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Durham Review (1897), 15 Dec 1932, p. 5

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My IT, he 1y it nt it? afl To CANADA 'S ' , EVERGREEN ' PLAYGROUND Full information from 4- IV-Elsie Marne. Jr "--ataut '. .(urs. Elsie Blemum, Kenneth Mes. ' wig. Carman Boom. Gordon vie. r-", (h'OI‘KF Parlor. mu Shape. 5- III -.\hrgaret Attwood. Jr m-- l!,, Hopkins, Edm Porter. Mama , -n.\n. Sr Ir--Botttrr lighten. Alf- ' .1 Sharpe. Jr "--Dunaut Mom- ' Janet Patterson. Matilda Atwood. , I‘fl Atwood, FQara Markle., Jame. t' .-"~-r and Tommy Marin onus]. St I \rthur Mignon, 14m Me WINTER FARES i',. S. NO 10, EWING! _ IV-orare Duvey, Gordon Mao. ' an. Jr "---Artmn MeArttmr, Bo.- F Miller, Allen; Noble, John Mae. ' in. Sr m----UNmard Buoy, K. t Humid, Roy Chapman. " m-- N a'hapman. Marmot Lynn. Br rturvuce Lynn. Chan Ewen, Al- "'. o'mldsmlth. Jr "--vetma Gold. "n. Hazel MacDonald. Wm hm, ‘Txx Miller. r-Howard GM Mm! Noble. Oliver Goldlnhh. Pr l, ~\I(! MacDoudd. M. Catherine Mum. tench» , CUSTOM CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE The New National Blue Flame Burner Local Agent r. W. Moon No more Coal to carry- No ashes to in“ with No soot to dirty the 'tou- No ash can. around- No fire. to make-- No cold "torrtle-- No coal dun t, SCHOOL REPORTS Simplest in operation - Aboolutoly odorless - Bake with eon. fidence-- Use your prmnt Stove - Order a Blue Flame today. DECEM BER I5, 1932 s. 9. NO 6, ammo: Get our price. "for. purchasing also when. Ounn's Fertilizer in stock Return Fare CANADIAN PACIFIC from DURHAM MACHINE SHOP Royal Household Float Bran ' O thutada' " 0:1 Pilot " C Keep in Stock [or T HE PEOPLE'S MILLS JOHN McGOWAN Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. 'VJ vm-ny-u-un. Jr "e- It, Margaret. Lynn. " Lynn, Chas Ewen, Al- Jt. Jr "--vehna Gold- MacDonald. Wm mm, I---Howard Grier-on, FLOUR $113.05 T. M. McFadden, Agent, Durham f, teacher Sale the following Goods: aloo to Sunk, Washington For health and pleasure escape from Winter to Canada's Evergreen Play- ground on the sunny Mile Coagrt- to balmy any: of tttttf and other mun- mer activities. with winter sports near by amid mountain grandeur. Fares this winter sre 'ypproximateiy tso lower than ever before and re- duced rates at hotels make your holi- day still more economical. Tickets good going until Feb. 28. my turn limit April 30. Generous atop-ov- er privileges at intermediate points. Low Short-Limit Tickets also on sale until Dec. 22 to other PtuMc Coast Wm" “we Winn, Isabel Hop kins. Lloyd "wads, Marie mm. " FEW My. Inez Noble. Jr Pr-an-u, qh-..s, REDUCED BY $50 do ,-_ n... my us- tully received. Plan und 'Tl' to G. A. Bold. 233 College 81.. Toronto 3. ---_ --...... u. nope ana month which no often are the gm: ot the luskok. Hospital. Thin work need. the generoul lup- port ot runny friends, without which it could not bo carried on. A lub- scription from you will be grate- fully may-.. “IA-u _ ,7 -. W.-- unyyy In ner home with her hubeml end two Mt- tie children. It in true they didn't have much but, untll the hue- band took nick and their “Vince were need up. lile wu plemnt enough. Lon; do" end nights or worry and anxiety coupled with ex- tn work had their dire elect. how- ever. and . breakdown ceueed the doctor to "cure her mmieeion to the Muekolu Hospital tor Con- wgaptivee. She wu almost overwhelmed with howls-anon, but beloro Va? long. the kindly medicat and nun " at- tuition. the uninterrupted not, the fresh Air and good food. worked their "miraeU." Now In. J. in quite sure that oh. will go home Boon, to no. and overcome lite'l u'iftipaltutsLuua being the effects or the teturn of hope and health Trhtrh In m..