10"! tes " I! anlg to tho enroll. thlucu at ‘im atmosphere " all but, bettt the air in the cabin and that “kl " mm the molon will have to ho no mum-ally comment. a. wring: The construction oi airplane- " in; .uwfrnllal evolution. Ivory your 'tel lrrnuzttitivul salon It Purl. 3.0.. â€,1. "tant improvement.) by which m. may.†have attempted to hem“ trr qpewd. solid"). and at.†at ":t-ti' machines. Setting In“. for (‘7' moment all the technlcu butaita , tum-e improvements, I would Illn- ,", Alma-t attention to tho progress- ..1 wants to be bringing "tattoo I " "" high altitude ttight. Nluuy will doubtless ash what good 1.1 :w accomplished by such In ad- '..'u1-- flt'yund developing aviation u a our: They will be greatly lur- mar-l a learn that its elect will be 'r; izln‘u'usc notably the safety of mun navel by trtnne will by at lllziudvi of an or In an... In .bme cloud and norm. In the eahn ayr of mu gretbt height. mm A. Hnlnurlc. Who contribute. a amen. ,y the subject to tho Ida-Hue â€Mum of the Revue "abdominal" i’ilf‘h‘) The greatest enemies at aviation, hrk, wind, and storm. am. only In my lower parts ot the “nowhere, bwluw a height of about Ill miles. Mauve this all agitation of the alt 'rsappears; it is a legion of cum. ahwre storms are unknown. The air. plane that Biea at such :lutudes need um. fear that it will be lost In tog or armed away by tonne“. But at the some time that its light 5 safer. it may also become much more swift. The principal thing that limits speed is the ditbtuity of r+ during it sumciently. in the course of descent, to allow a landing to he made. lt the MIN. ll " I ttmat height, the descent will he cones- Dundlngly long. and the moat ttttalt. tivd specialists believe that at ten miles elevation . speed of 350 miles an hour would be practicable. . A primary diilcully. which is in truth a serious one. " once presents :Lsclf. How can the pilot and the passengers live during a 'ontt tourney at such a height. where the air is so extremely raretied as to be quite unsuitable to breathe The use of masks ted by pure oxygen. quite proper in a merely sporting night. would be uncomfortable and out of the question in a passenger 'ttdt) The only acceptable solution would‘ he to place pilot and patsenpers in a hermetically sealed cabin where the pressure would " "tiiieituir main- [aimed " a point near that which exists at the earth's surface. the re newal of the oxygen taking place " the same time as the absorption ot the gaseous products of respiration. The construction of airplanes with such cabins would present some dit- ticulty, but the celebrated balloon as- censmn ot Prolessor Piccard to a height ot ten miles has shown its possibility. _ Another amenity now prelonta it- Ieir. We must not only assure the proper tunetionins of our lung. " such a height. but also ot the motors. Now these utilize the explosion ot a gaseous mixture of “saline vapor Ind air. The rarefaction of the hir with Increasing height involves a dr minutiun ot the apionivo tom ot the mixture and no ot tho power or the motor. Says M. somatic: Divers plans have been proposed to remedy this. One ot the simplest wss '.hat or the late Auguste Rate“ ot our Academy of Science. It consists .n super-feeding the motor as the tititude increases. " compressing :he air before admitting it. Batten Jroposed to use a compressor run by .he motor itself, or, more economic» y, by a. small turbine operated " Ae gas ot the exhaust in Rateau's apparatus e simple valve makes " possible to super-teed the motor to the desired degree. At a height ot three miles eir would he admitted at it pressure twice the nor. mal pressure ht this Altitude. This‘ means also increasing the epeed. l Hitherto all the planee built on the Bataan plan have been tor mllltnry use. Pilot and observer: It. uncov- ered. and breathe through oxygen masks. But so soon as we have plenee with air-proof cabins there will be no trouble in compressing much tttrs ther. insuring the attainment of much greater heights. Then tron!