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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jun 1931, p. 4

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be exempted by Order-in-Councii. Tho income tax on corporation: has been increased from 8 per cent to 10 per cent and a Se excise stamp goes on all cheques. Foreigners with in- vesumnts In Canada my a 2 per cent tax on all dividends. The country is to my Se a bushel ot the freight chutes on wheat ex- ported and a dollar a ton on west. eth ' Maritime cool wed in Caan. da, , duty ot 40c o ton on foreign bar” on! and 15c on soft coal isim- :20”.th the tax in less than before. 45,000 lean. On an income of $500. you the new income tax is $41,000 has than ban-e. The sales tax ism- creased from 1 per cent to 4 per cent and an excise tax of 1 per cent has been placed on all goods. whether dutiahle or tree. The tie postage stamp has come back again. The postage on newspapers with n cireu. Ialim ot more than 10,000 is increas- ed {mm 1c a pound to “in, and a tax or 15e a pound has been placed on all foreign magazines and period- .mls entering Canada: religious. edu- r-av.(.nal and adenine magazines to ha, ,___._.,. _ - bring him in $78,000,000 additional It 'nu". which wm leave a detieitl m -t year ot $23,000.00. Income tux, Irv bpan incmased on “women from 83,500 to 825.000. Yet an income onI ammo the tax is less mm before, All nnn I., A _ --'. - ‘uv we"! or this year's collection at 8325.000, 000, leaving a gap or $105,000,000. As Finance Minister he has imposed new taxation which he believes will bring him in 378000.000 nddl'inn-l "TW" .v. "n ,‘u. UV."- with was roughly "33,000,000. Total u-venuo for the same period was $349.0mL000, leaving a deiteit of ow Fl' 3.x".000.000. In preparing for the um- to come, M: Bennett estimated the total expenditure at $430,000,000 and the tout revenue, on the basis! Round and Square Dancing Durban, June 19, Ml ""F N ___- up.-." as Pinned "but". brought down the budget. In ten years we have now heard Fielding, Robb. Dunning and Bennett bring down budgets. This last was by far the most leng- thy: it so: forth the financial posi- tinn n! Canada in a most comprehen- siva way. Whether or not it was, as claimed. "The first time the Hum> bad aver a real Budget" is a matter ot amnion. It was, as is usual, a, wrmm brief. but at intervals uni ik-nnctt would leave the text of thu‘ manuscrlpt and berate the Opposition for its misdeeds. The total outgo for the year dealt Two Gocd Orchntns Durham’s reputation for Street Dances is well ta You'll not be ditsaorrointo, 0n the tst day of June in a crowd- ed House, the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon. R. B. Bennett. in his capacity Miss lltaqhail's Weekly letter to the Review mm DANCE and Frolic Auspicu Laymon's Au'n Lennie magazines to by Order-in-council. on '1rrporationa has is well known, ditsaptrointed . F 1 Per cent has Ms. whether he 3e postage k attain, The A week end whlch included a ban- quet by rural youth for rural youth and a conference on the economic basis of peace by some American and Canadian women, was indeed a full one. The Cam. or rural young peo- ple which arranged the banquet and dance held in the Armories. Marte Cole. on the 29th May, is worthy of our admiration. it is no little task to prcvide dinner, instruction and a- musement for more than 500 young people and into the bargain they b ttatitired the Armories almost past recognltmn. For three days a group of women seeking knowledge on the economic bases ct peace. lived and worked at 'Wymilwood.' the luxurious home of the Women‘s Union or Victoria Cot. Banquet and Conference That Interest Lady Memler am'uuoll me gom oasis or currency, as Las been done In Australia, Ar. gentine and