West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jul 1929, p. 1

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.THER mial at tir' mug your Poultry to us les. Silks t pros" IillliWllllK In her and Millwork Io=o=o=== me. MILL 3 hm Ire-IN STEIN Gli Feeds of GRAIN ml Planing Mills CONTINUED Harrison t Sons Gr., limited 05° =OH°= 27, t9'29 an Opens " Dromore BEN Hun FIVE JEWEL on: JEWEL nod OWEN SUMO cydto7lit and " ' ONT EAMERY 19m" "m mic; I" E 99c can yer abducts who. rd 1w Old Esubliahcd bank taken Over The widely known honking busin- e" of Hartman nod Co., Ctartrstntrg, one of the few privnte bonk- left in the province. has been uken over by the, Bank of Toronto. The business was founded 40 years :30 by C. W. Hartman. who bu been prominent in Liberal circles. His son J. H. Hurt. man, has been associated with him in the business. Rev Dr. McRae, who has been pus tor of Westminster United Church. Mt Fttretrt. has scoepted s (all to Morrisburg. With Mrs McRae, he was given a congregational farewell. with presentations. Dr snd Mrs Me- Rae before. settling down to his new pastorate will take an extended holl- day to Norway, Sweden. and the Bri- tish Isles. returning October 1st. Miss Sutherland, superintendent at leger. won itt learned by observation, Hanover Memorial Hospital for the great dimveries arose from obser- past " years. has tendered her reg. vation, toscientists and chemists com- ixnativn. same taking effect July lat. hating disease. germs, to geologists Miss Marion B. Petty, daughter of and astronomers. it is most essentisl. Mr and Mrs Chas. Petty, 2nd cop, of . Wilfrid Anderson chimed that in Bentlnck. at present sssistsnt sup't reading. we benefit through others at Lindsay Hospital., has been engag- conceptions: people lacking ability to ed to succeed Miss Sutherland. She read closely, also Incl in observing was tormerly in charge of Dr Grave's closely: historians, lawyers. doom. Hospital at Fergus. She enters upon pttiht.ophersr--an must learn by read- her duties Aug. 1st. Ting: st time of Aristotle sud Pinto, ' ' I when there wereiew books, it lscsl- wen Arranged P”"’ Tea i 1 led the dark ages. Then it was nee- The same welcome rain that snee- usury for the student to so to the usury to the. growth; I'! the Pere.? thinker. n --. IIn--‘nm‘ u - in- - A- . - Two or three rinks of Durham My bowlers are in Owen Bound this Wednesday. participating in a lad, " bowling tournament in that city. Some of these ladies are Mn R. Cut- ton, Mrs T. Henderson, Mrs Vic. Noble, Miss Mary Mekeehnie, Misses W. Blyth. M. Hunter, Mrs R. Mac- Farlane. Mrs w. H. Smith, Mr: F. Irwin, Mrs Juckach. The same welcome rain that is nec- essary to the growth of the peony.is a moat unwelcome visitor when it in- terteres with the plans of any Socie- ty or organization for the exhibition of this lovely Bower. Such was the case on Friday last when rain inter- fered somewhat with the success ot the 'Peony' tea, given by the Ladies' Aid of the Queen St. United Church. Once in the basement of the church hwever. all was lovely and trate rant from the many standards of the lovely peony and other bloom. Tea was served from twelve small tables. one for each month and each decorated to suit their particular pee' iod of the year. The ladies were invited to " down to their favorite month for tea. A candy booth and home-made baking booth were also another means of adding to receiptu and the total proceeds came to near ty 870. A musical program was lite toned to with pleasure. Mrs Marti Wilson and Miss Norma (lagoon can! tribated solos: In I Kneehtsl and MrsWNtm.aduetragsdNNtoser8to by In PFM. In tress and Hrs hrl New. l Pricovmo Pr yin-Ian Gama Party The annual arden