' CARD " THANK. Wm Hewitt wishes to thank the ot. [wows and members of Court'l'hrhm IMP, No In. for the Madam slum n, in presenting him with a beautiful shaving Bet on Saturday mum last. Saw. let. and hr which he wishen to than): the Court. FOR SALE Suhd brick house. six room. mod- o-m t'ortvettienerus, centrally located. Hanan». v, acre of land. hr name ulurs apply at tho Review otBee. _),,' Markdale Fair 9 OCTOBER I AND 2 TAKE NOTICE YHAY: l. The Could at an (formation or the Town of MID. hand. to construe! " a local Improvement, u asohnlt pu-utu . We base, on mm_smu. Jute. limits and of with " described _ schedule and Inland to unduly All so“ a portion of the out upon the land nbumnz may on tr." wart. l No. of Pue- mt The Cash Shoe Store 2. The cult-med coat of 'eatett $350 in Prizes First Prize Teams " $20 to Width ecding in the Ring " " feet feet feet or OXFORDS. He has {he largest stock in town to choose from. Also Suitcases, Club Bags. Trunks, Etc. , Shoe Repairing as usual . . _ 'iiife. * Grad for the billion ’55 --qo", " _ or your next pair [Mon M. (huh-3n 210 feet West of Q3700.00 Street Garafmxa St. 1.:me St. 210 “in! Salaam River ' 82226.00 of Oman-an. St, ,.----- 3% CORN to McIlraiih's Bt reel . S. Mcllraith is the one grain native to America. One of nature's most healthful cereals. To know how delicious it can be, just sit down to a bowl of crisp Kellogg’s Corn Flakes with milk or cream'. CORN FLAKES It was timely help and deeply apprec- iated. Also the staff of Durham Cen. tral, who at once secured help, and the women of the neighborhood who so kinlly tltted up our present home gn'en us by Arch. McArthur. ready for occupancy. We wish to sincerely thank our neighbors and friends. tar and near, who so quickly and willingly lent as- sistance in saving, my barn and con- tents trom destruction last Friday. work. the etrtigttgtted portion thereof payable by the Department 'prmsrh- nys puma-at to Mt. has» tore made, the â€minted portion thereof jumble-» the Cor-tton, the estimated cost per hot My. 0. estimtgd tettrt will ate per toot frontage pad-tho, number of instalments In whiithe 'Ipechl as- smazaont is to be payable are as set orposkr to each work. ir of SHOES CARD OF THANKS To Local 1ritp,rovemerit .' a lil c . ll N am ll w it, 1'l ll p I! n E! in ' A 44 KI 4; tl L, c, I. .O‘ SCHEDULE Estimated Highway- Total Cost Portion $5,925.00 Peam has it. herbal Irho nutter and wcrk 1t'aeeaainttly to make peace permanent. One ct those itt Dr succe- man, Miniater of Foreign Anal". for Germany. Though in unto death, knowing that but a short time I: left him, he works on. Through the hard weeks at the Hague he Itnck‘ to his post, though sometimes so ill that those who #orked with him thought he would htmttrteave. the mommive. At home his work is rendered more amen" by the opposition of the na- tionalists wttov do not like " concil- iatory policy and methods', but he rvpreaenu the promo-Ive uaatG ' Mr Ramsay McDonald, Prime Min- Sister ct Great Britain, had the Bri- 5tish family into dinner almost a week ago: all parts of the Common-) ‘wealth were represented. It war a particularly happy event. lshbel Mc- [ Donald stood try her father and tsaid, i pleasant words to the guests " lthey arrived. Miss McDonald ll at ; wholesome, friendly girl. She is dark!' complexioned and wore a red Iaee, Kdream. My dinner partner was Mr.