West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Feb 1932, p. 8

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il] T - -- -- "" - "u... - uysluc uuwu Ina green. It in granite. But then it is just an strange to leave the snow an ice of Canada and lose than' 60 hours later to find oneself in the gentle, sub-tropic warmth of Bermuda. "Beryl", as a metaphor, expresses the transparent beauty of the aeaa around Bermuda: bananas are the least strange of the many luscious fruits with which the inland abounds. It II a laminating combination of ancient and modern that one reacheqby 20,021 ton Canadian Pal-inc Duehesa liners ““1ng from New York every Wedneaday and Saturday. 0 motors are allowed in the iqtyndc-yet there is an ultra-modern Diesel-eleetrie railwa . A “cow's breakfast” hat. a Iketch of a shirt, an! nondeaerm mt. held up by a one-strap “saline" will” lane . Lurki- for Crootl3,tirtdtutr"at,tj'hi I1'T. in. MM“?! or an e ee - Humlt' on Hotel. Bar-Indra large-t hairy. w a 20 minute walk awake!“ “Prince- B ' while ehort driven or lanai tr;- reach many other Malian] inn- and [out h... _ anadiaaa in inane-in. numbers are all!“ Bermuda their winter playground, more no due the nun-um- out "om each congregation. It” Lily Calder. Yeovil, bu been spending n few days with relatives Zn'lhe nelghborhood. (Ymruuluuons to Mr am) Mrs. Dare Marsttdtt, who on Petr. 5th, erehtmted the 3Ittt anniversary of tl Mr and In 1 Visited on Hand Albert Marshall. The u.r.0. an that, lab. meet his. all home of In. Ford. on nay " ended, we may and 1 real hue um the many man-Ions that the Inter hu gone to prepu-e tor than that love Rim. have had varied experiences. some- tlmen united and often cant-down and like him, have found in God a very present help In trouble and nllaumc- ient In every time of need. Here we have no continuing place of abode. but if we will, when life’s brief Jour-, tor spoke tron: the words of Psalm 121: "I would -lm up mine eyes un- to the bills from whence cometh my bun." Multitudes like the Psalmist, GM to see so may out to church service on Sunday. Our “nations to Mr am) Mrs.I The atipperlest place In the world Hum], who on Petr. 5th, is the front page of a. newspaper. M the 319: anniverury' of Many a man has landed there one roddlng. _ day, only to and he has allpped oft Community Club are holding the next-and sometimes been glad an!" meeting at Mr Ronald to have slipped oft at that. KNOX CORNERS R. Noble. Bentlnck, BERYL AND BANANAS WARDEN THE RIGHT MAN To LAY OUT CORPSE According to a letter in the Globe, by Neil McEachern, a prominent municipal man In Enemont township the expenditure of Grey County in- creased 50 per cent in the years 1929 and 1930. He claims the debt on Grey County is close on half a million dollars. If MttEaehern's tale of woe be true, then the right man has been elected Warden as Undertaker, so that he can make final arrangements (or laying cut the eotpt"'.--Chem'ey Enterprise . Min T. E. Byers visited Thursday of last week with Mrs D. Leith and other town friends. - __-_ -__. '""'oPPa+ Dom, Enemont, spent Friday with Mrs Smallmnn. ' Mrs Jas Picker: visited over the week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs Stewart. Mr and Mrs Wm Thompson spent an evening last week with Mr and Mrs Jan. Picket). Miss Margaret Marshall entertain- ed a number of the girls Tuesday " ternoon and evening ot last week. Giad to be with them and enjoy the pleasant time. Smith’s on Tuesday evening ot this week. inn ntionlut we! mm which tun- 11'i's'i'i'iii',b'i: JC, chi tonne: y . mm .7331.- t'iri'a',i'li',, A ttteta', the tttttt 1»de 'ti') 'ate'Jdttitli “I just Making " :mmzmzrremm a...