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Durham Review (1897), 11 Sep 1930, p. 7

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col W tied by ago or sex. . 2233, an. up: Excess add is the'commoq cause of Count at lawyers shut" 317i . I indigestion. It results In paiatand sour- It in immsible to sit u . table in I use: about two hours "ttr eating. gidewalk cafe mthout being uppronchfi Tho quick co " In u ad by tour or the beasts. Hugh; b t li tr,",,",',,',', 1t'U"tb not A dishonored nvocatlon tn iGUl "ftth "frJll'll,', fink C tttttgs and the mm. "mm And may yyjlfttri'f1't,l't,',.i, 49:“ d f, te,','l",',t the by thls means usually my. to “I" I lt go tt a: I?” 1 eke out 'otnt UM iptepittomt " il'P1 If 0 rear, 5 nco '. ven- It n immaiblo to m it n and in} aldewalk cafe mthout beintt approach: ad by tour or the bums. Bola!” Ii not 1 dishonored "cation tn Spun. Spain Has As Many Rem As lawyers Martrtd.--rhere are us My bet. gan as lawyers In Spain. according to tho chasmcatlon of oeeupattorm in the kingdom printed by the weekly nun- cla! magazine La Somali: ”anew. The number of tnettdieatttg, unclassi- 'Now. then." he said, "if anything goes wrong with your plane. jump out. count three» as you are falling. to that you are tree of the plum and then pull the ring." H. - la! his word- to sink ia. "You will then and that. tho parachute will open 3nd you'll come down u W11“ 8 W." _ "But supposing It doesn't open asked modulating. T - _ -iiiii, G 113,755? hush"... other," replied the instructor.--' we". A Fair Offer Tho Instructor Wu addressing 3 number ot Bring cadets on the uses of tho parachute. He does not like soups. but tish, and especially plates at! those delicious Baltic aprats are favorite dishes, tutd so are same and poultry. With his simple dinner King Gustaf takes just me glass each ot sherry. burgundy and port. Thm King Gustaf has breakfast at nine fa very 91mph meat, consisting of just a cup at ten and In a“). For lunch. at one o'clock, ho bu " MW-- or am dish, some ttteat and some cooked trait. Dinner u Just " simple. Fish. meat. a sweet and longtime: Gasman, when the King generally takes an orange. I The tormei, as cooked In’ my mum try and served with u sign ot hot Punch " liqueur made from Ame). la quite deilciou ' The kitchen at Uiriksdnl is ruled over by a housekeeper who has six maids under her. Pancake. Every Neck! The uenua present a great variety at dishes. but neither tttty Crown Prince nor the Crown Princess has any special iavorite dish. though like King Gustaf, they keep to the old Swedish custom ot having tor dinner every Thursday at the yearjpu noun. with pork, and pancakes with jam Tho kitchen of the Prince of Swollen is very much like the one at Drottttingttolttt. All pots and pans Ar? of copper and marked to intimate their weight and capacity. Some have a royal crown engraved on them, and tho lni'tllls ot the King and Queen from whose reign they date. There are ditferent store room tor, the diaerent kinds ot eotnestibtmr; Pt) tor vegetables, one tor preserves and fruit. and one tor meat. The “My orator tor the meat consists ot a long deep cistern. in which everything is kept on blocks ot Ice. Next to it we and a huge atone mortar which re- quires the strong arms of a man to manipulate it. . Ct one realizes that, having safely " rivod in the serving room. there re- mains a further journey up a lift be. tore the food reaches its Bnal destina- All round the kitchen an limited tho scuilerios. the pastrycook'u room. and so on, while to gel to the serving room you have to ctoss I yard. rather a cold proposition for the tood in win- tar time. and most inconvenient, when At Drouningholm ttll the kitchen Moves are heated by birch wood. There are atockpots to heavy that It takes t vu people to move them. Nothing but. copper month are used In the royal kitchens. any." A Ron! Visitor Vina” 4taying at Drotttotrhohn, a (numb) royal palace near Stockholm. he wmpzlmes pays a visit to the kit. Chen. impertlnz pots and pans and Bsklug what there is tor dinner. Should 'totDe delicious cake or other mm . trt-bit" happen to be lying about It might disappear as mysteriously an wrt-rt his grandchildren 'ttttt their way cm there! And it is no scent thgt Princess Ingrid la a re! iittiitttiet.id Sometimes. when suing“ pooh; my»); in one ot the long corridors. the King will wnlk up to her, shale hull". and say “Thank you so much tor thou lovely cake. you made for to. nutm- war. has Just given birth to s dunno tan, ls quite a spartan " regard. food, though he shares : schqolboy'l taste when; one. an concerned. Swedish cooling its dumb.