Why "an mac-ting " the I. . an on Feb. 1m. ttt he ladles will M tn n: rhls Ming, m. ' gut on a St Pun-gr. y; Lyons spent tho m " parents, at Ila-hm. m l;rm-nwod_ R.N. o... mung at her bane hm. \‘mnh rrtumpd It“. - ' .l ("mph- of m inuxhv»: Mrs Km 10 p. m. fat t color 'rites to that At rutum'd homo Sttt. Inn Hamilton V.“ Mr and Mrs HIM! mam "W ks in slut "onto. new! month. W. McKecbuo m - wow-u in “with.“ " , their cousin. In I.- mi Saturday. rs Ed Cook. “In. .Nidert and It. (I "r. Spent ttto .993 Mrs W J Cooh. Mtrttt offering our e: of e man- .ml (1.3 a pMum 1.12.4! the rower, hm " M's-3 I†the 1",th ppm! " ls stamped m h EN GROVE G " USUAL In Shoo Store oadcast In Ne 'clLRAlTH PW U. will u u l)““'an at the hm “In t and Henna Tm a n! _ few “y. “a†he AT old mums. only " Just the this. I. Mm: undo: m Wu Footwear Batter. Moe, n of week after awards spent tho M rr'atal home. Jack attended tho tttrr usut. Mu Ln- at o. lawn-m nnv Lawrence In I with Miss Mm u w, Clark I“ at of week qetth Wm hum m Marion, visited .31, h Mr and In AIM! Clubbags r 1 " t that Mrs N. M Qunllnan m 'rrqro. race-n! iltneon. spent I M Mr and In I. ZION Mt Phrtt, 3mg . h, Nvlnon bong. " th Mr. w. V)â€. Mwqt LY SAUGEEN on , H fat " Ind Joe C visitor. with ip "who. FEB. 5. Iâ€) mm.†"l McLean m aa.. Saturdty with I! ASH». Crawttseq. os McClocklhm Week with It - cloned m ma. " a G." with Dr A Plum: M II. Guy’. with Rocky rammed Murray od lat that: The I... llrlck’. h, and dam. Luce at g. h" Lmh Chuck“, IH’ID‘OYI ".010 the “the! "ndirrrsnu.rarttsnndws,htt 50w». for .otttrser-rdnit, terrem my. The Review will be “out for you: papers and new You do“ need to do hub... of this mam UM! How “In“! Mathew-(lam! AtWMMh! whrtattetttetrmr-rqrmrretNttttrq manna -tyroet.ltttt.hee-_andettteritteeype-at malt-vim? Atl-Fey-d-tname-ter-tttp. A'tytttleqthat-Ftm'r_fttt-tymtrtF, ‘70an Our Cakes and Pies will open your Eyes detour prices belore purchasing elsewhere. IT WILL PAY YOU. Ll NEWSPAPER _ U Cenede . " Oat Chop Pilot " Crimpled Oete Feed " Mixed Chop, Screening Chop CUSTOM CHOPPING done every day and we In": it out while you tern around. We also handle the following Stock and Poulty Foode: Don't let business go elsewhere. Keep it in Durham. Advertise for more. BL "'oFoeo's OUNN'S MASTERS‘ and WM. KNECI'ITEI. & SONS The business men of Durham need every dollar's worth of business they can pull this way. Their best way to get the business is to get to- gether and use the Review to draw business to Durham. Every business man who i ing for more business should: bet that lliEN0llWi0N'S BAKERY In your Royal Household Flour Bran 'O Canada ' " On; Pilot " C ADVERTISE Keep In Stock for Sale the [allowing ands: JOHN McGOWAN FEB. s. Ivan Durham Review THE PEOPLE's . MILLS FLOUR [how no] tiring Fertilizer for Sprint should leave their Order only. HEAD ONLY O PIN LOAF ‘Your Medium is Advertising is NEWSPAPER mess man who is look. business should remem- district. at" yourself the troubled worrying over what to uy eaett Week tor 81.00 for . whole m. "mud of vii-lung that my let. ter to dUtant frhntdts, why not In" the Review tell them the new: of the [HIE DURHAM. ONT. Bh or" 11-..."qu In». M u' "tuna-mining“ "await-l. I being kept very quiet. Several of this vicinity ere loitering with mane at present. Gordon Itchy in uni-tin; Welter Knox getting out the woodetreeent. In Head. tir. in min; this week with her deuhten. In Thoe. ‘Weir et Blttremont.. line Mary Me. Cennel. Boothvtlie. to home from Tor- onto et preeent. On Monday night. 