Party, under the auspices of cevllle Prenbyter- nan Church” will held on July 9th when the but pro m yet la being arranged for. Th five Douglas' Bros. of Toronto, wel known in the vicinity. Mr Yewell, median. nlso Highland dancing. so" and horse shoe throwing. Supper om 6 to 8 p m. Admitttrioet, adults 50c. children 26e Attending Bowling Tournament Misc Marion Petty now 8uperin't The annual on pcrty of Burnt Presbyterian e mthn. Rocky Hangman, will be he " Mr Donald Stewart's, 2nd con. thick. on the waning or Tuesday..J 9th. Burr per served trom ' to 8 m. A bull game is being unused r. Admits. Mon 35c and 150. Eight You. in Mount Forest Duncan: will Caleb's" July 12th Dundalk Ind ty of But Grey. will eelettrtrte the ttle ot the Boy- ne in Dundnlk. " e In the tttter. Moon, with Onngevllle d. There will be woo-rhea, sports. ea. with dance at night in the own Hall. Good accommodulon for meals. Rocky Garden Party, July 9th , - ""‘ °""'r Allan Park Garden rty July all l the vlctors Ind got good support Allen Park U.P.0. Garden Party. Score: 1 , , 4 5 a 7 will - in Thoe than“ ttrove' Holstein l 0 0 2 4 0 , on evening of Friday. J y tith. Bott-' Ebenezer 0 1 1 0 3 4 1 ball nine in early evenln Good pro-' Ebenezer team: Melville John, gram. Admission 25c and 1 . ladies Lenore Reay, Bill Grierson, H bringing bushels, free. DI ce after, Mllllgan, Art Derby, Sarah Me progrun. lloch. Aylmer Rear. Chriatene Mr. A play " Winning ot Joy" n comedy drama three no“, will be given in Russel Hnll, Dromore, on Friday. July 19th.' Admission Me and 20c. Dance " . Good orcha- trtt. Given under nun e. of Onward Club. The lawn I , under the unpl- cu of the no: . Aid of Durham Presbyterian Chore will be held on the ground: ot Mrs . McCannel, on Friday, July mu. About sixiy brethren of the Ounce Lodge stunned service in s body st Queen M. United Church on Sunny evening. when n excellent discourse wss given by the "not, Rev. H. B, l-‘iddes. _ The Girll’ Ila-ion Circle of Knox Church. “entered " Hum-on Put. Owen Bound, Tueoday and today. Thursday, Knox Church choir no celebrsun. n the lune recon. VOL. LII. NO 27 I The evening program was featured l by the final debate. as well as the prize-winning oration and play. Pres. ~All. Hincks. Priceville. was in the 'ehair. After opening with music by Holstein orchestra, Miss Winnie Bin. nie delivered the address which won ttrat place at public speaking contest fin Priceville recently. "Rani Eduen. 1 tion in Denmark." It was a welt- prepared sketch of the progressive educational system in vogue in that land and was fluently given. Follow- ing it, Miss Mscphall, M. P. presented the silver cup emblematic of the championship (which is held for one year), to Miss Binnie and also the medals donated by herself. Miss Binnie received the gold medal snd Miss Isabel Firth, Glenelg, the sil-l ver medal. _ 'Eoenezer 0110341 10 ‘ Ebenezer team: Melville Johnston. Lenore Retry, Bill Grier-son, Helen ‘Mllllgan, Art Derby, Sarah McCul- [loch, Aylmer Rear, Christene McCul- pe, Sandy McCulloch, Vera Rear. i The ttnal game. Ebenezer " Hal. ' stein. followed and it tout a thriller. The score was always close and both teams battled every inch ot the way. In the 7th, Holstein uput across 2 runs to tie thergame b-tt, but Eb- enezer scored the odd run in their : half, to win by Ity-g." Study McCul- f loch pitched well in both “we; tor The debate 'Resolved that Observa- tion is a greater factor in education than reading' was well upheld by all four speakers and as wtsll-rettaonedtt debate " we ever had the pleasure of listening to. Miss Mary Benton and Mr Pat McMillan of Buneuan. took the atBrmative and Miss lube] Marshall and Wilfrid Anderson of No 7, Normanby, the