Subocrlbers are reminded that when remitting subscriptions to the Review FWE GOVERNMENT CAMPS by cheque that exchange ghould bel CLOSE ON CANADA'S HIGHWAY m Bank '30an order. "a 5:! Five camps in operation on the t',",,111,,"dl'"", 7:3" d 0 It', r',', . trans-Canada. hlghwny route between "3 se, "to! "t o poo . money I Pembroke and North Bay, closed this 1rl'fl'tfT l"" - no _ -- --- week. unless a large number of the 500 men left decide to accept a Gov- . ALE PU 8 FOR tt (iii'iiii,i offer to remain at work for One dollar each. Apply to George their board and $5 a month. Ky-.- ‘1n'n‘n‘n One donut each. Apply to George Seaman. Hal-win TH E REVIEW, DURHAM COUNTER CHECK BOOKS -- C. RUDOLPH, Hanover Wear-Well Harness & Collars 0H, HORSE', you are a wonderful thing: no buttons to push, no hon to hook: you start yourself. no clutch to slip. no spark to min, no gears to strip: no license buying every year, with plates to screw on front and rear: no gas bills climbing up each day, starulntr the Joy of life away: no speed cops chugging in your ear. shouting summons in your car. Your inner tubes In all o. K. and thank the Lord they stay that way. Your spark plugs never miss and fuss: your motor never makes us can. Your frame In good tor many a mile: your body never changes style. Your nuts 'are few and easy met .. you've something on the In to yet. [IA Quick N(hy We supply them in any quantity at lowest prices Leave your order with SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY or CANADA At For Economical Power, use the Horse: For You can instantly restore your egtete to e healthy basis by taking out more insurance. The sane way is to in- sure to the point of safety-"at least. Over live hundred million dollars cl life insurance wes taken out in the Sun Life cat- pany last Ved"-- much of it by level-headed men who balanced their accounts by this “RE you among the thousands who have sur lend from the great depression? Have you lied to make a hurried survey of your financial 'roittion only to find that you are worth less by “Demands of dollars than you were , Do you realize that death compels a liquidation of "cavities at cumnl values ' How can that situation be met? Sign of the Ox Yoke on Proctor Street. AT LOWEST PRICES GO TO THE HORSE Hood “it. I Esq., P. s. l, gnu us an interesting Fortws Boys have Taklno Ways address, trying to impress upon the Fergus News Record: but week, vcung the necessity ct understanding Toronto police raided some of the what they read and to be careful in fraternity We: " which tom ot little things. J. Townsend. at the the students of Toronto University 'Review,', tottgratttlttted the section live. This he: edueed a great deal on the excellence of the new bulld- ot comment and mandala. It also lug and tried to ettcouratm the ym reminds some of those interested in to study. Rev Mr Dunlap, ot W lacrosse in Fergus hr the time when hem. spoke on the ectivlty of the they took a team a boys up to Dur- young mind and showed that they bun for e game and the players each should be taught right â€may... yoked any with Ina piece of silt Rev Mr wny We a chat-(ohm. venue from the hotel. " soon as nrioty or taste. etc.. which trimmed notice of souvenir hunting we- re- mnch mirth. Mr M. Armstrong. prin- ceived, the silver in gathered to- citmiofDtartsaanMitkttoot-setherandmtumott. -. The new school. Bee. No. 9, Glen- da. about one and s halt miles from Durham. was opened by a solree. in 1881. The building is or stone and is an excellent structure tor the purp use for which it has been erected and rctlecta credit upon the contractor. Mr Wm. ledlsw. The building was ccmfcrtsbly Med by hut past seven o'clock" The Bunosssn choir under the leadership of Mr George Binnie, tpencd the proceedings by sinxing. after which s blessing was sshedsnd in an incredibly short everyone wss supplied