9th M" the you; people of Ventry. will put on e pk, in human Perk. heelth and; weather permitting, in the interests: pt the cinch. on e 50-60 huh. etj â€your _ Gene and may the evening. Thee â€up. - hovel hoe: here We at were leek - ' with Owen Well, Cendlemu Day In put and gone, but on account of the extreme brightness ot the Bun, probably ' the bear could not see " shadow. in he 33130 mar be now blind. Truly we no enjoylng this tine whgter and reading of the wind that is circulat- ing In Hamilton and Kemptvlue " present. glad there In no need form election In South Grey. Mlle Medory McLeod of Durham Hospital, ia spending e few den " her home here this week In the beet of hearth. In Hugh Copeland. Proton, um itlng with her daughter, In June- }hrdy " Implant: Mn Hr Wnuon and non Leslie. spent the week end "_'- '-'....., - which Mtg Beaton unwed term!» menu. The next meeting will be held at home of Him Mora Moln- lan. on Petr. 9th. Anthem cloud In: I The members ot Superior U.F.Y. P.0. Club accepted the kind invite- ttion of Mr end Mrs Henry Benton, end held their Inst meeting " their home. Community Slum; opened the meeting. Answering the roll cell .with n Scotch Joke wee enjoyed by ell. Music wns supplied by Alfred Weppler and Dan L. MacArthur. Scotch readings were given by Mrs D. L. MeeArtlmr, entitled “When IMessiah Clothing House†end by Mnrgnret Mchrlnne enutled 'Beottr. A well ttreoared - on the "Life of Robert Burns†m given by An- nabelle McArthur. We feel lure Archie C. MacArthur knew it was to be A Scotch program. and how well they take a joke by the Sound of his Gazette. mum in: Mr John lane um I. of necessity. The annual meeting ot St Columba United Church ll called tor Friday evening. followed with the nodal cup of follownhip and friendship. the site you: ind 'iii ilu, Both churches were min open for service Sunday but with a. and! turn out, not bath: "ttmrutir un- After a. three week.’ quarantine foe the Mtariqyt lever epidemic. the tee.- chars are min teaching the young idea how to shoot the anemia: of our cuddle doon.’ mu Whittaker an an ideal report at the U.P.0. Con- ventlon at Toronto last Dec. In G. Flther gave a. reading Saving that 10 minutes': Mrs Arch Stewart (no I paper on "the Ontario quuor Bill ll High.' All the ladies preaent slan- ed the Peace Peat Petition. The 'next meeting will be given by Mrs D. Stewart on Feb. 11, in Fleahuton Park Hotel. Min Macphall, M.P.win give an address. There will alno ben debate 'Resolved that women should not work in business after Marriage. At the close of meeting, lunch wan served and a. treat of mndy wu " so given by the hostess. Mr D. Hlnckl spent 3 few days vle- lung " daughter, Mrs Chan Tucker. Prayer