West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Jan 1931, p. 1

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RE in our Motto AN.IHOITS. I!” A FEEDC. mu]. Stock Tania. hs. S, Walkman 0 JAN. M, m: u! GRAIN watchman-‘01.) gt our I" In the - when Durban con-M utterly play in not. t, tho addition a! Wood. ad line we. much - ex and Don Bin: " I eeds Nod Durham's “not eqtqggMr ma by Dean. wtto - oln "bound. o CANADA KING EDWAID PAQTIV Ital" (Dr-II) Helium. (Wilson) lemma (mom) and Patti - (Black) In! "Hod Dun G MILL forward-m Fun at...“ I. Muundmym T0 CREDITORS " Iain": Ham Township ot Eur-mt. ty of Hwy, widow, d.- In: '/fzt(hsi7 curse New when“ IS? our. "also“: BIL Wt,'. of "b romoro. no Station nore PAID for LL KIND. - try our laying Humor DHOMORI W A LK SRTON Citrit Ser. A MrSeiat ' and How. chlonm Brndor Roo- Donna” Bell Kenny I'll! Bani-I0! Cam a“ hat my ot 18m. a» Ad of VOL LIV. N0 -4 FOR SALE: A quantity of ttt timber and some lumber. Apply Wm Weir. con 3. Glenelg. . Since mat lune of the Review, In John Firth. Edge Hill. is s patient in Durham Hospital. where she will be bum up. She is a sufferer from a weak heart. Last week en information from 3 prominent local member, the Review stated Rocky Church was to be cloa- ed tot the winter months. We under- stand unites wlll be held while mad: as passable. D131 forget the sale of home-made baking, candy Bad sewing. in the Red Cross Rooms. Durham, Saturday, Jan. 24. Tea, sandwich and one will be served from 2 to 5. A cordial tnvitatiott is extended to all by ttre' members of Mulock Ludien’ Aid. Tho death took place in Tomato. on Sunday, of In Thou. Dottie, ot Sullivan Tp. in her 59th year. The retain: were brought to the home of her daughter, In John Mekay, or Chatsworth, "on when the funeral took We this Wednesday. 60ml». I W. B. Phillipa. Opt. D., Eyesight 89mm. ot Owen Bound, will be u McNGen'l drug store. Durham. Tuesday. Jan. M, from 9 im. to 3 p. m. Muse appointments at the Drug Store. Fund Law Exams We conmmlate Mr Roy Grant of Mt. Forest. formerly of Varney, on being successful in his Christmas exatrdnatieatt, at Osgoode Hall, Tor- onto. Roy In new completing his Begat year in law and expects to grub aato next summer. Knox Young Woman“: Auxiliary was entertained " the home of Mn. B. Stoneouoe Monday evening, Juan- ury mm, for their regular monthly social and work meeting. A pleasant awning was spent working on goods tor a bale, to be sent to a Western mission At the close of the meet- ing. lunch in: unwed. Organized Layman's Auociation Ttinity Church have organized I hymn-'3 Association. which will an}: to work in line with the aims of the Anglican Church. Mr George Juchlch is the new president: G. A Webswr of the Bank of Commercela Secretary. QUEEN ST W.M..8. The January meeting ot the W. M. S. ot Queen St United Church. was held " the homo of Mrs Gasman. Mts Groves presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn 'Sing to the (mat Jehovah's Praise' and pray- rr by the president. Mrs Groves and Mrs Mcthac wu appointed to meet with representatives from notation of other churches to plan for the day ot Prayer. to be held Feb. 20. Mrs Groves reviewed the work ot the past year and thanked the ladle. for their splendid cooperation. try means ot which many very proatatrte meeting: had been held. Mrs Glass rad the Icrlpture lesson and Miss Count read a very tine devotional Inner. after which brief prayers were offered by Mrs Wolfe and Mrs. Pudes. Mrs Mche took ttp chap. IV of the study book. which contained a great deal of practical and interest- lag information about indium-1a) and rural problems of Jinn. in each of these realms the uplift which Christ- ianity tttone can give, is sol-airmai- td. The meeting closed by singing My faith look. up to Thee' and pray- er try In Knechtel. QUEEN smear t YOUNG WOMEN'S AUXILIARY i A meeting of the Young Women'- Auxmary ot Queen St. United Ch- urch. was held on Wednesday even- ing In! at the Parsonage with . huge number In attendants Hymn 169 opened the meeting and tho President. Mm Etta Twunley an . poem entitled "The Heine-x: ts here", which was much enjoyed by att.. The scripture realm beingthe 12th