tired) ' 31 tae, Ont w: no r for dem- md requir- n 0 nto can attery ut- sooner Hawaii n the tto-by 1AM dios ttttes" ions" OP {er ntry vermin noe- back eolhr .known. 3:- hat a colhr. 1 poeritiem on a It is alch- the tan of lishinxm buttons for I931 rna- this a in- DISCARD almly Moorland 0 not ox- PB. When an named Roodne- mile on- subuni- nannies Ma. and I0 omttr Mr For " our Indus. bu mac! cad n It! SOB ton re tt _ wading the scdptnro lea-on. “I str' dN‘ided that for the ooningl r" we use the study book. ‘Kom: .md of the Dawn†duo that our} \:“1n|n Thankotrerhtg be held in t ",rtyer. I l splendid mper on 'Stewardship r:.' Pinance' wu given by Mus 17ham Ritchie. The study of the_ rrt Young Woman's Auxiliary -:1.-lr regular study meeting in . rhurvh school room on Sept. 28, ' prv-sidem. Mm Magnet Lennox "'s,r' chair. The meeting opened '"l devotional exercises. In Car ", mining in player and In Busch- oc, I'OBER l. I931 Try Some of our Delicious Ice Cream Dishes There's nothing better this hot weather. Prices reasonable. Take a brick home in the e-vening. 'Also Soft Drinks of all kinds. I CUSTOM CHOPPINO lobe every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. on our - More punks-In. also when. " win pay you. JOHN McGOWAN -‘ - DUIHMI. out. KNOX AUXILIARY Gum’s Fertilizer in stock Royal Household Flour Bran 'O Csnnda' " Oat Cl Pilot " Grin SCREEN CHOP '" PER TON BULK WESTERN FEED IAILEY ttr PER TON, BULK Keep in Stock" for Sale the following Goods: THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Our ‘Dainty Loaf' Bread FLOUR “'1 During the evening, Mrs Smith ad contributed a solo which was enjoy- gt. ed by all. Hymn, 'Where cross the I»! crowded ways of life' and repeating It I! the clue text and the lord's Prayer ml In unison, closed the meeting. Annual Report was given by Mis- ses Gerrie and Walker. Mrs Bmith read extracts from a letter received from Miss Mitchell, travellintr secre- tary for W.M.S. Taxes are annoying things, my: the Sholburne Economist. but think how dfBstrtiafled we would be if we were without the convenience: we pay for. Bran Short' Ont Chop Crimplod Oats FEED CHOP, Short- every A largely attended farewell meow lion was held in the Hail here by) the Preabyteriaa body, on the occur} ion ot Rev. R. G. Stewart answering a call to Merritton. going on Monday of this week. Sept. 28. The vet-t in: was called to order by Mr Thos. Nichol. who acted as cha'umau dur- ing the evening and called ott an im. promptu program. " began with a piano solo by Miss Monica Lambert, followed by songs by Mrs H B Mc. Lean, Mrs Sutherland. Miss Helen Cromwell, W. W. Ramage and trio: by Thos., John and David Nichol, in- terspersed with a reading by Mrs. Dan Campbell and recitations 'by Wm McKenzie, Several in the audience were called upon with varying sum- cess, to express their sentiments, at- ter the worthy couple had been musi- 'cally accorded Jolly good fellows. (Mr Norman ot Dundalk, Messrs P. fxeuey, H B McLean, and w w Ram- Ite. of the neighboring congregation, also contributed their quota ot tur- llpreciation ot their affable kindness and tine neighborly qualluea and wished them God speed and every success In their new tield and that they my experience the full recom- pense ot reward. We teel they well merit the call to Merritton. q The van from Owen Bound was here early this Monday morning and was loaded up and oft by 8.30 to their new field ot labor. A large congregation turned out yesterday to hear and bid farewell to the worthy couple, several represent- ing the other congregation. His clos- Ing remarks were an admonition to follow Jesus (in the hymn we had sung) and commended all to the grace and protection ot the Heavenly Nth. er. A highly appreciated couple and a minister and " wife were parted with ‘with much sorrow. Following la tho address, read by Ree, Mr Sutherland and presents tion made by Mrs D. L McArthur: Dear Mr and Mrs Stewart: Your stay among us bu been too brief, yet you have endeared yourself to a wide circle of friendain the com- munity. You have lived tor something. you have done good and leave behind you a monument ot virtue that the storms of life can never destroy. You have written your names in kindness, love and mercy on the hearts of many you come in contact with from day to day. Thus will you never be for- gotten. No, your names, your deeds, will be as legible on the hearts you leave behind as the stars on the brow ot evening. You have learned the habit of doing good without cal- culation, without grudging and with cheerfulneBa and you will find it late in life your chietest joy. ~uuuuuuuvv on“. runny-q vs uvmc'luauc We wish tor you success and hay baking which was liberally served.