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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jun 1930, p. 3

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iismal Names ne Appeal or: Wide " OI new! at ary ye .4731 mean at Dub; , {IO ' ”on: ' ar eras mt " ”mil, " It. order. which “to" rm . All. m to ‘e. in m a In. I no IQ A.“ Fer. def " ". 'III- I” I. an. " " " with his pre bids them In hut of whie read John 2 Cttttte In so the sepulchn. but we learn from the other Gospels that they also krmgeh} spices for the anointing of grtother of Jesus. (2) Ma Magdalene, out of whom Jesus ht? cast seven devils. And who was well known to the church. (3) Mary the mother of James and Joses, M) Mary the mother of Jam-s and John. " is said that they came m sea the sopulchre. but we learn from the other Gospel} that they also th in: of Trad J of the V. I. In this double reference to the time. the end of the Sabbath wou'd include any time mu sunset on Sab- bath, whik the ulna autumn: pines the event very nut to the breaking or-tht 'ry?rnittlibtt of our Sunday. V. , Four in; " iGrtieGiiii"in the Gospels " connected with the dos- hyminigtfy of 're, mum” the th d d Nuns. They are also commanded to use baptism as the sign of admission into the new kingdom. This rite was not unknown to the Jews; but it was in the Christian Church that it came to have its richest tanning. 1t sigttifled washing away of sin through faith in tho living Saviour. T. '30. The conclusion of the Gospel is reached in this grand climax. There is a promise of the eternal presence of " 1m: m1 commission. 16-20. Jt"tsoovcrrme-.tt in upon the re‘ narration of Christ that the church tests. It was the belief in this fact that aroused the disciples from their doubt. and started a new joy in their hearts. It was as witnesses of the re- surrection that they went forth as the first missionaries. It still is the ftsun. dation of the Chriscinn hope. If Christ has not risen then on Nith is in vain. There are narratives of the room-- rection in each of the Gospels. but than have certain discrepancies which cannot easily be reconciled; but the moral impression " the same in all. 1. mt APPEARANCE To In: WOMEN, r.10. truth and the life. V. 19. The great commission. Since Christ his ",',tgt,e,.'r'2.'C,g ho will be n universal ruler. is sphere of 1c. tion will not he eonflned to one coun- try, but will include all the nations of the world. Hence his disciples must go forth to make disciples of a_ll_nn- M ll m a: mo; mg iiiGl, Fir, --tu yo "union. and teach all M- tu"te.--Mattt-t, a: 19. ANALYSIS l. THE Airman” TO THE WOMEN, - 1-10. M been rolled nay. V. 5. The angels urge the women to mndon all fear. They do not need have the alarm wl.ich the watchmen N" evidently shown. v. 6. Their fear is needless beau-Le air Saviour has risen in accordance th his prediction. Besides, the angel ris them look " the tomb, the math tt of which is more clear when we ad John 20: G-T, where the position the rlnthes A; given. " been rolled " V. 5. The angels andon nil fear. have the alarm 1 " Sunday School y.." Matthew alone mentions the nuke. and this explains the fart in Mark and Luke that the stone E GREAT l A, His we ly H W Louon AU-The Mun Lord . Great Ctrmmissiott--Mat. MUTI' AND JEFF--- By BUD FISHER M th M M 13310): hum th rough There is no , Jesus whom (2) Yet there 1f " control :lalm any en mven ver f a great rd "auth- messagt _ himseli J) atura doors while chap. f the The the HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose Me in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wnp it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON Illustrated Drumakiug Leann Fur- nishcd With Every Pattern It is emerald green tub silk printed in tiny polka-dots. The rever collar and vestee are of white crepe silk. Style No. 3434 is delightfully cool and smart. It comes in sizes 16, 18 years, M, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. For summer, printed dimity, em- broidered batiste and flowered voile are interesting cotton fabrics for its development. It is perfectly adorable in aqua- marine blue silk pique. Make the warm: and new collar of sump shade pique printed in tiy French blde dots. Smart women favor this new