ms t Ages hher D The ne..t time it ram try this one: We walked up to a an oral. street. slapped him on the back an an, "Give me that umbrella." Ho handed n own-mm] said. "t beg your uracil. I didn't know it belonged to you.†Rattled Young Husband - “Quiet. Nun-o, tell me, In: I a fuller?" Old Experienced Nurse--"Weti. I don't know tor sure. tsir-ttttt your with“; got a nice baby boy In there.†A s'-iemisl says it In the lower part of the face, not the â€on. that (in. may one's thoughts. Especially when t m. “puns the lower part ot the (ace. Gum of Wind I lt took a whole to "allow Joann. but a lot of our pessimilu ore to small they wouldn't mule a good mm m a tadpole, The pessimist hon the advantage of being mentnily wowed rm the worst. Nobody questions It vnim» of education; what causes tht) n.w is the definition ot it. You can't opo't to keep your friends it you [ho thrm away. The man who does the tttout talking usually has the teaat to my Many who think they no I wit. am- only halt right. When good tel: lowc get together their when set um! waiting up. A good may sell- wmeml people mistake exotiun tor wisdom. " you think idle an gels anywhere. you'd be surprised A hnl' band is a yes man who won't We no for an answer. One conquers I had hahit more easily to-day than tomor- row. NisF-"iro you and Mtutriee no to be married? Why, I thought " was t mere ftirtation." The husband of I woman cm! Ibouz antiques: "My wife's soul In wrapped up in old tables worth " cents." Bridegroom--N married you Just for looks." Bride plenty." Harold--"They any you married her because her aunt left her a fortune." mll-'"rhat's a lie. I'd is." named her Just the same whoever had lett tt to her." When radios ttrst came out they were, troubled with antic. Now it’- adwrtising and more advertising. Spinster--'So the Inner an to me. "How would you like your rice?†Friend-is, you. to on." Spinster - "Bo I an, wistfully. "Thrown at me, My boy." Commantur--"Nor, suppoae you on on your post one dark night. Suddenly u person oneâ€: from behind and wraps two strong arm: around you so that you cun’t use your ritie. What will you call them?" Almost any woman can deceive al. most any man. But it its hard for I woman to delude or keep anything from another woman. Katherine-M Flower dog? Never heard ot one." Gertrude---'), he's a Point-ttit- truss between a pointer and a. Better." In test to determine the most In- muvuhle thing in the world, 1 postage am,- stamp wick has been put on by mistake runs second to a woman uk- mg directions of a manic policeman. Th, Lzrim hand ot the law is slowly "ttit, hing out to reach those ioolish pvt-pie who persist in ignoring the tra- ttic laws when driving automobiles. Th" latest plan to compel them to a,hry is an electric eye, which oper- ate: just as etrecuvely as it two po. liu-men were stationed along the road operating a speed trap. Photo-cells are concealed in the roadway " stated points, and when 3 car posses over them a bell is runs in a police tele- phone booth " n distant point. This bell shows how long the our took to drive trom one photo-cell to the other, and it it is in excess of the weed limit the policeman on duty bends the driver a ticket as soon as the latter reaches him, regardless of the speed at which the car is then being driven. The Electric Eye And Reckless Drivers Helen--"" did Maurice." This contraption is now in opera- tion on the old Boston post road lead- ing out ot New York, and is said to be producing "perfectly splendid re. sults." It it operates so that no error is made in serving the right driver with the ticket. then " certainly is an invention of which excellent use could he made mnnd Montreal. To. ronto already has installed in certain sections the signal lights that stop the driver and then turn green to pus him on when he sounds his horn. That is anothe" wrinkle which might ho considered here. Nothing that tends to make the breaking of the speed laws more ditBeuit for the speed lend Ibould be ignored. - The Normal Daily Star. Cadet--") Bo, Honey." Know that His may} youn, WM)†breathing unl'd your vows. ~Keble. Teacher---') is a "r-ie-, mu, " through n unlit" Owl Laffs Cheer up - you'll get a man?" Tom. the world wt HEADACHE A Favor Is thy friend angry with thee? Then proylde him an opportunity of show- ing thee a great tavor. Over that his heart must needs melt and he will love thee "aim-Richter. That Quebec is the only walled city in the continent north ot Mexico? Above is shown the Kent Gate, one of several entrances through the ramparts. The odd-looking vehicle ls common to Quebec City and is known as a ca1eehe.