negative. Miss Beaton was the opening BpetV ker and in clear. Ment tone, voiced some convincing arguments. some of which were: a. child's education be. gin: at 3 or 4 months old by obser- vation, and up to 8 years old, he learns all by observation; we can't read without observing; experience is a very prominent factor in education end what we observe we fully understand and remember: real beauty annot be fully described. Miss Marshall, tirst negative speak- er. was also effective: she contended history could be learned only "tsy reading; before printing was invent- ed, which made reading matter wide. spread, education was very mane; through reading we benetit by ob. servation of thousands of experts. " improves our voeatminry, etc. Pat McMillan stated listening to professors was a form of observa- tion: in Industrial schools and col- leges, most. is learned by observation. great discoveries arose tram obser- vation, to scientists and chemists com- bating disease, germs. to geologists and astronomers. it is most essential. Miss Guaaie McAlilter gave an tV nmsinz recitation in dialect "Little Bateeae" and Mn C Penton a tine solo. Wilfrid Anderson claimed that in wading. we benefit through other. conceptions: people lacking “any to read closely, also lack in observing closely: historians, lawyers, doctors, In rebuttal. Miss Beaton contended newspapers must get reading mater- lnl through reporters or someone ob serving: that our reading which given us purest English In consid- ered heavy ad not much desired. end there is much trash in popular reading utter. Misses Mectutnel, ParsJow and Ed. munston and they guarded the deeU. Ion to the native by a very slight margin. After " Instrumental number and s duet by lines Helwlg, Valley Club relented their petaewinnintr pity 'loney for Jam', which the crowd thoroughly enjoyed. . R Oii. ver, M.P.P., presented the (lunatic cup to Vex-hey club end the Debuting trophy to No. T, Normnhy. Anniverury Services of Amo- Church. Drama-e, will be held Bun- day, Aug. 4th, with garden party, on liondxy Aug. 6th. 7 Remember the i Three mixed boll teuns won their: way into the semi ttnah-Oni.' Ebenezer nnd Holstein. Onwnrd ttfl Ebenezer ttrat cluhed but the Bouthl I Artemesln nine proved no match for; the Bentinck etuunpiona, Ebenezer; winning " to 4. l Sec-re: 1234567tou Ebenezer 2 2 4 3 4 6 l 223 "htward-00t0001C' Holstein: L. Bailey, Brown Irvin, Hazel Smith, Clarence Fenton, Jean Ellis, H McDougall, J. McCall, A. Walls, R Rite, Geo. Brown. Onward: Ivan Turner, Emma Oll- var. Alt Hineka, J McCannel, Fax-qu- har Oliver, B Hincks, Tam Currie, I. Hincks. R J Turner. Ebenezer and No 7, Nor’hy win at Farm Youth Rally Though not well advertised. there In: a fair crowd present a the aft- erncou with.“ tutatts end . nearly tUled Hall " night, at the Annual rttrm Youth Rally in Hal-tell: but Saturday. iiht iii? Ittlttati, Ream. were three ~teachere tot 7 runs in their last Inning. tieing score at 1lr--15, but as Durham girls were an inning behind, score revert. ed to end of tith, thus Durham won by 15 to 8. Durham did some strung hitting, but showed lack ot practice In the field. Score by innings: - l 2 ' 4 5 total Meaford Durham Durham 2 0 2 5 6 15 Durham: Daitsy Mather, pitcher: M Brown,2nd; Lenore Racy. Lt.: Chris- tene McCulloch, e. t: Florence Mac. Donald. lst; Sarah McCulloch, catch- er: Peggy Lennox, a. B..' Marjorie Ritchie. 3rd: Blanche Boyce, r. t. Meatord: M Hart, c: J. Carley, 8.5: P. Patterson. 