'orkings of ystery Yarn AM 1 m Bolivihn plan!†the P8t I" .9.’ (n of its health servico 11'helli V: ite tther points-the creation. of, I 'it; a/Zed health unite. the m" ;‘.1: mtxon of the 301M†.w' in s', the moi-ease of their mitts-â€:1“: rncir, cf doctors, and cm _ †. " rare " epidew iirig9Mitt' tstformatimu .. .. Ir r ml regions; third, tho paitieipiw '. [ r Inf the league's mania commis- Pot", .n the study of Bolivia’s rp- ts aâ€)! regards cinchom. _ Ft "d. a study "it the distributim ot , F. _ in Bolivian tmrieal M911? I m % are: First. the midi: abroad t ' I '. twists designed to 10m the nu- , ' ., :,r a my etrtie ttttlt?. lee:, " in?» Bolivia's general plan of putr rr "eis,'tr reorganisation cover! " , ’.‘~u.t points, it is only on a". o" " We league has been asked toktgd 'r 1-4 poration of its technical ut- tt World League to Mint light " of It In If Ft ll ll Bolivia's Health Sam . ox 1a.-Uhsblie Health Commis- _ , r Bilbao of Bolivia has complet- ;.::angements for the teatruo of _ ' r.'y collaboration in the "oNstt- . ' r (f Bolivia's public health ur- tr It (tt hr work. Dr. M. S. Johnson, . (’niverslty of Minnesota, has vzu‘. that it a mouse is kept in , t iii by day and in the light by . ' re verses the natural rhythm _ on. The mice in the "tterb [ ', were put in use: hung " mb , (â€HIS and no connected with the t «mm apparatus tut anr "tivity ', e "mouse front" we. " one at m. My turning on the light " :1: the mice had sixteen hm In I Mucus. and slept for eight hours w the day time. Aa the malt " dated training, the nice. when ' gefurnod to normal condition. 4 " their new way of me. In In the the at (ct y; ,-, "ppcial tests in the North Bea, .,,, .vliml a complete record of the “my. u met with in the court. of a 4ttrrrl, " journey. The uppliauco ro- pm; in. a large kodak tum, the two “us being towed behind the ship. A mm of gauze slowly unwind: " on .1. ii and packs itself on the other. I r. l n m continuously exposed. in exposed portion in auto-muo- n V mam] with 10min a. It r+ y, ,\rs, upon the drum. Back in the hilt riitory an investigator in only " [my the used neatly. of a “con- in,†m plankton recorder,' 'u tho n- ,unm... is called, benuth his cireo- 2i.“ 'o appreciate the wealth or p m'v of infant herring food tn any 'lr' n and at a particular time ofthe or Mvriads of Minute Organisms Both Animal and Vegetable Stores of Food Found in ... .ue-mly issued Annual Report hr Marine Biological Association 'mm an account ot the experi- .'u made by Mr. G. M. Spoonor on v, ’umling" behavior of thsh. The .- thouen for observation val protected ' A? :he greatest enemy of Na. l"! 9 animals themselves Ions- take a ditterent View of tho I, as was slinging], demon- ruently on two islands. Santa " Don Martin. on the coast of These Islands bus for con- ttrl the chosen resorts of s (I cormorant, who“ vast do- , guano caused it"to In rigors; l however, caterpillar trteton rroduced to clear the mac. birds. to tar hon bah; evinced such curiosity that _ zondered almost immslbh "time saving" machine was move at a mall’s pace In the .2 trimphant procession. Mice Under Light z-wple we know turn day s , and vice 79m, either for ankton Is "I. e the teeming nisrttg, both In prnmptitudo. Bird's Curluity iist, are conattmly deploriu stating effect of prone-I u to the wild, and regard the 'y, the co-operation ot survey wanders. and merchant VQIIOII, ' are now being undo to study [I‘lllkton areas exhaustively. A mule contrivartee, now under- ~pw'ial tests in the North 3-- , wrieg of midnight observa- " at the Zoo uranium eluci- e fuct that Batt which normal. l in well-compacted :houl during the period of mt, h "me teeming !â€th of hint. mm, both animal and "sciatic. abound in varying “aâ€. in " the surface of the not. write. Pmulenger in this truck in the n Daily Telegraph. .9 recently been realized that ‘Ill'e and abundance of this "to I. xmpnrtant bearing upon the My: ot food fishes,-- especially um». It was desired to ai. the behavior ot Individual " experiments with mirror- ut members ot . who] r+ " own refteetiong, night be. vnxly the main, if not the r which keeps g wheel to. Schooling of Fish “W the term and to The Knight Mfg. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaford It’s Good It's Even Better IT’S THE BEST “I am more interested in increasing people’s income than in worrying over their "penditurea."-Herurt Hoover. Young Wife: “It's too bad-you bring me to a restaurant am! now you read the newspaper.†Husband: "Pardon me, darling.' Waiter, an- other newspaper." V ,. _-- -unuuuv' It!" Some of these stones are used as cutters and polishers " more precious diamoncs. The “industrial diamond" is changed to powder form and mixed with olive oil. It is then smeared upon a soft iron disc revolving at 2,500 revolutions per minute. The diamond to be cut and polished is 'aid and Weighted down and the wearing action of the diamond dust eventually creates a gleaming facet upon it. By means of diamond draw-plates or dies, all types of metal, including 1the tungsten filament of the electric lamp, can ie drawn finer than human hair. Mining engineers employ the diamond drill. This is a circular tube, steel bit or crown, set with diamonds. Such drills are of great service in cutting out a clean core which can be brought to the surface for deterrwna. tion of the nature of the strata. These drills can be forced to a depth of more than 4,000 feet and it. is said there is no rock or stratum which the diamond has failed to penetrate. NO WATER TO CARRY. STICKS LIKE GLUE TO LEAP. ,REQUIIIES FEWER APPLICATIONS. Sq'IMULATEf? THE GROWTH, INCREASES THE YIELD. . A DEALER m EVERI PLACE. jj31lfrlfl, MI [jirru' 3‘ h EROXON - . -eM. v. .uuuunll Ttite. They are at times culled “indu- trial diamonds," and so named bo- canso o.". some flaw of color or consti- nation that prevented their being cut and polished for decorative use. °A__ -1 A. Diamonds .elaaaiiied " never u an dustry. Yet, per cent. of mined yearly Many Diamonds Ci CLIMAX " Kpights’ " Meaford Flooring WW BUG KILLER are almost invariably a luxury, but almost important' factor in in.. approximately, " to 20 the ulna of diamonds are of industrial use. " times culled “indus- In CALCIUM Com, LTD., magma Industrial Wars at form amiGriid is then smeared disc {evolving at Melon in freeing thou-aw. of Canadian homes from the More“ due-bearing fly. Thin handy spiral fly catcher in coated with a tpeciany pte- pared glue, fragrant and meet. which will not dryorloeerNottraetive-ti,ttie.. â€for Am at any drug, - or hardware state. 1t#tuAreatettttrithtftevuaspiadnriiG wider and longer ribbmv--good for three week-' Solo “can '-A.mu,,MrrartStreet3h-t.Temt-, The Longer and Wider Fly Catcher hat Will Not Dry FLY CATCHER Gets the ttr every time ROXON I Ot the 132,000 students in German ‘colleges and universities, about 18,500 are women, according to the latest available data. Seven girl students in every twenty are working for doctor- ates in philosophy. Medicine comes next in popularity, with 24 per cent., followed by natural science, with " per cent., and political economy, with 11 per cent. Slightly more than 1 per cent. are studying theology. f Peipimr.-Postsita habitation, of Chinese cave dwellers have been un- covered by a Chinese expedition at Changteh, in Bonn Province, accord. ing to reports received here. Several deep pits containing bones and earth- enware were excavated. The find con. firms the statement of Mencius, the) Chinese philosopher, that early Chi. nese peoples "made lests for them. selves in the highlands and in the lowlands they made caves." l After clipping tickets at London Bridge Station tor any years. "Old Bill," as his friends call Mr. William Baldwin, is retiring. "I should think,†he said to me, "that I've clipped at least three hundred and titty million tickets in my time, not counting took. ing at thousands ot ‘aeesons' - day. In tact, to punch 20,000 tickets a day in n more nothing at London Bridge. The thing I notice most now- adays in that people seem to get up I lot later than they used to do. Our rush hours used to Mart about tive or six in the morning. Now we’re! never really busy till eight o'eloelt."