} r Costello. Attorney General tor the Ir. l ash Free State and my left nand ‘neighbor was Mr Frank McDougall of Australia. I m watch both participants feel that Lemme inttuence contributed largely to the means of the ttetrotiatioeus, and to an hem-lag â€predation In Chili of the meal authority of the Leagun. _ Two speeches cf significance were made a few days "n-ot trignlttcanee because each in a different way bore testimony to the place the League cccupies in international affairs. One was by the Prime Minister of Greece. who announced that in spite of the failure ot his country's century-old claims in Asia Minor. she accepted hrr present frontiers as thuu and had settled down within them, ttiv. ing up all idea cf national revenge and working. hard to establish pros. perity at home and friendly relations with her neighbors. With a number of them she has already concluded treaties based on models prepared by the League. in addition to this, Greece was gain: to sign the option, sl Clause during the. present Assemb- ly. The other speech was by the rep- resentatipe of Peru. 3 country which ins been absent from the Assemblies rt the League for sine years. its re- turn is due to the happy settlement of a. long sanding dispute with Chill in which both particimm. (on! n... Today, Australia entertained to lunch. I was fortunate enough to sit beside Philip Noel Baker of Gt. Bri- tain, who has written some of the beat books on the League and Dis- armamont. Professor Baker is Under Secretary of State for Foreign V fairs. These social gatherings. tho' ihcy add very greatly to the duties cf the dolegates. serve a real purp-1 ose. At them one has connected con- versaticxi for an hour or two with1 the or two individuals and comes a-) way with a fair knowledge of their, outlcok on at least a few subjects. I The machinery of the League of. Nations consists cf the Assembly, to: which States members and delegates each September, the Council, com-l [used or five permanent. members and nine nc'trpermanent, three ot whom! are elected tor three years at each', Assembly and the Secretariat, In or. ganization it compares roughly with the Commons, the Cabinet and thel, Civil Service. The League has also. two wings y' the Permanent Court of international Justice, which againI bears much the some relation to theI League as the Court of Law tin-nu; mwmav'omu Justice, which again bears much the name relation to the League as the Court of Law bears to the Commons and the International Geneva the Meeting Place of All Nations Sept. 8, Canada entertained repre- sentatives of 50 nations to dinner. It affords a splendid opportunity to meet our neighbors in a world com- munity. My dinner partner was from Australia. He has struggled along thrmtgh lite, carrying a. name like this: Major General, the Honorable Sir Granville de Laune Ryrie, KC., M. C., C. 13.. Y.D. it seems an addi- tional argument against titles. He was genial. His Excellence de Ionk- hear F'. Beelearts van Blockltsnd, doc- tor of Law, Minister of Foreign At. fairs for Holland, sat on my left and converged in an interesting manner in perfect English. at" Enchant Benita! ers' Asmchtlon. C. RAMAGE & SON. Editor 1nd Pro- prielon. Member Canadian Weekly New-pap . Dept. ot _ Corvalf Estimated annual Gi. Galairii; 81,218.00 8. A petition to the laid Cbuncii will not. prevail to prevent incon- atruction, but u petition against the Work or the mm:- in \which'it bu been undertaken my be made pub mam. to Section 8 of the Local lin- provement Act to the Ontario mu. way and Munich}! Board, by I me jority of the owners representing at least one half ttt the value of theiou which Are to be specially assessed By Min Agnes Macphail, M. P. $508.00 $710.00 , has already concluded ad on models prepared by In addition to this, gains to sign the Ombu- lring the present Assemb- $2,665.00 $1061.00 $1614.00 nion's Cost ch! ate which speck! per up: per foot assessment In frontage frontage to be payable $3.70 $4.30 Mr and Mrs E. B. Dar-gavel und family, and In E Damn]. visited with Mr and Mrs J. o. Dumv’el, at Rock Mill: Sunday. .' Maura J H Klein and H I Heard and . friend. motored up from Tor- onto to mend the week endlud: hunting. . has learned" iiiai7iir" M: men mung in the lower part of his lawn and Mirsttiusr, up the rock gur- dens before the cold rather get: in. By the feel of the weather those cold'nlgh's. it Can't be tar “my. A. B. Dar-gavel and A. Sheltrougl; we busy men tryan to 'nitstt the new fox much before the ,lhipment ot blue foxes arrive. . . [ Germany. which is increasing every year. He is at once an inspiration and A challenge. his words are wise and his courage put: our inactivity to shame. Btrmseman, Briana and McDonald are the big futures. MeDon. ald too, shows plainly the struggle he has made to serve humanity well. He has an arresting face, in which strength, tenderness and sadness are llended. Briand is ptpular: his or- atory is of a high order; he uses no notes and speaks in an intimate way, F and in his t.1fgrtttt' ot fancy he car. tries his audience with him. His ;deep interest in the League keeps him in the Assembly through dull speeches and tiring translations. The subject matter of his address was good particularly the closing passage: j "Peace rests on this. When child- ren shall be taught love of country al tigside a proper appreciation of . other peoples. when they have been taught to search in mankind for 1 that which unites rather than that j which divides men, then peace , shall bo among nations." l l Briand is far and away the orator ot the Assembly, but for practical and concrete suggestions on disarm, nment, ftrtaneia1 security, eliminating, ‘the causes of war. McDonald, Hedi derson and Graham of Great Britain) hold the palm. I I The problem created by tariffs in, â€Europe and' indeed throughout the l world and the factor this is in world, peace has been discussed again and Iagain in this Assembly. The new 'countries created by the Treaty ot Versailles have attempted to make their new political units an emnomic :unit as well until now there are 27) i tacit! barriers in Europe. I Mn E. rsiiGi EFQHVM old friend in Hanover, Mrs C. S also cousins, Mr and Mrs Thou ley. Mrs Albert Livingstone and Mia: Ame Smith spent Wednesday . even. ing with Mrs E. B, bushel. Thiasshing is the order of the day. Farmers are well tratjstied with the way the gain is turning out And there are some never tsatisfied. No matter what yield they have they want more. A number from here attended the funeral pt Mrs Jae Parks, who took her own life by cutting he'r tttritit with a razor, leaving two small children and her husband. Our sym- pathy goes out to the bereaved ones. Miss Agnes Sullivan who spent.a month in Detroit, returned home last week to remain with her parents for a while. THE DURHAM REVIEW Geneva, Sept. 11, 1929 __ ,_.