron! Lauder. S. McComb and I The pressure was also too great at the John McGowan mill dam and the ttoodtg burst an opening at south end of dam and bank adjoining, of a- bout 25 feet in width. Through this chasm an enormous body of water surged for Saturday and Sunday, much of it t1nding its way back over the rocks into the main river. But still a good-sized river overtiowed the road into the gully behind Mc- Gowan's house, and under the C. P. R. overhead bridge where it tore tl hole tour or tive feet deep in Lumb- ton Bt., flooding it for a. couple hun- dred feet, and closing the street to trattle. Across iambton Street the, flood overttowed Smith's creek and for the third or fourth time in the his- totry of town, tlttoded part of lower town. 'ncross Elgin, SM. Albert, Garatrara and Queeartreetu., Only on Garafraxa St. (the Prov] High- way) did cars attempt to cross the feoded area. there tr a few inch. es to two feet deep.§for about 200 feet 1ong,--trom John Smith's harm ess shop to the Ford nun n was The destruction ot the J. W. Ewen and Son's mill dam, newly built last _ year at considerable expense is the imost serious havoc wrought. Mr Ew. len had not imagined such a sudden manger and had not removed all :boards and posts, so that in early (morning the current rose to the lev- iel or the bridge, Such tremendous _ pressure washed out the west end of , dam, taking abutment and all. On ' Saturday the current continued to crumble away the west bank in front [or Geo. Ryan's house, two large [trees falling in and Ryan's stable l being undermined at one corner. Be. fore being able to build the dam, yhich will roughly cost him 83000, Mr Ewen must wait for low water. Thin means no power for probably tour montha which will entail a ser- lous loss or business. With such an enormous volume of water suddenly finding its way Into the streams. a tale of tiood disasters is heard all over Western Ontario land a number of eastern places al- so. Saturday morning the ttood dan. er appeared to be very serious in Durham locality, but fortunately “is not so heavy as at tirat feared. When almost everyone imagined that all ttood dangers were over for :this Spring. the most violent rain {and electrical storm tor many years "slew up last Friday afternoon and evening, with an unprecedented downpour for about three hourtr.-tmm 9.30 till after midnight Friday. It was accompanied by sheet and chain lightning almost continuously. dur- ing which time 2% inches of rain fell. Rivers and creeks rose by morning to a higher mark than many Spring freshets, and the Sauseen rose to within a few inches of last year's record mark. Ewen'e and MrGowan’u dame break away -8augeen taken now course. -8urrtrunding township: also suffer. Disastrous Floods A Follow Record Downpour DURHAM, THURSDAY APRIL ll, 1929 With which I: heetporntcd the Rotate-m nigh: heavy mist at the time an; Iii Smith of Durham, were returning r new the head hta - homeward from Toronto in the for- the whistle of the 11131;: Iff. heal: mer‘e car whither they went Friday wee almost new“ the track when to attend n church board meeting. A $52??? Itruck the "ff of his on, Jot of wet water had fallen in that longelde g'"'?,'."' and artunted it IV interval and on approeching Alton. smash the . a, 'ut: dead in the {2:330:38 wasâ€; "ld',",,',.',',' the: en er hem _ . separated af, the when, stealthâ€: oouree and heeded for Arttutr,nirnintt 123%.. it???†'le,tutt; “d t.ellltfu2'YJtu',tig'i n T?†" . to . F o " neet them min. con ' ther. The next attempt we. to return) tilrteu'ft't,"'t,g Jf .2†_t'ouiaton Ile, td',ePd1/',', â€mmn‘goz‘mm. to the â€in, and semuggg; Owen Sound. Here they were told an Mr mcmin' u the heck of the! they eou1dn't ttet through. There “" overturned car mica. m able to nothing for it but to put in telephone wax with m“ It :01": to their respective centre. ec- gm . 