sun- .ree ID it le " M " DI. '. Ill. nus- u"... n..- _"'-" "The Ionnmvity ot the thermo- couple is so not: that with bright our! near the horizon the chug. in Mamas which ute- p11“ in one unto of "no can be detected." Our test of greatrur" In tho ability to uh much. and Broitt by tt. Omar interest in your unnat- in “If! "to. "Thu nine becomes intelligible in qentrtdtsratittn of the tact that the Mt in a ordinary incandescent Mu light is produced by e current of from onefourth to one ampere. “The extreme Iensitiveneu ot the turomtreouNe in again illustrated tn a. one of at": " they rise above he hornet. The higher they at oud. the brighter they apnea, be - the higher they rise the less ot and“ “nowhere their rays are obliged to penetrute. end oonaequeni tr. the lee. their thy: we absorbed. azure yard of surface. Yet tn the on of no! a Bur, the thermocou- ’lu will now that the increuo in in: on mount of it in one-halt of on millionth of I degree Fahrenheit. all that the olectrlo current (encru- " thereby in About one twenty-bl]- Iomh of n “were. 7 In Caldwell Ind Curtis's “Introduc- uol to Science" (on. and Company, Baton), the principle of the lightning. rod is oxplained. Scienpe Approves Extravagant claims M‘Imnerly - for lightning-roan. Ind Beuntitie nothods of installation luv-'0 leaned on: vogue. yet the]: Wu rests on and principles. Lightning-rods no . valuable mun- d protection from naming. we no muted. especial! in the country. In In city, the loll-mn- from the drum none the purpose of lightning-rods. We read further: "To be etreetive, a lightning-rod Ills! be buried deeply enough so that its end Is shun surrounded try moist earth. because moist earth is s good conductor of electricity, end dry earth to not. This statement mesns that electrons was essuy through moist earth, but hue dimculty in passing through dry earth. "It lightning should strike tt house or barn having lightning-rods. the lightning would mommy run on on the rods without harming the building. "Lightning-rods are put on build- ing: chiefly to protect them by 're venting the lightning from jumping; and they serve to conduct the light- ning into the nound it it should Btriht Thus. when a cloud charged with electricity approaches a building "In?†with 1ightrtng-rod., the rode Deco-e charged with the opposite had ot electricity from that ot the clouds. "This exploit becomes even more impressive when it is realized that n Mar of the sixth magnitude, that is, one which cm barely be seen with the unaided eye, radiates upon the North American Continent no more heat thnn the Inn Minted upon one “The reason ll that if the cloud in Poeitirelr charged, It nttncta extra' ohctrons to tho top of the rod; if tt b menu“, it repel- olectrons from! the top ot the rod, into the ground.! The molecules ot nlr near the point; at the lightning-rod then take on ox-l m electrons trom the rod, it tho rod, 5 negative. or [in up electrons to the rod it the rod in positive. The lolecules thus become charged. Theso‘ charged molecules are then attracted The tiny heat ray, one of unnum- bered thousands whose existence hes been suspected but not hitherto so de- Bntte1y established. was caught " n Mnmconnle or thermoelectric ele- neat weighting one-thousandth no Inch " A drop of water. As " ported " a correspondent of the New York Times. the unnamed star is d the thirteenth magnitude. The hibernate at its ray is described in the announcement only indirectly by n eempnrlson. which stntes: to the cloud, which takes may from then the extra electrons they re- coivod from the lightning-rod, or gives them some ot its extra electrons to replace those which they gave to the rod, as the case may be. The result is that the cloud is quietly neutralized. " made neutral, so that the lightning when from it are smaller; or, it there In enough lightning-rods in the neigh- horhood. and other ohjncts to help in neutralizing the charge, the lightning b preventvol o-mfrv y. A. winter nears. it may cheer up to how that we are receiving heat to. star- oo thr away that to eel not even no them. Measurement or no heat tom 1 star 631 times faint-f a than the “intent star visible to the udded eye in announced " the Carnegie Institution. Invisible Stars Heat Mother Earth "Althouctt ttto-t lightning. 