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Durham Review (1897), 19 May 1932, p. 7

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Rial ays Cullen his Gem m it.” AIL ed Oh m [U TV poi'ts from French Ndtr41hinn tett ot the noticeable Inc-reels In a. m population supposedly mm a... {HF diminution of sashes mm Hume snakes tttwe been W M.- sal" and their skin! sent to the um 4mm to be made into ladle.‘ shoes, bolts, handbags, etc., and. honey. tt ur not, airplane upholstery! In their search for moons of saving siren-en weight plane builders have to!“ thet‘ the skin ot the lowly serpent is Inch 'nghter than the conventional I” sawing materials end M " a". me as leather. This new use for "F tlle hides nukes possible the saving of many pounds in welds! In the " holderng ot a large pessouer plug. A low drowned in 1 Bali'. Russell {khan}. ot Sault Bte. Marte, Weh.. wawrml the Inlmll. When " mt “mo-d the barn the and '0 dead. on muse had become wedged In the nkurloet, and death vas due to drum» or Australia In wild dog Skill. used as money. Mrs. Mary matey, of Horton, Kant, rlzunH increased milk production " Mr cattle since an. {mulled adios In m-r barn and plan tune: tor the In!- [nah at milking time., Real Bengal tints, detteertdants of animals which esclped from tt wrecked Circus train 18 your: Mo, no fond wild in Mexico. . ' The avenue weight or grizzly but: is between 900 and 1.000 pounce; polar bears average between 1'00 and 900 pounds. The lowly snail, ion: {mom in France as a. table delicacy, an Dr. I. K. Free. promises to receive the - proval or scientists u well u of French chefs. In n report to the Academy of Sciences, in Pain, El Mouriquand and A. Mali" told of their investigations which show tint mo- fatty substances in the beam of vrlible snails are potent mm: of the all important vitamin D, which bu the "HOT of preventing or curing rickets. There in a rare species or ”Inn-u m w-ntrul America which is atrgttmt blurk in color, but the black squirrels .ummnnly seen in North Anetta are "0'!sz what-ate species, but merely wort from the gray squirrel stock. sunrtage of currency in some parts Australia has caused ”dingo," or .14 dog skins. and hint chul to In 8mm after the breeding season ouch your all male deer shed their "the ra- k of antlers. . . ' Sume birds, such as condom, bu:- Lirilrl, hawks, gulls and albatross“! um ascend to great heights and not! about for hours without any ”parent motion ot their wings. They are able to do this by toting damage of min- or air currents through imperceptible movements ot diluent parts of the body. The principle in sinner to that by which a kite or glider is itoqrn. A bird which is lying forwerd and " ward against the wind. without upping m wings is in elect riding on on " wnding current of air. Birds Pain: In Flight The (7.3. Biological Survey Informs IH that "both the 'chlmney swift and he wttite-throated swift psi; while in night." The Britannica Encyclopediq ntates that further observation is need- ed to confirm the assertion that swift: annually mate in mid-air. Tue, an English hull pup of nine months, was a pet in high standing at Lakehurst naval hangar.' go” dny n navy blimp started aloft. that word was given to "let go," hut Tin, who had snatched one rope-end in " tor, didn't understand, and he nailed away with the ship-until he got and of holding on. He fell in a [You of pines. .1 _ Water Dog. Belong to Fish Family The water dog is not th tttsh. It is an aquatic salamander found in the stratum ot the Ohio valley. The ered. ture, which attains t length ot about " inches, in very voracious and tenni- ous ot life. It is not venomous. " though there is ohm” considerable danger in being bitten by creatures ot this kind. Twelve horses or be required to men elephant. No more now do“ the night-dew nu “you . The drowsy Inn, the clover-Ingram or cutie moving slowly rowan we brink Ot the windy pool and bonding their heads to drink The drowned and shivering slurs. The cool. GOOD mttett 0t shaken be“: have have gone To further pastures. Companion“! “one by we“: no shaggy an“ A nd a broken fence that stunts into dawn. _ whine“ Frost, in the North Anni- 'tul Review. . ' N Snake Skim “In. Up a. rare species of squirrel in High Flyern or eight oxen would MI same ion! a one TGi, dwindled and slowly toward the and this land r0- Mexico City.