meeting in being held this Wednesday evening " Mr Du: Camp. haili- tvendeleur. made hie annual mu ad,'",',', In! week. 1,, he, ' Mr and Mrs Stanley Harrison ot Bound, -Drolnore. spent the week end with weak l the Hineks’ “mitten. Mrs ' There we: church services main menu on Sunday and the school reopened of Mn after being closed for the put thus ing th, weeks. We ere glad to report the In TE lick one: as improving. Mr Funk In Reiley had quuury and glad to know m- -. were present. After ope 08. the roll all wu Ln: simple supper dish. Mn Ion ttttee a splendid re: he itt nble to be out nun. Miss Lame Whittaker entertained the U.F.W.0. Holdlut Club. Jan. 11, in the Park Hotel, Flannel-ton, when " members 1nd 4 visitors were present. After opening exercis- es. the lull call wu answered by e There wu church services again on Sunday and the school reopened after being closed for the put than weeks. We Be glad to report the lick one: as improving. Mr Funk Reiley had qulmry and glad to know me Hineira' - _ -"--_- -__ -_.....w. The manor) Mr Fred Bound. of Vudeleur, made his annual mu In Kate McArthur returned from Toronto .ntter spendAng toms tune viuung friend: m Toronto. She will spend the remainder of the winter with her daughter Mn Dan Campbell. swm'ron PARK Mr Weppler and Dan E" readings were given by Mm ton '1 MacArthur, entitled "When [lung 3 Cleaning Boone" and by ear d yt Moral-lune canned 'Beottr. very bravura! paper on the "Life m. " Burns" m given by An- tr 'se' PRttMlntn,,,,i'jii-,i2"iii," "I â€out. after of the beautiful tiorat Ethel, Mrs E. E. Hockrldge. Hope- ville: Annie, Mrs J. E. Hood, Widen, Mam: Carma, It Mos-back. But. Also surviving Ire an brothers. Jamel Hancock. Myrtle Mation.. tk J. Toronto: Rer G. A., Hopkins, mm: L. A., Regina. Sui; Mrs A W Prlt. Two years ago New Year's. she, with In Woods come out and made her home with her daughter, Mrs H. when the spark ot life gradually grew dimmer, until she passed to root. Mr: Hood ceme out to Depres- end with Mater, In Hockrldge, " the funeral of her husband on Dec. 14, and remained, unsung In coring to: their mother until the end came Thursday. The mm of deceased are three daughters md one eon: W. la, Mm C C Hockrldge. Vancouver: Ethel, In E. E. Hockrldge. Hope. ville: Annie. Mrs J. E. Hood, Vlrden. Mam: Carma. n Mon-m an» d Kennel] urn. Milk, and 1111911 moved to Ito-bank, Suit. tho do. lnx pioneer duties in I. new country. July, 1926, they came to reside with their daughter, Mrs Hockrldgo when Mr Werry mud “my the following March. Later, In Worry returned to Halibut and want some months for your car. License Numbers and Permits ton Tp. ht Cedarville district, ret- Uzlng some ot the hardships of pion- eer days. At Cedu-vule they took I very active put in the Ionics of m. m the apt-In; of 1901, with ts I" family, they movedto the John formerly Susana: Beucock. a UA, of Cartwright, Ont. and with her late husband, wore old residents at Pro It is again . Bttd duty to was dock, Betty McIntyre. pagan; ot another of our number. Jr m B-- Eileen Tucker. no" on Jan. M, Mrs w. T. Worry, " the Lauder. Ruth