III "In“ In“ I can) P"rr' _ . w I." . . tt . £1 Po‘iT-w" . - t . t ". x... .. "1 M Jd'r.usayeu -r-1rtrt'ansrirns,tl/ ' Ann-mam just am alfnsM‘ l _ has the trontie; between Turkey NF l VSgr‘l; whit-rib irih,aiGl . sheen] "commission pqu 0193),; General Erma. -.m.- i. .. . . i. "' J'atrt',ttt'tiietfgttg"gj" .6WL1LMIW tti homer ', , . aJlt,".tttltteu'r,t"d MEG-Id. ' ~2-:-wm3mr tuoft.r, tummy " " "5"“ “9 09 "‘9 MAH" ot â€mm; mm socIALIrr an . l ati"2rtu'f P"1.ts Brria are; DeAre'itNNNaine, son at fur,.Hou1 " Th 'l2fzC.'i', Cu;ctecii,: tifrair.errpr.trt M â€not: Socialist neat l followed E #6," conclusion} a 4" 1P.trtrriiH,.te.13htr.ttt phexyopr. -,.- Franco. u"auuaLgriettaittiireJ?eir9t.rGircc " . . ( amt». "mu convention which ... -. -.-t-i---ues, . / In To lie ukotiated in Parts “we" AMowa-Menmvbe eve :2 3"]. than “a the)“, Bethe Wk“. ta1t!1trtttN1F?,ut"y'1' the if†.cl:,gjwute 13: authorsâ€, hitherto Much»? {76;th as; ahdige." Border Friction , v5 '.Cmtfidagstlr Awaited _-' . New Tai-The union of the Chine» Numb: (imminent tn one!!!“ the Ruu'lan management at the Chinese intern Railway and in taking ovef'ihe properties of the co.- F puny in Hang-hurl. is regarded in m. torm'ed quarters here as having pre- cipitated a minus situation in the Tar that an .dto have electively but nib-cow " no. Vladivostok. t go. American representative at an south Inchurin Minn told u ttttttt cor- respondent“ ot the Monitor hon that, ' an“ I'll mucking the development yin: utmost concern. " , The Vol-alga “In Anmlulol! has just issued a. [muslin in whph " re- ' ‘viowa'thc r'hote okthe (3;th Eu} . ern' Railwluy qu'estion. Trtt eh. it fir) . ctuizm as a "bone .ot com Alton In- :wvon Natiénaiisl China 'lft. Soviet’ Russia," 'and is having See}: “‘a cot-1 an»; and "Important Wales-(m. the peace oCthe Fpr‘mmr “an" fin mobtién in 1896." ' . l There af a Amtaiheniat unanimity ot upmion 'ttrouatrout Japan that it I. abso’iutely necessary to “toward an . grurariAr, intern“, rights and ind. in Marsqluasim vigilant which In In- ' 11mm! w-rmomic life would really cob lapses, If Manchuria were to be 11an- " unto a 'stat-er' like!!!" or mum tion as other parts of China. the pro- lesaion of the geinciN6'orrttte open door and NIHJDMMIIIH wouliLr-g ‘Iolvo mar into‘nothihg more than. ' mere ttp "tigr"7ifee/."' .. . . _ - Japan mm m Ono Mr. (ileum inc mg received ntrad. lvim-s horn Su m regarding the Bitrti_Wttx why)â€- dovelopod- in Matt. chpxja. l (hum, maiden. however, liiiii no 'li/iii,'),,?,?!:' you! beaut- temfm-d y the Chinese .Natlonaluts tn connnctinn with the South Mar . ‘ciium Railway, which ty. Jytder in- onnéo mamxilnenf anit Giitrot. 110. of votiu-ir.itsai iAnsrt,_dlr km 3.3 0. W m of Syrians mm and Tuna In. Syria are . 'tFt finish Policy K.soociattitm Te. 'msi.Gtriettrrttte hstorr ot ttte'ratho" unknowns that the tubes! ob, no United Eaten In it has Been evidenced tn. whammy diplomatic cog-com- ettse." Tht, Troaty ot ,l’ortsmom; makpg'pc e hetvveen Rus‘ita -.d Japatt. are me South Mgndturtl him): fo Port Arthur t9 Japan. Rus- ’-i:n wumlng the .rofttaitttntt stretch " tun-'ltu‘ ~mriatian sciento Mont- A. :‘Chmtlon-iboi any action simi- lar to that _t9.e.las, just effeciqd quasi his“. would be immedluoly rontented non vigorously by Japan.†he Mid. "t do "not anticipate on trouble "or the China. Nationalist; "Skt-ten" "which but", -. , Any "tex Japan-nigh! Mm 50106 elared, would be actuated solely 2'!" its intereM,.itrrtttutttaittimr tho-sigma qua. Me desert“ Illa! he referred, td as the proe-trhitattrition to which them-cums: Government has iyiien, subjects“, no Russian "-errttttt ot the Chinese Eastern Railway em since the Muktfgn tuiretineat tor joint. umtml In WIN. - . "The Nationalist G6rernmrsnt has been attesting Its aggressive spirll'tii- ward the Raul“ Fntutatte"nent yet since that Yrrtq" Mr. Go continupdz Laiiii"i'eaiiriiiiiiii'" gcmna‘j‘ Air“; "see -T..