Robert Webber, Clarence Gordon', C. Goidon‘. Jr 'r-Norma Lindny'. Wttnda Stephenson', Robt Mignon! Sr I-Stuart Pollock. Mine": Wetr bero. Vincent Campbell. Vernon Cupid]. Jr t--Keatmth lkhton.‘ 8r.Pr-Ckn Gordon'. Vincent 00-.- dcn. Jr Ptu-Mny Manual", Don S. B. NO 2. BOREMONT Br Iv-games Ferguson‘. Sr m-- Bert Marsha". Percy Gordon. Ivan Johnston'. Tom Gordon. Jr m-L. "adv. Halon Lindsay", Gee Webber, 1'tgs so l, EGR‘T and NOR'BY Sr 'V-Howard Watson'. Jr IV-- Arthur Rum. Vernon Noble. Playtord fcrd Sehonk.‘ Florence Brynn. Cttld- well Kin". Murray Marlee. Jr m-.... Run Kt-ller'. Edith Bryans.’ Camer- on Kerr, Jimmie Wilton and Norman Eden' equal, Stanley Rum. ll-Joy'ra Keller, Orville Bryans. I ---Edith Keller‘. WJma Bogie. and Marion Kerr. equal. Stanley Picken, ("we Bryan. " Pr to I-ttstay Bar- ber (H). Cave" Brynn. Jr Pr-John Elton! ‘lndlcates present every day. Mary s. Bell, teacher Jr Pr-Jean Eccles. Alex Aitken. 14am McGuire. Inlay Seaman, Russel Ellis. Phyllis, Johnson. Francis Ellis. Arthur Buller. Harold long. _ Best in Spelling. Evelyn Love Best in Arithmetic. Audrie Brown 'Alsc at for can Sr Pr-Doutrai McMHlan. Rose Dy er, Kathltnn Eectes and Lorena 11d hr (equal). Olive McGuire. Sr "t---Etiatacttt Althea, Luna Mather. Marjory Moore. Dorothy Dy- er. IN (e Dyer. Lloyd Glbson." Jr ll! -Ross Scales. Blanche Reid. Hazel Le'th. Bert Gadd. . Alfred Hutch. principal 'b-Evelyn Love, Lyla Smith. Herb. Puller. Rm Smith. Lloyd Seaman. Walter Pinkerton. t--Rutusen Buller and Audrle Brown haul), Bryce Mercer, Prod mm. M Johnson. Jean Leith. Jr lv-Mary Stevenson, Allan Pink. anon. Helen Bullor. Harry Mather Elma McGuire, Mabel Ptnherton, V. but, Marjory Johnson, Bllly Fldler. Sr tV-Fred Mather. Aura McGuire Eileen Smith, Murray Aitken, Wat. lace Lew“. Charlie, Butler, Esther Gatld, J'm McCall. Frank Gadd, Rich. ard Fhiler. It In Spelling. Lenore Davis, Jan Much Ind Roy lighten. equal Jessica Stevenson 82.8. Bert Mather 68.5. Hazel Smith 60.5.Mnlcolm Waiitt 60.5, Bobby Christie 56.5. Walter Ait- hen 52.7. Margaret Irwin 52.2, Linn Elm 5L8. Gordon Henderson 51.6, Lorne Henderson 50.6. Irene McCall 50.6. Inlay Sun 48.8. George Steven. wn 48.1. Morley Hunter 47.2, Vera Jchnuu 46 3. Marjorie Nelson 40.8, Mary Wocdyard 37.8. HOLSTEIN SCHOOL REPORT Holstein Cal. School Report for Fall Tern In this report the uverage per cent obtamed by men student in the ex- uni-Lona ot the "il Term it, giv- en. For the information of parents, studontl have been fumllhed with detailed reports ot their examination at.“ t lineup all n mama. " - - “: A any subject. 1 M - â€In n Home who! a but so per cent tor the w m mm than 50 marks in the In] school examination. The trxatects of Form Ill Ire Eng: um, Eng. Ccmapoolucn. Came an History, Ancient History. French 18.. CrrNyemetry, Algebra, Chemist- " and Physics. In each year of the Middle School. English is a compul- wry subject and French and Lana are we year courses. Atty other sub)ch cf the Third Form may be completed m cu year, but no student may take more than eight courses at once. ' you: I Goohm Dickson 70, Ruth Walls To. [land In†“.8. Margaret Elder “.3. Elmer In" 64.6. Eleanor Flor Bias 64.3, Wilbert Salient 64.3, Find- ley Lewis " Alma um: 61, Willard 8h wnson STS. Lorne McMurdo 57.4. Laura Henderson 56.1, David Aitken 53.3, Gordon Dickson 53.1. FORM ll Ivan Christie 82, Alleen Brown TI, lrlina Rife 6T.7, Elsie Pinkerton 66.7. Lyal Mercer 65.1. Vincent Bills M, Edna Downing 58.6, Beverly Gibson MM. Milton Althea 42.6. Wilma mr tcp 42.2. 