yrln halo tor life, whi‘ to, Wilma: Hulk, a - Mom at an“! It L mused away 83mm to Hospital, Toccata Do- na been well tor two " remduw will lb pm but on Meaning let- ILLIAM HASTIE N UARY 14, 1982 RN! H ROLL CALL no vu ' at the no. ship produe M a!" Robot " 'mov Ind He compute data now is :Mayor--3. N. Murdock: It--.-'. Ben: Cmgneib-- Beet Steam-o. W H Krona. Ben Willis. CM Ritchie. Italptt Catton, w. A. Imam-Id. " by mutation. The nomination Monday night tol nu the vacancy for one Councillor in Durham, wood on quietly. Beareely twenty were present and the name or; Wm A, Macdonald being the only,' one Weed in nomination. Clerk', Role detained him elected by neck-I mtlon alter the clone or the hour.’ Win. in a. former Councillor with sew-l en] rears' experts." tad now that' be h but into harness. would give goal - The Ina-mum in noceuuy a] any Ive milled we: the reguUri ngtmtg.tignt. " lg won that no secondf " Macdonald is In root to get in am to release smoke and make certain no sparks lingered. Had the names secured a Minn. it It doubtful if the doub- le residence, better known as the former Burnett store, could have been saved. ttrqygrgqgt arrived. They each brought chunk] extinguhhers carried on their trucks and the two tore down part of partition and quenched the lumen. Tho Brigade responded promptly to the “Inn and cut abole rm Nippod at the Start but Saturday afternoon tire broke wt in a partition between living room tad pantry in A. D. MeAutttte's hm frame residence In upper town. can“ by In overheated pipe from the stove close by passing through partition. and igniting the woodwork. Mrs MeAttlitto and her mother-ln-law. In hm McAulme. were alone In house but quickly summoned help and the thr-ly presence In the vicinity of Muck Graham, Bell telephone line‘ nun. In! W. McTaviah, hydro llne' man. and the building before the! The world does move t!..:-: day and age and weather, the motcrist at the wheel steps on the Kas as he passes this certain spot, end the occupants of car deign to give any " passing glance at this once thmmm hostelry. but week end the remaining rafters were diamant. led and the timber (what we: left) will he used for other purposes. the mail was used an an%euie fo-r' the refreshment. But we have pas- sed from the thingstbat were and in Twenty tive or more years name" most important building at Rocky Saugeen. was the Dunsmoor Hotel.‘ wttn Post Omee adjoining. It wan, an tld humming, even then, but kept: in a fair Mate of repazr. It was one' of the main points cf call for the! stage mun plying between ?yhtuil and Chatsworth and thirsty waylarersl sought refreshment there as well aT securing their mail. Frequently too.' 'ly. on a warrant, held by the chief. t.O.D.E. ARE LOCAL TRUS. of police at Elmira, charging him? TEES OF MOUNMENT FUND with fraud. Chief Reich of that. place: Can. Greys' chapter, I.O.D.E. met took accused from the county to Er,' at the home of Mrs. Calder on Tues- mlra the same day. tasty night, the Regent. Mrs Spurting. . . . paesidmg. Routine business was dis- "tl2' 9:23:23), at her home a“cussed and put through. The matter Strathclair, Manitoba, on Dec 29, Am! was brought up re the Monument nie Black, widow of the late C. 9.!Trust Fund. This fund has now; Bren ton. Mrs Brenton was the,' reached $800.00 and it is the wish of daughter of the late Alexander and' .the Monument Com. to invest 'iii),) Isabelle Black and was born near; m a Prov'l Trust Fund. with IP?? Domoch. She with her parents and', Trustees as guardians. They require an†members of the family. moved) local organization behind them and ta Manittba when in her teens. She) vetgt them with power to expend thti was married about forty years atto.:' interest of the fund as they deem bestl A family ct six survive, tour sa/The Chapter have agreed to accept and two uaturtuers, also one brother i ":11: all“? and 1‘1â€"; 'L,";: dam) :31 . a annuayo e n.un James Black, " Oak River, Matt. 181200.00 is reached. They