- sytiiratit.irrhrkeir, Agree on Frinikier "Japan has repeatedly voiced not polity with resin! to peace and or- tter in Manhunt)". Go laid. “TM. has a vial bearing upon Japan'l u- 'tto'nat éxistcuca and nations! defense. The Jaw-Me (titanium! is, there- tore, vitally Mm.m the Inh- u-nunce ot pang in these regions. ' . I Spokesman for Railway Con- ttew Tttrh-% “'"mm" Air, ways unphlbnn Runyon cumin; â€"0"“! by Tokyo Declares Rphen G. men and n drew at my. ' Action by China Against has 1m left Miami, Fl... to mks n Russia is Viewed With In] Inspection at wanting newts. .. peemtratorr to entail-Ion of the f Deep Concern --. y!iyer United States air mu Ionic. to , Action by Soviet Unlikely Dutch Gain: on Aug. " â€cording New York-The action ot I" J,'dTl,o,,"t'."irt"ll'/ 1'r,'Sh'a.' Trip†I: Prom Paratnaraitro,' Pn-Am'brlcan l Atom" wll extend the service down (tttat east coast to Pun and Rio do r' Janeiro, mull and lontbvldeo, Wru- .' gnu, whereJc wt1l llnk'wlthule liner I ot .Pnn-Amorlun Grace Mun". .' which, " ls expected. wit soon be ex- " tendodJrom Chile our the' Andes to '. Buenos All-en and Montevideo. .. I r . Under ttter-tent. ttterrttmeriayf line will extend its lines from ltt..Pidt pr» WfW'itNq.ot'tFqtnLmtaMeottter sir}, . ttttMoms-Mr emu†it-M.or.rtsaertt We Vanadium 'tit-wg/mo-r-. T ', The v-Wumn We Man. which xxn_\r(.mlm{rw ,Mal .tari Windsor, 'Ire-Se'?,':',.",..",?,,", go Haliri, fux..qun, to .eqtqnf heir fihes'to VIC: ', torla, 7 a'-'-" (mu: W'.ge§ed ", Hsrthtrist Always: and Wist- ' _ TC. T ’..l ' ,"r 'tt f'", I ' cm anaJw Airway: t I Announce Plans mt . [ _si.",tsr,"iytu.t.'.l.-h1'it'iiVat of in Iglpfnqmb'fljojnlyaénï¬h)’a." foute i,, iiayiit.dvk.tiriiil'ey weaves. , ’_ "tit,' t Mn 11i6t,“tl6-"®lc_hi'él" te- ‘mr atiogtttttetmktter. "ouctitvryrnot The colonel. Amso-averdouu to: ‘ sound: - II we}! known," was up. orTtagittatriAillr with): i mum ‘cunonman who 34d, microphone my} der Nat toreqtaF, _ .i' le ~v:v.m:- l . A'Nsit . ttut.t Aa. meowona '.tou,,lymr hiddep 7 Mn; - . quppel. Mm!-I "ttsrghrtlrarptm., he " h -...- .wu .li, , 'l'xr"utagqlttek.t;tttu.ttqatttr.rdtt, ,1 , :."Ihat'|...nol . Ao.neatr'/r ei4..uthe tyrlo.oel., “Winn. dung-Jon .apoyoach Re, vim-Aha ytWia.1trtt.a!s.i,ht." biaitr Arut. mac "iiiiim 'tyyrrtht Juulegt 'ttiirig to‘dof'" . ".. " V . ' cm. my: mum. general t1,eiif bf the Nimtt6bgttAkrtttrtr, ant-w. t? mmmmxvuiumrlb‘ itriniltte _ 'pos . mm In ttref-tttfan-ttrt-tttrn, de- clared-ah! â€manhood Illa “a was‘ punk " 'rtrNitttpatgreerrterte. or al. liance ~between.’ 'tiii,iiiiiiiji,ii.ii) ttrerFimti-wattd .diib.atot In“ 'tolso ownmhlp- or stock cam]. ."'." The _ lectum,’ incidenullyn “one: corded-on ennui-notion putheeI. .but mhbbimec wtll beam-outed In I motlpn “all†home.- .: ' .". '. I __ Vietor1h' bfi Air t San Fraaetbeof. Calit:-siCohggget rund-i bent}, who nnli‘ mm for tttNil cation on my subject but aviation; dew Iivered I lemurs: Kere Mondu~m-hon-: aux Ind. integrity. _ ". "r' .A ...' u" i "a?" "-.."-2 '. .