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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jun 1931, p. 3

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re Types Se-Minute see washiaqtom--A reduction in world wheat acreage outside Russia ttnd China for the 1931-32 senson was said by the Department of Agriculture to be defhuhely in prospect, the decrease being approximately 2 per cent. and the total producing Ire: Aggregating ttu,g66,t2yo acres. as mint 185,278,. 000 can! last year. Montreal Prone: Canadian butter, is again entering the Brltlah market. We still have a long way to so be fore we recover the ground we have Inst in the matter of export: to Great Britain. in 1905 sales oti Canadian butter in England iiiiiucl, ed to 573.449 boxes. or 32,113,144; pounds. whilst in 1930 no more thani 163 boxes were dispatched. The' fact is that we have practically iiiil our foothold in the British market!, since the War. New Zeaiand and Denmark having captured our pool-' lion. l Auckland Weekly News: No greater mistake can be made than to imagine that the world depression m" pro- duced by mechanical (orcee too myo- terioua to be explained. A combina- tion ot many causes. active over a long period. culminated in the depression, but they are nil ittdtmtiittgbltt an human errors, in which Governmenta and peo- ples have persisted in spite ot warn- ings of inevitable consequences. Re. covery will not be achieved by resting in the security ot dogmatic theories. but by repairing the mistaken in pulr lie and private conduct by which the world has again been plunged into mu. tortunes exactly similar to the bitter experiences ot eucceeeive generations in the past. Reduction in World's Wheat Acreage Forecast On May ts, tor example. investiga- tors at the Rostov plant found that not a single mowing machine or hinder had been turned out although the pm gram called for 100 mowers and 110 binders. Some ot the trouble is attributed to sabotage. but it Is generally admitted that unskilled workers are to blame. The newspaper, " "ttiustrialuaeta, published a disclosure ot "unanimo- tory" conditions In the form In:- chinory factory at Rostov. one ot the Ingest. and naserted that the poor. work done in assembling machinenl amounted to u "catastrophe." The paper said the superintendent! ot the assembling department had been discharged because he gave out false production figures. He claimed 438 machines were ready tor shipment, whereas investigation showed there were only 20. l Motueow.--LeBdtyrs ot Soviet Rank huge factories and drafting elaborate ore beginning to realize that building plans for production do not mean the solution ot their industrial problems. Reports of several lapses in the indul- trial program reached Moscow recent- 1y. Exports of Canadian Butter Choosing the Bitts.--This is an im. portant miter, as a camp on be made or marred by its location. There are several things to take into considera- tion. Chiet amongst them is what holdiers coil “The Lay of the Land." " is always Idvisnbio to keep on high mound and avoid hollows. Hollows hold moisture, from nil, dew, mists. etc, and in the event of a rain storm the camper stands the risk ot being Russian Factories This week I will eonhm, my remarks to senor-lino: whlch would apply to any camp. irrespective or its length. or type. First ot all comes the teak ot pro- wling the necessary equipment and deciding what to take end whet to leave behind. A: this depends largely upon the duration of the Camp and the method of transport I do not pro- pose to discuss this matter in this article, but will save it for a future oc- melon. This week I want to plan on a lit. no Intonation on this “Meet which all Lonlon should know Ind which should be carefully followed when u 4tamtrtne expedition ls being planned. Things continue to boom at Penelon Falls, where the Lonlea have been un- der the keen 1ett%rtsttit, ot Patrol Leader Doug. Warren. Now we hear that. in order to accommodate more members. the Beaver Patrol has split into two sections. making a new Patrol to be called the "Foxes," under Ken Menzies. who will be the Patrol Lead~ er ot that section. but week quite a lot was said in this column Gout cial. fact: In " wan ot Interest to Scouts. News thi- week cone- lron West- ern Ontario, where bone Scout Boost. ers hue been " work In Lawn and Omaha. with the Inuit that several new member. hare Joined our ranks In those pieces, and nppearances seem to indicate the speedy formation ot [one Patrols in than two centres. All Louie- In this province will wish them "Good Scouting." The World Depression Behind Schedule AWIIHJHE --iocs'"'i"t?i'ii) N'ti1t't0tjTitlli?j, Ottawa.--"" downward movement in the volume ot car loadings on Cana. , dlnn railroads, was halted in the week landed May 16. With a total ot 50.