um. ' of In id "to- en I. cook“ Ir. Us. _ "my l at a. pie. it. h veto - bull. in and halo tb Ct',',',', mul- bu soft D mo of MI- nn tor be wo- n H... M’s pic. not! of of skin Fer, table. oohed may. heat [ add t in In tho "" er, he mix to In a good Jewish home, such " that into which John was born, the child was unduly cared for and instructed in the 'raditions. the history, and the religious faith of his people. He was taught to honor (other and mother, to do tte works, to seek ti','.? and good wil , and to study the aw. The last was regirded as highest and most im. Portant of all. The words of Dent. 5: 4-9 and It.. 13-21 written on a folded parchment end attached to the door {out would early become familiar to im. The services of the synagogue, the quiet and rest of the Sabbath day, the festivals and other holy days,, would all be full . interest and in- struction. It was a rich and whale., some life into which the Jewish child grew. The home teeching and ex- ample was supplemented by the school, when. In ancient Jewish writer tells us, it was the teacher's his: privilng and honor to impart to t children: "the precious knowledge of the Law! with constant adaptation to their ca-l peciy, with unwearied patience. in. tense carnestmsa. atrictness tempered by kindness, but abate all with the highest object of their training in view," that is clean Jivin.e, in gentle- GG,' tirii,G it' vim... iruthtii1nest, industry. and self-control. It was "in the den of Herod," who has beer. enlled Herod the Great. who reigned T54 B C. that 'dacttarias min- istered in the temple in "the priests ofhee in the order of MI course.†Twenty-four such courses Ire named in 1 Chron. chap. " of which the course of Abiuh was the eighth. Each course. or company. of priests served in turn for are week, dividing the priestly tasks between the individual, members by lot. To Zacharias at this; time had fallen the dutv of burning) the incense upon the golden altar, and it was there by the altar, the fragrant amoke of which symbolized the prayers of the people, that the good priest be- held the vision and received the prom- ise of that for which he had long, prayed. vs. 8-13. ‘ M. rue emu) m THE HOME, 1: 57-66. In this home the birth of a child wu an occasion for rejoicing. "The Lord had magnified his mercy towards" the happy parents. and their neighbors and kinsfoN rejoiced witn chem. They did not forget the sacred ofheea of their religion. but dedicated their child to God aeeordintt to the ancient CUB. tom, Gen. 17: 12: Lev. Io.: 2. So do ye in our day in the sacrament of we in , baptism the great woman of Shunem, whose home' provided " little chamber on the wall" for the prophet of God when he It..,',',',': that way (1 Sum. chap 25; 2 inn chop 4). Nor on one forget tho horr.e in which children are regard- ed " an "heritage of the Lord." or the virtuous woman of Proverbs 3t whose children ripe up and "all her ?' ed and "the heart of her hue 'i d trttstettt In her." Testament have (Sven us glimpses of some good homes " the ancient people of God. It has always been a peculiar . pleasure to turn from stories of war and conquest. of cruelty and violence, of eorretoaaness and greed. to pictures of the simple homely virtues. of faith, and courage, and famil atreetion, and ttttselfish love. The {est that was found in Hebrew Lomes was very good indeed. Of Abraham it was said that he was known of the lord. "to the end that he might command his children and his household after him, that they might keep the way of the Lord, to do iustice and judgment." In many a ome the DeuterGomie law must have been known and honored and its pre- cepts taught to the children and talked of day by day (Dent. 6: 4.9). There were good women who made their, homes places of widespread inftuenee and power: Deborah, the prophctess. " mother in Israel"; Hannah the; mother of Samuel; Naomi and ttuth;) Abigail a woman of good understand- ing and of a beautiful ouuntenance whose tactful wisdom saved a foolish husband and prevented, bloodshed, and THE JEWISH Hons, Luke 1: 5-23, MUTT AND JEFF-- Br BUD FISHER Al HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name Ind address plain- ly ,giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose Me in stamps " coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, " West Adelaide St., Toronto. "How do you fix your strut hat time limit? By the calendar?" "No." "Tttermoamrtart" "No." "Br when" "Pocketbook." It's partieuiarfy medial: in patterned wool crepe for the othee, classroom or street. Patterned jersey, ttat {rope " and canton crepe lend themselves nicely to this model. Style No. 2688 my be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, M, 38 and 40 inches bust. r Size 16 requires " yards 39-inch material with % yard 39-inch con- trusting. It's exceptionally attractive because of its simplicity and wearabilitr. And it js such an easy "air to fashion. Silk and wool crepe mixtures are alto lovely for its development. The rolled collar accented by (rill and flared euth so beloved by youth, distinguishes this day dress. IllustratM lh-asnmaking Loam rur- nUhed With Every Pattern BY A NNABELLE WORTHINGTON one. to - the In, "ga-hair. Last of tttttpee,',',,', of the Old Toda- ment, the covenant, it waa Illa to "tto before the face of the Lord to make ready his wan.