P. RAMAGE, Durham, Local Dealer Outside ot Government bonds, there are no safer bonds issued than those of Ontario municipalities. At present we can offer 5% per cent bonds or a progressive Western Ontario township, at rate below par to yield purrhaser " per cent. Price per 8100 according to year ot maturity desired. Denominations of 31000 and odd amounts. Annual Interest, payable Feb. lat. Victory Bonds taken in exchange and a premium paid. Don't delay '. Invest new, before these tunes are sold out. Let " invest your idle cash In â€and and - First Mortgage Real Estate, or Municipal Bonds, taming 5% to 0% per corn! for you. Then. invoumonu combine thr" not! donirablo future. In bond: 1.--8afety of Principal: 2.--High inter!“ yield: 3.-Ready market. ability it “aired. Silverwoods Dames lid. 7 per ti. Preferred Stock Municipal Bonds, 1931 to 1950, yielding S,' perct. I I923 Ford Touring I I I928 Ford Tudor l I923 Ford Coupe I I928 Ford Sedan t I924 Ford Coupe t I928 Essex Coupe I I926 Chev. Coupe I I929 Ford Tudor I I926 Ford Coupe I I I929 Ford Roadster I I927 Ford Coupe q (new) All of the above can in good runningcondition Make your Money Work Safely for You Write, call, or phone No. 6 for particulars. Used Cars for Sale Highway These Preferred share. are n splendid investment, and are sold " 100 and accrued interest yielding T per cent. Silver- wood's are the largest dairy Company in Canada, Ind show npidly increumg earnings. Dividends payable mtnrterU---- Jan. I, April l, July l, & Oct. l, of each year. Payable at par at any branch of the Royal Bank or Bank ot Montreal. Safety First - We Handle Nothing Speculative SMITH BROS. The Seven Rules for Safe Driving ' Always SIGNAL before you slow down, stop, or chmyour com: never BACK UP before ascertaining that the road . d is dear. The Keystone of Safety _ You must observe them and ALL n. MON. GEO. S. HENRY, Gain- Phone " on the King's Highway and all other road; and streets I The Holstein teem, mostly young lads. have shown marked improve ment in their last gsmes and were l nosed out by Bachelors by only 1 run Salsa. 5--4. Brown Irvin held the luau-led men, probably the heaviest ‘hittlng team in league. down to 8 hits, but he weakened in final inning, giving 2 or 3 successive walks, and should have been relieved. MeDoug. l, all and Walls show real class as ball players and the rest are little behind. It was herd luck they lost both their llast games here. , toyr (purse, and Stcne Plant Bachelors .. Benedicts Holstein High School here in recent your: m Anything†last Friday nicht'n, when the High School led- ocored the winning run with two gone in the 10tti. The Bach. elors took the lead in the 2nd with a. 5 run count and kept adding to it the next three frames while after the 3rd Irwin was holding the students help- Holstein 2 Benedict: 0 Benedict: are a more experienced crew and showed snappy fielding, also made their hits count. Snell was the moat effective batsman of the night. in let inning Benedict:, ftrgt three up filled the bases. but Holstein tighten- ed up and not a run was scored. Clarence Fenton and Bill Vollett um. pired well. HIGH SCHOOL 13, IAOHELORS Going into the last iniihur-the 7th. the H. S. cause looked hopeless when they hsdn't scored B run slnce 3rd. and Bachelors were leading b--6. Bachelors couldn't score in their half, but tor the H. B., McGirr Brtrt up trot a. wslk, Ned Burnett a. single and C. McKechnie got one on an error load- ing the bases. Then Jack Schutz proved the hero of the dny when he hammered out n home run-hit, only hit ot the some. and 4 runners cros- sed the plate to tie it up, b--9. Next three were easy outs. Nine innings were now necessary. 