wift e & 1% + ~~% ii~! ANAELNSIHS .. § PDessmber, 20..* Lesson Xi1tâ€"Feliow= ship. ‘Through . Serviceâ€"â€"Psaim, 122% 119;, ° Hebrews ~10:. 22:25.. Golden Tex}?Ag his cystom. was, he went into ‘the symagogue on the sabbath day. â€"Luke®4: 18. . P s I SMy School .Ol“b'“in‘t Ko'ml‘agé tâ€"f{!iimf, our 1010G, King, oiz Father, in, heaven, in a-o pwer,sgood:gs, .:f Tove "we see the highest and the hest ¢f whitk our . minds shave, or can ~have, any knowle‘ge. . It is'rnccgn:g?n in‘ the pivinc g‘flxmamy ad reved ed i.n;_ oar fellowshipâ€"& groip O£ G times alone, sometimes gathered about a Masic came more and â€"mors t Yove, until admiration : into worship. It centh was parted from thers, t lowship are of the ‘otte 1, 2; Gal. 6 I comyons ©ur COMM mosl neai. worchip is »s «b, 3 bub i that 192 .> 28A of (OREHIP, NCR 8 2: A4â€"9; Heb. 10 IKARY TASK,. Mi¢ 98. 19â€"20; . ; growp of disciples, somé s of Paul (zee 9+ 1 These. 0: woRrsi!TP mg@iy C1 Phe discip cessary f6 Worshp Tellow 4) cemtimued, a and 4 . t "H. : & LVA 6 m;z: athers, y they :o.adm‘#e and and love grew Neb® 8+ Lrigt"*" x/3 Heb. 10: 1025. [Penguin Isl ay comé to Bod| ./ <§q ay ameoâ€"tet | /Sull Ab uetition_fof OuY rud â€" C Di AIKCEy WHEKRE .A %oy. CGNG _Ati. BE sSCD UP LIK R“N;és Mu? d1 1ed FoR Triée LONVC 40 â€" Orngids < in t is the o. "In‘a here, it ue Lord; 19â€"25 â€" o * " / M s d * PBY .. *~~APresence. He exhorté@thereforeAhat SES AND Jud ni ator with pure. he: faith, they dra ï¬onn’z'nd prais wi]thowb W:;"} 5@ V*‘l m % ?-gnâ€réi::'\ hiw ve % 'WY#’ . |love and good ir together, y fot & in the . . |eentliry he bel} [ F1 /2 n YK. § I ~*" t ye@ "L_t"&“) AJTL f ~ "thaget xz .( ) e .‘“ “ 4 ¢ i : + " $ a es e 27 6 "TXs 7 &n _ es "' ’, with pure. hearts, and in faith, they draw near to God 4n tion "and‘ praise, and that they‘ y evvaien m fl‘ï¬â€œ!’ $st 3 vrm st, for, he says, "We can ’todhgw gave us the proniâ€" m‘ And; ' contivaes, "Let us conâ€" ‘how stir up ong another 40 and good deedsâ€"nnt ceasing to together," (MoZatt). Like man others jn.;tt tatter part ‘6f the m% t centliry he believed that "the day," the m day oï¬ Christ‘s , refurn, was ing near, and the opportufities ore helping one another and conmfirmâ€" ing one a?othf-r in the faith. were, theréfore, fow. * . T. ThE waecstomARry‘TAGK, Micah 4; 1. 2;, Mautt, 28: 18â€"20. $ Prophets of the Old Tesanient foreâ€" tow a time when the nations .,mklj come to" Jerusatem to, learn. the ways of God, fsa. 2 ; 2 '%ggh 4: lg.. Qur Laxd sent his apgat‘l out to c the trath of his ‘gospel ts ‘the pationt Mait, 28: 18.20. . The ex tlon & the prophets and the comma ent of Jesus are in essential agree ent, The précious truth comiptitted toJepusalem must ‘be made to all men. .That is the â€7).;_\ s ï¬'f 7e must bé made to a)l men. .3 duty â€"of >Isracl,: as Jerovah to be a And (with the commn goes his gracious ,pro with you alway.". J Ht was from aléompary of Christian pg]l)le in Antioéh that the first designâ€" aled missiondries