-.. -..- At .__ to contend with-. Muffin PM“, Oat Chop Crimpled Oats Mary C. aiiGiarrie, Jr I, FEED limit Jan. 25. [---Merrl Noble, name, n "MLI__ - - - TO YANcotmiIt-. VICTORIA, B. C. " will pay you. DURHAM. ONT. 312w, In. her hem Shorts [GEO The W.M.S. of the United Church held their annual meeting at .home of Mrs Walton. The meetings have been well attended and the allocation has been exceeded. Officers for the em suing year are: President, Mrs Hee. tor Jack: lst vice pres., Mrs Hock- ridge: 2nd vice pram, Mrs J. Mtchell: Secy. Mrs John Sinclair: Treas., Mrs Mrs R. B. Fraser. Mr Geo Scott, con IO, purposes hav- ing a sale soon and we understand, expects to spend the winter with his sister, Mrs Gillespie, Mt Forest. Mr Scott has not quite recovered from his recent paralytic stroke. A shower was tendered Mr R. Burnett and bride, who were recent- ly married at their home last Friday evening. A (a; from here attended the play at Fairbairn and report it real good. Mr Ainsworth McPhail has ap- peared a. little stronger the past few days. Miss It. Corbett, R. N., In new on duty at the home. Mr Geo Christie has been laid up with a. very sore knee. We hope noth- ing serious develops from this con- dition. His sister. Miss Tens. is help- ing take care ot him. The Christmas concerts are receiv- ing much attention. United Church B. School have set their date Dec 22nd, and Bethany Chapel on the 23rd. Miss Lyons is preparing an afternoon program for parents on the 22nd. Saturday night last while Neil A. McQueen was doing his chores, he slipped and tell and broke the lan- tern, right in the feed. immediately the whole barn was some, one of the beat in this locality, built Just nine years ago of tirtst clue material and by good meehantea--esrerythirstr ttn- ished tsp-ttHiatt:, a barn that any tar- mer would be proud of. Fortunately the live stock was taken out, but all the (owl and grain were burned. Mr McQueen has another barn on an ad- Joining farm but not much feed in it and very inconvenient tor the win. ter. All the men for miles around were quickly on the ground, willing to do what they could, but the tire was beyond control. Now the beat the neighbors can do is just a. little lift here and there as opportunity at- tords and which will be readily giv- en. And there is again much work and expense ahead ot Mr and Mrs. Mchn and Charlie. It is also Just across the mad where Jno HilN barn was burnt last summer. There wilt be no unemployment on these (arms next year. A new industry has commenced in the Park, namely a. chopping mill. Messrs Pride & Jack are the propri- etors and wlll operated: Wednesday, and Saturday. Bring along your grain and feed the hogs, even at a logs. We have to or let them die. Mrs W. J. McFadden, Orange Valley, spent aweek with her parents Miss Rebeca; Banks returned home after a fortnght's visit with her niece Mrs K. Vaughan. Arthur. The ladies of the W. I. met last Thursday at Mrs W. J. Cook's, with 22 ladies present. The meeting open- ed with the opening ode followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of last meeting were read approved and other business matters attended to. Mrs Herb Allan gave an interesting paper on 'The Christmas Spirit': a. solo was given by Mrs T. Cook: roll call was answered by a beautiful thought from poetry, foi- lowed by community singing. Lunch was served at close by hostess and her assistants. In the Park eondltons are rather slow at present: the roads and wea- and making necessary plans to hare all the children in the commun- itr-tsehoot age