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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jun 1930, p. 5

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Ir, 1930 drinks on In! shud 59c 1:15me Mr and wring. at an. ladle. Hulk tuna“ bride mos! land Men at!!! next mod “In ron Moet the who ion of and on the 106 Bur no no dt m " mas Sadie New in! to nrmgvvlllo Ind hi - a it! - J, romoved by Dr 1m. .2: Webster. MsrNeio and Jul ir,. Gilvray New. Therm. Tutt. r-ri, vhe Brtrt of week a blur- hallo. \Ir Smoky Slalon'lllll My (Md tr" <rvlburne. visited Sanity " A]. tl, f t’hb . m and Mrs Wm Bell ind Ion Wm, i', 4m, m-re recent "out: It Alex. "rho Colonel's Daughter" was pre- xo-n'rd in Pricevllle United Church” F'riday to a fair-sued audience. The '1,t,aractPrtg were: Sadie Value. Edna w Hugh, Eleanor Mather, Thou Cur. M rm. John Cook. Jno Willard. am Me. Kr"han. Arch. Burnett, Wilbur Bur- m-vt Each one noted their put well. Tne engagement la nuanced of ttie Tnh, eldest daughter- of Mr DIV- id “lurks and the late In Blacks, Ctsylort, Out. 2 Sarah Gladys to Mr. Stanley Earl Han-loan, non ot Mr and Mrs Thos. Hudson. Vu'ney, Ont. JUNE 19, 1930 ,wrry to report that D. G. "can ~n~k. His mnddnugmor I!“ L. Ennald. " Sound is in ”We. _ daughwr. Mrs Henry Richard“ rmonto. In “no homo. Mr Pry. Toronto, I: villus; hi. rt ", Mrs Sulherhnd. M rs Burt is spending 1 low days foronto. , art's. . . “was” Ans»: Curl and Wm new >er a few day. in Tm. y Flour and Feed at Reasonable Prices l CANADA I m9§§mu< "- V Ill-um but" on Win to A mmw¢wwr.o..ou.u Any Canadian Ptcifie Mot. or WI. Futon, Asst. Canal Passenger Agent, To-o, thm . Itradey Irwin Ian married a Durant sedan. ss Jessie Nichol of the Toronto nal School is home for the va- OUR CAKES ARE DELICIOUS Chopped Oats Oyster Ohsll Chick Grit Special rsductlons in 5 and " bag lots of Flour. Gunn's a Ilatchiord's Stock and Poultry Foods for svsry purposs. Get our prlcss and campus them and the analysis with others hovers buying your rs quirsmsnts of commsrcIsl Royal Household Hoar o Canada Flour Pilot Flour Gaul. Flour Rolled Oat. Food Flour fud- Leave your order: Carly for your wring natural-nun of Fer. m-zer. mount mark“ prices paid for all kind: of Grain de. Invered at our Mitt. WE HAVE ON HAND FOR SALE THE BEST QUALITY Water» Rccloanod Screening. " $30 per ton ground, in bulk. Also Ontario Mixed Chop at $37 per ton, ground. Phone I ttEN0EItsON's BAKERY Our Cakes are dsmeiousr--made of the purest materials in our clean, up- to-dato kitchen. They are also "onornieal--thts best. pie. cake and bread values in town are to be found in our superior bakery. JOHN McGOWAN THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Our 08kt?! make a meal an ovont. _ MONTREAL but: TORONTO From MONTREAL From TORONTO You will travel by rail, steamer and motor . . . through Canada's indusdial and aqrieultura! muons. . . [Moth the Rockies yith thftrgrown'"yr, jewell. by; - iii: Gi, -gGuiie and Emeratit ’Lake . . . co Vancouver and Victoria . . . west by one highway ...eastbyanother... Over Canada’: Scenic Route Dean Sinclair Lalrd’s Seventh Annual All Expense Tear Flour and Feeds Olin Mal: - tt's."lteatirm All but”: Mate and Ida Mae, to Charla Oliver Tuck- er, son ot Mr and In The. Tucker. Priceville. the man-tinge to ale place the latter part ot June. It is purpoeed holding n line mem- orial service on Sunday afternoon. June tt, It 3 p. m. in Sulem cemetery, Proton Tp. " ll hoped the living relative. ot thoee who sleep there. and others, will turn out to do honor to the memory of the departed. Many have niready contributed lug- ely to a fund, which is sought to be eetnhliehed for the very laudnhle ott. Jeet of keeping the cemetery in pro per and becoming condition“. The ner- Vicee will be