- v. . . . ..Well. bar thy r or, whhhad fried 'iefreiteirtV tofgaajn 'a.'yiiund 'intogvftVyvf '.Ctlt.rfitois, 'tiiitT 'out rm th say'ti‘Téy' WWII!!!" Nt , been 1101160â€! sttittitttrrtrove prTour actions sitststtp'..' "P. "." "r, .Vy'e'am _ Talkie Man. Hears Lindbergh Lecture , Him on'Honesty commas iTiddcii"'iiiiie" Establishment ot the extension will complete more than twothlrds ot the Ameriscan air transport system over the east coast route between New York and Bnengp Aires.. the an- nouncement salt. It will link " coun- tries on direct. air lines with the Ignited gtates 5nd irovide a tourday air transport service between ' the United States and Dutch Guiana. ttttt " to tl days distint " the fastest steamship. . 1 and Apéuses anrétor'bf Q J'tfuaitrM'tth'iib "f Survey h, Begun catalogues. In!) 1epr'E;nter.ttiited, bsrforppra- L. n Han and fs AlsoRecéived ." l o,'lr,'-, aththe 'University . ' l Jullu Mahlu. the 'Prthte"Mthis%r'.,., ‘answored the charges in a vigorous: I',",?,"'),' showlng that the present Pea: slant Government was retlly rebuild,- ‘lng the, “loin-l lite on a strong ant} Fiivii heâ€; Am invited al who so wished ttti ‘cooperate. and dyed that: Gi attempts "t illegal". ,fta.'i,tt,t "would be immediately éubpresse . The. l Partiatient II sitting thrice datli,jmt "rill copunue until July gt... '. .. C' Jtiaissowr,--#aaeiniriist "lasgow at. m-lwheomgiwnhy Que-.1411! Wovost [ind ttt.rC,orttoeat4ott, Seyyid- Khalifa' ‘Bln: Rttrutr, sump omznzm, .who ietrtt with; repfy 'tte Aratriersrairi, " rams 5053 ‘séaagomg Manon, arid' my Atrettt.(tt",' mg Arabs; of Aftti!ieat. ’and piih'ii'i, '.sWr.ls, ty'yieCiy"tityst',tri'sus,r" 3;; ii'iidp'ixpyli,i'ei @513 ?siihs.d, tttt Ilt: tr.,i's'a..iiti'ri/ It you .wpljar4trn my Q'ride, t)iejietssre, {Emmi V35. built In 'e'iksib'ir. 't aamlf ‘you Li%"outtstrip. ped us. As [013459 lt 1i)TL:isti the mummy et., that g'i'iiat"Sco'tunian atttk 1emit?!) of Glasgow, Sir .WiuiaatrMte- lh'dnnol. the 'ftrtn ot SmithanxeKomlg T te 39 Fifi , Ma'nip," Prgmierh Vig- l .iit?tiyy "Def¢nds .. Tocal Wu Aiu1f-t1ov,"e'rii'm'isint' . , "it'iili'vi.is?.rdii'r/ ifiGitai, Pullin- ‘ment. . We) Crowded 1tt .specthlb'n jipir jag lpe scans-gt a V we; .d.rtutta- ,tlcl Battle on, “13%: itt.4ttt atnygle tir '!lri...0r,,i,.t:r,pi:'iisr, e 'etf'er'rtttt1r,t,t e.r.tr 'sihiii1'l"s"Cr'ir.l'i;iiLi' 'siiiiiiiiut'ir' the discussion; on this tint tit'aiirttitt1sta, the ‘reforrns ' whiefi Has given the todns'hnd districts a 'hirge'mnriee ot control hi their' local alfalfa" tieeihg the newly annexed provinces from the dpmlmtlpn at Pueharest, reducing red tape 'and making tltot.rlmle. ttt gll areas) ineludintt nqn-Rugnaylm Jnin- crimes. feel pt home In Rumanla. . AR the ithi names. ,vJo'loh'tly Ayr' posed this hill which 1resai1'tiiiried. 'to end permanently thp "iiiifihfipt.r, handlul ot Jro1iWera'tit (stage ivhtrie Kingdonm. They dat/ this. miyia.ure .re- volutlonary, ruinous gm; 1tir1ktteoiile, adduping atmost hejn4.tsC.e.rat.tysles from those" clauSes tkeafing "ioGx tneetlprs my] councils and establish- ing seven yew .admittistrative centerq in the chm Rumanlan provinces. T Atter reading declamuons denounc- ing the wh'éle program mhd'mm' 'ae. tioné of the' G'ovtenirthtiiis6aMur the bresent bill tletrt'tttt'tiv'fbt 'the very' tabrie rot nationht liter " of 'the" opposition ldeputies - ttmti6rurtriuielr left 'the Pafliamttttt etttytiedttttr all re. sponMbilty In its further “MU.†2mm: Sultan , , if; 1Yjli,ittcf)iisttland Dramatic Scene . '. ‘In Runianian i"- _".' Parliament tdr, m is aFrarttf"ri.iriiiiili'tt 1(le " I _ '. r'.';rorii,u. 't ttre ot the takes Jitiiikitke' 3&1." rthsii a"? ., ggee douhtful. Ay.trtlt9 it†a..tutarryi 3574‘}? much keeps people away from bolls.- i 'PSI' mid!- ov" .. _... PMCESB' MARY AT 'éOUNDA'T'Iou sTONE'LAvma . Richmond Boy Scouts inspected by Princess Mary upon occasion ot her cumming at laying of corner-stone ot buildings to pa greeted ip grounds ot British Legion Poppy Factory, Richmond. 