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Durham Review (1897), 26 May 1932, p. 5

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JLOCK Wear WEAR OMING IN ? & AIKEN OPE 5.00 2.95 i 932 m 4.95 buy ad by ome- our 'ett at ‘n'l on ur- inking. N feed. “an: t dio- Mo. loin; n way was tat nu ob " in n " eul CUSTOM ch0PPIN0 done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. You decide to invent $2.00 in prosperity-Tho best way in to hm something that you hnve been putting ott buying, or to pay w on account-end it you owe III on account, preferably our ac- munt. Here's what happens-That 82.00 is paid out in on oc- r-num we owe, until tinnlir you receive your 32.00 hock. either in Holes sold. if you nre in business. or in wages as your place of »-mpioymeni. receives orders that your $2.00 ins helped to create. The Review has tmttserietiontt in tirrearts-82.00 accounts. Each um- paid means $2.00 more going ln-to circulation through busi- :-.--ss channels. in”, Here's How Your $2.00 W on our "In. - purchasing also when. WILL YOU _ INVEST $2.00 IN PROSPERITY ? Local Agent r. w. Bhsoit Darla-.031. Hendomn'o Broad builds sturdy Canadian youngsters. " " chuck full of Mainly, lih-pmduclng goodness. ttet that they get plenty of thin broad at meal. and human than - w. mighty good for them. _ . Best for Children and Best for You ,,.'.....-ui, FROST & WOOD muons. wowsns. my LOADERS. J. FLEURY'B sous LTD. now: ‘cuuwnonu, HARIOWS, T. E. alssau. co. mac MARROW! AND LAND nouns BEATTY nos. sun: EQUIPMENT AND HAVING room CHICK BROODER8, GASOLINE WASHING MACHINE! FURNACES. TRACTORS, WAGONS sum Mal-than Moms CREAM 8EPARAT0tta-.. mum, mum. Anher-Hotth c Lam CREAM SEPARATORS REPAIRED Pastry MAY 26, 1932 Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock " you an in and d Machinery, FARM AND DAIRY IllPllillElttt Royal Household Flour Bran 'O Cnnadn' " Oal Pilot " . C Keep in Stock tor Sale the Iollowing Goods: DURHAM MACHINE SHOP JOHN McGOWAN T HE PEOPLE's MILLS Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. The Better Loaf bilENDER8ON's BAKERY FLOUR Good times. that is, times ot nor- mally prosperous conditions. are here waiting for us to put them to work. Industrial and Bnttnelal leaders tell us Bo. Bankers tell us that savings were never a. great. Last year sav- ings accounts throughout Canada in- creased by millions ot dollars. There's where the "good times" con- ditiona ttre-tled up in Savings Bank: accounts when a lot of it should be paid on accounts. and the balance ot that increase spent in normal buy- ing at prevailing low prices would have as well on the way to normal ttood conditions. Look " the label todar. If you are in m make your, inn-imam in prosperity with us. "unitary, plan ring 140, Durham COCKSHUTT MACHINERY, Cream Gala: and Doughnuts Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED n will pay you. PHONE 140 Shorts orks -- 151w:- - I nenwick, J I risen. Lum il 1 time was 1 1 Mr Alfret "I of Clifton spent the _ 1 Mr and fy, Mrs W. y Ir, mer’s horn iil WmnMal i, lose a van last week. l Rev Mr at Sunday in The W.M.S. and W. H. meeting was held Tuesday In the Hall, with a good attendance. Mn Sutherland pre- sided and after opening exercises it was decided to prepare two quilts tor the bale, next meeting day in June. Mrs W. Watson and Mrs Boice rendered a duet, mode by Mrs Sutherland. Mrs Sutheritnd trtwe a splendid reading on the Diamond Jubilee in Pomona end proved very interetrtintr. At the dale. Mu W. Watson had charge of the W. H. meeting. #rs Ray Nelsen gun a. over the tea. capo. or Liar.' which was eittorsd: In. Watson an m )ntereqdng_psgqrou new" members‘ were added to roll. Mr John MoDougall and daughter Alice, Toronto .are visiting with friends here. A number from here are planning to attend the banquet in Durham, on June 2nd. Mrs McDonald and daughter, Mit. Craig, of Toronto, visited Thursdayat A. L. Hincka. On Friday last a dance was held In the Agr'l Hall. when a good time was enjoyed until a late hour. Excel- lent music was supplied by Leonard McKeown, Angus McMillan. Walter Renwick, Bart Watson, clitrord Har- rison. Lunch was served and a soclal time was had. Mr Alfred Hincks, Toronto: Clittord of Clifford and Beth of Dromore, spent the week end at theh. home. ’Miss Marion Shaw spent the week end with Misses Jean and Mmeda Hchks. Mr and Mrs John Macfarlane, Innis McLean, Toronto and Alex. of Ham. ilton, spent the week end at their home here. Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Watson have their service station opened and rea- dy to eater to the wants of the pa:- Rev Mr McCye, Toronto, preached Sunday in the Hall and is a splendid speaker. Mr and Mrs John Nichol and fam. ily, visited recently at Hugh McMil- lan's, Swinton Park. Wm-Mather had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse from paralysis Keep in mind the play to be pre- sented on Frlday, June 3, "The Poor Married Man," to be given by the Swln. Park people in the Agr'l Halt, Pricevllle. This is a splendid play--- you‘ll enjoy seeing it. The cast are Mr and Mrs Gordon McLeod. Mrs J. Sturrock, Miss Isabel McMillan, Mrs Watt Knox, Messrs Art Richardson. Fred Knox, Geo. Haw. Under the aus- pices ot the Willing Workers. Adults Me, Children 10c. Mr and Mrs Colin MoArthur and Mrs w. Watson, visited at the tor- mer’s heme one night last week. The school room of St Columba. Church has been greatly improved in appearance by having been given a new coat of paint. The moving inspir- ator is Mr Shackleton. the popular Priceville principal. A finishing up bee is called far Tuesday afternoon. Miss Beth Hincks has resigned as teacher at S. S. No 18, Egremont, to take effect at midsummer. a new coat of paint, as also the store of A. J. McVicar, making in both cases a. great and pleasing Improve ment. Mr John MeDougall, cousin of T. McDougall, South Line, Is at present on a. visit to friends here. Glad to meet him and flnd him so well. The Home Bakery ot Owen Sound, sends its van around every day, so we are well provided with the staff of lite, The interior of Post omce. kept by Mr Robt MoQonlge'y, hasrbeen given Mr and Mrs J. S. McDermid and family, made a visit to their rela. tives In North Egremont, the Watson family, on Saturday. Messrs John Livingstone and Wm. Nichol are busy trucking logs to o. Sound and sometimes to Walitertoty--. two trips 3 day occasionally. some really tttMy handiwork of the boys: immaculate in Itself. They'll never have to make ox-yokea or bows or grain cradles or jumpers, " their forefathers did of old. A duos put on by the young people in the Agricultural Hall on Friday evening following, drew a. larger crowd ,who had, it In said. a good tune, with a big choice ot bow wield- crs among them. Mr and Mrs McIntosh. accompanied by Mrs Dobson, Toronto, called upon their friends, the Mchcar family last week. Messrs Allie McInnes and Mick McLean were home over the week end from the Manual Training Insti- tute at Hamilton. We were shown The Ladies' Aid Society are having an address on David Livingstone. the great African explorer, accompanied by lantern views, put on by T. Stew- art Cooper, Agr’l representative of Markdnie. Admission 16c and 10c. trsohxaadtoohpartintrdttotwitlt Miss Belle Weir and In a trio with Mr W. w. Range added. The latter also contributed three mobs. Mr J. M. MoGlllivray gave a line address, touching upon the military training. precision of movement and force of the British soldiers, as he had seen. The whole program was planned to be patriotic. Mr Shackleton also ad- ded a few words. Miss Alice Reiley was the emeient accompanist on the The closing session tor will we all it the commencement. to be in keep ing with High School nomenchture) of the Y.P.S. for the summer months was held on Thursday evening Inst. in the memento! St Column Church when after opening services were herd, a. short program wu given. Mrtt H. B. McLean some in fuse voice PRIGEVILLE ' tmll,gi, PRICEVILLE THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr Lucas of Camrose, Alberta, aug- seated that Parliament should was bill levying a tax on tax-tree bond. holders. Many people will respond I with a ‘Hear Hear'. And while we are about it we might relieve tex. Senator) MtutDougald, Mr Henry and Senator Haydon of the million dol- lara they got because of their nai. sance value’. Then too, there is John Aird Jr's $50,000. This, subject gets more interesting as we pursue it. These at any rate are more able to bear heavy taxes than the people who are to-day carrying the burden. Mr Spottou. M. P. far North Hur.. on, made a courageous speech on ag- riculture in which he urged the Bet. ' ting up ot a marketing board. Org- anized agriculture and experts in marketing were all in favor of it, he said. Mr Spotton praised J. J. Morri- son. the veteran