feel that! Old Landmark Removed interest non-nan. (mm mu. ------, In Hanover recently Prov'l Con- Mable McClevb, thkerton. appre- hended Cul Amonlte of Normanby Tr. on a warrant, held by the etriet of pollen u Imln. charging him with "and. Chief Reick of that place took Iccuud from the county to ma min the same day. I Died in Manitoba. I Mm Menomh, autumn! superin- tlndem of Hanover Hoopla], has re. signed. She has been a member of "about staff for many years. and was an admirable nurse. u... own“. He all Mr Cameron Lender, our aurymamliTaiif. Clnrk in ' “as sporting in his buttonhole last he eventually we Thursday morning while on his with much aatisf; rounds. a real live pansy, pluckedl ince Judging by trom his penny bed that morning.' ment. He was h " was not the only one there either.! The successor 1 INF. Sutherland tor Auiefant Superintendent neeigne :w â€A...“ u n l The Baptist Ladlel' will ttoida,1 sale ct home made kiln and fancy work in the More former! occupied> by Alex Alyre, on Saturda Jan. 23.1 from 3 o'clock on. l Mira Agnes Maephail, M. P., in ad, drrssin; the Hanover Women's Insti- tute thSI Wednesday. in the Council chambers. In the Maple Lea! Gardens, Toron- m, it takes tour hour: to put tee on the rink and four hours to remove". VOL. LV. N0 3 Sixth Gmihr xiii!" Te'at Eclipuc ct sun in August On August " 1932 there will take place the comparatively rue event of a total eclipse ot the sun visible in Cantu. The lut such eclipse oc- curred In 1085. and no further total eclipse. except the en this year will own ICanada until 1945. antes the " mlnlon Oboen'atory of the Depart. ment ot the Interior. one of them will win the laurel: and it ts hoped the loser next year will gain the seat. i Reeve D. J. McDonald, Bentinck. has also strong claims and strong support for the ettice. as he has serv- ed tive or " years us Reeve of his township. while it is " years since Bentlnck has had a representative in the Wardett's ehair. He too has ser- ved as chairman of FTnanee Com. and on others and is recognized as one of the keenest minds and ablest de- baters in Co. Council. ( Both cannot win this year but this) is an age of good "ortmanattip and to be a good loser is an asset to any mu. " is the concamu of opinion , When Grey County Council assemb 2' les in Owen Sound next Tuesday for I the January session. among the first [business will be the selection of a I Warden to preside over their deliber- ations for 1932. l The two toremost aspirants for the ihancr are Reeve Allan Bell of Dur-, ham. who was runner up last year.‘ ‘and Reeve Dugald J. McDonald it) _Bentinck. thus it is almost certain. i that this port or the county will pro- (vide Grey's presiding omeer. Other: inspirante. whose prospects are hard- Ily as bright tor this you, are “our, Ier neighbor. Reeve Brodie of Glen- ‘elg: also Reeve Taylor of Osprey. [Reeve Thompson of Diphmla and iReeve Himmler of Neusndt. ( Durham’s reeve has a splendid rec- on! of seven years' continuous ser. ‘vice in County Council and in that} period he has been tive times honor 1 ed by " colleagues with chairmen-i ship of three important Committee.--- Co. Property, Finance- snd Educa- tion. With only one urban Warden the last seven years. while there arei , urban municipalities and 16 town-| sh.ps. Reeve Bell’s time is overdue!, as next urban Warden. l Keen Race for Wardenship Next Week is Probable and Mrs Grant are acting as Nomin, sting committee. 