West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1932, p. 5

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lruck. who" shrlnius I each ant- hMPDEN d There TRAIL RANGE" tct ads men. on freight truck A” ml: in I went]; to if." Acat- Nebraska. [ shippmx railroad. it was a for 16iit "pertors ks from a Scot“. mrs Mr. aver... various mic and It For to the ot the I Ratuters hell Honky 9'... .1 Knox Ctturett Jance. Alt .3. 25, I933 rnpidly m Kerr. In, Mr. " son a Mr. Dunleld. Brice ' short “a. was united tn will; be ' study but Baum on. swered with "hu My Inw- which It)! "ant 30m? '9'." and In "tte T lite I” “I In. His an" halt no"... trrxmot to s chum. aer. Had Sauna,“ Dermvcm_ rents. aho a and I 'stir. amu. A. 50v- toe an by Itpqsttty " Do un’lveg J Mrs M. w. though .3. , made my _ aw. Do! Dy from“ , My their and of on. It ladies of I9er nun- very rcp- i (can: an M Ironing .. MUD! ook Place. eating the ver ward M. S! rum: Pom. Lord t by Mitt in: val Byers, ms ttd St kin tl was tho Id 'tt tl water the n- B My Perle.- 296 My , 8008 CUSTOM CHOPPING done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. an our - More We. elo- ero. " will pay Prmted forms save time and simplify many otherwise tedious tasks. Call us and onqulro. You know the number - one] Let us help you with Printed Forms Factory Form. Fair Priming Envelopes, all kind. Cheque. Intel-loaf Forms Auction Sal. all": Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock Blotter. Fun Stationery Statement Form. Factory Form. Intricate Rule Forms Folder. Ropom Hooklna Pamphlets F I n a ncial Statement. We can supply you with all of them SCREEN CHOP '" PER TON BULK WESTERN FEED OAKLEY CHOP, .17 PER TON, BULK Etc., Ete., Ete. Hendemn'. Broad build. sturdy Canadian youngsters. " " chuck mu " Maithy, lift-producing goodnou. 80. that they get plenty of this band at malt and Manon an». - if. mighty good for them. Best for Children and Best for You Pastry R 'ral Household Flour Bran ' o Canada' " 0.1 Pilot " C Local Agent Keep in Stock tor Sale the following tioedstt JOHN MCGOWAN Th" nrooder that really I: 1 ml anther, Io duel-ant from "rm amen am. we of ttoiter Pinto steel; mun, " heat 53”” times " mat " tmes, “was and durable. Con scone-n1. Mm.- revolving canopy with large door. Tum... ___L _ _ le. Made TH E PEOPLE'S MILLS FEBRUARY 25, 15.32 FLOUR DURHAM EACHINE SHOP HENDERSON’S BAKERY The Better Loaf and Unmanned by Phone No 6 GILOON MFG, Call and a. it at tee Cream Cakes and' Doughnuts '. Moon Durhamom. Prize Lists Color Printing Sale Bills Window Card. Rccuipta Business Record Forms Manifold Forms Announcements Shipping Tag. Ont Chop Crimplod Oats Wedding Stationery Funeral Stationary Tickou, all kind; Pomona! Card. FEED 7‘ ""'""llu . Thermostat unbreahb. n will pay re. wanna. ONT. i. co., Shorts PHONE 140 T Ltd., GUELPH given by Freddie Amen: n chem. 'When the works ell done in MI’ was Inn; by the boys: I. humorous letter was read by Mr Arch McArtbur. More community “In. followed bra The boys of the Superior Club of Bunensan held their meeting in the schoolhouse, Friday, Feb 19. The singing of "O Candi and 'Hail, Hail, the gang’s all here' opened the prog.a.m. The minutes at previous meeting were read by Mr Jack Mc- Kochnic. Community long! were ‘Carry me back to old Virginny' and '.,. nu... e1 Drunn heath and shaggy wood, land of the mountain and the flood," etc. We are proud to report the success of Mr Harold Karatedt. in the recent sale of fun in Montreal iately,where one at least of his fox pens ranked the highest on the market among thousands. Receipts ot the other 59 have not yet been announced. Con- granulation. Mr Allie McLean, S. Line, has se- cured the service ot a tine typical Scotchman who can spoke the two talks Buently. He is lately out trom Mrs A. B. McDonald, o. Sound, is at present on a. visit to her father, who has been unde r the Dr's care far a week. Mr and Mrs John Macfarlane (nee Anna Mary McLean) arrived on a be. lated visit to her parents here be- tween 2 and 3 b’clock Sunday morn- ing. The chance was oftered them and accepted at 11.30 p.m Saturday. Roads were good returning to Toron- to at i) Fm. same day. Mr Allan, attendance officer, paida visit to Prioeville school Tuesday. Mrs Chas