'rhotrubteetsete6httrttrs m- 1m. Literature, mil-h Composition. bra. Zoctogr, mm and Art; and that. othrat II In Latin. Zool- on. m Piniognphy, Geomet- ry. Anabolic, Gum, English thentun tad BIB. Composition. To -r.F» "m , . T v. _ .- , _ H,-. - P" n.1,. p' ' _ e u. 'w- c, -" “WA“ -'., . . g r;' at; 'ri: . A", _ AV . v.7 x. _ .~‘ wr "ir, . __.' N 'yr-v',?',,.,'"; , _ _. . - “A“ _ ;, 4'.‘ r r'.’-." f 43 rher 'r an . â€M " "Wu Re r a [if W. l ,4: 51: f " L: fts sr.tsy?f,r.?.,Ti.irfi It) - . . " _ g, '1 nus-s. " ' _ Ct l 'ir _ g . w ' r, gm» my! " e A, I... .'-" ' , A . . F-re ' A“ C . . il/ttsir ~~ .0 r215 " "m - A 7 . _ f "’ .- ' _.- Q' 3,’ , .'-" E's-.27 7 J Bt A . _ Cr 'd,5; T OCC', "., J. "e.,- _. G _ A _ 9rrw -WP,u-Y. ' {I 1.. _ 4 ».; Asc. ", p; =' . - I. A -A 'ArAJy's . _ - w - _ . -»- ' _ . .. . . ded".: .1 _ ....r him if “4;“ ~... , I - " . . fed . _ w Me. T, , .4â€). ‘ n ' u'et ag" tl-r A . "s m " a,,.-...--.'..,"-,,--]-- ' , - PE _ TBr'. - -eee ,7 by“ A ---..f-_-.-_r----__--- __-___-__ - Mabel M Johnson, teaehcr our] day FORM I" A. Tilden. Principal '. bun. French, Alge- l, teacher teacher good matter. very â€lam-uni helpful in trouble and . mod Chris- thn mother. MRS HARRY CALDWELL Mrs Harry Caldwell passed away at Dauphin. where for the put " years has been her home. Her hul- lnnd pndoceued her about 5 years no. They formerly conducted a general “on at Orehaedvilie. Mrs. Caldwell wu one o! the Finder ttan, :ly. of which two Inter: ulll sur- vive: In AMx Anion of Holman Sr IV-Gladys Schenk. Lloyd Sch. cnk. Jr iV--Bruee Hallway. Sr m--. Gladys Mevean, Hariette Wilton, El- me Holliday. Jr Ir-Dough" Holli- day. Jr I--Aginie Wilton. Jr Pr-- Barbara Romany. S.S. NO 8, NORMANBY Sr IV-Hilda Hartman'. Jr IV- Velma Davis, Norman Fulton, Doret- ta Blasing‘. Sr Hr-Clarence Fidler' Berneda Krott', Anderson Byers. Jr m-Leslie Ball’. Beth Byers, Jean llm.derson. Russell Yanda. Ivan Fid- let", Nellie Byers, Lloyd Fritz,‘ Ger- trude Hartman‘. Ir-oe-or' Ball, Btlly Hr-nderscn'. Irene Ptetfer. Nel- son Witlttvyer,' Albert Ball'. I-W. Reim. Billy Sharp. Clayton Pidler,* Marion Byers‘. Sr Pr-Beatrice Balk Wldred Gerhardt, Florence Ger- harlt, Shirley Davis. Jr Pr-Lulu, Wainteyer, Irene Steffen Violet Sch wk. Howard Krott. 'Absent for examinations. Jean Priest, teacher Sr IV-Jun Hill 77, Florence Kins- man 73, John Ritchie 70, Florence Clark 69. Jr iv--Edna Harrison 73, Gretta Williams 68, Eva Harrison (MI, Wilson Clark 66. Annie McCannel " Br tir-Irene Wilson 76, Clifford Mc. Cannel 69, Reta Kinsman 63. Jr III --Rtrririg Hill 77, Vera Hiltz 63. Sr II ---Mary We'r K3. Jr H-Dorothy Hill: 70, Lila Harrison 58. Jr l-- Vera Wilson 75, Grant McCannel 71, Marjorie Kinsman 68, Douglas Wil- hams 68, Billy McNally 60, Vernon McCannel 55. Ink-borne Hilta, Bet- ty Hill, Ray McCannel, Mary McDon. ahi* absent. NC. on roll, 27. s.s. NO 13, EGREMONT Sr IV-isle Morrison. Lawson Mor- ticon, Harvey Leith. Sr m--uyrtte Eecles, Bessie Moore. Dorothy Mc. Nalty, Elsle Hooper, Howard Keith. Alex McMurdo. Carlyle Geddes.. Sr. Ii-Billy Mcrrfson. Jr it-Ruth Me- Kenzie. I-Ethel O'Karfka. Br Pr-- quvin Geddes, Kenneth Leith. Jr Pr --Calvin Non. s. S. NO 11, EGREMONT V-Edna Watson 66. Br Iv-or. mend Shana 69. Jean McEachern 68. Jr IV-Harry Nuttley 70, Everett Watson (F). Sr m-Emma anner, 69, Tom Watson 63 . Jr m-Della McMurdo 66, Maynard Fisher 65, ll ---Mat!e Love 77. Margaret Love To, Mable Wheeler 69. Marjory Wheeler 63. I--lenore Watson 68, Andrew I).ngwall 67. Sr Pr-Leonard Wat- son 70, Laverne Plaster (F). Jr Pr- Lloyd McMurdo, Irene Love, Olive Wheeler. Rhea Plester Honors. 