“ "2,'t2""t'a'"aiiiii"iii"rru"a"k"l'1' Lawrence and daughter The funeral takes place Thursday, trom her late residence for interment in Reid's cemetery. v. - Buluole to me season grim ed the head of her correspondence, and was always an outcome ot the writer's thoughts. For many years past. Mrs Sim has been the Review'g faithful corres- pondent for Yeovil and district. Her budgets were valuable because they contained nothing that was contro- versial or contentious and she had the happy faculty ot seeing the good In everyone. Frequently a choice bit ot poetry suitable to the season grac- heart were appreciated. She had an outlook on life that can only be ac- quired from one who walked with an Unseen Presence. She had implicit trust and fa'ith in higher powers and from these she drew strength and sustenance. Her interests were wide, as well as her friendships and many friends from coast to coast in Cana. da. will mourn her departure. She was a. devout and faithful, member of the Yeovil Methodist‘ Church and after its alignment with Holstein Methodist and later United Church, became a worker in the same field but new church. She was deep- ly interested in the missionary enter- prizes of the church and an active member of the w.M.s. We have referred to her career in a. very cursory and brief manner. It was to know her that the full ex- tent of her qualities of head and a moulder of amnion In Alsfeldt and Holstein schools tor a year or two. For six years she taught In BS. No. g, Egremont. Twenty eight years a. go she was wedded to W. H. trim, who to-day mourns his faithful lite- Deceased was the daughter ot the late George and Mary Rawn ot South Bend, and here she was born and re- ceived her Public Schobl education. She later attended Mount Forest High School and graduating from here, attended Toronto Normal Sch- ool. where she received her profes- sional teachera' eertMeate. She was community of " you; out". a ( ched Clyde Geld rial old. Any time up t 10 giver, on ”moved " to W. J. Port ‘The Making ot Pulp.’ mm us in community singing, at Ivan Christie give the new Wilbert Schenk noted u cr the meeting cloned with a by Gordon Hendeuon and in; ot the Nntlomi Anthem. Ruth Wallsraave a. -hL lore-us read. ing. after'rhlch Findlay Lewis and Lame Mthrdo favored us with some music. Lynn Mercer gave the current eVenu. Re would like Form III to transport some mice down- luirs to have some excitement. Bert Mather had an interesting topic on) "In..- IRA-,1" - - - The L.terary Society met in the up- stalr room ct the school. and opened with 'O Canada.’ A lengthy discus- sion followed on how we would spend the money that was earned from the Christmas concert. It was decided that we should buy crests for the winners in the Field bar. ; ) The Trail Rangers of Holstein met ‘on Friday evening with the usual op- ‘enlng ceremony. An interesting read. lng was given by Vincent Ellis. The Mentor, Alex Sim, then challenged the boys in a short address to live the four told life. After a short "ecreatfcn period, the meeting was adjourned. [ HOLSTEIN CONTINUATION SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY HOLSTEIN PRESBYTERIAN ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Holstein Presbyterian Church was held Wed- nesday afternoon, Feb 3, with agood attendance. Rev A. J. Mc-Mullen was chairman and Peter Hutch. Secre- tary. Favorable reports were given of all the organizations. Earl Reid was elected manager and Treasurer Alex Aitken was re-elected Superln-w tendent ot the Sabbath School, with Bert Eccles assistant. I Mr Geo. Aitkcn is ill at time ot writing, also Miss Lila Smith. We hope they may soon recover. l The annual meeting" ot the Library board, took place in the Library on Tuesday of last week. 0mcers elect- ed were: President, Mr Nelson Me. Guire: Vice Pres., Mrs Hustle: Bee. retary, Jag Calder: Treasurer, D. P. Coleridge: Members of Boarxi--Mrs. Irvin, Mrs Tuck, Mrs