conducted try Rev F. Sullivan, pastor ot church. it in ex- pected to become an annual Mair. A collection will be token to still tur. ther attain to this very worthy puny one of keeping the last resting place or the dead in becoming condition. The play 'The Colonel'l Boomer-fl came on successfully Friday last in. St Columba Church to a fair sized audience. The ploy, a somewhat holst- erous one was well performed we are told. the lack of proper enunciatlon and volume on the port of some and the prohnity included m the play wan objected to. Why can this not be modified: it not, why not select an- other? I We requre a proper Hall here tor such, rather than where the gospel is premixed. Even then.' Proceeds were $42.80. The final contests between the var Crimped Oats Scanning. Chop Miami Chop Bran, 3mm Oatcako Tankag. - ULY 20-22 Days - ULY 21-21 Days PRtGllliMLLE ‘m’hu': Shell DURHAM. ONT. 5371.00 f June is passing swiftly by and re. minds us of how quickly time passes by. In reviewing the many chnnges during the interval ot a year, it would take a lot of paper and intend a steady hand " pSnmtut--no matter it he is entering his ttpst more you! on his way on a long put January now entering his 90th birthday. We I bring the aged pedestrian back to the ' days of youth and it it is as prophes- ied that he would see June 14,1930, it Would be only to him as a. matter ot ‘impossibility to believe. But howev- . er we will endeavor to bring his mem- t ory back to the many changes he has met on the long Journey of life. Per. haps his memory is yet clear and can tell of some of the events that have transpired since the days of his boy- hood in Glenelg and Pricev'ille. noon and "can; June trip. Softball matches. plays. denotes. public weak- ing, etc. An energetic com. Iron-em- ing arantrementts for the event Mom day. . ions club. of tlor. Grey. win, be held The can“ ttttow- ot Sunday night and Monday were freely com- mented upon Ind we hope, gratefully received. Ms Wm Eon-d, a. visitor at the home cf Mrs Mather ot town, over on a. visit from the West, had the minor tune to tail down stairs, breaking her right arm " the wrist. She is now visiting among her many friends of Normanhy Tp. Mrs Jones of Owen Sound. its at present on a visit to the Mines James and other town friends. PRICENiLLE & GLENELG Now we take that troy back to the time when Gleneig with its hills and hollows was In the state it came from the hands ot the Creator. Some 80 or more years ago that boy only ent. ering his 10th year, thought it tine to see his yet strong and rugged father come down heavily with blow after blow, soon levelling the mighty elms and maples to a resting place on old Mother Earth. The old cabin as a residence tor the perhaps large tam. ily, was sheltered by being built in the centre ot the woods. But by the passing ot time the aged pioneer soon converted the humble cabin to a com- fortable dwelling. And now in his fast declining years he has seen the forests of Glenelg in many instances turned to fine fields and covered with the prospects of plenty for man and beast. The heavy rain Sunday eveningand this Monday forenoon was a welcome one. Crops are doing well: some hea- vy alfalfa is laying down. Some are yet busy putting in corn. We don't see much sign of fruit, No apples are seen forming and no promise of hav- ing many. We see no sign ot wild strawberries. Weeds and thistles are growing fast and require no extra cultivating. Fall wheat is fairly good on some farms. The Anderson boys on the Atkinson farm had to plow theirs and put some other grain in. The many friends of Rev John Bell of Rivers, Man. will be pleased to attend his service during the month of Augustin Knox Ch., Durham. Mr Bell is a Glenelg boy where he was born and raised a