†In the falling light of the 01d,he foresaw and an- nounced the dawning of the New day of aalvation for Israel and for the world. It was a difficult and strenu- ous task that was given him, to preach repentance, the turning from the evil to the good, preparing the way for Cltirst'y proclamation of the kingdom of God, "and it "a néedful than]; should become "strong in spirit" for. its performance. m. my mg! In no" man. What New York 2683 The same estimate, which Is based on data gathered by Lewis Winner, New York radio expert, Indicate: that by the end or the your 12,000 more hotels will hare installed radio. With about 26,000 hotels and apart- ment hotels now In operation, this estimate means that 7,500 of them hare fitted up their guest rooms eith- er with loud speakers connected to a central receiver or with receiver out. lete tor antenna and ground connec- tions. Thirty per cent. of the hotel. in the U.B. have radio installations, a survey shows, according to' The Al- soclated Press. _ tres. vision company tor stage reproduction is said to give reproduction ot images approximately tour feet square. Spe cial transmitting equipment bu been devised which permits the broadcast- ing ot full-length images of enter- tainers appearing before the televis- ion camem It is expected Hill dram-s will be broadcast Mr the then- tre receptions. Radio Used in Third of American Hotels Interest in Image Sending Cains as Theatres Seek Installations for Patrons New York-Television in gaining considerable interest in England, and it is likely that several London thea. tres will lnstall equipment this winter for the entertainment ot-patrons, ae. cording to information received by the US. Department of Commerce recent, I ly. The theatre aspect is regarded as new although the British television company interested in the project has been attempting to promote the idea tor several years. Applications for apparatus in theatres are laid to be approximately twenty. It is re- ported these are not motion-picture theatres, but legitimate stage thea- Great effort is being made to ex- ploit television in England. Programs are now being transmitted on regular schedule for reception by amateurs, and it is reported there are several thousand listeners in the vicinity of London equipped with the apparatus. Negotiasions are under way with a prominent British television company for the installation of a stage receiv- ing set which will permit the theatre audience to witness entertainment broadcast trom a point several miles from the stage. Television' Proves Popular In London Cough plates for ths purpose may be made with a coating consisting at 1 mixture ot boiled potato, agar. glycerin and blood serum, which gives s most favorable condition tor the [sat growth ot the bacillus. This mixture, coated on s small plate or disk ot wood or glass, should be held, in ob. taining a possible cultm'o. about two or three inches the puient's mouth, during a deep coughing period. 3 It L no longer necessary for the physician to wait for the tamillnr whooping to diagnose the Infection in a suspect case. as the bacillus can be detected by cough pistes held near the patient's month during 1 coughing spell. The pertussis bacillus which causes the disease may be passed on to .thers long before the cough be- comes evident. Under the present system ot diagnosis. therefore. the quarantine is established a consider- able time ntter the period of greatest) contagion has passed, these iiriiiir) itles charge. tine Delays In quartutttning whooping- coush Impacts until the chartusteristie whoop appear: are at least partly ro- Iponslblo for the lncreue in the an. em which has brought ite donth toll up to twice that ot scarlet fever. sc- cordlng to I report to the American Medical Assoclntlon by Dr. L. W. Salter and Leonor: Harntsreeht, ot Evanston, Ill. Apparatus developed Urged to Avert Dangers of Delaytd Quaran- by the tele, Sun:- is so retined that it contains no vltlmlmu. This applies to many ot our foods. Rica