‘ piness in your new field of labor and The pastor, Rev J T Priest, presided when ever you return to Priceville a over the following excellent program: warm welcome awaits you. On be. , Miss Annabel McArthur gave an ac. halt of your many friends in and a- I count ot Sandy McClashan's court- round Priceville. please accept this i ship: Jean McGillivray told us all a- purse ot money. bout her sister's wedding: Mr Peter Mrs D. L. McArthur, Mrs C. A. Me- Ramage took us to Winnipeg Station Letsn, Mrs Dan Campbell, Mr Thos. with W. J. Bengough : while Mrs. Nichol. Priest favored with some humorous A silver cruet ttet of two pieces, eiocution. Mr Stephen Hughes gave nicely encased in a tine plush case, l an harmonica selection and Mr Rees was also presented to Mrs Stewart, i Padneld supplied a Joke column, “en- by Miss Margaret McLean, on be- T hanced by local hits. For solos, we halt ot the Mission Band. Mr Stew- I had ‘Canadian Heroes' "as by Mr. art replied ioelingly and spoke ofthe i Grant McComb (his heavy baatso pleasure he had experienced in his l nearly wrecked the patent lamp): Mr connection with every branch of the i, B. Saunders “as ‘In the Garden of church work. The Session, Managers l my Heart and Rev Mr Brown con- choir and organist, W.M.S., Willing l tributed 'When I survey the Wpm Workers, C.G.I.T., Mission Band and i drous Cross.' Mrs Mark Wilson sang others, whom we may possibly have I with great acceptance 'Land ot Eter- failed to catch. Mrs Stewart also I nal Light' by Hamilton Grey. Mr A. proved herself to the manor born by l Beaten, Senior deacon ot the church. a fine speech, well given. ot apprec- moved a hearty vote of thanks to all iation of her many friends, and ex- who assisted in making the Anniver- tended a cordial welcome to all to sary a success. The choir sang 'You visit them in their new home. can smile', as everyone did. We express regret also in the translation ot the Rev Father Me. Hugh from our vicinity. He has al- ways been appreciated for his affa- bilily, courtesy and tine manly qual- ities. His assistance and iltte address. given at our title Memorial Services. are yet remembered and spoken of gratefully and spprovingly by all. We wish him every success in the future at his new chuge in Freelton. He is tmeceeded by Rev Fethen Once whom we feel sure will be welcomed. Mr and Mrs Wm Watters, and daughter and husband. Mr Troutman, ot Detroit, visited at the hope of Mr and Mrs John McKechnie, the lat- ter’s brother, on Sunday. Ttrt’l grand old man. Mr A. Me. Donald bu a record we doubt an ttemprn1udinthutada. Hal-lam: Slut your and Inat week named taiiorlng a suit of cloth“ for one of bl: old costumers. He in a remark- able man tad um retains all bu 11mmâ€. Older Pruning. Phone IM. RON. Smith. Durban. mai. rm make UNiention In writ- ing. to the Town cure, on or before Sept. " next. The earlier the " inbound“. PRIGEVILLE as: TAILORING AT 9t YEARS J. N. Murdock. Mayor NOTICE Anniversary Services at Glenelg Centre Baptist Church Iti niversary was a happy success in the , point of numbers and interest Gil.', spiritual uplift. The church was an" propriateiy decorated for the ocean sion, A new choir platform held a union choir from Durham and fettl elg Centre churches. in the morning! they sang "The Church by the slide, or the Road" which was tGGlyl, commented upon try the visiting min. ister. Mr J. Theodore Priest,Strat-i ford, gave as a violin solo, a much. appreciated variation ot ‘Nearer my. God to Thee.' Rev G. A. Brown, B.A.| B. Th., Warton, was the Anniversaryi preacher and spoke from the text in Philippians 4: 4, “Rejoice in the Lord.’ He pointed out that though! Paul was a chained prisoner, he had, not lost his Joy in the service ot, Christ There is a vast difference, he said, between doing things tram a; sense ot duty and the glad joy ot service. People go to a dentist ber. cause they feel they ought to, butt there is no Joy in the sutfering and atyeriflee. Ideal labor is that which brings Joy to the worker. Why do you go to church, asked the preach- er: slmply because you feel you ought to go or because it meets a spiritual need of your life ? Is it mer- ely a habit or can you say with the Psalmist, 'I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the House ot In the evening the choir sang 'Ho-l sanna.’ and 'Great and Marvellous is the Lord.’ Miss Priest and Rev Mr. Brown sang a. duet 'O Jesus thou art standlng'. The evening discourse was 'The Gift of God' and the text John 3: 16, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, etc. "if you move Into a house near a unread: said the preacher, the trains will at ttrat disturb you with their noise, but in the course of time they pa." unnoticed '. so familiar thlnga are. not always fully under- stood. They often slip by unnot- iced. Who fully understands the full revelation of God to mankind in this text? it is the whole gospel in a. aut- shell. Tho motive back of God’s great gift was love. He must love mankind to make such a costly gift: And what must it have cost Christ to give Himself. to leave the Heaven- ly glory and empty himself and iden. tity Himself with the race, so that mankind should not perish but have everlasting life. That, said Mr Brown, is the goal of God's love to a perish. ing world." On Monday evening. a varied and enjoyable program was followed bya social hour made delectable by the abundance-and variety of home-made baking which was liberally served. The pastor, Rev J T Priest, presided over the following excellent program: Miss Annabel McArthur gave an ac. count ot Sandy McClashan’s court- ship: Jean McGlllivray told us all a.- bout her sister‘s wedding: Mr Peter Ramage took us to Winnipeg Station with w. J. Bengough '. while Mrs. Priest favored with some humorous eiocution. Mr Stephen Hughes gave an harmonica selection and Mr Rees Padtield supplied a Joke column, 'en- hanced by local hits. For solos. we had Canadian Heroes’ sung by Mr. Grant McComb (his heavy basso THE DURHAM REVIEW spending some time with her sister. Mrs M. Smith. Miss Clara Nelson and brother Cecil, Gan. are visiting with Mrand Mrs W R Jack and other friend: tor a couple ot weeks. Miss Lingo Flinn, Toronto, is spending o fortnight with her uncle, Mr J. H. Baboon. Mr and Mn Herb Allen and tami, ly visited the i1rat of the week with Mr and Mrs Gordon Crouy at Allis- ton and Mr and Mrs Geo. Creary It Creemore. Rxlly Day service- wore ftttingtr observed In Zion Sunny School on Sundny "tergtttttn. Mn If. Smith is visiting whither daughter, In K. Vaughn, Arthur. Mr and Mn Bd Cook, Guelph, mu- ed the put wok with Mn nd In W. Mr and Mn Harold Lawrence sad family, North E‘ramont. visited Bun. day " tho Daria home. Mr and In Jon Mchlly, Mentor-d. were week and visitor. with the for mer'g brother, Albert HcNale, _ Mr and In Baht. Barbour. Egre- mom. who visitors with theirdattgtr. tor, In ttrms' Pout. Mr and In Ila-old New and not any. Owen Sound, were mu thut. dty at Mt and In Or. Pout. Mr and Mra Wm Timmins visited Sunday with Toronto friends. Mrs Jot. Atkinson In visiting with her dnstettter. In J R Edwarda. Miss Rebecca Banks, Toronto, is Glenelg Centre Church VICIKI‘IY ZION Clarkshrg's Basile}; Skeet The pretty value ot Cl In Colllngvood Tp., on the am my, wasted its In trons lire early edneidl! week. It wu ttrat noticed 1 ad , mm. and before The natty - of Clark-burn. in Collinzwood Tp., on the chemo! Georgian Bay, log!“ its molt dunn- troun ttre only ednendny of this week. It Inc ttrat noticed between 1 end , gm. and hetero dnylight‘ broke. the main street at the value; wu n wreck of its former eelt. ltr is thought that 850,000 will, not cover the Ions. The large store of W. J. Chalk, Ltd., along with its stock of drugs, groceries, etc; Mu. Hnrria show room, W l Walker's tab loring and ready-made clothing es- tablishment, the Masonic Hall. n Job printing pint of John Readman were completely wlped out as well on sev- eral other buildings being badly ‘scorched. For n time it looked as it :the whole village might surfer. lmmedately after the tirat alum: was turned in and the citizens began‘ to assemble, it was quite apparent that the whole village was in damp er ot being wiped out. Word was tel- ephoned to Thornbury, Collingwood and Meatord, The Collingwood tire engine with Chief and four men, made . quick run of 13 mlles in a. little more