- etlantlc night: will present little lir- Acuity, end New York Ind Perle will be only s tow hours upon! The Scottish express start when in my "arv wuvu on- .._.v.. on to the platform in breathless haste. The guard pounced upon her, fairiy lltted her into a canine. and as be slammed the door tht train moved out of the “anon. The ttrat stopping place was any miles down the line, and when the train arrived the guard law an wo. man getting out ot her carriage in a state ot Boiling indignation. "You almost missed it. ma'am.†he laid. - n a..- -.o.a--. "t "Missed it!†roared the woman: "I only wanted to post . latter in the late-tee box in the train, and now you’Ve brought me here.†A record sugar beet crop of nearly 150,000 tons wt: harvested in South- orn Albert: this your. It 2'1 fiiterd at High Altitudes WELL MEANT ubout to Wife-N had to marry you to Md out how stupid you Ire.†cor on a dirty night. Husband - "You ought to have known that when I asked you." Old Lady (rnoattint,0--"Oh, I feel dreadfully ill. What do you think I should do?" Cdlous Sttilor-"Dott't T . that wor- ry you, you'll dh it." Rebounds There are three ways ot getting out or n octave: push out, back out, keep out. With the passing ot the old cor. get came the elimination ot girth con- trol. One ot the greatest pleasures in lite is doing what other people say you cannot do. Records are broken by men who are so hard pushed that‘ they have to break a record in order to win. When one sees a girl who is the picture ot health he may suspect that she painted the picture herself. Men sue tor twice what they expect and happily pocket hall of the 'atter amount. Nothing warms a girl's heart as quickly as promising to go through lire tor her. N o matter how angry you get, a pretty girl is as hard to ignore as the earache. Girls will never ad- mit middle age until their chins be come plural. Many a girl who thought she married a big gun discovered that _ she married a cap pistol. Ot happy days we hold a score, , And time may bring us twenty more; But, let the years bring what they may We have to-day. And with to-day, fast held and sweet, We challenge all that tate shall mete; With Joy enough to last till night, Our hearts are light. Brown (visited in once by his wife) --"For heaven's sake, Helen, stop scat- tering cinretto "he: all over my “was oat. Yo public in_tlyrrmr' Mrs. Lunt Tells How She Learn- ed That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Benefit Growing Girls --------t "I swear try Dr. Wil. Felt Like llams' P 1 n k Plus," Different writes Mrs. M. Lunt, Peru» Brandon, Manitoba. "When I was in my teen: I Bad anemia very bad. My blood seemed to tun. to water. A friend told me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In three months I felt like n duel-ant person. 1 have since taken 3 course at these Pills each tspring, to build up my blood, and I cannot speak too highly ot them." --. . m..- L-“ “M... WU luau-J v. --i-- Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have proved a: invaluable blessing to thousands ot _ ,..A_ -- -3..-A, ill ulv-uu-v-v ----" - young women, by creating an abund- ant supply of new red blood cells. Car. ried to every part of the nervously ex- hausted system, this rich blood re vlmlzes Ind rebuilds it in o truly wonderful war. ALL run-down condi- tions are similarly benetitted by these Pills. Try them. At dmgglsts. soc And old lady wretched a ship's am- package That although the Canada lynx is sometimes confused with the bobcat or boy lynx ot the east. he is an entirely diaerent creature? He is to be distinguished trom his manner relatives by his lighter gray color. tuft of long black hairs on the tips of his ears and his large. hairy pews. He reeds tehietiy on rabbits though " also tavors grouse nod other game birds. it has also been reported that he sometimes hills deer and caribou. Above in the old aristocrat himself posing tor one of the tow pictures ever made of him outside ot s BOO. ,7 Teen-Age -"Who cares t ."Prettr dull Owl Laffs . Do You Know? - A Song For Sally ' dull magazines you‘re You'll never Interest. the AV t They no for doc- tors and dentists to place on the tables in their waiting-rooms" Horace tiguras that the little boy who said: "the earth goes around on its taxes" wasn‘t tar wrong. Gerald--"When I proposed to Gret- chen she asked me it I was a recruit." Donald-"What did she meant" Gerald-"She wanted to know it I had ever participated In an engage ment betore." A man's nerves appeared to be worn to a trazzle. He consulted a physician. Doctor--"'" thing tor you to do H to stop thinking about yourself-HUM bury yourselt in your work.