West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Sep 1930, p. 4

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Bon, Durham. -- - __ need to do holiness of this Um stranger! or so to the tron Get a big bundle of old papers at sending " man. Par n. and w the Review Omee. 0ttly " TWO trm be responuble for gerttinq your divs or more at the same rate. Bait. to you realm-I1. able for seven! purposes. I HOUSE TO RENT : Good. cosnlor- The Review will be agent for your! table six roomed dwelling In Upper n and riodl I: You don't , Town, Durham. Apply to S. Patter "De pe ca . I Bon, Durham. need to do business of this kind with stranger: or So to the trouble 01' an a big bundle of old papers at ending " mall. Par an and we will Nu. 'anlh- (urn... mu. a- m..- K-- '3!“th "" The Royal Bank of Canada , Lt V records established by her farmers in the face of international competition. Success in any branch of farming comes with a knowledge of the best methods. "Feeding and Better Livestock" is a book- let issued by this Bank to help the Canadian farmer increase his profits. Ask for a conv- children - Durham Branch - J. A. Rowland, Manager CANADA is proud of the grain and livestock Wasn‘t. A..L_LIQ " 1 u . _ C(DRN FLAKES GENERAL ADMISSION, 25 cents and " cent. A Large Entry of Live Stock in prettiest". JACK l MAHONEY, g,',,',".',',':',',',":,',',,:',',':,":;' Comedy IO Dainty Dashing Damsels IO 't for A MIDWAY with many attraction. OLD.TIME FIDDLERS' CONTEST and STEP-DANCING CONTEST on Friday Night HUBBLE JUMPING by ALLEN'S HORSES Hanover Fall Fair SEPT. to, . tt, " t2 2_2tt TROY tMt PACE 2 22 TROT OR PACE 0F BUFFALO, will mount “The Fair Danni. Rum”, ttoth Afternoon and Evening: This is said to be the Hottest. Srlcleat, Smppiest Girl I'sevur, tver offered in our Dlsuict. Cotton's Model Shows A GOOD PROGRAMME will be provided on y and Friday Aftenoons and Evening: the kiddies' evening meal you couldn’t serve a better dish than Kellogg’s Corn Flakes with milk or cream. So any; r-. to digest. Exln good for ', HORSE RACES 9nd up“. -'--.. 5.3 ‘. Ask for a copy. FREE FOR ALL FARMERS” RACE daily quwlu " I". mm qrtttt 'wr. when. Min. in recovering (m the hon-Ibis experience. The moeAntter ha been mud to “to than but But- ton I! one. i counts they were urchin; for 3m. to!“ body. amazon got i thrill ttterdidnotkoetor. swan... “comm! " you‘- rooord with up being made, when luddenly Cnptun Chan. Sutton’u plane was Ieen to am the water with one at It: wing- nnd‘ the plane catapulted and plunged into' the his. l, Clnude Mills. 3 companion of Sut- ton, was than elear, but " Int tMV, plane me was staged in from 'ttthe Exhzbitmn. in [all view of the 50,000 spectators. The “an m made and: speed of over 120 miles " hour wu that wilt be of benefit to Canada. There is um place for the expres~ sicn of independent opinion that rep- resents the farmers, rather than the industrial classes and the mouldin- terestl. P. obably more than ever we need that. Miss Maephail has won tor herself a foremost place in Parliament Irre- spective of the fact that she is thus far the only woman member of the House of Commons and we look for the use of her prestige in directions TRAGEDY AT SEAPLANE RACES I The feature about the recent vote I that we feel worst about is the 0pm in: natures ot the urban and rural votes. This is a condition for which Miss Macphall is largely heisel! re spcnsible " she has pietty consist ently emphasized rural interests at: the expense ot urban interests and; thus fostered mutual prejudices and jealousles. This is a pity. We would much rather see a undition of mutual good will in both town and country. Their interests are mutual and inter-related. not opposed. We would prefer to see Miss Macphall not less an exponent and advocate or puiely rural interests, but more a representative of the interests and' feelings of the towns and villages that also comprise her constituency. Co' cperntlon and not opposition or dir/ ferentiation should be the aim of the exponents of public opinion-m- end not War-it we may put it that} way. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Tuesday afternoon hat a big aes- “unever sue sun has the backing of the majority in South-East Grey and would have vexy good prospects in future contests. Pcpular opinion may tum still farther In her favor. We (and she has no illusions as to the constancy of popular favor and tie recent election would not streng- then such illusions it she had any. However she still has the backing of cncoses to hold in power that long. Miss Macphail may wish then to re tire from the strenuous political life. We fancy she has no illusions as to the constancy of mmllnr 'raarrs,. ..... [suns or the election. Now even such we staunchly Grit organ as the Chesley Enterprise questions whether Miss Agnes Macphall. one of the most col- orful members ot the House ot Conr mons can ever be elected again." We are not so sure about that. A good deal can happen m tour or tive) years, it the Conservative part)" chooses to hold in power that lone i (From Mt. Forest Confederate) The London Free Press (Con.) says: "Apparently we have Been the end ct block domination and group gov- emments in Canada and are back to the healthier two-party system. This was clearly demonstrated by the re- sults ot the election. Now even such CAN MISS MacPHAIL WIN AGAIN? Knowing that we must buy millions I argumentative WW of dollars worth ot goods abroad as ot the quiet, 11rtatrg payment for that which iiiiiiuaeipauittic Chm" compels us to sell, how is the coun-[alw‘ys sin-wed and n y to become rich by putting a high i to be: there is not tax on the things that it cannot es-e‘ Put, It, but that h, Consideration of these facts should have a. sobering effect on those who argue that Canada should put a. high board fence mound the country and live to herself. buy nothing abroad that might be produced in Canada. The question of the wisdom of growing so much wheat ls sometlmeo raised. But a. reduetionun the volume of wheat would not alter the funda- mental sltuatlon. It wheat 63 not gzawn, some other product -wlll be produced on the farms to take lts place. For these otper products, a, market would have to be found Ll the year. ‘ What is to be done with this wheat? It has to be sold in the foreign mar- ket and in return for it Canada has to take foreign pads in exchange. Nothing that can be done about the home market will titer the situation one iota. Another million people in Canada would nbsorb only 5,000,000 bushels of wheat. an amount that could be grown by farmezs ot Baa-) katchewan putting in a couple of, hours extra. seeding in the spring of. m two years Suhlchewan' ptodue. es enough wheat to feed the people ot Saskatchewan for 100 years. [ Snsntchevun grow- enough when in one year te feed all the people in Canada for tive years. The figures with respect to the Province ot Baa. katchewnn one even more iliumina. ting. In one year Suhtchewnn pro- duces enough wheat to feed the peo- ple of Saskatchewan for 50 years. c. Ramon: & son. um m p... Ely: Bunyan lain- lonbef gauging: - K-arr WHAT ABOUT WHEAT? Mowing to thinh over l we Ptgistey; 'mm, Mae, Ec that} From ity cam raelfl Ritclde .1319? Mr and mi .V - “unu' " tor Vidn: Mr and In Wes Noble and . Adele: Mn Win Ritchie: In and Mn ' wa. Ritchie. Marjorie, Dorothy end t Dan ' In Beanie Ritchie end con ’i John; Mine: Lily and Knte Ritchie; " Mr And In w. J. Ritchie and Ann: , Mr and In John Ritchie and Once: Gi. “a Mn can Ritchie ; Mr and . In cut, Ritchie. Norm, Clarence I and Fred: Ritchie: Mr and In Wily . hon Birth, Vein, Ian and how-Inc;I 1 Mr, and 1m T. C. neon-r Macadam] ' Mr end In Will loch-r, Billy Incl "Jean loci": Mr and In Cinemas I loch-r: Ir end In Win Weir; Mr. _ and In John Nowell. Arthur. Olive .ud lune Nowell: Mr and Kn Goo. fret-wen ; Mr an In w. It. Weir. In“. """ nary Madeline Cuban: Mr. .end Mr: Mumy Ritchie end laymen Ritchie: Bert Ritchie, Chance Ind "hren.. Mrs David Ritchie and dingh- ...- m.- "- --a -- .