of! the .crosswen! fortb. Thatwhich they had discoverâ€" ed to be of so gred. value to themâ€" selyes w glred o share with others. Through them the Holy Spivit .pke,‘qrd\&rné‘ h&r and Baul were o+ @reeommenrdéel to the grace Of t. ig Lme J mg in Je ire bidde S6Jat, # sent,. ";&:mï¬eir“qigl :o dzfor the. wors." 4 %ip is inevitably spirit (Acte 13; 1â€"37 1 64 Radio Quit _ | _ Rumor Started| Still Above Sea n x;sz the oéix:di)f Lflli"’eéfll};‘" alfibnent. opl:etic teachâ€" gswa.'(‘?!rist v,nt M..:%mflkn n to preacho all the worlkd. tho theâ€" commadmerit <there =Y7) a Â¥ i 10 aSD 4 jyl Chria‘s . refurn, wWas and the,‘wnm : another and conmfirmâ€" moin the faiths were, ane A r Ev â€" BUD earn s aÂ¥ths 0 mise elvrer Fre Faris ed | NC YÂ¥ FISHE®E h at mm nst cal yet "Something Subtly Harm{ul to"l the Spirit of the Nation 0c-l curs When So Many Peoâ€" \ple Make So Much Money Without Earning.it by Proâ€" . ductive Labor | 1| Wall Street Crash | . All he Muyih tayme 7 If > {urniture ory of the sto 1â€"Â¥a he odity 7 .3 #f tiie yptsion oldit e «nedt 0 ty it â€"was saved from the B ldtug.0p <af a gho HALEâ€"MILLION DOLLAR R d Dp a4 fore n &ald 18 d Fx alue €17 M 0 0 blo . to. 1q "Many business men deserted their normal : occupations ~because â€" they eould make so much more sq easil, by speculation. ; This must bave atâ€" fected the total of useful production and trade. . Such‘a vast amount Jof. N energy and credit. utilised in pursuing~ " a phantom cannot be thought of as 3 aiything else than economic waste. ; V ‘"The tangible losses are also. im , portant. _ Something subtiy partfital : to the spisit fo the, nation occurs| when so many peoplc make so much | ! money. without earning It by produc | * tive labor: _ Senses‘ of vaaues are upâ€"| & set. ~It" is per'.mi;q Jll"(iï¬:l“h} to db‘ ® fenf our Cmatérial cultwe on the« | ground that a competence of imaterial~" things is nécessary as a busis for 11e ® 5'1\)3:. securityâ€" and a‘s:‘weri.ni:m ef uho\ "Ainorw owers of nuihan effert. â€"~ “ | ‘*But there is not net cultural gain {in an économte ‘bydow which dumps] *untold wealth futo the hands of hunâ€" _‘lu:'cds of thousands â€" who hapnen, to " guess right and gamble well, but who 1 o not thus create a single object. or , bMloag Soyd . whén. the wealth*is as sur ) | {lenly . withdrawn, _a gapingholo , «is | lefts : Mow rawda might this ingenuâ€" | | ity" nat have accomplished,; it it had | uot . been applied s0 ‘singleâ€"mindediy© .\ to evanescent personal fortune? {|â€" "This argument does mot, of course, &* tead is o advocate either aboKtion of , | the" stogk market or personal renunciâ€" o | utionAgfvspecul‘:»,(lon,_qn moral growmnds. ) In theoty, the stock matket 15 an itre ; | t dnstitution .in w «capitalist wrder. [. | Itri6, "supposed â€" to furnish" a" piace \.| wihers fhose who. want to buy d» seil H ‘ehares ef" owhership in prodyetive reâ€" 1e E»séurce,s.mu' do so.