2nd: D Hutchison, cf: I. Signel: 3rd, L Bart, p; G. Mem.. nes, r. L: W. Oppenelser. It.: L Rob- in. 1Bt. - In hardball Artemesln tettietty the VAndeleur team) defeated Proton, (mainly from Cedarville) and tn football Swlnton Park ttttd Btrtrthtrv. on team: met, the Inter winning 2 to 1. The sports were enjoyed bye lsrge' "I new. w. n. smiths absence. the crowd. First was the mixed soft: 33:22:19 these churches will be ball game between Dornoch and Mal-t colm. Domoch was reinforced byi --_----- tt hDurham glagergoatnd It. 313:1ng CAMERON MclNTOSH, M. P., his won on y o . _ McGirr pitched and Reta McIntoshI ROUND HI8 OLD DORNOCH HOME caught for the winners. Dornochl We had apleuant call trom thun. team comprised L. A. and Campbell emu McIntosh. M. P., tor North Bat- McLean. Reta McIntosh, Chile Behil: tleiord end district. who hos been a- droth, Ken Wilson, Florence Menon- round his old home " Dornoch tor a old, Blanche Boyce, Alma. Wilsonn few days. His work at Ottawa being Clarence McGirr. j;ovei, he is here now as editor to at- Score by innings: '; tend the meeting in London ot the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 tom Weekly Newspsper Association this Dornoch 0 t l 2 0 3 1 7 IP 20 week. He has made good as editor Malcolm 4 0 1 i) " 6 0 0 0 ll, and Publisher ot the North Battle- Dundalk and Clarksburg girls tirgt 21 a',',',',',,',',',,,','.'",',," 3:33;!th 'rf, also met in the girls' tournament and the ment whe h h e d " ama- latter were victors 24 runs to 10 in s ii re e as ren ered strood “we" innings. Then Durham an d ere ce on Committees as well as a Meatord came together and only up tinitthed speaker in the House ot & Commons. He is s staunch believer to the first half or 6th was niavpdi . - _ _ _ Dundalk and Clarksburg girls tirgt met in the girls' tournament and the latter were victors 24 runs to 10 in maven innings. Then Durham and Meatord came together and only up to the tlrtrt half ot 6th was played, when the heavy rain came and ended the girls’ sports. Mentord had scored by the Rev. P. Parnell. when Gertha M. daughter or m and Mrs D. Me. Donald Hopeville. was united in mor- riage to Mr Archibald Wilson, son of Mr and Mrs Ja- Wilson, Holstein? The bride looked charming in a son of goblin blue crepe, with hat and coat of grey. “tern week's honeymoon spent in Woodbridge. Toronto end Nisan. the happy couple will reside on the groom’s farm, Mth con, 'lltremont, Lodlhqham - Duncan At Division St. United Church. o. Sound, June " Rev. J. L. Melanin united in manage Her-um lube]. only daughter of Mr end In R. 0. Duncan. Derby, to Mr Geo. M. Led- Ingham, no ot Mr and In In. D. Loam. thtqtre Mia. later Mr. And In Ledingbun left tor 8mm, where they will in future wide. Mr Geo. Campbell, Durham, was!!!1 charge of the refreshment booths and did a. rushing business until the rain; felt. The dance in the evening was called oft and will take place thiss; Thursday night. ‘ , On June 19, a quiet wedding was golemnlged at the Manse. Dromore, Mm Mtteptmil had as her topic, "With whom shall we trade" and tho' an exhaustive topic, succeeded in making it interesting to those within the Confines of her voice. I Splendid weather sud large crowds [attended the 3rd ennui U. " Il.', _ picnic tor South East Grey in Lever'l i handful grove. 1 mile north at :Flelherton, on Monduy. In July. It would be safe to my thnt almost ev-i ( ery township in the county ya rem! generated in some form or another; and literally speaking Jew and Gen. ' tile politically rubbed tshoulders. The, f day was ideal for the event and when {the dark clouds were firtrt seen on j the northern horizon, the sports were P. R. Oliver, M.P.P. and Miss Miter-hail. M.P., were the speakers. and had special addresses for their Inge audiences. Mr Oliver spoke on 'Proposed remedies for the Agricul- tural Situation' and It did not take long to learn where he stood on the Immigration question. Hancver Band was