n Frervre to 'ahragr. Fartune tr, an†"" Dtrong- "They did it Brat.'" in a distinction which never can he token tron Oop- tain John Alcoch end Lieutenant V thur W. Brown, who were knighted for their great exploit. On June 14, 1919, in sixteen houre of Bring, the" two airmen new from St. John, NJ. to Cllfden, Ireland. The light we! made without stop and terminated at the exact point previously deemed en the goal. They new in n Vichen- Vimy biplane, powered with two 375 horsepower Rolls-Royce motors. The motors which carried them our the 0mm were world famed for their " liability and the plane we: then n muniard Britilh bomber, the " worthiness ot which an - be qumtioned. Bat the Bight was made without any of the modern navigation- al instruments such " helped Byrd. Lindbergh, Brock end Schlee and the host that new etterwerd. Then two pioneers won mainly by their greet ttylng experience. Had “Terrlhle Journey" Alcock has delcribed hie hletorle light as iollown: So the ten-rear period has seen nothing done with the problem or ttchealuled trans-Atlantic air service. The period is perhaps most note- worthy for the establishment ot evin- tion in the economic life ot peoples. its greatest ieatures are the creation or air mail in the United States, air travel in Europe end anneal con- ecimtxness throughout the world ot the potential power of human light. Feat Virtually Forgotten These accomplishm‘ts are of md. Iclent magnitude to,wsmnt pride in my decade, and it also would seem to warrant eorttsideratioat of the lenenlly forgotten test of the two men who op- ened the period with the Brat direct son-stop night from North new to Europe. "We had a terrible Journey. The Wonder is that " are here at alt. w. scarcely saw the sun or moon or stern. For hours we saw none of them. The tog was very dense and " time- we had to descend within 300 feet of the am. For hours the Incline wee cov- crud in apsheet of ice caused by trol- on sleet. At another time the use! was so dense that my speed indium did not work and tor a few seconds it was very alarming. "We looped the loop I do believe tttul (In! a very steep spiral. We did some comic stunts, for I tttgd no "I" of the horizon. I didn't - on. during the num ,rtso0mr I - up Pie down or not. The tog val awful. Later ("and a It?." narrow em». I found myqu within ten feet of the Al-rrck and Brown mule mod that Nurlh America. "We'U has our Int- on Inn wireless towers It Chitin.†" for" up (-omes to the tests tor which th" names at Lindbergh, Gumball]: and Byrd an internationally 't Viuwed in the light of the unlove- mint ot these two "ot, ttatttiittdertr, the purpose of present stunt and spec- tarular tlying across the Atlantic ls dim-nit to understand. Except for the nonstop flight from the United States to France made by Colonel Charles A. lJndhergh and the ttight from New York to Elsleben, Germany, made by CharnNrrlirt, who not a new world's mum! in longdtstence lying. me ot the score or more of tnneAtlutlc lights which have mind the world since Aioock and Brown law have contributed “yum: to aromatics whim was not already proven by that earlier. heroic and wholly successful venture. Amu- the Alcock and Brown ttight there mm much tam of the possibili- ties of the lmmu'iato establishment of trivtsAtlantie airplane? service. The lame talk followed the llama of Byrd, Lindbergh. Chamberlin, Brock Ind Schlve, Amelia Earhart, Koch], m maurice and Httenteid. "The winds were hvorable all the mu -northsretrt and at some that mmxmmt. An hour “a a It." be!!!" W" W! hand we had no comm tdat thru't we were, but we trtrrured Fil w-rn at Galway or tttereabouttr. Our, ttelitrht in seeing you) Ireland tet, Frhot Mam! us you. People at, not know tho we we" who: '0 Iandvd. . t, On last Friday then m brought to a close a ten-year notion of uro- nautical activity which m with the tirst successful Ion-Ito) "ttt urns» the Atlantic. Pew â€3.0“ mm only a genera! knowledge of uro- nautirs today will umber the namm-u ot Alcock and Brown. For. " thotrch no ttehlergtttettt In “lotion b ot hizhvr Importance, 'nono m Io quirkly forgotten. (mt! must travel a considerable du. tavr" down the record of timer after boast lwfore they left the shot}. at The week just cloud and a u. my] conspicuous opportunity tor nâ€. wriug the woman at aytattem. n ammine‘d one of the - hrtroeUnt arinisixcs4ariet' in “roman“. and in addition a tenth anniversary, which u always a handy nun when on. at. mmpvs to " for mammary m mm: what has been achieved in the munh of time. F tt . Wo neonate)? no unforeseen conditions. We id not “(or from cold or exhaustion, except when look- In: over the side; then slut ennui bits on: of our been. We drill Me. and ale and at. nubile)!