with ten and rich cake, made up in every form and style. When thanks had been returned. R. Alice. Esq. wss appointed chsirmsn. After s brie! sddress on the school- bullding, ete., the choir was called on tcr another piece. Wm Ferguson, But why worry-the Review and Enterprise controversy will neither prevent nor bring about paving. There are other angles to the sub- ject we have not time not space to discuss at present, but as nothing has yet been heard of tenders being called by the government for this road, it looks as it no action or work won it. will be undertaken this year. OPENING OF S. S. ii' be iowei.eii on account of the gov- ernment assuming more of Old Age Pensions. Taking Sullivan. the closest town- shfp to Chesley, tor example. It the whole 15 miles were to be paved this year. at approximately same costper mile as last year, It would coat each rattpayer of that township only $1.63 per 81000 of assessment, which would scarcely ruin any farmer'. This would bring a lessened County rate for its provincial payment and it should tu.. mera' products'. Almost all farmers are assured of a living at least on the tarms. but the laboring man and tlrcge in business also in the towns, have no such assurance, and it a re- vival in industry is not forthcoming the coming summer, governments. cities and towns may prepare for much greater relief expenditure. The Enterprise specially cites Sui- livan and Bentinck ratepayers as be- ing overburdened it the highway pav- in: be continued and the uninformed might be led to believe they were going to bear the whole cost. Egre- mont and Collingwood. Durham and Hanover, and many other munlc.pa1- itles, would nay their full share ot Grey's 20 per cent as well. in propor- tion to assessment. in tact Durham and Egremont and several others would pay a real liberal share. as they had their assessments raised at last Co. equalization, while Bentlnck and Sullivan were not increased. The Review is Just as anxious to see the farmers relieved of excessive taxation as is the Enterprise, but the unemployment situation must be con- sidered as well, and it industry is much more, throttied in villages. tcwns and cities, where will the buy- ing power come trom to provide a market and good prices for the tar. But the Enterprise is out when it still claims the motion that no Prov. highway paving be done this year. was unatt'ancttaly carried in Grey Co. Council. When the motion was put, all could see that the majority ot hands were raised in favor. and War- den Bell declared it carried without asking tor the ways. Still when a number refused to raise their hands ln favor. no one could term it â€unan- lmoua," which Webster's dictionary deflttetg as "being of one mind," Yea. the Review "atamU corrected" on one statement made. and the En- terprise "stands corrected" on tive. i The Revicw's article ot two weeks "uro,--rur1yimr to one in Chcsley En- terprise the previous week, regarding paving of the unooenpleted 15 mile stretch on No 6 highway north of Rue- v Sangeen. was subjected to nth- er kindly criticism by that journal. both on its ttrttt and editorial pages. The Enterprise correistis'ua on the statement wo made that $150,000 de. hentures issued last year were for a legacy of war indebtedness, as well " County and Provincial highway expenditure and states by-law reads that it was for "detraying actual ex- penditure tor construction and im- provcment of Provincial Highways." We accept the correction and 'ld) knowledge our mistake. What we quoted about "the accumulation of in- dtbtedness tor war expenditure and tor County and Prov. roads'" was what boosted Grey's debenture debt prtvious to this $150,000. l CH ESLEV ENTERPRISE F" audit"! Xenia" DURHAM, ONT. 1’0me ' C. [MILO]: a SON. was: ud Pte (From an old scrap book) NC. 9 SCHOOL, GLENELG STANDS CORRECTED Get I Mg bundle of old