Inaware I Present h oo Paria.-Bteturststtip, niiwny nnd tm. Velers are not the only kind. of ton- in!!! that Pam wish.- to nttnet and hold. Along with the, campaign which has been instituted to promote "toar. Ism' 'in France than in being con- ducted n campaign to nuke birds feel at home in the canitnl, and to -eatt them from yielding to tho ilnpniu to have. the city tor the country. In in- trulso which “weâ€: almost n thong 'n that which has been drawing peo- pl" from the country to the cities. France ed the the Pl descril The MK tha Pare Fears Birds ', Will Leave City I The 181,! ot m Trees Kept for Home: of Warblers--No Nook: in A bred "A really stood hospital lei-vice mull combine. in due proportion, the quali- ties ot emciem-y and iterxittilitr, ot or. ganization and freedom," said the Pr,ince of Wales at a hospital function recvntly. "Hospital work requires all tho-ale qualities. It In from one point of view a part of public health " " 000 an not m"" ed men, com able quallm tibia teapot] feet clvlllzal The cost in 181,500 nan] ot conga-sud uglin Hospitals Require EKeiency And Flexibility, Says Prince ua “YM, again, it is a form ot mutual aid. in which all members ot the com- munity can take a direct trersonnt Mtaro, on behalf of their fellow-Incin- burs who are disabled by lichen. This is why our people value tho vol- untary hospitals to the tune of Ate 53»),le a year in voluntary cm- In imniun alone. besides £860,000 . year front tlw patients themselves. And Um is why it is so important that tho spirit ot the volunury ttospttai. simul'l be preserved." tim m In n On» ot the largest employer: ot (lthlwi labor Is the British Legion. In its puppy taetory alone - one or the 267 employees I. I dlublod ex Survive man. and they turned out ow-r 31.000.000 Poppies last "er. ., -_------ nun ot' tho lamest employers of Many 990919. two hourg the! Gaunt. l7 .:.;ml ilhtll' is the British Legion. antler indigestion as they call it. It in In I'4 1min)! Factory alone every one usually excess acid. Correct It with ol 1:... 2.3: employees is a disabled an alkali. The best way. tho Quick. t'X Sn-rvw " man, and they turned out harmless and ancient way. In Phlllivo' .mr ; poppies last year. Milk of Magnum. " bu remained -----+---- for " your: the standard with plan!- A nun has just married an actress, chm. Ono Imam! in water ileum]- who ('lll him dead when he In! and t not my tille- It. volume in new): for att introduction. A one ot love u midi. ml " a"... The lymptom lia- ilm slight. “no" in In in“... War Robs World Of Garden Cities n Tt infstraliml. "At the some time. from another lint of View. its essence consists of numlwr at individual doctovs treat- -.: a number ot individual patients; m of tho moat intimate personal and mum rvlalionships that exist. out- lo family lite. It must lino provide r tho advance of medical science; ul allow scope both tor the individ- l Kl-uiun and tor the organised team srk which together produco that Id. Th Mall he Loagn" ot Nations report: the of tho' Great War at $263,000,000e and 37.000.000 "vtrs---that in tour m the mm population ot Canada, morely In lives, but lives of select- non. competent in virtue ot admir- . qualities to meet the moat ter- a tiwottsibi'.ities that Ht imper- civilization can place upon men. cost in money would hue built, 300 garden cities. where the evils Mme-st u! living, the sordidnoas, the "use! and the, dmlr “In Mods nrnwnt. anger. broken homes. " I children. crime and disease ld have no seed bed tor growth. h m Modern Buildings mudern school ot uchltectn l for a certain share of the ur the "desolscment' ot Paris, He at their leaders, I; Mamet. ' gave convincing proof ot llm‘t‘me. It was said that the types ot buildings. being de. on strictly straight linen. did ml the convenient nooks and tor nests which birds used to abundance in the older houses. let-Stt-vens has proved his de. to birds by pointing out that x no better place than I "mod. rraced root in which to make with the birds. He keeps a new! for them on the root of so. and there is always n bath: or them in his roof garden. Hel 'lt (iv-signed a sperm] type ot Ilrlv' ur shelter w!:i:h i. admir. Iumpd. both artistlraliy and h ettted tithol (ages in h'rt ot wooded otect winged nae nholter t in winter. type ot -h m I and blackblrd ark. llirdu’ Protection a playing an important mpailm. has created as in France. where wooded lands have " winged tenants and ' nhelter tor them. and winter. In the Pare my public garden in me has installed. by mt and