femin- ine mode ecause it's so extremely flat.. tering. the Messiah. Jesus In: risen from the dead, - to die gain. And not his 'spiritual po :02 is off-ed to all believers. He in with the disciple: u a permanent Saviour. to guide, in.. struct, protect Ind rescue. One ot the most thrilling airplane takeout; that has ever been performed was accomplished recently by Captain Charles Kirtmrtord-8mith, the Anetta- lain, who "w trom the United States to Australia in 1928. Recently, when one or the plane: at a commercial ileet made a forced lending in a forest near Bornaldo. New South Wales, it seem- ed to everyone that the ship would have to be dismantled hetero it could be removed. Captain Smith hit upon another idea. He tied the plane's tail to a tree and set the engines going full speed. When the machlne lifted from the ground and strained a' its leash, a larmer was signaled to cut the rope with an axe. in a. tlash, the plane was away. It barely cleared the tree tops, but Captain Smith brought it safely home. A radio authority reveals that su- perthirdring can be induced by heat. ing the brain cells with rays from a higtvtrequeacy vacuum tube. Men who can never remember what it was their wives asked them to bring home will welcome this priceless invention with cheers. Thrilling Take-off What New York Is Wearing BOON T0 HUBBIES Occurs in Forest I It Is tims to be umselfish, if you can keep quiet about it. Spain Up-to-Date Has Bootleggers Patience rewarded on the Cnpiinno River in which three prize-winners in the continent-wide contest conducted by “Field and Strum" tor the heaviest steeihead taken with a By in Canada and the United States, have been caught. The fisherman is snapped taking one ot the many tive-Pounder. in which the stream abounds. The river lies back in the mountain of the North Shore not more than ten miles from the Canadian Pacific runny lu- lion " Vancouver, British Columbia. Up to eight-pound manua- have been taken in this river. The item reads: "Jorge Koirenger. aged 20 years. went aboard a French ship lying in the harbor at Barcelona and was offered the opportunity to purchase contraband tobacco. He re- fused and alleges that in the midst ot the ensuing discussion he was over- come and bound. The police went aboard the ship, where they were in- formed that no such Incident had oc. curred. Search revealed no contra. band." The axiom that the world la a pretty small place after all evidently holds true not only in regard to dia. tance but to some custom: as well. A Madrid newspaper ran a news Item recently which impresses the fact that America 15 not the only home ot bootleggers. As the news item suggests, ships coming from foreign ports, probably without knowledge ot their masters, often carry English or American cigarettes as the case may be. Smokes obtained in this manner are cheaper than those bought through the mono- poly. One man boasts that his post- man keeps him supplied with tobacco smuggled in this manner, and bugi. ness houses sometimes have their workers canvassed by venders. This indicates that people in other lands are Just as willing buyers of contra- band and that enterprising bootleg- gers and officials are just as numerous in one part of the world as another. Which is not to say that the business is done on a wholesale basis, as in the case of liquor in the United States, but nothing is done that way here. “When I visit the Grand Canyon ot the Yellowstone I realize the insigni- iieattee of man. Ever been there?" “Never. You can get the same sen- sation by going to a woman's club meeting." V Istanbul, Turkey-Angora advices reported that the Turkish Cabinet has approved the American and European Match Company's oiter of a 810,000.- 000 advance to the Turkish Govern. ment for 25 years' control of the Turkish match monopoly. Leo. Fr:r,. Klnson & Co. ot New York will lt:" I ' the finaneintt, Americans Get "aC""-""'--';,:?.,,,,.'