West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jun 1930, p. 1

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of I; Exhibit nore more EAR no: tat E VIE/r. 1930 m ' E Ll it The Durham Club ot Toronto, In closing a successful mun with o huh-t picnic on June 20. in High Park. close to the Bloor St. entrance. All "lends welcome. Bring your cup. fork and spoon and come early to en- Joy the outing. Private sale of Furrtmre Chetrterttetd, oak library table, baby cutter. bedroom furniture. mg ' x 9. congoleum rug 9x 10%, eieetie Inh- or. range with both wood and coal mt". coal oil oven with heat indi- cater. Prices very rmonable. Apply to Mrs Ben Wilson. Bruce St. Phone 167.]. The annual church paraded C.0.F. No. 446, will be held on June 16th, in the evening to Queen 81 United Churett. Owen Bound Court willy-r rule with the Durham brethren. Mt. Forest band in attendance. Member! n.e united to be at C.O.F. Hall " 6.30. Arthur Ritchie, C. R. Mlu Ion Block. doushter ot Mr J. A. Black. Che-Icy. with another too char on (alt Public School unit. were usually honored by their lune-c- tor, at being the only two out of n stall of twelve who were marked "smperior" in his report. The annual meeting ot South Grey Women's Institute. will be held in the lecture room ot Knox United Church. on Friday. June 30. Session- at in mm. and 1.35 p. m. Dr D. Jun- ieson will addrus the niternoon meeting on "Mothers' Allowances und old Age Pensions." Mrs Wm Ding- wull of Hopeville. will Bitto be preo- ent to deliver an nddreu. Durham Branch please provide retretsttmenta. A “Siimry” Time " Edge Hill Mr E. J. McGirr. B.A.. one of the Mat! ot Oshawa Collegiate. In the Comment“ Dept., has been appoint- ed by the Board, to the head of thin lmparlment. Mr T. D. Holland. for 20 new principal of Flesherton Public school has resigned. owing to Ill balm. Many kind words have been said by the citizens end cmchls over " long and leithlul term. Heed of Commercial Department Tho members of Durham Presby- term Choir met for rehearsal ptr day night last at the home of one of their members, Miss Kate Mchyden. Edge Hill. This was faithfully per formed and later followed try n Rita Carltcn lunch. However this didn't close the evening's promm. Two members of this organization. Mrs. A.W.H. Lauder and Miss J. M. Weir, are shortly leaving on a holiday tour to Enxlnnd and continent. This was felt to be an opportune time to bid them hon voyage and they said it with n few kindly words and slip- pers. Mr T.M.Me6dden won-poke sun for the choir and presented each lady with n pair of Pullman slippers. Both nppreeiatively respond- ed. At the close of evening Mr Stew art McArthur voiced the thunk: of the choir to the Mchyden'a for the hoopltnlity shown. HOUSE To RENT: Good contor- table It: roomed dwelling in Upper Town, Barium. Apply to S. Patter non, Durham. For aate.--Used vacuum. in rendition. Low price for quick Owner leaving town. Apply to Vim, Durham. Mrs Harry Runner underwent us (mention in Durham Henna] on may last. Keep l 1x, tor , on Patty For the Juno III“. The newest dainty lingerie in all colon. Mrs A. B. Nichol. Keep this date ooett,--Ptiday, July H. for Vamoy United Church Gard- NW Car Nearly Destroyed In his new sedan. purchased only' two weeks ago. Bert McCallum. his wife and six children ot St Marys, motored up to visit Mr and Mrs Ar- thur Ritchie. They were accompan- wd by Mr and Mrs W. Botneld, the latter a daughter of Mr and Mrs Jno. “mole of St Marys, but formerly of Durham with the two children. Along with the Ritchie fomily in their cor, the party motored out to Aberdeen in the afternoon. Opposite Twumiey’s gate on the hideroad. they puke-d the cars to tnhe some snap- and Mrs. Ritchie glancing around, noticed Me. Cnlhnn'n car enveloped in mole. Rushing to it, the ladies rescued six children lett in the rear not. while the men Jerhed all wire. locoe in hood. braking connection: and while letting their hand. hnrned in no do by. they and the our front hunting into - and than hell: n ton: to... Two of the Ford - no- cmlel were phoned for old on nr. rlvol mod n wire still smouldering which had been overloohod. The! towed the “to huh to - to_the VOL. LIII. N0 24 iGGoGrGrVit wu newly I'D-wind And the my were able to return to ttt In" that evening. i1rg c,"iri)fnrJ.tliill?p