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Durham Review (1897), 11 Feb 1932, p. 4

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il' J!ltilrrrh0lco.N & SONS co. Ltd I Storm Sash Save Fuel ll and R. B. Bennett Is one of'EEZ-ng to nuns. s.rt w... ”u. quHly unruuoml t"100rintr, Askfor prieea--ServicePrompt ” """'"'=a=""'""====ae"=o====-e"====- There's a tum War 1931 and the beginning of 1932, when the ski team- of t o Univer- litiu of Oxford and Cunbridge hold their Inter-Varsity meet on With nail for the Brst time. Hitherto the famous British Uni- vuiti. have duty: settled their winter sport: dilemma in thrit. said, the recent visit to Canada Iii-guinea pink in the light of the " y British" campaign and for the 'ne9uragement of niver gtym bgtwoen_§ilmpt put: __ - - n -_-. w-‘r-wuv w - -it"tSe' “Iii-pin. . They also met SAW A PLANING MILLS - ow Everyming in Timber, Lumber, Millwork Suporior Quality Hardwood Flooring Ask for prices-t Order In uni be make size and light a 'isiory wu written in Candi“ ' and Empire Iki unal- " Ste. M._ or., yeer the end of THE CyiNhjrEitTijijii7"ii" OF COMMERCE SHINGLES - 3 Grades Ontario's and B. C's Combination Storm and Screen Doors Oxford and Cambridge Skiers Hold First Meeting on British Soil luv and be ready when cold weather sets In. and light arrangement to suit your Windows. Capital Paid Up - - $30,000,000 Reserve Fund . - $30,000,000 Glazed Sash a Specialty t n progress The A Woman's Privilege as Well as a Man's Clmdien college teem. were on- tertained " Ottawa by His Ex- cellency the Governirr-Generai, end made the uqueintance of 3 number of Canadian Md Clubs. The inun- show (Dark Sweeter!) the Jxlord Team; (Light Staten) I Cambridge, who won the British inter-vanity meet: and (in mp) tekinc 'i',','grtl,igt,'i', alter the ok.. or tun ri " crane country?“ Left to Right: Alexander Keiller, President of the Ski Club of Great Britain and Bouncy Manure! the teens, imekeeper; W. (Bill) Thompson. Mantra], former Cam. edien Olympic Skier, stutter; P. J. The Canadian dollar is not yet up lo par '. neither Is the Canadir, winter tcr that matter to date. 92 OWEN SOUND 'Pdtmie.s.. All'vm enthusiastic about their vimt to Canada and the beautiful mountam resort on the Laurentian line of tltCana-" dial: 1%eifie Railway. The party travelled from. Pte in the Canadian Neiiie . or "Mont.. Wel ant} ”rapped on the "DueheGGi yiiir ner; W. D. Dunn, Cambridge, second; end H. Spence former British cram country ski champfon and member of the technical com- mittee of. the Ski Club of Great Britain, tunekeeper. Inset-a fins jun}: by three at the Britith under. Ara/ey, (Olden-g) indivjdugl yin- in the history ot markM, They are on their hog prom ity, buying fend f1 BLAMES LOW HOG PRICES ON RUSSIAN FIVE YEAR PLAN Why have prices declined $4 per hundred wright or $8 per 200 lb hog, during the past ten weeks? This questicn is asked In the Barrie Ex- aminer by Thos Olsen, general mana- grr of the Co-opemtivn Parke-rs or Ontario. It has no doubt occurred also to others, especially to farmers engaged in raiding hcgs. In July live hogs figured around 9e per lb t.o.b. which was a fair price in comparison w'th grain values. During August prices dropped from So to to so or tel, per 200 lb hog. in September condi-J 13:33 wore wcrse for live hogs hit, ths, rr. and three-quarter cent lav-l el. Even at this unfavorable price to producers packers could find no ew, port outlet, for England, the great! markct, was tttytsded with bacon from: Europr‘an countries. l uu- mg Interest rate g.ven the lean. Apart frcm the high rate, 'it is go lug to