little east of Pine Hill. Probably his memory goes back when a. small boy not yet school age sledding down the big hill with older members of the family in a small home-made sleigh The oldest member of the writer’s fimily, Mrs. McManus is a member of Mr Bell'. church at Rivera, Man. We are sorry to hear of the death ot Mrs J. H. Hunter's eon. so soon after the death ot her other son a year or two ago. We will bring Mrs Hunter back to the time she and her father and mother and family were residents or Pricevllle in the year 1857. The good old father, a highland Seotetunan, had the old [damage the Gaelic tmentry. Mr John McDonald. a brother put up the Brttt grist mill end our mill in Pricevllle. Mrs Hunter did not lay very long and soon be. me the bride of J. H. Hunter of Durham and lived happily together. until death intervened. Mr Hunter In. on abusing bullnele nun " mer. chant and tuner. What has become of the good old Reformer” We hrlns to memory the old clue of Liberals tsaeeintltetime Mr Hunter was elected by the Reform Election Is the general conversa- tion and the sooner it: over the bet- tet'. Like the old Scot who was ask- ed ‘How are you going to vote?' The answer "Na such questions: I has a mind o' m’ an! The writer remem- here some 70 years ago some convu- ser offered a pound of tea it you vote so and BO. A: Tea was more on lux, ury, many took the pay for the vote. Now we will go Pricevllle for a short time. The orlgnal Prlceville was on Glenelg slde of the townline. We ask for anyone yet in the land of the living who remembers when John McCullough kept a his whiskey shop. near 80 years ago. The hotel was on the face of the hill on the Old Dur- ham Road and a big log stable at the foot of hill. Some big barrels of what they call good stuff would only last 10 or " days. party, by over 700 ot o majority over " opponent. Mr May. By nil " peal-once they pro stung or the put in South Grey. We wish for Mra Hun- ter I long life yet In her summer VICIHI'IY home " her handful rum at "The Hedges." A Melina named Cyril Vnndertwho In: chm-emu: tor Mr Hannah! " the mill m m rierdttueertit-rdodnTrdht4. When unmanned with he aid, " I out git 'tm u tutu t kill 'tm. But fortun- ately he didn't get the fourth one. ' We in the an: are email!!! both the sunshine and the min and just watching all Nature grow and tiour- ish. while we read and listen by re- dio to the great political speeches. We notice tint they promise ell the good things that are in store for us. but the rain and sunshine and these we receive from a higher source, in- dependent of political parties. And tor that we are thankful. Mr Geo Black, Br, who has been ailing for some‘ume and under the advice ot Dr Mutin of Dundalk.went to Owen Sound hospital on Monday for x-ray examination and probably an operation. He was taken by hit, son George. We hope that-good will result and that Mr Black may soon be restored to health. THE DURHAM REVIEW The Swinton Park young people at- tended the garden party " Maxwell last Thursday evening and were the evening's entertainers bp giving the play 'Two days to get married" along with songs and readings by ditterent members of party, interspersed with music by the Haw orchestra. Again on Friday they put on the play at Eugenia. At both places they enjoyed themselves and appreciated the kind- ness shown them. Mr Duncan McMillan returned to the city Saturday after a holiday at his home here with Mr and Mrs Neil McMillan. ' The W.M.S. of the Park are meet, ing Wednesday at Mrs Hugh MeMir lan'g. Mr Neil Clark has purchased from Mr Eddie Ferguson lot 4 con 17. This place has changed hands several times in the last 70 years but on ac- count of the stability ot the Clarkl family, it will not likely be in the market min for some time. I