'in a Prov'l Trust Fund, with Prov'l 'ITrustees as guardians. They require la local crganization behmd them and West them with power to expend the _ interest of the fund as thev damn but Nominations by secret ballot were held. for this year's otheers, to be elected next month. Mrs Kearney interest of the fund as they deem best. The Chapter have agreed to accept this trust and will, as well, aim to add $100 annually to the fund, until $120o.0o is reached. They feel that interest accruing from this amount, should keep the grounds in a manner worthy ot those whose names are in, scribed on the Honour Roll. They are also holding a St Valen- tine Dance on Feb. 9, and on Tues: day night next, Jan M, they are; bringing to town. Capt Montague, who w." give of his wonderful ex-| periences in the Northland. He was educated at Trinity Col- lure. Toronto and Osgoode Hall. Att- er snvlng in the war he hem prac- ttee in Toronto, going to Colllngwood in 1928. The successor to the late Judge C. T. Sutherland for Grey county, is G. W. Morley, K. C., Collingwood, who takss over his new dunes immediat. ely. He is 49 year: of Me. -v """"" . . . . Brown, of in his home town, 1:,r.teyj,t,iFjiiriiiitild1rre,, t'intvslhf'sBe',','g't1aat he also entered the municipal arenagrwr h ii Thursda night last In serving as Alderman and Mayor otl “h" 9 y . th t . H l d n (introducing the noted divine, Rev. Mr e ow n. e a so serve as eputy 3 Armstrong, the pastor, referred to Mr Ccanty Clerk in Toronto. North Priii.lrii' as "Brown ot Red Deer', for 'l'id'v,eet,"l,y, sent .to and fwdemlyionce west of the Great Lakes,, this satisfaction to h.ra prov'lpbrase is a bvword among ministers. ince judging by his recent '""'ointtiiiiii. he spent fruitful years in the mfrnht. He CI',',."),',"',),'::,", d C' ministry, which eventually won tor e “CNSâ€! ",, e a e u ge M. him the honored position he holds} T. Sutherland for Grey county, is G. tc-day. There was a good attendance: t“k Sim-1:31, bl.“ 1eif'iio,etiie'wgg'iegtt'.'liift", members trom Dornoch. RocltylI 21" 'i; l l :9“ at†me a 'lSaugeen and Priceville churches swel-l 'L, w: id c553"! a','rtit,. C l ling the number. Mr Brown has,! I 0 Ta , u d‘anod an)" T; since August last, spent himself un- I.'",'.,', â€ironic a? as h ld, a . t'I ceasingly in the church's intereisi,l, f . tr n e war e an prac- visiting congregations and speaking--! [ice in Toronto, going to Collingwood generally twice a day. It is the' n 1928. . - I hardest of work and only a man of! strong physique can go through this; "'"%f'g :R%CAL J,',","'; D program. The choir were present,' UNM NT UN 'in full strength and rendered anthem Can. Greys' Chapter. l.O.D.E. met"Savlcur like a Shepherd lead us,†it the home of Mrs. Calder on Tues- the obligato being taken by Mrs 'r') iay night, the Regent. Mrs SparlingJM. McFadden. I It now reads Judge Currey. Cou- trtatuittticrts. Durhamites will freely extend these good wishes to their lormér townsman, A. B Currey, K. C.. successor to the law practice of the late J. P. Tcuord. on his recent rise in the world of law. last week he wu appcinted by the Provincial Gov- ernment as District Court Judge of Marr.tourin Island. After leaving Durham Judge Cur- my left Durham to take up practice IT'S ililtt NOW JUDGE CURREY! member would wipe it out. tt wu u we and at beginning of this article, a forceful lemon and delivered by a man who bu the - of " church " heart. "V ._e -...., um quuusmucul. acumen on paying I ct the bridge and God on the other. (iii; 50 per cent. or prizes to exhibi- Htw do we bridge the chasm? Only ( tors. and this cut still leaves them Ithrough Jesus Christ who is the urrlwith a detleit of $70. iiversal religion. Jesus relates the? Economy must be the watchworti, In. icscrhy of religion right into the and the firtrt move was to appoint no iphlloscphy of lite. It is possible,the§dclegate to the Fall Fairs Association 'sreaker said, to be a good Phariseef Some discussion was held on mak- and a bad man, but not a good l ing the fair a County one only, barr- (Christian and tt bad man. fins outside exhibitors. Some fa‘vored i The Church, he continued, is a div-,' limiting exhibitors to town and tour line institution of which Jesus Christ surrounding townships only. It was ‘and no mere man is the head, and left to the Directors to decide later. :through the medium of the churchl There is a danger that Government {He makes Himself known to the ut- and County grants may be materially ltcrmcst parts of the