on hand tor the day and supplied bright music. The McGregor Concert Co. ot Caledonlu. put on an excellent program after- noon and evening, until a halt had to be called owing to the rain. It in estimated 4,000 people paid Mimi-Alon to the grounds and the 20 acre field reserved. teg park-' lug cars was packed. from the trpeedynittle Ford to the modernlim- ousine. A rough estimate of the tot- al value of can in the tuld would approximate $1,000,000. They were placed in aisle upon Male and little dlmculty was experienced in the get away. at their height. They quickly gather- ed momentum and around the supper hour, when the crowd were over tho lunch baskets, the torrent came down and fell more or leu steady the re- mainder of the evening. . Rain famrtg in Evening hurried home the erttwd.- Many Township. repro- "rtud.--Nod pmiram and much” largest Crowd yd at _ Annual ll. f. 0. Picnic wiLSON.-. McDONALD HYMENEAL DURHAM. THURSDAY. JULY 4, 1929 " ti a With M is beam!“ the luau. beoee _ Dr. Bennetto. Guelph, was at the “Hospital Wednesday and had sever- al cases to act upon: Mrs Thos Torry (ot Bentinek, had an operation per- 'tormed upon her eye: Miss Andrey Bell and Mrs Thos. Ritchie had nas- sl oIterationtt performed, while treat. ,ment was given to Miss Mary Dyer, L Miss Jessie Smith. Miss Ruth Nichol, I Miss Gertrude Damn. Miss Christen iMartin, Mrs Hooper, Egremont. , UNION CHURCH BERWCES { DURING JULY AND AUGUST i Commencing _Sundny next, July 7, summer union services will be held between Knox and Queen Street Un. 'tted Churches. During the month of :July. Rev. H. S. Flddes will uke " vacation end the morning services for these two churches tor this (month, will be held in Knox Church, fund In the evening in Queen Street 'Church. During the month ot August Hn Rev. W. H. Smith's absence. the services in these churches will be reversed. in Canada’s ability to hoe her own row, it prospective tariff changes ot our his neighbor to the south should hit Canada adversely. He is also a strong advocate ot a. distinctly Can- adian nag, not by any means to dltr place the Union Jack. the ttag of Empire, but u a means of calling at- tention to Canada's nationhood and metnberahip.in the British Empire. lHe is an ittteretrting conversational- at. Mrs Arthur Ritchie 15 a patient in Durham Hospital tor a couple weeks' rest and treatment. Tonin- were removed from the fol- lowing patients Iunrhum Hospital Wednesday: Reta Morris, Harworlh Hughes, son ot C.P.R. Agent; Mrs. tRevo Hayes, John McMillan,Ceylon, ion ot pontmmreu there. Glenelz Centre Baptist Church are holding their amen party on Friday. July 19th, " the church. Picnlce and More Picnics The Hie-ion Bend ot the Presby- terian Church enjoyed themselves Saturday last, nt 1 picnic held tn the grove " the net of Mrs IcCannel'a pupal-t1 on LunDton 8t Itl. Thurs. day last the B.Y.P.U. of the mp. tilt Church held . picnic at the home of lien En Radical. This In the M_ entering of thin Society until Mr John Arum. Bentinek, is im- proving from treatment " Hospital for n infected hand. The deceased brethren are ". Bro John Noodle. Harry Kress. John Me- Lean. Jan Mchrlnne, Jae Colvllle. Ben Warner, Dan Campbell, Geo Wil. son. Wellington human. Arthur K. Smlth. Jno. H Rose, J G Hutton. Ad- am Robertson, W. Irwin, Ronald Gil. es, J. Levine, W. J. Firth, Geo. L. Hughes. Alex McCormick. This a the use at weed. Wouldn’t it be great it next winter were to come this munmert--W-ton Whig A trio, Bros. Bert Saunders Ind T. Bell. and Geo. Bell, sang "Rock or Ages" in good harmony, while other brethren were decorating the graves. The lodge wa- sugmented try eight or ten brethren from It Forest and several from Hanover Ind Chesley. All