-- l""""-" "_......... we. vnvnue, when, Dots othy. Freddie and C1iirord Lee : Mr. and Mrs John Teeter, Eileen and Jean lTecter: Elma and Aura McGuire: Mr .Ind Mn Thou. Ritchie '. Mrs Arthur -Atkinnon and Miss Irene '. Mrs CHE IHowell and son Boyce; Mrs Sun Rit- aclue: Mr and Mrs Wm new“, In lime, Clare and Jean: Mr “a u-- wt vun: In and I Adele: Mrs Win R W.g. Ritchie. In ma i In Bout. John; lune. Lily Mr Ind In W. J. i~~~ -- ”Jul! tyrn, Bobby and Ross; Mr and Mn. [Edward Maxwell, Cecil, Joseph and Janet: Mr and Mrs Edward Maxwell [Mr and Mrs Eddie Maxwell and Vie. ;tcr, all of Paisley; Mr and Mrs Robt. Alexander, Geo. Gregg, Eden Grove: Mrs Porter, Mrs White, Isabel White. Malay; Mr and Mrs Edward Majury,‘ Mae, Edna and Jean, Owen Sound. I From Durham. Holstein and vicln-j ity came : Miss Jane Ritchie, tio/ Ritchie and sons Howard and Will :I Mr and Mrs John Brown, Lloyd, Jean,i Raymond. Ada and Margaret; Mr and Mrs Arthur Lee, omue, Robert, Dar-I amdN- an!" - --- Ie, Paisley : Mr And. Watson, Mattie, Adeline, Mae, Alice, Prank, Robert: Mrs Rebeca Blough ' Mr and Mn. Marshall Watson, Jack Watson, Mr. and Mrs Edward Malury, Lawson and Clifford, Mr and Mrs Leslie whit-n M, Those who Registered . at Ritchie Gathering _ However, there is nothing more certain that the name of Dr. Arthur Gun will live forever in the hearts and memories of the hundreds. nay thousands. of tax-service men and their friends, who came in contact with him during the yean he passed as a real Christian Medical Officer-in Christie St Hospital. Bogle, Dorothy, wiiE.,‘En I Bode: Mr Ind Mrs mum and Mary Madeline Catton " He will be greatly missed by all gcx-service men, and his place will be (hard to an. if it ever can be tilied as l"titrfactorily by any other. His kind. ,iy notions, his interlacing spirit and: isufl‘erer himself, his earnestness to 'do all in his power to serve ttrat tel- ‘low sufferers certainly earned tor ihim the reputation of the ex-I-oldlers' best friend in Christie St. Hospital. l, Genuine Christian men like the late fDocvor, are the only proper type ofi (medical Omar needed to help the ’bumt-cut veteran. He understood the boys, listened tgvrnoathottrshtt,, ' Dumt-cut veteran. He understood the boys. 'istened sympathetically t them as they related their troubles to him, and he at all times was everI ready and willing to deal out suchl advice and treatment a: ho non-‘1‘“- fChrletle St Hospital, had endeared [hlmaell to all ear-service men by his ‘pleasantneu and personality. always {run or that great Christian virtue. isympathy tor others, which he pur- sued‘ to the last, always having a Kindly word or encouragement to all 'who came to him for examination or tmatment. The returned men in the city ot Toronto and elsewhere, as well "the ntients in Christie St Hoaplul. have watered a great loss. Dr Arthur Gun having been called across tl.e Great Divide. _ The [chewing letter appearing in the Toronto Telegram, came to the Lunar of the late Dr Gun, " an un- solicited tetstlmoniai, as the soldiers knew him at Christie St. Hewitt]. Sir : Veteran Writes Tribute to late lk h. an --"vlvit Pan: Mr aid flu; THE DURHAM REVIEW Post unFera vr, ms" during his sojourn at Willi)... “Mind Mrs Ralph Cat- we of the Cream-nu. Mr 3. keep" " “in". (On behalf of your atteetiormte pupils, l Nora Baird, Mary Firth. Gladys Ritchie, Susie Bell. The gifts were placed in a beauti- fully decorated basket in pink and white, carried by two school pupils, Misses Mary Firth and Susie Bell. They were opened by Miss Gladys Ritchie and Miss Nora Baird read the verses. The social hour was spent in muslc and singing. l "a ~--v ""'"'"H0, m good gifts of God may be your portion in due leuon. A sense of obligation impala us to try and express in this humble way our gratitude for your kindly {when ence. patience and perseverance in our interest. We ask you to accept these modest offerings as tangible memento“ of our love and esteem and we earns-n- 1y It is with confused emotlon. we are assembled here this evening: we cannot but sorrow in the thought that we are losing a teacher who was ever asstduous for our moral and spiritual welfare as well as tor our mental progress. But while we are dismayed at the idea of parting trom our well-loved mentor, we