earth. No natioi/redueed or withdrawn, and should he averred, had risen to greatness. such come to pass, it would necessi- except through danger and poverty.' tate new sources ot revenue. or aban- lFrcm this he led on to catholiclty or! dcnment of the fair. l litiicrir"/ic't';. spiritual freedom and: Fall fair dates selected tor 1882 are I5chuich union. He attacked Union Tuesday and Wednesday. Sept. 13th land the mothods used to obtain it.,and 14th. Field crop competitions {Coercion and ttotitiseation are two will be held in both oats and wheat lwoids," he said. “that have no place if tu1tflcient entries can be secured. ,ih the vocabulary of the Preatrytisrianl Little change was made in the oth- IChurch." With 15 years at t.htpties-'ityTs. The 1932 slate is: Pretrident-- ent rate ct growth the Presbyterian John MeGirr: lit Vice-pri-g. w. Chuuh will be back to its numbersj McKechnie: 2nd vimsPress.-.. Joseph previous to union, he said. Not mm: Crutchley: t%er-Trssaa.--A. A. Attoe: teilsi resources but the character or Auditor.-). Rams. H. McKechnie: the people we: the nation great. Directors: DttrNun--Aiitus Bell. W. AY Turning to the needs ot the West. Macdonald, Arthur McDonald. James and its pioneer churches in the Peace. Mather, Dr. Wolfe. G1tlteu-4srs, Rivrriiatriet, hormone I tstrong Th'ence Robinson. John Hamilton; Ezra-f pool for mid- to wipe out the den-i mont-W. Bone. Cecil Barber: Nor-_ cit of the church at present. There1'mantrr-Bert Barber, James Picker: are 18.000 manners in mu 1sommuelrGTiitsar-%i lather. win. Willis. " ion in Canada ttnd on. dollar - 1-3.. 'ut..--.- ‘17, *7 . -- - c} 'on the sensible med.iuttraized edifice Ithey erected. It showed common lsense. He was glad to visit the ,small congregations. There was im- Ipartant work there and the people Iwere more mtiuertced by the life of [the church. Dr Brown said he was {mot giving addresses but sermons and ‘tock his text from 1 Timothy, Grd, chapter and latter part of verse 15 '.; "But if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughlest to behave thyself in the House of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." It was based on St Paul's conception of the church, the truth therein taught and professed. Paul's com science was Illuminated by the spirit of God. We are too formal in our,! wcrship and too grown up in our") preach to Bible truths. In his opening remarks the Modera- tor congratulated the congregation Rev. w. G. Brown, 8ashatoort, " 'livsrtt a Forceful Sermon on the Church, “a the Pillar’ and Ground 'of the thh." "TLe pioneers came to their church with the fear ct God in their heart and the Bible in their hand." Can we say the same ? Such was the mr sence ot the trermotr-not addreats,- delivered by Rev. W. G. Brown, of Presbyterian Moderator Here apd one dollar per DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 21, 1932 With which is Ineortrorated the Holstein Lender l Little change was made in the a, """"""---------srreeereee-U---,. --_ -------, . ---- lee-ps. The 1932 slat; is: Pregident- Joh MeGir : lat ice-Pres..--'. W. , 'lil1'lei"diel." 2nd Vice-Press.-- Joseph Carr s Cough Syrup . . . . . . . . ., . Crutchley: i%er-Treaa.--A. A. Aer: Auditortr-t Range. H. McKeettnie.. Rexali Chest Rub . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dimmers: Durhtun--Aiian Belt, W. A.! Macdonald, Arthur McDonald. June- Puretest Epsom Salts .... .... . Mather, Dr. Wolfe. G1tmsu--4sr-, once Robinson, John Htuniltoa: Egre' ' . i';1'lllc1-vs,l'trfifitut,trici2g.r,, Wampole s Cod Liver Extract Be ini-Witt Mith ' W Willis. ! . . 1.3: mm. mam?“ ,.. Puretest Cod Liver Oil B....... lather. Mrs. Hellndth. In Edvard v, v McDonald. In N. rl?i"rN','gg, _ C): M J. MeGirr, M E ' , Marti}. 