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Durham Review (1897), 1 Oct 1931, p. 7

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Latvives 3 i i "Right. ma'tun." replied the - ant "I'll tell you." "The man I on“. tet.' 'af'rt. straight, and, “(119 All -- Snména. "i. mist be in!» -igrd 3 tough " steel.” The nppllcnnt shook It I... "Sony, ma'un. I won't do," he I" plied. What you want n I - driver, not . ,notorFr." "The troum' m a: -tri in not to be found within the 'ram."-- Lva; E. Laval. _ . - "I must tell you ttat no type or man I want," the oerrnrrmseod. "And Von must tell no if you It the m tlon." _ Mrs. Sniuenn was interviewing a mung man with a View to on"!!! him as her amateur. . - Ail bobtailed dogs slow up when they come to corners, and if they do turn they have to mute I wide - m order to escape being thrown. Try "to get a bobtailed dog to turn tt sharp corner at full speed and lee txhnt. happens. ut. cannot do it, and if he his in “1.1.just as he makes the dam turn roll over and over-all been. " In! no tail to give him the Mm - sary to turn sharply. " - 1"?:4 do the same thing because, whde they are more or In: tame MW they were originmly wild wolves and had to turn as doe! the fox. hrs and foxes, as well " my mm animals, run very rapidly Ind mu women at full speed. Turning sharp corner: ia the M w: stunt of the fox, who madam}! mumps his course to throw his ene- nm-x' (ff his track. Watch his tail swing from sick to mm as he balances himself, jun t m..- twist, but enough to keep him fl! In falling. Watch a cat as M stroll: along on the. thin, narrow top of u fence. hm hte. He can't balanee himself. t at the tail " n squirrel and he mum! fall from a tree the tint time no med to run don: the bracket. Why should eats, unit-loin, ion. am: such animals hate Inch his tad “my tails? l ut the tail " n at and he curt “am on the top of a fence to an l m; Dr. Greenman took a number .d I.“ and carefully and painlessOy m: oif the tails of all nts as they "UH born. . m kept doing thistfor my yew. "ml vach new tteneration came to lite v Ih shorter and shorter tails. Now this great scientist has n no: of HHHQSS rats, became an". in " " me so discouraged that 'he stopped puttnng tails on them. Because they need than in Mr businetttt. fr. the "0nl.ite University build- " rru* known as the Wish! Instill)“, m Py,inulelphia, Dr. Grumman, prob- .div the greatest living seientifie bi. ..h-pxsr, has kept thouundl of at: tor . unre of years. Smssors were unknown two thou- sand years NN, and DRY“ u that w. ad cutting wns done with n knits. Fume knives were made espeeinlly 'srourir and were called razors because my were used by men for cutting :.:..r and beards. hands and hair were showed to unw quite long, bot nrhen the, be. Hume too long they were cut down; “AL these razors. . “havmg the chin did not come into when until nearly a thousand years Ma. and then men shaved only their cr' ' my evidently to keep their whiskers ...' of the soup. I Linest‘ races, Indians and Eskimos m !.c,t did their cutting with shnrp ", res', and as these would not cut ...< (he various races pulled the y. is l it as fast as they appeared. "3 m' lilt‘L‘OLll‘afl’Cd the hairs of the , n. '.' d Nature began to stop mae. V' ‘. a) hairs. ' Hm: word "funei' has Bttaeh til thou-ugh the centuriu, Io when we weak of a funeral we rally speck ot mum's. wnmg rid of a body nu not con- . mm! a very pleasant night, Io tho mum of the dead buried the bodied at night. In order to see just whot thorn". a. my the friends curriedbig torches, wrm-h were called “fungi,” from the mm. word "funa." [ F'o-calied China in!!! mdttr M at all. China is 'stat . m ghen t hy the Malaya. "Tchina" is what the Hahn un- ,.g " Lenturieo Mo, and to in. out. . ll' world the nun bu stuck. in ...s tc the native. 1'; until a tow ”an ago. who. .. mantry became a "public. In Lung has constantly changing to m Cr Mme of the king’s “any. 1i,..mng" was its nun. a hundred ' ' c, ago, while just before it n. C,t tit, "Turosing." Ind Debt. that .,.