has most ot its health-giving vitamins polished off, The continuous use ot sugar in America is steadily growing. It is interesting to note that a century ago people ot this country consumed enough sugar to give each person about 8 pounds in one year. Now the amount of sugar consumed in one week averages , pounds for each per- son. Just think ot that. Since sugar is so very high in calories what is the logical thin: that will happen? We become too fat. One hundred years ago Canadians per person used around 44 calories of sugar a day in variouslorms. Now they use 647 calories per day. It comes in our candy, soft drinks, ice cream, the bake shop, condensed milk and so finds its way into our stomachs. _ One ot our eminent food doctors paid this tribute to sugar: "Common sugar is almost an ideal food, cheap, clean, white, portable, imperiahable, umuiutteratod, pleasant tasting. germ tree, highly nutritious, completely aol. uble. altogether digestible, easily as- slmilated, requires no cooking and lanes no residue." Then he adds, with physiological wisdom, "it'a only fault in it: perfection. it is so pure that man cannot live on it." Calories ................Mo Bo often we receive this advice while reducing. "Do not eat any anger or starches." But it one is supposed to have a balanced diet how is it possible to leave out sugar. It in sugar that burns up the fate. It tat is to be burned in the body which is necessary tor proper assimilation. there must be a sufficient quantity of sugar-fuel to burn it; so it is com- forting to know that we must have some ot all the important foods. only it is necessary to count our calories and use our judgment about the divis. ion tor proper balance. menu tout ............rr....o......r........... 1 tap. butter 'r.....'.'......-..-............. 1 cup cooked spinach I.....-............. 1 poached egg .'..r.....m...................- % large mulkmelon F....................... 1 dessertspoon ice cream ................ But thoy no good and one just can- not give them up without a few qualms of remorse. Bo to those who are reducing and are rigidly keeping to 1200 calories each day t good war might be to eat 1 or 2 for dessert, then mount it in Your book. Which would you consider the better menu tor lunch. both menus consisting ot the some number ot calories? a large chocolnto creams, 300 calories, or % sllco [out or whole slice Chocolates would not look so good to the typo ot person whose surplus food iota. turn to tat it she knew that Jolt two chocolate: B day tor a you. over nnd nbovo the amount of food it takes to keep your body nor- mal, would nuke one 18 pounds over. weight It the end ot the rear. It is appalling isn't it? So it you have tanned the habit ot "The magazine and A box ot chocolates," Just figure it out. Each chocolate adds another little lump ot tat where it is not wontod. When one thinks ot it as a lump ot tat, it isn't so tempting. "How about chocolates?†exclalms’ the lover or "net meats. "I simply' can't do without them tutitiiiii7i.'"l lat me tell you something abouti them, and not all bad new: either.'; Chocolate: no Med with good food} but that’s the trouble it one wouldi reduce. There are altogether tool may caloriel ln n chocolate. For instance one tatttalizing, delicious' chocolate cream which leaks so im' nocent in he loft smooth tinlsh and, whlch disappears so meltingly and] quickly. count: a total ot 100 calories.} Doctor Says Sugar ls Perfect Food Br Marie Ann Best ARTICLE tt 50 25 35 80 MI 60 Privately owned neroplanee in Great Britain now number 295, divided among 263 owners. ot whom 24 have two planes each. Goodâ€. Goodness ig 3 pint. the root of which in Heaven. and the Bower, and fruits of which embellish the tsarttt.- Lameunais. "Well, well. that accounts for the fact that I saw him In the front row " the burlesque show on the root gur- den last night." "Mrs. DeBald tells me her husband's eyes are tailing him." COVQTR Such snakes as the bushmaster. rat- tlesnake and Gaboon viper have long, powerful lungs and are able, under favorable circumstances. to bite through ordinary soft leather and rub. ber the thickness generally used in making shoes, boots and leggings. No species of snake, however, is able to bite through thick leather, such " is used in heavy leggings or puttees, and ordinary boots and leggings are a great protection against most snakes. The thin tops of some knee-high leath- er shoes is not absolutely sate against poisonous snakes when the leather has become soft from repeated use. Hunt- ers in the Southern States and that leather leggings afford sumclent pro- tection against the bites of poisonous snakes in that region; and a specially constructed rubber boot, with a Jtiiii) including several layers ot canvas] used by quail hunters in Florida, is al perfect protection for the parts it. eomtttntettuathernaimuettetre. imoved, our what. wheat ntmr will not km long "ttugh with tho Ito" gain Included. Io the part that moll- I - In removo dud that I. the but Can Rattlers Sting Through Leather Shoes? Baked beans % cup, cheese souffle % cup, salmon lost 1-3 cup. ginger bread one smnll piece, Lady fingers, B, bread pudding or Brown Betty b4 cup. Ice cream 1.4 cup, lemon jelly 3-4 cup, fudge 1 inch cube. pie npplo, 1% place, lemon pie t inch piece. Baking powder biscuit 1 large, Muffin: 1 small. 