papers It the Review once. Only Be. Two bun die. or more " the me rote. Bun. sble for seven! pane-es. Forum Boys have Taklng Ways Fergus News Record: last week, Toronto police raided some of the intensity houses at Irma: some ot the students of Tomato University live. This he: owned a nest deal ot comment and mutton. It 1150 reminds some of those interested in km in Fergus of the time when they took a team a boys up to Dur- SASKATCHEWAN TO SPEND 31200300 ON RELIEF Before the 1932'crop is lint-vested in Saskatchewan. an additional 812, 000,000 Will be spent by the govern- ttttatt for relief purposes. Premier J. T. M. Anderson stated that while speaking " 1 Young Men's Consent» live Association unmet " Sula- toon. The premier denied that his government was contemplating hold- ing an election. ' "Married folks don't make good bridge players. They'd be better " it they didn't even try. You'll notice that in a. "at of the ten best bridge players (it there are any best play- ers) at least seven of them are un- married. Bridge is all right for bachelors, I suppose, but no married man ever gets very far at it." is my advice to married people not to play the game at all if they want to be happy together. - "If a husband and wife must play bridge, (although I can't see why they should ever want to) they should never be pa; aertr.' They shouldn" even play at the same table. If they do, there's bound to be fireworks. I have seen countless cases ot langled nerves and serious, disagreements re suit over bridge table arguments. It "Bah, bridge.' said the judge: “That's the game that has caused nearly as many divorcee as mother- in-iawa.†Judge Sabath. who has issued more than 50,000 divorces, turned down the invitation and took the opportuni- ty to issue the following statement concerning bridge tables, husbands and wives l or suffering . Joseph Sabat “I had to measure carefully to lo- cate the place.†Dr Groves said, "but the location of the internal capsule is kmwn and that was the least of my amenities. The hard part of it, of ccurse. was getting down to the clot without injuring the brain and to draw " the blood In the clot.' Dr Groves is modest about his won- derful skill and says no one can say whether the pat'ent’s improvement was due to the operation or to nat- ure's healing power. This latest feat of this famous doc- tcr, causes us to ask when is a per- son’s usefulness over , In the natur- al state of attairts, we would pine the limit at 75 years, but in the case ot the Fergus doctor, he is like Tenny- acn's brook: “going on forever." Medical scSence may well be grate tut tor a minute type of Dr Groves. who at his advanced use, I: still biasing new tet,attr the alleviation BRIDGE NO GAME In reading "The Raven.†Mr John Trephlnlng the skull la the usual medical term tor opening the brain for any kind ot operation. When the skull was opened, Dr Groves took a small instrument like a. large hype dctmie needle and worked it slowly through the tissuennd cells into the capsule an effort to dissipate the' cerebral hetncrrhture. The operation was new er performed before, so far as u knrwn. - The day of mlncles la not yet over as Dr W. A, Groves of Fergus. bu prawn. Poueumg marvellous surgic- al skill. plus pluck and a big chance.‘ thU 84 year old doctor performed an operation inFergus hospltll last week upcn a. young mother, that has made Toronto surgeons sit up and take no- tice. Mrs. Hubert Mann gave birth to a baby a week previous, which was followed by a. clot of blood for- ming three inches down in the brain. paralyzing her body. The doctor efzer being delayed " hours before ramming consent of the woman's rel- atives to operate, so; to work and ircphined the skull ct his patient in chair-mun. Proceed- 382.60, which will go toward. purchasing apparatus tor the Ichool. We are pleased to ham (but Mr. John