Arnill, E. Ding- wall, G. Burrows, resident ministers, school teachers, Alex Sim. Barred Rocks, Chicks, from bred-to lay, blood-tested, trapnested chicks, hatched tron: eggs of best layers. Al- so hatching eggs. Apply to E. J. Thorne, Holstein. TUXIS AND TRAIL RANGERS The International Day of Prayer will be held in the Presbyterian Ch. on Friday, at 2.30 p.. m. The Young Woman's Auxiliary ot both churches meet at 4 p. m. Mr Walter Hustle went to 'Oweni Bound on Monday, on his annual job. to hélp audit the county books. ! Mr Jas. Roberta, brother ot John, died in Mount Forest Tuesday morn- ing, from the effects of a paralytic stroke. ‘dog, black and 17 “been neck. ""ii;iUi,7. Phone Mt Kitchener. l, Mrs Geo. Hostetter ft on may got Int week to mum. Hotrtetter's aunt, who isuserlously ill. _ ', We extend deepest sympathy to Mr Wm. Sim and other friends on the death of " beloved Wife. Mrs Mm has'heen seriously ill for some time but was able to be up part of the day until Sunday, when she became very much worse, and passed nwny on Monday evening. l There has been a. very good atten- ydance in both the lsdiea' and men's .‘classee in Agriculture and Home ,Econamics, now being held here. The ladies moved to the busement of the United Church, " they found the Hall rather cold tar their work. Misses Laura Bailey and Margaret mill and Mr N. Rounding, visited , the Ami" family the tirttt of the week I Mr and Mrs McGuire had for visi- ltors the tlrtst ot the week Mr and Mrs 'Teeter and Mr Wm. Ritchie, Durham, and Miss Benton ot Glenelg. Mr and Mrs Rotreit Nicholson and Jack have moved to their new home in {he nouth end of the village. Miss Mabel Johnston Visited the Comm family on Friday. She also visited her parents. tn Bluevaie on Saturday and Sunday. Three dates to remember: The dance in the Hall on Friday, Feb. 12, in aid ot village improvements, put on by the Booster Club; the crokm- ole social in the basement of the Pres- byterian Church by the Flower and Social Com., on Tuesday the 16th; and the At Home of the Women’s Insti- tute on Thursday, Feb. 18th. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr Albert Andrews who has been llvlng with his uncle. Mr Geo. Bur- rows. left Monday (or his home in Earnings Mills. t how no 'iiiiimijC. \mmmummm’ cows Atit one -ljl9ti,-t,r'r,tr:EliN LEhjiiiiiiii LOST '. In x Pub.' mmaRite led my singing, after which sue the nebool paper. & tutted a critic and contest the sing- Tp., female rmwn neck. an. The Dominion. the Province and edit the hhtu1eigattites are all you; No Ap. me home market to all their hoods. . 8, And they're " column)“ toeolloctl their new -u nag. lame wu visiting the put week with her parents, Mr. and Mm Jon. beam. - l This community was shocked when they learned that Mr James Geddes Iliad passed away last Friday evening after only a few days' illness. The Hate Mr Geddes was an obliglng neighbor and'hlghly esteemed by all who knew him. in politics he was, for many years a Reformer and 'l) {ways read the Globe. He was a. Presbyterian in religion. A large turnout at neighbors and friends " tended the mneru Sunday, Amen, Church being Med. It We a tribute' of respect. Deceased will be sorely mined by his widow, who he not been in the best ot health the put few years. We extend the ”lapel-11y of this con-hunky to the bereaved. f..Lt?yHetetGGirTtcii'i, eleew where. we will retain from mum I mun]... I None of your old type Winter tor' us! We like this kind the beat,’ when you can use car. cutter'or butrr try. We know of two men while work.' ing in the bush during the January heat wave who had a feed cf leeks.’ " will. be rather diftieuit tor the! south-east corner of the Globe to) beat this. . I The We understand that Bob Keith was tined $5 for not having a light on. his cutter, while " Durham one night recently. We think it In a mean trick to pull on on a, farmer these hard times. We'd have refused to pay it and spent a few days in Owen, Sound. I We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Wm Sim, correspondent " Yeovil, tor the Review, died on Monday. We extend sympathy to Mr Blttt and to deceased'. sisters. ' Congratulations to Mr and Hit; Campbell Watson, on the arrival ot, a. boy in Durham hospital Friday‘ last. I Varney Wide Awake Community Club intend putting on their play in Town Hall, Durham, in the near fut- ure, under auspices of Durham Agri- cultural Society, which shows a detu icit of $70 from last year. Vamey school was closed last week owing to the illness of Miss Bell, tea- cher. Both teacher and children are on duty again. The ladies of Varney United Ch. are invited to Knox Presbyterian Church, Normanby, to unite with them in the World Day of Prayer, on Feb. 12 Born to Mr and Mrs Carlyle Smith Feb. f , daughter. (nee Sadie Hol- Mr and Mr: And. Marshall and daughter Isabel, visited recently with her parents, Mr and Mrs Jno. Kerr. Mr and Mrs Bert Barber spent Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs. Wm McGowan, Durham. I The Orange lodge had a successml dance in their Hall on Feb. 5th. A good crowd attended and a splen- .dld time Is reported. Proceeds a- mounted to $24, which goes to help swell the Hall Improvement Fund. ' A crokinole social was put on by I Varney Ladies Ald on the so: inst. Twelve tablee of crokinole were en- Joyed. Mrs Cameron Lauder and Miss Phlppen, H. S. teacher. Dur- ham, were ties and In the pray-oe. Mrs Lauder won out, winnlng a cus- hion top. Mr Mtutttt1ettt Leeson won the men‘s prize-a gent's handker- chief. Proceeds were about $14. i The Varney Ladlea' Aid met at Mrs Jas Leeson's tor regular monthly meeting, wth an attendance of 22. Rail call was responded 'o with al scrlpture verse bearing the word 're. member.' Before the business part of meeting, the ladles worked on quilt blocks and plan to quutthem at Mr out! Mrs Jos Robinson, Toronto, visited recently with the latter's bro- ther, Rom. Eden, who had been um der the Dr’s care, with an attack of acute indigestion, but is somewhat improved. ' Mrs Earl Head's before next meet- ing. They are also gathering woollen quilt blocks to make a quilt for re- Ilef fund. The roll call word for next meeting will be 'Triumph.- had a Joint meeting to hear the pro- gram. Mr Mellvride gave an inter. esting paper on the ‘Gold Standard; Mrs. Elgin Wilton read the Current Events which were prepared by Mtus Jory Caldwell. Mrs A. Marshall, Jr. conducted the community singing. Cecil Barber gave a humorous read- ing from 'Sunshine and Awkward~ ness.’ Lunch wasaerved by MmSmlth and Malamute. Mr and Mrs Elgin Wilton wlll entertain the gathering. on Mar. 4, which will take the form of a crokinole social. The U.F.0. - U.F.W.0. chin met last may evening. M. 5. at home of Mr and In Alex Smith with a good “teatime Mr Don!!! Moll- vrlde one“ over the men's meet- ing, while In Etgin Wilton presided tor the women. 'O Canada' opened the meeting, followed by the creed in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Scc'y, Mrs Jas Leeann. A crokinole social was Platt- ned tor next meeting. After the bus- iness meeting, the men and women NORTH among ONTAEIO ARCHIVES _ "; TORONTO 7301'“ the bout-mg iGriirii. a; the um «I which our Lord wank. ed." “Nu wonder no mum," m the dry mtoet. ( like satesmen in every trying to "get their n11 their feet." But it , teem um tt,tey'11 never tit they Inn: to wou- Mrs James den In! more, desire to' hank a med or tendered mm ance during the ill " death ot our late h er, James Geddes. m in deep narrow hvmuch L 5 The Dromore Women’s [minute '_met on Feb 3rd. at home of In W. J. Philp, with twenty ttve Indie. pres- 'ent. Atter