75 per cent: pass, 60 per cent: (FO, Failed. IV-at-fe WM M, “at PM.- terlon, Itotrert, Hunter, Jon. Bromt, Ray mums. Annie Anne's, my: Young. Frances Duly. Gold“ new Dcyd Brown. Vain WW. Br--- ‘Allce Daly H, Elmo Beet M, - Watson H. untold Hunter. Mttestan Wells. Ramona! Brawn. KMNel-‘ son, Keith Hunter, Mor Andrews. _ Nelson. Ir-George W. M, Donal†Wilson H, "Mary Hunter H, 'Arthur, Matthew: H, Joe Duly. Orville Ease) James Hargrave, Myrtle My, Clar- ence Young, Jnck Wells, Dorothy An- drews. I---.), Wells H, Bobbie Lee H, Goldie Hargrave H, ‘Clarence Watson H, ‘Charlie McKenzie H, ‘Mary Patterson H, June Small, Dor. othy Iwo, Ross Brown, Thomas Har- Rt"ave, Mary Matthews. Sr. Pr-Alex Young. Jimmie Pollock, Harold Wat- bClt. Jr Pr.-Ilobert Matthews, Ray [Ann-nun Helen Andrews Mary Har- graw. The ones with a star *, have had Fi:,tellrant, for conduct and effort 5 nm school started. Sr Iv-Arthur Thompson (H), F. Thompson. Jr IV-Lloyd Dickson, Edith Dickson, Lloyd Carmount, V. Finder. Sr IH-Muriel Nelscn‘ (H), Carman Dickson, Agnes Dickson. Jr ur-AF Kirby (H), Beatrice Car- mount, Victor Kirby, Jack Finder. Br Ii-iota Lewis (H), Doris Phi. der (H), llyene Dickson. Jr "--Hor. ace Thompson'. Essie Dickson, Ver. " Carmount, Franklyn Pindet". I--. Thelma Brown (H), Gerald Finder‘, (H), Lorna Kirby, Irwin Nelson (ab sent), Earl Nelson (abs.) Pr-av son Lewis. Ilene Finder. Iatrr%ne linby, Keith Dickson. Mildred Johns, Geo. Thompson. Ray Nelson, Grant IJickson (abs.) l'.S.S. NO 2, EGREMONT s.s. NO It, NORMANBY THEROLLCALL 5.5. NO, 14, EGRRRMONT NO. 12, BGRE’MONT Dorothy Ritchie, teacher Arne Montgomery, teacher A. Mitchell, teacher Beth Hincks, teacher Mrs. Brock. teacher D. Jones, teacher ---- .! As a result of the interesting let- .5ters she penned tor the Review last 'ifall on her expereinces of her Wes ' tern trip last summer, Mrs A. Tuck. .'ct Holstein received a pleasant Bur. ‘jprise last week. She received a let- 'ter last week from Mrs Kinsman, an {and triend, and who taught at Orch- ‘ard for two or three years. Mrs. "Puck says, regarding the incident, "she was a. sister of Mr Patterson. who formerly kept a grocery near where the Hunter store now is and who apparently takes the Review.‘ Mrs Kinsman had been reading myl letters und decided to write to me. I I had mot heard from her for 20 years. She he been mended 23‘ years (is 15 years n widow), line a gdanghter Mary Bumbag, aged 21, al ison Donald McIntyre, lt, still going ‘to college. It was . pie-aunt sur- iprut. J wanted you to know the {good work your paper is doing." To the Elecioiu of the T'mrmhip of Egremont: Ladies and Gentlemen: ' LETTERS? IN REVIEW RENEW8 _OLD FRIENDSHIPS i The Christmas entertainment ot B. B. No 2 proved quite a success un- Ilder the training ot their teacher, Mr "hank Dingwall ot Holstein. A rem iresentative section was present show- ing the interest of parents and ’neighbors. A good program was giv- ‘eig, "ns'asting of songs by the school, iiriiiiliii,' mutations, duets by Nor- rum. and Helen Lindsay. solo by little [Clara Gordon: quartet by