marched from lodge rooms weer: and on nrrivel in the cemetery, torm- ed a circle west of driveway, Just across the gully. Rev. E. Hayes, rec- tor of Trinity Church. delivered the sermon, which was attentively heard by the brethren and a large com course of friends. Very lucidly he traced the history of the Jews " God's chosen people, down to the time ot David and Jonathan, Ind brought out the Ideal friendship which existed between these two. Bro. Bert Stoneouse impressively gave the Oddfetiowa' address and Bro. Peter Ramage acted as chaplain, while Noble Grand Thos. Whitmore was in charge of this Me service. Grey Lodge. I. O. o. R. on Sunday afternoon. June M, held their ennui Decoration Service " Durham ceme- tery, tn respect to the memory ot the brethren of this lodge and loamy. who hove gone before. . This rear, ttSQ baskets ot geranium: were I801." to adorn the graves of the twenty deceased breth- ren and these will be tun-planted in- to an I. O. o. F. plot, redentiy pur- eheed_in, Durham cemetery. Decoration Service for Departed Brethren HOSPITAL NOTES u3VB--m Wt on Sunny, June ' 80,toMrandMraGeoLrre.-. J, BROWN--" mum, on June " " toMroutMmANatBrmm,0ttes. was Julia Weir, 11A... In many} an “living Tiiii, iii%riioui/ir."' n is with her mother. motored to Guelph) 18 years since he last visited Durham Timothy morning, where .hErs Weirl and glad to see how Well " father. will visit her daughter, In Bert our veteran-town clerk, is combating Smith, while Miss Julia will so Ott, his 80 odd year]. With his wife and to 2'g'"gct"'ie, she is on the a)!" other friends. they motored via Unit. Imining rd It Toronto tor 9; ed States all the Why from Vuncouv- midsummer Department extuntr. l er end expect to return home by the Miss Alix Edge, St Catharines Col-l Canadian West. In the course of his le lute stair. was a guest at the wed- conversation the name ot'Agnes Macs f/ld of Min Kathleen Whicher or; phail' came between our lips. Jack Colpoy's Bay, to Rev. Mr Strapp.; feels that the early principles he in, vice prim-mu of Elgin Institute at; oulcated in his scholars at Hopeville funk-7y. Ont. His: Alix left Mondayi also: in 1897 1:1] t "I',' naustlhhaze or notch to ta e ttMutttnerCourBe A o some P er. or e m s " Queen’s University. lthere was a little "Aggie Mmphail" The many friends of Miss Annie attending school in his Junior grade-s Russell. daughter ot Mr sud Mrs AL, It that period. tt he saw her for is ex Russell, Toronto, and formerly of; few moments he would be lure it u _Durhun. will beApleued to hear all ll the right "Aggie." Mr and Mr: Roy Sparling and chil- dren have returned from their wer ern trip and for the month of July w." occupy one of Mr John Morri- son’s cottages " Snugeen Park. Mr Harry Hugill and totally ore occupy- ine the other. line. Elizabeth Harding, Oliedo Hahn and Dorothy Robinson. pupils of the Mines Fursmnn Ire in How ver trying the mid-summer cumin:- tionn in piano. Dr Ernest locum“. Principal of the Toronto Conserva- tory. is the examiner. Mr Chas. McKinnon of Barium, Ala. with Mr Bob: McKinnon, Tor- onto. motored to Durham and Price- ville, Seturday to spend the week and with reletivel and friends. Mr and In Allen Helthnd, Own: Sound. were visitors It Mr John D. Hohyden'l. EdgeHIII. the ttmt of week. mu Kste Ichyden returned with them to spend e couple of due. Mr Don Baker and sister Minter“; 0mm. mrent over the week end at J. W. Btyth'.terttes., um Ruby] Mr and In Will Buehnn and son Ewing, Dunnville. holidayed over the "lat" with Mr and Mrs T. Ritchie, at Edge Hill. The many friends of Miss Annie Russell. daughter of Mr and Mrs Al. ex Russell. Toronto, and formerly of Durham, will be pleased to hear of her lucceu at Queen's