- , 468 cars. loadings were 738 can above itno previous week, although 12,109 I cars below the corresponding week In I 1930. The Willincdono in India g Bombay Times at India-Its taking up the task that Lord Irwin has laid [ down, Lord Willingdon has great qua]. ltios that will serve him well. If we could only all Join together. said Lord Irwin, "in a single united effort we should already be more than halt-way to success.” That surely is work tor the leadership of which Lord Willing. don is peculiarly fitted, for he showed in Bombay during the war a rare and distinctive genius for getting men to i,",'",.'." that "slngle united effort"; and it is. too, work to which we hope Lady ', Willingdon, who is as welcome to lindla as the new Viceroy, may devotei i her great ability. I Abbotsford, British Columbia.-Johu McKee. I farmer ot the Abbotsiord district. has just bought twenty-one head or registered Oxford sheep trom the University ot British Columbia farm. He believes there are amount prospects in thin way. The large gain In the week was In coal, which advanced t,067 can. while grain moved up 384 cars. Laue. were recorded by the Dominion Bureau ot Statistics in other kinds ot freight. tho largest being in merchandise. down 449 can. Australian Telephone Gain Australia is steadily improving its position in the list ot countries show- ing the most rapid advance in the use of the telephone. and government ata- tistics show that it now occupies sixth place. with 793 telephones per 1,000 of population. oitteials regard this " highly satisfactory in View ot the country’s great area and distribution ot population, and the average length Jt wire required to provide a sub- scriber's service. The average length of wire to a telephone in Australia is 4.5 miles. compared'to 3.4 in the United States, 3.4 in New Zealand and 2,9 in Canada. Ten years ago only foreigners ate at such restaurants, to escape the dit. ticttltie.q of sitting on a restaurant ttoor and eating with chopsticks. Now Japanese are the patrons of shops which sell doughnuts, collee. lee cream pan-cakes with syrup. and ham and eggs, American style. During the last ten years Japan has turned to foreign-style restaurants with such keen interest that it is now possible to sit at tables and eat with knives, forks and spoons in more than 3.000 such eating places In Tokyo; there are more than 21,000 throughout the country. Japanese Sit at Table To Eat, Amercian Style cleaalirwss.-Koep your camp clean. Never throw rubbish about, but dig a hole and put all refuse into it, and see that it is neatly covered in before you go away. Scouts always make a spe- cial point of leaving their camp site cleaner than when they arrived on it, in that way the owner of the property is glad to permit Scouts to camp on his land. and will welcome you back. ti'wirtunlntr.--'rake care that your swimming place is sale. Don't swim in strong currents, or where more are weeds. And don't stay In longer than titteea minutes at a time."--'tomt E." Cooking Place..---,') should tttt located where the prevailing wind wlll blow the smoke away from your camp. and not into It. Keep your ttreg away from the tents. Small Bret, are better to cook on than large ones. and be careful not to start a forest are. Make sure that your ttre Is quits out before leaving. and tind out it permlsslon has to be obtained before you ever light one Water.--., careful that your water is not teotttatninated.artd that it is tit to drink. Slow, stagnant streams are usually harborera of disease germs. Avoid them. A clear spring with I clean source. or a quickly running stream with a good cruelly bottom ta very much more safe. When in doubt. do not drink any water which lull not been boiled. Always consider the question ot water beforo you locate. It is always a nuisance to hare to carry voter from a great distance, so have this very necessary commodity in mind when picking your site. quickly Booded out. TherMore, keep to tho higher ground. preferably a gentle slope, but not so high as to be exposed to ail the elements In the event of a storm. Camp In the open, and not under trees, it you can avoid doing so. Place your tent where Iota of sunshine and air can get at it. Be careful, however, to be near to some shelter from wind. and shade from sun. Buys Registered Sheep Rotne-Thig city has gained more thin 250.000 in population in the past " years and 57.000 since last year. A census just completed gives a total population of 971,645. Calgary, Allmrta.