“ artf W Aicock, Brown Flight Gauge of Plane Progress ned Alcock and Brown Set Pace The flavor ot carrots and turnips will be improved it a pinch ot In"! u added to them while cooking. Ammonia added to rinsing water re- stores colors to eretonnetr, curtains, and quilts. It removes red ink. fruit and grass stains from white artlclea, while, mixed with powdored pumice, It wlll remove obstinate hoot and smoke marks trom hearth um. Sick stomachs, tour domain “a, indigestion usually mean excess “Id. The stomach nerve: as iaaiiiiii/ Med. Too much acid mate: the 'tom/ ach and intestines sour. ‘. Alluui kill; mid mummy. The best form in Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia, be- came one harmless, tasteless dose neu- tralizes many times its volume in acid. Since its invention, M) year- uo, " has remained the stamina with plush than gut-mac". , Nicholson & Brock, Ltd. 125 George St., Toronto2 The New lune of Brook's Book on Blrdo going to press ohonly (14th ed!- tlon), will contain a Froo Listing of mm" and " drmeo of retail Bird morn; also of reliable Breeders of Conarleo and other cago blrds In Can- ada. All Bird Store- and my Breeder: who are inter-eut- ed in being listed in this popular book, which cir- cuiatee In thousands of ham" all over the Do- minion, should and tn their names and Manuel lmmedlateiy to the pub- lisher: below. INTEREST CANARY STORES AND BREEDERS TO I Reduce _ the Acid Here in a book that in: failed ut- terly in its object. It will no doubt be ranked with the Bntytt books about war written in the past century and a half, upwards ot a million and a halt copies will be sold and it will in" a detirttte and lasting impression on whoever gives it an intelligent "Adina. Nevertheless, it has not, nor will not, accomplish what the author thought he wanted it to. Obviously, "All Quiet On the Wol- tern Front' in a document of propa- ganda, written to condemn war Ind organised slaughter. Ramarquo not out to portray the recent hostilities In a way that would horrlty the world and set nations aghast at the mere mention of another conflict. "The Red Badge of Courage" has heretofore been regarded as the finest story of wsr ever written. Largely speaking, "All Quiet on the Western Wont" is just as good. it has more technical imperfections, ot course. Stephen Crane was A much more skillful writer than Ramurque. Never. theless, the latter has his points ot superiority. Stephen Crane wss at the disadvantage ot never having been to war. Ramarque spent a con- siderable portion ot his life in battle, What he has really done is what every man who knew anything about his subject and ever wrote I really good book about armed eontilet nu done. He has cast an aditional glam. or, u new aura of romance, about something that everyone insists is an extremely dirty business. No man has ever written the whole truth about war and it is doubtful it any man ever will. 0r else war is a tttre and glorious thing. What Ramarque has done, what er. ery man who has attempted truthiuly to chronicle feats ot arms has done, is to sublimaie the emotional side of gontiiet. Even emotions which are socially regarded as base here take on . quality ot tutenetrtr. "All Quiet on the Waite“: Front" in simply a story of high courage under trying eiretumstttneeg. And telee of high courage, when competently written, inevitably en- gender a heroic glow in the breast. oi the reader. Every man can see him- self u n capable and eompetant hero it encouraged. And few men shrink from desperate lituationa until brought face to face with them. "All Quiet on the Western Front" (printed by McClelland & Stewart. '2) has at least strip ed the final vestiges ot hokum from $10 ttttst wir. But ft has not punctured tho trubble. of ro- Thief book routes once and tor all the table that German troops were a not of slaves on one hand and mon- sters on the other. It shows that they were pretty much the some kind of people as their opposition, with mo- ment- ot kindness and tear, bestiality Ind comm. Take & spoonful in water and your unhappy Gsuution'v.in monthly and in the minute; Then you will mun know who! to do. Crude and mm methodg will nut upped to you. Go pron t is tor your on uh. tt may save o great may disagreeable' noun. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk ot Manes“ prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting 91cm acids. Each homo conulm full direetioe-atV i1rugMor_ ' "" NEWS ,IA WARNIMTWJTHEBS iwnard's ci,GaGPait “my. Perhaps Lite never meant you For a place of rank and power, For a mighty, moving century, But only for an hour; In! it [no you to": and bunt]. And I when {child on map. 