“ I place of honor In the cullury world. Ind to he the royal cook In I country of such uneasy: at My. p Sweden is to hold no men Minion; _ Yet King Gustaf himself (when zrandchihl. the Crown Princess ot Nor. way, his just given birth to a daugh- ten, is (mite a sum-tan -- -o..--a, " Many Step. to Get Simple Routine Vith V Jam-aekai Every Thursday Br “an Nether; made tor to. you". you “Finally one ot them hit upon a clever idea. He took a lobster that “Scientists suspected that this little pocket, with the sand grains on its bottom, had something to do with the lobster‘s sense ot eauilibrhun-with its knowledge at what is right-sideup and what is upside-down. But they didn't know how to go about proving "But why should a lobster want to have sand on the brain'. "A dissection ot the lobster's head shows that up in the region ot its chief nerve centres there is s tiny cavity, communicating with the out- side water by a still tinler hole. In this cavity one ordinarily flttO s tow grains ot sand. Only immediately " tsr the ttttell-shedding the sand grains are missing. The lining of the cavity is part ot the shell. and is shed with the rest ot the shell, taking the sand grains with it. The ‘hair-sugaring' ot the lobster is an effort. fittally success- tal, to set sand grains back into this little pocket. 1 "As soon as its claws have hardened enough so that it can use them again, the lobster begins to pick up pinches ot sand from the bottom and drop them over its head. Over and over again It repeats this queer process. un- til it achieves some end that appears to be satisfactory. "What is this thing the lobster In trying to do with grains ot sand? “Once in a while every lobster out- grows its shell, splits it down the back and sheds it. emerging from it In t soft-shelled state. After a period ot retirement under the rocks. Its new shell hardens and the lobster is ready tor normal activity again. How the removal at a tew sand grains trom a cavity in a. lobster's head. and the substitution ot iron " ings. made the lobster magnetic. is re- lated by Dr. Frank Thane, in his Science Service feature, Isa't it Odd (Washington). He writes: Lobsters Use Sand to Create Balance mfmzmggmu "'tmrsiamsmsiaiai.Giiir-, _ Still r - Acid Stomach BACH ttttit EYE Be sure to get in genius Phillipa' Milk at Magnesia. prescribed by puni- cinn- tor " your: in correcting new ucidl. Each bottle contains fait dino- tioany drugstore. ' times He volume In acid. tt ll harm. less and tuteleu and m action in quick. You wlll - rely on crude methods, - continue to lunar. when you learn how quickly. how pleasantly this premier method nets. Plano let it alloy 70!: now. use, mum?" "As tar as I can remem- ber, It was Danlsh butter." “There you are-what can y0u expect? He's well on his way to Denmark by now." "I put butter on the cat's feet " you suggested. but he's run away just the game." "What Bolt ot butter did you "A bright person always stays at tho head ot the class it it's a mule that has class." was about to shed it, agkin, and put it into a tank ot water. Only instead ot sand on the bottom, he strewed iron tilingsc The lobster picked up Iron tllings and put them into the cavity, just as though they were sand grains. “Then the scientist held a magnet over the iohster's head. attracting the filings to the top instead ot letting them rest on he bottom. Instantly the lobster turned upside down! He held the magnate to one side It the lobster. The lobster again turned so that the underside at its body was toward the magnet. Evidently the guess was right. 'Dowa' tor a lobster means the direction in which the sand grains press in his little "eadoockert." -""e"eqlilt “.5“ th -'-'-- ' . . _ m "---t-_---'r-a-,-esu_ ,, So,l.#...ttott, 'tttard" Llnlment aid; and “up Tree in Rain By Anderson M. Samoan The ftrgt metallic crops ot rain come down With suddenness ot javellns, on. by one Stabbing each leaf whose green has Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box trom The Dr. William! Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. I would not be without the Tatm/ii/iii long as there are young children in the house." Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Nor- man Lee. Uxbrldge, 0nt., says: "Mr little boy, now three years old, In not at all well. He was feverish and had no appetite. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and he was soon well egaln. The health of babies and little child. ren ls subject to rapid chanson. Thus the mother must be on her guard. At the first slgn ot teverlshneu Battr's Own Tablets should be girtttt---tt0 may avert a serious illness. Give Him Baby's Own Tablets. The thinly peeled rind ot an orange left in the tea caddy will impart a delightful flavor to the tea. Orange and tea are a good combination in serving the tea, too, Most people have heard ot Russian tea and appre- ciate a slice of lemon in lieu ot milk on a hot day, but not so many hare tried a. slice ot orange in their tea with a squeeze ot orange-juice as well. Try it. It is delicious on a. summer,' attetmoott.--Answers. l When Youf Child Good China tea is usually more fragrant than Indian tea, but . deiG nite fragrance ia produced by blend- ing the two. Always allow the tea. leaves time to respond to the warm inituenee of the teapot before you pour the boiling water on to them. Granted that there in an art In tpa- making, but even taking freshly boiled water, good tea, and a warmed not Into consideration. some tea-tables still offer more fragran; tea than oth- era. Quicker thm dulled to brown Beneath the ruthless A New Fashion ls feverish Halo-u bu --'-'-e"'--"'"-"e-.--e. ., ”in. - NTh0tTtrji"itcim7i'Ei' TORONTO To be angry, ia G revenge the hull 9! others upon ourselveg.--Alexauder Pope His opponent. without studied ot- tort or itteiinuion to make a joke. n plied: "We it to, " It min. and then put your hands in your pockets." With a bewilderéd Loe on his race. he turned to his opponent Md asked: "What shall I do now?" One ot the men tried his bail and, taking a vicious swing, sliced to such an extent that the ball struck on ot the trees fairly, and came bounding back acros- the he. so that the Nay. er In question. without moving from " stance, caught the ball m his ttang) as It was bounding past. l T '. Next Move _ . Two men, neither of championship class, and whose knowledge ot the rules ot golf was no more accurate than their technical knowledge at the various shots, were standing on the am tee on the Mudtown course. The ttrrt Many is bordered on the right by a row of oak trees. Dr. Williatn4,'HNpicpt'tts -'hold by; medicine dealers or by mail at trol cents a box from The Dr. Williams'l Medicine Co.. Brockville, Oat. I There is one way to make the eyes bright-to bring the glow ot health to _imluttetetrlteHirat to m; vixen-u his body ma. nu: trloop-istrtret health. trMiig blood. Dr. Willlams' Pink mm do this and they do it well. Concern- ing them Mrs. Robert Devin. Broug- ham, Ont., says: "My daughter be- came so ill and neryoup up hill to take her out of animal. ’8qu wag pgtts' and thin; her dyetwere‘dull and the least exertion upset her. I began giv- ing her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and In less than six months you would not know her. She diined in weight gull strength and Is now the tbtctur6 health." . , . l . Fr . F Jliiiiiiiii",iiiii 'Uith'TheTin l The Birthright of Every Girl. Dull eyes mean misery and weak- neM--a'sure sign ot a bloodless con- dition. Anaemia girls and women have dull, heavy eyes with dart lines underneath. The 1srigieyttirgtrt or woman is always happy “de. Bright Eyes, Answers "Ah don’t know as that I can tell you in days," replied Horace. "Well." replied the other. “I only known I'm stoppin' another "tith"-- "Whatyer mean. lad?" queried his friend. Harry and Horace, two Lancsshlro lads. met on holiday tn the Isle ot Man. "How long art stoppin', lad t" ukod Harry. Hard Lines Young soothsayer " local charity human- to ther girl client: "t see," she said mysteriously. "that by your hand you will marry." "Wonderful," sigh- ed the girl. The soothsayer looked more closely at the hand. "You are engaged to a man named William Coughdrop," she went on. Her elletttl looked astonished. "This is really ii) canny" she said. "How can you tell the name ot my fiance trom the lines. ot my hand?" "Lines?" echoed the! soothsayer. "Who said anything about. lines? You are wearing the engage-I ment ring that I gave back to that (eh. low last week." ', Br Alicia Animal-ll It in hard to be I turnip When you'd like to be I And' a: hard to be a on Ali the time! And 'tis tho very horrid Just to be a little boy When you want to be a monkey. And to climb! To be that boy or turnip, Just as hard as you can be, And then, you Bee, you'll be 'tlst--- What you are. But, it you're born a trot Or-a turnip, after a'l, It really seems a better Thiiur, by far, a: The Asset Test Be Yourself Rosy Cheeks re"'."'"'