'hvra i: danger ot being st "atger of being struck by It. “It has recently been estimated that the chances that 5 person will be struck " naming in his home are only one in many mllllons. However, n ll )meIIt, during . thunder-storm, to keep away from the walls through wild: radiator and heating pipes run, and not to stand between such good conductor: no the stove and the link. "Moreover, when you no out-o!- loon during . thundor-storm, do not atagtd under 3 In. that is not now other trees. and do not and when your head In higher than other objects about you." Ughtiiing Rods rple tear the m.- very little '% Jfulhuiisg New York.-." great column of water, at least 400 feet wide, rose in. l to the air to a height of about 500 feet recently oft Sandy Hook, siistened in “he bright sunlight tor a moment or two, and then, with n. mighty roar, uninshed back into the ocean. When n girl In languid, dull end ir mnble; when her color fade. you my be lure her blood In impoverished. When n girl’s blood In poor her none. ere starved end there I: Ierlonl den: (or of I decline. Rebuild the blood,' euennhen the nerves and good health will follow. One ot the latest banking ideas I: the posturd cheque. It comes from Germany, and is designed to eat down overland expenses. A perforated strip " one end gives details ot the account. This itt tom " when the postcard is received, and the cheque to then presented " the bank in the usual way. What are called postal cheques are also in use in I number ot countries. and it Is sometimes suggested that world-wide adoption would be advan- tucous. and You can get these Pills at all medi- cine dealers or b) mail at 50 cents I tpx trom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Anyone can open a posta. cheque ac- count. but the principal advantage chimed for the system is that people who have no account can yet make payments, through the Post omce, to my postal cheque account in any part of the country. This is said to facili- tate mail-order business. Co., Brochme, Ont Dynamite Tears a Hole Similarly, anyone can receive a pay- ment. from any postal cheque account. irrespective ot whether he himself has an account or not. Alberta's 01mm! of ozi during the month of May or thi; gear was slight- ly higher than that far the correspond- ing period 'last year, according to fig. ures compiled in the Department ot the Interior from the reports ot oper- ators. The 85,463 barrels of naphtha produced came trom the lime forma. tion in the Turner valley, thirtymine well: contributing the total. The light crude came from higher horizons in Turner valley and trom the Red Cou- lee Beld. The total production ot light crude was trom ten wells, three of which also produced naptho. Four thousand seven hundred and ninety. aeven barrels of light crude were pro. duced in Turner valley in Mar, 1930. The heavy crude total consists of the output ot five wells in the Wainwright "ld, one in the Ribstone field, and one in the Shit! area. The blast tore a deep hole into the ocean bed, into which the sunken Fumoss Bermuda liner Fort Victoria, which went down a, year ago, rolled. The water was blown into the air by 25 tons of dynamite, set " within ten miles ot Manhattan’s skyscraper district. CANADIAN SW1ssAGEtlrSReg& _ Rabbinic-Lu Oil Production Aboqt twghoqrs after {atyirgggy Payments by Postcard In Bed of the Atlantic in Alberta WHEN FOOD SOURS . .. Sweeten the Stomach instantly Chief Yellow Snake in recent pietttrixation of a. intralo Bill Indian story ot wild West. Child Who Tilts His Head Sideways May Have Bad Eyes It a school child holds his head side- ways while looking " the bitch board or supports his head on I hand as though he were tired, there in good chance that his eyes have the lane detect called astigatism. If the child also finds it dlmcult to write in straight lines but produces written ex. cruise, the lines of which stray up-hill or down-hill across the paper, as the nr-hut ot many children does when they first begin to learn, the diagnosis at astigmatism is almost certain and the child's eyes should be examined at once by an ocullst who can pre- scribe proper losses. So Professor H. Pistor ot the optical drpartment ot the University of Jew. in Ger- many. told the recent Oprixtl Con- Indian Village Found in Ashes For some time W. J. Wintemberg ot the Archaeological Department, Otta- wa, has been conducting researches on the Six Nations Reserve, and this find has been one of the results ot his ettortg. ot the University of Jew, in Ger. many, told the recent Opfiv-al Con- ference held at Cambridge Univer- sity, England. A large proportion of school children need glasses, Protes- Branttord.