The people ot this section are sor- ry to learn that Miss Smith, who has taught school here for the past two years. has tendered her resignation. Miss Smith has proven herself 9. ca. pable teacher and the Board regret losing her. Some trom the Park enjoyed the) Township S. S. Convention held in! Bethel United Church Monday last. i We noticed in the paper that 25 teachers in Hamilton are quitting to get man-led. This wlll be a severe trial to the schoolboards and 25 oth. er men. Still the world goes on. We were pleased to meet at church on Sunday an old schoolmte In the person of Mrs Catherine McDonald of Bentinek. Mrs McD is with her sis- ter, Mrs John L Ferguson at pres- ent. Mr Charlie Kennedy, Glenelg. spent Sunday with his sister. Mr: Neil Me. Queen at Boothvnle. Mr and Mrs Gordon McLeod have the sympathy of all neighbors in their loss by tire of their barn on lot 27, con 18, Fgremont. where they are tenants. McLeod'e had no insurance on contents and the tire we: a. mys- tery to them. Mr and Mrs Jag Kennedy, of She]- burne, spent Saturday evening at J. Aldcorn's here. Jim spent a few hours on the banks of the Banana. He was succeuful in landing one beauty, abont 13 inches long, after dark. Wm Brown of Salem returned to his home Saturday Int after a, week with sister. Mrs John Aidcortt. The members in the Park of the Orange lodge 1186 have decided to spend the 12th of July in o. Sound this year. We were sorry to see in last week’s Review that Donnie McCiumel of Sackett'a Corners had been operated upon in Durham hospital for append- lcltls. All hope for a speedy recov- ery Donald and that you mar soon be home again. Mr and Mrs Geo Haw And Delbert. motored to Mt Forest Saturdny to visit their daughter Mrs Hamilton. and other friends. Mr and Mm Ray McRea, Palmerston spent the week end with Mr and Mrs J. R. Edwards. Mr and Mrs Ed Embury, Port Per- ry, are visiting with friends here. Mr and Mrs Frank Twamiey and son. Bentlnck. spent the tirgt of the week with Mr and Mn C McClocan. Mr and Mrs Hugh McArthur and Mr and Mn W.3. Cook 'were guests of Mr and Mrs W. J. McFadden, of Orange Valley the nut. of week. Mr and Mrs J'u hikinginm and family, motored over from Minnesou and are visiting with Mr and In Wm Payior. All who are interested In t1s8tatt up Zion cemetery no Invited'tO I hoe there on Monday afternoon, June 5. Mr and Mrs Cecil Alton and family of Murkdale spent Sunday evening with Mr md Mrs W. R. Jack. Master Davey Allen, Duties Cor. ners la visiting " the home of his uncle Herb Allen. Mr and Mr J.H. Robson, Chaglie and Miss M. Greenwood. motored to Toronto the Itrttt at week. The June meeting at the Wanen‘n Institute met a the has of In J. C. Cook last Thursday With " Indie. present. Mrs Cook, u the new Presl- Don't forget Zion - on June SWINTON PARK ZION {HIGH SCHOOL BOARD WILL [ SELECT FROM M APPLICATIONS _ In response to advancing tor two [carers tor Durham High School Mag, the Board have received 40 nppllcu- tiotttt and this Thundly night, will have the tut of selecting the two. It its ourer u change to that of a. couple of years ago when an adver- tisement brought no response. dent prodded. The Institute ode ad the Lord'- Prayer opened the meet- ing, followed by business discuulon. It m pinned to have n wdner nut on July 10th. In 1 RM an; . solo and In Sutton. Hanover. Iddreuod the meeting. at!