secretary of the Un- ited Farmers, saying that he was the one man in Canada who was big e- nough to refuse the Premiership of the banner province. And when a mier ship of the banner prol man is big enough to do that, he is big enough in the opinion of Mr Spot- ton, to give sitting Premiers some advice on agriculture. m - GCG -- "iroi'Tiird' - "‘F.irst ot all,” said the Rt. Hon. R. B. .Beunett, "this country must be assured ot complete Canadian con- trol ot broadcasting from Candi“ sources, free from foreign interfer- ence or "tttttttence. Without Inch con- trol radio broadcasting can never be come a great agency tor the com. munication of matters of national concern and for the mm: ot un- tionnl thought and ideals and with. out such control it an never be the agency by which muonal melons- nesa may be fostered and summed. and national unity still further strengthened. in this stage of our na- tional development we hue prob- lem- pecutinrto mar-elven and we must reach "oluntrtortt-rtt-t the employment at nil tvmtttngu," menus. Thendiohunpheeinthe solution of all that. problems. It becomes than. the duty of pox-lined tomeguudttlnmchowny that it. fullest beneat- my be Win the people " 3 whole. we», no other Icing-u that .. mute mouth» an m !tPe people at this country. with- 0n the presenting of the Radio re- port 'the Prime Eminen- mule a noteworthy speech. some extract; from which follow: In my opinion we Ihould at once bring Canadian money to a .parlty wan the pound and so Increase the price of all farm products by 18 per cent. There would be no dWculty at all in bringing this common about, and all those who are interested in seeing the farmers' purchaoing pow- er restored, ought to make a careful study art this question of exchange. Other excellent speeches were made on agriculture. E. J. Garland, U.F.A. member for Bow, Alta., point- ed out that agriculture is the larg. est single contributor to our ttnaneitrl, commercial and industrial prosperity: yet rural population ls steadily de- clining and farming today is regard- ed as one ot the moat hazardous of occupations. The value of farm lands in all Canada has declined In the last three years by $9 an acre. The value ot the wheat crop ot 1928 was in dollar value worth 202 million more than the wheat crop ot 1931. Mr Coote, speaking the same day, showed-that the total value ot all) wheat crops in Canada in 1928 when' measured in dollar values, was worth‘ 700 mulion dollars more than the) total tietld crop of 1931. l Is it any wonder that there is a business uepresslon in Canada with the purchasing power of the farmer so drastically reduced t Until pur- chums power " put m the tumers' packets and kept there, there will be no return to proserity In Canada. We are an exporting country '. the price which our farm products bring in the British market, sou-the home price as well and slnce the Britnsh pound sterling does not bring on much in Canadian money as ib would it we were on a parity with the pound we lose the ditterenee, which but the moment, 18e on every 3. Mr Spotton exhibited real courage in the criticism he otteredtothe Can.. adian Packers, the amalgamation of what used to be Gunn's Limited, the Harris Abattoir, William Davies Co. and the Canadian Packers. "There is practically no competition on the livestock market and the farmer has to sell his hogs and cattle to this combine at their own prices. The farmers throughout the province of Ontario and I believe Justiy feel that if ever there was an octopus, a devil tUh with elongated arms squeezing out the life ot the farmer of the prov- ince of Ontario, it is the Canada Packers of Toronto. And you can write around the head of that devil tish the name of MacLean, it you wish." Country atlrJlttrssrems _ when Fathers Prosper - _ ___ ___ wwneu. the with! of will“. army, ttLn) '"'"k'l'l', me of the air, or the air it: mounted police oilicero. The Matter; la". whatever you my “meme-ll ant thmsratom being mtrtoeattattrem it," continued the Prime Minister. of the king, were exempt. The N111 “that an over the Ind of Condo. simply meant that the Goet ehantted/ in 3 natural resource over which we its mind but wagn't quite ready to ed: hove . complete “modicum under mit it. The new move is possibly the the recent decision ot the Privy best thing tint could have happened= I Council. I believe am there is no we have started something. For the