'll',i'idte'. " Map A nnp\I C “D11 Fall fair dates selected tor 1882 are Tuesday and Wednesday. Sept. 13th and 14th. Field crop competitions will be held in both out: and wheat if tu1tflcient entries can be secured. i The annual meeting ot South Grey Agricultural Society. held Wednesday 'aftemcon, was not largely attended, Ibut those present were active work. [ers tor its progress. Pres. John Me Ctr presided. While 1981 was a. re- cord breaking year for entries, and for exhibits Durham was the best fair in the locality, yet gate and concert teeciptts tell almost $200. and the Di- rectors were unable to meet the in- creased prize list. when awards a.- mruntlng to over 8700 were taken. The management decided on paying only 50 per cent. or prizes to exhibi- tors. and this cut still leaves them with a detieit of $70. Agricultural Sociely had Poor Year Financially six months of this period) Mrs G. McKechnie Miss J. M. Weir, B. A. Mrs G. S. Kearney Mrs J. F. Grant tor a few months or Mrs Kearney's regime. Mrs R. M. Spar-ling The Secretaries in this period have been: Mrs G. McKechnie, Miss M. Through periods ot sunshine and shadow, the Chapter has loyallycar- med on and much of the success has been due to the various Regents at Its head, coupled with other omcers, that are essential to the success of any Society.. The six Regents who have "carried on" since 1918 on: Mrs Eastwood Mrs D. B. Jamieson (Mrs Hard. " Seeing that Canadian Greys' Chap. -ter. Imperial Order Daughters of " the Empire, is celebrating its four. lteenth year since its inception, it is imterestmg leading to pause and look l back on its many activities and inter- l‘ests in that time. it was organized 1; January 1918, by Mrs Eastwood, .whose husband was then connected iwith the McGowan Milling Co. Two lyears after the Eastwood: left town, lbut the Chapter has continued and " {work has been ot inestlmable benefit i'to huh town and country. At the 'time ot organization, it was felt that -the Great War period-some patrio- tic Society was needed in town to set forth patriotic ideals and endea, vars and to inculcate in minds ot all the loyalty of Canadians to their mother country, England. The can ticn under the crest of the Order leads "One Flag, One Fleet, One Thtcne" and the local Chapter nam- ed their Society, “Canadian Greys," out of respect and honor to the battal- ion of Grey boys who went forth to tight Canada's battle-some not to l teturn. Every Chapter required a motto or slogan and that chosen by Can. Greys was 'ln Unity is Strength. Six Regents in that Period.-910,000 Raised a Ccnuwativc Estimate What Can. Greys have Accomplished Since 1918 (Continued on page 5) It is the intention of l amusement Co. to diobsnd. their dunner as . Joint pany, and after meeting a to distribute mining tu shareholders. The Huron tight episode with a woman In it, proclums once more that a woman can lookout tor herself r The various managements have given faithful service in past years. and provided skating and hockey en- tertainment for the youth of town and country, and formerly curling. as was their purpose. However the omeials latterly have been wearying of their duties. and while the rink has been paying its way annually, it has brought no remuneration or dividends, to the shareholders. it was felt that under private ownership, the rink could be made a paying proposition, and Mr Lauder being willing to try; his hand " it, the Company soldout‘ to.him at a Btutritiee price, siipulst- i ing only that he has to retain it as a; skating rink, in the deed of sale. tt' could be in no better hands" under' private management. snd sharehold- ers and all citizens trust that Comer- on’s venture will prove prxttttabte to him. He took possession Wednesday. Jan. 20, and should have two good business months ahead. Up to date thisseuonhubeenatwslioss to the Cth, with the open winter,where- as in former years. end of December and January were the best skating.I months. l Purest Drugs at Lowest Prices cr by proxy at the meeting. Almost all local shareholders were on hand, it being the largest attended gather- ing of the Co. on reccrd, when the swan song was sung. The Amusement Co. was organized here In 