k " were the lien and McCabe families of Vaney. We are pleued to know that In Allen la in better health a- gain. alter belhg eorttined to her bed " few weeks with la prippe. The Verne y Wide Awake Club Com- munity Club met at the home of Mr. Ronald Smith. Tuesday. Feb 9. witha Lt'r attendance. Mr. Ronald Smith p:egided. The opening number was 't'erry me back to old Firtrinnr.' The “Lnulfll (t last meeting and roll call wore taken by Secretary. It was de- rided the Executive Can took after the public speaking and debating con- test. Community singing and lunch closed the meeting. The Orange Lodge held a progres- sive euchre party in the Hall Wed. nesday evening, Feb lo. Points conn- ted in the ten games played and Mr. Albert Marshall of Knot won the gentleman's prize,--. necktie with l222 points. In making up the last table there was a lady short so the word "lady" was written on Mr. Thou. Tucker’s ticket " he won the ladies' pria- candy dish with 123 points. Lunch was served. l, A number trom the locality have I attended some of the lectures on A3- I r.culture. Domestic Science and home 1 nursing. at the short courlea givenin Holstein. The lectures on soila and" lertilizera and veterinary science. were very tmMrtieiat to the farmera Some took samples of soil from their Beads and had it analyzed. l The Varney ladies united with the l Knox Church ladies in the World day" , of Prayer, Feb 12, with an nttend- r Congratulations to Mrs Thou Alien, Varney, who celebrated her Mth birthday on St Valentine‘s Day, Feb. H. Her own (may are all It a dis- mace and unable to be present. but sent membranes. Her on James, who preaches in the Salvnuon Army. at Winnipeg, melted n trox.of raw {runs and good things to eat, which she was to have on her birthday din- ner table. To help her enjoy thehot dinner which the prepared herself. iilierini" McCabe “mines IIn 0 r (iir' CI VARNEY BANK OF MONTREAL Holstein Branch: M. B. RIXEN, Manager No account is too small and none too Inge for the Worm when le with ofriciensy and cour- teous attention to the customer's individual requirements. where it is located, has behind it the f'ull resources of' the whole "tttnut- tion,whicl, has Capital and Reserves cram '74,ooo,iioo, and Assets exceeding 'T5o,ooo,ooo. Ea attire more than60013nncl|es ' ofyseNNFor'NqrrNyre"natter masoukczlas V A Racy Writer of Fiction Edgar Wallace, the (anions nove- list who recently died, it is estimated has written at lent 160 books. It will keep my people busy to have read that number in their lifetime. Mr" P. wrhGiers"dt town, spent last week " Mr D. Mushnn's. We would Otter our sympathy tol. those who mourn the passing or the! late Mrs Wm. Sim of Yeovil. Though not knowing her personally, yet trom; reading her contributions to Review', from week to week, we felt a kinship' in spirit with her. I Mrs Arthur: Gwidnee and Miss Doris of Egremom, visited on Sunday with her sister. Mrs A. Picken. Miss Holmes ot town vlsited over the week end with Miss Margaret Petty at her home here and attend- ed service at Knox. The W.M.S. World Day ct Prayer was held In the church Friday after- noon. Petr. 12, when about 40 ladies were present. The program prepared tor the day was followed, members of Varney and our own, each taking part in the program. ( we do not accomplish all that we should, we have lost the vision and faith ot our fathers. a week ago. Hope he will soon be restored to his usual health again. Mr Ivan Seirn of Mt Forest. took the service " Amos and Knox Sunday. He chose for his text. "Prove all things, hold fast that which is good†and spoke of the Presby’n Church,-- its faith and its history. As Presby- terians we have a noble heritage and perhaps few churches have suffered more in their early history, many giv-3 ing their lives. rather than give up! their faith in God and the Bible. Even in late years it has knorwntl hardship. So, it as a church toaay,l Established 1817 Total Assets in we†of $130.ooo.ooo Sorry to hear that Rev Mr Honey- man had the misfortune to break some libs as the result ot a. {all over ance ot 40. Lunch was served by the ladies of Knox at the close. KNOX CORNERS â€u" I" ed '0anpathy during the umissi-ilir, and lgTigsh: J at the death of his late wife. Espec- yet 'led',') la] thanks 13 tendered the neighbor