iiiiillliiiia8lrlttll! Good comfor- sale i plete the success of the event is the, ; benign blessing of the weather man.) The Refreshment Com. met last week 1 at home of Robext Whitmore in town: , the Program and Sports Com. this , week, all to bring their reports into 3 the large general meeting at No. 9 School, next Thursday evening, June, j 19th. l The Invitation Com. have completed their work of addressing over 500 invitations near and abroad. Basing the attendance " the reunion on tour 1 to a family and forty families in the l, section and on top of that, one hund- f red and forty families within aradlns of a few miles, interested in the re- union. this committee allow tor 700 of an attendance on June 30. to say ‘ nothing of the many that will travel from a distance .lt will be a gather- , in: of the clans in many cases, as " well as an assembling of former tear chers. The Secretaries have assur- ‘ rance that Col. J. B. Maclean, Toron- I to: W. J. Blakeston. Stratford '. Dr. ‘ Culbertson, Meaford '. the Tolchards. ' of Toronto : Whelans of Hamilton, ' and many more will be there - n RETURNING OFFICER MURRAY HERE THURSDAY LAST Mr Michael E. Murray. Neustadt. returning other for South east Grey was in town on Thursday evening last giving election instructions to his registrars and deputy returning oilicers, meeting them in the Town Hall and made final arrangements for the coming Federal election on July 28th. and all persons over 21 years. who are desirous ct voting are re- quested to see that their name is on the registrar's roll. his, was duty passed. The annual yearly payment for 20 years is $525. 59, of which Corporation’s share is $325.06. and property owners is $200.53. Congratulations to Miss Anne Mo. Donald, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jae. McDonald of town. who has success- fully completed her course in Occu- pational Therapy at Toronto Univer- sity. Graduation exercises took place last Saturday. her parents and sister, Miss Jennie being in attendance. Miss McDonald will holiday at home until July lot. when she will practise her vocation at the Mowat Hospital. at Kingston. Assessment Reduced $1000 The appeal ot the Calder Estate at the adjourned Court ct Revision, against assessment on vacant Jack- son factory building. was heard by the Court, and a reduction of $1000 made. J.W. Ewen also asked for reduction. but no action was taken, as appeal was not entered in time. Following the Caurt. a special coun- cil session was held when Bylaw 907. authorising the issue of debentures tor “.500 for Lambton St East pav- REV. JOHN BELL WILL BE HEARD HERE IN AUGUST Knox and Queen St United Church- es will hold united services during August this year, though pastors of both churches Will be absent on their annual vacation. Rev. John Bell, BA., ot Rivers, Mam, who will be at his home in Glenelg,' will take their work this month and many friends at this young pastor will be glad to hear him once more. Durham Lodge Independent Order at Oddtellows. will hold their annual Decoration Day service over the graves of their departed brethren on Sunday. June 22nd. Brethren will gather at the lodge room It 2 p. m. Completed Therapy Court. Plans Nearing Comp!etion for " 9’s Ree-union The ball that rolls No 9’s trig re- union of June 30 into shape, la lune- tionlng smoothly and as all the com- mittee: are energetic and uctlve, the event wilt be run ott without a hitch. From the start of program at 12.30 noon until the close ot the big sup- per, events will be managed on sched- ule and all that is needed to com- We commute Mm Myrtle Dean of town. who we: one of the sadne- tintt nurses last week in the class It Walkerton Hospital. Annual Decoration Service he: it in! be 3 hard pm» to May any from. While invitations hive been issued to ex-residents, the com. want it un- derstood that att visitors are wer come to the function, providing they a; :ttirthem I aa bake! and 3 Me Mimi-do- tee. There are level-n! name: of tttmb lleo once known in the action, that the Committee would nopg-echte if a reader perusing this nude mud tn. form as to their present whmbouu. viz: summon. Crodlin, Hugh“. ur mm. Puma. Wells, David Smith'- reader perusing thig form " to their D" via: Shannon. Crndl nun. am, Well: may. We now your itiht' El mammal tiltgitittk Reunion