--To encourage student travel by air, the Pun American Air. was is ottering s 40 per cent. reduc- tion in its regular tare, the slashed price meeting the lines ot the Mexican Aviation Company, a subsidiary ot the larger eorporation. Reduced prices will continue into elect until Oct. 15. There is more power in kindness nun more is in dynamite, but it when longer tor some people to tind it out. IE NEVER w- Iltllllli Ttr EM amend in bod‘y'm limb}; " For yea: disliked d 'igg,.gxoLutiteiLiut,t,gr,,, eapeeatirsotidgtod. 111uuet','S' “alienating mea1s,andtivedon 'nitkrtdtioiiaroatay. Onemonth qttr,TsurtedtoUheKruschen Salts, Earn 'i?A,yy.tttt!,r,,::t,'g hex 'tei",",',.".:?::?,?,')?;.',',',?'.",',,';.".'.,','; and new I can eat anything wittil the greatest appetite."-J. F. D. There are six salts in Kruschen, and every one of them 'rs necessary to Elect health. It you lead antrannous . in the open air, if every organ in your body performs its functions tge'd,t if your diet is emietiy , then you an extract from the food you eat and theair you breathe Eilttytt"tsnemstarytokéepyou tlt. But if you spend the greater part of CORRUGATED METAL AND FRAME GARAGES 10' x 16', $15.00 (tax Included), de- llvered. We nllow $5.00 for erection charge " destination. together with full instructions for erecunn. me- tures of our garages msmrlied on rr- quest. Write 1.3.0. nu! ma co. m um " 'r., Wu, Ontario ami. it; rNgit2i'.eiitfurbtl,tt'e',flf, TSUT, m I. In I.“ n can. III“! Mum Ct. lull-MM. om. New Window Refrigerator. Indispens- nblo for every home and aparttux-r.t.' Atr.otutelyuto competition. llmmu‘k ably successful In United States. Now made in Cum: Dl.qtributo- must be Munch!” responsible. ha ‘e with; organlution or ability to create one. WANTED When makes HIM FUSSY One ot the most important things yourcan do to make a teething baby comfortable is to see that little bowels do their work ot carrying on waste matter promptly and regular- lg. For this. nothing is better than Castoria, a pure vegetable prepara- tion specially made tor babies and children. Castoria acts so gently you can give it to young infants to relieve colic. Yet n is always " iective, for older children, too. Re member, Castoria contains no harsh drugs, no nareotiets-U absolutely harmless. When your baby is fret- iul with teething or a food upset. give a cleansing dose of Castorin. Be sure you get genuine Castoria with the name: . "ttd on Eggs and Hill: for Yan- Studenu’ Air Rat" Cut CASTORIA mee no: " lumen. Oat. County Distributors it, j z TEETHING - u- n u... --". m tun you .a col-nun u ya, I" you A. ‘.A_ _A.._. .- n II‘P‘I‘ your life indoors, if you clonal get alt the fresh air and exercise you need, if your eliminating organs don't do their work easily. naturally, Ind regularly, if your diet is not exactly what it should be, if you wake unc refreshed, eat without appetite, work without Best, and play without enjoy- ment--Kruschen " what you need, and Knnchen will put you right. Knuchen swooteus and cleanse: your blood, sets your internal machinery I working smoothly, sends you out im ‘sunshine or shower with the same cheery readiness for the day's work 9! tht dayZ'yhy- . . .. _ " BY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON iiGiriitaGTasir. Giiiid per bottle. Illustrated Dre-smoking Lennon nicked With Every Pattern It is the easiest dress to make tor there are just. a few major parts to the pattern. Don't miss this opportunity! It's cost will prove exceedingly small. Plain silks in flat or crinkle crepe are charming too. Style No. 2797 is designed for sizes 36. M, 40, 42, M, 46 and 48 inches What New York ls Wearing 36, ', bath, inch. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. l Write your name and address plain-" ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose Me in stamps or coin ( coin preferred; wrap it earefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. COLOR. ' I thumb F r. . Men in general experience a great} Around tt tiny infant’s g11ttt 8 . , ior in color. Thet eye needs it as! To see it his are: tooth in throngh. much as it does light. Let any one'lI atstr '.01h what'g B chap to d“; reeall the refreshing aenuuon one t bit him. _ . A . __ _ 4--.... h- ..._I -~0.A.S. in London Evening News. i/GGGGs when on a. gloomy day the sun shines out on a mTtietPtr spot on the landscape and makes the colors of it visible. That healing powers were ucribed to colored we- cioul stones may hue arisen out ot the deep helm; ot this inexpresslble Neasnire,--4roethe. T . How Rashes Do Iteht m M will - 3...... uni-cu can. " nun-2 J.I.vum.II-.i Size ,v -.