demonstration, _ for feeding the " , and " in rritptiVant :gist ot note, M. Ber, " the name of a great viewpoint, to I! city dwellin which and the Only 8% of Forests Privately Owned-Direct Revenue $15,000,000 Canadian Forests Owned by People The forest is second only to agricul- ture in the value ot Canada's products. The capital invested in forest indus- tries is approximately $675,000,000. otte-third ot which is in lumbering plants, sawmills, etc.. and the balance in the pulp and paper industry. The forests provide 20 per cent. ot the en- tire freight haulage on Canadian rail- ways; supply over i4,600,000 ties an. nually and almost an equivalent amount ot timber for bridges. build. ings. ete., and substantial, affect the passenger traMe earnings of the rail. ways through the attraction of tour. lsts. Canada is also the principal source of softwood supply in the British Em- pire. while the only economic use for omrthird of th land area of the Do. minion is in the growing of wood. The forests form the moat important tact- or in equalizing stream ttow and there- fore have immense value in relation to power development. p AS l MATTER OF FORM 25 YEARS A60 . . . women wore leg-of-mutton Ilene: and ostrich plumes . . . end during the same period men first began smoking Wilson’s Bachelor cigars. The '%rbehnrf have long since been discuded but, today, more men are smoking Wilson's Bachelors -400% Havana 5118-6 ten cent cigar in Canada. Still 'ILsen’s EACH Ii1.ttit Too, AC1 D any Apocalypse By Ruth Frost 1 ask for heaven no brighter blue than this, No street more golden than this quiet latte--- The bending, sun-necked branches stoop to kiss The shadowy bank, where lately sum- mer rain Has come to garnish thus the common sod And make each blade ot grass tt glit- tering gem Lo! here I see the temple of our God, The holy city of Jerusalem. “Is Miss Swift. going to Europe tor her vacation t" "No, but she’s got her press agent to say she'l going. and she's just as happy." A sailor and his parrot were enjoy- ing a. conjuring show in I room ad- Joining a gunpowder factory. The conjurer changed a penny into a sausage. "Now that was good," said the sailor, lighting his pipe. 'T whn. der what he'll do next?" Then he threw down his match. There was a shattering explosion. Two miles away, the parrot, with one feather left, was sitting on a steeple. "Now that was good," it said. 'T wonder what he’ll do next?" Minard'l for Falling Half. You will never use crude methods when you know thin better method. And you will never miller from excess held when you prove out this easy re- Bel Please do that-tor your own nuke-now. Be Inn to get the genuine Phllllps' um: of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cluu for " :ears in correcting excess acids. M bottle contains full direc- tio-r drugstore. r55â€! "NV-- '3st , (rib, (ii,.., --Ttte Christian Cmtury. Chicago the o,1?l,,.g,,t,,t,,o,,llt, Montretrl.--A number of aspects of air communication which are still sub- jects for discussion and sometimes for disagreement, are to be taken up .by a meeting of the air committee of the transit section of the League of Na- tions, which will be held in the near future, according to Laurence c. Tombs, an official of the section, who is spending a short holiday in Mont- real. Mr. Tombs spoke warmly of the work in the League done by Canada and particularly by such Canadians as Sir Herbert Ames, Major George Washington Stephens, and Col. T. A. Hiam. Dr. W. A. Ridden, the Can- adian advisory officer, is doing cxcel- lent work, he said. Aerial Problems To Be Discussed Special Section in League of Nations Will Handle Matter Give Him Baby's Own Tablets The health l t babies and little child- ren is subject to rapid changes. Thus the mother must be on her guard. At the first sign of teverlshuess Baby's Own Tablets should be tsiven--this may avert a serious Illness. Lord Gives Britain Concerning the Tableta Mrs. Nor. man Leo, Uxbridge, 0nt., says: "Mr little boy, now three year: old, was not at all well. He was feverish and had no appetite. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and he was soon well again. I would not be without the Tablets as long as there are young children in the house." WHEN YO‘JR CHM) IS FEVFRISH Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail " " cents a box from The Dr. William’ Medicine Co., Brockvilttr, Ont. London-One ot the ilnegt private libraries in Britain shortly is to be. Come a possession ot the nation, Lord Brotherton having decided to present his collection ot books and manu- scripts, includlng a rare copy ot the timt folio ot Shakespeare's works and copies ot the secand, third and fourth tollos to Leeds University, where the collection will be housed in the new library buildings now being construct,- ed es the result ot a previous gift of "00,000 by Lord yrqthegtoq. In addition Lord iiroituiRon pro- poses to give $150,000 tor maintenance and administration purpose: " well as the continued service: of J. Alex Symington, present librarian. The collection includes a wealth of medi- eval illuminated manuscripts. Retired naval oiBeerg adopt many and varied professions, from board. ing-house keepers. "hoohnaaterts, and insurance agents to rabbit-breeder: and coal dealer-I. " A Mlnnrd'o for Insect Bites. F uncut Library Crop Information I Experts Would Be Maintained in all the Countries of ottawa.-H?retttion ot a world-wide commercial Intelligence service to be used in collecting expert crop and market intormation on all lines of ag- ricultural products was discussed here recently by M. H. Lloyd. assistant secretary of the Empire Marketing Board, and Dr. J. H. Grisdale. Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Canadian representative on the executive coal- cil of the Imperial Agricultural Bureau a tsutreotnmittety of the board. Mr. Lloyd, who in touring Canal; in the board's interests, Admitted that the crention ot such n corps end the dissemination of timely and expert knowledge has been I matter ot con- eiderntion by the Empire board tor some time. It might be discussed. he laid. at the forthcoming Empire economic conference. Expert agricul~ turista, schooled in the collection of marketing and crop condition: would be maintained in practically nil coun- tries of the world. it the plan were let in operation. Their reports would be collected in one central depot nil trom there distributed all over the Empire. Such a scheme, Mr. Lloyd believed, would be ot great assistance to the Canadian wheat pool and other co- operative marketing organization. The world's marketing and crop con- ditions could be gauged quite accurate ly and the dissemination ot this m. formation would be ot great :aluo to agriculturists all over the Empire. He will visit Toronto, Winnipeg, Resin: Ind further west. BRIGHT EYES, For colored materials, rub the affect- ed parts lightly with pure glyeerfne. Allow this to remain on the materinl for an hour or so. then wash the article or garment in the usual way". If the stains are old, it may be necessary to repeat the process two or three times. Dull eyes mean misery a 1d weak- nest'-., sure sign of a bloodless con- ditiaa. Anaemie girls and women have dull, heavy eyes with dark lines underneath. The bright-eyed girl or woman to tth am happy and well. During the summer grass and moss Mains are common, and as these are unsightly-especially on white gar- ments-steps should be taken to re- move them as soon " possible. If we stains are on white material, damp the ttifected parts with cold water, then sprinkle with a mixture of equal puts of salt and tartaric acid. Allow the mixture to remain on the material until it is quite dry, then brush " lightly with a pad of soft cloth, or with a soft brush. Should any traces of the stains remain, fepeat the process. There is one way to make the eyes bright-to bring the glow ot health to pale cheeks-th t is to invigorate the body with new blood-rich, red health. giving blood. Dr, Williams' Pink Pllll do this and the. do it well. Concern. ing them Mrs. Robert Devitt. Broug- ham, Cat., says: "My daughter became so ill and nervous we had to take her out of school. She was pale and thin; her eyes were dull and the least exer- tion upset her. I began giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and in less than six month: you would not know her. She gained in weight and strength and is now the picture of health." Dr. Williams' Pink " are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a. box from The Dr. Williattta' Medicine Ca., Brockville, Ont. To-day I met a collie dog That looked like “Sunny Jim," And when I stopped the gentlemn To ask what tickled him. He gave me such a nasty look, A: it I were quite dumb, And "id--"; blooming idiots Today the Shriners Come." "But why," said I, "Should dogs be glad Although they're very tinet" He grow1ed-"Eaeh single Shrine: is A bosom friend of tnine--. They always stand tor klndllneu. And that Includes the dumb, Bo all Toronto animal- "A pretty sunset. you. But you ought to have seen the sunset: we saw over the PtuMe." "it wu thrtenth emu". I think -Jotut, was It our tent]: crooning. or our twellth, when we lighted Ill than ,rhategt" Zeppelin peseengere begin to kick about this and that; so it loch u it Zeppelin transportation had detinite1r “and. Before long the new ween- ger will heu- cebin ream-kl like these: "I never Br on any other line.