--Thty unearthing of the site ot an Indian village, on the banks of the Grand River, about a mile be. low Chietswood, the home ot the late E. Pauline Johnson, and not tar from Middleport, has been reported to the Brant Historical Society. Indications are that the remains are those of one of the Attimandaron (or neutral) Indian settlements of some hundreds of years ago, as these people were located throughout this district when Father is Roche Dailton, a Re. collet missionary, visited what is now the Grand River Valley in MM ,and in a diary left by him ot his travels ot over three centuries ago he records sur‘h villages in this neighborhood. Ash Bede Found. No fewer than four distinct ash beds have been uncovered, while articles unearthed included a large amount ot pottery, stone awls. tiittts, the bones ot deer, econs, wild dogs, bears, wild turkeys, wild pigeons and wild ducks: also crane and ash vertebrae and tur- tle and clam shells, with numerous pieces of burned limestone used in Settlements of Hundreds of Years Ago Unearthed Near Brantford Chief Thunderbird, full-blooded Sioux Indian, as he appears in Hie, ot NPipoofPewe sor Piste:- said, without either teats. ers or parents discovering this tact) until the child has been discouraged by being blamed for poor school work or has acquired actual bodily deformities, like a more or less per- manent side-wise tilt ot the head in children with astigmatism or a simi- lar forward curvature of the spine in those who are seriously near-sighted. Eyes with astigmatism focus sharply only things in a tew directions across the eye. The horizontal lines of printed letters. for example, may be in focus while vertical lines are out of focus or vice versa. Sometimes the only lines precisely in focus are those slanted at one definite angle to left or right. tt% the unconscious attempt ot owners of such eyes to get things into sharper focus that makes them tilt their heads sidewise. fireplaces. One ot the ash beds measures some 40 teet or more in width by about 75 feet in length. These beds, on the river side. were frequently palisade'd with stakes or saplings driven into the ground, two or more feet apart, and interwoven with willows, thus forming a wicker- work and constituting a species ot re- taining wall. The site shows plainly where numerous upright posts stood in a straight line. Different Encampment; Mr. Wintemberg explains that, as tour ash beds have been discovered, one above the other, this indicates no fewer than tour “different encamp- ments. with possibly a period ot some 80 or M years between each. England Buying Habits Becoming Canadianized Three men are now helping in ex- cavation, and Mr. Winterherg thinks that markers should be placed to im dlcato the Attlwandaron villages which it is known existed throughout this area, and whose identity would probably be quite capable ot estalr llshment. Halifax, N.&-lnglatad is becoming Canadianized in its buying habits to an amazing extent, declared Douglas S. Sole, Canadian trade commissioner to the west ot Englnd. Wales and the Midlands, following his arrivals here for the purpose ot interesting export- ers in trade possibilities with the British Isles. The modern Englishman could rise in the morning from a Canadian made bed onto a Canadian carpet, lather himself with a Canadian shav~ in: brush and Canadian shaving cream, shave with a Canadian razor, breakfast on Canadian cereals. Cana. dian bacon, Canadian ttour, all cook- ed on a Canadian gas or electric range and kept wholesome in a Canadian‘ refrigerator, while he read a news- paper printed on Canadian paper. iii/ could drive in a Canadian car to an omce equipped with Canadian steel furniture, dictate letters on Cana. dian paper and signed with a Cams. dian fountain pen, to a stenographer who uses Canadian cosmetics. He buys his wife Canadian furs and in- forms her he is being kept late at the oMee, using a telephone invent- ed by a Canadian. He reduces his weight by a Canadian massge roller, plays racquets in Canadian rubber shoes, tries to look graceful on Can» dian skates, and drives his doctor to starvation with Canadian apples. Fin- ally, he can be put in a eoMn made from Canadian lumber and decanted with Canadian handles, start for the cemetery in a hearse with a Gena- dian chassis, ,retsring-it he has led that kind of lite-tt Canadian asbestos suit. Mlnnrd'u Llnlmont alvn quick HIM. then Mood tstill-tt watcher by the ways!!!