other South American (ounuies. Foreign currency would then be at a premium in Canada and the smiling price of all our exports would be increased. The debate is likely to continue for some time. ' be paid by the mass of the people, t the every day citizens, not by the rich but by most of them who are t affected by having restricted mar- l kets." Mr Balaton charged the Gov. ' with having failed to keep its prom- ises regarding the curing of unem- ' ployment. H. H. Stevens, Min'. of l Trade and Commerce, followed and l he accused the Liberals ot having futterly failed to keep their promises in their nine years of omee. Mr. _Hetrptr, representing labor, said "the budget contains something tor the manuttusturer, it contains something for the mitlioinaire but there is noth- ’in2 tor the working-man. This has {been termed a rich man’s budget-t Xwould term it tt millionaire's and a manufactu rer's budget." Mr G. G. Coote, the first speaker for agriculture, referring to the det.. icit said that it was due to a redue, tion in trade and in incomes. tat which low prices ot commodities was responsible. Low prices of commod- ities are caused by too little cur- rency in circulation rather than by over-production, It people could ex. chz-nge surplus for surplus, over pro. ducticn wculd be unheard ot. Mr. Ccote said the only alternative is to abendcn the gold basis ot currencv. Hon. Col. Balaton as financial cri. tic of the Liberal party, replied to Mr Bennett. While he criticized rath- er severely Gov't policy. he did so in tclemnt temper and left the im- pression on the House that he was seeking to be fair. He urged the Prime Minister to appoint aMlnister of Finance, maintaining it was un-l feir to the country for Mr Bennett to attempt to an both omeea. He ter- mod thrs nudgct a rich man's budget. 'tour-tInto ot the total taxation will posed. A duty of so a pound on bulk tea coming from the United Kingdom and me a pound trom tea from oth- pr countries is imposed. The duty on higher priced automobiles is rain-j ed and changes made in 200 tarim items. Unemp'dryment was never) mentioned. ' ce on the economic by some American and ‘n. was indeed a full . of rural young peo- The Popular D. & A, Line Follows Fashion's Contours cf Beauty Proper Foundation Garments l. F. GRAFF & co. Our range is eotnirlete-irtcludintt Gir- dles, Corselettes and Corsets. Vuy moderately priced fron 98c- 10 t2.r.5. Brassiers at 39c. and 49e. The Season's Correct The Store for Hearst Value Victoria coi, SILHOUETTE DEMANDS does' ho aliowed to rest in petuy turbed by the painful explo his Baeritice on the part of “clans and the allk-hatted A select. choir sang several among them the League of hsmn and George O'Hara "Guns." ‘i cussions and public meetings, on 5 Saturday night the play "The Un. . known Soldier Speaks"' was present- _ ed. Written by Mrs Wm Hyman, this _ peace play is an impressive evidence of the intiuEnee that art may bear upon reform. The setting is the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Ar. Eington cemetery, U.S.A. The reason that it is the American tomb, to which. soma newspapers have made reference, is for the simple reason that presumably no Canadian has written a peace play. As the curtains parted, one saw the tomb of the Un. known Soldier. Six military men were on guard, while a wreath was being placed on the tomb. Two citi- zens who chanced to come by then stopped to look at the wreath. They btgan chatting about soldiers. the war Arte, then after a bit the other moved on, the other sat on the step of the tomb to meditate. It was ev- ening and in the deepening gloom, the unknown soldier appeared and told how he went, how the promise of love and parenthood was never fulfilled. The soldier with " new, clear vision saw the