>_ Sweb ‘buyin‘g an! ‘C | seln@(i§ ~esgential, (asd fong /s "priâ€" os,| s 0 Mmss Phaw also "b6» Léard D‘ 3 ©Bura si. bWe venentixs . "“’:]‘WW e ie c enn. .. n P omag fas â€" 101 C D‘Abernox “Ng- of: his, r60eRL4ne wig JOL"{?‘ *# e 1t heipy to :Carryâ€"ne S‘W Vï¬‚ï¬ On. @A mfle "milk8icn .and; ‘,\flh"\'mbmt es | lftes. anitil "they. oft thi» absorhediby‘ ww to _ the © $45,000,000 "Wadd | npgway Of pamvestore." . It amooths . oter m?‘ igreement uegotiated with‘Argont?02"" riep gq ““mA places. 1k the stock market} @tated â€" Sir Malcolm â€"RobeMSONs 4| 7o plea ;;‘:y’d )A ted ,‘mm al to theory“ .there_'. ‘former A@hassador to Buends A’r“‘l.{n pcs io | wolld : be Uttl "complaintâ€"intil . wo ns adying that this order was not §BIY | ; /. . ;,thdldeflaé-ww ways to accomy‘ ®igable in itsclf, but represent©d the | , _‘ .. i CÂ¥ niisle=the same result." . |,. | beginning of "anvenormous $59%.." | oming \e'gr »‘k\ï¬t&\y I4 efititled to say, withiout t 77. ; us tÂ¥ fiuy s inergbat in 4 ae en es Nowe]., se ~AFOUNBATION® . .0 0. o daplocs‘ 93 m e hupraige. o on h « ‘ ' letystestw on instrutagiy | PRX § }< rotof}. . Human eocietysrestgâ€"on IAdoru ‘ »dfl{â€â€™-mâ€â€™h‘; m“%‘_‘;‘b’_‘fll :?‘(:‘\li‘...?xf‘degn. toundations, which he d# of P‘,?f::h mas TORONTO 2+ â€" Thas. help Tob§BWbila®) Wrices. eenpritish dnuiefest In K‘i}" They i,""r'-"}?’r": *_s’vm ,":‘f’f.‘.é» * es reimsaiciafe: 1k a140b81 . Lgrd" D‘ Abcrnoi l ioraicn." tt hoigg 9 Catry Mew c3 um hickt on a. tredo im‘ + ï¬?&ï¬ u%fll they. cft ‘h6â€"aBsorbed>by! pefefénce" to --?,’.:}e a‘ n nvestors.‘ . It ‘AMboths> over {heFagraement negotidted" aa t in ) . p4 oo S enb 6 PPX â€" ECA D cconoraib procesies awhich the experi ence of $h6â€"past mbuth§ sas reveal ed, ) /Clearly, however, Anore must, bt fyand tuanie megng, which will adjus LLAR BLAZE SWEEPS â€"CHATHANM Garner Hotel,; Chatham, .after the fh in order â€" t@â€"protect = theirs the : John Bull‘s Hat <\ _ > ~Is "In the Ring" the isstance of securtties more c‘OSC | y to the real nceds of industry, ‘noti allowigg it to dépend on the profits of the promoters and stoctselling inâ€" stitutions.s * _ s * ‘"There must he some social éontrol of the use which . private business makes ° of ‘"Itg. surplus funds.‘" : Phere must ‘be & good deal of popu‘ar: edueâ€" ation conterning: the whole matter. We dipnot bepe to suppress the bir man insfinét to gamble, Wutâ€"we may: limit it@ capgcity or harm in & Â¥eaim which is sot closély. associaied ~with the life of the nation.. ; We may . do sowething to make the stuck l;:}"ket. rell > CAve Srerinth ks / 14.‘ 16 â€" £LDD0% 140 rtam eld important pQoSHU ets of Argentina, Bri efore the war, but orfitet thatiothe: Un apecly ~atep$e@, into aferta®t © withâ€" APDT vries, Mr.,Henderson tho jast eeanos. in o .. «n |â€" +ArEGUNRATIONS .. â€" * /.. _> ; ,?:man kocietystestw=on ingcrutably Ao€ . foundations,: which he d# oft gll Sthers the most nxistalien who fanigles \he has.explcredto the bottom ~â€"Carâ€" 19e t *erri s i Ligsix * Adonâ€"Wiliam â€" G of the.Boagd .of to . diplomats Of viean Pountries, : 5 unmediate British tarithr fradle 90% the 16 1 Qut to Nes ot to U.S. in af ‘Lancaster House M xoX sfon. t securtties more close "needs of industry, not lepend on the profits of ~ and ° stoctselling dnâ€" n South D Aby id ain 'Frade South retoriled." to, $ire by ‘thenpy duing ie, at a dinâ€" ree Sa'wth that it was ‘k to reï¬ï¬‚' n in" sonth ness gpowatrd i6 ~ inmmfore xpres t Zecae + ';h;t ihket d‘eryt.hip';\ï¬yes.