R Y 28. "t32. SA UGEEN 'er in tti on the R, Iohec ink The ON HILL record for MRI! han- Pacme E21- rom Sootâ€:- tiberta. ao- It reaching artmtrnt of on I large a Lawyer xurated In II embrace ot the pro- od at onto. M ORD Mr Tom 38 I. Ir now well out. 1: for a bright" us outlook forth tf farmers an Cor. hit with Inch heir hard work. ti w Nam , assistant. The not! humorous Life" by Institute. "n with. Anders“ prrt'tatutgt hire! at 14»!th ably look right “do tttie future. Mex Hem . with that t with Mr and '. Durham. , “Tight . Mb s excel- any ble ands“: lsabelhw- weck end 'tg, Mr and . who u nu family aad nope tor - Mr and In. for rem-h- v'.uit with a sus- ‘ul and worry- . them and sons. am. spent , A. Hop- m from , the buy place a home of to " " bush 'S mild, was]: for It assisting chores. Mr and I. Mon- ll M ins Jan W the 1nd Che- an â€in: w on Robt he ld " Eben- he m ded he CUSTOM CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. Get our - - purchasing ole. when. " will pay you. JOHN MCGOWAN e=" Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock If the paper vou want is not In above list we can probably get it for you apd save t on money, “end subscriptions by Post Offiee or express money order to Durham Review and Toronto Mall Empire ...... ...... Durham Review and London Dally Advertiser S.'......, Durham Review and London Daily Freee Preee ........ Durham Review and Mont. Family Herald a W. tr...... Durham Review and Fermere' Dun .......... ............ Durham Review and Owen Sound Daily Sun Tlmee.... Durham Review and Farmere' Advocate ................ We announce the following rangements forsubecribers of the receive their home pap at and any may desire for one year Durham Review and Toronto Durham Review ano Toronto Subscribe for your Daily laud hm Papers through the 'lleian/ Roral Household Flour Bran I 'O Cmadn‘ " Oat Chop Pilot " Crimplc SCREEN CHOP .10 PER TON BULK WESTERN FEED IAILEY CHOP, '" PEI TON, BULK For White Bread, Whole Wheat Bread, Bnns Rolls and all kinds of Pastry. A full line of fresh Groceries always on hand HENDERttON's BAKERY Local Agent Keep in Stock tor Sale the following Goods: THE PEOPLE'S MILLS FLOUR NU ARY Quality Bakery (To Canadian Points Only) THE “REVIEW†HENDERSON’S Toronto Dally DURHAM, ONT. Dally Star follovying clubbing ar- PHONE 140 g """"==-om-=amacaG Empire ...... ...... 86.75 Advertiser .......... $6.75 Free. Preee ........ 6.75 Herald a W. tk..... 03.00 Globe . . Oat Chop Crimplod Oats FEED the 'Review' to any others they Shorts . $7.75 sweetly, 'My grace in sumclont for thee.' In Walton gave I. splendid reading. "An Invitation." which in and: enjoyed. In A L much an and to hold a at vuentlne cochlea M 11, when t all": collecaon would A T, Hun-k: also acted u tuisy here, owing b In Wm Hellman ab- lance. In Du: Campbell an: very i On Tuesday p.m. the W. H. and _ Ss .4 S. met in the Hall with a good atundance. In absence ot Sec'y,Misa Erma McLean, Mrs A L Hlncks was appointed sec'y. The minutes otlast meeclug were read and adopted. It was decided to get a. dozen more mite boxes, also a. new study book for ‘the year. It was moved by Mary MeRaeherrm, seconded by Mae Stewart, that we order 20 program cards for the Wom- ‘en'e World Day of Prayer, to be meld In the Halt, Feb 12th and that ‘an invitation be sent to'St Columba Church to ettend the meeting; Mrs. Moe gave a splendid reading, "He hath led them by thy right hand’ which wee much enjoyed. Mu Suther- land read out of the ‘Gled Tldlnge'. “The Canadian. Indian.' She theme“ a utter