usual opening examine. and business the roll all. "A use for old stockings" being very well responded to, mu Beale Drimmie, ‘lwas called on to give an mreeltent: inaper-on "The History of the Com- (munity." In” Drlmmle gave " In- (terestsr'outiine of the early days , in Holstein ' oreharuviue, .Dromore 11nd Yeovil, with many Incident: of Ithe early days, " is hoped we will :13th see this paper in print. i After "The King", the homes- and her helpers served lunch. while the meeting m" favored with instru- mental music from Mr Mabier And Russell Drimmie. ' NO WONDER HE WALKED can leave DROMORE WOMEN't, INSTITUTE _ v~--~ ..... " dominant ehartueteriatyas. He leaves this lite the richer for having lived his allotted span of years and the goodly heritage of an honest and up right life is the best legwy any mu There was a. large attendance of neighbors, friends and relatiyea. many being present from Durham and Mount Forest. Others from a distance were Mr. Hugh Baird, St. George: W. J. [sane and Ian Wal- lace, Mrs J. H. Coleridge, Tomato. The late Mr Geddea was a life- long Presbyterian and was for many years on the managing board of Ant. os Church. Kindly and approachab-i is in manner. loyal to " friend. and‘ an abusing neighbor were his Dre-! aw”: H, hue line, con 16. Want". Here (ras his home for thirty two years. jShortly after " We. forty-live iyears no in December int. he pur- ;chaaed the tum wherein: he died. ,He wedded Janet Header-on. a mem- iber ot the well-known Render-on family in Egremont nod the union has been a happy one. With the wi- dow who will sorely mil: him. also mourn three children '. Gordon, on 2nd can. Bentinck '. (Benn) Mm Her. bert L. Greenwood, Durham: Ervine, on the home tarm, con 20, Egremont. There is also an adopted “(but Jeanette, In Harvey Willilml, Dur- flmm and six grandchildren. Atoter,, Mrs Geo. Shana, Yam]. survives; him and a brother William died "l ycars ago. There was a short funeral oervloe at the heme Sunday lut. conducted by " pastor. Rev R Honeymul. prevlous to taking the rennin. to Amos Church, where the, mun ner- vice was held, conducted by Mr Hour eyman. For the hula of " rental-h. he spoke from Revelation 21: 44, emphasizing the phme. "And there shall be no mare see." mvorite' hymns ct deceased were em, vii: "The Lord In my Shepherd": "O God; our help in ages past": "O God all Bethel." 1 their competitors. The subject of our sketch wu horn in Hamilton, July 9, 1856. but when three months old, with " parents, Mr and Mrs In Gedden. moved to and tender nursing could do for the patient wu of no avail. By his death S. B. No " lose: one of its moat up- right and intelligent ratepayera. His sound judgment And summing up of any conmnuoul matter, m am of a clear-headed man and his deeiqioatet were generally in the right. any previous to death he lint felt at. hat I. serioua‘view wu not Men of it until Wednesday, " he went about the house. On Wednesday he became acutely ill from liver compli- cations, and all ant medical mu Jule: Edda, " . ' Km Reside-l, Passes Deatheameatter an "all week'n durum: to a veil known a- ncut ammo. Jamel Men. who [tuned away on My afternoon. Feb. 6th, at " home, lot " can 20. He wag in his 77th yen. The snub- A Good Man an. H... i nth came attei. an - of / 'I duration to I veil known It Mateo. Juno. Men. who d to0ty on My unemoon.‘ an. at hia home. lot " can M., D OF THANKS their runways Gee Ides ttttd family, Dro- hank all who rem]. mutiny or Isa-13t- ill " and ttt, the every country vould than“ set there un- hit, pre- tinted. - V -= 1"" Can-a 77. Edna. Han-hon 72. w.lson Chrk 62, than Willi-m 61, Eva ill-rum M. Sr IW-tmae Wilson M, (31th [We] " Meta Kins» mu Cl. 