than 30 minutes after the call tor assistance had been sent in. With 1100 ft of hose, they quickly had two streams of wuter playing on \the fiameg. Had it not been for the (tsplendid work of the neighboring Ibrigadea, it Is dimeult to my what lmlght have happened. During the Clarktburtr teonftagra. tion, two small tires also broke out at different places in Thornbury, but were soon quenched. It is believed the tirett were of incendiary origin, and the Provincial Fire Marshal may make an investigation. It is claimed that trucks at times hog the mad, but you wlll also note at times there ia' only one road hog in the truck. “Here and There" Western Canadian cattle almost swept the boards in 16 classes at the Washington Sate Pair Just con- eluded at Yakima, Wash. when the Holstein show herd owned by the Canadian Pneltic Railway Supply Farm at Strathmore. Albertn, won fourteen first prize: sud nine sec- onds. nlso taking Ienlor. junior Ind grand championships in both male and female classes. A 35%-ib. muskalonge. largest to he taken trom the waters of the French River this rear, was caught s few days ago by F. R. Spottes. s visitor trom Houston, Texas. and was entered in the annual competi- tion tor the French River Bunga- low Camp Trophy. The monster was landed sfter n thrilling tight that lasted forty minutes during which it broke water a number ot times. When netted it was found to measure 49% inches in length and 25 inches in girth. A little later the same fisherman caught en 18-pounder mushy. Modern developments in railroad traffic leading to heavier trains and increased speed in bringing about a concentrated study ot the rail weights, according to Grant Hail, senior vice-president of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, interviewed recently. The railway, he stated, has used loo-lb. rails alnce 1921 and has more than 4,000 miles of this weight of steel, particularly in the heavy travel districts between the larger cities and the Rockies, out the heavier trains made possible by greatly increased engine power have combined to bring up the question of 130-lb. rails which is now being studied and on which a final decision will soon be reached. The history of the folk song in Canada will be illustrated at the Quebec Festival of Fretteh-Ctutadian Folk-Song and Handicrafts which will be held October 16-18 next with headquarters at the Chateau Pron- tenac. The Canadian Ptteitie mu- way has again planned a compre- hensive series of evening concert: of folk-son‘s. folk-music. dances, choral arrangements and children'. plny parties nnd due“. All ninrmiet talk ot world over- production of wheat is wholly un- warranted, eccordinx to Dr. W. W. Swen-on. head of the department ot economic: at the University of Sukntchewen. Interviewed on board the Empreee of Austral“ on hie way to the Imperial Economic Conterence. He lnetenced. in eup- port ot " View, the not that m the midst of the “impugn to reduce wheat ecreexe in the United States. I drought-lied occurred which had reduced the total yield " cereal crop. " more thin the lung: yin: crop ot the country. For tho ucond time in two yearn the Shauxhnouy Shield. emblematic of the First Aid chunks-hip ot police form in Western Canada, In: con. to rat in Vneouur. It was won by the Cumin: Puma Runny â€no. tom or that city. and» the leadership ot Con-tabla W. E. Darnell. Report. from Gloucuur â€may mu that the schooner "Gertrude L. Thelma!" footed “on; reuni- "tr mt and» MI all. She In 0101mmâ€- hope of re-estntrltahirq the all!" mummy of no North Amide and in scheduled to - a. “NW of members, i a an. or (hm no. OMII‘ on CW October 0. he a up do but br II: M “on. (619) Destroyed by Fire IN DAYS OF YORE " YEAR. A00 Prov Review frie Sept M, not We hue In our once 3 Mindful ot (All What In the “er, measuring than 0 ft 4 menu. " was grown by Menu H. and John Iclnnu sad J. Shanon. formerly of Glenelg. Ind wu brought home from Alberta by Mn Dunc-n McDonald. (aided up in In the early hourl of Sammy morning Int. robber: entered the jewelry store ot Percy G. Webster In town. tad left with . booty In din- monds and Wadi“ worth $1000. Literally and tururativtrty Durham} Fall Show, was dampened by rain, the that time in many years. About noon the gathering clouds looked om- Inous. but during the long dry apeell such signs had failed, and the crowds in