chapter lurk. m reed tem" Violet Snell ntter which hymn 330 was lung. The general Maine“ for the ensuing month. we: discussed had decided upon. ' I”. Etta 'rrrtattie' WIS then I. (and by It. [not Twunle! In tttw in; the In a... of the study book. waned Trim 1 (AH-“n Ill-Ion- --I- In Jana." “YES No " tttb tgrspadNM - offer“ in" Guasrttsot-tt-tt?re '0 ”mm-summa- "keteatseeto"r""". I Among the Churches 'C,-s,h123,1T.lrdgllle South Grey MI keiety #OP'CS’ 'r, Held Annual Meeting At the annual meeting of South Grey Agricultural Society. held at Durham on Wednesday, most of the former emcere were reelected. The 1931 Board wlll be Prcsidcnt--John McGlrr lst vice-Preg.-Jno. W. McKechnie 2nd Wee-Pres.---", A. C. Wolfe 'Jrey-Treas.---Mex. A. Aljoe. Dircv‘tors: Beutiaek--Wut Mather, A. H::d; Egremont--Cecil Barber, N. Schcnk', Glenetg---aottn Hamilton, J. Crutclhy; Normanby-- Bert Barber. Cecil myth. Durham--- Allen Bell, Wm. McDonald, Arthur MeDonald. Dr. Wolfe, Mrs Mellmlth. Mrs. Devin, Mrs Wolfe, Mrs W. Clark, Mrs. N. Whitmore. Delegate to Fall Fairs Association ---J. W. McKechnle. " was decided to hold Standing Field Crop competitions in both om and Wheat. 1 Durham District L.O.L. held its ‘annual meeting in the Oddfellaws' Hall at Durham, Wed. evening, Jan. 14th. A good representation from all lodges in the district was present The reports' on membership and tiw ance standing for the past year were quite encouraging. After the business part ot the program. Past County Master. Wm Erwin, was voted to the chair for the election and installa- tion of officers tor 1931. ofticers e- lected as follows: District Master, Thos. Whitmore . Deputy Dist. Master, S. T. Chapman Chaplain. Robt. Whitmore , Secretary. W. R. Wallace l Treasurer, James T. Leeson , Marshall, Geo. Noble b lat Lecturer, Geo. Bell ', 2nd Lecturer. Milford Matthew. ' Senior Committeetnan, John Black l Tyler, Roy Lawrence HAMPDEN UNITED CHURCH MEET ALL OBLIGATIONS The annual meeting ot Hampden congregation was held Thursday " temoon, with the minister: Rev. W. H. Smith, in the chtlr. The repom' of all orranizations showed 1 bal- ance on the right side. The W. M. B. exceeded their allocation. ralamg $95, and also sending “my a. large bale ot goods to the West. The re- ceipts tor the Mlsslonary and Main- tenanc: Fund were over $220, also beyond their allocation The current account tshowed a balance to the gocd ct over $9.00. $14.70 was also subscribed to the Ontario Prohibition Union The total revenue for all purposes was nearly $950.00. Messrs iv. Underson, A. Fulton. Wm Mather and Jag. Byers were elected to the Board tor a three year term and Mete BN Wm Little and Wm J. Ford. Bud. ltc-rs. There was hearty appreciation tendered to the organist, Mrs Jan. Byers. chir leader, Mr John Cooper, and all the members ot the choir for their faithful services. After the meeting. lunch was served. Durham District L0.L Elect l)ffiters 'Shon addresses were then given by a number present and a song by Mr T. Atchison. At thee lose ot meeting lunch was served. The Drug Evil a An address hrlmtnl of knowledge. of things pertalining to social service welfare. was given in Knox United Church here last Thursday evening. or the combined payer meeting of the churches. It was hoped the church would be well ti1Msd, in it w'ss strictly an intehuatmtttnnttoetal meeting. but the gathering wu small. Those present were keenly interest- ed And will bmtdcut the unable information derfved. The speaker of the evening was Rev Dr. A. J. Vining, representing the Social Service Council ot Cumin. Dr Vining initoducod his minim. wu founded " yea: Mo. In his opening mil. he point- had done and were doing. “aware the man: at starting the Juvenile tset-sorter-ttto-trent, lie. "nonhuman-quad iGn "AAAin Emuj'm iifht . iii) Ittlttitti, {mint}. Menace to Canada number of use" of these deadly drug. tor the most part found in lar- ge: centres. A {Home method of the peddiam is to encourage the, youth as they know that once it gets . grip on them they ere doomed. Prom- inent physicians state that once you become an addict, it is Impossible to give it up. He declared tt to be one at the grutetrt curses of modern