2"rc.eett!!iiG'iUsrd't"lllir' leoftheir'h a... m... .eftf.te1r9o.hitiritiG"plP', .._ â€-329. -._. ' old- 'or At. the C. P. R. crossing on Gara- fraxa Street Thursday night. a seri- Cort car accident occurred when the 9.30 evening train struck the rear of a Ford touring car driven by Robert McCaslin of Louise, amember of Beatinck Township Council. The impact carried the car, a. 1927 model past the electric bell post. across the, sidewalk sad it was deposited a wreck on north side of track along-l side the home of Rtntlnn Ann-o nu l Train Wrecked Car in Crossing Collision Robert There's a nest sense of comfort when you live on high land during spring freshen. of her cluze Walkerton business in day. Cameras were much in evidence Saturday and Sunday. Durham fared badly enough umll tales of let':,',':,",', in adjacent towns came in an then realized that most of her citizens came on lucky. - - "Not-s, :7 . - - Another young gentlemen was via- iting friends in Upper Town that ev- PHI"? of the downpour and when ready to leave with his car, found the car refused to travel over the deep mud some and he had to leave it mired until next day. All Sunday. the tTooded were witnessed by throngs Ol who found it some new diver talk and walk over. On Ml the McGowan break-away we one young man who woui ladies across the watery way dollar. Whether it was a can wanting to part with the doll mud of taking the chance of let down ln mid stream, , nrt learned. Anyway he had tomers. NOTES Water In a good thing in its place but no further. ' No matter how superb the build- ing feat of man may-be. it is as a mere atom when water's destructive force takes a hand. At. the C. P The C.N.R. tracks west and south of Hanover were covered several feet and every inch of a farm south of Hanover was flooded. Neustadt vil- lage suffered heavily, ttood damage beine estimated at 875,000. Hers-and in Walkerton stores on main streets were ttooded causing serious mer. chandise loss. A 19 year old boy was drowned in the Walkerton torrent on Saturday. line. Bentlnrk, neu- Hanover,itr down while may bridges and culverts ov- er the township nre dAmnged. in Glenelg the bridge on the old Glen med. cut ot Angus MeArthura ll gone and Traverston bridge, we are informed. partially damaged. Possibly other bridges " well. At any rate many bad washout: of road- way have occurred. which will costI the Township hundreds of dollars to repair. an McCulln, Bentlnck Councillor Escaped with severe Injuries wavy nut at the time and he saw the head lights or heard we of the night train. He rout some: the track when ine struck the reel- of " car, " urn-"nu --" , - 1am†- ' bank clerks did _their high rubber boots Satur- e watery way for one it was a case of not with the dollar or a- he chance of getting id stream, we nave may he had no cus- who 'woulq‘agy throngs ot visitors new, diversion to “OWN portions On Mill si. A? heard of "Beggars are not ettootters"--orttre ministers of the gospel when the spring min. and floods interfere with their plans. On Saturday night Int. Rev. E. Kenny of Fir-t United Ch- urch, Owen Bound and Rev. W. H. KNOX CHURCH CLOSED SUN‘DAV; REV. W.H. SMITH 'HELD-UP' ARMBTRONG-- At Suhtoon. Basin. April 4th, Mary. beloved wife of Jack Armstrong. 1nd eldestdnugh. ter of Mr: James Mchousnll ot Pricevllle, Funeral at Bittgar,&usk. April 6, 1929. BALDWIN-ht Nissan Falls, N. Y.. on March 14th, to Mr md Mrs P. L. Baldwin, (nee Hon MeDoue nll) the gift or 3 son. (Donald Morey.) -----' v.... n»\ VIIUC looked charming in a gown of rose Metre crepe de chene with shoes and hat to match and carried a boquet of Ophelia roses and maiden hair tern. The happy couple will reside anelk- ervllle. Out. The Review Joins in congratula- tion: tome young couple. .u... .vuuvlwm‘ muruey, (““5an MR8 DONALD MCFADVEN o f Mr and Mra Charles Hartley of! On March 29th, at her home In Durhyn, and Mr Charles Emma; Bryon, Mich., there weed H.†Kirk, tron ot Mr ttttd Mrs John A. J Eiiiiii Knapp, wire of the late D. Kirk ot Chatsworth. Rev. D. N. b. McFadyen. at one time a resident Morden otMiated. The young 'eouple,t of Durham, also of Prioevlllo. were supported by Mitts Ruby “inâ€. Mrs Mohdyen had been in pour dock and Mr George McLaughlin.‘ health for the put two years and both ot Windsor, Ont. The bride! since early in the New Y on Itrs d looked charming In I gown of me been cttettitted to her bed. bless crepe de chene with shoe. and. --. _ On Saturday, March 80, " the Un- ited Church Muse, Wilkerville, the marriage wu solemnized of mu Pearl Wilhelmina Monley, daughter pl --"-e_-- "'"o' u»...