B. lie-bun has been engaged for next year at an In- cmsed salary. The old school-house is to be sold on Friday afternoon " halt put four. Buck gave I. hum rettitatfoer- Icudly apphndod. The choir - pieces " marvels during the even. ing in good style Vote. of thanks were pulled to the choir, to the spen- keen and other gentlemen who con- tributed to the entertainment: to the ladle: who had made such :bundam provision for the wiree and to the THE DURHAM REVIEW h. Groves Wonderful Feat ,',','/ti',"'thd',1'e1',' FOR MARRIED FOLKS Rev D. A. Hamilton. Hanover. vial- ted a. few families in this loamy last Tuesday. Mr and In Jan. A. Myles. Thom- bury. announce the engagement of their Mutter. Edna hurt. to Mr. Wilfrid Luther was. of Kitchener the mm to take pine 27th' of Apt 'd. There Is nothing nun-l . bout this men! but groom's name. We’ll ttet doth" to doughnut: his father in 1 mat Liberal. A few than this part nttended the Adlun and Johnston reeepeon Int Wednesday evening. Mr s. Inching ot Carriek, visited " parents Friday and attended the play. _ Mr and In Jno. Roddy and son. Wm., ot Dunkeld. and Mr and Mm. Sumey Purdy. cumin, visited with Mr 1nd In I. W. Byers sud family early in week. Mr and Mn John Henry, Durham, with Mr and Mrs Elmer Garland and was James and Lloyd. also of Dur- ham, visited with Mr ind Mrs Hugh Fulton recently. also with Byers' of 'Bonnie View Wrm.' Mr and Mrs Jno. Corbett nnd sen Donald, spent . day with Mr and Mr: Andrew Fulton recently. un' young people have been so busy practising the past few weeks, drew the usual crowd and proved a decided success In the line of entertainment. Those taking part were Miss Priest, Lilian Horsburgh, Clara Mm. Nellle Anderson, Arnold Hickllng. The: Fulton 1nd Geo Hen- deratm With Wilfrid Anderson " dic- tator. An orchestra supplied delight- ful music between acts. Altcgether it was a. good nlght'a outing. The farmers In this locality are busy on the land. Some have already Bowed a few acres of gnu: and un- less We are visited with a spell of wintry weather. In the shape of a small blizzard, the apt-Ins seeding will be well on it: way by the end of the month. Mr and Mrs A. C. McDonald atten- ded the funeral In Durham Monday. of the late Charles Boyle, formerly ot , ' we who dled at the home othis daughter in Brandon. Mrs W. H. Patterson. Misses Willa. Donna. and Gladys Patterson were welcome guests " the home of Mrs. Fulton Saturday. it of Service': Mitut Lolita lighten also gave " interesting reading on Lite Service Day, followed try I Lite Service Pledge, repeated in unison: a solo by Mrs Galloway and a Bible contest solved at. the close. The next muting wlll be held May 3rd. u. "aura luau: Iul WElu‘C- An Interesting event took place at: Miss Myrtle lawrence returned to the Baptist parsonage Weinetsday1ast:' town Saturday attcr the week with when Rev John Galloway united in her sister. matrimony Miss Bessie Adlam and: The turkey reported last week as Mr Loel Johnston, youngest Bon ot) stolen from Mr N. McLean's. was Mr and Mrs Robt Johnston. ‘discovered 7 any: after " v“ mi.- The regular meeting of the B.Y.P.i sed, in the owner's barn, wedged in U. was held Tuesday eve'g, in charge,betieecn oat sheaves, which had fallen of the Sunshinen' Group, Mrs Gallo. on it while making its netrt, What . way presiding. Mya SIM!