times and he would devote his entire lite to fighting the evil. fthe loving and faithful helpmeet. !There also mourn six brgthers and 'two sisters, viz: Will, of Montana '. George, Robert, June: and Andrew, ot town; Lorne, ot Mt Forest: Mary, Mrs Jan McDonald, of town and Nel- lie, in the West. A well known bro U gathere. Bent,' One yea: the (un- ily spent in Durham, when she wed- nod Mr Fulton, who mourns today, tuit ueuchaed was of a. quiet and rear ing disposition, but was the possessor ot the kindest of natures that en- deared her to neighbors and friends. The ttrat few years of married lite were spent in Normanby Tp., after moving. to the Lionel Robson farm. on 2nd con, Bent, N.D.R., which has since been the home. The wedded life ot " years has been a happy one. l, A happy social night was the Re- ,trekah banquet Tuesday, held in the Judge rooms from 6.30 on. With an Iproximately eighty in attendance, the {ladies were most attentive hostesses. land entertained the gathering to a. :supper and entirely local program um isurpassed in recent months. The funeral was held on Tuesday last from the Presbyterian Church, at which she was a member, to Durs ham cemetery, many old friends and neighbors attending as a, hut tribute of respect. Rev. B. D. Armstrong conducted the service, assisted by Rev H. S. Fiddes of Queen Street Church. Pull hearers were Messrs James and Norman McRonald. Jae. Tumbull. Geo. Morton, Wm Hender- son, Robt Johnston. Geo Turnbull, Sr. Beautiful Mral tributes spoke love and sympathy from the husband: brothers and sisters .' Mr and Mrs. Wm Mitchell and family, Toronto: Misses Anne and Jennie McDonald, of Kingston and Toronto: the Smith Rebekah Lodge Thlis new organization, of which all the ottteera are ladies, is madly! gaining in strength and includes! quite a. number ot active Workers. 1 Tables were set tor sixty which werei mare than tilled, shortly after 7 pm. The shundance of good things pro- 1ride-d. much exceeded the capacity of Ithe gathering [and all came with healthy appetites. ' When Wands and tables were club ed away, the program wu commenc- ed. with Bro. John A. Graham, one of the oldest members ot the local Oddfellows lodge in years or service. i in the chair. He wss In 1 happymbod i'anst his handling of the program ad- "ted much to the success of the ev- {enins There wu mule variety of Psnntmetal. music and all entertain. tors received I. most attractive hear- tern, brothers and visitors was giv- on by Mrs Rev Hayes. Noble Grand of the Rebekah Lodge an! other ad. dresses by Noble Grand Cliff Rtteh. le of the L0.0.F., Reeve A. Bell. Bro’s B. Stoneoule, W uldhw. P. Irwin, Rott Hustle: and by In In. Black, Vice Grand at the loot] Re- benbs. who expressed her ”precu- tion of the town and It: citizens. miatfghtwttea'Gttd-ettteWttf brmtghtthiseaotraM.tt-oattoa bacon-dunno)“. ttxmas-rt, u uddreu of greetings to the ttite DURHAM. THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 1931 band predeceased her a law THE ROLL CALL ht Home to Friends -d ii! E i Wlth which is tneorrrrated the Holstein Laue: Juniors Won in Palmerston by Decisive Score 10-2 There was no nuke about the Dur- ham in Palmerston win but Thurs- dny night. Our Juniors displayed con- dition, combination and speed. that rather dazsiad the team and rooters at the nilwsy town and ran up this season's record score of 10--2. The regular forward tine of Woods. McIlraith and McGirr exhibited their best team play this year, and against their cancerted attacks and than as well by Dean and K. Wilson. de- fence men, the home teani was pow. on less. Durham led t-AI " tlrtst, 8--1 at 2nd and IO--' " final pericd. and ‘Wocds with his clever stick handling was responsible for halt the goals. uncut all in 2nd period. The other more: were evenly divided, Meir Wm A. Matthews. uwen bounu. raith, McGh'r, Wilson, Dean and Mur. whose wife last week via overtaken duck etch scoring one. Hm of Palm- with a stroke of patirtritr. cram. scored both his team's goals Mrs Chas. McKinnon ' Banana. and luck Schutz. Durham goalie,pre- Alta., is east on I. visit to her tttttr aented him with one of them. 