1918, to retain the rink asa w ntor amusement centre for the tc an Ot the 115 shares outstanding, 94 were represented either in person At a meeting ot the shareholders " Durham Amusement Co. Ltd.. held in Red Cross rooms on Tuesday night. unannous approval was given to me motlcn to dispose of the skating rink and site and all tools belonging to it, to Mr Cameron Lauder, dairy- man here, for the sum of $2400. Cameron lander Buys Durban Skating Rink Miss Kathleen Liam, teacher at Aberdeen, spent over the week end with Mrs McCannel and Mrs McPher. son. Mrs Bert Stonecuse entertained the Young Ladies' Auxiliary of Knox Church on Monday evening, as a soc- ial and work meeting. T Miss Mary Morton of the Public School sum. is at her home at Aber- decn, this week assisting in watching over her mother, Mrs Thus Morton, who Is in a very weak state. Mrs. Bryson Morlock is supplying in her place. Mr and Mrs Cuthbertson. Totonto, were guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs Grant McComb over the week end. Mrs McComb returned with them to visit a week in the city. was to assist in effecting a birth: raid on a. Windsor hostelry. _ Traffic other Alister Lawrence of Tilbury, spent a three day leave with his parents, Mr and Mrs James Lawr. ence at the Rocky. Miner's beat in quite large and important, reaching into the fast approaching notorious Windsor district. . His run is from Chatham to Tllbury, King’s Highway No 2 to Chatham, No 2 as far as Wcc.isite, No 18 to Belle Rier. He left here Wednesday and at midnight MeFADDEN'S DRUG STORE. DURHAM Mr O. S. and Miss Margaret Han, (er spent last week end in Toronto. Mr and ms Fred Rutherford, o. Bound, were guests at Mr John Mc- Fayden's at Edge Hill on Satuvday u n Joint Mock com. . Willa all expenses, Mining Insets iothe lilkfhl)l)lilii's DRUG STORE of Durham A- surrender ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO s "_""".--........ l5c itract ..........$1 i, Reliable ............50c t tr, Builders Local Dealer w, trlhtrtal lil Ir. bonds, yielding ii percent In moo or 3500 denominations. A a -per cent'hond. of Can dl'l largest city. Speak quickly it you will: one of thetw. Dominion of Canada National Service Loan Bonds $1000, 3500 or $100 bonds at 100,.viotinsrVr,0 for can. Dominion of Canada Conversion Lou Bond, " per cent to Nov. 1M4, then 4% per cent. to 1959. at $91.00 per 8100 bond, yielding 5.30 per cent. 81000, $500 or $100 bonds. Dominion 1rt Canada Victory Bonds. st p c., due I934 Not [or over ten years have opportunities been us good as at present to buy Government bonds at. prices yielding over " and up to nearly 6 per cent. - and Canadian Government bonds are the latest in the world. Invest in these with utmost Coettidertea: Admission ; Adults 25c : au, lik " Scouts, Trait Rangers, - in f t everybody who is in- [erected (and who is not?) win get.'" tang and append d the Northland in standing this New". Capt. Montague urvod three you: myth tn) Mum Mounted Police among the Eat: at m Mam" Land: " on the Hudson Strait lco Exhibt on (or the Canadian " dare patrolling Hudson Strait board the Can. l breaker, “Montcalm " Capt. Montague will alao exhibit "Ac" and Souvenirs Canadian Grey Chap" r, I, O D. E., are bringing to town ext-member of Royal Canadian Mount.. F. ll. MONIQUE, ed Police. to “are“ Durham, on the Order quickly to "cure the“ bonds at such low prices as prices may no higher at anytime. Highest Grade Government Bonds to Yield 5.30 to 5.75 percent. err-member of Royal Canadian Mount- F. ll. "Gillie“, ed Police. to address Durham, on the above faacinating topic i Town Hana! 5pm.. on tr per cent, due 1936 or 1041. It 98.00. yieiding 516 per cent 81000. $600 or 8100 bonds. meouOInuhumco. To mm Mancunian. l"ti1ra"s'tinut'tS%1t Tuesday lireimit January 26, 1932 10=0=°=I .n... P. RAMAGE Mc ance of the North" The best combination for Colds In mum Land: " "with. for the Canadian new: Phone t, Durham Everything in Medicine for Man or Bent tee