Q.-“1'on In 1|th is leaping." P.-'itc. "e so. people keep India: tin," u "' , It In I viuspread ot (my " feet and la driven by a 28-horaepower mo- tor. It: Ina-Ion chin it has shown “Ch amiable lying qualities that it my m to be . turning point In Berlin.-Nt Airplane without a toll. de.ignttd by Capt. Hermann Koch], tnmtmtlc liar. has boom demon- otr-ted More representatives ot the Ministry ot Transportation. Though ranking next to the cook: to the pick ot the prison tasks, tt In hard work, and has not the coupon-a- "on od the extra halt pound ot bread allotted duly to the garden party and phonon In the trttgiatMtrirtg mop. Thea. having found all the books on the prisoners' Ham. and having used his own discretion In cases where books asked for having been allotted to others. the librarian load: Ills hand- etirt and begins his thy-long Journey from cell to cell. Competition tor the post ot librarian b kmn. but the chaplain usually chases a man who had [goon a business In hetero breaking the law, to read one volume a week. On library day, each convict ettalU up his choice on a slate and leaves it outside his cell, where the prison 'ibrarrtrt---a convict-collects it and takes it away to the library. than in. Fr. ,..n'nrian that the wit vie [Whom s' wk of Edgar Wat. hr? volumes was being reserved tor the. use at a man under sentence ot death. After a convict has HerEd a month of his sentence ..nd has behaved him. self properly, he Is allowed a novel. which supplements the books of re. llgiuln instruction issued to him when he cnten the prison. - A month later he is allowed another novel. and after a certain period ot his sentence has elapsed he is allowed to read one volume a week. lhelv helm. . Sinngely .0):th appr melun. --- Nudes Dickens is " clam! to be the most popular author am mg British prhonera. The reason In that his books take longer to read than most novels, and therefore pass 3w" m'lre time than the aVerage mod- ern hank, Other favorites are P. G. Wode- houc. the popular humorist; Edgar Rice Burr "th, Creat " ot the (anon! Tartan swim: and M. "imps Oppen- British Convicts Prefer Dickens After tho riew. tho Inning entered the Grand Stand and witness.“ the Scout Dlan;y and '; tudeville. The {olhwing r o pried at the Scout Booth or to the h' 'rut Ofthials in the Exhibition Grounds: - Lone Scouts Inn North and Percy North ot Mark. ham; Donald Sabiazon. Charlie Gray and John Young ot Unionville; Charlie ":12th of Pickering; Ron Sage of In- Ross. mauled by Chief L'xevutivt, Com; Boy '.iouts ot Canada [all high of Uuiialo, conmlysioner ot the “mica. We are glad that so many Lone Scouts and "Lone Scouts took the Opportunity to vlslt this booth. and to make the acquaintance of the otBeiala on duty there. We are also delighted that some or you took advantage ot the accommodation at your disposal at the Scout Camp inside the Exhlhl- tion Grounds, where we learned you were very happy and comfortable. On Saturday. September 12th, Scout Day at the Ex. about 20 Lonlea and ex Innis: took part in the Scout Par- ade, under Scoutmaster Um Hutchi- Inn. of the 2nd Ont. Lune Hum; Troop. wrrut several thousanl Sculls were revi'nw‘l by HquH. sun: W. D. Scout Headquarters thin year had a booth at the Canadian National Ez. hibition in the Ontario Government Building, and this was 3 names of great attraction, and a magnet to all boys of Scout ate, during the two weeks of the Exhibition. " I: hoped that next summer dir- cumtancen will permit the Lone Seoul Departmegn to hold anothgr a:- chain], Lona Scout Camp an in pre- vious yearn. his Potroln are now Iotremk tort-rd with considerable anticipation to the In" nd Winter Scout Aetfvtttes.itter having enjoyed a yrood summer out. ot-doorn. We are glad to say that quite’a low Lonies took advantage ot the Camp Invitations sent in by the various Ro- gular Troops throughout the Province. and those that did so all report that they were well looked alter not] that may had a good time and thoroughly enjoyed their holiday. No doubt moat hugely enough, convicts thor. My appr.Priate Edgar Wallace. HU, .3 are rorslr lv'. on the library,' nu. l' , ' 'u ago there much discontent among prisoners] _ titt Fr. Malawian that H: vie pri.rnn s' wk of Edgar Wal. volumes was being reserved tor HP at a man under sentence of Exhibition Visitors it. are P. G. Wode- humorist; Edgar at " of the (amous K. "lllips Oppen< Lone Scouts and m looking forward epy,rTtr.Tmir-r):ac,rsCtii!i;'i/i' i " Sculls were I. sun.’ W. D. Ir. .IJhn Stiles. L. l mer at the ml Mr. G. Bar- ;uuonal Scout Mar Scout- ot /iliti'sik"iji,jaiitttii, Wheat production showed an in. crease ot 2,706,000 tons over the pro- vinus year, and linseéd promena- In. mam.) tons greater than the total a year ago. _ . . Enema Aires, Arg.--Argentitta ex- ported 2.840.000 tons of wheat and ttour, 1.180.000 tom of linseed Ind 4,- 830,000 tons ot maze during the ttrat seven months ot thin you, an otBeiat Ministry ot Agriculture report recent Ir stated. It takes sound 6.000 tlmee longer to travel an inch, and it would take 3 ML let sixty times longer to pierce the paper on which this in printed. There is no guesswork about these minute measurements. They are determined tar more accurately than the avenge man estimates how long it will take him to walk up one ttight of stain. A millennium is nothing to a geolog- HI. tenths of a second an eternity at tho race track, and a few thousandths of a second often a matter ot dollars and cents in handling trig electrical machinery. But probably the shortest time that over worried an engineer is on the mind of In. Mourotntaett, who is experimenting with short-wave radio tubes In the Westinghouse Re- search Laboratories. He must tine an electron as it travels a fraction oe an inch inside the ttttttr-about one six hundred millionth ot a second. Argentine Crypt The chiet contributing factors to the great increase in Canada's export: to Japan were in aluminum, lead, wheat, wheat ttour and wood pulp. and to China fish, lumber, silver, wheat and wheat tiour. A 600 Millionth of a Second Measured by Scientist The balance at trade, formerly about parity. has now swung strongly in Canada's favor, exports being about three times the imports. Ten years ago Canada had only three-tenths ot l per cent. ot the import trade ot China. and Japan; now it has 3 per cent. to China as against $6,700,000 in 1920 and $12,000,000 to Japan as against $6,. 500.000. Ottawa.--Aeeordiug to recent statin- ticn Canada's trattsmteltte trade is steadily gaining, and whereas 10 years ago the United States trade wlth China and Japan was/SO times that ot Canada, it is now only 20 times. In that period Canada's trade has in- creased sixlold with Janan and tour. told with China. The outstanding feature ot Cana- dian trade with China and Japan has been an exceedingly rapid increase in exports. Due to world conditions these exports were not so great in 1930 and 1931, hut in 1929 they were $24,200,000 , At Ehor Park Gllwell Camp. near Brantford, 0nt., the Provincial Scout Council for Ontario have acme very inuitable and cosy buildings situated in a beautiful park. which would be ideal for a winter camp. We wonder how many Lonies would be interested in attending sur‘h a camp, it name wan arranged, and we invite you to write to "Lone E." at Lone Scout Head. quarters, 330 Bay Street. Toronto, giving us your opinion, and stating when you think would be a. suitable) ytime and for what duration such a ramp should he held. The buildings which we montion are permanent. and mu hi y - "d, and would be very com-' lowing. .‘ 7-.l, l Dominion', Pacific Lone Scouting u designed principal. Ir to give boys in rural districts and nmall villages , chance to become Boy nnu'r {arm the Lone Scout. Ques- rlnu p, '.k, through which "Lone E" will endeavour ta Rrwirypr any queries re- garding Scouting. Write to him at the move address. \ How to Become a Lon: Scout It Yau are between tp, and lo' years at age, and Interested in. Swain"; and unabie ta jxin an Misting Tcoop, write to “Lone K" at the Loruy Scout Department. 