.:,)]';:"-' Turkish Monopoly Where They land the Big Fellows QM Soviet Russia Cows The Cry of the Little Brother: (The Good St. Francis of Assisi culled all animals his little brothers and sisters). We are the little brothers, Homeless in cold and heat, Four-footed little beggars Roaming the city street. You pride yourselves on the beauty Ot your city fair and tree; Yet we are dying by thousands In coverts you never see. Snatcmng a bone trom the gutter, Creeping thro 'alleys drear. Stoned and sworn at and beaten, Our hearts consumed with tear. You boast of your mental progress. Ot your libraries, shoals, and halls; But we who are dumb denounce you, As we crouch beneath your walls. You sit in your tinselled playhouse And weep o'er a. mimic wrong; Our woes are the woes ot the voice- less, Our griets are uuheeded in song. You say that the same God made us. When before His throne you come Shall you clar yourselves in His pre- sence On the plea that He made us bumb.' Are your hearts too hard to listen To a starving kltten's cries? Or too gay tor the patient pleading In a dog's beseehing eyes. Behold us, your little brothers, Starving, beaten, oppressed--- Stretch out a hand to help us That we may have food and rest. Too long have we roamed neglected. Too long have we sickened with tear; The mercy you hope and pray tor, You can grant us now and here. --Ethelred Breeze Barry. Soviet Russia has originated many) novel sociai and economic experi- ments, but perhaps it has never be. tore tried to do anything quite so un- usual as to make cows wear specta- cies. The purpose ot this experiment has no connection with the ancient Joke abou: the cattle raiser who put green spectacles on his cow; so that they would eat sawdust and believe, it to be grass. The new invention has a serious purpose-to defend the eyesight ot the cows against storms: viearra--.A forgotten early work at Rubens has been discovered among a number ot other paintings in the eel. lar of the Austrian Historical Museum ot Art by its director, Dr. Gustave Giueck. The picture, a portrait ot Margaret of Austria, the wife ot Philip tr ot Spain. has been more than 100 years in Austria. lining been a gift to the old Austrian Imperial tam- lly and forgotten. forgotten IGberu Found Wear Spectacles Steam Heat To Go Say Scientists Detrqtit.--A rival for stem but. mum, the small“ newest comr- chl substance. yru introduced to the American Institute of Chemlul En- gineers hero recently. Diphenrl-pronouneed dy-ten-Ill-ll 1 synthetic chemical, something that probably never existed anywhere in nature, but better than water tor on. purpose. Heat [muster in the thing that scum does when It warm: the gautta.. tor and through it the air in the room. DIphenyl carries gran heat without the dangerous, explouvo pressure of steam. A 700 degrees the new chemi- cal has only about " pounds pressure compared with about 1000 pounds tor steam. Diphenyl is not at present a subsu- tute tor steam heat. but it foreshad- own the sort ot stall likely some do! to make it easier to pipe heat into the house from I central station much " water now ls piped. Professor Bad. ger revealed some of the Irecttliar4tms encountered in using diphenyl in the manufacture ot caustic. For one clung, it can leak oat of Joints imper- vioul to steam and water. Strangely enough diphenyl in nude (mm explosive benzene. By heat two hydrogen atoms are forced out at two benzene molecules, which thereupon unite to form the new substance, a yellowish, white solid. " mm at about 155 degrees Fahrenheit. It already has given promise ot be- ing a worthy child of benzene. which is one ot the most widely used chemi- cals. From dlpheuyl already hue been made amber-colored resins, black pitches and gray crystalline solids. It tttur been used in making varnish, itt. sulatlon, flame proofing and water prootMg. Pygmies Still Li_ve Paritt--There still Ire plenty of pygmies in the interior ot Africa, Mrs. Carl Akeley, widow of the noted American explorer. reported upon her return here recently after I year's exploration among the little peoples with camera and typewriter. Mrs. Kkeley said that the legend of the pygmies disappearing was due to their shyness, which had taught them the art ot making themselves all but invisible, She said she found many villages of the little people who are the size ot normal 10-yearold children. They llve in titty huts made of leaves, In which they crouch. They move away at the slightest alarm and constantly are shifting trom one food source to another. "A fiction writer is any husband away on a vacation correspondmg with his wife." Gander Guards Home Martinsburg, Mo.