-. __.._‘ . “téiet at atom.“ and in tho thittqta.clare ot cement are Wtto- Itona and clay. . "t qt': art"thug cartin- sa.t1stetWtls iii ieing tirtitf When thly "thiftd it meat their Infirmity without mating the other side, they are like many ‘39” who are N away-.mphiuin‘ Rs ut Somew'- Mhtvit,tout evér ionizing: that atter itr. were an _mpe'ns:1tiod. " ix (t T Minard's Liniment foe Foot A Mann Dr. Voiveuel tells us also that no happiest women are those sensible enough to May amid. than who blush naturally. Men unconsciously seek than]. Darwin nu no'ed Win the ,et,'Tgtvtipt"tt: the mutg an. win bh't h' 'rair hoimlieu’“ priv'eu. This watt" we origin of ettstmrrica; our painted ladies ot today are only wo men who, without knowing it, try to gig. pleasure by buying ”UHF [1|th 'a'e,.ttclrs. .. i , - “These people neglected to tell no that they posses sperm types ot hatr piness. Dr. Volveuel has told us. in I recent lecture. 'thut in general timed people. who are generally Very intelli- rent, have Joya of their own. Not be. ing able, through tenr ot displeasiag some one, to express thumselves as they would witttt---to exteriorize their "elite-tttts timid "can within themselves marvelous maxim ot which they are the heroes. Their intellec- tual life is intense and they dream mNpiitteent waking dretnrs, full ot adventures of romance and ha rdihood. Culicura Soap “I once wrote several articles on morbid hesitancy; after each one I re ceived Cotttidetttiat letters from timid people, who told me their symptoml. The misfortune ot lacking energy, and of being conscious ot it, makes one still more timid by the ever‘preaont knowledge ot his titrtiditr. " In -gtativet I“ d loft-I doll-:0. bet bul- iihTuTil Ind m IL' nor-d Are you timid? Do you Mush? it you are ot the female sex. be thank- tut that you do, tor it makes you far more attractive. At my rate. so ny- Louls Forest in Le Matin (Parish. We read: , more than a an "ci, Men Find Blughing ta, CHILDREN CRY FOR Ir-- nun-diam} “ if, "a In ‘DMWWOIW Cement's Ingredients 'ltlhtiurditit1t.ilttlit RED Ros: TEA 'noqtaturttqr--ttts"tttetlFthtatasetttae . 2iriGiriGiFtta,.. 1ti'lilt 1.iiii';ii))(i,i,sti:ic1isiiiiit x3tttctrtsxtrit. 5’ Girls" Attractive; 'liaed2ta, I08 "For many years I 'suite-d {m- .evere humid-C nlmust daily. I started (along the and! don (cl Knmvhen) I matter of [our year- up, and I (an honestly saw I have new: had . hm M'Luln. M. w., Harvesters Sui-ll makeshift methods unmply suppress the “mum of Malawian. They merely cal-h the nerves and leave the und‘ymg cause to look (M H. Aqd " only ohlalns . ttan lend-rho: can generally Iver human-d 'rtomnrh and to the lummmlt-d tetettuon m tho system ot Magnum); want: mlrrl‘ wlnrll pawns the blond. "1-an the- troisoets---prevent them ("mung “gain and you‘ll never hive to Winn" my more. And that ll just tow Kruwheo Salli brme swift and haunt Mic-f from heathen”. Kurd-en mm aid Nature to Name your burly completely of all clogging wuln matter. getting on " school?" 30.: "Pt-t I'm now learning word: of (out ertiw darn." SEA SLED FUR BALE. I00". 16, wltn new " HP. Evtnrulo no. tor, an In perteet condition. vary Nat, absoluteiy are. aplendld "tttrtgt Boat. kn special “Cut (on: - new“ Inger model Now 10- -ed on t'VoritUq Bay. Wilson Publishing Ce.. " Adel-Mo W.. T rontu. Bog " Visitor (to the little “I of he m. mouI motoriau: "And how no ". F rsartett bred mum. for In. We guarantee satisfaction 'te-h" "rivet Tomifohlu Mink Farm. Tod. tuba, Quebec. sun-(m County. How do you deal WIHI hendarhrst D. P' (at take mtm-u in: to dude. the W, Without getting rid of tho tartttue qrttu9t can“ the 1mm? Thnusandl do, despite the animal professho's wammg cry of "DON‘T!" HEAIAOHE You'll Ind Mind's a certain re lief tor all! or “rained Inn-ml“ Rub it in and the pain diumeau p A N u' y NORTHERN QUIBQQ 4 Years without Classified FOR SALE I w“ ~“

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