'Pitth' er. J. P. Hunter tad sisters and Kemp ot “navel handled the game. brother. PALMERSTON JUNIORS HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY Many Durham hockey fans have not seen Durham's upand-comlng Junlors in actlon this season. but an opportunity will be afforded all next Wednesday night, when Palmemon Jra meet Durham in Durham rink. Palmerston is bringing a strenglh- cued line-up and Will keep the local lads hustling all the time to gather in another win. At 8 p.m. Come and see them. The Juniors play their last away- from-home game in Walkerton this Thursday night. Owen Sound Won; Durham 1 Durham's int. O.H.A. team lost their second away from home game in Owen Sound Tuesday night 4 to l, which eliminated the local Club’s chances tor district honors, unless a three cornered tie can be createu Walkerton and Owen Sound have yet home and home games to play, and should they break even. and Durham vanquish Walkerton hereon tho 30th. all three teams would be tied. Waikerton has yet played only the one district game with Durham. but with the strong. well-balanced aggregation they have assembled. it must be admitted that their pros- pects of sweeping the district With- out a loss in their remaining three games. as they plan to do, are quite possible of accomplishment The game in Owen Bound was tfitttly attended and a poor exhibition ct hockey. The home team roughed it considerably and the lighter Dur- ham boys could not penetrate tmme- tently close in on the nets to score. For two periods it was neck and neck, Owen Sound leading 1-o at end of titatt and 2--1 after second. As in Walkerton. the home team ad. ded 2 in one! frame, which ensured a safe lead. Durham's only soul re- sulted from a pass from Woods in the corner to Mcllnlth in front of nets. who bulged the twine. Durham Pulmerston Mr John McGowan, Bmtthampton, Scum: and Meet-ea, Dobbie was a, guest for a. tew days It. the . Wilson defence Wilson parental home. Owing to his father's illness, W. Snell was usable to so. and his " scnce weakened Durham defensively. Selma displayed another good game in the new: McGlrr and Ken. Wilson played defence, Elvldge. Woods, Buchlen forward line. with Rave. Kreu and MeMmith, pub; Me. Carthy of Toronto. refereed and his work was quite satisfactory. Walkerton Trinity church Vestry Huang. Trinity Church held their annual Vestry meeting Int week and che- ted the oumu. for the church for 1031. They us: People'- Men. Crutchloy: Body Trans. o. C. Web cur: ”mumsmm P. 'rdtir.0CWeutar.ALttngdxrtn.It. nachos. Dilemma-own thert"tttrtqnrtonmrrersd nun- dmmmulnmm Myandtomhthmtdq McIIraith Black Murdock Bolger Junior N. H. L. Standing “be . Won Inst To puy centre Hart wins! Collins DobNe Home Morgan Schmehl Mm J. J. Sutherland, Windsor, spent over the week end with Mrs. Thou. Banks, Upper Town. Miss {Attic Hatchet, Aberdeen. visited at Mt. Brydges, n! " London. last week. a former teacher in Wol- beck section. Mrs W. Ballantyno. also her sister, Mrs Reynolds of Lond'n. Mrs Russell Baird (nee 06111110" MacCunig) ot Pontiac, Mich" viaited Mrs Ncil McCanuel hat Wednesday, en route to her home. Mrs Arch. B. Clements returns to her home today, In Toronto, after spending since Christmu with her parents. Mr and Mrs Rom. Smith. Much symnathy is expressed for Wm A. Matthews. Owen Bound. whose wife Last week was overtaken with a stroke of main“. Mrs Rom. Ve11ett, Glenelg, Is a patient in Durham Red Cross Hoopi- tal for medical treatment. Mrs John McEnchem who spent three weeks in Durham hospital, tor lowing an (mention, returned to her home an Lambton St. Eat a. week or so ago, and is eonvalesseintr nicely. Mrs Hugh Methae at! Mr: M. Kneehtel and Miss Cosens are mourn- ing the loss by death ot their sister- in-law, Mrs (Rem) Wesley Cooens of Mt Forest, who passed away on ptr day last. after a lengthy illness. The ladies attended the funeral Monday, interment taking place at Listowel. Mr Nelson Perdue, South Grey's new registrar. may now be seen at his ottice any day. He has leased the northern half of Mrs Nell Me Kechnle'a residence on south Albert m. and wilt move his family here in a week or two. Mrs R. Mncfarlnno and Mm A, H. Jackson have arrived safely at their destination. St