-- __ w, W _ nah-annulu- ”in nun M will 2797 42, 1 36 re )7 is designed for sizes M, 46 and 48 inches requires 3% yards 39- Fu r. "thittiy, " ithrlfuhc mm in Auction ariftSi+ that is undoclded. one on which the expert: (Ii-moo. 1nd that ig.. When should tho parttterof the dell- er uh out the litters no trump hid with I. bid at two heart: or two spades? AI one of my fellow authors :hu and: “It is the monies! question (ot latter day bidding." Every writer on tin some seems to have s diirerent opinion so that it is not surprising that the "erase pinyer has diiliculty in deciding what to do in this situation. The wrter has frequent- ly stated that, in his opinion. partner should take out freely with any tire- eard heart or spade suit. provided the hand contains at least one quick trick. Ot course, with any greater strength, the in? -out is obligatory; tor example,‘ with six or more hearts or spades. all writers agree that a takeout is obliga- tory. It the original no trump bidder cannot help the major suit bid, he should either bid two no trump or show his own suit, it he has one; otherwise, he should pass and let his partner struggle along with the major isuit bid. U _ . The object ot all bididng. both at Auction and Contract, is to and a. bid that will go game. and the best way to accomplish this purpose is to show a. live-curd major suit whenever possible. Experience has shown that s hsnd that will go game at no trump will nearly Hearts-tl, I' Ciubis--9, 7, 6 Diatnondtr---J, 7. ' Bpades--J, 6, 5, 3, 2 Auction Bidding: No score, tirtst game. 'd dealt and bid one no trump and A passed. If Y bids two hearts, Y Z will score some but, it he passes. 'A will open his spades and Y T will only score one or ttvo odd at no trump. It is a good example of the value ot a free take-out. , Contract Bidding: d Y should bid two hearts and, it B passes. Z should bid three hearts. Y‘s hand doesn't Justify a rabid, so the hand will be played at three hearts. There are many nut-h hands at Con. tract where a fortunate distribution of the cards enable the declarer to score a game that cannot be mntracted tor in the bidding. Hearts-o, 8, 3 clubs-A, It, T, 6 Diamonds-Ht, J, 9, 7 Bptuies1--A Troubled for Years. Mrs. John Machon Thanks pr. Willialps’ -----------' "For many years) 'tttttt 'ttttt I had been trou- bled with indiges- 'ttlf, tion andwny um nerves," w r i t a a Mrs. John Machon, Calumet, Que. "r suffered constantly. I tried many remedies, but without gaining any relief. I was unable to get any rest. I got a box of Dr. Wil- llams’ Pink Pills to give them a trial. I soon saw a great change. Now I can go to bed and have a good night's rest, and am able to do a. dats york with G; Ciiidin i his“ to thank tor it is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I would not be without them in the pause." . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are remark- ably effective in cases like the above. because they create new rich blood which supplies to the nerves the very elements they need. Equally eitectlve tor all run-down and anaemic condi- tions. Try them. At Tour drugglst’s. 60e a package. - I bit him. Not, as you many think, Beneath the iaf1uenee ot drink, Nor yet in padness; rage or hate, or any other frantic state; [ But utter calm deliberation. With neither haste nor hesitation. I simply took " titttter tip And gave it it decided nip;- And, unperturbed by shame or pride, I clsim that I was ttuso-sd, As I can prove, I hope, to you. . I ask, what is s chap'to do When Father rubs his great (at To enjoy scenery you should ram- ble amidst it; let the feelingi to which it give; rise mingle with other thoughts; look round upon it invin- tervala ot regains; and not go_ to it " one you to See the “on. ted at a Mr. The beautiful in not to be stared M, bat to be liredorith. " hue no plenum from books which equals that of reading on? for the Itundrqdth time you production. which 1 utmost know " hurt; and it is just the some with_Iqonory.- Prom "Diary ot Lord Mammy." Nervous iiriiriiiis for Permanent Enioyins San-er! Jus. m Problem Biting V, mucus N9, tt clubs--', 3, 2 DitunotMist-K, 8, 4 Spades-k, 8 Hetrrtts--A, 10. 