from In B. C. Cook. that they would hue to get 3 new Supply Bec'y, owing to her removal to Bar. He Nine new members were added. The Wish; Wen-hen mulch took Mae., with the new Meat. -V__w.. - AIIIDB lulu" i'tha Watson. Arrangements were lmade for collections of qullt blocks," land later quilting ot them and alsoa committee appointed tor St Patrick night. A tine lunch was served at the close. Watson and her brother, xii." d,%ritr ed on Friday might at home of Mr. and Mrs Jno. McKechnle. At the Y.P.S. meeting Tuesday (Hauling, F. R .Oliver, M.P.P., will dleu' an address. Mr and Mrs John Mactarlane also paid a friendly visit Sunday to this an; household, and to Mrs and Miss McMeekln before leaving for their homo in Toronto. A play will be given here by the young people of Salem on Feb. 3,-- "The trail across the hill', in St Col- umba. St Columba‘s annual meetinp will be held Thursday at 3 p.m. At a recent meeting ot the Y.P.S.. Mlss Edna McHugh, Pres. gave a pa- per on 'Tho social problems of the Rum] Church": Mrs H B McLean on 'Rural Church problems': Mr Robert Whittaker on let chapter on Korea: Mrs Whyte selections on violin. Mr J. D. McArthur led thereutG." inma Bible contest. munity tor a happy married life. We were surprised to note in last week's Review about the Manual Training School in Toronto occupy. ing 10 acres ot ground. This must , have been a tremendous outlay (lik- ely by the Drury govti). Maybe it imeant floor "ace--. but no, schools 'are only two stories high for safety. It is pleasant to read this over and to think that so much has been done and considered for the scholars. It is hoped there are lots of doors to this large building. Messrs Allan Mcinnls and -Alltut ;McLesn motored home over the week lend from Hamilton, where they are Making a further course in the Ontaro i0 Technical Training College for Manual Training teachers. The lat- ‘ter holds a. good position in a large school in Toronto, the Manual Train.. ing Dept. of which he himself organiz- ed. Mr Alfred Hineks is supplyingin his place while he is taking the tur. “..- __‘___,, norm, 27 in number. diapers were given by Mrs R. McConkey. Mrs P. Karatedt, D G McLean and Miss Mar- The W.M.S. and Ladies Aid com- bined, held a tine meeting at home of Misses James on Wednesday after- ther M rs We were pleased to meet with Mr and Mrs John Macfarlane (nee Anna Mary McLean), the recently married young couple after their honeymoon trip. He is to be congratulated on getting one ot Priceviue's fairest in looks, afrttttienmm and musical abili- ty. We were honored in having acall from the young couple before leav- ing for their home in Toronto on Sunday evening. They have our best wishes, along with those of the com- munity tor a balmy married mo Torontoniams --200 in the group there were delighted with the visit. Mr H B McLean was called upon and presented the prizes won at the bridge and other contents there. all the way.' .' "The world went so sally with me then, boys then." Anyone who went to sleep was treat- ed to a masquerade ot newest face powder. On arriving home at 6 am. Saturday, a dance wu had in front of the Post Omee, while the tour benches were being carried into the was new truck. all cloned in on the sides and a canopy top. Music galore en route, going and coming, which brings to mind another old song ‘The pipes they did play and We Met! mong them (about 4200 lbs anyway). trut on by the Prieeviiieitas ot Tor- onto, who received them with true Scotch horspitalitr. Mr Danny Mc- Arthur (a most etBelent driver) took