'Bill "r1'rtif'iiii'jj)'tc,ii, Rorarhlteresorti,ivmmoutuodutsi. In: "s'c'trt _ sire" "atsrrOtac't.tr'utrw.Avrotrametttityttt was: mm- 1 ' _ . r.ityv.'t.r..iri'ieittvy Itfe .ireirs, at If!“ Eaten. tf..uiyiy.nyetorr.seyiti ".,,sth,.uit'h',Ctj'r ititte.t uutIHt'can tyr. {at ir.t W “913?? "iltie, ti; siutFtctt tt tttggi/tit,',',' relative increaae .01 I your tirjsiititptirition with Conserva- then does not at all arise because ot the predominance of, women under Universal Sullrage. It arises tor quite “another" reason. It is a matter not ot sex. but tit youth irrespective of sex. All the political history and philotsophr.ot the world, ancient and modern", might tsa're warned erMin. laters of that. But they were indif- ferent when we counselled them 'ttr6uttitttiltgo take M, not 21, as the we of ttitaAeliaare sex-equality. in the early twenties generous youth at both lexe's'la "in the main attracted by it'dvahBed views and ardent visions. _ a largely as It used to be Radical. st " Clarence Darrow with one single re. ey? won a debate over ex-Congress" Pe?, Willie Uplhawot Georgia in At. “:th retrtqitly--thit ig, it loudest " ['i2'a'2U."iG' laughter count for any- }thing. -By agreement. there were no 2te.etye' tso-titat decision.‘ Utr nhaw, an ardent dry, told his audience how he had worked his way through Jehool and1 studied on the tarm. "I Mason determined. as a boy," he Bald, fro be a public speaker than used to oractice oratory _ on .the poor :mules iwhiie I 'watrarloughitut." Then he 1.3mm Utr.tretstoart' of an hour telling ‘yhig audience :that prohibition was 'Iworkittir-atMiuttat America was drink- png [on than ever before. When Dar- irow's turn came.-he rose and fixed his {human sure "rnntte, perspiring and “panting Upehnw; ."It you expect us ytollboliue all you've said, sir," said ahtrrow tirtn1g, “you must. think you ire still inlking.to a lot ot mules.†15m"; Socialist. And tonghe lirat Mme we have men: full itytittE into clu- zenshlp. -._ J. L. Garvin’in the London Observer (1nd.)z Clean contrdry to their good intentions, the Conservatives have " tuaiiy blessed the Constitution per- mnentiy against Ctinserratisun. This Young Voters '23?! l . UN l AHIU ARLIHIVES TORONTO Moving a House in Pieces -', "e . r: .53"! I.. '. . t. .5.._'..' . “g.-...,u " mi: cmdg dig W.".) pmfkut. ",t “ma/life†......c.. .. Wdu Mai) but made my home ot lite so pleasant, l Leave not its tenant'when its walls decay; o Love Divine, o Helper ever pre- sent. Be thou my strength and'stay.‘ '* ' _ ---3. tr. Whittier. ITe'tirst sought permission to so to Germany, but the Berlin Cabinet, at. ter much discussion, decided to bar him. He tried several other coun- tries without succesa. Trotsky tor several years hue been actively in opposition against the Stalin "regime in Russia. and was exiled in Russian Turkestnn last year. He was finai1y permitted to so to Constantinople, where he has been living for the last six months. Trotzky's Request The, subject was referred to. the Home Secretary’s department, which has now. decided against granting , visa to the one-time Soviet army lead. er. ' "The newly-formed Labor Govern. ment had sctrcely been in power last month when Trotzky, apparently hoping that the Luborltes would be more sympathetic to his request than the former Conservative Government. asked Premier Ramsay MacDonald tor. authorization to visit England. Lomioq--2. R. Clues. Home Secro tary, announced in the House ot Commons that he had