†Hoptritus relic! to think we sti-llhnva no thieves read the scripture lesson. Mr John ttt Welbeck! Pickering read a poem ent!tled 'Birir-',, Mr Bert Ledindnm In: returned Later the bride and groom left for a. mo.:or trip to Smut Ste Marie. and other points. For travelling the bride wore a Spanish tile and brown wool mesh dress, with brown polo coat hat and matching accessories. They will reside in Ottawa. use, Stratford : Mr and Mrs J. J. Douziaw. Dr and Mrs M. K. Doug- las, Gordon Douglas and Mr and Mrs A. Parker, of Owen Bound. sun: Hill roses. The best mun was Mr Wm Lyons of Toronto. After the ceremony, a. reception was held nt Old St. Paul's Rectory, the home ot the bride's aunt, Mrs Morris, who re- ceived wlth the bride's mother, Mrs. Jackscn. The lstter wore a gown of powder blue Romslne with Milan hat in gray shades. She wore s bouquet ot sunset macs. Mrs Morris wore a gown ot Mack lace, Ind black hot or transparent braid and wore a bouquet of dark red rose. Mrs E. W. Limin, grandmother ot bride, wu gowned in black lace with mllan hat and cor- sage of roses. Out of town guests for the weddmg wcre Mr and Mrs Alex McLaughlin and Mr and Mrs N T Harding, Lon. dcar. Mrs G. R. Pearce and Muss. Lycn. Toronto: Mr and Mrs A. P. C. McGowan. Durham: Major R G Btw- qua. ot Rapture roses sud lily of the valley. She VII attended try her cou- sin. Min hut-Ion Green. of Wood- stock. who wore a gown of Honey- dcw silk net. with wide picture hatto match. She carried a bouquet of Jo with twohes of silver, made on long lined. Her veil Vin of Illk name"- ily embroidered. and was in up shape, taught with a spray ot orange blossoms. She ended a. shower bou- Marie, Ont., the rector. Rev. John Morris tttthunting. The church wu dccornted with spring flowers in pro- fusion and the wedding march was pinyed by the organist. um Vera Hawks. The bride wu given in marriage by her (liner and wore a French gown of henvy white crepe, The marriage toot moo in Old St. Paul's Church, Woodstock Friday. Ale M, of Dorothy Clue Douglu, daughter ot Mr and Mn H. B. Jack- son (Adl Limin) of Durham, to night Liam. Donald Harvey Duc- Caul of Ottawa, son ot Mr t H. and the late In W! ot Sum Ste. April M, of Dorothy Clare Douglas, daughter of Mr and Mn H. B. Jack- son (Ad: Limin) of Durham, to night Liam. Donald Harvey Duc- Csul of Ottawa, son of Mr I. H. and the late In ml of Sum Ste. Marie. Ont., the rector, Rev. John The play 'The Uttle Clodhopper' MACCAUL - JACKSON HAMPDEN MULCCK ~~ --e. “an! AW“ lull“ In. life. How ttrm and even severe He " the home of In with wu, when He clove the money- ladies were Went- [any changers from the temple and noon: the Pregnant, Hrs condemning the “urine: tor their ad. The tell all tited hypocrisy. Yet how kind He woe to clamor was we] the the nick end tom! and cum: my meal him: I ones. ' tonic Cookies and the Our Sunday School will reopen!!! ' by In Devil Int Sunny. my I, and we hope to use I m “I" h" b" - VIV l HHIU observed Sunday next. premnwry service may night. In Hurry Caldwell at! Hilton ro- (umed heme Sunday after . few days' visit with her urem- in Hul- over. ' Glad to see to many out to our-oer- vlco Sundny. The ale-Inge was on 'The strength amt beauty ot the sour. We need both in our durum And the Inner gave at . wonderhnl Mt. um'ale and how the strc'lgth and the beauty were both revealed In In. life. How ttrm and "on seven He Maura Newell and Gray with their tine sawing outttt, cut a his put cl wood. for Mr Malcolm McKechnie on Saturday. Mina Nellie Hetherlngum. Dun- dalk. this week la a guest cf Mr: S. Mr Hawkins, Arthur, la a guest this week with " daughter, Mrs R. Manley. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Adrian Noble, on the arrival of n young son. Mr and Mrs Jas Crutchlcy were Walton this week with Mr and Mrs Hugh McArthur, Zion. Mrs Wm Gruby, Durham, spent 1 couple cf days with her daughter, Mrs Malcolm Mekecnn'.e. Mr Joe Davison Durham bu rented the store from Mr Chas Mtghton and will try his luck around the Rocky. We hope he will be successful. Mr and Mrs Cluence Noble and little daughter, have moved to the farm a couple of mites north of town. We welcome them to the com. munity. Today, Tucsday, ig cold and dren- ry, with I. fall of snow. Miss Viola. Sultan! wu u: mer- noon caller with Mrs Hem Hominy. Messrs James, Gordon and Dough. Robertson were Sunday evening VII- itcrs with Mr