the Gordon ibrothers: violin solos by Master T. Curdcn. Mr Earl Mead acted as 'chairman and Mrs J C Queen, organ iacccmpanist. A large Chrismas tree Generated the school, which was fheavily laden with gifts tor the chil- dren, each child receiving one from ithe teacher. A sumptuous lunch was served by the ladies, before which ‘Santa Claus unloaded the tree. Mr and Mrs Brown, o. Sound, and Miss Ella Wilson. Toronto spent the Xmas vacation with their parents, Mr and Mrs Thos Wilson. Mr and Mrs Alex Aberdein, Allan Craiag, visited recently at home of Robt Pollock. Mr and Mrs Geo Harris and fam- ily, are now occupying the vacant residence of Mrs Geo Pollock, which they have leased for a term. Mrs Bert Lewis, Knox Corners, visited at home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs Matt Hooper, recently. Mr and Mrs Ed Lindsay and tam. ily, spent Xmas with Mr and Mrs. Wm Eccles, Dromore. Mr and Mrs W. B. human and baby Marion, of Glenelg. were recent P1'f?Y ot Mr and Mrs J. A. Mather. I Mrs P. McCaw, Denise tutd Mildred. {0: Arthur: Mrs Watson, Mrs Sweet 'and baby Anita from Toronto. and Cliitca Rogers of Toledo, enjoyed Christmas with their parents. Clif- ;ton may remain a few weeks. 1 Mr and Mrs Rob Sim, Mr and Mrs 'Alt Haas, Mrs Horsburgh and Miss Rawn, enjoyed Christmas, dinner with Mr and Mrs W. Sim. Mr and iMrs Alex McMillan, Dundalk, were [also morning guests. Mrs Rom Eagle of Paeiiie Junc- tion, Irwa, who spent the vacation with her mother, Mrs Alexander Pol- Icek, returned'to her home Monday. Mr and Mrs Wm Gordon were fltngt ct week visitors with R. J. Eden’s. of Varney. Mr and Mrs W. J. Allan spent Xmas at Mr Jag Marshall’s of Knox. Mr and Mrs Austin Harm spent (Ihhstmas with Wm and Mrs Gordon. many enjoyed the meeting of their friends. A number in our commun- ty summed the rehtivee neu home. But whether tran near or tar there was jolmy in the homes. What a Children's Dny it Is! And now, at the end of the year, I wish to express my gratitude for the gracious and loving kindneeses shown me this year, while being i‘shut in." Very many friends trom tar and near have come bringing tlowertt and oth- er gifts in ebundance and we do ap- preciate all very ttttteh-ass also the cheery letters received. Roses were given to the living. Not being able to thank all personally, I take this cppcrtunity--and also wish them and all our readers a happy, prosperous 1932. See Matthew 25: 40. Mrs W. H. Sim Mr and Mrs Arthur _Eee1ei' and Miss Florence: Mr and Mrs James Nicholson, Elwyn and baby Wilmer spent the day in their parental home at Woodland. Mr and Mrs Robt Hans and baby Frances, also Arthur Haas helpéd Al. ex and [slay Wan through they big day. , _ Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Rice and child. ren were guests at her brother's,-- Elliot, Arthur. Mr and Mrs Clinton Rice, Oshawa, visited his brother on Saturday. Miss Annie Keith was home for the holiday. ALLAN'S CORNERS Yours truly. - _ lTig‘chdr “on: Baum ( Giisriitiiiii t,' The induction of Rev. Mr MeMullen “to the pastorate of Holstein and 'iFalrbalrn congregations took place at iHoisteii; Tuesday afternoon. Rev Mr erneyman. Dromore, conducted op- iening exercises and cited the steps n taken in calling a minister and also presented the usual questions as to ’i.belief, doctrines and loyalty, etc. F which were freely answered. Rev. "Mr Jones. Harristcn'ty new minister, "addressed