__.......- u u-uco, toe." cruue. setup. rooted houses, clustorod In vmngen. the crngs, the water-tall: and the precipice: looked so lofety that onp forgot the toil and tttttil of mountain We and revelled in nature's beauty. On Sunday I went up into the Alps to see the Monastery founded by St. Bernard hundreds ot years ago. from which he rescued distressed travel. lers in the mountain passes. To get there we had to pass thrcuzh a. part rt France, then back into Switzer- land again. and after we had made the stiff climb by motor and arrived at the monastery. we walked about a mile which brought us into Italy. All of which means we passed through the hands of three sets (f Customs omeials going and the same numb†ccnting back. The M. Bernard Hospice is fl,110 feet above sea level : only a little grass and moss grows there : it is the highest all-the-year-round resi- dence in Europe. As We climbed the deepest Impression I received was the terrltte labor expended on the lit, tle mountain (arms. which Were ter- raced almost to the top. in many pla- ces walls had to be rebuilt to retain the few rods cf tarth which is called a farm. We passed through several mountain villages : the struggle for existence is written deep on every a. dult face. The women look prematur- ely old: I cannot forget their (sites. Coming down from the mountain in the evening, the glory of the setting; sun creates a picture of surpassing beauty. _The little farms terraced up the mountain's sides, the crude. slate Mr J. E. J'ierti, bu two hired 4. A by-law for widen-akin; chi with will be considered by theCoun- on a; a meeting thereof. to be - on the 4th day ot October. 19t9,Nir at a regular armada! meeting ttteew of to be by†.t1tereatter. T I Dated. " tpe; Town of Durham,' this 11th day of September, 1929. . WM. B. VOLLET, Clerk. therefor 29 7:10c M 5100 10 DORNOCH nover, Mrs C. Spiez. and Mrs Thou Bai- No. of annual rice is fl,110 only a rink: there : it is '-round resi. Mchluan ll 20 20 TORONTO -V_._\.... ""'tPb"M"e- ‘V. Williams. mmtiottrertr--A. Herd. l 1 Fleur noon ', nus Potatoes, réd 'r-., Braithwsite. Bus. Pbmtoes, wttite-LMi. H Mchu-‘l‘ _ley, Mrs J F Colllnoon, Braithwaite.; t Swede 'rurnirts--setuettdt, araithwaite J Morrison. Tnmips. any other--. A., I Schmidt, Geo Ritchie. Mnngold Won '!zpsl.ttttermi,-A Herd, Bmithmsite. Martian! WWI. any cther--A Herd ‘W BPtuterson. Field earrour--Braith. ‘waitc, Schmidt.~ Cpl, Field Roots-h. Schmtdt. A Herd, Brtuthwtrite. . i "r BARDEN VEGETABLE. -. _ Col. Gattloy vetretatriea--A. Herd, Schm'dt. Mia's Bradley. &uaity.--k. Schmidt. Ctu1litiower-arta Davis. " heads cabbage early-Mrs but; cats ttatrecrwinter-.-A McDonald, In In; Niche-l. Caron. 