1 griddle cake, cet. err tomato or spinach soup " cup, potato pen or corn soup % cup, mac- aroni and cheese 1-4 cup. (These are ot course approximate, since no two people cook alike. It reducing hold down on the high ear. oried Ingredients.) 1 cup sugar "m'.'.."""'........'................ 840 1 cup whole milk .""""'t-.r.vt............ 160 1 cup skim milk .'r...__r_r.....rm............ M (food value is In good as whole milk, except (It In removed.) 1 cup unsmed tlour ...."'_..__............ 460 1 cup sifted flour .-.......r...o.r............ 400 1 cup Graham flour '_...................... 460 1 cup macaroni, cooked v............. 100 1 cup butter, % lb. v.......,...............) 1 cup grated cheese .r........r.trrr.....m.. 400 Some commonly used home-made dishes In We are liable to an foods with too many calories and because we do not need so many eatoriea but more vita. min and miner“: we shore up layer upon layer of tat. This makes it quite plain what we must do. We wish to make it clear, however. that the advice here given applies to people who are overweight but ITO otherwise healthy and desire to re- duce. The following are some cooking quantities in calories Women should form club: to un- deruko to secure thi- real whole wheat hour and divide it up among the mambo". It Inuit be ground u the mill and used immediately. We should adopt some ot the methods ot earlier yen: and get close to nature, accepting food: as she prepared them tor her children. Next week-The Overweight Child N, 'iii,"?))'))",,,, "ss, Nl 'CN 100 calorie portions some popular Beauty As a. coutttemuteq u made benuuful by the soul's shining through It. so the world is beautiful by the shining through it ot a. God.--Predriett Hein- rich Jacobi. Plesunt Friendships Nothing will so much delight tho mind as a faithful sud pleasing Mond- shlp. How great I good is It when the hearts are prepared, wherein n msn my safely bury all hls scents. whose consclenco thou (euro-t loos than thy own, whose words my tar. rity thy diseotstenta, whose counsel can resolve thy doubts, whose mirth may dissipate thy sorrow, and whose countenance may comfort tttee.-Betr By my example-then, and only then II It enough. --Roger L. Wtrinx. In the Dom)“ . News. It I can bathe u wound; can smooth the rough or life; cm warm this are In other It's not enough that I should love my " play, It’s not enough that I should love my labour, My enemy. my friend, my kin. my neighbor; In not enough that I should love my wlte. Honour my home ind keep it tree trom strife; It's not. enough to love my God, union I make each dolly tut this love ex- press. 1 A few maraschlno cherries chopped and added to the frosting gives u " licious and plush; Iluor 1 lemon and rind. 1 cup cold water. 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon“! flour. Beat lemon rind and e“ to gether. Stir in lemon julce and sugar. Dissolve Mur In water. Cook In don- ble boiler till it Jellies and spread. (Boiled) Frosting Dissolve a cup of granulated sugar In lh cup of hot water. Wash down the sugar from the olden ot the nu. cover and let boil three or tour min- utes. uncover and let boil to n rather firm soft ball stage. Pour In a In stream on the white. of t eggl. beat. en dry. beating constantly meanwhlle. Golden Layer Cake % cup butter, 1 cup sugar, yolke of 6 eggs. bk cup milk. 1% cups ttour, 4 teupoouful Music baking powder. l teaspoonful ot orange extract. Creel: butter and sugar. odd welt beaten yolk: and beat main with butter no sugar until very light. Sift ttour end Magic belting powder together “I add to Brat mixture ulternntively with milk. Beat lightly tor thou one Illin- ute, put into greased layer pen- I“ bake. Temperature 400 deg. P. Time about 20 minutes. Put together with lemon filling and ice with boiled fro-t- ing. Mrs. W. McKenzie. , Feruwood Ave, Ave., Tomato, In: u'nrded the In! prize tar layer cake It the Gunilla. National Exhibition. Toronto. " there were . large number ot eon-ion of cakes ot various kinds we believe our women readers will be interested in securing Mrs. McKenzie’s recipe. which follows: ' Wins First Prize Death Valley Heat a Forbyerane Above 130 beam Golf in the Here After. Lemon Filling ENOUGH “ERIC ARCHIVES TORONTO In on I visit to her brother's furl. "One afternoon]: “is walked round the trutidi-tus strolled into I cow- Ihod when one ot the farm hand. vu milking one ot the can, "8» wttched ttttttNet silence for n few uh uh. At In! lhe could control In (callu- Io longer. " You; an: qt. bunt oat, 'ludn't you ought to " It mm". . "We, an: In I. in“, 't.N we}! will: " an. out" i--Wtttittti'g" can“: new "People like to man with and: on. ovcn mo than they do with that -s."