“ " her topic “Playing the me. of We." The roll all wan an-get' by icold supper dlah. God ave the King clos- wed I dainty lunch. Mm John Hudson. Margaret and Jim of Humour, In John Mllburn. Velma and Bob of Brantford: Mr R. Paris and Mrs E. Milburn. Durham. were Sunny visitors It Mr George E. Pam's, Glenelg. i, We were favored with a call from LArch. McDonald, Oregon, at present "pending a few months around his old home. He is o son of late Neil '; McDonald, near Priceville and a cous- in ot Jno A. Graham of town. " YEARS AGO Worn Review tyle, June 17, 1915 At the connty court held in Owen Bound this week, Helm J. McKenzie and K Vaughn were given six Inca. each. They were held up tor causing bodily lnjury to Miss Gertrude Walk. " of Markdale. They were racing a home along the road near Markdale. and smashed Into the ntt driven by Miss Walker. IN DAYS OF YORE The Red Cross lady workers of the town have this week forwarded a large consignment of goods to the base hospital at Toronto. This includ- ed 572 rolls bandages, 557 towezs, as the results of the showers and tig sheets and 38 surges! shirts and 20 pair of wristlets. It took 5 large cu- es to carry the shipment. Dr J. A. McDonald. editor ot the Toronto Globe will speak at a big patriotic concert in Pricev'ille on the 29th June. Today, Wednesday, the wedding takes place of Melbourne McKay of town and Miss Hazel Barber of Knox Corners. Normanby. Priceville: Mr and Mrs Neil Me Kinnon have returned from Toronto. where they were called quite sudden- ly last week to see their son Hector, before he left tor Vulcamer, u he does not expect to be able to get home again before leaving for the front. North Egremont: Mr Jno M. Lawr- ence in having a new mingled root put on his barn. It was here in prep- aration tor hauling up the shingles, that Mr Austin Hum essnyed to go down the rope, which no doubt he cculd have accomplished had the scanning to which it was attached, been securely fastened as he thought it was. Instead. llong with the rope he grasped, he dropped about 30 feet; '5ATt"qqAT, JUNE " to the barn floor, causing him very severe injuries in addition to the bro-1 All 'lr,,',,'.,'; 3 Ituut'" m. [ ken arm and several ribs detached l trom the back bone. ,the Candidate, and by Upon the inception of a Red Crossi . Society in Dromore for war relief, F. R. Oliver, M. P. P. purposes, H H Miller was present and: spoke without any preparation onl 33.“. a... Florence Nightingale. 'the lady ot the1 --ePee-'eye""'e-"H'."e-e. lantem' " she became to the .01.: iiiiEiiii%igiiiiiaEiiiigieEii5iaeiiiiigiii, diers of Crimea. At the close he auc l tioned a whirlwind canvass to raise‘ 8200 in 10 mini Dr Sneath headed trel, The Fourth himol list with $50 ; Robt and Mrs Alex' Taylor and Mr Robt Renwick each . . gave 825. With sums ranging from Iait $20 down, 8210 was totalled in f) min. l O 0 O l 25 "A" Ath0 [Bigger and Better than Ever From Review tyle June 15, 1905 I o a , Tuesday morning under Capt o. M.) Snider, No 4 Co. 31st Reg't gathered '; Trill be held In Level 3 iimre for their annual trip. the last to Ni- (1 mite mtrth of Ft+rtort) agara Camp. Including Lieut. Torry and Staff Serg't w. manage, the tat., ter raised to the dignity of carrying “es ay ll y a sword. there were 26 in the bunch‘ , and though some ot them had scam The popular Tom Hamilton Comp. cely an hour’s training, they were a any will entertain anti-noon and presentable lot. They are Percy vor: "erting. lett, John McLean, Wm Darby, Ed. l A full lino of Sporta will be altered Glass. Alt Noble, Jno Lloyd, W Johan -8oftbatt Tournament: Hone-oboe ston. Thoa Barclay, Harry Burnett,‘ Tournament: Football game , rac- P. Ramage, Egrem't. T. Moore, Bert a, ete. Moore, Geo. Pilgrim, Alex McComb. spawns: F. R. Oliver, mum Stanley Teltord. Norman McGiilivrayJ “a Mlu Acne. Macon". John McGirr. Thou Reid, lra Hinds. _ HAW'8 PIPE BAND will be on the The two latter so " cooks and Fred‘ grounds mg the pony oncuea Torry " hauler. TEA, oo well “load two year- ago, Mr and Mrs Buchan are movinxl will furnish the dance mule. Mr and MN Buchan are moving this week into the 11mm Manse property, the Munroe my follow: them, while In In! Adi" Perk will occupy their old home in the an- tord residence. The factory roof is on, tttsort" ls ”matching completion. steam itt up, and It won't be long before work be. Mtrried on June 7th. try Rev. Dr. Mull-non. at the residence or the loci: of “can. to curious Ann, daughter of Wm Hen! ot Benuuck. Dot-mock: The ttmt June wedding In Donoch took place last week m Wm Galen, Knuckle, vu united in Rummy. Mannie: Hum}: for Top Cite at! In new Post once which opened on lat June with A. This is Dr.Scholl’s Foot Comfort Week mater. Matt three than 1 wee..