rejoice ht the pmpectlve happiness we feel lure you wllenjoyl In the new sphere you have chosen to I cuter. I SHOWERED BRIDE-ELECT About thirty one pupils. comprising the S. “I class and IV classes, gath- cred at her parents' home last Thurs- day evening, to tender her a miscel- laneous shower. The address was read by Miss Ncra Bird as tollowaw Dear Miss Firth ". In commcn with hosts of others. the Review extends to the young couple heartietst congratulations on the rec. tit union. As well as the shower tendered by the Rocky young people Wednesday ttight last, the U.F.Y.P.O.Club of that section presented to her a plate, cup and saucer of Beeleek china, humid) the bt ide has been a collector. The bride was well remembered by le'! numerous friends on this import- . mt. p'y.eiMi?n. That her whom! I? L'plecfated her tutorship. a evident. [ from their shower, many of them wendlng their way to her home on Thursday night last with mlscellan- i eons gifts. Thursday afternoon the Presbyterian choir of which she was) a member, were entertained at the! summer home of J. H. Harding at: Wilder's Lake. where a pleasant timei spent in water resort diversions. 0nl behalf of the choir, Rev Mr Iii) strong euloglzed the work of the. bride in choir and church and knew that in the larger lite she was enters ing,her scope of usefulness would be! t'till_greater. Mr T. M. McFadden! presented her with the typical Pre') and Maggie rolling pin as a comic in- l tellude and for a lasting remembrance, a silver entree dish was presented to l rer. The Young People's Society}: supplemented this with a companion) entree dish. I , (Continued from Page 1) 'Noronie' for a water trip to Duluth. On their return they will take up residence in Palmerston where the groom the past few years bu been In the sexvice of the C.N.R. to the two experienced duripg the past three years. proved mu. She also states that removing her father to Michigan did not huten his death. Previous to the week ot his death, he "was much improved in health and exceedingly happy and contented" till a third stroke similar A letter from Mn D. W. Campbell. Nrgrove, Mich. daughter at the has Thou. Greenwood, expresses apprecia- tion to Rev": F‘lddea sud Smith and many friends ttttd relatives who help- ed to assuage their grtef over the death of their father. Mr Will chlrr, Mr David Humil- ton, mu Hue] Boston. Mr and In. Frank Irwin, Min Olive Weir, Cteve- land: Mr Lewis Nowell: mu Ella- Beth Scott: Lorne Taylor, Toronto. Wilson and In R. Wilson: Mr and "In W.A. Lindsay and Clllord: Mr. and Mn has loam, Dale And "rot Detroit: Mr and Mrs W Brocklehank and 140m. Mt. Forest: Mr and Mm. W. C. Ritchie and Harold, Hound John and Dixon : Mr and Mn In: obligation impel: u. to " in this humble way tor your kindly forbeus and Dezsevemnce in all the New; m HYMENEAL APPRECIATE!) . Mr tad Mrs John Sullivan Ely of Detroit, spent Sunday brother James Sullivan. Mr and Mrs Ewing Pican onto spent the week and at nrd summer home here. Mrs E. Damn: mm w-- Mr Lorne McIntosh, Mr no and sister Jun, " of Nina] are visiting aetth the latter':, Mrs E. B. Dunvel. Mr and Mrs Jno Hinton and dug:- ter Joyce, Mrs Geo. Hinton, Br., ot Hamilton: Mr and Mrs Robt. Scott and daughter of Michigan; Mn Wm. Bourne and two duxghten ot Durham visited with Mn E. B. Dunn-l um week. Mitm Crane and friend from Embro, ls unending 0, week with Mrs. A "A _ __,_._v, "In-Illu- I Mr and Mr: Tho: Buy And family. (aeeoiGiiitii by Clu-ence Thompson, :spent a city this week with mand- near Neustldt. To-day, Tuesday, teacher. and my its are back to Wolk. We wish for them a Profitable you. Mrs Duncan McQurrle and daugtr ter Isabel. spent a day recently with Mn L. McLean. Mr and Mrs Ju Miller nnd family, spent a. day thla week with Mr md Mrs Roy Tuna-d. Mr and Mn L. Sheldroth ttttd fam. nly wexe visitors this week with reh- tives at Elmwood. Miss Myrtle blown was a. visitor for a couple of days with Misses Esther and Mary Bourne, Durlum. Mr and Mrs Able and family of Nr agam were visitors with Mrs Wilkie this week. Very sorry to belt Mm Grace Ric- ter met with a. very serious Iccldent and is now a patient In Durham hoe. mat. We hope soon io hear of her recovery. Mr Harold Mekechnie spent 3-1;; days in Toronto and took in the ‘Ex.’ Miss Helen Watson spent dig au end with her friend. Mrs Norman Mahmud. Mr and Mrs Bucky Thompson. of Toronto. spent the week end wth the farmer's mother. Mrs Arch Thompson b=o==o=01 ROCKY SAUGEEN I 1tt1tPiti'* fPPcvtr friends Programme, Monday Evening, Sept. 8th On Sept. 7th, REV. ALBERT 1m, Toronto il' ANNIVERSARY SERVICES of Queen St Ugited Church September 7th and 8th, 1930 GOD SAVE THE KING! W. Smyth, Moon-pant“ Prsgramme at 8.05 p.r.1. Admiuion so c CHOIR .... "Love's Bmtedietion"-aaatdmuderry Mr SOLO .......... Selected ................ Mr. Austin Potter DUEL... Brahma “Lean-by" . June. Ethel and Myrtle Mason SOLO .......... "Cradle Song" ................ Mrs. T. Muir READING .........e VIOLIN SOLO ..... DUttTT.. "The Bum SOLO ........ “mm Br"-Pttmetl ........ Mr Otto Lovell W9u9......."Antm" gum-d Thee" ........ mu Norah Wilson lullaby from Jocelyn PART It. .... QUARTETTE (from Lucia de Immerlnoor)......lrs. Milton SOLO ........ ......t9eleeud .............. In W. G. Baum SOLO ...... "The Blind Honduran" ...... Mr W. Thompson RECITATION .......... Selected ............. In. llxhion CHOIR ...... "The Aastretua"-Aram "Imam" General Secmury of the United Church of Canada. will punch attt.00 n,rtt. and 1.80 p.m. Specm Mule by the Choir. In. Benny and Mr. Potter m Fergus. will an!“ at the Sunday “all“ mice. VIOLIN Bord . . . . John Sullhfm “a tam. Sullivan. -. -_- Ewing Plum ot Beauty. [In North Wilson, Menu D. Johnston. A. Potter Will be hold In “0011. Mr Robt Lowe " of Mann runs. lend horn Embro. with Mrs A. Me. Sunday mfg; “he _B'uxamtte" (from "ttmofHotttmatr......... '6'44'tbii..'...... It". M. Batty. Mrs t Grieves the ulster, the Church on Sunday and Monday, Tor PART I . we are mural In. McKinnon and Min uvinestoese will enjoy their Vit, It (author, " they were brought up together than childhood. Gm It the home of Mr Geororts Bmwn may were Mr and Mrs Geo chklln. Mr and Mrs The. Croat or Clreoley. On Monday Mrs Wm Jack tin and (butter and Mrs The- Run fi-q-, Illa Catherine chlnnou ot Bass wood, In. who in visiting t: lends n: tttia M. Ind Gilmore. to thin wee!, visiting her friend. in“ Ten: Liv ins-mun me:- In III-once of 17 years We are uncured In. McKinnon and Mill Uvitsestoese Will enjoy their Fir, tt (anther, " the" Inna N..-.- _ The Brown by Mines ,,__.-_-, .u-wu. A (10." in: payer by John MeDoruld and " content by In Fred Torryclcsed mu eventng. mm "The A.B.C. ct Lite" i/did, by Nina San. McLean: Mn Call In» Mr Cameron Itclnmoh. M.P.. nun-m ed the when! of the late Mr Tho, Gzomwood. Mr F............. Mm. Mighton ............ Mr T. Muir Jr. and In A.C. Menonntd, I'm Donald lchonud. accompanjwi ne- lumm and Hannah Mr-- 2, spent Saturday at Wanna may friends of In; so 'tretta, Children 25c SEPT. 4, I930 ..... In T. D. Muir . Thom. D. Muir Jr. " and Mrs Geo The. Cross ol In Wm Jack In Thou Run. I u the an... Mr. Bruce I Goorm 1 the bus the past the = I - ua=a, Yul In” 1t.ehT seen a Ir " - “pf Simplicity mm J , addition to max; Ir.s' N' w 1odvl l $tqeagrq_ that have mad, t m-Holth the ytstndut ae-tste' are judged' J. S. MclLR Men’s. Ladies'. l Boys' or Childrcn'~ day wear or i)rcrs Also the Best SI sud Try Mcllrai .E'AIRING AS LS At the Down Town Sh: -adttarsee ttthetnntk OUR,: ”Uh.” Flour and F loyal Household Hoe o Canada Flour Ptiqt Flour C0000 Flour I000. an. F“ Flour Chm Oats Chick Grit Mill reduchom m m In I“: with others no". Luv. your or ' thhe Meqred at Phone tr Iargr Gum“ A But ”we... Get 0. m . P,'.', that te,', "tT' Actio- _ aim] V xuimel'iii -, m1. Lilo "luv .2“ _ m emu- “If"! park Mum -- Bu-dk . iiiEiiiuTfdCEGrtTs WE HAVE ON HAN in.“ a. the ham] ' “Io-Ill" " I. without P2T"'"? III-mu tux; ul\ sr' Wm"! Recleaned , Ate. Ontario Mined Cl SEPT. 4, For your "CK! HENDER pier, oaks am to be found i Our Cakr' the purest to-date kite JOH Sto - - . nuke-0r) tr 'r, F THE Our oak hey are Fl ty

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