-. London Tit-Bits." I Londoners Later Risen i . -‘ Old-Timer Declares German Girl Students See your dealer Get our prices Cave Dwellings Found _ .frr't.r?. ,' Fi' Pf "Wang; 'l "itiGLiirgi.LLLLLaa; fi',:,??,)',?,.?',???',' Curiously enough. "I? Arttte, an- nouncement of the uncover) wee made on April l, and as Cologne " noted as a city ot practical Jokers no credence whatever was attached to it. Consequently the city nuthoti- ties had the greatest dlmcnlty in comments the one" and “than: the cnntive spring- really- do @qu The curatjve springs, which were located 1,200 feet beneath luau ot! coal, are flowing at such a rate thetl they could he used to “my the“ city's water needs. Th emunlcipal-‘ ity plans the erection ot .lmrlous bathe In the hope ot ttttmeter; touristl and been]: new. " Find Healing Springs Under Cologne City Colotrne.-Boring here tor coal have uncovered Bowing gold-mot oil, but medicinal waters. Experts report that springs found directly under the city contain water ot I higher medicinal value than those ot some or the world's best known spec, being particularly rich in carbonic salts. Hi. Bon-low old were you when you started. Dad?" ntut-"When I was a little boy your age I didn't tell lies.†A man boast: that he raises a lot more). Bowers, than his wife does, yet devotes less time to the job. He grows dandelion. Doctor (eaitnly)-"That will be $20 more for sterilizing your system." Patient (tttigrily)--"The size ot your bill makes my blood boil." Business has so tar improved that it is now able to take nourishment. ' Summer is a time when people try to keep out ot the sunshine they wish- ed they were able to Mtord last win- ter. Who remembers, the old fashion- ed love songs that didn't sound like the wail ot a lost soul? The devil isn’t so smart; think of him trying Job's patience with boils when he might have tried taxes. You cane al- ways tell who is hurt the worst by who yells the loudest. A bob-tall bull in tir time is in no worse " than a bald-heeded man in the some time. It's queer, a, little heat on the feet may cure a little cold in the head. ‘Late hours end in early morning. The girl who uses a lot ot lipstick otten leaves a good impression when she kisses. Some hotels rate high and others have high rates. The last thing in the world a man wants is a manicure. Now is the time to buy good farms from pessimists. The easiest person for a man to fool is himself, and the hardest is his wife. The girl who slopes may be letting her emotions run away with her. The hottest days at the beach are the firtst tan days. Stolen Kisses are the sweet- est, but the other kind taste pretty good, too. A typical American is one who yearns to be rich without work- ing, thin without dieting, and wise without studying. "Well, at any rate," an old married man told the writer, "It is better to have loved and been bossed than never to have been loved at all." Alma-Hell, you am expect to ttttd them around my neck, do you?" Wrong Label: "A spoonful ot water contains 270,000 potential horse- power," says a scientist. That isn't water. I Here's some riddles. We simply got to get them " our system. Are you a. riddle tank 1, Why did the hen go across the road. 2, What goes all day and comes in " night and sits with its tongue out? 3, Why did the man ‘put his garage on the other side ot the road trom his house? 4, When was} milk the highest? E, Who wore the his-i zest hat in the war 0, Why did the cow so over the hill? Answers-a, To get on the other side; 2, Wagon; 8, To put his car in; 4, When the cow Jumped over the moon; 5. The man that had the largest head; 6, Because she couldn't go under. Harritron-."I hear your daughter Edith married a struggling young man.