government in cm that doea not rim time specinl elute- have a ttpee-l regret to-day that it he parted ial tax levied on their incomes. l with some of these mturnl resources Mr Luau of Cunroee. Alberta,trutr-! in trust tar the people. In view of treated that Parliament uhould posse theee eimmmataneett end of the tttts bill levying a. tax on tax-tree bond- ther fact that broadcasting in a sci~ holders. Many people will respond ence that in only yet in its intancv with a 'Hear Henri And while we and about which we know little. I are about it we might relieve tex. cannot think that any government Senator) MacDougald, Mr Henry and would be warranted in leaving the Senator Haydon ot the million dol- air to private exploitation and not re- lnro they got because of their nui- serving it tor development for the sauce value'. Then too, there is use ot the people." John Ail'd Jr'- 150 mm mm- ___L.,,. __ were not cut, which found mutiny in the country. It is encouraging to those who believe in the inihatretee of public opinion to notice that 0. spec- ial bill was Introduced to the Home of Commons this week, adding m ad. ditional ten per cent income tax on The 10 per cent cut in Baurier.did not include lieutenant Govemon. judges, "mn mvy and mounted pot- ice camera. There was much criticism in the Home of Commons beam Mm Macpmll's Wukly LCM. "+er'ttermammatt-ttutntwtss. remitting “b.6119“ tothe Revlov "chmMud-p-mu be m Bukwwdonot .. '"rt.-reie*e.0ttnettidth. 1etee, "tqtas-t-nri." The unemployed In Ctaadn in the month of March 1932, my: Prof. GE. Jackson. tomled 726,694, or 85 per cant I the Te,',Nt population. It has here-Jed in 289,984 in Jan- uary mo. His perpetual light God has now ik To lead you to that destiny. The dawn of ease you wanted long Through many a waiting day, Now soars above these clouds of woe To guide you on your way. But 'twaa a painful task to lay Your form, so good and true, In spotless msntle, to repose In that cold, loner cover-tare. We miss the malls you often shed: Your voice we loved, no longer hear Gone trom.thls very hallowed plsce. Your presence ever made so deer. No nutter where they lay your form, However thr mr test my mm: No mortal soul an rightly on The familiar char you left at home Sleep on. door one, tn perfect eaten, Within ms Inns of love, And was again. where lllles white, Bloo- tn your endless path shove. And when His angels osll us home tn one greet. triumphsnt song: May we behold you, ever deer. A-smiling in that mighty throng. ---kt and Mrs Herbert W. Roberts. (Creemore Star) Thursday afternoon as a hut-holl- day in Ontario towns and villages.“ annually gaining in popularity over Wednesday or any other day of the week. It would be a. decided advan- tage if all the urben centres would decide on the same day. After trying both Wednesday and Thursday, the business men of Creemore were u- nanimous in favoring Thursday, with Wednesday evening as open night. uncle. the late Mr Donald MacDonald. who crossed the Eternal Boundary on Mud) 17th, 1932, and now sleeps in Priceville cemetery. The Golden Gates now swing Mu. “And there His glory shines on hlgh. Dear Sir t A matter l observed this last week in town.-that I know will be reme- died when it is brought to the atten- ticn of those directly affected. That is the unsightly condition of our main business street on Sunday morn- ing. after the Saturday night crowds have dispersed. We are sure it is not done intentionally, but in a careless way peanut shells. cigarette stubs. etc., are thrown on sidewalk. with never a, thought ot the appearance to the passerby next morning. If the business people more infected by this class ot trade would sweep the from of their premises the last thing be- fore leaving Saturday night, tor is it Sunday morning?) it would all make for a cleaner and tidier town. Tour- ist tunic passing through cannot help but be Ituiuetteed by their impressions of a town by the clean tidy street} that town presents. A word to 't wise is sufficient. To the Edlwr ot the Review The seulon is hastening to an end. The talk is now that we wlll pro- roguo on Wednesday. We ere unlab- ing up the odds and ends. It was thought the report of the Bunny Com. would take a long time, but it was adopted almost without discus- glen. The Post Omee estlmtcs which provide splendld material tor pro- longed rows between Ftettehispeak. ing members on either side of the