~ "rchesng," and that was how Cr liu,ays got their "Told-l." }' .ne ml is a common Word, but the , 14'”. of the word is decidedly inter. run-r as showing how (linen. were r, o'. Ar. olden times. 1lost ancient peoples crawled that “A: but about two thousand you: a.” one Romans began to bury My d Do You Know? this, by the way, is one of the forcsting things about Nature. of rats are usually long, act- cz-lors as well as balances. Ms in their natural condition of 1874--Thomas A. Edison devises the quadruple: telegraph, which sends tour messages over a single wire. Sir William Thompson (afterward Lord Kelvin) devises the syphon recorder, which"treeomes indispensable in writ. ing down cable messages. 1870--Sir William Siemens invents the electric furnuce for melting iron and steel. 18Ti--Char1es Goodyear Jr. Invent: the ,rettohoemaltintr' machine. - states his airbrake 1869-1. H. Greathead designs the modern shield used in tunneling under water. IMT-Christopher L. Show: Invent: the modern typewriter. Perfected In 1873. IMI-Coleman Sellers ot Philadel- phi; patents end demonstrates the ttrat motion-picture machine of the modern type. Edison brings out the commercial apparatus in 1893. Wil. helm Siemens invents the regenera- tive furnace. This, in the hands ot two Frenchmen, Pierre and Emile Martin, is “plied in making open- hearth steel (1864). IMF-William Bullock of Philadel- phia builds the tirtrt press to print from a continuous roll or web of paper. "e-Dr. Antonio Pacino!!! con- ceives the ttmt continuous-current dy- namo but does nothing with it. It is independently reAnvented try the Bel- gian, B. T. Gramme (1870-1872). 1866-Bir Henry Bessemer devises the process for making Bessemer steel. 1855--Robert Wilhelm von Bunsen invents the burner now used In every gas stove. 1850--Gintl, an Austrian technician, shows how two messages can be sent over a single telegraph wire (duplex telegraph”. 1854--Henry D. Stone and Frnledck W. Howe perfect the turret lathe no that a number ot tools mar cut metal mechanically. The general idea of the turret lathe goes back to Stephen Fitch (IMS). ' (The N.Y. Times) "w-Eli.- Gray Otis invents the elevator with automatic grating me. chanism. later developed tor omce and building use. The Outstanding Inventions Of the Past Eighty Years 'tTert0uti.ECtttt,tt 1868--Geortre Westinghouse demon. Price. on down. You can no London, Patio. Brunch, etc. on an includvo tour-from Myntreu--totimi M 'iGT'-irs'd hock. Auk for folder on how to travel to unsung!” wldely, and well, from "76.-ait expense- po . For 3129. you can all from Montreal to Belfast, Glas- gow, Liverpool, Plymouth or London out! back. Bee your relative: and friends, or travel at will. Good going till Oct. l5th Third Cie-LA unique opportunity Sn" tetthiotty companions. u So economical -s..f.'t.,t'i!.et..e" RIFT TOURS ANCHOR " DONALDSON To Europe, with hotels and sight- seeing, back to Montrear-2g days. "se-tat the cost 'riy'iUciV"pariiii'. Get some today. Try it and you'll in. sandy know why it's the favourite every- Where in Canada. 02d. Japiaii Boiled S lad Wessipg ing od'm evewttinGiGriiiiiii 13:70: in exquisite, refreshing flavour, ya it's sold at I price so low it's within the lack of Ma&hsctnadattrtheMakersotEo Cheese and Vclvecta 121?: leer in em oe!lr 25 cena. .iherrouatayooed BoilcdSalad Drmo. 18Sl---b'ir Charles A. Parsons re- ceives the ftpttt patent for his steam turbine. The modern trolley car up- pears. Van Depoele invents the trol. ley wheel and Frank L. Sprague the multiple-unit system ot control. Got- tlieb Daimler brings out the light com- pact gasoline engine of to-day and in 1885 drives a bicycle with it. Thus the automobile begins. Carl Benz ot Karlsruhe is simultaneously working on the automobile problem and turns out his tirat gasoline vehicle. ICI' --Tolbert Lamston patents the mm; _lpe. The Rev. Hannibal Gond- win patents the celluloid tum. George Eaatman independently works out the 1886-0ttmar Mergenthaler per%cts " llnotype machine. Hall produces aluminum by an electrical process which eventually becomes commer- cial. 1877-Thomat, A. Edison demon strates his phonograph. UNAR'D 1876--Alexauuer Graham Bell and Elisha Cray independently invent the telephone. Dr. N. A. Otto, ot Cologne, Germany, invents, the four-cycle inter- nal-combustion engine now generally used in automobiles. 