†Thommot---"weu, he" did struggle, but he couldn't get away." The Hero (snarling madlyl-"That'tr all very well, but what I want to know is who pushed me in t" Looker On (to man who had just rescued a drowning girlr-"It was and ot you to drive from that height, fully clothed, to etteet such a 'ttttgttiiieent rescue." Claude--'Tm groping tor words." ihe mean by "we?" A great many :anllnals laugh, says a scientist; and,‘ of course, a great many people give them good cause to. Conscience gets] a lot of credit tor good morals that belongs to the fear ot getting caught. We are learning to have faith in ma- chinery because it has furnished a foundation tor human progress. The man who thinks and is silent usually] has more friends than the one whorl speaks and thinks afterward. I he The but ot women make mistakes»I but it’s too bad that we husbunds should be required to eat them. Al statistician says that we ban enough coal to last 7,000 years. What does' a . H.' Owl Lath, K118 MEN]! fllllBlMg Tho Quilt! Product Irtseetieide. die. tlnguislnblo " it. thug-fold pro- parties. sure Death Insecticide, Punt Fertiliser and Plant Protector “that Blight and Discus. Your wooden of King Bug Killer for you. 13-0:de will insure you the crate-t "sum It s minimum cont. Ha" my! dealer manly you. -.. Donna King Bug Kitten No pub."- mte- Writ. u. tor Particular: King 8ugliiller GiGGrhTiiiiiiira' Tiiraat i'i'ht' Vegetable Pills For Indigestion i?ti? itiyiiiti1iii,f?, m; §3T§2§?w33 1'i1yfir,'i,2t'dt5oi/ejiiei,tit7gu,' y?1ty1it1ttev.4e6iitVuiiiiiitiiiie Gard: ans. Large ulutstrar 3, ed analogue '1: new and reouu bicycle. from no up. Motor Cycles, Boats th moan Motors Kn has tatt.oiEa_ld.__1viitis' to FREE Praises, Famous "No operation fs so husitrnifttrant that a man can refuse to give it less than his bei'--Bruee Barton. In discussing a question mar re. liance ought to be placed on the in. ttttettee ot reason than on the weight of authority. t London Morning Post: There is only one respect in which these cumbersome machines have so for proved superior to the neroplsne. and that is in the radius or light. But this factor is or little import. innce tor inter-Imperial oommnnics- itions, since the aeroplane can "t come this disadvantage by means ot relays. In no other respect has the airship shown the least promise ot competing ettectively with the beer ier-than-air machine. The best policy tor this country, therefore. is to sell the 11-100 for what it will fetch, to scrap the rest ot the equip ment, and spend our money on more profitable departments of aeronauti-l cal research. connmm M i t k The Borden Co. United CW-IO H5 6†$0.. 'Kiiiiiii, FREE of yo f Baby's New Book mm are"... an. tiiiihaFLrfFiEihGE. KiGGi - No one ever seemed to notice that her hands were coarse and red, That she wasn't good to look at no l one ever heard it said. And the smartest of her neighbours who appeared to know it " Never spoke a word in censure ot her bonnet or her shew}. Bo take this truth for granted: that a sweet and tender smile And a heart so brave and kindly never do go out ot style. t cAhtr'Mu.vn.ci/ In}: IssquB. -2TTii'i" She hadn’t any money; she was never l sally dressed: She had a. shawl and bonnet which she 1 called her Sunday best. Aid it you ave her something. in I little while you'd see Some other person strutting in that bit ot linen. And she’d give this explanation If you asked the reuon why: N thought she ought to have ik She'll so much worse " than I." Till it And out There was tt little woman whose heads wete worn and red. And long ago the been†ot her youth- ful due had. Bod, Por she had sulered sorrow, and she had "ttered pain, But after these had left her she learn- ed to smile again, i " will - boon to moth. er and baby. Sound nurhorin on feedi clothing ind ul- 1'k'l,ef'o"l,hit..'l'd ":4 WIP- In; an of inhm Ind you“ children. Table. of wdllu, growth and development. We will gludlv mail the hook. to you free, on receipt ot your none and address. HERE "e many Idea. that will tune. bun to mods. Eagle Bte.n.4 u....