8th was scoreless for both teams. but Havens made a homer in 9th for Bachelors, and H. S. again evened up, Ith-lo. Bachelors in 10th counted two more. It looked enough, but the students with hits and errors added 3 more and had won their tirtrt victory. Score by innings : 12346678910tota1 BtMtheiorB0611200012 12 HighSch.2210004013 " Batteries 2 Bturhetortr--Erwin, Ewen and Tucker: High Behoot--F' Murdock ind Mchen: Umpires-C McGlrr and R. Matthews. Another lighting flttitrtt was Tue:- day night's game which the Benedicts cinched in an extra. inning-the 8th, when they crossed the platter twice after Holstein had addel 1. It was one of the best-played games of the year. and a 4-4 tie at end of regular 7-lnning game meant that smart field. ing and strong pitching prevailed. Score by innings BENEDICTS 6, HOLSTEIN 5 LEAGUE STANDING I“! " Mohdden’l no surprised how QUICK Vinoi dud new We and pep! Tutu deueitttta. For 30 your! doctén have prescrilr ed Vino! because it conning import. ant mineral elements ot iron. calclum All and liver We. The very tirst bottle brim mud sleep and 1 BIG "I could not sleep und got no net was I hated everybody. Since tay In; Vinol. I can sleep 10 hours and feel full of pen nil drtr."--guUus Bea MAN CAN'T SLEEP, GETS NERVOUS, HATES PEOPLE Friday. June "--stone Pl. " Bach. TuesdayJune M-High Sch. at St. Pl. Tuesday, June 24--Baeh, " Homein I This in examination week and our jpupils are having an anion: time. lyWe wish them success. Mr Camp- bell of Markdale is the presiding ot- filcer. Next week the Entrance pupils 'write here. Who is going to get. the (medal? Miss Howell will be incharge A Durham team, almost entirely the Bachelor line-up. with Fred Vol- lett pitching, played the Canada Life team, Hanover's best, in Hanover last Thursday, and lost by only two runs In nine Innings. EXTEND CALL TO MINISTER The congregation of Amos and Knox have extended a call to Rev Mr Hon- eyman from the West to come and be their pastor. The can is signed and Presbytery meets on June 24th. We will know after that date whether he whether he accepts or rejects. :10an no Peasant; in. can In: sue-mi Mr and Mn Not-nun Holmium, of Hamilton. spent the week end with their pawn“. Mr bad In Chas. A com. from the Women's institute met the Village Trustee: and some or the Directors ot the Ag'l Society on Tuesday. We have a beautiful Park. but It needs a little improving. They are considering extensive improve- ments and will require lots of help, so the citizens ot the village may be called upon at any time to do their Mr Clarence Fenton was I. delegate to the Grand Orange Lodge of Bri- tish America at Brockville last week. Mrs C. Fenton accompanied him as far as Bowmanvllle. Before return. ing home they spent some time with friends in Durham Co. where Mrs. Fenton’s parents formerly lived. Mr and Mrs C. Fenton spent Sun- day in Arkwright. AMOS AND KNOX CHURCHES Mr Buller and Russel visited with Detroit friends last week. Mr Peter Duttus, New York City, visited Mr Buller recently. um E. Dawson having Bniahed her work an . tencher in the Holstein Continuation school tor the term. went to her home at Milverton when the will spend pan of the holldayl. The W. Institute met at thehome of Mn John Queen when a number of the village Indie. attended, . A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs Hunter to Dromore Saturday. Deepest sympa- thy ig extended to the bereaved. Mrs Chas McDougall spent a few days lately at her home at Pricevllle. Mr Arthur Hustle of Kirkland Lake visited his home here recently. Several ot the people ot' Holstein and vicinity amended the Men! of the Isle Mrs Little " Rockwood Int week. The Community Circle Softball club, played a game with Varney here on Wednesday, the locals winning. The return game was played in Var. ney Saturday evening, the locals Win- ning again. Being the winners on the round they will play in Pricevllle on June 2151. Good luck boys! Mr Merton Reid, Beatorth, event I