University. Not only did she attain her degree. but she has captured a medal tor her protteieney In English. Congratulations to Miss Kathleen Milne who was successful in her Jun- lor Organ examination at Toronto Conservatory of Music. She was suc- cessful In all her nubjects. Dr Hor- vey Robb is her instructor. mm .eetmtpaniett they home trods her school. Mr John Reid and son, visited his tsitrternritt-law, Mrs Bogle at Varney. and Mrs John Gray of town. They were also accompanied by Mr Reid: son-ln-luv. H. G. Smith. all from De- troit. Mr Reid has not been in Dur- ham for 50 years. Mr and Mrs Seth Talon! were visitors over the week end with Mr and Mr: John Stedmun in Simone. Misa Magnet MeGirr ucompanied them u far " 11tut, where she will visit her sister, Mrs Thou Watson tor . week. Mr Snelgrove. principal of Canada Btu-men College, Toronto. with two sons. Howard and Norman, were vis- itors nt Mr Ind Hrs Coun McIntyre's It Domoch, over the week end. In: Mary McIntyre who in: completed her full course It this Coilege. wu the winner of the gold medal given for typing. _ Miss Mary lamb. Aberdeen, and who teaches near Blenheim. is one of a party of tourists who this sum- mer are 'doing' Europe and the Bri- tish Isles. The trip is under the dir» ectonhip of Principal Collin. of Harm lllon and is of 1 weeks' duration. The itinerary will include the coun- tries of France. Germany, Switzer- land. Belgium. Germany. Italy and Of course, the British isles. We wish her a plenum trip 1nd safe return. Miss Edith Edge, teacher of Sault. Ste. Marie. arrived Saturday to holi- day with her sine" at Edie Hill. in and Mrs Wm. Ltidtaw Jr. of St Marys, spent over the holiday at his parental home here. dttttrrtttor. Mr Brock Grant, Welland. visited Sundny with his brother here. Me Fred Pinkerton Ind little (brighter. sail today, \Jedneodny. via the B. B. "Duchess of Bedford." from Montreal, for to visit her father tn Liverpool. England. In Pinkerton ume to Durham " n 'war bride'12 war: BRO and this in her tlrttt return to her home. Her tuber In: Mum Mr T. Harm. mu Harare! and Mr and Mrs Jim Cunynghum Tor. onto. were men: of Mr o. . and Ill: M. L. Hunter the first, of week. Mr and Mrs Geo L Slurp ma line MIMI, spent over the holiday with Mr J. J. Fox Mid other friends at Guelph. . Mr John chipine of Butter, Penn, in visiting his sister. In E. Buschlen Mr and In Jan Smith. Mines Aw ne tad Tinte Smith. Uxhridge. were July lat viliton with Rev. m In B. D. mung“. Mr Edanr town, Burlington. m u week end vlnltor with " purentl. Mr and Mrs Theme. Brown. heath and is nnxlouu to Bee his 0 -. end. "I t .A bit of Durham ot 25 years ago. . he! mmwetedl in the outline of John 3. Vollett, thia College. W" of Vancouver, walked into our cities: told model liven‘ on Saturday laat and waited to be t recognized. We were "hard put" tor 1 't'mtteted were, a white, but gradually those lines oek end with ,e'.) and contour ot the man that mark lman in Simone. the lineage ot father to non, became Mrr accompanied apparent and we are glad to wel. i- where tthe wilt we him back to his old town. Jack n Thog Watam, is connected with Vancouver Adver- titling Directory and is making it Co, l Son, viaited " for he is the living embodiment of Bogle at Varney. that Western spirit ot optimism that .ot, town. They pemieates even the lakes and rivers tied by Mr HPI: ot that country. His work taken him nith, 1" from Der' to Victoria a couple of times a year not been in "T and altogether la a walking encyclo. media of Vancouver and environs. Buchan and 'l'lh We almost forgot to tell that tho' "rlidayed over the Ma heart and outlook on life in young M" T. Ritchie! his years betray him. in the fact that ‘his only son. Clarence is married B.A.., itt company: and living also in Vancouver. It is otored to Guettrhl; 18 years since he last visited Durham where .Mrs Weir I and glad to see how well " father. ISM". Mra Bert our veteran-town clerk, is combating Julia will so (mi his 80 odd yearn. With his wife and 'he is on the 9" other trienda. they motored via Unit. 1'21“ng for the; ed Staten all the way from Vancouv- f Mr J. T. Priest, Jr., Toronto and [Min Jean of Shurbol lake, were l home at the Bimini Put-tome over ,the week end. The Inner II.