act as a precedent for counties and townships who also at times ask for money, to live up to. Inevitably it crmes cut ot the poor taxpayer in the end and already he is groan- ing so hard, that it is doubtful if his shoulders will ever straighten with the burden he is bearlng. The point has been raised by many “Was it. necessaxy to heat the loan in the tirat Platte?" Secondly, “Was it necessary to offer 6 per cent in. terest to attain the objective?" Cor. porations, insurance companies and wealthy citizens were simply waiting fer such a loan to come along to Bub. scribe to 'n large blocks. With prin- cipal and interest assured, they have c::ly to sit pretty and draw it as it comes due. The small investor had little chance to gain from it. as a Ct uple or days after, the market quo. tatlcz; was up a full point. With On- tar’o in such an enviable Bntuutiat (7:,‘ullca. as she is reputed to be, it gces without saying that the loan would have been over-subscribed in almost as quick order at 5% per cent. Much needless money from Ontario's rescumes. it appears, has gone out in the " interest rate g.ven the lean. ONTARIO PAVING TOO HIGH AN INTEREST RATE The Province of Ontario is _con. gratultttirur itself for It: recent great achievement in ftoaeng a provincial lean that was cvrr-r,ubscritred.in an hc.;r's time. Surely there is .m- mc:cc wealth in Ontario in ready c."sh, ready 'to pitk up the plums as they fall.. C. RAMAGE t SON. Editor 3nd Pro. prtPutrtt zip B adj-um Bonita: lumber 9itne,rtjGiiiriiiri, . The small investor had ee to gain from tt, as a lays after, the market qua up a full point. With on. 's b: They are tttled with In loving memory of William Pur. ton, who died one year ago to-dny, Feb. 14, 1931. There is a link Death cannot never. Love and remembrance last forever, And though the year: \be may or . ,,,V---.--- worm, in her home vitlage,--kemtsie. Br Iv-stephen Stinson. Jr w-l She was one of the ttrntt women, so Vera McCaslin, Alice Subject. Grace says the Sun-Times, to see the possi- Hodgson. Sr m-Mary Shewell. 1.191.! Mine: of this organization and the en Shark. Jr m--Mtsmty Sherk, L. ' EFF" good it :ould bring to rrrai Subject, Jack Sheweli, Lenora Hodg- women. She was called Upon to orr son. II-Jack Martboroutrtt, Jack ttnige the Owen Sound bunch, which Lounds and Orvii Hodgson, equal. 1 She later served as president over s I-Ruth Home, Charlie Campbell.‘ term of ten years. as well " arm:- Norman hounds. Br Pr-Basil Shew- this numemus other bunches over ell, Iona Hodglon. Jr Pr-Mugaret the county. She also organized the Sherk. Arthur susson, Della bounds, ' County W. institute and was the Ralph Campbell. Brat president of the county conven- Csthsrine D. MscLesn. teacher ticn ever to be held. She enjoyed -"_---- the highest esteem and cooperation of the Dept. of Agriculture of the m "l""'"" Provincial ‘sovemment during lhe In loving memory ot Wtiiism Pitt.. may you-s shaves leader in W. I ton, who died one rear no to-dlv "'..i.. Br IV-Stephen Stlnson. Jr nr-- Vera McCaslln, Alice Subject, Grace Hodgson. Sr m--Mary Shewell. Hel. en Shark. Jr m--Mtsmty Sherk, L. Subject, Jack Sheweu, Lenora Hodg- son. II-Jack Martboroutrtt, Jack Lounds and Orvil Hodgxon, equal. l-Rath Hmie. Chm-Ho mun-um" The rcduction of ten per the salaries ot M. Pts, ministers. ete, means the drop $1700 from Premler Bennett's nity. Chances are he will 1 tlie in on the breadnne In on WILL BE However the Council decided to forego the schcol tair thit, year in Bruce, and a motion to that effect passed without a division at the Board. Outside of this sinster element, these fairs since Inaugurated. have been a source of education and en- 'tertainment h many young, as well was old, through out the county and Walkerton's reeve. Campbell Grant, strongly opposed their abolition even for a year, on the ground that the‘ paltry sum saved wouldn’t compen- sate for the interest the youngsters would lose in the mlllng of the farm and which wasn’t In line with .the, slogan 'Keep the young people uni tho Farm.’ , Registering of the seed furnished ‘was one of the principal helps a- gainst th's faking process, wime sup- plying of expert judges by the Dept. who were competent to make the awards was another Item m securing fair play to the honest exhibitor. The removal of these two safe- guards was to take away the virtues and leave the deviltry In the fairs, was the drift ot the speaker in this regard. - - ,7 -"N-F". "nu 'showed something that their elders “reduced and tried to put it across Pas their awn handiwork and produc- Itlon. That many parents tyo-tFitted lwith the kiddies In this faking ordin- ance in order to get the awards was the most surprising and regrettable feature. of the affair. was in substance ithe statcmfnt ct the speaker. whcse‘ [exponent-e with rural school fairs 1was large and varied and who claims ‘to have seen a lot ot crooked work attempted at these fairs in his time. 1The kiddies would get one kind of: "eed, he claimed and later many ot itliem wculd shcw the yield of a dif- icrent variety and try to get away with it. Ho y are nuea with TiNPranee/ Get . bl tri dear lag-band or you. i the 'luhed'2lePt,P.t old BRUCE COUNTY THROWING OUT T SCHOOL FAIRS m 1932 (Walkertcn Times) Rural Schccl Fairs in Bruce County which have been the his attraction teach tall for the children of the Ta. xvnship.Schools, apprar to be out, It" the question for 1932. i The County Council at its session] ihere last week passed a resolution tdispensing With the School Fairs this year, due to the advice from Mr. Fred Forsyth, Dist. Agric. Represent-l ative, that there would be no free! seed distribution from the Govern- ment forthcoming this year and also, that the Ihrpartment., in its ercnom-l it: Program, was dispensing with the furnishing ct Judges for these fairs. Th‘s was retrieving the two safe- guards, Mr Forsyth maintained a"! gainst those Juvenile delinquents who) Japan has a mind of her easily Inttt1eneed by the L Nations. Japan tirmly seated in Manchnz-ia lik- ely. It will be well it sane untimely mishap to European powers should not be the signal for bringing them into action. Meanwhile war has no' been declared , mum, out no aecssive victory on eith- c. ' M has given them a chance to interfere. Meanwhile Japan ls land- ing more troupa and China ls ttalling up her wonderful man-power, and de. cision will be reached shortly, with Japan thrmly seated in Mannhlr-in “In ' CHINA-JAPAN WAR The trouble in the far East does not grow less with the,pusing days. Both parties have won victories, but Japan seems the better of the two. The caution and advice that acme from the European powers seem to make Japan Just do as she likes. A feature of the war lime noticed be- tore is the bombing from the air, which has now made part of the big city of Shanghai a. shambio. Britain and United States! are work» in; together to better things if Pos-, sible, but no decisive victory on eith- c. ' lo has Divan FK.