330 Bay Street. Toronto 2. who will be pleased to send you in- formation " to how you can become a Lone Scout. Bcouta.--"Lone E." I gersoll; John Newcombe and John I Prove; ot Lahtrileid; Jack Cnrnerlo ot , Stanford; Don Annltage of Allan . Craig; Alan Dawson of Toronto; Lloyd . Young of N-tltr; Jack 899107 of :Toronto; Alla Parsons, Wesley Dew. ‘Charlie Gates and Gordon Patton ot l King; Jack Neilann of Pickering; and , Douglas Warren of Fuelon Falls. Ex- , Lomel --Melvitt Prlne (now A.8.M. '0 tth, Paris Troop); Bob Manning: :Al Forrest; Jim McLean: Oscar Mus.‘ scum-m; Hugh Parsons; Russell; Ingram; Harry Rumball; Bruce Rob-5 Grimm; and Bill Park ot Maple. ' I Proposed Winter Camp _ I I It has been suggested by several of the older Lonles who live on farms Iand are not able to get away for camp iin the Sumer time, that it would be a good idea to arrange a “Get Together" for Lone Scouts some time during the winter. eout Question Box Exports Expand .‘V The men tram the Quest found at :the abandoned camp a damaged tent,' [a polar sleigh, a camera, a silver watch, a hipoockot flash, a kerosene stove and various other objects. all! remarkably well preserved by the ice; l 'so much so that the watch when, .wound up at once started going. TheI roamera was not damaged. A pocket- fbook contained hesldes Hanan and] iNorweéian bank notes. photographs" {and hastily penned notes, which were (still declpherable. The life rppe was] 'as strong as ever. All these flndg will' ‘he returned to their owners. I His flight was 150 milesi longer than that ot Mr. Walter Gilbert and Mal. L, T. Burwash last year over the bleak northern land. Edmonton, Alti,-Mr. W. A. Spence. Canadian aviator, completed on Sept. 7 what is described as the northern- most flight in the history ot commer- cial aviation. He ttew from Copper.. mine on Coronation Gulf to Walker Bay on the northeast art Victoria [a- land, 600 miles, between sunrise and sunset. Northern Flight The expedition landed at Porn ls- land and there struck the abandoned camp at Captain Bora, the Italian Ai- pinist. and van Dongheu. the Norweg- ian ttyer, who three years ago attempt- ed to rescue General Nobile'n Italian ex- pedition. They were, at the time, ma- rooned on this island and on the verge ot starvation' when finally saved by Swedish flyers. Obiects Left by Nobile Rescue Party Found in Remark.. able State of Preserva.. tion f9tockholm.-The preserving quam ties of Ice have once more been shown by a Swedish Arctic expedition, head. ed by Professor Hans Ahlmann, ot Stockholm University. He and his party have returned to Stockholm " ter many months cruising on the steamship Quest in the waters " tween Spitzbergen and Novaja Zemlja. Ice Yields Relics of [Gold Supply, 7 7â€" Rescue Expedition . Grows in France Twenty-0:191“: old an student from Syracuse. N.Y.. zurivg: if: Paris, France. that taking " days to paddle Ma bums troin uninfor- dam. Holla’nd. F . _ o _ cook. who will prepare meals tor - of 657 enlisted men and 15 oMcers. Akron'u 110<pound range undergoes test Establishes Record 41 Day Canoe Jaunt New Airship’s Cook ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO “Is that a tact?" said Sandy. "Weel, you needna' expect one from me." "There you are, trir,' said the land. lady, "thath your room." "Looks comfortable," said Sandy. "Yea, air,' went on the Woman, “pea pie usually admit I've made them com- fortable here. I've always had a gift tor doing that." Sandy arrived at the boarding-house and was shown to his room. England, Turkey, Egypt. India, Aus- tralia, South Africa, New Zealand and Italy have only a little more gold than they held before the war. Germany and Russia have ttuttered great losses. Russia. lost " per cent. of her gold during the war