Review I P." who prepared the mice of bur- Hal. lf you have lost tsomething-try a small ad. It you have something to trell--try a. small ad. If you have Found tsomething-try a small ad. " you have something to Trade-try a small ad. We have Small Ad. space to tsell-so we're trying a small ad. Try OM For Your-elf Mr William Sim, Yeovil, desires to thank all the neighbors and friends, who rendered assistance and tender- mom Agricultural Society" 36:1 President of Ontario Ploughmen Mr Neil Calder has been elected President cf the Provincial Plough- men's Association. Neil has qualift. cations to uphold all. temees.. he is an ex .roeve of Egremont, present Town- ship Road Superintendent. past War. den ot Grey, ex-Secretary of Egre. , The annual meetjng ot Holstein Presbyterian Church, was held on [Wednesday afternoon. Petr 3rd, with “a good attendance. Rev A. J. MoMul- len was chairman and Peter Mutch {secretary Favorable reports were [given ct all the organizations. Earl {Reid was elected manager and Pet- jer Mutch reelected Manager and ('treaturcr. Jas. Nicholson was re-el- 'ie.""!' auditor. Alex Aitken was re- elected Superintendent of the Sab. bath School with Bcrt Eccles, assist- ant NEIL CALDER PRESIDENT OF PROV‘L PLOUGHMEN'S ASS’N ANNUAL MEETING OF HOLSTEIN PHESBY'N CHURCH CARD OF THANKS now Special instruction has been given in judging grain. The class met at Mr John Euru's tarm on 'Poor- the able leadership ot A. v. Langton and T. B. Cooper, the agricultural representatives. in proving most auc- cessmi, from the viewpoint ot at- tendance and achievement. Nursing classes opened Monday. with Miss Hamilton in charge. There was the regular attendance, plus a- bout 30 “were. This is a very pop- ular as well " valuable course. We regret that there are several in the community" who have not attend- ed the clauses. - ___.._......, nun yuula an being made for a banquet which will be held in the Halt next week. Notice will be given later. The lectures and demonstrations in Home Economics given by Mrs J. H. Shearer have been interesting andin. structlve and will prove to be or mcstimable value to the girls in the building of homes. Lectures will be given on Home Furnishing and plans "..- Ind-u. __. - - CLASSES IN AG'L HALL NOW ENTERING THIRD WEEK They have started on the third week of the Classes for the Instruc- tion of the young women of the com- munity. There has been a good at- tendance of the regularly enrolled students and a. large number of ap- preciative visitors. The Sewlng class under the leadership of Miss E. Clelland, has done very good work, as girls who never.ran a sewing ma- chine or did any sewlng to speak of, made themselves very presentable dresses, as shown in a parade in the basement, at whlch alternon tea was served to a very appreciative aud. lence. ’ At the close-oi this unique service. Brown Irvin will render a solo. The Tums boys, Trail Rangers and all are invited. the servlce. A special feature will be a Tuther and Son' choir. Mr Alex Sim, Minister of Educatlon In the Ontario Boys' Parliament, will ad- dress the gathering. All are cordially invited. _ ____°-__ -....-u u‘uulc, In the Holstein United Church, Sunday evening next, Feb 2itst. The Eagles have invited the Trail Rangers and Sir Galahad Tuxis Group to Join in the A special '6ther and Daughter' 'Mother and Son' service is being held by the Eagle Tuxis Square, in Miss oreettGTirGi Dobtrinton, is visiting her brother, Mr Chas Green. way. Don't forget the At Home in the Halt on Thursday night. ladies please provide. Mr and Mrs Holman and family of Ktchener, are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs JOB. Bilton. ,, i......