--A giant gander, given to Dr. U. S. G. Arnold ot this city 10 years ago as part payment for his services, is " household pet and guardian of his automobile. The humble gray goose is rated with an unusual intelligence and protects the doctor ’s car from its perch next to the doctor on the front seat while he is busy making a. round of cal1r--The Humane Pleader. A wasp bu nothing to say, bat its action In right to the point. - In Darkest Africa omststrotttoutrteth-"er, tuhioublo wedding on the om Heights when the Greek gods llvod. Erin, the sudden oe Ducotd. In hot naked; thereby ham the tale. 8h. mused " Ind and tho mutt of the wedding guest. throw tn apple ot pure gold. upon which w“ written "For the most Mutual: A act-unable tol- lowed. When the mu. eluted the. young ladies chimed the 19910. Zeus and tor order, and We Pull Jada of this ttrgt beauty come-t. The up]. was given to Cytheru. n norm“. Naturally the other two did not In" I chance. She w" born ot the un- tonm and landed at (inborn. The Greeks knew her u Aphrodite, and she was called Venus by the Roman. AmosandAndr-andMutt. Venus w“ . tttrt, but III. (In!!! tell in love with Adonis, the handle- eat ot att young men, and dttaerted Olympul to live on earth with hill. Their rounnco came to I train on! when Adonis, still in the ttttMt of his youth, In: killed by u wild boar. The god- willed that e summer tu- Ural celled the Garden of Adonis. be held in hie memory. This - symbolized the ennui Arrival at spring, the blossoming of fhtqreN end their death and decay with the col- ing ot the trust end was: Willi. To the Greek- it trpttled the cycle ot love and lite men, tor to all men in all times Venus and Adonis have been the Greet Lovers, and their romance nu been sung until this day. ROIOI were "ered to Venus be cause. so goeth the myth, when Adonis was killed there sprung up tron ht. llte blood a red, red rose, and the tens ot Venus turned to anemone; u the Greeks called them. which word means wind. And so in Englnnd the” 'lowers ot Venus were commonly known as wlldMwers, Girls Grab Your Measuring Tapes Rose and Anemone A Greek Myth Watrhingtott.--A woman's waut, nut mysterious line so {actuating to poet: and lovers since time began. bu at last been detinitely deulgnted by Uncle Sam himself. Acting as referee tor 1 group at pat. tern makers, the Enron: of Standards of the United State: Department ot Commerce has decreed that I wo- man's waist “no in Just seven Inches above her hips. Here is the new set of proper mea- surements which will be put out by the pattern maker: (all measurements in inches): Indians J'rosper " 56 George Rector, well-known renun- ateur, has related in bin menial-is that at " Army and New Club dinner, Willie Collier, the actor. Iron to speak after a dreary hour'e eulogy by I general. Collier'a entire speech wee: “Ladies and gentlemen: Now I know what they new by the um, and navy forever." Which in somewhet longer than Wilton Lechye'l witty speech beiore an ameteur dram-11c society utter n two-hour introduction by the chairman. who wound up by saying: "The guest at honor will now give ul his address." been" new Ind slid: "Mr address is the unhe' Club." Then he out down. On Prairie Reserves Edmonton, Alttc-'to, the poor m. diam" can no longer be resignnted by this phrase " during the past year the Red Man living on the reserve. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta marketed came to the value of $250.- 000 in addition to the llve Mock they raised tor their own consumptlon. The Department of Indium Allure has announced that the India unch- en and farmers on the Prairies will this year seed over 100,000 acres ot grain crops and In addition they on some 25,000 head of cattle which range over the [adieu reserve; Women: Bust: " M, M, 40. " " 46, 48, Waist: 28, 30, M, M, M, M, 40, Hip: 37, 39, 41, 43. (5. 