Branden. Shelburne, vis- ited over the week end at her moth. er’s, Mrs D. McMillan, who we are glad to bear, is making good rpmv- Mrs Jae Weir, we are glad to know, 13 able to take a walk in company with her t'iater-in-law, Miss Belle Welr, late ot Montreal, and i: on} gressing favorably. Mr D. G. McLean is feeling tttteh better at time ot writing after his recent illness. Mrs McBride of the Station jour- neyed to Toronto last week tor afew day? visit with friends. I On Sunday night, considerable ex- ‘cltement was had at Mr Ben Meken. (zit, s, when Willie was going to take his car out. He took out his lantern and set lt 15 ft. from the can: thlnk- ing it would be safe. His car beck- titvd. Neiiburt's car was in same gar- age and it Sit it on fire. The top and upholstery and the two hind tires were burnt. It caught onto the root, but fortunately was put out before further damage was done. Neighbors were soon on the scene and Wm. Hlnoks took his tire extingusher and sprayed the root to make sure there were no sparks left. Mr C.‘E. Hincks, Cllrrord, motored home and spent the week end here. The social that was mentioned in last week's Issue is cancelled. i} At as close, the W. H. meeting took place, with the Free, Mrs W. lWatson in chair. Mrs A. L. Hincks acted as Bee'y pro tem. Four new members were enrolled. A letter ,wu read try the Pres. from the Bee'y Wrote, Mrs McMillan, who tor a bomber ot years has held that omee. "ttus, owing to ill health, tendered her 'tresignation. All regret her retirement Jae she has been a very faithful and 1winning member ot the Society. It ewes voted that Mrs McBride suc-ceed her.. a reading, 'Whieh are you-the litter or the leaner.' Mrs John McMeekin, Jr was appointed to give the topic tor next month. Mrs Boice gave a. splendid - paper on Paul's character and Mrs Hincks, It was decided to have a 'Copper Contest’ Mrs Dan Campbell and Mrs. Wilfrld Watson being chosen as can- tains. Mrs Campbell chose the red aide and Mrs Watson the blue. Eight members were called for each side. and the am). is to see who can make the moat money. The losers entertain the winners to a concert and supper later. The contest closes in April. Ito have our Thundering services Iii' bcpt. tins year. Miss Erma Mty ILeatt gave a splendid reading on the annual report Auxiliary, which prov- ed interesting. Mrs Stuart Boicegave a reading on Home Helpers and Mis- sion Band work. Considerable other business was transacted. it was de- cided to appoint a. com, to arrange in; are program tor the Women’s World Day ot Prayer next year. Mrs McBride and Mrs Boice were chosen. and .vu‘s ired Mtstedt and Miss Ber- tha. James were appointed by the Presdent from the United Church. ter, Mrs D. McMillan, wsrwrii.i, to hear, is making good recov- She returned home on Monday's PRICEVILLE $18M" PRICEVILLE There's a new plan out by which a. person can lose a pound a day any: the Walkerton Times. That's 1)] right for some folk but when the winds Mow from the cut, it" rather nice to have a little something more than t suit ot clothes duped hound the frame work. hard to an n years of expe'nexiéé id my line of work are ot great value. NEW TREASURER FOR PROTON TW'P APPOINTED Mr Lloyd McQuarrle. Ventry Dist., is the newly amplnted Treasurer for Proton Township. Other applicants were before the Council when they met on Saturday. We wish Mr Me. C ' erv succca In this under,- taking. Every one .realize- the place of the late R.D. Armstrong wlll be It was a real sorrow to learn of the passing of an old friend. the late Mrs W. H. Sim, Yeovil. To know her was to love her. Sympathy " ex- pressed for the husband and sisters. (I! osAed Mt have a St Patrick's soc- ial at her home. Miss Sylvia Acheson, Inistoge, added to the mmfcal enter. tainment and sang 'Building for E- ternity' at the Sunday morning aer- wee. ccstumes and looked very quaint. One lady wore a black Meta silk, over 100 years old. There was not a dull moment. Old fauln'oned games and stunts with a varied program and lunch, completed an evening of inncc . '1muscmsnt. Mrs Jas Mitch- About titty attended an enjoyable., old time social under the auspices of _ the Ladies' Aid of the United Ch. at; bl.