N'.chol. Grace Valle“. ago of " years. The death occurred Jean Murdott. it the home of her dtughter, In lik Clam Mecrao. Wile! E. Hockrdgo, when the received ev- Br ll A-Margaret Arm-m. C. cry can and comfort in her declln- Rowland, Imam Moore. Jimmy v- -. -.. alulvlu, V's-null w- “m'†" UM) W" " the m’l muon. OHvene mm. June. new- mother, Mn In Ridden on Jan. 29. “to. Helen Clark. Rev E A Chnher undated. Mutt B. J. A. om mum and Mr Geo. shad were the attend; Br m A--Ctark 8 Ion. ants. The bride was attired in blue Prov Marni-ct Wilson, It I 111E silk. A nice wgddlndg supper wu Jukiloyd oerved to a few den I. . Rev Mr Che-her is holding this mixing-$133? 2,'Jthur?,'tr week's prayer meeting " the home Becker aaa McComb ' ot Mr and Mn Arch New. [ ' - .. --- . 7 1931 We have now on hand eorttsideraNe sickness in the vlclnty, s few we: ot u mild type of scarlet fever to the cut. Congratulations are bestowed onw- Crelghton Ridden and bride. form. erly. Mm Mary wuuhm. who were married at the home of the groom’e on by Ventry Mn Wm McKinney are looking met the home during her absence. The monthly meeting ot our local w. I., will be held Feb. ll, at the home of Mrs H. Christie, Prognm: 'utritsution', in ehtsrge ot Mn Geo. Wolsely: roll call, T'edemt cabinet minister': muslcal program: lunch cmn.--hh Alex Russell, Mrs Nathan Haw, Mia May Shad. The play 'Whitlin', to have been um i Member: ot the unplug" family, received word at the serious illness ot their tutor Jean, Mrs Mel-Indy. Tomato. She was removed to St. Michael's hosplul, when the bunn- dme in operation, which all hope, wove. successful. In H. love Ind son hmbert. at. tended the funeral of her baby neph. ew, Glen Acheson, the Infant non of Mr and In Stanley Acheson, Bethe]. on Sammy. In E. Hockrldgo went to i mnvluo Tuesday with her um spend 1 Ty?lt of week. Mr In C. Wale ha been tmder the Dru care, bums tnctured toms ribs: Pleased to state she II on the ot Mrs Hoekridtre, while tG' ing the tuner.) of her sister, Mrs Wm Philp, Dmmoro and Mr A Nicholson. Yeovu. attended the fun- eru ot their relative. Mn W T Wen ry on Salinity. Mrs Sun Crawford received the and news last Monday ot the death) of her sister, Mn Rom Linn, Owen Bound. Mr: Crawford in duo in 3 week condition " present. Mrs W C Ferguson, PTeetpu/ spent over the week end " the te? ot Mn Hockrldge. while here “tenth 'HBDUtttunrtrnnmr. Mrs Sun New. Mk I 1"eOrith In Rom Webster. MRS W. T. WERRY ' Saunders 'Whitlin', to have been put try young people In Stew- wu postponed. There I. VICIIITY '?'q-vPylnaueruirGG and met tttttart ’09 In "r."-gattt.. Bu dot. l 'tt.P??-tesesuve-sa. ‘edVllolboauoltmmu hm- _ntlllun.lolc-o|u0tkn,m. '.ete.ttAGGiiriii."iCUrll"d 'etetehtaiiiiaGai"k'ii, G"fltarg':'tatihetyti"iii) '“k-ln! mum-‘1 'M'Im‘m, m cm sump, air IililtrthB, mas mom. C1t.0t11tttou-rst.r,". Pf9et-rtttdr. Chunk Jr Pr A-49taater Greenwood, Alex McDonnell, Jnck Wesley, Stella Cow nolly, (Bobby Braithwaite md Stella Cunningham) equal. Jr Pr B--Ror McLean, (Sylvia Reid and Ciareaee Tnfford) anal. Douglas Dobney. Wilfrid “to, Mary Gannon. Jr Pr C-John Levi. George Thom son. James Scott. Jeni. Watson, H. 1 I)...