-Wiuu ls believed to be a record butter-fat test for a cow ot any age or breed ls claimed by Norman S. Clarke, ot Didelmry. Alberta, tor the three-year-old Jersey cow "Waikiki Xenia's F'artcy,"shich, days recorded a return ot 9.8 per in official R.O.P. test for the past slzty cent. The butter-fat content In certi- fied by K. King of the Dominion Gov- ernment cow-testing stair, and at this rate, the cow, In her average ttttw ot two gallons ot mllk per day produces the equivalent ot two and a. halt pounds of butter. The average) retail price ot creamery butter per pound in Canada during April was 82% cents. The lowest re- tail price per pound at which craamery butter sold in Canada during the pre- sent month was 24 cents. Ottawa.-A total of 497,562 pounds ot butter was imported into Canada last month, according to a reply given in the House of Commons by Hon. H. H. Stevens, Minister ot Trade and Commerce. Ot that total, 489,944 pounds came trom Australia, 7,100 pounds from New Zealand, and 518 pounds from other countries. The livestock population in British India, " the last census totalled 216,. 819,000, oxen and buitaloes alone num- bering 151,146,000. Sheep and goats accounted for 61,897,000 ot the grand total; while horses, ponies, mules, don. keys and camels numbered 3,776,000. New Delhi, Ittdia--8tanturds of lie. ing on the North American Continent are more or less judged by the owner- ship of a car and a radio, but in india livestock takes the place of the auto- mobile. California may have a car for every tive persons. but in India ani. mals average two to every three per- sons. Bulk of Butter Imports In April From Australia India's Living Standard Based on Livestock Rome's Population Gains . lw type motorcycle, built especially for an " unit on world's motorcycle speed “Marl, t" 'r mai:, its appearance in London, England: New srtreiun.tine machine irtitted with superior .eurne. A. W. Slmcock. who will ride It in world's record attempt It Budnput. tops. to exceed present mark at over 150 miles an hour by more than 50 mil“. “Duly" Vance ot Brooklyn Robin: (right) and Bill Hllllhln ot the M. Louis CIrdlnals, the “Speed Ball Kings of Baseball", discuss their pitching prior to game " Ebbeta Field. When opposing but.- men step up to the plate while these boys are Itite hing. WI jun too bad it they don't keep their eye- on the ball. Record Test This figure doe- not include the do- new. ot railway and government 3n- terpriaea. To a rational being it is the same thing to net according to nature and according to reatgtm.-Maretrg Aura. Hus. Bucharest, Routttattia--Coustautine Argetoianu. Finance Minister, said in a recent address at Carjova that the 1931 state budget will total $177,000,- 000. and that the nation faced a deiiclt of $59,000,000. ce" Editor: "I attribute my ability to retire with $100,000 after 30 y2ars in the printing field to close application to duty, pursuing a policy of strict honesty, taking good times with the bad, always practicing rigorous econ- omy and to the recent bequest of $99,- 999.95 left me by an uncle." Roumania Faces Cub Reporter (to editor who is re- tiring): "What is your recipe for sue- Vancouver, Bi-World-wide inter- est continues to be shown In British Columbia poultry tor breeding pur- poses. Orders were received the other day tor White Leghorn Cockerels tor Southern Rhodesia, South Atria. At. so, one of the large breeders at Sao Paulo, Brazil, ordered three White Leghorn cockerels and one Rhoda is- land Red of leading British Columbia strains. Those orders were placed through the R.0.P. organization. Van- conver. Education Br Mail Regina, Saskatchewan. - Approxi- mately 6,000 students are now on- rolled in the correspondence courses instituted last year try the Saskatche- wan Department ot Education. Five thousand of the enrolments are from rural districts. These correspondence courses are arranged to supplement the work being done in the elementary and secondary schools ot Saskatche- wan tor boys and girls who, for vari- ous reasons. have been unable to at- tend scltool as much as they would have desired. B.C. Poultry Highly Favored Speed Enthusiasts' Joy PitcherKimofBIqu Where'd You Get the Five Cents? I)» CLIC, 1i'C'C12' Til,titift,"rt"'H) ia Faces )s.i,!.(s-e.. 'i' i $59,000,000 Deficit LU. t ll . L, Roumania--CotistatMirte Ls' sNy.rsu"=:4 I White and brown or white and bllck are correct combinations tar either Iron sports or spectator sports shoes. In. heel should mark the distinction [between the two. So tar no study has been made by the United States Government of the economlc practicability ot the pro- posed project, which will be curried out by Dexter P. Cooper, Inc.. ot East- trort, Maine». if tho commissioners' re- port on q ' "‘an plty'o i; Favorable. A: a result ot a question ruined by the Canadian Bureau ot Fisheries over the possible enact ot such works on the herring tieheries industry in the Bay ot Fundy. Canada and the United States agreed to appoint another joint commission