the congregation, who in ‘jcommencing, 'expressed the assur- ‘iance that the new incumbent was a ‘good leader and a good Shepherd. God expects the same attitude to his "iiiiisdri. as to Himself. as a King does to his Gov. General. He gave (advice that since more good is got by) prayer, hearers to have tour requests! on his (the 'minister’s) behalf to limits. to bless by prayer his sermon,‘ ihis ministry, his prayer and his pres-s lance. Mrs Jones, a flue gracious iiady, sang in tine voice, a solo. l l Rev. Mr Clifton, Drayton, addres- Ped the mink; ', congratulated him 'on his call and that he be blessed in the pasta-us. The call is to preach the gospel earnestly and to avoid Ming a. popular gospel. pleasing to theses and feelings. God's word! that has stodjlo test of all is ta - the gospel to young people.the' coming-Insets at the church and Ul "totrtt-arhou%rtrornettetur. donors-yous“. Deal] to the. an arm Miami with the co} operation cl tdt - that MM, to Inducted into Charges of Holstein and Fairbairn Nominations for Holstein Police Vulage Trustees were held on Mom day evening, when eight candidates were nominated for the three seats. These were Chas. Drumm, Jas. Me Innes, Jcs Bilton, Wm. Aitken, Bert Gibson. Geo Bye, Robt Christie, R. J. Ami". All withdrew except Messrs. Drumm, Biltca.and Aitken, who are elected by aeehunation. Mrs Geo Penton is visitmg with friends in Allanford and district. Miss Marjorie Babbington, R.N.,of Tara, is visiting her friend, Mrs C. Fenian. 3mm AID PERsonALE sgaggg;;;é Miss Jean Ellis, Toronto, spent the day with her parents. Miss Irene El- lis, who has been in Toronto for some time. is also home. M.sses Norma and Viala Johnston WFre home for Christmas. Mrs Geo Moore who has been with Mrs John Moore for some time, spent a few days in Durham and attended the funeral of her nephew, the late George Hopkins. Mr Alex Sim left Saturday MTor- onto, where he is attehding the Older Boys' Parliament. Mr John Hunter, Peterboro, was elected Premier. In forming his eab. inet, he appointed Alex Sim Minis- ter ot Education. The Community Circle met in the basement ot the Presbyterian Church Monday with nearly sixty members present. The meeting was in charge of Earl Hunt and a splendid devo- tlonal topic was taken by ‘Mrs C. Fenton. Rev Mr Mercer gave a. talk on the very important subject 'man.' Two selections were given by orch- estra, also a splendid reading by.Eth. el Hunt. The current events were taken by [van Christie. Mr and Mrs Murray' Henderson. of Palmerston and daughter Fern.spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs James Smith. _Mrg McPhaden and Margaret are Waning My and Mrs Jas Horsburg. Mr Jack Irvin and friend. Mr. Braiihwahe. Gan. spent Christmas with the Irvin family. Mr Rixon is spending the holidays at " home in Deseronm. Mr Hagen ot Mt Forest is taking his place dur- ing his absence. Next week there will be a mock municipal election. Come out and hear the speeches. Mr Cox spent Christmas at his home at Belleville. Mrs W. F. Finder announces the marriage ot her daughter Norma Wil- ton, to Mr H. Sanger, of Detroit, Mich., the ceremony to take place in the Metropolitan Church, Detroit, on Dee. 17, 1931. Mrs W F Plnder had as guests ov. er the Christmas holiday Mr and Mrs Rathwell, Palmerston: Mr and Mrs. Sanger and Mr and Mrs Penme of Detroit: Miss Thelma Bell Mt Forest. Mr and Mrs Wm