-, - -'-~*' . dlly seen Attat wr low hog prices can justly be blamed on the Russian situation." Mr Oclen concluded. "There are ctly two remedies for this unfavorable situation. either the downfall ot Russia's tire year plan. cr all European countries, as well u the L'.S.A.. must take the same stand that Canada has done, notruck or trade with Russia.” Ever THE DURHAM REVIEW nances are he will have to the breadllne In Ottawa! NO. a, BENTINCK ON THE BREADLINE! en per cent in P's. cabinet the dropping of - --n vuuul' . , i the Review other. ( red by wile die- or non at on. or her own, not the League at indent. -__ 7.. cl .1 Inc newer out”. Only 5c. FG Bun die- or more at the lung rate. am able tor several WWI. it was for her unique connection with the organization of the Women’s In- stitute in Grey Co. that her name and work stand out prcm'nentiy. Mrs Gardner organized the third Women's institute branch in the world, in her home viilage,-aautttge. She was one of the ttrqtt women, so any: the Sun~Timea. to see the possi- bilities of that; organization and the gym” good it mum kv-lh- 5- _ Owcn Sound " tsl0st an outstand- 'ing woman by death, in the death of Mrs Jmes Gardner, wh!ch took place on Friday last. Besides her qualities of a devoted wife and moth- or, she was an ardent church wom- an, t hospital worker and ter oth. er huses that needed support. But Mrs Gardner Organized V3rd W. Institute Br. in Canada A number in the locality are nur. sing very severe colds. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, there was no service held here in United Church a week ago. Mr and Mrs Wm Cooney, Durham. have been visiting among friends and relatives in this neighborhood the past week or so. Mlss Muriel Henderson, Elinor”, visited at her home here over the week end. Some of our young sports attend- ed a box social in Allan Park Friday night. The local W.M.S. are holding their day of prayer at the home of Mlss Isabel Fulton on Friday ot this week. The Messrs Hickling, Fulton and Byers, were among the number who attended the ‘Father and Son' ban- quet in St Andrews' Church, Hana. ver last Friday evening and reports splendid outing. This unusual winter we are having ls still producing some changeable weather with very high winds, while all sorts of vehicles are travelling the roadway. It la 30 years slnce the inception ct Durham Branch Women's Insti- tute and plans are being made to mark the event. $5 was voted to be sum. to the Ttybermory dcztor fund. Nine quilts have been made by the Instltute members and friends and seven of these have gone to the West and two used locally. The group members served a supper of scallop- rd ratatoes, des!illed eggs, salad. mead and butter, tarts. r udio art‘sts gave I 'Carolina Mo2n' and ‘81 the Rock'ies.' The Pond ses Glass and MeComN piano duet Farewell to Funny-boners (Mrs W supplied the. Jokes. R..bl:n Red Breast sinks Home" "Lock on the su 'When Irish eyes are a] . After the business period, conduct- t ed by the President, Miss McGirr. . Mrs I-'. W. Moan took charge ot the , meeting. Mil Moon announced that t in these modern days we take modern b triennial to: hearmg entertainment, . and turn on the radio. Mrs Moon and , her group Ithen entered the studio I end the announcer. Kate Smith (Mrs Calvin Klnnec) announced the pro- gram from DBWI, broadcasting from ,the Palace Weir on Bruce St., Dur- ham. The studio artists opened the prugram with a chorus. A piano BO- ‘lo 'Love's a Dream' was by Kathleen {Stokes (Lea'h MoComb): The Royal 'York orchestra (Mrs Ralph Cation ‘playing harmonics. and piano) reader. cd (Id t.me tunes. Weather reports. [when time and coming events were lanncuzced. Jessie Reid (Mrs J. Ma- (ther; gave something ot interest to) {women. Ann Adam (Mrs R H Led- Ingham) advertised a certain brand of tiour and gave recipes : Anthony Wand (Mrs J C