decided against allowing Leon Trotsky. exiled Com- munlqt leader. to visit Great Britain. Home Secretary of New Cabi- net Refuses to Admit Exiled Communist To Visit England Denied by Labor I I _ "All these mysteries might not ha" {been mysteries' at ati, it we had (known what was going on in the 'underworld." he ma. "Because ot 1the lack of knowledge on what the T secret rackets of these men were, the fpolice were handicapped u the' Curt lot their inn-Hutton." tions ot the Urged States. but he 15‘ Victoria Ptt.ihJf2yd,.,: T)',', Gov. itt the same 0 ion. To achieve the' 'srmthhrt of Mr. no enzir- i ng i. :neasurc of 'll'.',',', relic! he has pro’ making htt1, promrvl‘ at doing missed he may have to aciept In- aomet ing or o er to ui) up 214-1- creases iu"the industrial tariff " well. er true 21t'g, 'r'fl,t.'"",2i,.s f",",,",; The tail goes with the hid In any try And the o er: . Ins ii t a event the scale ot taritt "1108583 1',l2',vt,'.','l,,l,1"d tentative reply in the farm products is not likely to be " latest American tariff proposals. Mr. tected. Gouda 1"',h',IteM,o, Leger 'ere: brad“; year- (if: ilmwvl' I' in the revised but u lch wit e tu uto e e Do do: win vmu ed this summer. Q make Britain the greatest purchaser 7, . -----i------- "tt .lot Canadian goods and Canada the ’ Runny MacDonaH'm biggest tmrefHtrN% atttttttt an“. - ' - - ... r What lie-Ina moo-pushed in thin re. ~~London Daily hewwa “estmlu- do...†ttter tLib.): The really interesting coMdettee of future “an Under point about the Prime Minister's long his regime the United sated has been Jtuht trottt<aossiemouttt to London in given . [user and ever-gram khan that Srgeflt',1 m .P,t age ggtltad EotCnnlo'l pitch-inc not. There (m. 5 “I‘m ly) Yar'a"i' no Mon-tr Ir to three safety of air-travel. It I nix-hour not." ante thereon: in American taritt atop tiight were still to be lt"f, " negotiates each of which has tteen A risky adventure: mt even' not ' t . mnlignant political My would on- ','l1fl1Yr greeted aninat this I†coume I British-{remit to trout. . u "a . T _ regularly by air. Mr. MncDowd in? ,kmt. 'tCrt-r--- in act. the am Prime Minister in! Toby this country to Mme! by Mum Mum (by god be done tgint but he will cerutnly not be the Inc. it. "u have done what you v-w“ Already most ot m1eedmm- ‘80.. 11.316! ‘ud iburditim. lo clans hue on newton .trM%te-atnttt emit 'lI:‘forget them as M: m pine in preference to mm any“ can. 'Morrow in now my; tmin “a .t.t.etette.it; “I the both It well and serenely and with Prince of Willa. new“. mum "and: a be a.“ was ground when n “Walnut-teno- “your-cumming...†Thin-dc " II itself. has shown 3 snowing fondue-a that to good on kit. It In moment. torthia macaw-vol. Them with in ho ‘m invitntionl, up “0" takes W. 'el' oe ti "tMI, II!“ I dll'11t out)» "stetor- tuininng’eyl'IQIIQ.A - In... _ t' .. ' pe' Winnipeg Tribune (Ind. Cons.) : That the Amerlcnn Tariff Bill will be con- siderably altered before it - be. comes I" my be an: for granted. But Claudius who pin to thls tact hopes tar modulation ot the tall as tt elects Canada are likely to be dis- appointed. . . . Taritt-tnakittg at Ippointed. . . . Tum-Inning at Washington is pretty much I matter ot reg-rolling. There is a lively Orr. cry in the urn: states against the “If u darted. but who! it comes to the! action the lawn; I my have to aeeept most l e *uubh manu- factured products ie der to get the necessary support tor the agricultural thrill they want. Mr. Hoover is re. ported to be displeased with the bill " drawn .partly because of its " verse elect on the international rele- tlons ot the 2',ilti, States. but he la in the same no ion. To achieve the' measure ot tarm relic! he has pro- mised his, may have to accept In- creases in the industrial term a well. The tail goes with the hide. .111 any event the scale of tariit Increases on (arm products is not likely to be af, tected. Chanda untamed no relief in the revised hill in lch will be 'ttttr- ed this summer. Mr. Whalen emphasized that this secret squad would report only on piiiaomr who had Ttttut" the luv or who were moaning.