-- Tueodny. Thu-lay and Sunday. The Post once I. In part din-KW: tttte new brick home nad thud: not "toee_,ttssotBemwttitetttund results-[y attended to, J. S. Mellraith Agnes G. Macphail Wlll be held in Lamlash School, Bentinck FRIDAY, JUNE 20 In the Interest of the U.F.0.eandidate Political Meetings I °=0=01 s. S. No. T, Normanby Walter's Falls THURSDAY, JUNE 26 Proton Station Hall Swinton Park Hall Dornoch Separate School WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 FRIDAY. JUNE 27 Rob Roy (Osprey) R.D. OAlRUTHERO, PM. Unmd Farmers Political Ami-clan, Mal-kale, Ont. ' HAROLD McKECHNIE. “ct-nary U.F. Polka“ Actuation, Dur- Do You} Feet Hurt There? If you are one who has dis. faked of (tfare,', from oot suflering, e new hope Girtaikir, 'Gidtike new hope in the Dr. SchoiN Foot Comfort Service now ren- dered in our store. Hundreds of people right here In this awn Ire now can!“ the bland "iiefhracomiapoyes, Him" Giia,%GiniGirichpti feet thtoygh (in correct shoe iitt.. in; tad the aid of We Invite you to make I speck! dart to “mu: Foot Gouger: Der t investigate or our- 'd1'f"t'lle"',,d'/'d of these wonJeI-fui foot comfort giving appliances. I but! limit! his: tnawtd All Ion! (Iceman. may and earetttttr m on“: , door north o! " Lauglmn'c can” Notary Public. 0 F. F. lacAR'l'llUR iGidluiet - Maw -. . u-uv, wuvvym Rum». lacuna“. as. DISC/2011.? Come In SATURDAY. JUNE " TUESDAY, JU N E 24 MONDAY, JUNE 23 TORONTO DurhmB.n.4. Pin-purl. The Science that adds LII. yup and you" to_lifo. cu! m .60 In. W has tn animal 11....” The” n one: Ind midcnce. corner Com Ind Lunlxon. opponitc old Pout: comm: Dunn... 1...! an, t to sum. My.“ WATER‘ Well Driller J. L. SMITH. I13. " M. Pump Supplie- . I - iitnifia -aarEai fi'.ijeriiiiig - 1 Surgeon. Dena-try In a: U. new...“ client-Icon: '-o..m.r9.as ans. 5, a. mo C ESSIE reethlVMY W. C. PICKERIIG. DDS. un HONOR GRADUATE of rum. Ugivonity. Mum of al College ot Donn-I %iiiiidG of 'Mgt, “I! ' , OJBUNTER'HNQVM BAKER IUN-IN-OlL WINDIILL‘ nomuwcm Ttree in": once, Eu! ot Central Du. m Lian.“ Avalon." hr Guy '$eartMtt by.” mad at Real; Manhattan Adv-nee. 060.1 'tmia.. WWIO. Honour“ DURHAM .GJEI SCH©©IL be unused at the mm: (h Intending - would m to enter at the beginning at my term. Information u to may .1 be owned from the Pttnei1. Itch number ot tho-tn! in Univerlity graduate and on on. knead tench". t. Junior Matriculation . Entrance a the Normal Win The School in My - to into up the following 'tttF'.-. The School In. I ml. noon In tho out which it - to - tnin in the future. Duh-n in In nil-noun and I. thy town nnd good -tttqttrggtV Limo“ Macaw." tor Co. " h Terms, reasonable. an. dut- - umber, lath, Shingles All) llllWORK lolmlhrrison&$m WINDOWC - DOOR. - TI!“ BTAIIWORK - PANELWOIK CUPIOAIDC - WARDROBE. 'tintootrutasuutre-ue- J. F. MMT, 0.0.8.. LIS. Pleue and united blu- not - ation. Meg prompt all no odor too-nu brow natal-em! uten- “azure. ”upon...“ tmWttsum.equt-dmrtthtigbt- mw.wm|leorup- an (MIMIC. it. We keep on but . m “I. a J. ti. MCQUARRIE. B. h. GEORGE E. DUNCAN OTORM a SCREEN DOOR. HARDWOOD FLOORING OWEN 30“.. ONT. EVERYTHING Ill BR. A. M. BEL Barrister, “New, In a MO "Eli. IAIN FOR BALE

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