1870--Thntnas, A. Edison produces the first practical incandescent elec- tric lamp. home' fihiNiiriie- ' ' - "He said, too, that it made the students more contented and homegiekneat, has practically disappeared." T _ Just another example of the important part played by the long distance telephone infamily life. - .r... - V --, ._, . There's a long grind between entering college and the graduation exercises. The telephone helps bridge many difficulties, as the following incident shove: "However do you get along without Home?” asked Mrs. Swirl“ who had call- Mconsole Mrs Bathburn following the departure of, her young son to boarding "John and I were certainly very anxious and would have just worried our lives out had we not arranged for Horace to call us on the telephone twice 3 week. In fact Principal Chapman explained to us what an advantage it was to have students call their parents ttregular intervals. - - games he Said the charges of these calls are reversed to be paid at the Through tinted vapor 1oomintClarge, Ambiguous shapes obscurely rode. She gazed where many a laden barge Like some dim-moving saurian show- Ah, can it be, that they had come. Where Thames in sullied glory Bows, Fugitive rebels, tired of some Secluded lake's ornate repose, Eager to taste the life that pours Ita muddier wnve 'twixt mightier shores? No barrén certitude shun mar. They left behind them, as they went, A dream than knowledge ample! far; And from our world they sailed tbWtt, Into some visionary day. --William Watson, in "Collected Poems" Tower, N, She sat, my lovely friend. IA blur 0f gilded mistr---r'twtus mom's firgt hour,)-- Made vague the world; and in the gleam Shivered the half-awakened stream. ed. - And 'midst them, lol two swans appeared, And proudly up the river steered. We ne'er shnll know: our wonder- At windows that from Westminster Look southward to the Lrllard'e Two stately swans'. What did they there? ' Whence came they'. Whither would they go? Think of them,--things so faultless fair,--- 'Mid the black shipping down below! In through the rose and gold tba Canada is now the second largest gold-producing country in the world. passed, And meltui in the morn at last, 1906--Dr. Lee De Forest invents the vacuum tube now indisppnsable in all electrical communication. 1926-J. L. Baird sends recognisable images over a wire. 1903--The Wright brothers produce a motor-driven airplann and ily " suc- cessfully at Kitty-Hawk, N.C. Valde- mar Poulsen and Reginald Fessenden independently devise successful ex- perimental radio telephones. I 1002-Protemsor Arthur Kern ot Ger. many makes the tirst long-distance ex- periment in transmitting photographs by wire, 1M1--Frederiee W. Taylor out! Maunsel White develop the modern highspeed alloy steels which have made the cheap production ot automo- biles and other machines possible. 1900-Heroult devises hh, furnace tor producing steel electrically. 1899--Prtuacit, Elmore tinst actnnlly uses the oirt1oatation process tor sep- arating ores from waste. The germs ot ore t1otation are also tound in I patent granted to Carry J. Evenon ot Denver, Col. (1886). 18M--Gugliehno Marconi patents the tirtst high frequency system of wireless telegraphy. 1898--Rudott Diesel publishes a deg. criptlon of his proposed engine.. The ttrat specimens are exhibited in 1898 at Munich. ' ins-John Boyd Dunlop reinvent: the double-tut", pneumatic tire, the original "tftxttion ot Rom. W. Thomp- son (1845) having been forgotten. same principle. The 3nduetton'motor ot Nikola Tesla appears. =. 