-Atttert Cones. Told on a Brighlbn bu by u tumor to " time; Mend: “Early In "" , verymuc 0““:th A Plan Prtett0h1tt II said to be a plum of MM- :mul. In root- composed of tender “remain. in their taste. cutl- gg ll -dug.--vostrrxrgtt. " The discovery was owned to Dr. C. G. McArthur, of the University at Bill-l... during the explanation of a new thew, of bodily circulation hy Dr. Oliver Kamm, of Parke Davis & Character . . Chm-never 1. formed by n variety of luau Ctreutrutattces; . more or Io- wa: the regulator: and control at no 1ttdteiettai.--Btniies. Cineintsati,-Disetnerr of a gland location that appur- to control pig- meatutions-the but: of ettmpiestioev-- vu reported to the American Chem. icll Society recently. The secretion comes from the pitu- itary (had. which lies between the roof of the mouth Ind bus of tho brain. and which has been identified previously as producing other new tim- "eeting growth of the body bone! and development of sex. “Death Valley gained its doieiul title in 180 'when I pariy ot over- llnd travelers bound tor California perished in " waste. Board-mart ed gravel and an occasion! human skeleton show that the valley in. taken its further toll of life; but with I railway no“ the unmet-tern end, - Ind lutomobile tracks through- out the deprenion. worked springs. an irrigated ‘nneh' and mines. Beet! Valley has neceuarily [out some of " sombre reputation. lately a hotel In been built in the foothills. and now even tourists will! the once are“ Death Vlliey." ' “From the sleep sides ot Death Valley s (our small. scattered springs ot good water trickle. These have been carefully marked. Outer springs are ,,o httttregttttted with minerals that their wuers are tttttit tor use. One sizable spring gushes into the vslley. With the aid at " water! small tracts of alfalfa and s number of trees are growing. Near this touch of civilisation are important born mines that hare henna worked tor years. ' “Since that diataht day of Dealt Valley'a gene-la two important " velopmenta have been under way: nine and winda have been cutting the bounding cllle “no ragged, elep- ian mountain aides and have been tnnaportlng the material to the val- ley ttoor. Slowly Death Valley in committing auicide; gradually he iloor la being built up; and in tttttq--. after the - ot none thouaanda ot 'ear-ttt part ot It will remain be. low sea level. . Liam mom. in aummer .. "The valley ulnaâ€. presents a aca- olate appearance. The lowest arena are salt ttaut. Moll. of the relative ly higher portiona of the ttttor have an abundance ot nit gralna. too, mix- ed with the sand. Here and there old aaltine crusts are broken into hard. Jagged pieces. In places the and and salt drift into ttttttes. The area ll not wholly devoid of life. An occu’lonnl stunted Inc-quite hull mum- to exist In the shitting "at In the Autumn and Winter and curly Spring tew horned “tour had other Hard: Icnmper shout. but these ml ml- Ire wise enough to mgr-to to more hoapltab'.e region before Sun- Iner Beta in. “Death Ville] result“ no. a w- mtrm '51!!!" tstteli' I.†of thou- sand: at you: I10." an the mucus. “Jul " donut ot other "no" in tho Great Eula â€on did. and Jan in an the world's most amou- below-soo- level not. the Dead Sea region of Paieatitte. At the time the mm was formed I long, nut-ow block at on“. not more an a dozen mne- wide In this ttarticular locality. broke from In mcky moorings and new“ downward. leaving sheer cliffs on each “do. Result of Terrestrial "Sixth: Spell†in Said to be Low- at Bit of Dry had in United States Death Valley km . sombre (no " uuo or“: name. it: hm and tho met an tt II the lowest bit of dry land In the United Stun. The bot- tom ot the valley, which lie- itt Elu- orn (blltornu. ig 2N teen below It. 19701. and In Summer tn. lament-mu that b It. Meo- hhrenhelt In the OM. A rooent bullzun trom) tho Walt-non (0.0.; unnamed a the National Geographic Society " Icrlbel this lubcellnr of the Walton world. " " Br Gland Secretion