and the revolution. The League experts said the French gold reserve was actually only $600,- 000,000 larger than her holdings be- fore the World War. The United States holdings are some $3,000,000,000 more than in 1913, but the proportion ot wealth In America has made a simi- lar increase. Investigators of the League of Na. tions sub-committee on gold, working in their Paris emcee, contended that they did not see any danger to world trade, to the gold standard or to liv. ing costs in France or America. even it hoarding of gold in the two coun- tries continued for another year. On the other hand, there has been wide- spread criticism ot the vast reserves piled up try the United States! and France. The French gold reserves now total M per cent. ot the world's gold, and the United States reserves total " per cent., thus placing " per cent. ot the entire supply within the borders of two countries. Pari-The hoard of gold metal neatly stacked in the vast. under. ground vaults of the Bank of France was increased recently ta an all-time record of 58,576,000,000 trance (tt, 284,464,000). With US. Holdings Repre- sent 65 Per Cent. of World Supply Not this Time by W. P. Buoher, Hh‘ps vr’ Mu. th" Lord Ridden in John O'London'o Weekly (London): Basically, the up between production and diotribution is not due to gold shortage, but to the disparity between the value ot labor of ditterent classes and in dillerent countries. One frequently been the remark: "Why should there be I glut of wheat when millions could do with itt" The point in that the labour ot the Chinese coolie is valued on a very; ditterght basis from that ot the Chin- i diam, American. or Argentine agricul-j turaf labourer. When you come down ; to'bedrock. the coollc hu to barter] " own labour for that ot the when, producer. " the coon. earn only ll traction of who} the iiiiiiii;iii?i) am. " mm the 'tttite no, Moat married men will agree with him-trut tor rather different reasons. Our visitor thinks kissing spread- dil- euo; married men know it very often we". the end of buckets; freedom. That is the idea. The bibs are i.- sued by the health department at New. ark, New Jersey, to every baby In the city " part of an mutt-kissing cam. palgn. And Newark'. public health oMeer recently arrived in this country to spread the new: that kissing in dangerous. The "nweet young thing" who bends over a baby to salute It in the usual war must get rather a nasty shock when she see: these words Inscribed on its bib. “Don't kiss me. I don't want to be sick!" There is no other answer it the In- ventive genius of the American nation robs the people ot America ot 3,000,- 000 opportunities for a livelihood in ten years. If, as the economists state, in the next ten years 4,000,000 more opttortunitiqs will vanish, there in only one answer. and that Is the adoption ot the tivtrdar week. You Increase the number ot em- ployees by " per cent, and you onset the vanishing fob. By James Curley, Mayor of Boston, an- nouncing a Five-Day Week tor City Employees Beginning in January. The tive-day week is here. We are going to institute it In Boston in Janu. ary and we hope the example set by the city may be generally accepted by every other community in America. The farmer who owned the ram has been breeding his ttock ot sheep since 1910, and the tlock has grown and multiplied by a system of intense in- breeding. From the beginning, the farmer bred the animals from four ewes pur'ohased trom a neighbor. Ac. cording to his statement he has not bought any ot..er sheep during a period of twenty years. Apparently the father ot this naked lamb was closely related to its mother, and it appears to be a case of an extracted recessive consequent upon inbreed- lug. The ram is completely naked except for a small amount of hair on the rear surface of the hind legs, and some hair on the tip,ot the tail. Its skin in déep black. shiny and folded. The hairs on the tip of the tail are