them all down in his tine, commod- Geo Arrowsmith, Ceylon: Mitt, rtha and Edith James, Martha PRICEVILLE tdirt," 'f Btroettt--8 lama" L. mutiny "who iltd overseasâ€, Tm God called her 1*... To Butler no more. In the province by tliUGTiiii"i' well and should do much to an» this Mr Depression "my. wcws yet. judging by the way this provincial loan has been overwh- ncribed. All they uh for was " mn- non and in a few don over " mit. lion was let loose. This emtttdetm, Mr and Mrs Jag Stephens. Cedar- ville, were recent visitors " the home of Mrs Geo Christie. Min C. Patten, Durham hospital. visited her sisters, Mr: Neil Melanch- nie and Miss A. Fettel recently. A number from here attended the 'At Home' " Swlnton Park on Fri day night. The Mission Band of Hopeville United Church, met at the home of Mrs Ed Scott on Saturday met-noon. Mr and Mrs Alex Milne and Mr. and Mrs Chas MeDontud, Dromore, Spent an evening last week with the Shana family. Sorry to say Mrs J. W. Armstrong has been quite poorly this winter. Miss Jean Crlnger, Cheney, has been assisting in the home. Born, in Toronto, on Jan 12th, to Mr and Mrs Gerald Glass (nee Seph- ronia Armstrong) a daughter. Rev E. A. Cheaher organized a Young Peopte'a Society in connec- tion with Bethany congregation last Thursday evening. Miss Mary Shand spent afew days at home ot her brother James, at Fairbairn. Mr and Mrs w R shun and Dalton, visited early in the week with Conn relatives. Mr Geo. Ridden. Toronto, spent a few days with his brother Will, Miss Lyda Spence has been home from Toronto since the New Year, suffering from an attack of rhtuma. tism in her arm. Miss Alice Stewart, Galt, spent a few days recently with her (other and brothers in the village. ot Woodhrldge. Messrs Alex McLean and can Allan Metnnia, Hamilton, spent week end at ther parental homes. ,,__ - pm, Mr and Mrs Jan Oliver, Mrs F R Oliver and Miss visited Monday night at I McLean's. Ontario itt not going to the bow- son. Jack McMillan, fi' mews, Neil McKinnon, Arch Burnett, Jack Shortreed. All had a Jolly time. Mr Dan L. McArthur took a truck- load of Pricevllleltea to Toronto -on Friday night, to attend the Old Boys' and Girls' At Home, The party were: Mr and Mrs Leonard McKeown, Mr and Mrs Dan L. McArthur, Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Watson, Jessie Nichol. Anna Shortreed, Margaret. Murmur, Erma McLean. Neil McArthur. Arch. McArthur (Glen). Chas Aldcorn, F. Karatedt, H. B. McLean. Nell Mc. Lean. Alex McLean, Earl McLean, Johnnie Mchcar, Donnie t'ii'r'ii'i?) Arch McArthur (townllne). Bert Wat- CARLOAD OF PRICEVILLE FREIGHT BOUND FOR TC Sorry to report that Mr: McMillan, Br, has not been 1 very good health Her may will be triad to see her roan soon. Mr and Mrs Allie McLean save A dinner Saturday night, in honor of Mr and Mrs Jno. Maetartane, who were married the week previous. The guests present were the bride and groom, Mr and Mrs C A McLean and son Alex. Mr and Mrs Malcolm\Mc~ innis and son Allie: Mrs HeetorMe. Donald. Messrs Neil and Cinrles Mac- lurlsne and sister Margaret. The ev- playing Mr Mr and Mrs bachie Mektnmm and Mr and Mrs Allie McLean visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hector Me.. Mina Margaret Smellie and friend. of Toronto, are holidaying " her parental home. spent. _ Mr and Mrs A B Mouthw- visited 1m 'week with Mr and Mm A. L. Hincks and family. Mrs Rom anrence (nee Kitty Me- Cunig) is In Toronto Ming radium treatments for cancer. Her my friends hope she may soon be re. stored to her usual health and vigor