_. I -Mhr "ow, The crokinole soda! in the Pres-: men}: and lbyterian Church was a successful 9-1 Bell ot..the vent, though there was not a. large Dr F. l. Pt ‘crowd. Too many counter nurse. a. crowd ot itions Mrs Leith and Bob Christie“ afternoon. Won the prize. Solos were given by: It is hom Mrs McMullen. Marjory Nelson," And. i high attend rew McMullem The chorus by the the (ad oil bop was splendid. Mrs Hustle's read. - ing, 'The courtship of Larry O'Dee' was very laughable and Mrs Tuck’s LITERARY recitation simply brought down the OFt house. Men were advised to say 'Our'-not 'mine', when they have a The. Liter partner (wife) or they might getin. Friday nigh to dweulties. There will The dance on Friday of last week, ton and Ho was a success as usual. The next come. onto: will be on March 4th, by the Agricul- ty are as to turn] Society. President. Mr G. Hostetter attended the tum Vice Pres. eral of his aunt in Montreal last Sec'y, We. week. Mrs Hostetter has been in Treasurer, Montreal for some time. Editor. Ms Miss Helen Smith who has been visiting her sister in Palmerston re- turned Home Tuesday. ; troLtiiiitjiij LEADER Several from here attended the hockey match between Durham and Wharton Tuesday in Durham. Score b-I in favor of Durham. THE DURHAM REVIEW 'Mrs Ins Max-hall orNormantry ls visiting with Mr and In Alex Alt- ken and other friend: in the vtcinm; and attending the classes. “can no PERSOIALE ttm-s-alicia/ire' --"Nr_e9tr_.. aunt un- reeve --°--“"""“ “W" “tend the convention of the Ont. ip ot A. v. yeiiiiii'il Tmlp mas annexation, to be P, the "rieultuml held In Toronto Feb. 22, M. Car. ' proving most Bue- Pttup---Ptuteraon.. That the tender viewpoint ot at; of M. A. Koebel for the sum or 8150 ievement. for part ot lot 14, Main St East, Hol- ion has been triven' stein, be accepted, subject to retrtr.c-: The ttlasts met at: “one and conditions at reference to] tarm on Tuesdayw tax sales. Don-annuity: m M a-r-___, Agriculture under bushes; --_- -, 7.. no, DENIM re water triennce $1.10: Member"! council, att'ce at meeting to date, $18.50.. R. Christie nae ot room 82. CotyusTadjoGiiii to meet loud" "-o. MA -- -- w. ammo: au'ce o oer 1930-1981, $8: Mun'l Wald, sub. to World for 1932, $8: do, account to date 86.07: Clerk. regitstratloerot as births, ' man-Inge: and 25 damn. 817.50: J. K.'N1chol- son and but Rankin. We“ as auditors ttti each: Pay sheet No 2,) expenditure on roads, $228.65: Road Sup't. Iervlcea $10: Reeve Hunter, expenses and membership tee re Ont. T'wn Rmd- A-.... V _ ,s -__.. uuuyuns and 100 copies printed tor distribu- tton. Car. By-lsws were passed appointing J. '11. Brcwn and ErviL-e Gedu’es sheep valuers .n P. Sub-Div. No’s l and 2, respectively, also providing for a re- duction in salaries of ottieiais, and members of council. Clerk's salary was set at 8315: the, Tress. at $166 : assessbrs at 3125: members of council, an ce at meet- ings 82.70 per day: Road Supt’s sal- ary remains the ume, viz tthe per hour, but he receives no pay tor at- tending Ctmttcil meetings and mking up his books tar council mumm- 'wp ,,,__--... u. ICICICIIUE to tax sales. possession to be given .111- medlately. Car. The Auditors picsented their report to Council. Alueom---Pattcrson.. That the audi. tora' report be received and adopted and 100 copies nrlntM I» A:...-, '"t"ulrs0n---Aldeorn.. That the re- port ct the rum sup't tor work on roads be adopted. Car. MeEacheru - Alucorn: That tht Recve'and Clerk be authorized to 313m and submit to the Min. of High. ways, the petluon ot the Corporation of the Tp. of Egremom requesting the statutory grant on the amount ex. pended on load: 1981. Car. Aldcorn - McEachern : That the Road Sup't be instructed to gravel, the i9cery smeroau, ctst not to ex. ceed $100.00. Car. Myilturttern--Auldria,.. That the read sup't attend the umunl conventton ot the Ontario Good Roam, Ans'n, to be held in Toronto on Feb 22, M. Car. Aldeorar--PtttermG: That the reeve. .“cnpl AL- __-- .. Patteison-ALeiGi:" That the port of the read sup't tor work roads be adopted. Car. wean“, minutes auopteu .. At - A number {ran around this line were over to a Valentine social put on by the scholars ot No 13 and re- tort a good time ,,.,_,, "'_'___ "mumâ€... i The sympathy of community goes ‘out at this time, to our pastor. Rev. Robt. Honeyman, who had the mis- fortune to {all beside the furnace. breaking three of his ribs. Mr Selm occupied the pulpit for him last Sun- day. Hope Mr Honeymn will soon be again in his pulpit. Miss Ada Morrison went to Durham today. Monday. to the hospital and had her tonsils removed. The W.M.S. held their F'eb. meet- ing in the basement of Amos church on Friday, Mrs Alex Henderson oc- cupying the chair in absence of the President. As this was the World Day of Prayer, they went by the pro-i mam sent apart for that day. Mrs. Allan Hague-sang a solo, after which' lunch was served. Out of due régbeg-t; 