“ violate it.-- Christian Science Monitor. The squad will he composed ot " graduates of the police scudemr. sail the 'nalorttr. at these have aireadr been chosen and put to work. Ot the tirgt appointments, " know two languages and one speaks tour In- guages. Mr. Whalen said. Members ot the but-ens will receive the use pay as police Just entering the serv- tee, but their expenses will be paid out ot a $60,000 contingency fund. Follows Series of â€matings The appointing ot the secret squad follows a series ot shootings in which men well known in the underworld were victims. Owing to the close fellowship alleged to exist between, these characters sud the bond or secrecy which is part ot their code, the police have not been >shle to run‘ down those guilty of the shootlnls and Detectives have been unsble te help out. The personnel ot the bureau wtttltreat. . be known only to the Police Gout Detroit. V mil-loner and the anonymous hereon and neutron head, who in . high old“ at anal-outlet“ in Police Department. They mu iiiilai stretch hue power to nuke ornate. but yin, muted at operate wholly or informers. They‘tro- Detro will not weer ohields or other will, o'clock recei of idetttiiietttiott, and it in the at. at own. at Mr. Wilden that they interline hee- ooo - a ly with mentors of the underworld, up for bond with n View to detecting racketeerl. was may] plain crooks, in: peddle". gun-en ed " a. a and gamblers. Mr. Whole. odd he m . at“ emcted members at the an! a enetly two on their role- " convincingly tint low“, the they would them-elven be in the port in Don clan: ot suspects. Mount Dean Never Appear In - Mt pounds [ Members ot the squad will be re-I machine "I quired to report secretly on all they plane. which eee and beer. but they will never " tor Montreal pear at police' headquarters or " my In the mo police station. intend will meet ceremony II their Bounding olicer at â€act‘s plane hop rendezvous and report to him direct- o'clock tor , ly. These reports will be both Fii) Reechingl ten and oral, the written reports aign- , to it: loud a ed by h dad. who»: intent! of by the wind. I the name ot the agent. Their in- feet. then cl formation will be counted. tnhuiated " it; nose 1 and card" indexed. ‘At the mott 53m Yard 1 w F Plan Adopted For New York New York-A tareanot-ttee In. just boon can!“ by Grover A. Whalon. pollen counts-loner. Mr. Whalen announced that It um model- ed after what he regarded " the but features of the Army Intelligence Service, the Secret Service of the United States Treuury Department and the under cover bare“ of Scot- land Yard. Secret Police Will We Among Criminal Gangs as Under Cover Men No Relief for Canada -your~oI¢-coulo-o:' 1111. in in I. that ll good and thir. It In toozdeu'. with " ho 'Ind Invitationâ€, b Lute I d,',',f1t P, a: "Pty).