1890-Dr. carOuer VOn_ Wélsbach produces his mantle burner. Homesickneu Cured A Riddle of the Thames What we the wild waves saying As they lap the short»; or our land? Pttpo-"Mr, how could you be so stupid? Science is done tings vat an "no smoking." Catherine-N don't belicle that. goa- sip about Doria. Nor what little I've heard." When you observe the methods ot parents and see how well the kids turn out, how can you keep from believing in Providence? There are open minds so confoundedly open that they can't even hold a single conviction. And then there was the timid (resh- man who preferred hioudes because he was afraid ot the dark. The more some young couples try to get ahead. the farther they get behind in their payments. Nothing wll] ruin an in. teresting intellectual argument quick. er than the arrival ot a pretty girl. When your own plans go wrong, it's tough luck; when another man's plans go wrong, he oughta kuowed better. Mother-"Now, Johnnie, I know thousands ot little boys and girls who would be glad to eat that spinach." Johnnie-Name three of them!" Margaret---), Gee, I hoped you might have heard more about it." They tell ot a. Scot’s wife whose doctor told her that she needed salt air. She woke up next morning and her, husband was fanning her with a herring. Lord, auger me to catch a fish So large that Hm I . In talking of it titliturwurtl Shall have no need to Re. Windy Wolfe says, "One of the big- gest kicks l ever got was when the doctor’s assistant told me to look plenum as he proceeded to take an Xray o' my liver." Harrr-"Wtsenever I see you I think of Jones." Btun--'amt I'm not a bit like Jones.” Harry-"Yes. you me. You both owe me 810.00. Brother--"The next time your fath- er lads him staying later than mid- night, he’ll need tt head start." tlladrte--"Dich's clever. I wish dad would give him a start in lite." He sent his precious poem to the editor. "Let me know at once wheth- er you can use it," he wrote, "as l have other irons In the tIre," In I tew days the answer came back from the. editor: "Remove irons, insert Gsttper-"Havo you ever had a leo- son " correspondence?" Iprutoar-"Yea-.-a never write to INN men now." What In most likely? How may in a few? When In by and by? How low In low down? How tar is our yonder? How good Ia,pretty good! How high is up? When I any I don't want my how many do I nut? Abio--'T'tspa, vat is science?" Foolinh Ovation: How mt in soon? How close is nearly? The Answer ‘9‘” ' Dams was /--ici:s "Yes," he said, "when I get clone to Nature it makes me feel like I little grub." Smart Aleck shook his head. "What, only a little, sir?" he spoke up. "It makes me feel like I lot, Anyway, when I'm in the country I out like a horse " The professor was lecturing on nu- tural history. "The bus of certain function. by the family need not men in do cline, however. ft will rower our the opportunity tor a more elective Integration." Dr. Dol'ard decltrea. "The disintegration of family tune. tions," he observes. “is undoubtedly accompanied by widened interests." Borne " the contrasts sketched by Dr. Bollard the university reports as tollows: "Where formerly women rouwined " home, doing house and firmly work, with only one woman out ot every seven employed cuisine the home, one woman in every tour was a breadwinner in IMO, and out of every three working women in IMO one was married. "The number of Sunday whoa! scholars increased 45 per cent. duh ing the last M years and the average contributions ot church members ill- dicated that at least M) per cent. in. crease was made in purchasing pow- er, while such practices Is tarittg grace " meals declined. By comparing tiguretr for 1900 and tor 1930, Dr. John Bollard otters per- centages to show.that almOut every economic activity ot the family, trom tending the furnace to planning the interior decoration, is gradually be. ing put into the hands ot specialists outside the home, as well as educa- tion, religious training and recrea- tional and "other