Petersburg, Florida. in gcmd heallh. ‘A card from the tor- mcr states "Weather cooler than WV ual. but beautiful : like October " home." _ Mrs Flnlay Graham leaves Saun- day tcr Toronto and Montreal. Mter her annual visit with her antenn- law, Mrs Wm. Calder. While here she has been entertained try many of her friends in different ways. CAMPBELL: In Bentmck Tp., can 2, on Jan. Ili, to Mr and Mrs D. A. Campbell, a daughter. (Catherine Esthw.) ROWEr--At Durham hosvlul, on Wednesday, Jan. M, to Mr sud CARD OF THANKS . Mr Thomas Fulton and brothers and slalom of the late Mrs Btrlton,ir degire to express mptude towards for sympathy and kindness dunng her recent illness and subsequent death. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO mrut3HAN---m loving memory of our dear wife and mother. Mrs Jul A. 'Heuglmn. who passed away Jan. " 1928. Fer many months nhe bore her pun. But thoughtful tor others, she did not complain: A loving mother. a noble wife, She was prepared for the heavenly And-ill' are sure that God knew best Hen He took her home to the lad Buy it aid 'titist Papa Gel Urs In Mrs sherivood Rowe (Kathanne Lavelle) a. daughter. (Stillborn) Save at Russell Baird (nee Gertrude IN MEMORIAM “HEN tlldhl)l)lili's DRUG STORE With "e. - FREE ? to an E Vollett’s Cash Specials NOTICE is hereby given that a by law was passed by the Town ot Durham, on the 12th day ot Junum'. IMI, providing for the hue of de. benturea to the amount of $60,000.00 to pay tor a Waterworks System At the Town, including a deep well, standplpe, pump house and pumping machinery. number with met-mun: on various streets and thnt such by- law wan registered in the Registry omce for the County of Grey on the 20th January, 193i. Any metiou to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof mun be moxie within three months after the tttttt publication ot this mince. und cannot be made thereafter. muchinery, together with worm-1n- 14% an", ‘A mile out ot Durhm I: variola fgi'ieed'"lf,' m“ trttCtt b": Hotrpital, well cultivated healthy lo 'tLn',',. a? t a 'li, a??? cation, urge brick homv. hydro itt. 20th J . " l y , n e nailed, telephone. furnace. Burn ”mm , . an: other building! m good new or Any motion to quash or not ulde repair. and “a tron my" springs. the some or any put thereof must vatnkm lo High and Public be mute within three months utter Schools aad churches. the tmet publication ot this whom Posscuion given in wring. For 1nd cannot be made thereafter. i further pmuculnra ”my to Miss Dated the 22nd day of luxury HHS Ethel R. Greende box IM, Mali- .. a. c. ROBE, Clerk iiiriia,' Ont. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. .19 Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tin. Dates, pitted, 2 lbs tor Biack Tea, grad. per lb Green Tea, Japan, per lb Purl Soap, 27 bars for Salmon fish, red, per lb Finnan Haddic, per lb FiHet, per it, Lemma, per ttw. Gland”. lama, per do: Orange., medium, per do: Grapefruit, large, a for Grapes, 2 It: for Celery. , Banana., pot lb Cabbage, 2 (or Tomatoes, ptr lb We no asking for all :ccnunt- to be mm by cash or no”, on or Won the 1st day of February 1031. " not will be hand- od In for collection with " per cm! some mm. Don’t Allow that Cough or Cold to Linger on Cheek and cure it In its early Muses. Here are some excellent remenies In: any in tit ( k: CHERRY BARK COUCH SYRUP AMMONIATED IRONCHIAL GOMPOUND For relief at Acme Brunch“ h, or my cough of . dry And lard: mute. IUCKLEY‘I MIXTURE for Coach, Colds. and Bronchitis. MENTHOL 0000” BALOAM to: will. Colds. “than, Etc. BREEN’. @0604 - mum’s: Wood“) at an a "at In advance. " it 50 1 var m :4va C WAG! 0 I Patties. pet It . McBETH v, 2 for . J. VOLLETT 20c and Up to 35 Al far $1 31-00 25e 16e 1.: 35c ttte The recount In Toronto held rec- ently to determine who was to be Inyor of Tomato for I”). u closed. Aiototmmseyuabeetaomttobe Able to Inform the clum- um the majorlty for Wm Stew-mums lame u before the mount '.-- 318. WHAT GOOD DID IT DO t Dmgxulud bum” Phone s, DURHAM Eggs Bought Highest FOR SALE Prices Paid and heath: in Ikdieie for In or Bust he Test Cd liver Oil lul. lot "

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