- bow-horn Bowery mm wlll look with envy on up new shoes that hare boon eluted toe the can!" artwo- oncy mun. liq-com. in pie atitt or " Ind cost ghoul " a pair. Etch dog, ot course. must have two pair. 1 Detroit. Windsor. London. Toronto .3“ Intros! are the "e elm. con- ( solid-ted II the Int link. Service on In†ot the tatsttiot" tree (or dis- tlttctiee broom. Collars. as in exam- ple, must be In plaid designs foe Scotch terriers, In leather with on! bnu mm for Dalton bulls. braided leather tor police dogs and tiny round moo-hull tor pekel. porn- and mute-ea. Comm color. are suit- able tor some don and not tor others. In] of the collars are studdv-d with rare gens. Well-Dressed Dog Will Sport Shoes Jewels swanky coats with rhine, atone monogram special howloir ac. cessories ind ankle“ (rinsed with white monkey 'tur are among the numerous vanities which the well- dreued do. will upon and. season. ml the enthusiasm with which they were greeted on Perk Avenue hereu- ed the beginning at I new noclnl or- der, in which clothes. as well as pedi- Cree, make the dog. New York-The an tuition- no" dogs cume out recently and tome at them are enough to rake Stmgheart turn in " gun. In Addition to the Detroit-Montreal air null (alumni. Toronto combined with Bulolo tor the opening of mu “other route. Large amphibian were elm-Med here and In that city early, that: - hooped on from each point. mm the an with. out. mount. _ aervlce to the Maritime. m the Inca-time. following I- brief ceremony " the Quebec metropolis, n plum hon“ (roll there " 10.30 o'clock tor Toronto. Bucking have more null was added to m load and the plum bended Into the wind. climbed - Linked feel, than circled the tieid and point. ed in no†tor the not on! Detroit. At the motor city connections were In.“ with pins ionic; tor Chicago. The plum unveiling to Montreal and: connection with the " man gut-1M1!â€- . oua" hopped " Iron Dotmlt tor Windsor u 6.15 p'olock "may on morning. At the Cumin. clty It W up nelrly u.. mmotmulndthenmok tho air for London where nddlllonnl mall was “out“. and the machine mu. ad of the hold tot Toronto when It lulu I an“!!! landing st tt o'clock. emu; two hoil'l nu " minutes tot. lowing the ate-o! at the Ford Mr port in Detroit. On arrival " the [out Dennis and“; held here, the 44: pound: ot null from the Detroit mwhlne wu tranaterred to another plane. which immediately took the air tor Manual. Toextesto--iresrtottus in tour Cun- din am All one Unit“ sum city My â€It“ the welding ot tho lat ttntr-qteteet to M-trear-Att " bundle“! Miscellanea! air-mm route from the "esiBe ocean to tho Atlntic. Thin will mean u suing or (our an." in un- brought from Vu- couver destined tor “livery in Gran Britain. The nail will be neat tro- vancouver to 8am. Across coun- try to Detroit and It. there to Mom treal. . Clothes as Well as Pedigree Make Aristocratic ' Canine Governmeht and Tariffs e-tse Mark Inaugura- tion of Last Link De- troit..Montreal Air Mail Starts till Who-u Water tt " ' O" In mah, . God 'are land ttrm, ind "ML but it 0011 t ' qttvir trntn huh: Mun: III N In; it “Chi Tu fern. _ Attch, “all t aheas P the I h; earth c Ah h " Cream: . " “in MMU, While Au L And " Out of With r. HuryiL or ' lun Ire pm And the tttt In; like grout“ and tl be am one it " ttos .rrtittt I] on glad t err t Belt he Atm. Be that that I. F b'ed to t [a sum column The oth trate tit "rt, fot Inrkim “I hm Chm: it that " . late “I. "N ot Mm bun out I not 0mm: Prevm about t daring but. than hanst um- “ a Clo“ h tir ten In Imus who What drtvw Prttr' " t: I 1a u poimhw I menu th w, In." In our "ttterr' sur,; - and touch: «a .0 non! of Ice-A1 - ttttul Owed. ( Med to acorn tn â€(or an. The " howl: an the main hon winning the " Item. to land in " eVrged with tuthrmpl .ve-mnlownn hour mud In. HS" on! Sf Speed Up, Fit or, tr m th [In t Our B "