and under-out to meet good old Santa Claus. A play, entitled 'Grandma Mime toe', In in preparation by members ot the Bible Class and Mr Moore. teacher, with hls 40 pupils will sur- prise you. Adults Me, all children tree. thertsrortottt"s1terttutdmostpeo. ple are staying by their sin tireaAte. But it is cheering to know that the The W.M.S. will meet in church Wednesday and the men are supp“. ed to meet in Watson’s More that dny -at, Mr Irvin, our new tax collect- or is to be there and everyone would be glad to see him tor the last time this season. We are pleased to hear that Wm. Timmins ls recovering from the stroke he amend Monday evening. Mr and Mrs G. Penn are visiting their daughter, Mrs Henry Barton, Bunessan. father, We never thought when you left home memory of our d husband and father, John McMeekl who passed away Dec 17, 1930. It's very lonely here than you sleep, And leave us here to grieve and eep --Sadly missed by wife, son d daughter. . MeMEEKiN-m Ag and SWINTON PARK l m MEMQIAM‘ HOPEVILLE ZION friend we have in Jesus' and the Lord's Prayer. The scripture readings were read by Mrs D. A. MscDonsld ind Miss Myrtle MacDonald. It was decided to send a. bale of quilts and second hand clothing to the West. Miss Hobkirk then took charge otthe meeting; Interesting reports of the Sectional meeting in Durham this ttul were given by Mrs Heeney sud Miss Mary McGillivmy. A chapter of the study book, "People ot Canada' was well taken by Mrs Jan MeDouga11. A solo "Into a. tent where a gypsy boy i lay' was sung by Mrs A. Haste. The I varaus reports of the omcers for the past year were received. Mrs Heeney presided over election of omcers tor 1933, which resulted as follows: Hon Pres., Mrs Heeney: Pres., Miss L. Fisher: 1st vice pres., Miss A Hob. kirk: 2nd vice pres. Mrs G. Fisher: Secy. Mrs Jss Copp: Strangers’ secy. Mrs D. J. MacDonald: Miss'y Mon. Sec'y, Miss Tens Livingstone: Supply Tress, Mrs Jss MeDougau: Assoc- iate Beer, Mrs Edgar Boyce: Christ- ian Stewardship & Finance secy, Mrs Alex MacDonald: Press Beer, Flor- ence MacDonald: Auditors and Org. nnists, Misses Myrtle and Home MacDonald: Conveners, Mrs Jae Me- Dougall. Mrs E. Boyce, Mrs Heeney, Mrs Alex MacDonald. After the ses- aiotr was over, the hostess and as- sistants served light refreshments. l a. Miss Mary Benton and pupils are holding their Christmas concert on Wednesday even'ng. Dee Mst, when a cordial invitation is extended to all families of the section to be pres- ent. Ladies, please provide lunch. Rocky Saugeen U. F W. o. Club The monthly meeting ot the above club, met at home of Mrs Angus Mc- Arthur, the president, Mrs R. Lrw- son presiding. Community singing opened the meeting, followed by the creed in unison. Roll callwas ans- wid bv ‘liow I earned my dollar.' The Secy read the correspondence from head office: Mrs B. McArthur gave a paper on 'Christmas and New Years in other lands,' which was very interesting. Mrs T. Young gave a splendid recitation: Mrs L McLean a readitur..Mrs Lawson gave her re- port on the convention in Toronto, she attended. This brought an inter- esting meeting to aclose and a soc- ial hour was spent while Mrs McAr- thur and assistants served a. dainty lunch. The January meeting will be at home ot Mrs Murray Ritchie. Mr and Mrs Ju Ewen, Aberdeen. were visitors this week with Mr and Mrs Frank Hopkins. Mr and Mrs Wm Lamont. Elm- wood, were recent visitors at home of Mr Dave Watson. Mr and Mrs Malcolm McKechnle. and daughter Joan. enjoyed a, fowl supper at home of Mr and Mrs Geo. MeMeekim Durham, Saturday even- ing. We have had very cold stormy weather for the past few days and it looks as though winter has come to There was a good attendance It the Y.P.S. meeting held in the church last Thursday. The devotional and business part was presided over by the vice prea, Mrs K. MoCulln. Mr Alex McDonald had charge at the program. The topic was well taken by Mrs Geo Hastle l Miss Florence MacDonald read a Christmas story. and Mr D. J. MacDonald also spoke a short time on 'What Christmas Means.’ Delightful violin and harp music was given try Messrs Alfred and Richard Bailey and Wm Ktur. man, am! a. lovely solo sung by Mrs Wilfrid Wright completed the pro- - The annual meeting of the mus. Was held Nov 30th, at home ot Mrs Arch. Mobougall. attendance 14. The president prodded over the meeting, Stnv On Tuesday, Dee. 20, the Crawford United Church will hold their annual Christmas concert. A splendid pro- gram Is being prepared. Adult; 15c. It looks as though winter has come to stay. " has been frosty for the past few days and looks like more snow. People are preparing tor the great day. Only a short two weeks and Santa and his reindeer will ar- rive from the North Pole, BO be in readiness, children. Mrs McIntosh entertained a. number of her friends last week when ttve tables were in use. Mr and Mrs L. McLean ot the Rocky, carried off Mrs E. Daravel gave n progres- sive euchre party on Wednesday night. Five tables were kept busy un. til 11 o'clock. when lunch was serv- ed by the hostess. assisted by Mrs. E. McIntosh and Mrs B. B.Da.rguvel. Everyone enjoyed the games. Mr A, McIntosh. Mrs E. B. Dunn] were the winners. Mrs E. 110113th had 9. plucking bee on Monday. also Mrs W. Smith. The farmers' wives have to man. to my plan: to make both ends meet. Even-thing In such a. poor Miss M. McIntosh has been laid up with a very sore throat, but know she is some better. Mr and Mrs McIntyre entertained a few of their friends on Friday ttight.. All enJoyed themselves to a late hour, when the hostess served a dainty lunch. THE DURHAM REVIEW ROCKY SAUGEEN DORNOCH mion Mink Farm, reeently disposed of 250 of his mink pelts to n Toton- t firm tor 81500, which in in Home of " each. There are 160 left for breeding purposes. The number of mink born on the term this year was 250. The price ot mink pelts is a little higher than last year and rais- ing mink is more panama than growing farm produce.. it would The W.M.S. of Knox United Ch., met in the school-room ot the church on Thursday, Dec 8th, with the pres. Mrs Mather in the chair. The meet- ing opened with hymn 168 and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Hymn 174 was sung and the Bible reading, 2nd chapter Luke, 1-21, was road by Mrs W. Lawson: Mrs Stoneouse read the Devotional leaflet, "The woman who loves to radiate Happiness.” Mrs Alder had charge of the topic from the study book, "The making ot Wes- tern Canada." Mrs Alder’s paper was a very instructive account of this subject, telling of the old West, the Hudson Bay fur trade : the recent West, dealing with the introduction ot Agriculture and the new West, withpresent day conditions. Mr: T. E. Brown gave a paper on Steward- Ship'. dealing with Jesus' teachingon this subject. After the election of officers, Miss McGirr offered prayer. The meeting closed with the Theme song and prayer by Mrs Menraith. The regular monthly meeting ot the Aberdeen branch Women’s institute. was held Friday last. " the home of Mrs Geo Twamley with an attendance of 17 members and 4 visitors. The President conducted the meeting and Miss C. Fletcher read the scripture from the 54th Psalm. Several excel- lent and inspirational papers were given. Mm Wes Noble read “The Discovery of Scotty