tragic miscon- ception and utilization of heroism. Ho wondered where the tombs were ct the heroes who have contributedf to the beauty and progress ot life! and he asked when he was mine on’ ABERDEEN WOMEN'S INST Hull House, Chicago. At the other hasslons a brief lecture would be fol- lowed by ditseussiontr, often. the aud- icnce breaking into several dlscus- slon groups, each particularly inter. ested In one phase of the address. As an Interlude to the group dia. cussions and public meetings, on; Q_A.._.I_” . I . - - lege. This beautiful and homellke residence was presented by Mr. and Mrs E R Wood to the College some time ago, There were two public meetings held outside 'Wymilwood', one addressed by E J Garland, M. P. and the other by Jane Addams of the silk-halted gentry. ay sang several numbers the League of Nations George O'Hara’s tragic -""-t' --- tilization of heroism. where the tombs were who have contributed and progress of life when he was going to rest in peace, undis- painful exploitation of and the the poll. Durhun_ Ptetsbrtertan Church will hold mother monster Garden Putty In Lawson’s grove. Thursduy. July M. Particulars later. Keep thin date open Quecn ttt. Y. W. A. Jr Pi C-ai, Bcott, John Levi, Homer Gerber. _..._.. .vucu, mussel! Long. Gordon Rimmer, Audrey Moore George Burnett. Elma L. Ball, teacher Jr Pr A-atanier Greenwood. Stella Connolly. AVx McDonnell, Bob Bruthwute. Jack Wesley. Jr Pr B--Adn Tucker, Wilfrid Lute. Beau-loo McDermnd, Vernon AIJoe. C. THO-nu! Sr Pr A-UG Saunders. John and Jtck pun) Mary E. Morton, teacher I A-Vera Lauder. Gladys Gray, Able Tinlmov, Florence Martin, J Town. I B--Mazgaret Derby, David Row land, Keith Greenwood, HammlllMc- Cum, Evelyn Baker. Florence Kress, teacher Jr ll A---Phitip Boarlinm Emily Pinkerton, Starr Jamieson, Fred Town, Evelyn AlJoe. Jr H B-para McDonald, Iarrne Long, Jameson Watson, John Collier,) Thou Connolly. ( Sr II A45 Rowland, Bert deg, Jimmy B; ‘__..., "um, teacner Jr Ill A-Helen Gagnon, Margaret Spar-ling. Loralne McArthur, Annie Tinlanov. Betty McIntyre. Jr m B--,Ruttt Nichol, Laurette. Pierson, Clyde McCallum, Lucille Trattord, Thornton Snell. Clara McCrae, teacher Sr ll A--hurararet Armstmnc " ”97., _ -- . In C-Gordon McComb, Robert Noble, Herbert Renwlck, Ervin Inner, Delbert Moore. Emily Hunt, teacher Tr I" A 1-4, - '; MAY 1931 I Sr nr-Dorothy McDonald. (0lieda Hahn and Carman Noble) eq., Mar- on Moore, Ross Wilson, Norman Greenwood. . Jr Iv-Melville Harrison, Arthur Watson, Norah Baird, Mona McDon- ald. John A. Graham, Principal Sr I" A--Ciartr Saunders, George Prew, Margaret Wllson. Gordon Kerr nedy, Kathleen Menuiden. Jr m B--gack Lloyd, Velma Hulme Betty Henderson, Velma Dean, Laur- ine Campbell. 7 __,.‘-. .uu5uc. Chas Schub, repairs $13.10: GG smith, bridge timber $675: Jno Donald, repair grader " Henry Patterson, Sup't meet $6.07 : Geo Alexander, pay 11'2'l 85.55: Herb Schmitt, paysheet $110.77: Wm Patterson, pay shoe! $88: Jno Wiedmdorf. pay sheet $94. 12 : Wm Bieman, pay sheet 84.67: Louis Dietz pay sheet 57.15: I. Walk- er. pay sheet $8.57: Frank Schmitt, grading $70.20: And. Becker, grad- ing $134.75: Henry Patterson, salary, 895: Jno McDonald. grading $21.60: Jos Rody, gravel, $9.30: David Bur- gess, gravel 819.60: "v Stem....,.-, DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL a n unmlck. search, registry omee, 85c: Chas Bailey. com 86 : James Turnbull, com $6: Robt McCaslin. com tii.. Robt Grierson, com $6: F. Jacklin, Elmwood school debentures, $303.93: W J Adlam, salary, postage attending Ct. of Revision 8122: J. Hewitaon, attending Con. $2.50: Wal. ter Lines, expenses re taxes $7: One meeting of council $15. monthly wick, Geieraon--Mecatoi.. That att ac- counts as presented. hcludlng vou- cher No 8, be paid Ind the cheque. issued. Car. Municipal World, sutionery $2.08; J H Chlttick. search. registry omce. 85c: Chas Bailey, com 86 : James Turnbull. com $6: Robt McCaslin. com $6: Robt Grierson, com $6: F. Jacklin, Elmwood school debentures, $303.93: W J Adlam, Hahn-v ham-"“- Baiiey---MeCaatin : That clerk be authorized to notify the Co. Treasur- er to erase taxes in arrears on lands, the same having been paid to the Tp. Treasurer. Car. Baiier--'rurntrun: That ocuncii re- new the public liability Insurance policy with the Globe Indemnity Co. for the premium ot $244.80. Car. ueo u Funds, assessment of Ind and buildings, lot 24 con ' BDR, be reduced ta each $60. Jun E Bands. assessment ot land and building- iota 21 a 22 con 2, NDR Ibe reduced to $550. ( Mrs Alfred Noble, assessment re- iducted $200, on lot 24 con lt. Jas McWhinney. assessment. on iand, lot 31 con 12 be reduced Wo. ‘ Geo A. Turnbull, usuament on land lot 59 con 3 SDR. reduced $60. Jno. Wylie, dog struck on roll. 'rurnbu1i--Mecatnin.. That the roll be accepted as revised and we ad- Journ cs a. court of revision toresume j general business. Car. I towing men. clerk: Geo B Purvis, and buildings, h reduced to each Jno E Punk. met " a court of. revision Monday. the tugt day ot June. The members taking their oath, " members ot the court of revision,, conszdered the fol- THE DURHAM REVIEW meeting of the Young ”Dells as received by the Schneter, Thomson, James Btaaley Vlcken, (Jean Lev, tongue. " Gray, TORONTO G Gold. R. D. CarrutheA, H. chechnle. ty ,_° -. - DWI" [East Grey Political Assochtlon, will be held in the Town Hull. nether- ton. on Saturday. June 13. commenc- ing " 10 mm; to recelve reports 1nd 101' election ot otBeers, picnlc lunch. tea served " 12. Afternoon tor Ian-1 numbed Maine. and lddm. by Geo, G. Coote, member for new, Al-' hem. Every hm should be pree-I ent. I R. L. Niche-on. Director a A trip around the harbor in the motor launch was not the least en- a joyabie feature of the day. Taber, P mcry has a wonderful natural han bar, lake vessels coming right to the pier. Within a foot of the pier. the . depths are estimated from 25 to 40 feet. It has no beach for bathingi l purposes but you get this and more i at Dunk's Bay, a few miles further south, on an inlet of Georgian Bay. _ it is one of the prettiest localities we have seen and the allurements of summer must be strong to the cot. tagers who enjoy the outlook " this paint from their cottages. in our workadny world we hear of clergyman. magistrates, doctors, etc. enjoying a reunite from duties at such cottages. But who ever heard l of a publisher enjoying such proeii pcrlty and respite from duties to: prsucss and occupy one? Meantimelc we are thankful we had the privi. : lege of viewing delightfully one of 4 Nature's beauty spots and when c) estate enables us to procure one of these modern summer luxuries. .Dunk's Bay will occupy a favored place in our mind's eye. But this is enough tor one trip. The utterance tradio-us stage beautifully equipped and a large basement where banq- uets and indoor sports might be held. When we visited the building the long tables were in readiness but the eats, to entertain Mr Kennedy. We can almost guarantee that this Minis. ter of the Crown will be taxed to his eapacity--in other words too full for] Through the kindness of Mr Will Craigie. son of Capt Craigie. and s native of the 'Tub', we saw much tint is of interest to the visitor: the government wireless sution: the new Community Hall, the picturesque log :bmry. tirtstttvtaue abetted by n wealthy American, Mr Rodman. and owner of Cove Island. As librarian. they have a. and in Mr Grieves, a scholarly gentleman, native of Glas- gow, who is full of " work and jaidr. The library contains over "mo volumes and