'r"'ireFTr"rTri"mW, a; P"",' There’e nothing unimportant in this wondrous world of ours. From in mountain! end its river: To its buttertiieg and th"rerr, So you need not be dotrnhearted,' And the gods ot chance impeach. it you’re very ttttdistinguished-- _ Jun a pebble on the beach. You any long to be u mountain, Or 3 mm or towering ans. Or u bright and radiant Jewel. Quite the biggest in the bag; But the least and on the lowuen Great lessons have to teach. And the stormy waves are bathed By the pebbles on the beach. 'te It in“. §ou tot . 90551.. no ot many on the bush. A mu: who bu been the undermini- tTet,thrg,'gra'g'n,t the “to†of the United But“, no on To: Rick-rd, Woodrow Want, a Rudolph Wurttino, «no out illt Falls View Bridge at eight otelttek morning dressed .in a ten thousand dollar blue Rolls Rage and chauffeur to mateh.--"Niugara Falls Review." same time." No mother can except that her child will escape all the ills to whlch babyhood and childhood are subject, but she can do much to lessen the severity of these troubles. The moth. er should be constantly on her guard to prevent childhood ailments, or it they come on suddenly as they usual- ly do, to have the means at hand to relieve them. Thousands ot mothers have found Baby's Own Tablets the ldell remedy tor little ones-Html. sands of mothers always keep the Tablets in the house as a safeguard against the sudden illness ot their little ones. Baby’s Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach and that banish constipation and indiges- tion; break up colds and simple tav- er and make the cutting ot teeth easy. The Tablets no obsolutoly guaranteed tree from injurious drugs and may be given to the youngest child with nor- fect safety. They are sold by medi. cine dealers or by mail at 25c. I box from The Dr. Williama' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . “Rut-lam are the only dancers who can sit down and run at the Watch the Health of Your Little Once at All Times All In all, this book Is a real thriller and presents a brilliant picture ot life In Flanders for anyone unfortunate not to have taken part In the debacle. mance that dways clings to battle. And people are pretty generally wise to [lie helium by this time anyway. M "Ni'yss The Pebble U Minard’u for the rub down. 1 a. short skirt is making changes 1mm“. Out in Indian: several ‘M hare dteidrd to plus cu- ’ ON the lower part a! their r h an snort to put our the t hoo- Ibould be looked upon The. popularity of parrot-green is accounted for by ite wide range at phadea and the some in true ot duck. blue. Pigeon and dove-grey introduce tee delightful tone- on do the colon own " en gull and silver wins. "an Avenue merclnnte have tta. tured some at these colors in union t,",g"gt,'ld window displaye. The _ruit ooloringe were chosen for . nil» linery showing with en artiatiekftr, arranged fruit bullet in the centre ot the background. Immense plum, etch representing 1 colorful green pu- rot on e perch, we: chosen tor A win- dow dipslay of green Icoeeeoriee end careleeely toe-ed ttrtittciet bio-wine repeat the coloring. in . window given up to georgette in the new Bow. or Wee. It in said these " proved ot excellent advertising value. lurch man be kept in . coo] plus an wo covered, or it my turn Centenary of "Rule" in Brit- ish Group is Celebrated in Buenos Aires Buenon Aires-The tirtrt centenary celebration ot "Argentine rule" over the Falkland Islands was recorded here June 11 with vlrloua patriotic acts, beginning with ceremonies at. tended by descendants of Louis Ver. net, the first Argentine Governor. Flora and Primrose-yellow, buttercup and mimosa are the tavorltes in yellow tlower coloring!» with larkepur as one of the new blue shades and ten rose presented as a rosy blaze. Purple " ter is a newcomer on the color chart and diners somewhnt trom the usual alluding: ot lilac, violet and hellotrope. be preserved In 5 dark cellar. In 1820 the Buenos Airel Govern. ment contending England had not not» tied them and that they were a nu- tunl part ot the Argentine republic, laid claim to the group. but on the representations of Great Britain with. drew in 1833. Fruit, flower', and animals are well represented in the color chart tor the present season. The most fashionable of the fruit coloring: are banana-yel- low, Citron, lime and lemon, with or- ange and ungerlne also classed among the yellows. Prune