47%, " Mm": Size: M, 16, 18, 20. Br Lockwood Barr TORONTO tr, " 4t, " Scientists Force Rain From Clouds For tho Int an. In - - In almond“ h m min. Cui- ouly enough. the ohm M in an Winona w" quite all“: - ninety. the roman! ot fog. Thu rall- mun; was Incwenul. Fog is the greatest one-y of ' on. If it were practical“. to - I landing ttetd clear ot to: and to keep tt clear as long as the to: haul my live: would be and. The: In em“; VIM the experi- nelterl are trying to In menu [or dam. Science hue “my been sue- oeutnl In some degree, and there in ma. question that the problem will] soon be solved. A to: In 5 cloud renting upon the surface of the earth: tt my be m Net or 2,600 feet high. A cloud h to: mung In the sky. in both am the cloud canal-ts ot droplets of mole- turo condensed upon particle: of duet. suspended In the atmosphere. To elm I landing laid ot tog, elec- trlclty in and to drive the partlclel or moi-tun together, no that, forming hm drop, they will an to an ground by gravity. no tog I: washed out of the All. "hate-The ”New The I’m employed ooh-lea d m “In. In We engine " ted with e wallet. and e 75.000401: mm. the whole all: hell: moi-M on . mt. tht-et" to the tatthaattdtntNttgtqd “(anathema- peller in A pipe ring pertanted with smell holes. The water, charged in the tanka to I high voltue. in blown by the propeller outward throat): the holes in the ring, which to“ " ll eiomiser, end in dispersed- in the tom ot t tttttt mm, which evaporate: al- most instantly. lowing an electrical charge in the foggy eimoephere. The electrical charge "use! the fog drop- let: to run together, forming big drops that ml to the earth. On . number ot occulou, even when than was no toe but when the " m humid, Iclenmu hue, by tho moun- doscribed. caused min to mu. It In their belie! that when the method end upper-tun have been per- fected It will be pncucable. under suitable condition. to produce min. tnll over a large area. Beat one a“ to a all! froth, an! add . little mt. lulu“. Ind one lol- apoonlul of prorated mustard. Heat In . and! ““ch three ublespoon- full ot vittegar, all In tho egg, then add alowly on. cuptul ot milk or cram. Chop "tstr none shelled vul- nuu. a null talk of celery. and "to bud-boiled as“. Mitt with the dren- lng, and sttread over thinircut alle- ot whit. or brown bread. With the appronch of warmer dun tho hon-owl!“ (may turn to thought: ot-picnics. No lunch bas. ket in complete without some of the following undwlchan: Boil three ecu tor eight minutes. then plunge then tttto cold water and shell. Cat in knives, remove the yolks, 1nd pound with n generous mount ot butter, one tuopoonful nuchovy paste, end 1 pinch each ot salt and pepper. Spread liberally over daintily-cut slice. bi white bread, cover with thin slices at the white: at the eggs, and cut the candwichoc into mum or dinlnondl. Mince 4 on. tome; them with the tips at the tiruera, work in , on. ot butter end . pinch etch ot unit And pepper. Stir in one tablespoon ot thick cream, and rub the mixturo through o sieve. After amending on the breed sprinkle over . little tittes1rctttrtrtred parsley or creel. A sandwich that is certain to be " preciated by children in made as tot. Iowa; Mix together equti amounts of peanut butter and dates, Ipreud thick. Ir over thinly-cut “teen ot wheat": bread, 1nd cover with a little “M dressing. The" sandwiches Ire nour- ishing and refreshing. Mm Amy John-on new alone m:- Enxlmd to Aultrtllt in Mnem- an. and In a Moth ulrplmo with 1 second. land out“. But It doeq not follow that "' pretty mm who hummus to an n notion can " tn the 0nd- at [In earth It will. mu Johnson took 1 job as mochanlc's uni-(ant, Ind and. up her mind to mute»- the en- ttm can at "ttse, And before all. :1th her grout adventure In in... “I a. quaittiod tor " Mr linu- trgu “can u 3 ground can“ l wow-ed ‘2;on use tor rumba low Incl ova-around for t 'worul'l ”The“. and I new article at that“. it" boon cmtod in France .. wand-um ”can. The spectacle ot n breed-15m u The Pen m Nomi much. he: served to cell “tendon to e problem that In becoming not“ in Cenede. In the newest nectlon of I new country tt report! be true men hen been oblig- ed to llne up In n perede end net toe food. With the trettttrttdttttg poeelbnt ttea at Gaveloplnent In an. count" here Mutarld be tow idle men between - qettte Ind lute mu. The trot Ole eee-e due to In: of my "rioN mined elort to Irma 3 hit die- Mtmtktt of work. Filling the Lunch Ground Work Euclid-l Basket

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