“ ‘I7_IA_M R___, _ - . - been the soul ot kindness in her declining years. Mrs Serum also celebrated her 83rd birthday last week. On Feb 20, Mrs Mary Dezell cele- brated her 84th birthday by a. family birthday party. For a. woman ot her age Mrs Dezell la remarkably smart, quick and light on her feet, pleasant and social to meet and sun takes a keen Interest in life. She raised a large family of 14 children - lo of whom are still living and they have six relatives by death within the; past three months. The late Mrs Chas; Brown who was interred In Durham, cemetery, Friday last, was an aunt; oi Mrs McEachnle. l not have much appeal to the poor man down and out or does it remedy the situation. After all the farmers are neither cold or hungry and here's hoping for better times tor all occu- pations. Hope springs eternal in the human breast. Mr and Mrs Harry Scott and Jimmy cf Duzham, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs Jag Scott. Henderson and other .Egremont rela- some indication that the merit of the tives.. ' Miss Bueiah Burnett, Dur. ' candidate as revealed in the examin- hams visited on Sunday with Miss won papers was not the only factor Laverne McEachnle. in deciding on the candidate for the Mr Allen Stewart has been assist-’position. The Com. is to and out ing Mr D. S. McDonald get up the whether or not there has been dim supply of wood. _ crimination. As the usual date, March 1, for We had a couple of a”. debateon farm moving draws nigh, generally the at: wnue on wheat. A Western sees some places changing hands. Mr member thought it should be $1 an And. Ridden and family have started acre bonus. The members accused moving some of their ettects to the the government of having agricultur- R. Fraser farm, lot 2 con 10: Chas. ai relief in the West administered by Gillies and family are also moving. .3 partisan board and some of the It economic conditions do not im-{memhers trom Alberta and Manitoba prcve,---c'ream new 15e a lb butter-were inclined to think that Sask. had fat, the sooner the farmers all move'got more than its share or relief. oft the land the better and let the’But taking it by and large all west- Ministers of Agriculture. Justice, Edrern members were in favor of the ucation, etc. give us a. practical dem- bonus. Speaking for Ontario Agri- onstration on the art. We all know q culture, I said i doubted very much they could do it it they had the irov-,it agriculture could tax itself into ernment to finance it: otherwise they 'prosperity. "On general principles t 'nght get affairs into as big a mud- am opposed to the idea ot a bonus. dle as the present economic tangle. _ but speaking for Ontario farmers, it, Through the press we often read of So a bushel on wheat will keep thef some prominent man with (as Robbie Western farmer growing wheat andl Burns sings) "his stomach lined and keep him out of the mixed farming! back wcel clad" declare that the de- field, it might be worth that to the pression is lifting, with prosperitylfor the Ontario farmer. Mixed far- just around the corner. This doesimixed farming products come from not have much appeal to the poor the West into the markets of Outer. man down and nut nu- Alum tb ----_T,, . .. . Mus Laverne McEachnie spent last week with her cousin, Miss Manon Henderson and other Ettremoat rela- tives.. . Miss Bueluh Burnett, Dur. ham, visited on Sunday with Miss Laverne MeEaehnie. Mr Will Renee, Toronto. has been visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs Jan. Fates. Miss Jean Cringer, who was mist- ing .urs J W Armstrong, returned to her home at. Che-19y last week. Mr: Robt Renwick, Durham, spent the Lat ot the week with her sister, Mrs John Sudan. Mr and Mr: Jno A C Mundane. Toronto, visited Sunday afternoon " the farmer‘s home. Mr Walter Ewing spent a day in Owen Bound this week. The sympathy ist in]: commuthy is extended to Jan A Browne in the P" by death of his mother, Mrs. C. The next meeting will be held at the McKechme members home with Mlsses Winnie Binnie and Jessie Nie- hol, Messrs Put McMillan and Neil McArthur as the program com. THE DURHAM REVIEW HOPEVILLE In Pl! WI new rights they hare enjoyed In- der the kw. It seems that every country Med. . creamy worked-out plan for the [induction and distribu- Mon of goods and u pun that