1h: Ink-m0! ot the late Jag Geddes, the sock part of last meeting was postponed 'BNC, __-_--- 1- - The young people are holding their meeting on Friday evening of this week in the basement of Amos. The topic taken by Miss Margaret Le th, is "What is expected of us as good citizens." After devotional exercises a. croklnole social will be held. Miss Verna McEaehern, Hopevme, spent the week end with her cousin. Miss Marlon Henderson. _ Mr Jack Long ot Fergus, was a recent gum with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Dave Long. 14; If ii, EGREMONT COUNCIL The, Literary Society will meet on Friday night in the Agricul'l Hall. There will be a. debate between Ay- ton and Holstein. Everybody wel- come. Omcera of the Literary Socie- ty are as follows: President, Wilma Bilton Wee Free. Marion Henderson Sec’y, Wallace. Ad tt Treasurer, Harry Ewan Editor. Marie Aitken Ass’t Editor, Elgin Ratm Press corn. Florence Camouut CCanil met Feb, - --- "If..- v.n~. uu mruulers arstl Dr P. I. Page of St Marys spoke to a. crowd ot over 135 men on Monday afternoon. It is hoped that this interest md high attendance will continue until the tnd of the class. LITERARY SOCIETY ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE TERM other plum of the course hue been eqmity Interesting. Thole In- clude lectures on crop minions, feed. and feeding lfvestock, eittunMtteritttjag and origin of the various breeds of lave stack. also the eltuusitteation and control ot farm weeds. Sptciai lecturers have been present, ---Mr Howard ot Paris on sheep where they had many good classes in Shorthom cattle. They met an: on Wedneadu to M "In: 1nd Jersey cattle a Mr R. Irvin's nun. David Allan, clerk I -- “v Iv VHS. m, JI: lo, Berviem DROMORE to meet Honda} w m. tor general butchering sheep.: Fa". 0.A.9.7on fertilizers and 15, members memory all HENDERSON - In Pa Monday, Feb. 15, to Murray Henderson, a ONTARIO ARCHIVES? TORONTO To Death, _ _,-_., And so the grave hath lost it. vietory. It is bat crossing with ttttated breath They beyond : And yet not strange. for A has grown to be The home of those of whom I In: In fond. A TRIBUTE IN POETRY To THE LATE MR8 w. H. SIM (From a Friend) "it aeemeth such a little way to me. Acms to that strange eountry---the And so Ur me there Is no lung to the shore, H V More beautiful. more precious than before." most dear, journeying friends bring distant countries near. Bea, Phone 60 Why buy I high-priced and Car, whcnnow Can no what no law NEW all PRICES white, set face a little Map ot 5-Passenger Victoria. . " . . . .8100 00 . 1 Town Sean ..q........... t60.00 Tudor Coach and Coupe . ... mm Roadster..... .. ........ moo Prim. demand In Durham, including new. the loved ones waiting on --- n u" “we ner, Jim," the yam-mg, add, "but another couple of hmug might it" been too hue. If: he}, '" bu I “My 0reatly" Reduced -- -v... we trot caught in the hndted wire and cut her leg. 1tP't.eeeydcusattato,,, itiood pinning m in and Jim tttttLI-infiltrate"'.'"',',',". able home. A Md tel: I all "I hi I - V ." Marty-3w her, Jim," Jim Ross hadn't node-d La,, fence until his favorite 'Shit caught in “In 5-“ -. ttNt All fuselage: mm: Only a Limited Number for Dispersal it seem familiar and Palmerston. on .o Mr and In. SMITH BROS. Imus were very mentally -iilGtiii'"'i, attend the are“ parade. At the after tertained their Cf the Hahn cf the Holstein Women; Giard Incluqhg the clan, there were well Pver 100 Indies mm. The nmvn' ing class was In our; Cleland of Newmarket Petr " and " Hours Helm!“ and Lefebvre will denl with smne. The Ludles' Cour-nu. clutch an» in charge ot Mrs. Jon "mum Shun-r beid a dress panda and “lemon: tea on Friday afternoon. " girl- took Guelph, on poultry. Thu week Dr. Page will deal with the lubject of Veterinary Science Ind Mr. Nolan: will speak on How: and Plowing. On interest. There at " girl- und " be," on the all at the present time. Thu Is nun-11y incnulng. Special speakers " the Boys' Class. ses have dandy included Professor Henry G. Bull. O.A.C.. Guelph, on tertltiserf; Helm Rowan! and [men The Holstein Short Course is now cue-halt completed. While not quite " large u the course at Walter's Reduced Now FEBRUARY a, "" m to. the girls en. plum and members _ Mr. Berger. 0.A.C.. llnde. The new- $9t.U) VOL Ll "