“ George Burnett . Sr " A-Audrey mm. Jan Levi, Wesley Wekem, Donald Saunders. Marta lemma". Br .trP-??urene me. Volnn Vol- lett. Marie Morton, Audrey loom. Bernice Tlnduc, Berth Greenwood. I B-Able Tlnunov, - - __-.- """"""", vurl “an“. Jean Town, David Rowland. Gordon Armstrong. Gordon tHarry Scheuk aid imriiii- WEEâ€) Br II B--MarJorie Middleton, Jean Buck. Myrtle Hoduon, Arthur um ONTARIO ARCI-uvna TORONTO Sr ll A-Margaret ArmitrGi,%. Bowman. Mgr-mt Moore, Jimmy Braithwatte, label Hades. ; JANUARY 1931 , Sr 1ir---Ctranan Noble, Oiled: Hum Dorothy Inbound, Ina-pm was“ Prarion Moore. _ Jr n"rBort Tammi, Vernon Cot. Emily Hunt, tench" Jr m A-M-st Sprung, Von Colllmon, Egon Guanon. Percy Mur. hue been w hydro power. Born. on Jun. 9, to Mr and In. Lou PYook. A non. Holstein: Mm J. D. Roberta m operated upon for appendicitis on Thursdsy of last week. Jr " A--i mason. ha. 19, when their young» out hunter. Eliuboth Olin. united heart Ind hand with Wm E. Bout-ac ot lnvormny. But. At the Annual meeting at thoPru- A quiet wedding took plug a the [lane ot In 1.1. Wilson. Roch IN nus OF vonei if“? m... w m- by leading us your - an t '_----- A“ [an My. " m†m ' nu! & an. Rem . . 1 I “In!†'ll',', 3:01:12. b,,,',,",',,,, Collection Speculum for 40 you! in“; Dr D Jll'll'dld that he winner Ntt thrtteeturet - " 'thams to 'ttits in with m. on town tn pat.' GUELPH E old,",',',,""" mono effort and will contribute $50 ow N " . monthly during the War Md my in-l-s-s-s-----. crane it. l A E Mr J. w. Ickechnle in. new MI" A It' ot “my farm on the 16th con. Normby, to - Inge mun r " Thou. Bell. tor . price in the noun-i me 3 tt me!- T, 4,2301: borhood of 83500. e . last ween dunes contained the] man; t: um. lthe whit-h: announcement of the medial Mate, would v MI 'rem of the Ontario vainchl Hoepltnltoi lush: to the [:3th "at?! beHtioetasdrtorsmrtomtuuratui. I £08190“ s. en II- Hut muons the 1m Watt Dr Arthur! dlvlduu amounts. each one In of DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL tlt, 'd'l'ead."la,', won; G. ml Debts Gttteeted our... y. swam. wm Kenn-.1. ._ n.-- About " of the non... In Hui-Lem e v ___ a " Image. mence Tnfford) semi Witt be sold nay, Wilfrid Luke. HUT Ron! Bank. Te t tor eat. lohn Levi. George Thom ttarm w Scott. Jenn Watson, H. es-e-ee-es- Halo Senator, tench» .___"__‘_ lull?!†No 6, BENTINCK , Martin, Gladys Guy ' Bertha all“. Ralph I: We". Goa-go Wilson, RotsertMi1ne aim Priest. Gog!†tty Henderson, Ada McComb. . Morton, totem.- l, teacher tho In? WATER " Well Drille! Witt be Bond subject to lone or Rom Bank. Tom on be .evaateed a... ____‘_. = _ At present occupied by the Ron! Bank. stumble for More and - menu shove. 100 foot lot. next to Pout Omee. Building In so n, with " ft Image. , nature. " i not 12 on 2nd eon, haunt. 