Springs", which was an account of a minister's visit to a tar out-of-the-way part of coun- try: Mrs H Hopkins rend 'Thoughts of Service' and Mrs Davey a. paper on 'Niowshtp," both of which con- mined many beautiful and helpful thoughts. Miss Fletcher followed with the little poem 'Give a. Little.' An interesting contest was conduct- ed by Miss Florence Ewen in which the prize was won by Mrs lamb. All Joined in singing 'HArk, the Herald Angels Sing' and the meeting closed with the National Anthem, after which Mr: Twamley served delicious rcuieshmentm assisted by Mrs Herb Hopkins, Mrs McQuarrie and Miss Sara McCormick. The January meet- ing will be held at home ot Mrs D. Lamb. when all ladies are candidly welcome. more acceptable. They should have done " a little girl said not tar from here. She wanted a. brother and said 'Oh, let's send it back: they will never know it’s been used.’ Mr Bert McIntosh, o. Bound, vls- ited with his mother tor a few days. We: Margaret Vuey in holding her school concert in the Senate School on Thursday night. The annual Xmaa Tree of the Pres. Sunday School, will be held Thurs. day night, Dee. 22nd. A good pro- gram ls being prepared by teachers and pupils and a lunch wlll be ser- ANNUAL MEETING OF KNOX CHURCH w. M. S price, they luvs very little for their Mr Irving Picard and a. friend from Toronto, spent a night with the tor- mers father at the Ricard summer home here. MrtyNtsi1utrproudtmutavertr young eon which arrived lust week. A little daughter might have been ved, after the gifts have been dis- take considerable wheat at the pres- ent price to bring in a check for $1600.--Charler Enterprise. The following are the emcers of the Society tor 1933 l Hon. Presidents, Mrs John Bell, Mrs McQueen, Mr: T. Allan. Mrs W. H. Smith, Miss A. Gun, Mrs Thos Monr. President, Mrs Jae. Mather lat vice president, Mrs Wm Derby 2nd vice president. Mrs Jno. Smith Sec'y, Mrs McIlnlth Treasurer, Mn T. E. Brown Tress. Expense box, Miss B. Mae Mlnk Sold for $1500 7 Kenzie Literature Sec'y, Mrs Stoneouse Miss'y Monthly Sec'y. Mrs Middleton Strangers' Beey, Mrs A. H. Jackson and Miss B. MMKenzle. Supply Secy. Mrs Perdue and Mrs R. Temperance Beer, Mrs Rowland Press Secy, Mrs J. J. Smith Mission Band Leader, Miss MeGirr Musical com., Mrs Hutu-lane u Mia. Hunter. Sec'y Finance, Mrs w. R. Alder Ledingham. Mrs W. Lumen Auditors. Miss Hunter and Mia B. cARAOF THANKS ot the Mar- ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Don't forget the Christmas enter- tainment to be held in the whool- house, on evening of Dec. M. A good prom in being prepared try teach- er and pupils and a play by the young people. A small admiuion fee Menu Thomas and George Bell were in London Monday to be with their mother, who is very ill in the hospital there. Mr and Mrs John Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Iohn McGirr spent Thus-edgy at the Winter Mr. It Guelph. Glenelg lodge No 1192 held their annual meeting Monday in their Hall. a. goodly number ot members Ind friends from other lodges being pres- ent. Bro. Alex Allot County Maa. ter, conducted pmeeedlngn end for the electlon and Won of cm- cers, as follows: W. M., W. B. Amhleon D. P. T. Master. Geo. Allen Chaplain. Thos. Bell Recording Sec'y. Roy Lawrence Financial Sec'y. Dolphle Lawrence Treasurer, John MoGlrr RENT Brick Mmm 2 x 100, main ttoor and buomect '. atml ; good buai- ness location ', vs. and shelving. Apply B. Stoneouae. Sec'ry l.0.0.F., them. Also we ask t all accounts be kept paid up as cl ely as pos- sible. Durham Dairy. C eron Iaut- der, Proprietor. Born, on Dec. 10, " home of her mother, Mrs Robt. Bell, to