1ottt--Mra J. Nichol: Sherman Marrou-- Young, thhrntdt.',t The Revteor airing idiGGiikTG .0 all duly when at a “V!" to subscribe". Let In Send In your. . ,V,V_r -__.._i9.. v†--tditm Bradley. G Binnie. Coll. held Grains-tttShadi, haulage. Shea! pt oats-w. B. Patterspn, M Barber. B. Barber. " stalk: manage Cd?ht--- Braithwaite, M Barber. B6rBhiint-- v ‘I':I|l‘_A~ .. - _ er, N Schcnk. Pe-ttmidi, J. W. Mrfceetuur, Peas. any other kind Schmldt. Ramage, ‘Schenk. Sweet clover teotrd--Ramaare. Flax treetr--B. Barber, Range. language Corn-D. Braithtvttite,. l" Young. "White hm 1 bus. Fall Wheat, white-- Andrew Schmidt, J. McGirr, M Barber. Bus. Fall when; red-A. Schmidt. Spring wheat-A Schmidt. Oats, ahort.whlte A. Schmidt,, Wilt. Blyth, J Morrison. 'tuc2wheat---Retr. We. Can, long white-Behr/it, M Barber, J McGirr. Hurley. 6-rdwed - Schmldp, M Barb At the clown! program all were In- pited, to the _ lower Ml wantea was aegved.‘ About 6473)“ taken at the door'and {mm sale of some bak.' inc. Miss Elma.nall addressed the gath- ering in an interesting way on tho educational value cf music. Miss Ball has Been taking summer course»: in Music " Toronto and 170w In takme up tht mndwork of thla'.nrt Jn the rooms ot the Public School In town. Miss Margaret MeGirr, President of the Institute, welcomed all present. stating they felt the piano was a needed investment for the Hall. and hoped it would long serve the puny can for which it was purchnsed. She had a musical program in her hand. and these in turn contributed to the pleasure cf the afternoon: Piano du- ets were given by Mrs Padtield and Mrs H. Kresa. Mrs A. Marshall and Miss E. Derby, Mlsscs M. Hunter and A. M. Ramage; piano solos; by Miss Kathleen Milne, Misc Elsie Kearney: .duel. Mrs M. Knechtel and Mrs M. Wilson: solos, Mia: Winnie Blyth, Miss K. Lavelle. The Durham Branch cf Women's lnstitue broadcasted in'vitatiom, to the ladies ot the town, to attend a muslcale on Friday last in the Town Hall, to welcome and inaugurate the new Plano they had placed there for the benefit of Hall patrons. May it have a long and worthy career and its chords ever play true for what- over purpose they may be tuned. Friends of men who have left this? district are requested by the com. to' let them know of this event, in out. er that they may arrange to be pres-i mt it at all possible. It is hoped to! start at this reunion the compilation; of a complete list of the batallioru showing service and casualties, and. any information of this nature attouttil 1tss forwarded to Mr Arthur Day, T Bound. . ' At 6.30, the Bathe evening, 9. re-un- ion dinner will be held in the city hall. to be _f_ollowed by an Interesting At ' o'clock on the ltternoon of Armistice Day. the Bamlllon willful] in " the market square..u in the days when it was being recruited, each man taking his place In his own platoon. The batallion will parade to tho war memorial where a wreath Plans for a big reunion of the 147 Grey County Bamiion. C. E. P., were well advanced " a meeting of the executive com. held in o. Sound last Wednesday evening. The reunion. which will be held on Armistice Day Nov. ll, will mark the 14th anniver- sary of the organization of the BIL. as well as the anniversary of cessa- tion of hostilities and it is expected to be the Brgrt of on annual series. Pleased to bush ed! from Mr W. McMunen 1nd two dttttrtttert' ot Los Angeles. Cal. In. McMullen was formerly Miss Analo' Wat ot Dots noch, sister of In C. Howey, of Durham. . . Durham Fair Prize list FIELD GRAINS HIVES H--. 