to study this phase ot the enterprise. This commission will not concern itself with the practicability ot the project. The works would be on the Passa- maquoddy Bay. an arm of the Bar ot Fundy. along both the coast of Maine and of New Brunswick. . Commissioners to make a aeietttitie study ot the project will be announced shortly try the State Department. Permission tor the construction ot the work has already been granted by the Power Commission, War De. partment and Bureau otMieheriete. Governments to Study Tidal Power Scheme Washington. - Canada and the United States have agreed to nppoint commissioners to study a project de, signed to develop hydroelectric power from the ttow of tides in the Bay ot Fundy. "Two things? Why, I'm l dem chaps Wot don't berm doin' one thing ter wunst." dr, l 1' '(“19 wot tlot/t dolng two things ter VI‘ I HI “v TORONTO ' , ‘ I Urs believe wunst?" l'ttt one berllevo M In " in A shrill voice allied to n tendency to talk too much In . wife might we! became grounds tor . divorce. state. I French Government upon on dunno“. Editor: "Do you; know how to run a newspaper.'" Applicant: "No, sir." Editor: “Well. I'll try you, I gueu you've had -ienee."--Path. under. fence here. The I" wanhipa will travel together acroaa the Atlantic. taking the northern route. Prom Halifax. H.M.C.8.. Skeena. under Commander V. G. Brodeur, will pro- ceed to her home station at Enqui- mault. KC., travelling via the Panama Canal. Because hounewlvou today are bet: ter [alarmed by newaplpers, man-l zinel, cooking Ichooll and the rudio.‘ food dealers mun. keep uptodate it' they hope to succeed. In" Katherine A. Fisher, ot the Good Housekeeping‘ Institute, declared. i 2 New Destroyers ottawa-The two Canadian destroy- ers. Snguonny nod Bkeenn. will ruck thin country on or nbout July t, ft was announced recently " oMeiatg ot the Department ot National De. Of Hone and Buggy Bunnie, N.Y.-Everttuallr all food will be prepared in central factories, independent grocers, members of co- operative "Rod and White" organtmr tion, were told in convention hero by Gordon C. Corbaier, president ot the American institute of Food Distribu- tors. Kitchens, Tit, Go Way Quakes choose to wreak their havoc at night rather than in the dny. The favorite hours are between midnight and 4 o'eloek in the morning. It will ho remembered that Inst July's ter. rible quake came " 1 o'clock in the morning. to the conclusion that earth-sharks prefer some months of the year and some hours of the day. July is the favorite month; then come August. September and January. Rome.--Earthqtmko shiver up and down the Apennine razor backbone of Italy at the rate of more than one a day. or an average ot 433 a year. Professor Pnlauo. weather bureau chief for man years, who receives and t?lassities the quake reports. hu comp lttly’s Backbone Shivers Daily From Earthquakes German Baron I: Society Foreseec Happy in Canada! Cancer Reduction It la no rich m'a playthlng, thla farm in the Tu. letord dlltrict ot Sas- katchewan. Baron Vlncko, amllluly admits that ho cannot allord Inch toys. And he to very aerlou. when he talks ot what In hope- to do with hla procloua MO acre. ot rlch black Ioll. For the [on ot land In deeply implanted ln Mn and hla (anally. " has already been Iald that tho homo of Vincko had been eluhllahed tor 750 years on one trgtato In Hanover. Much to Loan "t have tried to learn how to farm here In Canada." he Iald. “I knew that I had much to learn when I came here two years ago. For eight months I then worked on dllerent tum an a farm hand. I learned how to plow. I learned how to need. I learned how to clear land, and I learned how to harvest. Son“ in War Baron Vincko served with " cav- alry regiment throughout the wlr. He was with the mounted troop: that nut leaped the boundury line- into Rance. Later he war in the trout-hen with the dismounted cavalryuen. "Near me live may who were lol- dlers in the Claudia and American armies." he slid. "Yes, we talk atrotrtl the war. But we men who have; tought each other no longer hold hit-l terness. War in n terrible thing and; we try to forget it, and we hope “all never again will there be such r thing." I "Ot eourtgty--" " spread his hand. and smiled. “When I had my crop the price at wheat tell. That in very bad. But I shill my on with the lend. One always cm live there. And some time the price at wheat will once more go up." Montreal-Nm the nee-tn! cull. which tor the put '" your. bu stood In a huge lore-t domain In Hlnovor. Germany. to I shack In the bush coun- try in Northern Sukuchewnn. that te the than made In tho put two you. by Baron Diederich Vitteee. "rt is different. yes. It Is not the same life," Baron Vlncko and when Interviewed hero by I correspondent ot the Porttreat Duly Star. “I a. a diluent 'ttatt-att' yet I am up" In what I now do. I III glad that I hue come to Cumin." "And now I hue my turn. The land is mine, and it feels good to [nu cleared out most ot the huh. I have chopped down poplar and pulled up willow. I hue had one good crop already. . From a each cavalry regiment where an oiBeer's sabre swung nil-It his thighs for tt yous. to hundllnc the broad steel of n ploughsharo. Ancestral Home Replaced hr Hut on Saskatchewan Due About July 3 Farm It (I Important, likewise, that [1:th ot thinhtng In B tree country aim-II Inspire nation In those hum-ted wit It. adtritmtio..