House, are now being discussed. It is not sale to guess when they will finish enjoyment ot the beetedtts and plena- ures a radio broadcasting. Private ownership must necessarily discrim- inate between densely and spuneiy populated areas. This is not a cor- rectable unit in private ownership: it is an escapahle and inherent de- merit of that system. " does not seem right that in Canada thetowns should he preferred to the country- side or the prosperous communities to those less fortunate. in met, it no other Course were possible, " mitthttteMir to suggest that it should he the other way about. Happily. however. under this system, there is no need for discrimination: all may he served alike. Equality at service is assured by the plan which calls for a chain of will power stations uh: requirements of any community my be met by the Install-non of low power cations by means of which lee-.1 bmadaurting service may be obtained. Lal .‘vh " t0. Lid. .llii..t2J.I.9.. lit loving memory of our beloved TH URSDAY BEST HOLIDAY _.- v... _... gnaw-u. W. m. 278 Annuals Ave., Toronto. Ont, IN MEMORIAM And the parties Want I dork. l Want a farmer. Want a caution, Want to sell I tum. I Want to bomw money, Wattt to sell a machine Waot to rent my room- Want to sell town pmperty Want to recover lost articles Want to rent . home or farm. Want to sell second-hand furniture Wtutt to and anteater: for mythlns. Advertise In the Barium Review Advertising mum new cm. Advertising bop- old customs“. Adeartiainq like. ”can can Mverusln‘ bent: oonlldonoe, Advertising brim mum, “vermin; who!" any. , Adverts“ and -ed, . Murat. may, In loving ry ttd our dear cou- sin, Mrs lacuna. who named any In " luau; sleep, on April 23rd. 1931. Your tender ve we'll share no more la when your 1 e abides. Yet in these days crushing woe, We hove one no still: It is the price Ho d for ali, Upon that sin-n ed hill. Whose under voice y u'll always hear In Accent: sweet lull, Above those storm. of passion And murmur. at cc -will. To your good was on gentle mien In humble We ; And hope to meet you or there, With God’s nu on y r brow. --Mr and In Hubert . Roberta, 278 Ann-dale Ave., T to, Ont. Your little y I. done: Your work y tiagietted with . smile. A garden hue won. A helping Wu your, rr-tnd any: Your tullen tie, beautiful We now mat out any. Down in the of our best: More dear mum, besides: No -,',i'jiiit You are always sure of Kellogg's Com Flakes. For " years Kellogg's have been the standard of quality. Keitogghs Corn Flakes are made in modern.sanitary plants . . . always open to inspection by visitors. Kellogg’s have the finest materials, expert work- ers; and wonderful machinery it has taken years to perfect. Plus a patented seated WAX- TITE bag that brings the flakes oven-fresh to your table! Guaranteed by W. K. Kel- logg: Nf you do not consider them the finest and freshest corn flakes you ever ate, re- turn the red-and-green pack- age and we will refund your money." Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO IN MEMOR'AM ita use and Ultra Vlolot Ran Bee your loo-.1 Chimi- try Chiropractlc “jam '". lemhrhym ado-unno- mm Dtta.-eatrueuHoeem,rt- mummmm “Mamet. 090...“ MED. ward-l Honor cruciate Toronto Dunn“: Gram-M Royal Coll. Doom Burto- ot Ontario. F X RAY m sworn) AVENUE mar _ OWEN BOUND. ONTARIO 8900mm“ in Appointmu“ Dim " Eye. Preferred and mm ot Telephone Ola-Io. IN I. L SIITH. ttdh, " PS, Otthte and Residence: Corn tau and Lunbton Streets. one. bun: I to 11 g... d In. , ttt 09.13.. thmdqd Lambton St, Durham, OM. 0100. Hm: I.” to LN an, " to no .. In. Try Ono For Yum" It you lave Ion mrmethltur--trr * mull ad. It you have tsomething to Beit-try . mall ad. " you hue Found aoenethine-try 3 small " I you have something to Trade-ur a mall ad. We have Smnu Ad. um to Msit-go We're trying n mull Id. EDWARD LAUDER M.D.,C.M.,F.A.¢.. 1929 M couch In ttrat clu- dluon. Also for Bale-ttoo. 400 and: of men wood, 12, 14 or " Inch length; Will deliver It or th 6. AND L F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. To remove the - ”In. Cm. Ruhr, III-Ira... on. ’. th PICKERIIG. 008. L08 v--tnei,aLt" oe', 1996“!“ J. H. MCQUARRIE. GEORGE E. DING" Omani-y In I" In Manchu P. F. MIN!!! T. If. SNEATII, M. o. f an exrucnouo .. mu sum. DURHAM. Ont. BESSIE IOGILLIVRAV JOHN G'IEIL Enquire at Review one. WOOD FOR SALE J. t l. Hunter‘- can 4

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