“ For a proceSsion that has never come. The day In: been tim, enough, the read quite pleasant. And once I caught the tar thrill ot I drum. Waiting in hope, I have not been un- happy, For there were birds, Bowertr, tree! And the open "r, And, when I heard it-the incredible music Ot life at last, life to the full and tTweet'.-- n seems tor e minute to be coming townrd me: But it went down, after all, some one else’s street. No doubt I ought to hive tackled lite --,trortt) to meet It. Seized on a banner, become impor- tunate; But I just wasn't made so, didn't know how to treat it, And so am lost, like all who hesitate. There was to have come a place in the procession 1 That I should have recognized " be- ing my own; I was to have caught up in color and movement T By one sure hand-to have been no . more alone. But nothing has happened, Ind the day grows chilly; A cold bed waits for the going down ot the sun: It seems a curious way to have spent a lifetime--- Strange to be nearing the end of what has never begun, M) MEDICINE LIKE BABY’S OWN TABLETS There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets tor little otMMe- whether it be for the newborn babe or the growing child the Tablets always do good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using them. For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. John Armour, R.R. I, South Monoghnn. Ont., sayr.--'AVe have three tine, healthy children, to whom when I. medicine is needed, we have given only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab. lets are the best medicine you can keep in any home where there are young children." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish constipa- tion and indigestion; break up cold: and simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine deal. ers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Passing Thirty By Monroe Heath I used to think it mattered It I made Some sort of tower tor the world to see Remaining briefly towards eternity Beyond the hour when my bones are laid Beneath the turf, and recollections said. Tonight. with earth And ocean circling me, Immense and silvered space; not me free: f The difference dies, and young ambi- tions fade. It will Buftiee if, ceasing not too soon And not forgetful, I may linger for A little while, return, still under- stand The mute antlphony of earth and moon; Hearing waves rustle. creeping up the shore: Watching the white birds Bhittt across the sand. Athletes recommend Minnrd's Llnlment POPULAR coma: Among the galaxy ot color: In the new styles, tones ot green, brown. navy and wine are outstanding for popularity. ttPANGLEtf CLOTHES Paris main creates scintillating evening costumes, using sequins, "angles, bugle: and other brilliant: tor their decorative ornamentation. Get two ounces of peroxlne powder from your druxslst. Sprinkle on 1 hot, wet cloth and rub the face briskly. Every blackhead will be dissolved. The one sate. sure and simple way to remove blackheads. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. p. W. “In! I oo. BLACKHEADS C)tscarets, ‘iioiy in}; - - “I“ m "" At Fifty ---Seymour Poole _ . lit se,?,,tag'u 'ttttttttttturi-tttsumo-tttatt Fossil Deposits Found in Wyoming Expedition Discovers Oligo- cene Fauna Said to be Millions Years Old Cambridge, Mturts.