Mn Boice In. the topic- toi.Giiit month. Twelve members joined up. Lunch was served and I sock] time Mrs J. Moleskin. Jr. is to be AGiii: Bible tor evening. Everybody in cord- ially invited to attend the gathering. be taken up. Lunch will be served. A program com. of In Cmbe Mr THE DURHAM REVIEW was pleasantly IN “EMORIAM HOPEVILLE ' Mrs Wm wsmiian,Ucrt/. I had a Jolly time. Jag Oliver, Mr and 't that Mr: Donald Is not been enjoying t Her may friends, nee her round again Trtctttt" FOR TORONTO at Mr Allie Toronto -oNftsvored at the le Old Boys' wan. it in nu party were: ( bcnused railwnz cKeown, Mrithe expense l Ir, Mr andlruolu. aie N1chol.| Let me make in the l have, in the course ot a fairly long life, seen some monumental ex- hlbitlons of gall. but the cllmu has surely been reached in this demand by railway employees, recelvlng dou- ble the wages ot 1914, that added burdens be placed on the backs of farmers whose lnoome ls less thaait was 17 year: ago. ~~v- luv " 1913! Yes, 100 per cen dollar paid in wages, ox 1914 over $2 itt being same amount in labor In the meantime hay have dropped to about price level. Pttdto _ be and tar pro- tnotitte umber-deuce Ichool Pottr""e _ "“mtchewua. 1.“ IF b. I. .. 'te 1n and“ doe 1"c' 2...ng it an Cums!) leather may eventually win favour with the lady of Mo Ion tor ber handbag or I“ Not until rocently has a market been found for cam-h caught in Nova 3cmi nu! a ttrm ttt leather manuncvr “an In t. United States te ".und that I "I“ pliable r~ me! can be MM the skin . Mt'ish. -- ._.... p-wucll 'oe er than 20 years ago, and taxes four times what they were then, have e- nough burden to bear now. How Is it that with railway opera- tives on the other hand? They are making a most vigorous protest a- gainst an “and which reduces then. acale of wages by 10 per cent. Ten per cent down on wages that 1...... Certainty a season}. It not In on time. record for a My " game hunter was recently nub- llohod in New Bran-wick when Mrs. Wolter R. Peter“. of Naatuta, New Honolulu. shot . moose. two buck deer Ind . bear during I hunting trip in the Ber. pentine section ot the Total. diatriet of the province. Butter production in Canada for the first seven months of 1931 In- creased 25.379.726 pounds or 15.6 per cent, over the production tor the corresponding period of 1930. Exports In the same period were 5.149.600 pounds or nearly 4,000.- 000 pounds more than In the tune seven month In! your. P. G. Wodehouse. world-famous novelist and humorist. will write his next novel aboard the Em- press of Britain during the world cruise which starts December 3 from New York. It will be I continuation of the story ot “Jeeves" who has already figured in several of his best sellers. The Royal York, largest hotel in the British Empire, reeentlc staged the largest bridge tea and fashion show ever held when over 1,100 bridge tables were in opera- tion and nearly 5,000 guests at- tended the function. It was held in aid of unemployment relief funds. ‘l Railway corporations and railway "'employeeo have united in n dermal “Itor the Imposition ot heavier tan- Ttion on ureter trucks. " inmost on- " tair, they say, that truck. operating Ion highways. built by the public. [alhould be allowed to compete with . steam railway. operatingontheirown , right ot way. I The itatement on which the de- lmand in haaed is not well founded. The highwnye on which truck: oper- ‘ate. the concrete highways, at least. ‘ have not been built by the 'putrtie.' They have been Betaneed out of rev- enue collected from motor