4 C1uttte--A, IO, ii, 4 Diamonds-At, IO, 9, t Spades-A, 7 that“ an“! new: or node- uo than. and-tttem' in a ave-cord 'nator'%tt In 'althor land, .On the other” then no may hood- tint will- out. - in helm or spade- that are not“ hood: In no trump. 1 For the“ “the? evident moon, the 'orrtter ulv’oontes tree take-outs ot port- ner's no trump with union- suit bids. From then on it is up to the original no trump bidder to use his judgment " to whether he should try for some at the major suit, or so on with " no trump. An English writer who doesn't " lieve in the American Newton double, says that one why to settle the question ot a aka-out of paetner's no trump is tosdopt the following con- vention: "When the take-out is from weakness, say: ‘I bid two hearts’ and” when from strength. say: 'I make it' two hearts'." This is, of course. the English idea. ot humor and a more or less severe criticism ot the informa- tory double. In England they don’t entirely approve of the double, nor do they consider it a fair convention. Needless to say, we will continue to believe in the intormatory double and not adopt the English suggestion " to the uke-out. -ihiiFioiGhmr in a good illustration ot the ulna ot the take-out with a hand that most or the authorities would wast VNo score; Z dealt and bid one spade. What should A now bid with the fore- going hand at either an (or on- tract? _ _ 'lie, ',y.si( A has Ahe choice ot one ot three bids: (1) an informatoii- mam. off“ spade; (2) a. bid Ltwo diait'toitdsi;' (a) a bid of one no t mp. It seems to the 'wrlter that an in 'matogy double Tith) this hand is ha practrce. ‘lt irtoo istrong a hand to play at a minor emit and not strong enough to play at hearts. For the lame reason. the two- diamond bid should not be made. It takes a great deal ot strength in part- ner's hand to make game in diamonds ‘but very little to. make some possible in no trump. The no trump hid seems the best bid with this hand tor it otters the best chance for game at either Auction or Contract. 4 "Peace," they" have said, Through the sad profit of our pain We grieve till time la gone. We shall not learn to build again The brick: of Babylon-- Ottr sons are dead. Stilled are the guns. Good will, they any, shall heal, shall bless The lands now, year try year, But though the merciful possess The earth, they shall not hear Our little sons. They were our "lends; Our thought, our breath. our blood we gave To make them so; They bought us peace, and in the grave Is all the Peace they know, To make amends. Leaders and lords, . Who in your pride decree that thus Or thus shall scores be paid, An age is building whén with us your reckoning shall be made, Who have no swords. We mothers know: . By the world's hearths We sit and dream; ' Again we watch them die; They willed the peace that you. Mats. pheme, And, though you still deny, It shun be so. ERRORS The errors of . great hind are more edltymg than the truths of a Iittu.--Bome. Cried ah Night "Night atter,au,ttssotmastelt A - . . . L_I..- n-..“ did _ "qP" - W" -- - get 3mm in bed bub welt) gtagt am. J. . ilL7ik 'th' TABLETS draitged all this. What I M!!- IM," “it: In. Arthur Baker, In - Winch-,Ont. Give We Mothers Know ISSUE No. 20--'32 --John Drinkwater. The London Spectator any: that spouting aloud will.“ on your mind ll “16¢qu of longevity. Most women outlive their husbands. Wit1io--yDid Thom-s A. Edison nuke the tlrgt talking muchlne, dad. dr'," _ tuw-so, sol. God made the ilrtrt one but Edison made the tirgt one that could be shut oft." Hummi- Don't Mutter It a. married woman eats onions you can be pretty sure line's Mill in love with her husband. _ Nothing dries quicker than the ten" ot . hypocrite. suit ot two sets of emotional dehum- vibratlons which attraet each other and become harmoniously merged in- to a. rich chord ot eontaet." A good many people have enjoyed Hutu without knowing what It was all about. nobody." out?" A woman may be expert It 'iettns a. (rock that, wont fade. var“ out or run. but, appnmwy. is not llWlYI so lucky when she picks out a husbund. Old Lady--im't it you to whom I gave . bottle ot Elderberry Wine up! week t" Hoio-"seim. I've come back to see It you" sell me a cue." Spinal: has come in for another blow from a, doctor, who insists It's good food tor rabbits