and raisin are brownish tones. but grape-blue is a rich purplish blue with no touch of brown. Strawberry and raspberry come in many shades and the popular- ity ot green has introduced the goose- berry. Newspapers published documents on which the Argentine claims to the archipelago are batted, viewing the Falklands u a naturtl prolonntlon southward of the Republic'- territory. The islands are new part of the British Empire, which they serve no I naval base. but mutually the Amen. tine lays its protest before the British Government for what it considers an “owl occupation. In 1764 the French explore: do Bougainvllle took possession ot the islands tor France, but that country ceded them to Spain in INT, two years after an Englishman bud taken possession for England on the ground ot prior discovery. Spain in 1771 yielded them to England on a con- vention. The islands are 300 miles out ot the Straits ot Museum nnd hue I population of about 2000. Argentina Renews l00-Year' Claim to Omou. Donna: at} parsnip: can! 5 preserved In and or earth In} Falkland Islands ISSUE No. 26--'29. u aometa, to pnycr. Fawn Colors In The Locker Room Chicago Tribune: The British peo- ple. at all clean end lumen. have been and are still tully “are or the vital importance ot have] ellclency. not merely tor the Isa ot nor but tho tor those ot pence. Under the strong shield ot the British Navy British commerce, in all m phases. he. spread over the world and main. ulne its freedom in war and peace. end the British people know It: nine not only to welr security but to their prosperity. Bllk stockings will last twice " long it they are allowed to soak in cold water a few noun below bells worn tor the first time. mail v - ......_..,_vr _ _ p“ to “North CAREARTT OVERALLS --.4h. best mm-'. we“ in theqeortd. On- mi"ii'ier-iGtu-iuth-o+rtotte1t, ' (at his hook. Wm for you" M. H-is-c-ee,---..,'-" Our new tho-cal lyrmiu Ce-taa. My m and blending of the world's choicest in. (in Id In“ " its Humble new: and â€moat-yin; you!“ be, - (wanted. " 3E3 ROSE ORANGE PEKOE " tytry 1re24 with Safety MIn-rd's in the land-by of those who uke are not to later trom when and ach. ing mulclea. IF Lydia E. Pinkham were alive today she 'A 0: Id be one hundred and nine years old. H er (1: at cm dants continue to manu- facture her famous I/ege- table Compound and the _ integrity of four genera- UT tions is behind the prod. . ' uct. In many families _ . today,. mothers are teach- _ ' t ins their thirteen year ol daughters to clapend 'tle/rl, the same m icine t eirgrandrpothers praised back in 1870. Holiday Trip \ I I stsstt,?-!/(i;f, i'iCr,,] CCrrd Mrlia,lli; Pirhhamt The British Navy '/ \t/ \ /////I I 'i"(Nti, 25321951.; Compound Get a bottle from your druggist today GUM-DIP?†A Friend to Women lYDM brim IAN “Mums-r. cat Luu.h.u‘. .md_o-%Caou. "iziGijkyzsseye.rrsor.t FARNHSTQCK ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO is: tis good ted' B All! CHICKS: JULY AND Al'Gl'NT. MI Ite, Brown Leghorn: otsd Anconu- He. wane Leghnrnu "r, us- I.rled chick. 9r. Expreu paid on 200 or over: (no Malena. A. H Sula-r. Gnnwn Ontario. q Only when Teast most elective. tr bring out the weight. ening values of Yen Don‘t be "skinny" ttl longer. Let lrouued Y: . ma! man'. armu and clear, ruddy complexion draught to-day tor full vi If not delighted with quit' your money back. It nu buy from drugxm. mm! to Canadian lronizsd Yo; Fort Erie, Ont. Desk 425 In and women everyulwre WHIP tut lroniud Yam added 5 to 15 bonus often In few shun new“. Boud- out nun-Clea. (Hm manly color and clan. robust akin Hum: mum: and energy. Makcw rrul an". out of “skinny" weakhngs. They Ink-how does lronlled Yeast work so an? [Nailed Yeast in two great n Ill one. Weight-building SF. traded with two kinds of Mrenp lug. triood.ettriehiutt IRON med rem by hkhest median tguttior The Vent is also treated with l' Rays to Increase " etrerticenes Plasma! tablets. mu. No gas or bl 'N'Ewniu'i. HILL " m Bt. I. . . ponds in few weeks. lawns Guaranteed-or pay nothing "6kirmy" Men! Gain Weight Shank New IRONIZED YEAST adds CU4d Advertisements we . . WM Md and â€that“; lit Ila-l Bill “I Idy Pond". A delightful - I- - .u. "tbt't"e """"iidii72Cd"irc'"""-"" " 'il, Iuluxnn - iv (i " 'Eat t " .‘ "(I/“L fl - (‘Iltic-uru Ta Ir " m - I... -h--'-r'. "- ‘0‘..." M B6tS. new.“ Ilugnhmr to: Ont-.110 , Illdl ot strengih hm IRON ttstd t medial authorm Io treated with Vin a " "ectieetteatt. as! Is lranzml In [mu in unwind 'ahtmail,lV..rr. Ha- 1: Yeast. lets. No . 1 an H: yo. and . your tment. ty. get nut to direct ' Ltd, h tor M. tet to It