---Distrovery near Torrington, Wyn, ot one of the molt. Important Oligocene fossil deposits known to date in this country-one believed to have been guarded by ua- lure for millions ot Fears-w" an nounced by Harvard University new recently. The deposit was discovered and de- veloped by an expedition trom the Inward Museum ot Comparative Zoology under the leadership of Erich M. Schlaikjer. The find Mel tour miles south and west of Torrlngton, and presents an outcrop of bones over a halrmile in length. The layers of Mmrw' 1'ity.1' trom ten inches to three feet in thickness. The bones are mainly at the little three-toad horse mesohippus and the rhinoceros caenopus. but almost every member of the.oligocene fauna 1: represented, it was said. It was pointed out that one ot the most Important features ot the de- posit was in the tact that fossil bird material occurred in abundance. The only other known deposit in the world where fossil bird bones occur in web abundance as those found in Wyoming in in plelsocene nods at macho la Brae in California. Schlalkjer, In " account of the ex- pedition. and that nature had guard- ed the thousands! of mesohlppus skele- tons tor mtlllons ot years. The expedition leader also reported that a dinosaur deposit. hitherm un, known was discovered during a side Mp to Colorado and New Mexico. Conquers Pain! RED Ros: TEA I'm rhea. How ",ri'jgf,iu,'vue-viiiif aveyoul bottle of Castoria ready? 9atieiurssst: "teats in. humm.‘ tuurtstr,uoaetsaataarcdiEt- BABY ills and augments seem twice as senous_at night. A sudden 1111) cole. Or a spgden nausea For the protection of your wee mte--for your own peace of mind-- keep this old, reliable preparation glways on hand. But don't keep it Just {nor Ti'iyeaeier; It, itmbe In every ya]. tsgentiei uenoo will ease and soothe the infant who cannot Itt; Ita..rp.ild regulation Will helpnnol coated because of dumb bowel All druggista have Custom. The ld_eal rubbing HMment muscles or joint pains; for sw lugs, sprains and rheumatism BABIES are Upset ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO T EN ACRE FARM. FRUIT, 03m vegetables, new to: t nch. t buillings; wlll my you to ranch tons; would accept cloud on; or tore. u part payment. R. P. Simpson, Rat. t. " Catharina. Ont. LADIES- WANTED-TO DO PLAIN sewing at home, when or an". [Lu-n mod ply. work tent any (ll-um 1'lusrtrru' paid; send lump tor annual“. Naxionul Mnnuttcturinx Co.. antral. M may. RELIABLE MA'rnmox [AL Iltl'2'i muled free. Addres- Frlendship maxing. Medina. New York. "Than jute". aid the Inn who learned " worst enemy had hem-O paralyzed. “l sum-mt! tor some M':\r~ I Irt I! bad Momarh. I used to feel \I-Iv miserable utter meals. The dun-r advised meto take Epsom Salk. but it did me no good. I dccidmt to trv Kmschen and um now taking " and have done for the past. " month, and [naively glad to tell you that mv stomach . now u: porn-m. “uh-r. 1 feet " Ita.",', spun m; t “Mn m gunman-n MKrumlu-n" tW In You how how badly an engine was I†tt [at clungâ€! up. It's the can. with your body when \qnf gasuielrr digudve juims tuit tt fiow. “It you need In a 1mm - Natal?! own ttmir-- Nuturr1 wt minenl "In. lllllilME$1l'lltr!il Banished by [ruse-hm You get all thee \IX “Me m “In“. The tlrst rth of' “no salu h to promote, the tlou ot We salivs and so “Nikon the “pl-MIN. The“ notion ON'IIl's In the dunnwh, M the min will-s um ru- com-aged to pourout and art upon tho food. gain. in the mmuuul trad. ceeta1tt the-cult. pmmotra further ttttw of these vital juniors which "en' with partly disc-ted fund and prrpam it rtnally [or ubmnnn " mm tho ElgMll(lllllit MEDICINES system. bromide-td dope. They rrlvcvcumck- ly lan “at: the heart and are very dangerous They are depressmg and only give temporary rehri, lhe came of the headache mil rrmams within. Praises Vegetable Compound, Blood V Medicine and Liver Pills Birdxwwn. Quobv'c-“l live 13 wilt. from town on a farm. IN " h all my homo rr - _ - A»; duurtt and chum- ( ' Fil illlitgi. ing to amnd to. I 18t It, le. Change of l The line and harmless my. l'mt correct the muse. sweeten the sour and acid ttomaeh. relieve the mus- tines of the decayed and pcisonnu food matter. gently stimulate the liver. start the bile flowing and the bowel. pass " the waste matter YI hnch cause. {our headache. Try Carter's Lull- iver Pills. Druggists 25c red plum M van So easy to a quick relief and pre- ycm an ua in the future. Avoid I In) ablt rt? do L . T, work. I have 7 -- 160 19k!!! Hm Blood Medicine and the Lier Ihl. and they helped me. I will want! 1. mu (m FoTItrt akin; about Lou! “A“. ". WWII†m (in: - $1.25 MMgttet1 In!“ tall I†A. o. LEONARD, Inc. " "tth Ava, New York City Elisha. 43--'30. SUFFER WITH HEADACHE?