functions. His con- clusion, however, is that this them! does not necessarily mean the Jecline ot the family. but results in an ex- tension ot its interests. "Between 1500 and 1023 the aver age attendance of children in public schools increased 100 per cent. and expenditures tor public school: in. creased 4.1 times as {an u did the number ot “milieu. Teacherl m taking children away from their par- ents for lrnger periods and at tem. derer ages. "lit‘lwern 1922 and 1"27 Hm num- ber of trained workers in u s I re- creation program-u ittcreured from 11,000 to 20.000. The weekly Mend- nnce at moving picture theatre. tripled between 1922 and 1930. Members Standard Stock & Mining Exchcncl Montreal Curb Market " King St. W. 159 Craig St. W. TORONTO MONTREAL ELI!" 6255-0 MA. 77864121 Chicago.---" in not only the laun- dry that the modern family undo out ot the home in its trend may trom "iNsatticiettcr, a University ot Chicngo gnu-11m. has round, ac. cording to a recent report. Golf was invented by somebody who "I looking for something else to won ry about. MOSS GOLD MINES Just this: "Your bathing suit. (Ionic. In alumnus to but the baud." . Modern Family Has Wide Interests F. W. Macdonald & Co. '0 KEEP THE Childnn Healthy ' tiV aiuyiirit _ _ New; When M "off colour” than man'- all 'aulr. Ltd; Live: Pills. Safe, acting - -- m, --_-_ ___ _”___. u soon Sta, Mt acumen Bt,EttMFtteAU1re0thetatRiboe and: fr 33 the itiGtiluigTG7, Wire connection. to All principal markets Semi for our Special Circular covering thin Interesting Speculation Food For mammm :' Adtrouednmssthte . l, Ttgt! " w m: M‘l' In“ "wer, noon bring luck mile. and vtiolty.th.at healthy young- ONTARIO RIO” Aiitiriints TORONTO 1tltlill M 10 YEARS A'Af. t4ttt"rtuctttrn or money -reTiiaVa More he Found the Randy Many people endure sum-ring un- wrily. This man did. If he had known men yea" Mo what he know. My,hewould Mum-pund- I'E‘E 1rett.ot "reriryr. . .. Don't suffer any I: user from then. unswlnly Hummus “xenon": them " homo. Let 2 on Immune Powder from you dru'gln. Sum-He a Imle on (no {no cloth. apply with a circular moth". thigh. blwkhud- wlll be Bll Wm Peet',", of your Km Sum. have ttuftrtrd for In you! tto"? Kinsmen Suns swiftly mun-alien. acid, taken nll the tor-mm out of it. and gently expel: it from the am. And by stimulating your or!“ " elimination to period regular action. Kraut-lien will prevent thm harmful acid trom ever accumulating -itt. AM that you‘ll “penguin: no more ' have unlined for I” you! from dunnk tu'idity a the 'ttomarh. I tried My everything, "mil I VII “vised by a friend in try Kmnclwn. which I have taken for the last two month- nnd I an pleased to any I have iia no n'um of the txeidety."--W. B. “can“; summon M301"; inside dean and rune. Pure god invigontcd blind will In an counting to every patt_of your iain" Your, {eel wémit-rfully chub [cue Ind well. As healthy and Indy " it in humanly [nu-Able w Ml. SHIP us YOUR POULTRY AND eggs Highest market price. pau. immune“ unlemem by certltUd dwell. Empty cram: returned. cruel 'get' Cum on a Ina]. Rounleld Poultry a Egg Co Limited. Manual. Fashion is neviving the outrch feather, but the supplies are var! restricted. There were 760.00. ostrich” in South Africa In "it. tr" legtt than half that number in 1928. tf OFFER To EVERY ”NINTH". A Lint of wanted invention. and full Information tent free The Mice-o my. World Patent Attorney. 3'23 dunk Street. Ottawa Canada 'e Persons reported missing last you in New York City numbered 25,000 including 3,600 boys and 2150 girls, enmcu FEATHER. COME BACK' "i feel I must writ“: I (a! ham in “I took three bottles of Lydia K. Pinkhun'l Vegeuble Con. pound-ad he: gave bin}: no a inbubyboy. always also the Vegetable 0.- pound dud-g mm and it help. me. It beneftr my sinuo- io-hw too." Mrs. W. J. 21'0qu. R. ll. No. 2, Mm om BLAGKHEADS ”UL”! am 800. Ian» " now have five children. I Classified Advertising SS UE 39--.'31

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