Hamilton) read from Tony's scrap book: Mrs Blake (Mrs J.A. McGirr) gave a talk on radio, ' beginning with Marconi. the invent- " or of wireless and took her unseen 1 audience to a radio factory. which. was a very interesting talk. Two l guest artists, Miss Dragonette (Mrs , Knechtel) and Miss Field (Mrs J. F'. Giles) each rendered solos, "When-i The Durham branch Women’a In- stitute held One ot their novel and pleas.L-g afternoon at the home of Miss Annie Warm on Thursday last. The program was in charge of Group m or the Intstitute ladies and as was kept a secret by the group. spec- ulazwa was rite as to what form the entettainment would assume. Third Durham Institute group? Ge Radio Program HAMPDEN gave two numbers. , and Springtime in Phe Pond Sisters, Mia- McCom-b) rendered a sings Heme Sweet 2te sunny side' and are smiling! The Thee.' The Harmve) I The annual meeting ot Lima: I'r'uw'o.vtrriatt Church, Domoch, wu (Add in its Sunday Schocron Petr. , 3rd, the pastor, Rev J. R. Greig act- " ‘ng as chairman. Exceilent reports :wore henna tram all departments of {the congregation’s'work. The Sunday School ptncticuly‘doubled on last 131‘”! mark. The W'.M.g. had .3006 repart and as in other years went iover the top in their budget 'I'ork. I Managers appointed tar three years: Avm Running, as Robertson. How- ‘ard Smith: congregations! Iec'y. Flet- joker Riddanz Treasurer, Wm Smith: Wavica Treasurer, Gordon Robert- 'szs: Audlors. Howard Smith. Gord- n. n-vr ' - ,V__ gun-LII. “11' (n Jlo'orr:sr,n: Supt. of S. s., Wm. Swim: S. S. Tram. Mrs E. Mein. tosh: Organist. Miss R. McIntosh.A vcry hearty vote of apprechtlcn was passed in raver of Mr Hugh Ridden. who has glven a long and faithful service as congregational secretary. ONTARIO ALL BRANCHES OF DORNOCH CHURCH WENT OVER THE . With eggs»; Ite per dox, butter at 15c per lb and chickens, 140 3 m, the “bad: to the land' scheme has little attraction. Mr and Mrs Gordon Goldsmith. spent Sunday wlth the latter's par- ents, Mr and Mrs Geo Miller, Wil- llamford Mr and Mrs Peter irountain and Mr Fred Hang. spent Sunday with Mr an}? Mrs Fred Shackleton. Sullivan. Rev John Grettr, Mr end Mr: F. W. Ham and Mr and Mrs C. Buschlen. were dinner guests with Mr and Mrs Wm Smith, Dornoch, Sunday. Mr Geo Braun and family, and Mr Arthur Kerr, were visitors Saturday evening at D. A. Campbell's. Mr and Mrs Albert Sutton! were visitors with Mr and Mrs Hugh Rid. dell, Friday. Mr Lorne McNally, Detroit, ls spend- ing a "week with " ulster, Mr: Ian. Crutchley. _ .13. Howard Lawrence, of Hutton Hill. Messrs Ctuta Lawrence and Bert Ledittirtttms, Durham, Spent Friday with the' Ledln'ghnm- 'fnnrlly. On Thursday In! a little daughter came to brighten the home ot Mr. and Mn Will Hodgson. Congratula- tions, neighbors. Let us help Forms Mr Funk Hopkins, Hutton Hill. has rented the former Ewen farm and expects to take mansion in the Spring. Fair Printing Faetory Form. Pleased to hear Miss Mary McAr- thur is improving after being under the Dr's care a couple of weeks. Mr: Walter Clark, with Bruce and Maxine of Zion, were visitors the tirs,t ot week with Mr and Mrs Doug Clark and family. Auction Kraut! Mrs Wm Hunter, Egremont were guesta this week with Mr and Mrs Robt. Inwaou. Choctaw I nut-loaf Form. Mr lame McNany ls spending a few days It the home or his sister, Mrs In Crutchley. Sorry to hear Miss Mary Benton bu been on the sick “at and not " le to open the school for a fewdnyu. Firm Stationery Statement Form. Intricate Rule Fol Faetory Forms This week has started with real winter weather ma moat farmers ere sin! to have enough now for