--Photottraph, C. N. R. "The Only Medicine My Children Have Ever Had" box for my first baby until the present day, BABY’S OWN TABLETS have been the only medicine my four chil- dren have ever had," writes Mrs. Harry Filmer, Cumberland Bay, NB. "This proves beyond doubt that BABY'S OWN TABLETS, by correcting slight disorders very efficiently .at _tht,, “From the day , purrhiee. {he LL. lilonvnan Langille, New Germany, NS., says: "I have used BABYS OWN TABLETS exclusively in rearing my - Do You Know? + Male and Ltee Ch11dren Viol DR. WILLIAMS' more serious O Frequent headaches men too much acid. Neu. tnlize the acids with Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It ends your headache because it removes the cause. Take 3 little whenever a coated tongue or sour stomach or sluggish bowels warn you of an acid condition. Take it when you’ve eaten too heartily. or after any meal that "disagrees." Be sure it is genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, in this bottle. ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Teblets are now on sale at drug stores everywhere, Etch tiny tablet is the equivtrlent of a teaspoonful of genuine Phillips' Milk of Megnesin. Others Such are Mill observing upon others are like those who are always abroad at other men's houses, reforming everything there, while their own runs to ruin.--Alexamier Pope. three babies. My little girl, who was troubled for a long time with stubborn 'ite"'"' derived the greatest benc- t. Give YOUR child BABY'S OWN TABLETS for teething troubles, upset stomach, colic pains, simple fevers, colds, constipation, skeplessness, or whenever he is cross, restless and fret- ful. Children take these sweet little tablets " readily as candy-and they're absolutely SAFE (See analyses cer- titicate in each 25-cent package.) Over 1,230gl00 Melange: told in 1931 L.x, Motlion Km Be""-- . A.“ 'Mt HORIZONTAL I--Pilu tr-Rows II-Selected 12--Spirit U-conjunction 16--Requesu 17--To fag 18--To put on 2G--Strearn of oblivion 22-Corded cloth 23-Days before 2iV-Partt, of body 27--Thus 28-Stitehed 36-Deeorum 32--0rtrans M--New star 35--Hods "-Peruinintt to Wales 4t-Part of "to be" 42-Slumber ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO PaNtc--A committee to investigate the pathological causes of motoring ac- cidents on the public highways of France has been named by Justin Go- dart, Minister of Public Health. Such accidents, M. Godart points out, constitute a. growing danger to the population, and they often are said to be due to some physical or men- tal weakness ot the man at the'wheel. French Committee Formed To Curb Auto Accidents "The heavy meals and the libs.- tions ot Sunday outings," the Minis. ter observes, "are to I certain degree responsible. But allowance must also be made tor the slight disturb. ance of mental equilibrium which is common and which is augmented by the sensation at speed. the excite ment ot passing other cars and other incidents of driving an automobile. Moreover, the fatigue of long hours at the wheel weakens and even anni- jhllates the attention and the re inexes." Several leading medical men have agreed to serve on the committee. They will hare the expert assistance ot Baron Petet, president of the Cham. ber of Automobile Constructors; Vis- count de Rohan, president ot the Auto. mobile Club ot France, and Edmond Chair, president of the Touring Club ot France Mrs. MeEaehnie Says Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Helped Her at Every Crisis in Life "Dr. Williams' Pink Sreatly Pills hare been a Benefitted real friend to me _it,1, all stages of lite, Her writes Mrs. Archie ---. McEachnie, Hope- ville, Ont. "I eommeneed taking the Pills when I was just budding into womanhood as a very delicate girl. I was much benefitted. Then at the critical time of life, I again took Dr. (Williams' Pink Pills, and they certain. ly helped me through that period sate- ly. Now at 60, every time I feel a little I out ot sorts. I take them-they have', really been my only medicine." I Growing girls, and women at thel dreaded time ot lite, have special need of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The rich new blood cells createdby these Pills carry to every part of run-down sys- tems the vigor-building properties re- quired to restore health and strength. iTry them. At your druggist'i, in pro- tective glass containers, Mc. "lily Only Medicine†Artists Form Co-operative I Rio De Janeiro.