radiu- me nut We at the conun- er An ‘k. :ould have launder! like mmhlnes that are now clogged with them. Amxarnpanyintr Inttation would be lest-hum: that get: the bulk at! the but from those who hue the vulth and leg$statioes which wheel '1' from the privileged group. thei wmcn to buy goods. That being so, fewer goods wilt be aold and unem- ployment and general amnion will Increase. An increase in currency, to make it p-.s.sn'ble to move the good: from the nuance-r to the consumer is our greatest need. In View ot that met, the two bill. now below: the United States Congres- must be In- teresting to In. They provide for n degree of mutton: they are deliber- ately trying to that out (men cred- 'c,-,. F -e goods out from the to pay for taxes, whether direct OP indirect taxes. less is left them with which to buy goods. That being so, fewer goods wlll be sold and unem- wo...mg pap”. Their pumlmslng power is already seriously Name-“cu. 't'uey Jam. ber axed amount of money to spend: it more ot that money goes There to no doubt that such huge decreases in expenditure mu cause unemployment : this " patticulan, tt ue of Pubhc Works and where A docs nut muse unemployment will reduce the purchasmg paw.” Ol w peupus. rue same um be and m ..: creased taxation. The bulk of the taxes come out of the Docket: “f :2... debt has greatly increased. As one member put h: "we have more debt to pay and the police are met-eased to see that we pay ic." io, things are going to be even worse for the Ontario! amen . . Mixed far- “mag mud mimic and if the Prairie Provinces go tn for mixed farming it will be disastrous for this provmce. Ind-unduuu "' W. D. Herridge, lean. iiiLGeirid (wtvsi1imrton, ot unsung the price of rm; wedding trip out or the Gov't. A Possibly the most Important in- vestigation In one to be made ot the Civil Service Commission bunch of the public service. There has been chance to move his statement. not apparently because it retieeta onthe honor at Mr Herridge but because the Prime Minister believes it redieets on his own honor. It the hen-Inga ere made public, one would judge they wouLd be well attended. I We. Mncphnil'e Weekly Letter I Parliament seems to be in an en- lquu-ms mood this year. They want to know thsngs. "Investigate" express~ its the activities so far better than Picayune" Due to the Mammy ot 'Mr Humphrey Mitchell, new member for Hamilton, . committee ot the Home at Common: in tremg let up to consider Beauttatatotg Contritrtttiontrto campaign funds and in the Senate a. Committee is enquiring into the con- :duct ot the three senator: who were imixed up in Beenhnmois. The Sen- ace alone has the right to sit in Judgment on its own chamber. Some little time Mo, Mr G N Gor- don, or_Peterboro,. accused the Hon. 'lmstigate' a Popular Word in Parliament YR" Mo. but “at i. of the pockets of the . Their pummmnx going to give him a of Grey, farmer, who died on or tV bout the twenty third day of unu- .ary, A. D. 1932, at th Towship of iHon' "ck, in the Count of Grey,are [hereby requested to no or deliver ‘to the under manhood Solicitor for ithg Executorl full hrsotthetr china duly proved on o before the :Thlrteenth day ot lurch . D. 1932. distribution. T, DATED " Durham. uric. this Thirteenth an at Fax-n, A. D.. 1082. AFTER such date the Executor: will proceed to distribute e meta of the Estate, having only to the chins of which t y shall thettttnvstsotteeana wttlttdttbeti bio for sud sucts to any persons of whose chin notice shall not hnve been received st the time of such Ag-av-se,, L177 ' I’TER of the Suite ot June: Young, Into ot the Town- sh.p or Bentinck. in the County of Grey, Farmte, yuan“. NOTICE is herd y given that per- sons having claim: Isuzu-L the Es- tate ot June- Y ng, late of the Township of Dentin. ' in the County ,Evcn on approved It notes. ply to w. J. POR R, R. Durham. 15 ycung cows. al a span ot mat. clued Clyde Gelding rising 4 year- old. Any time up t 10 moo. credit Lot' 68 Con East Gunman Road. Holland Towns in, 100 acres. Build. ings, well and fences. 