-..-... Ms. . Fa rmers. Horticulturists mLittleOldWoman mt she'd come with dalntleo for the children In the street seemed where'er she Wandered there were young ones round her feet. Milk Eds†A. Guest. gg' 'tetive, mg! 'seveNGGiA,"iii tornymeietgm oflningnbom w . t"al'GU',',h'lk"g'll',, Salt; 5 the month; In orot6ee."--CO. lf only M pane-u m a new about their ehitdmt's hterml oleanIi-‘ 'lfd.'te'ghtttrteetfiG.iiiiF than would be [our sick Inducing, Feer “city was. lever on i) It. club and tempt-lbw been. 'rIs-- . at uni . deal it In out Ifll I took In: Their foods In take medidne tre!','.':,',',': leer, "rel"' .. l have a tg"?,, orsix---four boys, two sub-ranch mm 28 to " yea: of Me, and n 1'U2' wife, and four year: mu wuowingtoasickly household t I took nutter; in In on buds. ?'htir foods. wen aggfdbged. and to There in a virtuous tear which is the elect of hUth; and there ls a vicious fear. which ls the product ot doubt. The former leads to hope, u relying on God, in Whom we believe; the latter lncllnes to despnlr. as not relying on God, in Whom we do not believe. Persons of the one chars lcter tear to lose God; persons ot the other character tear o find mm.--Parseat. 'Hhase A family otrisr--: Each one or us is bound to make the little circle in which he lives better and hunter; each ot us is bound to " that out or that small circle the widest good may Bow; etch ot us may have f1xed in " mind the thought that out or s single household may now fttftueneets that shall stimulate the whole com- monweslth and the whole civilized world.-Dean Stanley. --all " pm ot their cumin-cub}; WI a queer world once you so ex- 'rlorittr."--Lomton "Tit-Bits." and camel: being ted on sardines! I’ve seen (akin sleeping on bed- ot when 3nd others who hold their Irm- “night out till they become paralyzed A most interesting man to talk to is Mr. Bertram Thomas, who has Just returned to London trom 3 long tour of exploration in Arabia. “i've brought back In] amount ot things tor the Natural History Museum at South Remington." he said. “including I. new butterttn a new lizard, and lev- eral new grasshoppers. And I've seen natives baking live locusts in glowingl ashes and then eating them, and oxen --- -- - v v - Dun " m BACK or - 'NSEqtrttt mrmu - "tttt " ar- " nu 00mm: !___II- . D - - Tolls__ How Ila Keeps $511-in Fit FATHER , GETS ll? FIRST 'LEikl?,l"i,ii"is __..-. MEN! on. Bet we"'n"_ Dr"',",, 3dietlf, itt2tt1tl'dli , (hmqttNoe A Little Circle Virtuous Fear tsersx. Jiiiik "iiic."""iit'ls'ii'e' "W' Strange Thing. Rits ligiir)lttt Menton 421 Cone†8t., Toronto Kgrgnedy & “to"? to the M body and will. I‘m-chem 8-h- h obtain-me u a. "mtiter-aiiiiTi."iai'li'u'i"i", an: the or... d imam"; ferttt.eirsediat)tfuGiaL', , “a â€Arum any "v"t'res' , m... 'PttMHqmm, mum 'neam. and virmr to the whole um and “rah. In.“ AGiTa -, a"; n- “-L ng_w liver “Ad MP", Mb I“ he†the "a" in ite 1"tLietetet. my “W In TORONTO "It in our dreams that the body mien the}! aware of our tttmd"-.. Dr. Carl Jung, Wimtipeg.---Ntirm today are not 'rild-ttter are wonderful," Mrs. M. D. Warren Chief Commissioner of Girl Guides in Canada. told member- ot tho Wonen’a Canadian Club here. "t hear many people say the mod- ern girl in wild,' said Mrs. Warren. “She is Bot. She is honeat. and speaks her mind, openly and frankly. a thing that In charmlng and genulne. I think the girls today have in then the making at wonderiul (-ilizena." An ounce of cheertulneo 1- worth I pound of amines: to serve God Mu. --ooqt" Fuller. aid. of Today n t In tititr, iriiiG' irRfrGiG'e," ii. Ann". dealers wanted. A. McCreery Co., Chntham. om. The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd z CHURCH BT., TORONTO I BABY CHiCKB--tsARReD I ‘ckl. Maconâ€. White and Brown horns, tht each. Anon“. " PUL. LETS It: - old. Me. (Bunion... .A. H. Switzer. Ont-ton. Ont. HIGHEST PRICES PAID e------" Jor ANY CHILD ty,tHsy,!r.r-t..teuii PRINT". u a WOOL Advertising Are Not Wild u; N. L,