the main, followed the band and the Pipers and panned the gates. " which well over $400 wu collected. However that it did keep many away is certain and it ia estimated witha good day 8100 more would have been taker. in. Mr W K Reid left Tuesday tor I trip to Dakota and Alberta to visit his son and daughter enroute. The town Council held I special session Mondcy. to consider what action was to be uken in regard to the service on the Mayor by David Kinnee ot s. legal process tor allure to enforce the smoke nuisance by- law. At a former meeting the may- or sud Mr Whelan were appointed to see Pres. McWillisms and Manager McGrane to ascertain what gunman-l tee they can give for only relief. The Cement Co. are no doubt snxlous to cceommodcrte, but the problem is an intricate one and the majority ot the Council are loath to press for the change until the close of the seeson. That the change must be made be fore before another season ell are Here’s s stunt tor church craniu- tlons seeking s new idea for money- rsising.» The Young indies’ Bible clan of Petrolia. Unlted Church en- tertained their husbands st n banq- uet, which preceded s most interest- ing and amusing prop-um. Following the progrun. the unpstchlng of s suit of overalls, which had been pat. ched as s means of ruling money. wss undertaken. The overalls had been pulsed around sud 182 pstches hid been sewed on, under each one of which I sum of money wu pluc- ed. One of the number was dressed up in the garment and the pstehes taken off by the members of the class. It was found $45 had been raised by this means.' MO0RHEAD-- In Toronto, Saturday, Sept. M, Richard Redford Bennett, Int-m son of Mr and Mrs Graydon Moorhead, 2354 Yonge St. Toronto. aged 10 mos, 26 days. Funeral on Tuesday, from residence ot the grandparents. Mr and Mrs R, Moor- head, Durham. Interment in Dur. ham cemetery. Get a big bundle of old papers " the Review omee. Only 6c. Two bun. dles or more " the same me. Sult- nhle for several purposes. " effectiveness mews anything to you, then you will send your list of notes and accounts to Monthly smemanu No Colloction Ne Odom for the Mina In Pat. nt, Gun '"tat or Bea a" In. Debts Collected am metal aim " to 2 '"' “savanna; â€815 REPAIRING A IPEOIALTY Waterproof Root 1i0.0EliEltr,horer We repair and coat your root and gunmnteo our work. Ind look after ume for tive yen". Enquire It Review oftiee. We also do WIndow Caulking MONEY-RAt6tNG STUNT Prim quot“ New: l S. lllklluthml FOR SCHMI. tht PLAY The Persistent Collectors KELLY & AIKEN is our Specialty ORANGEVILLE ONTARIO‘ ARCHIVES TORONTO DIED No Charge MOI-built " J. L. “IT". I... " " anon-mm“: we. “and Manama.“ mu-I:quu.n. I... umtbilmmm Ofthe “can: I.†to 4.†p... I.†to m p. a. W. C. PICKERING. DDS. LBS Honor Grahame Toronto University Graduate Royal Coll. Doom Sum ot Ontario. Rooms: Over J. t J. Hunter's 8m Dorm-try In alt In lunch. X RAY GAS EXTRACTION. Ottiee: Mill Street. DURHAM, Ont. Licenced Auction." to: Ge. Licenced Auction." tor My "earrm 9:30- arr-aged]: {let-MOMM- (it, also through Dirk-mini P1eeherton Aduncé. 000.1 M Dundath P. o. Phone 6 r " I. F. GRANT. 0.0.8., LIS. The Science that “do Lilo to Years and Van to Lite. Doll and It. II. ©egteqttt+ in In Dun-lull Tgcoduyl. Thur-Icy. all ORS. C. 6. AND EVERYTHING IN Lumber, Lath, Shingles AND MlLlWORK WINDOWS -- DOORO - TRIM STAIRWORK - PANELWORK CUPBOARD! - WARDROIII Communion STORM a SCREEN DOOR. HARDWOOD FLOORING --oak, Birch, Maul. Plense send Itemized bills tor (M anon. Service prompt and no one too small tor our man careful uten- tion. J o ohn Harmon ll Sons linsurance, __ Fire Ind Automobile DURHAM BEIGE SUMMER. Irxtmsdtnq-uohmtH.eqet, ontorlum 2e'1'y itch-h! "em." a “I.“ 'etd'lehtltth'k'd1'lll. 4. n. McQUARRIE. B. h. I Gaudi. an Normal and. WOMEN" totntotrrttegBtuart-e.'-' 1ttat't',dtththt"f.'t.'a'f hm mutton-bl.» gym-gulps! m “hm-1Mâ€. Jolt-BMW J.A.I.Mm l has! rinatid has: TM All lest! documents ancient}, 1nd arenmy prep-Nd. Your patronage “Holt“ ofWttet 1 door north of " Laughun'o can“ Notary Public, ct, Bttghlggt k u nth-noun cub-l- GEORGE E. DUNCAN T. H. SNEATH. M. B. M no.†of an,“ " Enquire tor the merit rites for Into [nuance for mom] driven Seven] good Companion to choc†from. China- pronpdy mid. Realtor, Mom-moo; etc . P. F. MacARTHUR OWEN SOUND. ONT. JOHN O'IEIL CHIROPRACTIC LSSIE McGILLIVRAY 166,