11: item. 5 mile. from Durham, 4 muo- ‘fron Holstein: nu good building. well watered 1nd “need. . stone'- thm from church Ind school. " um plagued. " um seeded Iowa, Mince bush and nature. " Acre. cleared. utfym2ndems,tiar-t,iooo, m. " um ploughed, I ma nod- ed down. so we. whirls had. rest In but: Ind nature. What-w, - Gaia mum. Durham. Red good building. well fenced and watered, " acre. plough- ed. " mn- Ieedod down, 6 new in In" when, the We. bush and 100 mm. lots 1 and , of l on huts. vny in Wont. 1% all. south of can“: WI ffeePrtiiisikGi7s' not M. " Con I, ".03., In Ttr. of Glonelg, on Highway. , mile. west of Prlcovme and known as the McDon- no home-tad. Early good build. lngn on tarm which I. well watered tor pasture. About M we. ot hard- wood bush. For further Menu". apply to John A. Graham. Executor. “JOIN!†TRAINING Winnâ€! you In "no for m Apply to Putnam, And cannot be nude tl Dated the 22nd any of luv was registered In the Registry once for the County of Grey on the 20th hungry. 1981. Any motion to quash or not “we the some or any put thereof nut be made within three months after the Int pubuutioa od this who; on variotm Itroeuyrad that and: br. in wu wood by the Town of Durham. on the "th any of January. 1931, trrovidintt for the lune ot de- bentures to the mount ot $60,000.00 to pay tor a. “Interval-kl Synem .n the Town, including I deep well. Ituuipipe. pump home Ind Dumnlnl Rehab-salon To clot. Donald McDonald Emu NOTICE OF REGIOTIATION OF IY-LAW Mt. M9 FAIMO, FOR SALE OI RENT NOTICE In htrttrr given that I by- oblkltlou promptly and “m tm materially tn doing no it our muons mko the “tempt to be arttunttr prompt wth an. alvlduu mounts. act: on In of 'sou"eisotnliiuert,tmtais- number of than outstanding " one time nuke it quite a “do" nutter. We In" to meet our Luca. Henry & Lam, Solicitors for Executor, me tt.Pe't"mmeartr. moron- FARM FOR BALE FOR SALE the Mince huh and: um elem-ea. l Ph 2nd eon. Easement. m Butte, I hum Durham. 4 an“ too ' a: red good Mldm,gUou. and um. . stood-v . n . Hill-w, Durham t. Durham. on. 1’81. ',UT. "on c team: noâ€. S,'; MAMttettott 01mm. “4. -Atatt, mm, a... E Plato. and luau“ an. tte - 112'mon- We. Mono: and no at. Ir, too man for our not mum an. “a. “bum-hr d I. “I" _ "V'J'lrdgttt"/ttt',te 1tttttr,',tttagqetttAegt Let., 1" tho-u‘ SCHQQJL Mun-mm. m an. bull-h: qftHaqt treuettrFt1tEriildiGiri' r~â€"-â€"â€"vâ€" - - anna" sublet-unloa- mun MI try cheque that exchange about to “dad. M money Olden or on Oren money order- do not no“ 0.. --AL-__- _- -M-. - John Harrison t Sm wmoows - a OTAIIWOM -- CUPBOARD. - sub-mun a. Label" ly), Shingle: 'Date. may}! iii7iii7GdhTL" "at Ibo hm. t,if,,euett.ttete, ml?- w- ans. c. a. "f -." ,§§§$I§ mummy Mttary MIG. Convoy-nor, "an". lacuna... on, A Ian] li-ig lint h-ttrt Att tegnt Coca-nu old-w and W] m The Bounce {but Uh L! " your. and you" to “a. F Ntt I“ In. I m In In “than Tmyhym no Flu-Mn aiard Llano“ Motown: m u, a... memmau" Rom: annou- 'au. any; 0mm Rorat '?itfliit m Dona-try a a can. on“, In: at Gena-u on. M hm-.. -_-- - A r. tt. SNEATII. M. 0. Law St, _ Ont. 0M0. “on": 1.†to "a Bat. r.80 to 0-†. n, LLmumu. Ohmic-Ilene: Gaul-a.- """'uaatmotAariGii"a “abutting... 1.... """"_iiuiaau"a" L F. 65AM. 0.0.3.. L0; P. F. lacARTHUR owes sown. ONT. GEORGE E DUICAI tgi. AND mm“ EVERYTHING I l, nqtthesr do mm 30;; CHIROPRACHC JOHI O'IEIL minded than. - ?Artmteitii iiii MK mun-S. Moat“