'mm. C“ Single Gemini, ,tsito-atm R McDauld. t Petty, Single Gena!“ my other -rWhtttnore, A Inbound. Tricolor Crrrurium-UsT.. A "‘“' H "“" " â€WI-M Tricolor r"tntta'um--iniA", A. xenon-a. Ivy --et “v...†plants. 20 "V.---MN T'. Petty, Metiraith. Home plume. I: Prrrltruthwatte. Clark. Home plum: In C "r.--H. 1fenomud, Mrtiraith. Cot. Double f2trertrtwdi McDaniel. Clark. Col. Wig, 1hsmnttmuciefi"i.i'. tut 'teos.- -r, - rLNNl Ahr1. House plants. 20 Petty, Mellnlth. Hou Prrr?traithwaue. Clark, 3.. a g..- -- ' mumwuw. Lindsay. McIntosh Ei I-Schnudt, Runny. [mama Pibpin--, Schmidt. G Binnie. Rhode umm’ P'et.ttturc-autmiFi, Mccnuvny. m1 !twyer---steveiiiri'r, M Barber. Snowy B Barber, Schmidt. St lawrenck‘ D Barber, Range. yfeNutr--milrtie.; Hepburn. Ben Ptvur-NttiGG", Schmidt. . Taiwan Sweet _--Littrimy. Blyth: t.hirtre-qtevuaiii,' Brumwzne Plums. 1ettttmt---Briiiiii.'v, Patterson; Plum, yellow elarttaimitstsy, Noemi-V, way. Col. Per-Pista/io'.,' Und. say. Winter 'tttyr-sein-GC. A.t Schmidt. h" Peanc...uss,.LVi'. .- Human APlARY PRODUCTS Honey in sections-- W A McDonald. Honey, Phttnteted--'r Young, W l' Me Donald. Honey, comb & extracted~ M(Donald. Mrs C McGlllivmy. qulu t'yrurr-Bradley, T Young. Maple sug- ar--Menraith. Hen's eggs, brown-- Crllinsen. J W McIiochnle. Eggs. white-H McCauley. Cbmmion. Home made Botur-Menriith, Dr Wolfe. EDUCATIONAL Map of Grey County-Hoa Kel- ly, D. Ashley. V, Hulme. _ Beat specimen of Htutdwrithtr- Alib Tobin. School Pttrade.-- 08.8. No 2, Bent. KGlets., Min I. McKechule. tencber Group Doteitur---rarit, Wilson Bird Houtuy--teatie Hughes, Don. Knight.. FRUIT Col. Fall Apples-c Wathn. And. Schmidt. G Illnnle. Col. Wlnter Ate nles~Mrs McGllllvny. Reg Pee, Blame. A1txtTderc-wxiirtr, Blyth. PeyaHs---Binnid, mange. Calverts ~8chnldt. he Stevenson. Duchess c4 0ldettburtr--gn. Picken. Jno Ham. ilton. Golden 1.toaeur--voimk Braith- mute. Russet: my other kmd--goe Stevenson. wuaou. Kin; Tompkins.-; Mrs McGllllvrty. Northern Ite-p/ Br?rithwaite, Lindsay. McIntosh Red', -~Sclmudl. Ramp, an...“ mu- H McCauley. Mellralth. Grape jelly ---Mctiraittt. Raspberrt 'elly---Mru- ram), Dippel. Combined mm Jelly- Davls. Wolfe. Canned Tmmuoes--N Whitmore, Clark. Corn-A, McDon- ald. wnson. Petur-Morruoes. . String Betuts--Davia, Bradley. Chlekeat--E. Lindsay. Mince meat-A?olurtson, Mrs Davis. Sand dressimr---Mcnraith B. Wilson. Mixed Feklea-0iprrei, Clark. Mustard plckles --Cotlinson, Dippell. Onion pickles - Mcnralth. Dippel. Cold meat 'aulces--mneehtei, Mal. raith. Raspberry vinegar-Bradley, McPherson. Fill Ragga; Grabe..--rg Khan, G V yum; Bunnie? 'tlit".-- Dr, E Icy. Sweet Pi-were, Mum. Home made ztrttsiaa-M. Hunter. Wilson. an, wore.) POULTRY Wolfe. Moe Plymouth Rock .eock--geto You†"nut-wat-, hen, Jun. Vollett. Ply Rock comm lf. not vent --H. Krona: hen. H. Kreu. Wh. I' mmm'. To“! Hear: Otter, ' MOI ', “fl B. M 1000115141. 'att" tter. cu- Chrk ‘Col. l guilt; ft f 9ATrUE-itttttHettNs ( Bull. 1 yr or ever---' Cm tsit 'att-tt Watson. J. Crtl Caw-g Stevenson. Best am I cl-at. .Wnuon. -. “a... “not an, lamb or W“..