Ramage, Pricevme spcut Chistnias and the week end wnh Mr and Mrs Chas McDougall and Mr and Mrs Coleridge. Mr Nolan Rounding. Grand Valley, visited the Arum family over the week end. The Library Board decided at their last meeting to have a Necktie Social in! in the Agr'l Hall on Friday, Jan. 8th. THE DURHAM REVIEW HOLSTEIN‘ LEADER ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I The Municipal Council of Elttrernont ' Town-hip hereby offer for we the l following properties: Part Lot Nun- ber 14, Main Street an. Village ot :Holmln, mulling 1-10 of In acre. , Ott said lot there In I fume bulld- , lug suitable tot-"and and " a or age. Also the South Eat part of I The annual meeting of Egremont IAarieulturat Society. will be held at Mlle Agricultural Hail, Holsteln. in 2 o'clopk, Thtrrtrdair, Jan. 14, 1932. ’All members are requested' to be Lot No 25 Con 18, Town'p ot St,' mom. containing U' of an tare, no the South West pert of Lot No 26, Con. 18, Town'p of Eminent, conf mining lk of u m. Tuners will he received by them- derligned up to Jan. t. 1982. The pee ff, any but: not no.“ ' Vive a la seventh son! Congratu- lations are in cider for Mr and Mrs.- J. E. Guilbault. It's a boy, or course. l, And the seventh consecutive son.l Homes are few and far between that,. boast this accomplishment. but the" stcrk does discriminate, so statistics _ say in certain cases and the mystic: i number "tteven" has a proverbial vir-' I me down the ages, so its been traid., Not because it rhymes as copanner [with "eleven", but because of some: mysterious traditional value. Mm, 'Guiibault, who is organist in St Jos-i ’tph's Church. perfumed her usual] I duties at high mass last Sunday. and; itwa days later, Dec. 15, presented; the proud daddy with his seventh son, I Adclphe. The second son Henri. still‘ years " his 'teens, who is sometimes 'rressed into service for household; ' duties, was not so well pleased with the arrival of another brother, " he i was overheard to remark “Darn the) i luck 3 No dishwasher yet and more ( pants to mend '." -Kelvington, trase.) i Rama. I present. Henry Gown, . Clarence Fenton, President Sen-Tm; NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Mr and Mrs Arthur Mountain spent ever Xmas with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs Alex Grierum, S. Bentinck. Mrs M. and children re, mauled for a few days' visit. Miss Charlotte Patterson. spent a few days last week with Durham friends. Stork Delivers Seventh Sen Mrs Bert Barber spent a few duys with her parents, Mr and Mrs Geo. A. Turnbull, South Bentinck. School Section No 13 held their an. nual Chm conceit Tue-h! - eating, Dee 23nd. in Russell Hall with a lull home. which was - M ated by teachers and pupils. About 8.30. Ree R. Honeymn. who val chairman, called the gathering to or- der and had a lengthy program :10 call from of choruses. songs, recita- tions, dialogues. monologues, mouth organ music, step dancing by Hillel Bessie Moore, Dorothy McNalty and Elsie Morrison. It was one of No 13's best concerts, put on by only tltteett scholars but who are extra goodslng- exs. Ttachex- Miss Hineks and pupils are to be congratulated on the enter- tainment they put up. Good old Santa came along at end ot concert and handed gins " Xmas Tree and bag ot candy to the children and prom- ised to come back the night before Christmas. 