few days tn the village Int week. Mr and Mrs D. Eccles. Conn, and family, visited Mr and Mrs Bert Ee. cles here recently. Mr K. White spent the week end at his home in Menard. Miss Howell is "slum presiding ottieer at Durham. Mr and Mrs Bert Ecclea were in Toronto recently. Mr Fraser. student in charge at Conn, took the services in the Presby- terian church Sunday. Mr Jan Reid was visiting Fleaherton friends last week end. Mr Henry Dutttu, Vancouver spent a few days with Mr A. Buller last week. J.W. Brown is in Toronto on bus mesa this week. A number ot this vicinity attended the Chatauqua in Mt Forest this week Mrs Wm Ellis, Toronto, is spend "as a few days at Dr Ellis'. I'HE DURHAM REVIEW Wm Long is spending a few days with friends in the village. Mrs Rite is spending a few days this week in Toronto. i6Lii'ii'Eiiii LEADER?†HANOVER 7, DURHAM, 5 COMING GAMES Reeve Hunter and Dep Reeve Pimp are to spend the week in o. Sound at the June session of County Coun- cil. Instead of the Warden having his usunl November banquet, he tht you having s picnic of some kind no to Tohermory utter the session. The W.l.8. held their monthly, no“ a My " the home of In Alex Nicholson. vhen ttttite ti 'mttNr of ladies were tree-rt, Thei I My Thursday morning last. Junef 12th, at the home of her daughter.! in James lather of town. the spirit? at In William Hunter passed to al hirer world. leaving behind memor.l is- of a brave and valisnt heart and) the kindest neighbor or friend one, nut wish.- In August ot 1028. with her grinddaughter. Edith Hunter ot ligament. she was the victim of an Accident " Barber's Corners. when l the car her granddaughter was driv- 'lng collided with a Huntlton car. Mrs Hunter received cuts and a had shaking up at the time and the shock to her system was so severe that from i this date her health has been on the ' down grade. Mr and Mrs Mather and tamily have tenderly cared tor her in this interval and for her, death has , come as a release to rest. I The subject of our sketch was born in Peterbead, Aberdeenshire, Scot- Puri, 79 years ago this coming Aug- iuttt, and with her parents', Mr and I Mrs Alex Hamilton. emigrated to Canada when she was but two years old. They settled in Fergus locali- ty, where they had the hardships in- cident to pioneer lite for nine years. From here they moved further north to Wilder’s Lake in Egremont Tp., 'which for years took the name cf 'Htunilton'g Lake' from the occupant liiiiiiii' land surrounded this lake. From the Hamilton homestead she l was married M years ago this month , to William Hunter and who prede- ceased her eight years ago February , last. Rev Mr Hunter, a missionary from British Guinea, South America, who has been attending the Assembly at Human. occupied Amos pulpit on Sundly and gave an interesting " dreu on the work done in that part of the world tor the advancement of Guru kingdom. A few of our number purpose visit- ing the 0.A.C. at Guelph Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Murray Henderson, of Alma, axe spending the week with their parents. Mr and Mn Alex Hen- demon. The sympathy of the community goes out at this t'ime to the Hunter family on the death of a loving moth- er, who up to a. few years ago rarely missed a Sunday " church-a good example for us to follow. Mrs Alex Morrison spent the week end with Feversham friends. Mr and Mrs John McKinnon with son [an and two daughters. from near Chesley, were gueats the ttrat of the week at Wm. IAwrence’s. Mr Neil Calder. Winnipeg, who has been spending a few days with his many friends and relatives around these parts, called on his brother-1n- law, Robt Bttttul, Saturdup. Mr and Mrs Jon Sewell and daugl'r ter and Mr J. Dodson from Fever- sham, and Mrs Jas Patton and daugh- ter of Flesherton. were recent guests at 132' Pergutson'tr. Mrs D. Gilmour, son