must be a boon to" the people of this remote district.1 The Community Hall is an out-I come of the enterprise ot its citizens: and this Tuesday, June b, is being! rffltrwl.v opened "try Hon. T. Kenne- dy, Min'. of Agriculture. It has n! seating capacity of 400 people, com-i V -'"_ w-v ----- lav all along the water front, Chiefly by Americans. We are not “talking" ern we say Tobermory's population will be trebled in tive yeam time. Fishing is the chief industry of the people and to visit the dock this is easily evident. Beautiful lake trout are the products of these waters and they are shipped to all sections of Ontario. The tourist business is ram idly expanding and lots are taken up} -II -N-__, 4' _ I The "Tub." as Tobermory is popu-I [ larly called, including a settlement N Imile below the village, carries apop-' iuuiiioi, ct about 450 people. None of 1them are wealthy, but all are happyl and contented, and that you can read on their Countentuteett. We had, occasion to meet with Mr and Mn." 'Hopkins, recently returned from; Durham environs. where they cele brated their golden wedding in com- pany with her brother, Mr John Cuff and Mrs Cutt. They are great grand-4 parents and judging from their Keen) alertness and outlook on lite, stands Hood chance ot seeing their great,; " ut grandchildren. Mr Hopkins is al pioneer ot Tobermory, having come“ ‘to that district in 1879 and now but a. comfortable home. The land eur-y rounding the "Tub" has a bottom of I solid rock and to produce a garden," it was necessary for Mr Hopkins to draw sawdust and earth considerable distances as a "bottom" for his' l w zombies. l tcw Lapla- Ire seen. This ”called tho Anderson home. bull: lklrts the roadside to the ex-l " Sharp Ind eon Alex vlolted treme edge “d when you ttdd to _ with ”mull! friends Saturday. thls the churn: t.n ot eoaattng over) Mr and Mrs S. Koenig and daugh- "forty hllla" and . circuitous mute :ggmxlgllted Hollteln friend! Friday " the some tlme. you are not in. . Mrs M W Byers and son Bert were clam" to te"?? tsteepy. '.rt.ytl'..e in Cheney Manny and villted with t c. Bergaatiott " nearly u we ctut, Mr. s. Allan, formerly mu Gllmour it has all the earmark: of I. roller- of an. place. coaster we try out at the mldwuys. I The navy rum of the put few Settlements are very few between days were qulte welcome to give the Llon'a Head and the 'Tub' and it is’ seed um! hay crop a nun. Every- ,“th a grand hunting paradise tor; thing looks to hove a fresh and] the sportsman. itrrtt.neC!uy.reH?uMt - ._ - . _ t tutttuttl "mun: of the Tobermory, the Coming Tourist Centre of Bruce devotions] exercise; It“ Maude Stormy gave 1 upland“ piper on the atudy book. An interesting talk on the life and work of Rev Dr. Rob- ertson wns given by Mia E. Tumm- ley. The Mizpah benediction closed the meeting and a dainty lunch wu served by the Mines Btorrey. j Woman's mum of Queen Streetl HAMP0EN Church, was hold " the home of In. Hunts Stormy, June 9, It. 8.!k2m3'1'm’1‘gvm (Continued Trom Page 1) I. President summed Iron: 25 to 40 no beach for bathing you get this and more r, a few miles further inlet of Georgian Bay. 1e prettiest localities we NOTICE _ . ,fl_-_ - yuv-nluea It Week" only, will entitle the undersigned GENUINE RUBBERSET PAINT BRUSl larger can ot any ot the above products PAINT CO., Limited. Sign this Coupon and pronoun colors, exterior and interior enamel ready to use. ART ENAMEL-ng colors. interior use. high gloss. dries in tour hours SANiTONE FLAT WALL PAINT - 18 colors, interior use. BUN UNIVERSAL VARtot4-.Exter. for or interior, genenl Yum-h pur- poses. l This Brush will be given FREE of charge Sale only with purchau of a V.gallon or lam following CANADA PAINT High Quality PI Store. ASK US FOR COLOR FOLDER. CANADA PAINT (Best Quallty)--M, SANIT1 colors. exterior and interior Oil color: Paint, ready to use. SUN V LUXOR ENAMEL (am 1kotltry-- 7 terlo; colors, exterior and interior Ann-uni mm ' This Saturday, 6th June to Saturday, 13th June Harding's Hardware DURHAM 5 FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF FLEBHERTON ADVANCE I Last week's Issue ot the Meaherton Advance was a creditable special gnumber issued to commemorate the 'fiftieth anniversary of its founding. iWe congratulate Bro. Thurston on " progress made In that time, being one ct our newsiest Journals. Long may the Advance advance , PAINT SALE WEEK I. Operation hue - on the Juan over the hunt meadow in glam 18th con. and helm ions we Iwiii in" a mm .0314 MIMI!" ,',,' to travel over. which will he more I umhctory that the rickety unit "; that ha exiuod tor me month- or ' the put row you”. '; The consul nun. Mr Geom Bail, " was buy on our road last week. dot-l Hing down I" the unwar- to thel {numerous questions which were re. lquirod in his neat hook. I Mr- Alister Anderson uni three 3mm duughu-rl. Medicine Hat, ar-i 'rlved last week end to spend I coup- le of months with friends Ind rela- ‘tives in this )oculity. She was no. ‘campanied by A. Purl: of Minn Park 1on Monday. calling on In Byers aatd, Mitstt Belle Park. South Bentinck. visited " the Guide: home Tuesday. A number of members ot the beet ring met Wednesday of this week to; tidy up the premises. Mm u Brlmblecomb spent Wed- nesday afternoon It Bonnie View Mr'sMwByetaandsmtBertwere --" in Che-Icy Monday and vilitcd with m UGEEN Mrs s. Minn. formerly Kin Gilmour R SA of this place. - The ban min. of the put few The U.F.W.0. will meet a! v; days were quite welcome to give the home of In Thou Killian: Fwy seed uni hay crop a nut. Every ttttern-t of a“. week. thing looks to lave a fresh and ' greener uppeal'I-nce- 1_11r_t'ylPo"P"etf..".r,ki.tyl "T . FREE I Genuine Rubberset Brush NAME . ADDRESS - Regular Retail Price w 'lVIn FREE of charge during Special Paint Week cheee of . V.oellen or larger container of any of tlr' A PAINT High Quality Preducte purchaeed from our 5 FOR COLOR FOLDER. (Beet Qualltr)-trsAmroNE SATIN ENAMEL m" .w.." :_.,7- A» Free Brush Coupe; “with pur- j too V ,- - .vyvnu lnLlS PAINT BRUSH when purchuinx lhva III-‘1.._‘_ .7 __ at our “on during Pam Week Sate mum.- wuen punch-slug n 16 gallon or Products mauhctured by THE CANADA “the colon. interior use. SUN VARNISH "Am-a, term: use. SUN FLOOR VA-s,, next. Sunday If lid In Oldenberg. Kitc'hw..- were visitor- thls week nth Mr itl In Thou key. In Wm Locate, o. Sound. wa, y - visitor with In Jerry Allur-i Rev Mr Ramayana. Dromore, um - ”fem services lit.r, I." D. Wilkie arrived ll thr. in home My After spending the "i' ter month: with her daughter. Mrs Jordan of Tomato. with Mend: In Toronto and Mr And In Doug Curl: and ram. mounted by Bert Ritchie up" I any um week with Mr and Mr, !. swarms. w Cheney. byterln Church, (our members Wool of the lord'- Supp m diam-d Sunny In the In. The magtqtt" ofthe late Jan- lcCu'uny. m In“ to rest Mom. In ttt pur- cemetery. Dornoch, "mammal-loam.» --lqtqrHnr8ttrHr an maummu,rorup.. “touting-I. ( Irmlnml’tcudmomn. uwummyhnnkw dm " “I.” In Witt BmirL. ttnderuteDr'reaae.Wettopeto- tserttrartd-deeeMtettt. She, well named In her two duuxlnm unnatural“. grounds. A not man will " " was W In". Wrdnese,, am. out and - puny u . be - on III! 2. tn the churn Mr FLOO_R vnmsu 4mm, 75c ”H union. The marwl mm"! tor shinnlm “d “I”. exterior. Inst: of aim: Wu JUNE ll, I931 M L new Camp!” were week end visitor ENAMEL - 1’, colors, In Sale Ham Joi 'Our “PM! y Aetrthir Try u. o We Gunn GUSTO“ Phone ' Local An our ha At the I Why tah JUNE GORE! “may our on R HE DO Keep W

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