'God Save the King'clos- ed the concert. Mr and Mrs M. Barber and Cecil. Mr and Mrs Harold Barber and fam- ily, visited with Mrs Gadd. Holstein. last week. Mrs T. Wallace, Sr. who bu been under the Dr’s care, is improving in health. Mr Geo Langrill. Detroit and Miss Merle Langrill. Hanover, vialted rec- ently with their sister and brother, Mr and Mrs Harry Caldwell. M135 Ruby Morrison. teacher at Cargill, is spending the vacation with her parents. The ycung peoole ot Amos held their second meeting on Sunday ev- ening in the upper auditorium. Rev. Mr Honeyman opened the meeting in the usual way. Two excellent papers were given by Miss Bessie Drimmie and Gordon Henderson on the topic. 'Taking Christmas throughout the New Year'. The Junior choir were out 25 strong and gave us two selec- tions. Misses Hazel Moore and Mar. garet Leith gave aduet 'The Church by the aide ot the mad.’ The Dromore Women's institute will hold their regular meeting .on Wednesday, Jan. 6th, at the. home of Mrs Wm. Hunter. Topic: "Train. ing oneself to see the humorous side. ot thingts."--Mrs B. Patterson: dem- onstration: 'Winter Salads': roll call. "New Year Resolutions." Mr and Mrs Jas Boyle, Major, Sask are home a. few weeks visiting his mother, Mrs J. Bogle and brother William. Mr John Turnbull, Kingston. visit ed with his sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs Barber. Mlss Ada Morrison. Toronto, spent part ot Christmas with her mother, Mrs Mary Morrison and sisters and brother. FOR SALE VARNEY f Nell McEachern assailed Reeve Hunter, claiming the Reeve had quo- ted meet-rem titgurm. He gave a leng- thy address to prove that it was not Education and Prov. Roads that m Iburdening the County as the reeve stated. but. other expenses had mount- f Hugh McEachern said it was time {for a halt at axes and for rlgid e» 'conuny. Using truck: 1085 ynrda of gravel had been put on mad: at cost :of 80c yard for crushing and amend- iinm making good roads. Emu-t will Stale Lively glared mi, od 70 per cent, He 1nd other Egre- mom councillors had protest: 1- gainst issuing debentures and " eo found fault with Mr Hunter for allowing $100,000 increase in Egre- mont's County asst. exciting contest throughout At."'"""'"", net-t Monday, when Gunilla! Me Enchant um Wat-on. will We It out It"! We W. H. Humor and Dev. Reeve Philo for the two his cum, while that new â€punt- up- roar on the Council list. Followlnc ia the slate : For aeeve--W. H Hunter, Nelllc- Ewhern For Deputy Reeve-- W. J. Philp, =o=o=oa‘ “a, .. . y. -_-__,, Economy was the keyword of the addresses and there were some good cues. interspersed with pert qua-thin (mm the audience, which crowded the hall to the doors. "iGrdounciuors --w, Hugh McEnchern. Sam At the close ot Nomination- Mou- day, the following additional names were in Clerk Allan's hands but de- clined to enter the tray: Tteeve--gno. A. Ferguson: Dev. Reeve--Jrto. A. Ferguson, Noble Wilson. Hugh Mc- Eachem: Councillors-400. Calder, Fmdlay Clark, W J Watson. Clarence Rosa, W. J. Thompson. Clai- J. Mun owed total mes raised $49,734.67, over 88000 less than lut year. The bulk of It guano iiiiiiiG%Urihe assessment is down $18,175 in the Int 16 yarn. Reeve Hunter dealt with County matters only. He told of manhunt coats of Old Age Pensions, Education and nghways and Juirtitled County issuing $150,000 o6debentures totake care of Indebtedness for highways. which were sold at a splendid price. .Dep. Reeve Philp told of County Property and Hause of Refuse. Pres- em Council had done well for town. ship. Four bridges were bum, two by County and another could hue bier: will} money paid tor sheep kit. led,.