Allan and three daughters, Marie, Eleanor and lslay, were present from Burgessville at the funeral. Mr and Mrs Wed Roy (nee Sarah McCaul), Torcnto, spent. Friday with Mr and Mrs Robt. Small. The young people of Bunemn gave their play 'Erwin Slick from Pump- kin Krlck,' Friday evening In Russel Hall to a. fair sized audience. It was a real good Nay, well acted. They brought their own orchestra and gave us lots of good music between acts, and for the dance which followed. The pall bearers were Messrs John and Andrew Henry, Thus Brown. Sam Patterson, Jog. Lawrence, Matthew Hooper. Many beautiful fioml tri. butes covered the casket and were loving mementoes of the family, the t1tteeet grandchildren and one great- grandchild : W.M.S. ot Amos Ch., Dromore: Mr and Mrs B. Patterson: Mr and Mrs Thos Brown and Mr and Mrs Wm Clark : Mrs Alex McLean and Evelyn. Mr. and Mrs Jan McGiliivray and her parents, Mr and Mrs G Binnie. ot Bunesnn, were visitors with Mr Jas Snell. To the time of her removal to Durham two years ago, her married life was spent in the one home farm and it is a tribute to the rugged char. acter of deceased that the section of No. It, Egremont today, rise up and call her blessed. In days of health she was a pillar ot Amos Church. Dromore, being active in Sunday Sch- oll and Missionary work. A few years ago the local W.M.S. ot Amos Church, presented Mrs Hunter witha Life Membership Certificate in their Society as an appreciation of what she had done in the cause ot Missions. To mourn her passing are two sons and two daughters : Andrew of Hol- stein; Reeve W. H. Hunter of No. 12 section: Nellie, Mrs Jas. Mather, Durham: Agnes, Mrs David Gilmour, Burgessvllle. MR8. WILLIAM HUNTER THEROLLCALL DROMORE ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I Mr W.G. Watson and sister, Mm Mum, Prfeev0te, nccompunled hp "heir sister. Mrs Geo. R. Drtmmie, recently visited their sitter and hill- [band. Mr and Mrs anley, Beeton. lThey motored by way of Shelburne. enjoying the lovely Icenery non; Ithe Hucksley Road-returning try AI. “sum and Shelburne. . June 26--Ho1tstein " Mount Forest June 24--Ayton It Mount Forest. June 27-HottttMn at Ayton. June 86--Mmmt Forest at Holstein July 4--Mount Flore“ at Ayton. July 8-Aytoat " Holsteln. Miss Myrtle Ron returned io Tots onto last week after sevenl week- visit at home. The U.F.O. Rural Evening Chase: at Yecvil are very well attended out much enjoyed. Next Monday evening. Mrs J. S. Amos. Woodstock, put president of the U.F.W.0. will speak and on Wednesday evening. T.A. Benson, Dept. ot Agriculture, on"; will conclude the prom-1m. SOUTH GREY LEAGUE Our deputy reeve, W'.'. Plumm- to Owen Sound Sammy tor the week's county dudes. A number of our young folk were in Durham Thundly evening It the Dramatic contest. Coetgratuiatitxtt' to 1he wnners. No 7 Normnby. Mrs M. Kennedy and daughter Gladys, Regina, Sum. visited her un- cle and aunt, Mr nnd Mrs Rout Nietr Olson, her cousin: and other friends here last week. Messrs and Mesdames McCuroll. cf Hamilton. were recent guests of Mr and Mrs John Allâ€. Mr tind Mrs Jarvis Scan, Toronto. were week end guests in her mum home. Mr: Horaburgh Sr. is the guest at her daughter, Mrs Wesley Love. We are glad to hear Miss Doris Troup ta able to so out 153m. Arch. Mclnnea was obliged to re- main in Toronto owing to lllneu but we hope he will soon be able to re- turn home. -ijr imiio paid his annual vitritto our school. lat. week. Bl Mrs Jog Manulty read the study book: In Jno Drtmmle end In W. Renwick contributed B duet. A thin- ty lunch wu served by the hostess. Mr and Mrs Dan Eccleo and funny spent Sunday evening It Mr John Ee. clett.' The many Yeovil friends of Rev. Mr. Little and family extend tympa- thy to them " their loneliness. Not lost but gone before. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE It your nerves m all uh". There '5 one good than; to do, " you'd “to In and: the too. And are Jun about to It»). Keep with For lulu looting In B.B.No. 13. Emmt. mile-Mom to be in be fore Mth of June. For particulars, apply to CAMPBELL WATSON, can»... vnmer. B. R. No. 1 u yttu'm team and and Mae. And you don't know Whit to do, u your mama not 'UM, And your man's settin' “chi. But. um‘. " your will - Awrr. And you fool you want to cry. " you're mnMn' Into debt. And on“ pay for what you get, It you can use hr and. AM m that you were dead, Stop qrtattitt'. It you know you alt too lanai. And your neighbor'- new touch. BOISTEIN CREAM-RY Monograph“: Typing, Civil Cor. vice, Pupuatory. A will course for fame-3' mu. Free Catalogue on Roam. HIGHEST PRICE. PAID (or POULTRY OF ALL KIND. For the convenience cl pup tons living near Damon, we have again opened our Buying Station at TAYLOR'O STORE, DROMORE BUSINESS TRAINING Will put you in lino for . Penman. Begin a Course New Buying Station at Dromore TENDERS WANTED WHAT “We Mex “out: To RENT all“ nix roam-d dm To", mrhIm. Apt â€a. Mm. VHIOY Garden Part) will I at In" W: Rtotmttr on 3.0 2701. Bank“ - and will. Admission tire I The play. "The Trysting PIN In mun! by Yuma) Club. Tbs Durham Branch “'ollld cuuu- IN holding: I picnic bone ot In Wm Pickett, T5 awn. July am. All mull! Wily wanted to be pm 00!th ittvitntiott Is c-xn-ndod VOL. LIII. NO, Horns The Annual (“Man I‘m Put U.F.O.. mill hr In- hun'l Glow. Thurman. Softball gnaw in exeuim by . mod cuppa and u "tttte. Admlmon 25f am in bringing ttatthettr tree Welcome. “on can News: The at!“ of Knox Bibi: I number ot friends. l K-tttttat M. Owen I My. It Wu hold in l of Mr ntember. "in: F.ol who tag (“mph urn [am And lo nor how ttoette in Sum; "noâ€! “annulus: m ettter autumn imam her In Human-Hamil», chums here HI] muss I “my. I...“ m Hardin. Sta Mr RAM Burnett. uc-nvral II who with the Bank at Cn In. sine? the un- beett um lulu-nus in we Huh-(hum: til mun-d the [am now undvr “If lull? moms. Moth tNWI J. H. mm and ototed by W. A.P. k Ant. He; .n more "no“ In " M to expand CI tl Hanna: expeeu' , new “on two dam mum at that“; n, I use Bunk ot Comm- to their new build" about July 16ttt. mkn tl-ttst “our Cat Crash A lute Null u! Md‘ullum. Hamill“ his Mother-inn“. “an: with a tsrtmih nation In key of me Imulmm "and. Corners. out or F mm". A link dam: law was sin-Bough m Hanowr Bosnia PIS wen- hun. The 'mtrt.v wracked, (I 'ortumtd on its 5 Which driver was (main. u (hair a" A u; ucwd was in; until met Con! mama .rrtved. " wttetit . Rocky Coupon WM awn: w.tr---mn Kit-4". Bro. lh' â€"111 w. H. K†'. Ickechnir'. t t. ID, Ann-(m; I. Mount: Bre'r on; S. ".---Brxr. the taunt-r was ll number "I! WW“ lumber! and six , presided and ot' with my" M d The “is New tt by It“ Ran ngtd Mttrts "den " In G. Boyd ll gave - I‘ll?â€- he â€mt from I wqndeeeul mm In Jun. Mel“ uni It. Chri, I.†'th wilt in Sock†in the l TWO TEACHERS RESIGI IEMEMIERED ENE tet II the ta n u - wean: was he rather l 0n Friday I!" PubItc School. ll not»! term. a ple not place to no have Mann-d ther otuard Btrnrt,--Mi-" Ruthieâ€: 'miuv Mtrthet Ptmcipal l sputum-II sud uhiie Mini â€In: the delnninu t and work. lull unlu- tot at". who work toeHherl my. o. bell-u " the I and In hm: with, Md plate not; (tumor! l W 1 silver t-nIn-v- nu M (anchor- Monro-Hun" um The W F. Irwin , . --mo. Howell; lliu. m owen: " ol " s. Klimt-Ir! low Ind In on! , N.Mt Ear, ("H l, “mama. and her-inn“. H. tt h a small" on “nu-y M near mu Road. new on! of Hunt“ mm detugttuer “i seriously inma- er Hospital but mm. The an: lucked, the hit on In side In river was to NI u their “our: I no“: was [m " ink :1; TH»: 'iti5i iii II qttr in to dweliitte Apply m H o he) "s.tat', td I'M l|( " up“ tmi: M M (int bl HIRO‘ II may sour! ham)! In at M I m. tot " hit: icttd V bl