'Jr m-au.. tun M, Vera Hut: 68. ttr Ir-Mary Weir 87. Jr "My Hum " Ha Hut-hm _ " G--vem Wilma 80. We 'tir-aa to, m wan-n. I5. Out “can“ 06. lute lanky“ Petr My 00. Ptt-.,a, a... .._a. --, NO. H, EGREII tV "r-am Hill, " pe MMtq Kin-mu " no". Joh- mm. ". Jr W. Cut-d 17. Elm mm... (ecu-J). Jr MMinnie 70. ttro Wheeler. No. on mil 20.4. ,vau nu. or IV mond Shun! 77. Jean McEachm " lV~Hury Nunley 73. E Wlucn tie. Sr m~Emm ll 71, Chrfouna Watson 68. Jr Maynard “Sher 70, t Della MCI 68. " Mule lame 77. Mable l er 73. Human Love 70. M: Wheeler 70. '--unore Watson. rev Dam 64 (equal). Br ,Mg - _ Inventon. visit Sunday with Mr. and In Arthur bee. Mr Frank Dims", teacher, who has been mm from school dul- m the put two week. hu mum“-.. v, - _ yl 5u-uu. RMMI2tt Dub. Mary Campbell and Joe Camp- bell. no “and!“ the short course-m m Roi-tell). Willing with 11;"; Mgthews for I tew Mr Cumin oGlGii nu Invited guest to the mutton! Nomi "At- u._-u ._,A - __ Mr and ll; wliiniGirie,' Du'rinm spent Sunday with her mrenta. Home" Int Mr 1nd In W. J. Allan attended an towl upper " the home ot Mr Har- old Barber ot Knox, recently. Mr And In John ll Gunman" Crtt- ter-mined their neighbors And friends to In evening's Amusement “to", Varney, Petr. I. 1932 up the matter at County expendluuv, proving u it does that expenditure under comm! of the County Council has been Mommy reduced during the " ynr period. the County. At the end of one yeIr. Imam owing to the County Inch " County mm. and Provincial Subcldy mum be $100,000.00. and another you $250,000.00. and it expenditures were the some for both you“. the dit- rerences in balance: could be $160,000. I hope this explanation will clear ‘the but your tnit, "" an oom- Intro it with the hat you. It”: I The mat moon-hie not some Run for 1026 vol "68.2783“ tot. 1930 it nu $128,801.92. or unnoti- My $40,000.00 in" conunllnble expenditure inluo than innitwlhle the uni non-cam net expend. iture tor "" m "18,808.28, nod in 1980 it wu "00.27031. at unprod- mntely 388,000.00 more in ll“ than in 1026. The mounts-nibble ex- penditurvt are for: minimum lot Justice. Provincial Highwnys. Edu- iutiou. lotberl' Allowances. Division ‘Coun Fund, Respite] account“. Old IAse Pensions. These Mm we :trom the Co. Treasurer'- otllce. and can be wetland by Anyone who cares to at tor than. While Grey County hu 1 debenture debt of “66.00000, the not debenture debt in Peut $860,000.00, nute Sink- ing hand in now ubont $206,000.00. $375,000.00- of this debenture debt was put on I number of yen! ago to provide tor accumuletion at war ex- penditures. County and Provincial Highway expenditures dating back " for u "N. The” expenditure. could have been very well pmvided tor without debentures, " the tu- nsyer was then quite able to any. Hui this been done. the County of Grey might be in a better poeition to re- lieve the burden under present con- ditione. Bunk balances " the end at a year do not show the ilunncinl condition or H'our we“. - m... -'"".'H 3 that County expenditure had been In- |creuln¢ gt a numtigtq rate. show- 1liii"fi.i1ei'iiEiit,iiie2e2tUt',1ot 1025, nu ad 1031. and mu xwlth the next thus years. "It. I)”. 1930. The County W. lumen §nonln¢ this letter, told the County Council that the writer. but.“ at l taking the net expenditure, had taken _ the total payments, whether mm- ly or wilfully. M Instance. itt our you during the would period. then- .hul been borrowed from the hunk lever 8200.000, spent. and that Nd nMMaM' 1"“. I will give nag net treeifrt for In excellent even: "e Pe'utttewts, FEBRUARY , l. "e --.r. DI If". hum, Uverun Pleater 66 tr Ptu-qrease ' TI, Lloyd ’0. Pr A--atttee Pinter, ol- '.'.etlikatri7.' “mgr-gym... go. tt : “can "NICOmery. nu, " per Cent. no... " My: Curt 81 A. tritUUii UiGiis er BOREIIONT Youn Indy, “Aw. a. HUNTER evening and Annie Mrs In Milford "die My Bee First Knox G VOL was

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