and Mrs P. Beth. Mr Bert Ledmghun bu returned to Durham and In with Mr Arnold Noble for the spring work. Messrs H. McCracken and G. Rob- enwn, Domoch. have rented Mr. D. Wade's farm tor pasture. Creamery trucks arc once mere on their rounds, Walkerton's giving Ill]. call on Saturday and Tut's Monday. Mr Archie McLean bu engaged with Mr P. Ledingham for the seed- ing and harvest. Miss Viola Sanford returned home last week after the winter spent it. Own: Sound. There is trtiil considerable iitt m the neighborhood. We hope those who are glittering will scan be about again. The cold weather lingers and u we write the wow I: falling thickly. locking u if nature would be once more manned in white. The former- are busy on the land and longing for a. nice warm rain that would mellow the grcund and make it mcre work. able. ROCKY SAUGEEN KNOX CORNERS ROB ROY MILLS Limited 00mm, ONT. Far-man are advised not to many but the but nod, " we cannot nul Mixed Hay or Inferior Grain. For further particulars, no We will also be In the market (or all kind. cl 0min aid wlll pay according to quality. GRAIN WANTED quantity of Allan: Hay (My “and out) tor which we will pay Highs" Price. W. will be in the mark“ for any Important to ALFALPA MAY WELBECK r will VII mend In Keener id, he: J, mung - and the meeting cloned with handled“. The postponed W. M. ti. Easter Thunkoil'criu mil Young People'., meeting were held together in the church taat may evening, with a fair attendance. Ill“ L. Fisher. prvr of the W.H.& occupied the chair and Rev Mr Hceney led in prayer. Asper- Ill (mum of the [1mm was an Easter mm Thtth is the Victox) and was “My given. Tm spea- kit of the evening was In Heeney, who in I splendid addres- nve afull report of the WALS. ot the Toronto Conference. held in Moor St. United Chiral. Toronto. only in Mart-n I‘ll Mildred Hendernnnven read in: aoioa were an: by Rev Mr Her. he): um In D. J. 1(qu And a Mr Alex Rods-on who bu bwn oerlously in. is null tmggftnmt to hm bed. We hope tor . speedy recm er' mu cum Bubject, Hanover. SIM-u; a. kw any: recently It her home. In Bmwn, J. D. and Alexander. And In. C. Penna. R. N.. ot Owen Sound. spun Sunday with Mr and In Andrew Rude. lines Irene and [out-e Subjw' and Inne- Com and Alan Fonunru spent . any recently tn 0. Bound. Mr Harry Houston tad ulsterGrau- visited with mum-mm trtetuislat,t week. with In I. Bin, “clover. “than n the home of Mr. and In A. C. MacDonald Sunday were Mr and In Baht Hulk: and bush ter Evelyn. Toronto: Mr um â€H.183 Alexander and Inn Ivan and dnuzh ter, Mia. Irene. Hanover. Mr 1nd In C. MeGirr, Mr .Edwanl Boyce and “in Blanche ot Durham visited on Sunday with Mr and Mr, Edgar Boyce. Come to Crawford Church next Pr! day evening. April M, and hear Zion young people on“ their three-no play “Eyu at love." The Varney mlea' Aid held 'hmx April meeting It the Caldu'ell hon). today, Wednesday. A good number o', Indie: were present. Includmg a num her from Knox. The uternoon “an Ipent in sewing and work of variou, kinda. after which one the business part. A ttne lunch m nerved a' clone and a plenum time spent. Illne- lustre! Watson. Margam Int-hall and T. E. Byers hm: dinner uul spent some plenum hours An tho Wallace home Sunday. Mr am, Mrs W. Wallace of town, also viz-11w! with his putat- Sundny. Mr and Mrtg Alex AbeMein visited Sunny with It um In David Mat and! and. other- in increment and r.-- turned to All“ Craig, Monday. Pony. Wallaâ€! to Mr John Thump Ion on having touched agtother ttno. stone. t9tttteUy. April 24th, wax his 83rd birthday. um Mott. the fhtnreoeu-umine Institute hull! In John White returned to hvr farmers ! APRIL M, 1932 d Thankful Use Local , CROWN l COCKS. , PUMP J , TOP BU , DELAVI CUSTU Best _ for i/ got plenty APR†a chuck a com on' ttt ttci., em not! bu WI IN' PRt Pushy Moo NE Phone 3 Get on Hendenl Gu ere DU Roy Kee " w