75 acres clear land, 25 i pasture and bush. Pump water tor took. that the masses are ahead ot the leaders and any aggressive action ' -~ taken has come about be. cause they were pushed to it. not give a hearing. Min Dorothy Denier. the very able lobbyist tor the Women's Iatemattonat Dengue. spent nine time trying to and out why the Committee would not allow the hear. ing to go on end she tinalIy discov- ered that the State Department had forbidden it. Two days inter she not- iced in the press that American, Eng- llsh and German ships were carrying nitrates to the war zone in the Far East. The one encouraging feature of the meeting was the intense interest of the people. The peace group- in the United State. ere behind n bill which is tethered by Hamilton Fish of New York. The bill prohibits the exporting of em or munitions ot my sort. in- aiming nitrates. to nations at var. Mr Fleh had hated the Women's Inter- national League to have witnesses come to Waaltington to give evidence in favor of the bill. They come And ' ..: .y friends of pence came that the committee room we: filled end when the Committee saw this, they suddenly withdrew for a privnte con. tttgttation which they and would only lut a few minutes. They didn't re- nppear for nearly two hours and then) . very angry Hamilton Fish can»: back to any that the committee would _ Chlna efforts. Other: thought It would hue the opposite etteet. Dr Lin, I. young Chinese from Princemn. pix-tented the Chinese side at the question. It was a moving awry. One on hearing .- "u um understand how the powers no not taking more positive union to mm the Integrity of NOTICE TO CREDITORS country to the World Disarmament at Genera. They felt they were tn pen succeulul. They seemed upechlly plotted with the walnut delegate, Dr Woolley ot Holyoeke College. Bever Ri weaken thought that the critical common In the tar But might have the effect of spurring the delentee a. We World'. Conference to greater one from Washington. The Women's [Mutational We end the League of Nation. mm arranged the meeting. They are two ot the organ- lutlou who worked "may to em sure 1 strong detention from their Mod t ten-meeting " the Belle we Stanton! hotel, iitntiindetrrhac The subject: under discuuion were the Disarmament Conference and the autumn in the tar Em. There were many speakers, tor the most part phla. and Baltimore; Ott Saturday I ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 9t University ot Penna.vivLia. m mm: were carrying war me In the Far encouraging feature of " the intense interest nther was the tt Hopkins Un- I delightful old occupied by ttet'etesrts-ur.i- totat"-ttted-trtdeiemiiai.r-" kw ,',tftht'"d'.ttt,"eg lull tnfhtn%itiaia. Intending m. should m h 1ttfr Pt tit-”beauty of an an M member of the“ it £910}!me and a.“ DURHAM JlilllG.Bl SCIEKQOIL To remove the cause ot dim try Gillan-mic "l-esta, I no. and mm Violet Ray. Bee your lo, Chiropractors KELLY & All!!! The Persistent Collector- of Ono-gown, Ont. otter you. Send your list or single note or account to them to-day. um. use through Dnrhun Ion-in; Fie.t"srtott Adam)? e". DIM“ Dana-n P. o. Phone " r G. new». Auction.» for any “on Um- urmoa " norm on”; the most reliable and etective nor- vloo Hubble for your dlmcult collections. That in what ithatnltinatitlhat, Tram“ Llconud C. G. Alto Honor Grunts Toronto University Graduate Royal Coll. Dental Sum of Ontario. century in all m lunch“ X RAY GAO EXTRACTION. Duke: Mill Street, DURHAM, Ont. Notary Public, Convoy-noon Rumor, Insurance. on: m SECOND AVENUE ski; OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO Speculum in Appointment. Dim at Eyc- Preferred Ind tttttng ot Telephone can... IN EDWARD LAUOER M.0.,C.M.,F.A.tta I. L. SHITH. tM.. " P s, 100 Acres on Provincial Highway No 6. live miles loath of Durham. 0.! but and (tune house. Good but. Everything in good continua. Am HAROLD A. BARBER. I. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. It's Wise to Use P. F. tiadul1'llljft ’. C. PICKERIIG. DDS. L08 -- - m."- m tau and [Alum Streets. when. Utollun. Luna‘ 5.... , to 09.0.. SIDGIYI "and Your patronage comma GEORGE E. DUNCAN lea}! doqugenu can» u; J. tt MCQUARRIE. B. " , door north of Mo. Lasqhtlrt'e Gar... um St., can... on. ”new: I.” to 4.” an; 7.” to ON p. a. CHIROPRAng .. Over I. t J. Hunter. sun T. H. SNEATH. M. o. BESSIE McGILLI VF." JOHN O’IEIL FARM FOR SALE 9‘29“”.-

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