†'Airslck? Too bad, old chap. When you’ve crossed on many timee u l have you won't mien e noel." The Birthright of Every Girl. 'T.' Zeppelin Chatter Are glad that they$iyo go s. " L tiirTiiii7i Ri; Grass and Moss Stains Service Proposed ROSY CHEEKS Greetings e-tftiihTdl"ii Tiiader. (For I am debtor both to the Greek. and to the Bart_.--Romtut. I: 14.). Hottoot through the world I so Blinking night and wondering day Seeking proper coin to no.7 The tremendous debt I 1"oF--. Juugle green, and blue marsh clap, Coral in I. smoky strand; Small wave: strolling up the and On the tip of Atrea-- Shall t V he more dear to me Than the Doritreotumned mist? Cool ot pearl and amethyst Than u mountain savagery. Pagan bird and Voodoo rite, Primal snarling winds that 1t.MrH- Than I blade ot cryumlled gnu Slender and proportionate'. Curious the spoil I seek. Strange the tinkering I do, Being thus I debtor to Both Barbarian and Greek! . --4Hrn Henderson Har It was reported to the late Dr. lie Cosh. while president ot Princeton University, that 1 party was being held in one ot the dormitories, "utter hours." Thither the good doctor wond- ed his war to investigate. To his knock at the door came the response, “Who's that?" “it's me," replied the doctor. "Who's met" came the query. "Dr. McCosh," Inawered the doctor. "You're a liar; it it had been old Jim- mie he would have said 'it in I.' Go about your busittemsr--" which Dr. McCosh said he did, on tiptoe, and re- trained from telling the story tor at lent tour years. "Do not unto others " you would that they should do unto you; their tutu may not be the trarne."-Georgo Bernard Shaw. Sun Burned? .4: 2?, IHHM" 'af, J3IcM, IfiijiEiESi7iisC' (l 'iii.tgiiiTaiiiEii5ii5iEiii I51err. '2LW, ma new... Then rub amlctod parts will Mlnard'u 1nd watch th hog Min-mfg lgt Mix. 'illlltllliio ROSE New Price TEA t36 (lt'iio,. TORONTO g In a Safe, Easy Way AI "Atty cmcus~wn HATCH†215.000 [an nu In (on: vario- ueu. Writ. tor free “Idol“ A E Swill", Human. "nt. wNt'il?iltareli'dM',';Nliill LIGHT- NING rod Balm-men with our. cool munniuuunl and drlwing account. APPLY B. PHILLIPS L {TNING Rod Company. " Unborn. Avenue. liillll f [DST 28 [88. LIGHTNING! LIGHTNING! Read how one mum" Inst mill-u. a! M, without diet. without (immoral- glygl or (15min. - “I take I daily done of Rum-hon. and I have lost lwo t"cuee “mud the wrtiat and hit" and Mt ilm. mmv last summer. I feet very well on it And people (AI me t took very tit. lam an. Bm. in heal“. " wan old. and name of a mt family." Mil: K. L. 't no lumhrinx 'tttout with I linden of unhealthy. cxveso {MAM an M rid of it easily if you ttet tho Rum-on tmhit, Krust‘lu-n salts provides the tuned. “(at and nun-n w-y to _ ht ttsk you can pe-iid, desire. Hy petritrirtg your blood of lawful 'tridr, helping the liver. kidneys nnd bowel. to "no. of! male "menu. they mustn't in a natural wny the fully deposits _ It,'t'g"t',t ma mallet In" [mull-mi. at only do you lute pound- in weight. but you lose you: in Immune-It. [Jule by link, me ugly fat di_appeam- dowly. ytw-4rut survlyiaml To" mo- tret wmulorl'ullv Invnlllw \Il:ll "nd envrgyvllv '.t T' 'rk "-"w t""" ' N "I TWICE BENEFITED BY SAME REMEIIY The stomach, liver and bowels wull be cleansed of poison, painful and dangerous indigrstion disappears and the system enjoys a tonic cifecC Don't delay. Ask your druggisl for a 25: tla. of Cartelâ€: Laue Liver Plus " all aphttdi'hi Tan-1356". New clean In antic Nerros, but! qsrtetAbet"WuititieCtnitn angina)“, Do you suffer after meals Will! u belching, from sour and acid stomach I Many believe they have heart trouble and tremble with fear, expccnng any minute to drop dead. This condmon all be prgveulqd, likewise» relieved. Take Carter', Little Liver Pull. after meals and neutralize the gases. Sweetest the tour and acid stomach. re- liexe the gas and encourage digestion, Compound and felt lire-a it; UGUi. 21fhtr,'f, It my may who ' wh- neadn up. 'i,'-i'i'ii"lrllth"c'ttttut'ii, Ctassified Advertising Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound EmIilWir,] ISSUE No. 25--'30 CORD“?! " GONE m Key. w. Wang. mount. PA netie?eydeLetece POI ILL! ihrtsA,-r-:YirG.bGiG