white. as in the case ot the mother. It has well-develop horns and is growing quite normally. The mother ot the ram had the nor-' mal coat ot wool and was a black} short-talle' ewe with a tutree turned. gray and with write marks on the topl ot her head and on the tip ot her tail.l The father was a normal animal ot a short-tailed Northern breed; and was also black. The other lamb, which was born simultaneously with the woolless tttte-a Bisster-waa normal, black, with marks on the top o.t its Mad. I Now comes the story ot a lamb with- out wool. born In the vlllage ot Pok- rowskoe. near Moscow. and housed In the Zootechnlcal Institute in that Soviet capital. The animal 13 des- cribed by E. T. Popova-Wassina ot that lnstltutlon. The model for the cancer machin- lsm Is the living cell, with tour dig. tinet component trarttr---ttse nucleul. the protoplaam, the tretnrptsrrmsatsio cell membrane and the environment (blood and tissue juices). Br menu In the background or the doetor'g picture he shows that in order to un- derstahd cancer it is necessary to make of it a mechanical model, Just as the physicist, to understand the atom and ita operation. has made mod- els with moving orbits. Woollen ot the biologist, ï¬lo studies 111 living organisms, and the cytologist, (who specializes in cell organisms. Cancer. at he sees It. is a problem to be solved In the laboratory by the physical chemist, with the assistance Pht1adtsiphia.r-Rero " , doâ€. illum- inating picture of cancer. Thu men- tal picture has been painted by Dr. Ellice McDonald. director ot the Catt, cer Research Laboratories of the Graduate School of Medicine, Univer- sity ot Pennsylvania, who made hits report at-the America Pharmaceutical Association meeting. Expert-form; Mental Pith: a wo, x. w 301d Du - ", ' . Of Cancer After Tett. . . Kissing is Dangerous! Offsetting Machines Gold and Wheat Reported Br Soviet "'"'"""_UlMta decreased in un- linvprabio trade balance in the It ‘monuu ending Aug. 31 by our 358.- ‘ooo,ooo; import: acceded export. dur- ing the 1930 period by $103,500,000 Ind in 1931 by $45,132,000, according to the Dominion bureau ot anti-tics. . Both exports and import: toil dru- uany from me "urea.- ism am rear were $752,507,000 and in me $Ctittittgte. Exact-i. ot Candi“ products dwindled from “88,008,000 1.49:0 to "368.000. ' i I : ottamt.--Canada decreased ("arable trade balance In months ending Aug. 31 by m 000.000; Imports “out!“ out In; the 1.930 period In man no Women were given the unprecedent- ed right to seek divorce tor tttttd- of their husbands. The public reaction to the new code wn not certain, Micululy In View of the tact that various earlier lawn duigned to nodequ Poni- act such popular opposition that it In necesury to abandon or modify an. The enriier in" rttlaUd to tho rights ot women and changes in in. Moan costume. Teheran, Pesraia.--Ths "westernm- than" of Persia has begun In earnest. Parliament hare now itseortrorated engenics and divorce rights tor women in the marringo luvs. A law requiring physical examina- tion at men Ind women “(on ur- rlnge was passed. The Minimum "il/ ruse we was set at " tor women all " tor men. I _ Mix three teaspoonluul ot uncut. ‘ ot lead powder to one gallon ot water. Adding an ounce of soap to the may will help it spread and stick. Poison Bran Bait Mix one ounce ot. Paris - or white arsenic with 1% poundl dry bran in a container. In another con- tainer stir tour fluid ounces of mola- ren or syrup in one-halt pint ot water. IPrepare a mash by slowly adding the l syrup mixture to the poison bran. Scat- i, ter thinly over the surface ot tho soil along the rows after sundown. i A large civic nirdrome in about to he built at Falkirk, write: . correl- pondent of the _ Christian Science Monitor. This will be Scotland's ttrat civil airdrome. and the chosen site in considered by authorities to be one ot the finest in Britain. Falklrk hu shown an advanced "air-tniudednem" inttuenemt in no small w" by the sc- tivities ot the local Publicity tad De- velopment Association. A comp“! formed with a large amount of capital will be known " the Scottish Air. ways, Ltd., and a service between [his kirk and London will be ituutgutated.1 so tar as suitability ot site is concern/ ed the proposed Mid-Scotltnd Air/ drome would seem to meet Air Minn-l try requirements geographically und‘ topographically. l Women of Persia Airport to be Ended Shortly in 1 i 'rorottto.