sleigh- ins. The Scuba reported dine new ROCKY SAUGEEN . members thi- yur. one lo- bydenlhl The u.r.w.o. will hold their nu. will be the "tlt anniversary of monthly meeting at home ot Mrs R. Presbytemnlam tn Domoch and the Lawson on Friday “0911M! " tttia oraatrettrrtloet are planning to "13kt week. , this a real event tn the history at Mr and Mn Ju Killer visited the the congregation. ttmt of the week with Mr and Mrs. Andrew Katie, Crawford. Tfl' Crit" Financial State: Broking Pamphlcta Heparin Folders We can supply you with all of thiism Ete., Ete. Silo Bills m all: 'siiUs WELBECK TORONTO :nentu TOP me Social evening held at Mr Ben Coutta' wu I plenum event. Pro. xreulve crokjnole m phyod. Mr G. Tumbull, Jr Ind Mrs Joe Brown be. m; 1111: looms. In Hurry Reay and Albert Bay were consolation winners. A deliclous lunch was ger- ved and the remainder of evening spent In dwells. ' The social even Coutts' wt" tt pk massive crokinole Tumbuu, Jr “a WISE. 'Youth is Gl The hostess, and he (‘an dainty lunch. win be held at In March 4th. The monthly lochl evening ct the, Club will be held It home of Mrs P Tcrry on Feb. If). A program under (large " In Geo Remy and Mrs ll Buy, followed. A lending was givan by Gladys Alexander, 'A Rusty Court, sbip': reading by In J. Wise. 'Say " wo Hewers': content "ranged by Mrs Geo Buy. A tar of beans Was m a by Mrs Elmer Rear. A readrne enjoyed try In B Cantu. Was "Old fragments In the Trunk": reading by Mrs Geo Turnbull. 'Ode In a lot ot atoveplpes": recitation by Mrs Jam. and signed The Pebruary meeting of the Allan Purl: U.F.W.O. Club was held at tho home at It" Gut Wine with l3 members And 5 visitor. present. Th" Sec'y read several letters of thanks and communications from Central mm of importance. They won carefully discussed and several l‘esrr lutions were lent to Central otiui, Three comes of 1 resolution. of th" Llqusr Control Act were received by the '3ce'y, to be clan“ and sent to mn. G. 8. Henry, Hon W. H. Price and F. R. Ollver. I.P.P. Themem- be” all agreed to the» resolution, color Prim... “one new and His boundless sympathy with the mttrerintr had dwn-Uodden. Messrs Gordon Rumor and Eric Ashton also contributed very tttte, radius along: simillr lines. The meeting closod with hymn and prayer. The world (by of prayer w.'ll be otr served this Friday ht home of Mrs David Butte. all the women of m.- mmmunity being invited. Window Caul- Bush... Recorrt Forms Manifold Forms very Interesting manner she referred to some of the outstanding teachings of Jena in which He unplanned the value of personality, resume“ at shipping The postponed tunneling of the C Y. P. B. was held Thursday rum- ine Int. After routine business, M: Albert Riemann took the caair. Tht. muncul but of the program coma» ted of o qurtette by mate voices and I duet by Misa Lyn Butter and Mrs D. J. Item. The topic 'What did "P" teach about man' waadisr cued by In In McDougnll. In a Business Garde Pomona: Came WWI". Sutiomry Funerat trtauonery Mr and In Will Campbell viaited with In C's parents at Zion. [In Moe lichen-1d spew Int week with tr. Bound friends. ll; And In Inc Birr, Hanover went Sunday with the latter“; pm enu. Kr and In Jno. White. In W . lament, Bum Tp., spam I. few any: ttrat of the week with her blather. D. J. Mahmud and family. Allan Path ll. F. Ir. 0. FEB RUARY li, I932 ith Printed all kinds T, 'Ode to a lot or atimt by Mrs J9m- ot I cute of truth.' her "atatnatrr Bern'- . The next meeting In had Terry's on Ct'f Phone 8 bung-.2 Get Ouni: Best for Yo Loca CR CHICK Tl PROS BEA Far FEB e THE HE

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