--With "not1tintrpver $10" tor a slogan, Brazilian artists have followed the example of their Greenwich Village brethren and have formed an association through which they hope to sell more paintings. The resolution leading to the formation of the association states that “unemploy- ment, plus the high cost ot living," are responsible tor the lack ot buyers. The artists believe, however, that sales could be made it paintings were offered through a central agency and exhibited under one root. wife play'." . "Judging from the cost, I think It must be toll bridge." W (55 IT TrotstoiBee. E " TS Steal Cigarettes From Ptmtttffue Thievea recently stole 150,000 cigtr- ettes from the Bristol (England) "What game at bridge does your -"'r'" --- 44-Rol 45-Heavenly body 47-Siy looks 40-Bow "--Etryptian goddess M-Test M-pronoun ti5--To withdraw 67-Cleriea1 vestments M-Spanish title 6tr--Dealt. 9--Mohtunmedan officer IO-Most certain VERTICAL. l-Day of merrymaking 2---Nrt of Infinitive 3--Serpent 4--Small room F-m, ttenufleet 6-Mode 7--Within 8-handed WHOLE FAMILY WITH ItillhiESl'li)li A mother ot tour wntets:-"Myiselt and family of tour ttll seemed to suffer trom acidity, pains in the back, and other forms ot Indigestion. l suttered whatever I ate. But since we hnve been taking Kruschen ttor the last three months) we can eat anything, and all enioy our food much better. We never have a trace of acidity or pain now. i think it is wonderful-it has no upsetting results. Whatever we may have to go without. we could not give up Kntsehen."--iMrs.) M. K. Kruschen Salts swiitly neutralizes acid, takes all the torment out ot it, and gently expels it from the system. And by stimulating your organs ot elimination to perfect regular action, Kruschen will prevent this harmful acid trom ever accumulating again. After that you'll experience no more misery after meals. Kruschen will keep your inside clean and serene. Pure and invigorated blood will ‘e sent coursing to every part ot your body. You'll feel wonderiuly ener- getic and well. As healthy and hearty as it is humanly possible to teel. More Women Use "Gyms" London.-The 1932 woman is as keen on physical fitness as any mod. ern male, and at one place which eaters to the training needs of both sexes women outnumber men by two to one. In the heart of the city is the St. Bride Institute, near Ludgate Circus, where 180 women workers in city oth. cos go three times a week tor phy. sical training classes. The men's class numbers but eighty and is held only twice a week. Reginald Berwick, institute man. ager, declared that the predominance of women in clubs ot this kind, was due, not to the laziness ot men, but to the fact that they had a greater number of interests and had to work longer hours. _ When a man's lite is at stake no delay is too 1ong.--Juvenal. LIE Ell, ET? MIA LIU Ily AIS IIS ANSWER TO LAST PUZZLE RIF. SIL IS IM ECONOMY PRODUCTS CO. 20 Hlyter at, Toronto ll-j/where 13--Hindu soldier 16.--Sm-.ll particle 19--More modern 21-To equip M-Seorehes 26--To part 29--Humorous U-Reception M-Mo. _ saeeharine M-Foundation 36--Entertains 37--Prophet 39-Paeked 40--rnfe:nal region 43---A solid figure 46--Fine 48--To surfeit ln-Japanese coin 58--Fortune 56-To act trir--Freneh for "the" Use "Gyms" WEEK'S IE IS Scott’s Vision of Life According to the London Times' Literary Supplement. it we tried a select I. scene trom the Waverley novels that should sum up Scott's vision ot lite we might do worse than choose the episode It the beginning ot "Montroee." in which the M'Auiu brothers are in wager with the Enr‘ llah visitors, who had been haunting their silver plate in their own home,l to show “mair candlesticks. and better candlesticks . . . than