-irdeuers will welcome 'thele compounds to eradicnte destruc- ,tive insects to tiowera: I, Nicotine Sulphate I Mitt one-halt ounce " e eul- phnte dust, with 9% iiiitiiiiii ll' dime. The lime may t " iany building supply or h re store. iSilt the dust and the lime through I tiour duster several times to Insure a good mixture. Apply with eotntttereial hand duster or blower.. but when the foliage is dry and the nir stilL Avoid inhaling much of the dust. on it may irritate the throat. Nicotine Sulphate and Soap ( This solution is prepnred try din- solving one ounce ot common laundry soap or tlint-oil soap in each gallon ot water. Just before spraying. mix one to 1% teaapootttul ot n nicotine sub: phate or tobacco extract in each gal.‘ ion of the solution. This should he applied, as well as the other spruys,‘ with a sprayer, as " is important to get the material on the under side ot the leaves, l Following the picture, Dr. chon- ald’s criteria tor treating cencer come about perfectly Iogiaulr---t" - tion must‘be produced which will do "tt thinge-normalize the Meek-up ot body sugar, normalize the blood': uh- lino state, reduce high blood user, in- crease the cell's culcium and reduce the cell's potassium. Other details enumerated in Dr. Me- Dottdld'ir mace: picture are that our cer Mood is more album. than nor-II blood, and the more nlhltne the 1:!de the quicker the disease acts. Cancer patients have more sugar in their blood and the more sugar the shorter lite. Cancer cells hare relatively more potassium and less calcium than nor- mal cells. and the greater such diaer- ence the more virulent the discus. Poison Mixtures For Shrub Pests ot its environment the cell got- rid of its wanton. Glycogen“ also! sugar. in almost (basal. with ot cell oner- cr. In noxhpl teAut.tsatt the absorbed glycogen in oxidized and In" turned to lactic acid. In cancerous cells tor every thirteen glycogen molecules twelve split up into lactic tcld on, only one is oxidized. ' . " . Arsenate 'of Lead Spray - “I?“ I Detroit Free ' Americans prob- ubly will to dispocod to look upon tho heroic It... to which Great Britain ‘hu been forced to save her credit, I. Hamming from which their own mul- try in _ divinely pmiociod. The ,Briillh people took much tho same at. Utude In!" Mr. HucDor'ald told (he. very plainly the other day to just wl'ni‘doweuie tplight over-spending in a. "in. of vacuumed income had brought them. While it in true that tho nan-- ~A-"* ‘ _ -- “Hunt“: income had brought them. White it In trtro that the (renter wealth at the Unit“ SIAM will cubic it to Ibnorlo thi- yur 1 "tteit and: greater than Great mm“. with t any such drunk In- W I. nation, we cannot tollov Inna-ltd, the come Grant amu- Dlmod without crummy having to ""ebttviiiii"i"ii'it"d, "r. it is I crystal palace of delights. Your kitchen, Madam. needs replen- ishing? Here is a shiny kettle, and some trate end saucepan pulling on their brightest looks to welcome you. The broorna end brushes stand in 3 row, their hire and bristles on end in (ll':', eagerneu to be bought. A din. ling room? Cups and saucers in r 'lore lllke Joseph's cont. A parlor? Music ;"golng tor a mere song." and a whole library of books, with a special miner liar the favorite Brent-as. an in naturll in Yorkshire, with the moors not tar ll'ly. Here are dress“. waiting to be worn, bukete and brushes; hamm- u end bum. -But one thing tnortr--a toy to please some child. For this u the children'. planmnd, end Fency. like a willo’- Who-wisp. lures them on. What in it that "one. no expectant†in that corner? in it a hone? " in contrary to u Act-u ham. There is no deny- in. it is u curious bout end one we. Alice in Wonderland would be sub Min-00¢. [chum-um:- non. and its body tor-a a little scum We with ' n7 trill round about it. 