- wood, Ont. announce the engagement of their daughter Myrtle. to Mr Wil- trid Henry F'lewelting, son of Mr and Mrs Henry Flewelllng. Btreedstide,0nt the marriagrsrto take place the latter part ot April. Mr John Turnbull, Guelph, spent Faster " his home In South Bonlinck and with " sister, Mrs Bert Barber, Vnrney. Mn Melbourne McKay and darsnri' ter Marjorie, left this week for thulrf home at Inwood, Ont., after spending Enter week with her mother, Mrs. i Richard Barber Durham. Mrs Barb; er will return with them for a few, weeks' vacation. l Mrs J. C. Henderson, formerly _i.ei' the semen] store business at Dornoeh: is now in charge of Calrns' Grocery, More on the former Post ottiee site.‘ Mr nnd Mrs Ed. Buschlen are thir week moving to Wiarton to the re-s mt of the citizens generally. Mr.: Buschlen has secured employment In? that town that will be easier on his health. 1 In Gilbert McKechnle and sister. Min Marion Gun, retunred Tuesday night from Wuhlngton. D. C. for which city the former left about five weeks ago in response to word re. ceived that her sister was seriously ill. Happily she made a recovery But. Aeient to travel home and wlll furth- er recuperate amid home environ meat. l Dr D. B. Junieaon left Saturday lust tor Chicago, where he will take 3 week's specullut course In Cook County Hosplul there. Hon. Dr. and In Junie-on purw ooe returning to their home in town next week, utter the winter went in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Suave} Petty, Rock KlRK-.MoRTLEy HYMENEAL BORN DIED Lcudct Misses May and Minnie McClocklin left Toronto on Sutumny night to be present " the funeral of their nun! on Sunday. lurch Slat. The tsvid ndGik -iiiisa.ven was a brother ot In E. T. McClockllu of l In Holltein Monday. Mr Mel-rad :0! Fennel-lion m critimlly injured jwhile unloading pile. for the bridge ' building there, nnd brought " once to Durham hospital. Unloading them farm . car, 1 take broke., and they (Fira upon Mm. crushing his hip ,bone and fracturing his right leg tV , hove the knee Ind at Anklet It is sold tint but tor a telephone post stop ping their roll. " life would have been embed out. He is n nriddleiur. ed nun Ind u hll condition is ser- B. McBETE Ions, he '1sir-ttrtuGriirzi'i,,"i't'o" for specialist: “tendon. Severely biired by £ i New irai-ii"ii"j"ii'iii" jllitu.phus and Molasses Prices the Lowest .. THEROLLCALL “EVERYTHING IN MEDICIME FOR hum“ Want, at “A!†a rut In 32.50 e um- m Adv-um tt “Dag? YWMdi’e 3% Jen-e. The system mttuiroarerratrtq Mme impurities which attend the tummy of the winter manual. . But while sulphur and lei-nee proved em- ".teH_it-tetue-Getartunger nttaggd" it. use. In the hint-etude. of the -tte9etate1aart-rttro-ttiite" We l-dt-tn cum in the old My. W with atm-th “humou- l. m. ue -ararrrded ttt meet I“. We vi! he - to tatt you "e'maretFmttnhua.etutmsgo..tgtteneun. “only mum-urea uer "irGiGaterTii. m. _A_nd tho: trmetiett urn and. comm Era/den Ir gray Sore Falling Fife; Se PER ROLL MI) UP TORONTO surgeon. In Den. ouGC'Arvir,ii had her. was removal Sam“; and returned home Monday. I An Informal Dance. under the auto plea of the Young People's Clubs of Durham My. will be held in thr Town Hall, Durham. Pride). April 10th. Everybody welcome. Admis, alon $1 per couple ; extra Indy 251-. Blu-bell orchestra will provide nun-sir. "dies will kindly provide lunch. mu Haul nun, daughter of Mr. J. D. Ellla. Imndalk. was hmutrht In Durham hoapltal Wednesday try Dr. Martin and wu operated upon same Mt for "ttmtdieitia. Dr llddlt-bm. Honored at o. E. A. At the recent meeting of the 0 B, A. in Mm, Mr W. J. HIM“ hon of suntan. well known in s Grey, In: elected mairiiit" in". a. maximums-y Department. Inform“ Dam Come Sunday evening to the then "e at com and hen ourmugeou the place of the Jew In the plans of God. Meeting Wednesday evening fur Bible study In the room to the rear " Bulk of Commerce. All am- c'or- My Welcome. Yo On In“ Room More C. M. Weller & Co., stock brokers of Owen Sound. up planning to wvn I hunch Board Room In Durham. with Moe Elvldue in charge. this town. the law Mr! E. D. Mr Cloekun of Toronto and In 11mm: Iceman-y of Hamilton. Drug!" and Such-or Phone 8. DURHAM See our Samples of the new down-growth borders on plain and plaster effects. Loads of Parr for Everybody right in Stock. All lav-am. To mtitod m IAIAGI: & ION. Plum MAN OR BEAST" ll the Latest Designs and Colorings "