--- 81600. He noted foe co operation in destroying sheepklllm tugs. W J WItson thought considerably more would be required spent on read: nan year. He attacked W. J. Philp tor building bridge on mm a- gainst wishes of Council. Mr Philo rcplied that Co. debenture' were not Issued to bqu bridges but to pay back debts. Reeve Hunter replied to the chug- _ 7..-, -"-, w-IW vo U The Northern ftitirers “new ""-"---LC=1'ft, JOHN “AER-[ISM & SONS co. Ltd SAW & PLANING MILL. Everything in Timber, Superior Quality Hardwood Flooring Storm Sash Save Fuel _----- m-.. - wumsn , good “men return again should plan winter at the Northern Business Co thorough business education now and tion re courses, terms, ete.. may on " Order now and be ready when cold I make size and light armament to “It I†u '-w- -- 7 fl - contest throughout unmet“ - .n- --- “A may mun: man SHINGLES - ' Grades con-{ma 1 Combination mom Ind Oct-con --w. J. Aldous-n. Bam Plat“. G. Glued Sash a Speck“, NV n-vum. uni mu saunas: Cottage, Owen Sound. Get a nation now and be ready. For full Interna- ;, ete., It“: to C A. Fleming. Principal. .'_-A _ " " - and wpgnep who e Basins; Coiled â€end-i The [lunch] condition of our !C;unty I: now tar from anemia; 1tlvfi" the huge mute-l date not be que paid and county tax will remain e. m W Wt lot - ream In 0--m M â€W - unlined Mt. no. A. W V“ tMC - .4"... died on nnd " M†a†of an! m lull -- - - and mum and can“ mrttr Bere mont “no: mu In" 31000 teat. this volt. while m I we" Gil, and Geo Saw nr" "" road Ch "ttt not beta sum: ind tound bull " maul. He ta W ell. In adaman- to the above we luv! in 'itrmas-t been saddled wrongfull with an additional “00,000.00 one]: equalization mes-hem by our; Reeve and Deputy Reeve. I uh opposed to this wild-cu aun- char und it you w you can Im’P your (In interests by properly Pte ing your allot. The large In our out!!! tax and the tuning ot debenture- tn addtuon bu and no MW the County Council mm covering the two periods, the out one from 1925 to 1928 Inclusive and the latter covering 1929 my 1.30 (1931 II not yet out) and I III tut The avenge yearly expenditure of our county (m ms- T6, T8 and '2x was $548378.†and ended with a husk balance ot â€7.26.â€. _ The avenge reaHy may" tor the next period 1920 Ind '30 I. $812, 135.70 which in an lacunae d most 550 per cent over the Int pedal! and with a bank mace at $81,402.91. Tim oxmordlury Win10†and 1930 (and nothing Bedugitat to show far It) with n “undue Bank balance on Jan. In. 1081, ranked in the Issue ot $150,000.00 debenture: which will mount in the out so “an to $236,250.00. This to mid to the old debenture debt. The Iva-age My expenditure of the tirgt period, not including Provin- cial mummy Elam and County rcada was 229,2!6." and the mound period was $390.25.“. WM In an increase of union " per cent. Jim} an ounce at $31,402.91. but ' provincial Mammy mum of $79,966.04 not paid. ', Lumber, Millwork Aak tttr Mum..." Noble 9 oeiiiG Ted EGREMONT VOTERS ! DECEMBER N, i"Gaistauumstttt m /'ariobeettf, weather sets in (We!) Sou sl, Cut and l c". P, succeed when OWEN MONO "be“ opened " mm with Iva-dwelt a. null: to nuke N . HOBACHERN. Wm munch: this 'alt not up"_ decided Ln [$133!