only. That, how. ever, will not discourage thousands who reason that it tastes so bad it must be healthful. A wine husband never' quarrels with' her husband until after pay day. The old men are looking so young these days that they all seem to die belore their time. People who are too old to learn have outlived their usefulness. Just how tar you get in life depends on whether your vehicle In the wish- bone, the jawbone. or the backbone. A politician thinks ot the next elec- tion, a statesman at the next genera- tion. Unfortunately a girl doesn’t seem to appreclete her lute hubend until too late. A lot of tune is vested trying to think up we." to on. it. Indexes are very much the same " ter the excitement ween on, A scientist says: “Kissing in pm to- "tt-"tmtottterts takes " his hat to First New Bride--Nht you still be- neve that the stark carries 'etnt" Second Newly wed-NM, no. they come in airplanes 'tow-tut airplane means one-duophne means two-- triplnne menu!I three." First New Bride-"Oh, dear me. I must hurry home." Second Newly Wed-it Why?" First New Bride-"A Zeppelin just ttew over my house." "iiiirvLoHow does he get his. hair Ots, sing the songs We loved to hear you sing _ When we were bnlrnles pruning It your knee--- The songs that made ms happier " 'mid our glee, And over fondly to our memorial cling. Your gentle voice, still musically _ I jut. I Haircut v, to soome the heart, , in] i'irtl'l Lear: Then in: than softly. “any, . mother dear, And we will listen, gladly, at your _ feet. With moistened eyes, and heart in ehitdhood's home, The mother sing: the sense ot at other yelrl: _ And scene. where long ago “twee her: to roam . Gladden her eight tho' seen thro' gathering teen- The tttateh-rxroted cot. the stream, the glen, the mill, Though (“that far, ere with the “use: um, an. been her tether"- kindly woke. Mritte bright; ( Sh. listens to her brother's Imth at light. .. . AI hath-hind they rorm tho . dnUied leu. And once "nin she sins within mo 1toqrertt- . Th. Villas MV Queen -crowned with blushing bowern. --Jotttt Philemon. Red Rose T Her GGuleA, loving smite, as sun- Owl Lath DAYO. he]! acceding any II the up“ " pred-ore-Point" Gym Mother's Songs Every Package 25f 's lb. Red label {NTARIO ARCHIVES the song: ot ibnth oldi. furnished. Ont, (er wiqu 'oronto, WOULD mm WEEKLY NEWS- PAPER In Ontario. Send oar- "out." to, Box It, Wilson Publishing two “no; convict. oculpmom menu. In; - bed um Ml. nun. china. flu-m and “Ivor " won on .11 man- no common! and my - Th!- crulur 6tth ttn two qtabigta and m poll Nulppod “It! In on unusually comfort.- oblo but tor nook-om or lower crab.- for four to cl: people. " is en- copuonolly unworthy and an crulud w 1"gi,9t Great mm. It has a nun clu- vory women) so horsepower. .tr-ertinder power plant with complete olectrto lighting throughout and weed of " to u nun per hour. It In a spo- on: point 30. And very attractive In ap- petrlnce. Owner will 1mertttcq for no" It. "tint! can. H. Wukins. " W. l Adetat Bt., Toronto. - ' names or LOVE. The only service that power cannot oommInd and money cannot buy. -. Prescott. Mt UNI-Ur: was nun; .--.. ... -rv 10301.net ouly four or nvo month. In " “an; 909910}. ftp.'!e'fef "ttly: A" 381’!!! HUNDRED, LEG- "ORNS, " can": Rock- White. on Red. " ttent.', delivered Any Jun. with out. Me. Pulletl. ail as". prtcen Pal-nod. Model Hatchery, Kitchener. " BA]! CHICKS All. “Nu _ ADIAN Apszwn chicks. All zkl'm who by "much! III-no- . .. hac- ux brood; Write for o ammo. A. E. Swim. Stanton. HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH st, TORONTO Aw mason “9998.99. 91W" Sig-wt 2'lll', ",fl'lltl tttt . t no III said. The "magi ietivad II. ovarutirrttr1ated, Too much Add mk- the '.teeh and irt1esti.tty tes. yt..trt.Ai,httif, Mandi. The pet form in Plum Milk of lune“, became one "rift- M dos? mutt-Ina my than 2 volume in Add. For50yearithes ard with planking ehrywheq. Take . npoonlul myth: and ya ,u6Urrr.eiedltige? will gt/tlt in bie mum. Then you " a hovvhttodo. Crude-ad humid whoa-will we: appeal town.“ m an {at your an nuke. 1m Ewe-3553! 'iiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiii'gi, -"v an - - Bounupjet 'i.iiiiii)i'iil [E m a btfllt you“ "ii'"iatfarii-tii- nan-i nmmn. WOOL the Acid "."f%"ire"ii iiGiihTiiiiriie um been: one harifF in! mm Beducc

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