“ I ithne 00an solo ll the morning I service Sunny. while the former I gave . violin number in the evening. Jun Janie ot "clutter University, a in It homo tor the summer. Rm" cub de it, balance ”an: ed to unit. Apply fl cuoryMiny lbr Ccmfortnble Ix 'room rough out house with n r and light: in. Good lot well than on (1me St W. Enacted thereon also a tidy barn and detached hen h Be. Priced mun. The residence ot e hle Mrs. Rude P. lot-lock at reuonnblc- price. This II a tine me, well lo- cated. Apply gt once I N HORLICK'. MAUTED MILK MEAD‘S DEXTRl-MALTOOE ' DR. BIN-GOV. POWDER. for Tooth in. and Bowel from)!” Cold. and Ann. Favor Indication. BAUER a BLACK’O BABY TALO JOHN.ON'C BABY POWDER " TAYLOR’S INFANTO‘ DEMON? 00A? NWLEO, BOTTLES, CVIINGEO. 'ETC, B. McBETH Buy your Drugs, Toilet Articles. Stationery,China EfFancy Gocdscow Wcjadden 's 2bes, &ore Sale Closes Saturday Night . NOW GOING ON at lilldlhl)l)lili's DRUG STORE One Cent Sale "-qree.8rat8M..r-tn--s.. 1‘00““ ”in.“ QMOOOI.W “EVERYTHING IN MEDIC!NE FOR MAN OR BEAST" C. P. R. TICKETS, BOAT OR RAIL P. F. WARM", FOR sue ' SALE mm artAWatter.on, Hanover, Ont. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO NESTLE'S MILK FOOD itdtr, Durham Me J??my's Weeds Thursday. July Lula: of the mun storm sen er ttt a depth of " or " feet I: now in pragm- In from of you! other, and Main Btreet I. now closed to "mm from Stone Plum ta ICE-Adorn our» nor in lower town and from foot of MI! to Central 'httet to upper town. Paving WI: completed on ttte'htit on Saturday And It trx-tta I uniform grade, scarcely on steep u formerly. The mixer is now II work a! mum end ot paving. where'boncrete base in being hid. (MI - hing tinislted on Tuesday at up of hill. MARRIED MaeNAUGHTu--HetGrLUvRAY -__ At Danforlh Baptist Church. Torouto, on Sammy. lama, by Rev Geo Muck-an. .pumr. In. Sarah Mar- Gllllvrly. daughter of the lalt- Mr 1nd In Jame- IwGllllv y, of Glenelx. to Mr James W 1l'li?lid//', Ion of the late Mr and Mrs Pour Newman; Owen Sound. tAt'or n brief honey moon in Tcmnm and Ni Inn. the happy cousin will rusidv on the noon“ ("In our o. Sound; mlltaty-BAKER: At Port Elgln. on My. July "t, [In Nlnnlr Hak- er to Mr CtitmrQ Hoary. non of Mr and In Will Henry ot town. DIED BCHo0LEY-on ”my. June L'Mh, GARDEN PART Y his! BOOTS TRIO. on levelII itttttrumrmts (All of Toronto) an. TINKII, Gumvmc, or noted Mane, will delight the audit-nu- with her whistling numbers‘ “our “mod on the Grounds Admin-Ion 60c: children tbr. F. R. Oliver. I.P.P.. Chairman I". P. Kelley. Secreury Hlnwor High Sch.“ Orchestn. (11 I‘m) will be phonon! and furnish muck: during any part of evening and for concert In amnion the "allowing not-bl. talent Mu been “”3 PEARL NEWTON, vnn-rluilwl T0408. "CLAY, Scottish Tenor Sn It the residence of her Bott-in-lass W. H. Whitetuareh, 1237 Queen 51 but. Toronto. Ada, relic! of tht lute mamas Schooley. Pun enl ' ' Sunday evening at a how atMreaa, Interment at Wood smock. Icahn: of at. Column United Church, PWVIIIO, Um be held on the School dream, on .‘lmrsdav. Julv 18 Dunn“ and Station" Phone t. DUIBAI Paving Progress THE ANNUAL

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