--0eeeI. Walnut ton. The no" mum mull ot one. tion It tho “may to we your-d do an thing you ought to do, when tt ought to " don., winter you like to do It or nttt.--rttomae H. Huxley. ;sp-.-u9ng in_Bgitish drum For her new The night In full ot beauty Ot golden “If. an! diver made“ A wooden-pl: wit" ls dunes"; In I garden dell- Aud all the lower- deep. Hun you ever teen Bowers ulm' You on feel their dream All about. Like wisp- ot rainbows. And the wool-nymph win! Um tho tinted vino of to" At the opening of. its recent Innun' meeting here the used-don went on record in ("or ot the Inc ad Englllh spelling In Cum“. thereby associating itself with the Ron! Society ot (and: I“ the Cunnilin- Geographical Society. both ot, which recently adopted IIIIIHII' real:- than. " Robert L. Borden. president of the'luoclntlon. In chairman d the session. Prat. Duncan " Arthur, of Queen'- Uaivenlty. “a Prof. H. N. Flannel-c. ot the Uni- versity of Numb. aelootod to ro. prenent the association " the third Attglo-Atneritmt conference or In. toriuu to be hold at London, Elg- land, starting July lt. otuwa.---Ettelo ward. would to spelled after the ayatem in vogue II England rather than according to the United Staten ayalem. in the opinion of the Canadian [Hammad Auaoclauon. th "The present knowledge of it. genenl medical mien-ion renti- ing cancer in very inadequate." to report Intel. “To the norm physiciun only canoor in I conun- tively unrecognised (item. and " unced cancer I hopeleu prom... The situation in rolliiy ennui-cl by the tact that ihrgenerni pneu- tioner encounters relatively few cases of cancer and lulu the accu- nary facilities for its diagnosis at treatment. There in also at present Inadequate instruction on the unb- ject of cancer in most at the "In“. In Inadequate instruction on the III. Ject of cancer in moat of the mall eat school. throughout the country which in due in some men-um to I not of appreciation ot the poulbm Clinics Urged New Yore--A "pawn!" method of beginning to reduce one" dereth. WM and. public In A recent report by the directors of the American Soc- locy tor the (‘outrol ot cancer. “It does not seem too mum. to hope." an the report/"that the further development of cum-r Clin, tea throughout the country and their coordlnltlon thrust the Amt-rival: College ot Surgeon my ruins the standard- ot treatment or cancer. a! u I practical result began to re- duce the (rightful mortality from thm disease.“ “The [anon] lack of knowledge regarding the stgttibmarteet of early aigna.” it autea, "the failure to ap- preciate tho diaaatroaa mam of do- iayod diagnosis and treatment. the inability to diatinguiah between good and bad treatment, and the feeling that the diction ia a angina. are each and all rewouibie tor a vui amount ot unnecessary "ttrrlttg and death. Otto-tine improve. "it in encouruing to note, how- ever, tint the situation in title I“ Inect bu deiittitelr Improved in thin country during the put decode. Physicians report tut on increasing proportion of one- nre coming to them earlier in the up of the din- eue. with 1 resulting higher per- centage of euro. The public Ire becoming more inmiiinr with the " ginning nine of cancer; they on” ciate more keenly the importunco of early action.- the iubject in discu- led with great frankness." This may be done. they state. by establishment ot special csncer in. sat-tel. hospitals. services a“ ethics. The Institutes should be “listed with universities and In- clude In their procrsnm education, research end treatment In he tield at once: control, The report renown us Improve ment In earlier reporting ot the " ginning- of ulcer. Prints Agencies largely In" culled um Improvement. with a to. governmentu bodie- uliuuu In ro- cent yum. an the report. I “as that there ll room tor who in. veltment ot additional him“ In um am of the work. Etmlishment of Special In- stituty, Homitalo and nuke cues In the put arch In. un ml In CHIC )un in part htfon uncovered Inform-Hon aring the w Fashion Advocated Dorothy Whipple M. tor further Mun 5 your. tget' to I lack available ttt u If I of " i laying 'lbitt. mm My.” 'orte re

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