'dt'eett.tetuitiiit,Tird'i"'l"d'i Drum "or with e happy little boy. “no“ in! 00-0 to the run "~15. CHI-tin. Science rumor. l Dueling still persists in Cuba. deu- pite the luv prohibiting it. and Hull. of that country's most distinguished ’pomical (laurel have participated. 'Clockeq unre- continue to steal In ‘the morning hour. to isolated and as Icludod spot: near Haul. thiire to _settle grievances by hall or liladc HudderMtsld, strong and sturdy. own: to no benuty o a gentler kind. The hand. ot men have built it plain and enduring. Yet there is beauty in the Pennine Hill. lotuy enfolding it. It must be plateau! in the midst of toil and smoke to look up and neo the. sanding green sud slur. Hudders- field in diligent and prospeiuun in " in WI". Did it not. only I short time since, turn out a suit in a few hour-u. doll. it well. waving and making And Ill. surpassing all records? [a long chief street is tiil.ed with but, people. using into Windows and going to the market-hand the market is worth going to. I In Bwluerlnd in.†tho ni- unity societie- orgulud to real“ may a hill cloning dueling with pret" crinea. Although proscribed hy'law. dueling la still in vogue in the ttour Germanapeaking universities o! [Bet-no, Zurich, Bale and Frlbourg. L1'ye,i.t."".'e?f, or one or both is the .penalty, according to the various cul- ton lawn. kn. aerial†" am -ertMB. area. :when the Reich-mg prepared to "ab iah all dueling. Under the imperial regime. army duels were authorized " .the military code as a last resort in [grave cues; "uitttr corp- aud lino .lng master. t1oiuOhed. Under the re- pnhlic. all dueling in forbidden. but it day several tigtttirtg club: meet in the Page citiea once a wee". in secret. The "ttts continue trom curly evening un- til late in the morning, some twenty taking once. Olendera are not strict» Ir punished when caught. a ttentettteO "rt only three month: being imposed by a Domain“ court on a Frankfort nub dent for having killed his oppom-nv in a “fencing match." " ta dueling uphown in Suuth America. Mexico. or even the l'nimd sum, where a score or Much aim" no reported every year. Heigh Ho, Come to the F Gr in Hungary, the only European coun- try where the “ileld ot honor" than openly survived. the centurion, in. government In not dared to tote stringent action unmet the enema. Dueling in still dueling in Budapest. Chllongeu ireuuently are hurled duh in; the out ot debate in the Cronin! ot Deputies. Became Bel We!“ Hungary‘s champion dueliut, bit " Minuet-1’: nose. ear out! cheek “(a n tumble and vigorous trt3ttt" on the mind. he we: lenienced to Ill months ot rigorous itrutrirotunet't, on penalties tor dueling in." are con [unduly mild. -- -_.-. ‘LA___‘ Dueling Itiu nu n strut grip upon student lamination throughout Gees my. Anna-in. . - nnd 81mm ind. student corps, the university intern! youâ€. are lite clubs, may with great no ad tndition, and rug in the mm... who would permit 3.. timehonorod spirit ot the duel" to die. IIIU .l...%p.mr-- -ee proved "felt to tar trom a ded law. when ti.r'Giotateetttt'tee, A. {In} mum "the University fi,lrt'it " tough duels moo-droni- trtitat Incident. he Incloni canton! Beitninu- uiiU "orlut Ill-onyx, a is natural Mrs, via: the moors not tar [are In drones. waiting to bunker.- and brushes; banan- of duel“! WE I] (new came with O Sh dead ern I 0mm “my held I aidcn-d friends u niet vb wt Iati r, ttear. That “much - of tereches. and year slur] chit " III tt try hair u tumor 0t " It “do I not tc It rte gun the Wats CErrtit an of am an they u " Ill Ion: Ilrm Bum p: ar, " "or mar your WFXHPI at In or wr H Tt th m In! lt