were ever lighted in a hall in Cumberland." When the moment comes the English. men are ushered into a dining hall where behind every seat stands n gi. gantic Highlander a drawn sword in his right and a blazing torch in his left hand. "Behold, gentleman cavaliers. the chandeliers of my brother’s house," cries Allan, "the ancient (ashlar: at our ancient name . . . Would you dare to compare to them in value the richest ore [but was ever dug out ot the mine? How any you, eavtuierts--it, your wager won or lost?" "Would you dare to compare to them," we Imagine Sir Walter crying to his detractors today, u he points to his throng ot robust und million! creatures "the blackest ore that was ever dug out of the psycho-analytical mine?" And we know who has won the wager, “Holiness ls an turqeltiing ot our. tselves."--? W. Faber. . “Holiness is the architectural plan upon which God buildeth up His living temple."--C. H. Spurnon. â€Seek and possess holiness and con- solation will follow " assuredly " warmth follows the dispensation ot the rays ot the sutt."-Mlstun. “Holiness In religious principle put into motion. It is the love ot God sent forth into rireulation."--F. D. Huntington. “The most holy. men are always the most htunble."--Aughey. "Being is holiness harmony. ittitttor, tality."-Mtu'r Baker Eddy. "The narrow way, the way of holl- ness. not only leads to lite, but it is "te."-Richard Fuller. Remember-John Wesley lived the holiness he taught. When a man has once forfeited the reputation of his Integrity. he I: set fast, and nothing will then serve his turn, neither truth nor ttutsehood.-- Tlllotson. bought for cash. Send it to an by registered mail, and we win advise you how much we can allow you. ELLIS BROS., JEWELLERS. " Yonge Street, Toronto. Old Gold, Jewellery, Etc., Red Rose Tea msidilfr "P Red Label, 25c. Orange Pekoe, 38t, FOR CONSTI PATION the answer. Cleansing action of smaller doses etreetive be- cause you chew it. At your: druggfita--the safe and scien- tifie laxative. CORRECT THE CAUSE OF CHILDS FAILING Children should not be punished tor bed-wetting. It is caused by weakness ot kidneys or bladder Mothers will and our home treat. ment helpful tor their little ones. Bend no money, but write toda) tor Free Trial Treatment. Adults with urinary weakneu will .1150 and our treatment benetieM. VANDERHOOF l 90.. - _ ,Cutlcnra Oh"menti To soothe and heal burns, cuts, ) rashes and all skin irritations l I of childhood. I 'iii; quality of RED Riyiij?.." _ma_.kes it trepod value u. by owl',""",',",")"." I ISSUE No 42---'3t whichever pace you pay " Price 25c. and Sth., Life's Scrap-book Feen-a-mint is Winduor; Ont, N OFFER TO EVERY INVESTOR. A [All ot wanna Imemlonn and r'ull in ormatlon um from It. may on» Iâ€. World Patent Anomcyl. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada. ELIEDIEB FOR ALL SICKNESSES. Write Mrl. Anna l'enuer. 308 Burn- SL. Winnipeg. Mun. cool!“ Carry 1004.6. Pack. m the Hupeh Hills of Chin: coolles curry loo-pound packs. Ken and wheel- barrow Ire sued for "eight near the place called the future trade center. "We had I large party to supper lust night." “Business acquaintances?" "Not in}; the wife's mother." NY ionuuu. um EACH. mun: A Midland Laboratory :08 Burn. st., innlpel. MAIL OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up your Liver Bile -Without Cdomel You ther'. I very and! m. but ‘n err- My an putt your dip-tin and rlmunnuvc minute! him. by Helium pout out in -tGrirsmndrrstiihuidtriu law yourbowls You won't oyarsertt comm ouch n conduinn by ain‘t-ho. oil. mineral “In. III-tin candy at m pun a rough-r. When wry" and you i.W.G they're "thrxruefr--aod you and Hive: “that. and“! la'ttU UV" Pill. will ooon bring back Mummjnw toyryu:. They've puml" r'if.fL- iriiiisiiGiiGtiF, M16“, T a. rel w. on. 8-10. am. hahtor any up; IJ'd'ii “mm. 250 at I“ Amid- a WEAK WOMEN Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound limo you cut felt 1th! In. wow loo" you did not but!» "reoath a do you: qtorbr We... who In walk and madcap Hath-n5 Vent-hie Compound. Hud- Idul and Mocha that on the fthllll â€notâ€. -daq-d6Mme. I out at out! no m who report to any am they m bended by um m2. Bur I ttottiq from your drug- “ MA! . . . and watch the results. %Ib. ab. - _------