mile '. I a unshar- D stay CHAPMAN-an Glenelg, on Saturday. i, June 7, to Mr and Mrs Lawrence issued! Chapman. B daughter. " an. MeLEAN--In Durham Hospital. on P “9"! Friday. June 6th, to Mr and Mrs J. , they; Fletcher New. Magus Falls. " “d (nee Reta Rogers, Holstein) a l Max tamd-i THOMPSON-in Durham 300911;! on t, that; June 5th. to Mr Ind Mrs Albert :e if r Thomplon. I Ion. nld tn. MeaatrvRAY-rn Durham Hospital, than!” on gummy. June 1th, to C. G. I. ur and In chmivny. u Ion. Imtth'l mNDER-on Timothy. June 8, to Mr l, Mfttr. (REV.) JOHN UTTLE ! An auto collision occurred about I We regret to record the death or 6.80 p. m. ttttrWednesday evening, Mrs (Rev.) John Little, in Guelph west of Walker-ton. when Vic Blyth, Hospital, on Monday evening ot this ot Varney, salesman for Smith Bros. week. alter an illness of some dura. was returning from Formosa driving tion. The past ten days she has been the Ford demonstrator coach. As he a patient in the hospital, a tsutterer was passing the golf links aPlymouth from a heart and dropsical atteetictt. coupe driven by Miss Florence Grant Deceased was about 70 years ot age. of Walkertcn, a sister ot Campbell I Previous to her marriage to Mr. Grant. came out from the links onto _Little over 50 years ago, Mrs Little the highway, directly in front ct was a resident of Eramosa, her mai. Blyth. The inevitable crash followed. den name being Susan McFarlane. in which both cars were badly wreck- She faithfully fuitiued the marriage ed. Victor Blyth Buttered a broken vow and has ever been the sympath- _ llb and a nose injury in the mix-up: etic supporter and prop to her hues. Miss Grant apparently escaped mcre band in his long years of minister- fortunately with only a shaking up, ial work. Her memory will long re- but Jack Gardiner ct Mt Fcrest, a main green. Chatsworth. Dornoch young bank clerk in Walkerton, who and Rocky Saugeen. Holstein aturaecornpanied her, was most critically Fairhairn. Morningside, Rockwood hurt, suffering a. head wound. He was and Conn, have all come under the taken to Walkerton Hospital and is car-hora of her inttuence in her hus- said to be improving. l, The late Mr McKenzie was the on- ly son ot Postmaster Archibald Me Kenzie, but in early years left Dur- ham. He returned home at intervals. but it is now some 35 years since he left the town permanently. 30 years ago. his wife. formerly Hannah Skel- ton, passed away. leaving him with (three young daughters, Marjorie (Mrs than Hazel) : Marion, (Mrs Blanch- , ard), both of Buffalo: Edith, (Mrs W 1R McGowan), who passed away four 'and a half years ago. The three [ daughters were brought up by their aunt. Miss Laura of town, and in l their teens left to take up home with their father. Deceased was 60 years ‘ of age. I The body was brought to Durham by motor Tuesday and interment made fmm his sister's home to Dur- ham cemetery the same aftemoon. and now llea beside His wife. Rev. J .T. Priest conducted services at the house and grave. the pull bearers being J. J. Smith. Jae McLachlan. l, Allan McFarlane, Robt Hughes, Jno. McGowan. The: Little, the latter a _ cousin from near Walkerton. In common with a host of friends in Durham and neighborhood. the Review extends sympathy to Res' Mr. Little in his dark hour. Saturday noon last. at his home in Buffalo. Archibald Lyons Meken- aie, was found dead in his chair in bedroom by friends. It is not known how, long the spirit of lite had tted, but is Judged since the night prev- nous. as deceased was in night attire. He has been in poor health tor some time hon: hardening of the arteries. though always going around. On Sun- day, May 11th. he motored north to Durham to visit his sister and grandchildren here, and only Tues- day last a letter from him to his sis- ter, told of another anticipated visit to his old home. and Rocky Sangeen, Holstein and Fairbairn, Morningside, Rockwood and Conn. have all come under the sphere of her inftuence in her hus- band's pastorate: and much ct his success. was due to the untiring de. votion of his late wife. It was the intention of Rev. Mr Little to retire trom the active miniatry this tall and remove from Conn to Rockwood. where his residence was still retain ed. The family comprise one son. John, at Rockwood and three daugh. term Miss Jennie, at home: Mary. Mrs