licensee and gasoline taxes. Lou than eight- _een million dollars, were spent by Tihe province on highway construc- "ion and maintenance In 1980. Well over 16 million dollars were collect- .ed by the province in license tees, 'moline. taxes, etc. When the fact .15 recalled that a large portion of the, i18 millions spent was expended or:I lconstructicn that will last for years, it will be admitted that motor tunic] 'ae a whole is paying the whole coat or building or maintaining our mod-i Iern highways. I l Nor can it be contended that tsteam: Eradiwayu opente on what can be pm- ‘perly called their "own" right of way. That right of way and its o.' 'quipment have been largely provided "or out of public taxation. The can..' Indian Your Book at page 685, states cue of the C.P.R. alone to " mil. llon acres. Instead ot trucks being favored at the expense of the nil- waya. it is rather a. me ot publicly bemused railways being ttvored at the expense of privately owned "and". that municipalities, provinces and Dominion have contributed over 225 billion dollars in cub tor this purp- ose. It la further trtgrted by this w- thority that railway bonds have been guaranteed by Provinces and Domin- ion to the extent of needy 704 nul- llone. On top of tUI this have been the had grants, mounting in the (W. L Smith in the Canadian Conn. ' "F n prepared pron-u: I ... “a ‘YNMB mum' of C'-' n of Alberta. for 8.. HEAVIER MOTOR TRUCK TAX WOULD BURDEN PARKER. c... "own on wages that have raised over 100 per cent since Va. 1AA -- I. W} U per cent. For every Wagreg, on railway; in itt being mid for the “.-_. it quite cleu that ~day ' while and wheat Ut the 1914 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO trde light, Inn! and GitGtTr."ii, Prov't m+mr. Apply at nevi" ; Mr Malcolm Benton from Sunk. ssl again shaking binds with old Meade.1 vHe fanned until two years ago In N. 'Dakota, near the town of Wetsthopey and weak: well of the country tut, che place for a young mm to obtain aveuth. but of course will have to fundergo some ttrtvatioeta and hum-i ‘shlpa If ccuntry ll new, as it wuj lwhere he was hoenestmuumr. Maura} James md Arch Brown, he nun-3,1 are two old Bendnck boy- there. I H. Pedwoll. reeve of Thornbury. I was elected Worden of Grey. unm- dny'a meeting. deleting R. J. mu by ' m. Prlcevllle:0urwwnlsnowepo lice village with an following taut- eel 1'.etntoaetinamor,uneerto the dictum of their Minot...» "’ Tho. Min-oh. Peter Funds Me- Arthur and John tttothart, (has... mum-t young men which would do '"etoanrtormorvuiue% the county to mm s unim- otthse. ham court ot that ttodCuGGio small degree owing to his energy sud Interest. a walking eneyelopaedla of Forum-1;: information and should make I an able orTratiiaer. The strength of Dur- We have been kindly furnished by Clerk Voilett with the number and nine of hogs weighed from 8th of Jan. ,06 to Jun 8, '07. A procession ot 5059 hogs paced over the town scales ma their value to the tum-I wu $59,120.00. This with the pro‘ coeds of other stock, gain and dairy-J ing, span of a prosperous you: I Mr Wm Johnston, for may you:“ hand lawyer with the McKechnle than, in: given up that [tuition Ind; taken an organizer: position with! MONEY FOR SALE Choice clover Honey. te . pound in II: on mm. Light umber. " lb pull for 'tte. w. A. Imam. nun-n quick. From Review tyle Jan. M, 1907 l To rem" the - ot duet, try Chiropractic "lt-tts, In. Mr Dan McKelvey, New Lukeu‘d, no. attd an" Vb... R.