‘ How Badenâ€"Powell | s??: Matabele Up ‘Tree Missed Boy ‘ * «o _ Scout Founder by Hair‘s l‘ t =4 â€" _ Breadth «> ' London â€"One of London‘s most in teresting December vigitors in*Major Fredérick Russell Burnhaem; onee deâ€" ‘ecmjbed by Lord Baden. Powell as "the greatost scout alive," and re ‘terred to by Sir Rider Haggard * 5 TV tE CCH" ma nGis a the €104) t id uKRe tired Wors tex_jg1 mer Surddenl pth that as his" soul Body some ange his: ‘despatr. . F Â¥nown, had. he 4 #rowld bave‘) dest? Aue time will as Ted as he awd hi whitee. . nst w Badenâ€"Powell POMPY _ __, j t C Bs Was Neary Killed Attain Great Depth :/ é . â€"# C "a‘ _ Re«‘s x all his. race to on â€"am} have Te { ."mmï¬u,&e; gr€ . ojd echooIniastes u +ne wigoly dgft as t ‘ meant @ant to gnd 10« to survive 0 coming thets many 0 his plack 4n éve gowWid.ED0 I!r’. Fofl U s d. he kil}ed th: 6) destroyed an sped t ie IMp wex {~wWell .07*. main. Under Four. .â€"> The nude i’ulof ‘Calymnos nn‘ 8yme,. famed for® genturles;" nmg worla‘s recerd for depth.‘‘ whey‘ rcend, At" i8 mdr&ve_c-ï¬,:witee" the masters among . th@"« *_ . welk wained £p008€ diver, can remaid 9D# der for four minutes;, but : two in ntes is usudl, and ,W‘s tween plunge® are néeded, . Charles Bacrett 41 the ‘Cape 4 4+ piving suits _ are n ‘emwï¬ e4" by the sponge gatiherers of the Meditapranean, who, wath Jew excep Rtons *are Greeks *‘The harpo98, 1@ ‘!.u mblitié & trident, â€" bat often with | ave barbs, 45 used, ‘and the gearch for sponges 4s made through water teles copes. Hooking is 2 new method of i Ub ""~*~~ Dredeingâ€" _of sponges ds made tD"" copes,. Hooking is & harvecting . sp01n8@®â€" trawling, much~Jes8 chine iiving/t 4s $A terranean,. revscth Cieep wate" rious . (disea56,, w as,". cauged . by «! gee. _ Among the he ‘Mediterranca®, * Coogrred trom th £ genturles, s:tb agnd use. .. 4 $ "? ?.mul. é'“ nme'f“"-"h'“. wthi omgess véelyet, £10% eVE n T > og ng" ~ them«_ welr /4 er., cam rem’fl m h ep: but: two Bs > r‘sw <& ho ‘Cape $ ; the ‘Cape o dog m .en'flw & °O# +ng 29e witors are Mable . W },, know" as . hP\ y . by srapid pressure ~ : the daring 4 *) reap,. many .4 & 4 ’h‘ ‘Q“‘ % 7 1; 4 o e al 0 ; they 4o 20 t 3 o siaw t the dén} ; ~~ 3 wAul ons. _"ï¬m [ & * d, thé "skins" 2 * substance w“‘“; 3 y n"!rt&w ake / | rocesses. that mhF® _ 7 Sulim: +4 is A p e o their "’fl'"!‘ they*are tound dn und ‘sol@ at dancy sure Fa. Cc 5‘5,“‘“"0,.‘&'-'.3'.# 4 sy vélyet," 21088 . qds honer cdutt ‘-.n. '.fd~w ‘e than _ BMES a on in th8 ; teles hod. of o 0B Re®" wlz o (aty is tol & (6