D. Bell, Guelph : Myrtle, Mrs. Robinson, Toronto. The funeral will be held on Thurs day afternoon trom her late residence at Rockwood. Previous to her marriage to Mr. Little over 50 yeaN .30, Mrs Little was a resident of Emmosa, her mai. den name being Susan McF‘arlane. She faithfully fulfilled the marriage vow and has ever been the sympath- etic supporter and prop to her hug. band in his long years of minister- ial work. Her memory will long re. main green. Chatsworth, Dornoch He isgtrrvlved by two sisters, Mrs Van W'ie (Edith) of Toronto and Miss JAMES GADD Mrs Alex Smith, Normanby, was shocked to receive a. telegram Satur- day, from her brother Thou. in Van- couver, conveying the sad news that their brother James had died that morning after seven days illness. No further particulars are yet to hand. Mrs Jae. Petty In another sister. Laura at home The Young Ladies Auxumn u. Knox Church, with friends, number- ing about 30, event a pleasant time picnicking at Harrison Park. Owen Sound last Thursday afternoon. In the evening they took in the mlkles. but the show there was much below par that night. ARCHIBALD LYONS MCKENZIE THE ROLL au, C: rs Crash weslof Walkerlon DURHAM, THURSDAY JUNE 12, 1930 Ladiea' Auxiliary, otl the BORN l June 8, to Mr er, ogehnreriue, With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader l, The groom's parents were also present at the ceremony, as well as ‘the bride's brother, Thou. A. and family. of Elmwood. l A quiet wedding tock place at the :Manse, Hamilton, Ont. on Saturday. June Tth, 1930, when Mrs Sarah Mc- erchnle, formerly of Crawford. and daughter of the late John and Mrs. i McDouzall ot Hamilton, was united In wedlock to Mr Russel Flddes, ot Brant Township. SUTER - LAUDER A quiet family wedding was sol- emnized at 3.45 p. m. Saturday last, at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas G. Lauder. north ot town, when them only daughter, Margaret Bell, be- came the bride of William Suter. of To onto. The ceremony was of the quietest possible nature, Rev. B. D. Armstrong omciatlng. Mr Lauder gave his daughter away, while the bride‘s aunt, Mrs A.W.H. Lauder, played the wedding music. For the occasion. the bxide was at. tractiveiy gowned in an ensemble travelling suit of camel hair cloth, with which went a white silk sleeve-i less blouse. hat, shoes and bag to match'. She carried a beautiful shes” of Columbia roses and maiden hair tern. l At the conclusion of good wishes, a dainty wedding luncheon was Ber-I ved, which had as a tittish a beauti- ful thee storey-wedding cake to be tested and approved excellent. the culinary skill of the bride's mother. The happy couple left on a short motor trip, previous to taking up res- idence in Toronto, where the groom serves as electrician. The hide grad- uated trom Grace Hospital, Toronto, in 1926 and since that timehasapent most of he. time in the city at her profession. In fact the marriage is a sequel of a romance begun in hospi- tal walls, when the groom was a patient. Previous to tirtrt going to Toronto, the bride was a product of Durham, where by her kindly man- ner and Winsome disposition, was al- ways a general favorite. is, beat wishes follow the young couple to their new home In Toronto, including those ot the Review. _ Many beautiful gifts came the bride's way, among them a. silver tea service from the groom's father and a cheque tor $100 from the groom's mother. Badly Shaken in Accident on Sunday Mr Henry Gerber. ct near Neustadt, came to the home of his brother Fred in Upper Town on Saturday last via horse and buggy, to spend over the week end. On Sunday, Mr and Mrs Fred Gerber made use of the conveyance at their door to visit tor a short time with Mend: on the 2nd con. of Bentinck. Mr Gerber warned his brother Fred ere ienving. to wat- ch the animal. on It was I. 