†is brightening the home of his pan ems here this week. He was in Tor- Bee your toeat Chiropractors onto lut week on omen] business for his town, and while there diapoa- DRS. L. U. AND ed of some of " property for $16, . F _ 000. As he mid only $7000 for it,' BESSIE Habitual“! this itt turning. over money pretty " YEAR. AGO From Review tyle Jan. M, 1907 Mr Dan McKelvey, New Lanna is brightening the home of his par out. After some little tumble else- where, they secured another outAt and reached town safely. It is nther cold hospitality to refuse admittance tc.. any gamer requiring temporary relief. btft in this are 'twatt wmrent disloyalty as well when the uniform was thmted. parlance. Near Orchard the home got " the road in the deep 0mm started kicking, nanny bmkinglooce from the cutter and making for Dur. hun, while the occupant: were thrown cut. Going to I. nurby home for warmth and aid, the door was slammed that on the Kintfts uniform and the "no admtttaatsee" sum hum Whtte returning from Emmi! It night, recently, with I Indy friend, a young khaki townsm had some ex- Born, " Rocky Swgeen, on Jun. 20, to MrUnd Mr: Albert Middleton, p, son. the 8th Recon-v0 But-Mon and is commnded by Col. Kohl-had and the old handgun-oer: sun. The bat. tallon In new 2800 strong. innuendo! the usual estatoturtmtt, it having Air Borbed the 11th Cm. Perth Ba. and portions ot other units. The 147th Grey Bu. bu now cen- ed to exist. The unit I: naw known: bell, former courier on ER No. tand now clerk In the Post once, who In: passed " animation as runway mail clerk. Meoirr, Ernest McDonald :11de Gilel. of Durham and Ravel Boyce. Bentinck. Since we but reported. tive more have signed here with the 248 Greta, IN DAYS OF YORE " YEAR. A00 From Review tylo Jul. M, 1917 J. S. MclLRAlTH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY SALE of Winter Icrcludise THE CASH SHOE "ORE JANUARY CLEARANCE .J.Youn‘.hxu,nu~ "tat an: or ppt to responsible at greatly reduced prices. with old friends. i t you: ago In tt.,' I 1: of WelunopeJ the country u, , , mu to own I 3 W1]! have to: ion: and bud-i: Lew, u it w": tending. seeiiGiit mu, he myâ€, boys them. Mr Johnston ll thmDNth hoist-slaw,“ toti-thoft-enmraii-. mint-awn“! imam-huh that... abut-m I Durtt-t.anattmesttveosd-t. autumn-loot Icon-noun- 'nnboMrtntnedntr-nttemta.. JOMHMOMIM J.A.u.mmm IGTBI 80510011.. hmmmm. PrtarAtibe+trte M00“ _ Almost duly we receive learn j of nppredauon from client: for g when we've accomplished tho “lmpoulble†and got "result-F I Let us do no for you. om. mum " Emma. ttate. duo munch Dun-bun “In. Pieaheeton Mum». aett.e. M Dunc-1k P. o. Phone " r " No Collection No Chum l Ins! hUtid In]: Amati All Ion] document- enema. um morally W Your patron... numb. 0m: , "or m of " untain's Gar-o. z J. F. GRANT, 0.0.8.. “can... Motto-nor m an, (a... Maury Pubuc, tbo-ear, than". hour-m. on Honor Graduate Toronto mummy Omit-m Rom eon. Doom Sum of Ontario. X RAY GAO EXTRACTION. omee.. Mitt Street, DURHAM, Ont. , 100 tom on hutch] "any " “GA 'tttne of EDWARD LAUDER M.D.,C.M.,F.A.gta no SECOND AVENUE EAST OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO Speculum: in Appoint!“ 05mm of En. Preterm Lamina. St, Durham, on, one. Hours: 1.†to 4.†p... 7.80 to I.†p. a. I. L SUIT". tM.. " " Dillon-M Ila-Hence: Gaul-(h- tau-M 14mm Btmu. Duh- otRetetttrrrm:0touo.. LII»! IM793D-ln We!“ P. F. lacARTHUR ‘. C. PICKERIIG. oos. L03 GEORGE E DUNCAN The Money Comes J. tt McQUARRIE. Dovmury In all at. lunch.- KELLY & A]!!! The Pet-aloha: Colloctoru ORANGEVILLE Monthly summ- CHIROPRAC'I " T H. SNEATII. M. B. JOHN O’IEIL '. t I. Hunter‘- 8m 1n lt