- at any breed-ink, 1 and e. I. 1ltwtytt--vostx l SPECIAL, by Money Harris. lu mre. ally or geldlng. any up, shun, on ttatterr--A. Kemp. i ROAMTEI HORSES l Brood gn---P. Taylor. Filly I ttehdhttt--g mums-r. Filly 01- um 1113‘ 2 yrl otd-mnttartner, I. l! 'F‘udden. W Charlton. Filly m enmm 8 ---4e P Kinnee. Single tiris Pavlov. new» , & 3. Span rm... -'Nylor, MeRettrtt Bro... C l' K- nee.'BeIt mm on grounds ~.\l Robb Bron. ( coma on CARRIAGE HORSES ' "ttr or geldlng. 3 yrtr--Mrl', H‘ Bros. Slade driving tttttme-Mr; Bros".Attrert Kraft. n. Bal'lwr $1 _ til."" Rotaes---McRobb Ema. n l' nn. ' GRADE CATTLE Milk eow---Brtithwtute 1 and L' Milk cow. beet---rr, Harrison V Muller. Heifer or Ileer ttlt-lr Hul- lnuon. R. Herd. A Anderuon p,,, calm-J in 's1na.--R Herd. A Andvrwv T Eaton “will, bed can, any Breed open to boys and girls under 1,s yrs. vulue $2.50. " piece m Had don Nnto--otto Luna L 1tr1EEr--oxrottt, DOWNS Run. , than or cver--Jorx Monk Show." mat-W. Emke. Monk. Run: '.u?frtf Grant. Bake. Monk FN, Butt. my age-4m --he Steven-on. S, 3. Heifer, I tpr, 1 1 imal irt.ctaasf-.an I I“. honor tgqwaes--Fneettttel, Jitw Huber. Mo mat-11. Mom, 'Cluk. Col. Apttee-rrlenomr, Cur, CM. MW“ McCauley, Brill mu. Col. D-ttii-M Nelmnzw Col. -ti--mrtuttet, Column" I _ uromsr---Nttersoat. unrlzolm eClark, M. Hunter. Phlox Drunmmw curt. Wilson. Phlox. Perennial .. chIIuId. Chrk. Miles. " var l,' l lgDoluld. J Huber. Petunia. yinrr ' ‘Knechwl. Willem Petunia, doum. IKcDonlId. Btoi--wtiBoet. Suhm ,Wolte. Bnnpdr--N'iltron, I‘m a. ' HEREFORD Pen let mrremmu--c. Wats-m, F POLLED ANGUS Cow, Heller I and , yrs. and -Ahto Linn. Heifer out» Wu ke, R. Herd. Wm Emke. SPECIAL. bent groomed I mare or colt. any "e-He bell. A. Kemp. Test oflpeed mud rirur--R I: Mellow. Brat. F. Taylor. Lady ver-Mtn, AlcRobb, Mn Acheson. u. Hurrluon. AGRICULTURAL HORSES Brood In". foul at toot--W Cha: ton, Joe Cruiohley. G Ritchie. PM. of your "t9-O Ritchie, (‘harh-v J. Crutchley. Filly or gelding-AM- Herd. Sm bteBee--o Ritchie, .I.‘ Crutchley, Will Hither. Best hir: in elturs--43oo. Ritchie. GEN. PURPOSE HORSES Brood lure. foal It totst---T n." C. Wnuon. Paul ot 19t9--T IMI I Brood J12; [001". '. ' “5:5." 1; HORSESV IN ACTION eve-non. s. Morrison 2 'r. ' YP., 1 Fr, herd, best claac-att Joe Stevenson JERSEY "e-Toe Stevenson ' x 8. Ewe lamb Pair spa in: Armmronrf CNN!†Crmchl animal Wm l- hcrs Ewe A Mo Amp Double, le Piss, H: at " *7. VIII (All this mutton “In; color " the hard u. qreeh killed and prune-n h an - -Iond|,v of this week WK th"iiiiii “If. The day “In. t†“tile folk to be Cllt als: x“ mother. " Park mm. w toeee Ind we believe (1 w [hum of the honors at the Men's “an of prxzv ma At MI. we Irv â€13an fl W humor treether fat. but we tear many of Thole enjoying trim In m If and In G w Pam In Neit lieu-0d. who ttlol Mm“) VII" Mr and Mrs laud: Mr Clad Mrs IV bt r If M In Hugh Mull-n Bt-er friends Simurdm I: Wm Brown. Elam, ulcmr thl tar and ttttind Mr and Jameson. mum hi, t.rtct AMeorn Sunday It Howard Wan Thitatd o. Sound l'r Mr And Mrs (inrf [ All K ; Flour, SEPTEMBER 20, mm Exhibits of Lise Octobe Jas. Fax, Numorisl. Miss Jessie Maire: Miss Hazel Buckna LottisGiecomelli. Pi Horseshoe Wm Aldcorn. President SWINTON P, 0 h- WE LIVE FAL Pri WESTER rde HENDE Grand Con Highest Pri Grain deliw Priceville JOEY window D Prizes " you THE P Thurs at $33.0 Hakim ll