Mr and Mn Geo. Stewart. I son. Min Leta Supleu is visiting her sister. Mrs Clark Wauon. quantity of maple, b h, beech and basswood logs. Must good grade. The Durham rum: e Co. Ltd. HO E TO RENT Six zoomed rick house in Upper Town. Electric M, town water, 'tkr- age and woodsh . Apply at Review omce for particulars. and Mrs Harvey Williams, I. son. my hue Ritchie Irittited recently with Mr and Mr. Jan Wilson. Will you kind return all milk bottles promptly. der present con- duons we cannot 0rd to replace sell Kahuna. - _ Mr and Mrs John Newell Ind fam- ily, viWed early in week with her parents. Mr and Mrs Wm Weir. Newspaper advertising bu become the voice ot human. Through the newspaper. the seller an tell his story to the people, at I. minimum cost. No other medium ot advertising has ever taken its plwe. I!” Mary Hopkin- returned home from Toronto after mending a tow Mr Wm Nichol and suterot town. spent Sunday with Mr and In Rul- lst Lecturer, Rotrt McFadden 2nd Lecturer. Alfred Wuuon IN MEMORIAM BLYTH-4 loving memory ot J. W. Blyth, w pond “my Dec. li, 1931. "We are qui lure That God will ve them ttack-. We know that It will but keep Our own and His and! we (all asleep, --&uily missed by son: and dumb- gave, Bob hem. Oren Ray McClocklln. Lunch wu served It the close and "You are indeed to be congra- tulated on your shoceu in cot. lecting M..'s mm. whiohhu been on my books I long time. Accept my sincere man." So runs a letter from 1 New- mrket client dated Noe. 11th. Perhaps we can win your up- provnl too. Try us. The Collectors, ORANGEVILLE No Collection, No Chnrge Telephone 90 - Est. 1090 THE VOICE OF BUSINESS KELLY & All!!! NOTICB‘ TO PATRONS GREEN GROVE GRATF FOL --- LOGS WANTED ', Dec. IS, to Mr, limited one. Houn: I.” to 4.00 “I. 7.” to no .. In. 01mm 07 {no Ind tttting ot Ola-nu EDWARD LAU DER M.D.,C.M.,F.A.C.I once an maiden“: Outer h tau and Lunbton 8m, Dr.- 0900 by“) to 117;... "' to c one. mod n Ban“ on“, DI. am. “no through Dunn lem' an W. C. PICKERING. 008. LDS Honor Grunt. Toronto University Grunts Ron] Coll. Dental Surna- ot Ontario. Flo-hereon Adam». 00ml. Dunn Dana-1k P. o. Phone " r " To remove the cause of dine try Chlropnctk: “Imam, I no. and Ultra Violet any. Bee your load Chiropractors Drum. work will receive specie! “tendon end the ttetnefita of 3 wide Experience. omce and Residence on hulkner tlt. Telephone M, 0mgeville, Ont. Licenced Auction." In any Comm HAROLD E. MOUNTAIN. M. It oaouone, ONT. Ontario & Dominion tand Surveyor Registered Moulonu unmea- Surveys. Reports, Plan. Emula- DURHAM BEIGE SCEOQIL J. L. SMITH. 0113., M.C.. M. 1ntaetd1rtqtmottnattemM.e-t. coat atthq will!" do.“ taem.tntemrsMttet-ttr-g-te booMa1rtodftqrmtHPtMaq" be]: new” of the“ to Duvet-It! unaut- “In“ Linn-amhtholmlm bandit-y In all In lunch. t RAY GAO EXTRACTION. once: um Street. DURHAM, Ont. The, School 1- 01!“!!!th to at. up the 'ttiioqrineett-.-. “gamma-ml... hung-struck Imu‘ mum-nun Ihtrhnmuagtattmettivatit-b my ton-alum! was. eaattqttttatnedntr-tHmta.. J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. L.D.S. III-Ulhtnn. ROYDEN BURNETT. M. B. Ottiee our Royal Bank, Durham HOURS: 2 - 4 p. m. C. 6. AND l Gaul tinatisl Imus TM All Ion] document. comm and my in“. 12to2p.tn. Cme... " SECOND AVENUE EAST OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO J. u. McQUARRIE. GEORGE E. DUNCAN Your patronage ”Holt-l om: 1 door "OR” of Us Lucknow a"... T. ti. SNEATH. M. 0. Notary Publlc. O Realtor, Insur- P. F. MacARTHUR : Over CHIROPRACTIC JOHN O’IEIL BESSIE McGILLIVRn F. M. EAGLE‘ON John um. Gillan-a IN "hi 'E,?,

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