'ghyer' on can and to keep control. They had gone as for as the Central Hotel from their home, when one of the” mod. em speed artists approached them: true to wanting the animal started to perform and went a merry pace down the hillside. The paved street and the speed the horse wu gang was a bad combination. making it herd for the home. It collapsed suddenly on the hill directly in front ot John Me Donald's home. The sudden stop sent Mr and In Gerber and young son Homer career-Ins over the duhboerd of the buggy unto the curb. They were bully bruised. Bttatten and frightened. but no more. The bone In falling sprained in hind leg- to badly that It could not the on m own strength tutd m given 3 ride home in I motor truck. FIDDES - MCKECHNIE ll ymeneal l Mr Alister Gun came heme Tues day from Saskatchewan. having mot- ored all the way from Naicum. at awhich point he is in charge of a branch ot the Bank ot Commerce. He looks as it the West agrees with him. He was pleased to see his moth- er and other friends here and will vvlsit his brothers in Hamilton and .Toronto before returning. His broth- er James ot Hamilton, also paid a brief visit to his old home. Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Bctneld (nee Beatrice Venice) and two children. and Mr and Mrs Bert IcCallum and six children. all of St Marys. were guests Sunday at the hcme of Mrs. Botneld'a uncle. Mr Arthur Ritchie. Mr Bowman Jamie-son. elder son of Dr. D. B. and Mrs Jamleson. was operated upon Sunday morning last. for appendicitis by Dr Starr. Toronto, The young patient is making satisfac- tory progress. Mr Donald McCartnel. son ot Mrs Mal. McCannel, Booth. ville, was operated upon for same trouble Saturday night. Dr. Charles C. Runage, Gorrie, spent Sunday at the parental home. Mrs Sadie Ozleln- and two children ot Detroit, and Mr Barn Hartford, ot Kitchener, were recent guests ot their mother, Mn E. J. Hartford. Mr and Mrs David Bums, accomp tinted by Mr and Mrs Geo. Buxnett. spent the tirttt of the week with rel atlveo and friends in Btrattord and St. Marys. Mr and Mrs Bchtuntrker,Wtukertort were recent guests of Mr and Mrs D Burns Upper Town. Miss Mary McAlister, teacher in Toronto. accompanied by Dr. and Mn Krick ot that city. motored to the farmer's parental home in Nornnnby tor the week end. Dr W.C. Pickering. R, E. Richard- son. Robt. Burnett and R. E. Moor- head, are Dulham ShI'Lners taking in the festivities in Toronto this week. Miss Mary McKechnie bu returned home after u. lengthy . holiday “1;ch her cousin, Mrs Molieeon in Detroit. college friend . we were one to tell him of some who Ind passed on out! of a. tew who are stul with us. He is I good convene- non-um end we much enjoyed the interview. Coll again Mr Cameron. They were on their way to Mount Forest to Ice Editor Wright. on old 1 Gurney Odom! Rinse 3 Inner can! on stove Wood Halter. Bed mom Butte Bed with coll spring Slash-.111. ”when chain, em. Mr Dan McArthur left Monday to return to his home at Dauphin, Man, after the winter and spring months spent with his cousins. the McArth- ur‘s ct Glenelg and Mr Dan McArth- in and Mrs T. Banks ot town. Mrs R. J. Smith of Almeds, Sask. and Mrs Wm Ford of Dunrea. Man. are on a. visit east to their many friends and relatives in this district. The past week they have been the guest ot their brother, Jae. Mather. Mr and Mrs Robt H. bedingham and son John, visited with Owen Bound, Chatsworth md Inglis Falls friends over the week end. The Review had an interesting vis- itor on Tuesday inst. John Cameron. son of the late well-known Rev. James Cameron. whose name and memory is still revered along the Gravel Rood from Durham to Chsts- worth. Mr Cameron wns one of the Professors of Toronto University for my yen-s but is now retired. He with his wife, hsd been north us tar as Chstsworth. Domoch and Rocky Sougeen, the district his father min. istered to, Be hss a vivid recollec- tion of old time- snd old timers. snd Apply to In Ellen Willa. Upper FOR SALE the for He tar I tutrything for Dramatic B. McBETH NESTLE'S MILK FOOD HOILICK'. MALTED MOLK DR. INSHOP'S POWDERS for Teeth ietg and MI Trout!“ I HE farm! Your father’s once perhaps-your son's one day-and worth all the hard work you have put into it. But hard work isn't enough. You must know what your farm costs to run-what it brings in. Our _"raraner's_Account Book" will help you. Ask the Manager for a copy. BAUER A ILACK'S BABY TALC JOHNSON. BABY POWDER TAYLOR! INFANT DELIGHT SOAP NIPPLEO, IOTTLEO, SVIINGEC. ETC numbed Weekly " 88.00 I you tn “was. To mm m n.“ n n" m dunno. C. “‘6' l BOM. "ttti" The Royal Bank of' Canada Durham Branch - J. A. Rowland, Manarer vol: WILL LIKE HIKING " THE MAI. Me J2?miy 's Weed: TORONTO Contest Dumps: and union. Phone s. DUMAK

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