†- Aiient-"cogti-aue me a cement mixer." One may be willing to excuse ignor- ance, to pity it, to bear with it patient- ly, but. not to accept it as a funda- mental r' 'tae. Florence-“Well, at last lie pas-ed Latin." Harrr-"Honestly t" "1orence-"Don't be so inquisitive." "Any abnormal children in your class?†inquired the inspector. _ - AG," r-eplled the 'uaratssed-iookintt schoolmarm. "Two ot than have good manners." Little Peter--"" what becomes of a football player when his eyesight begins to tail?" -v Buddy-“They make a referee out of him." Hutrtt-"Do you mean to tell me you bought that expensive tut cOat Just because I said I liked to see you well dressed t" H "wire-sues, dear, I bought it on your account." _ FLAfTERY A Welshman spending a. holiday in London noticed on the door ot a big house the words, "Please ring the bell." He runs the bell. In a minute a footman appeared and uked him what he wanted. "Nothing," said the Welshman. "Then why did you ring the hell?" asked the tootman. "Because it said go," replied the Welshman. "0h," laid the tootman, with u smile. "I see, you come tram the country, where nanny-goats grow on gooseben-y bushes!" "Yes," said the Welshman: "but in London there no more Wonderful sights. You have only to ring the bell and u monkey pops out." Halt of the buying power ot the United Mates in in the hand: at peo- ple earning $2000 or less; annuallz. -rrr't? ANSWER TO LAST WEEKS PUZZLE 'izontal 1-ionvu' " sigh 1--Verb ot being 6--Exeeirs ot solar year II-Stage Cir: tion 13-Fturtc missionary " --By 16-Method ot drawing 18-Word ot refusal 1iF-Part ot "to be" 21-Pertaining to mouth 22-Bkitt 24-Wild beast M-Boat 28-Word ot reproach 29-Medteirtal plants 31-Bomtts M-There 34--spots 36-Drtoss from M-Plural ending 40--Pruit M-To forward 45-Piece tor two M-Meat Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur- nished With Every Pattern guishes this modtlt To follow mode's whim you’ll fu- shion it as the original in a green diagonal woolen weave. In such me- dium, you’ll have a rig you could wear either in town or country and feel dressed in good style. And it’s amazing how easily it is made, and the small sum it will cost avanish crepe silk is equally attrac- tive for this slimfling model. - inéhes bust. “Eta; iilA2is8 is designed for sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, " 38 and 40 “I always use BABY'S OWN TAB- LETS to break up my baby's colds," writes Mrs. Wilbert Colquhoun, Stub goon Falls, Ont. "When I see a cold coming on, it is to BABYS OW}! 'CAALEI.'. that I tum," writes Mrs. Robert Greenhom, Philipsville, Ont. Mothers everywhere report in like vein of the sate, sure result: that follow the use of BABY'S OWN TABLETS in treating children’s colds, teething tnubles, simple fevets, disordered new, colic, constipatiog. 25 cents. A new buttoned neckline distim BABY'S OWN TABLE“ For COLDS By HELEN WILLIAMS. Chic Model ISSUE No. 50--'32 OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE {ii-Globular root 50-Snares 62--'ro soften 64-Prrmotm M--Laun conjunction 56-To assimilate 59--Sun god 61--To explode 63-Preterred M-To be fond M-pronoun Cr-Br birth F2--To soften ment 54--Prtmotm 23--Wltether Mi-Latin conjunction 24--French article M-To assimilate M-Element M-on god 27-To abrade (il-To explode M-Remainder: 63-Preterred 32-Htustened "-To be fond 35-Dtuutned M-pronoun 37-To check 6'i'-Br birth 38--Bordured Vanni M---BtrtiMied g-ware, 41--To percolate 2--Kind scup M-To nne 3-Part ot "to be' 44--Prououn 4---Preroaition 46--Upon Ii-Mogets 48-instattt i B-To utilize "ltishlr ti1-Recitonr _ ' 7-Cronr 63-Pitutt ' 8-To lute 67--Prottoua 9-101 T ir8-hmnitrls article lO-Game 60-Contnuned M-pronoun 'i2--Towtu'd 14--Wild West show i4-Type unit EXCESS FAT IllMlliil HER HEALTH There are a number rt bodily ail- ments that are apt to arise in over- weight men and women, and it excess tat is,redueed in the right way, very often improved health tollows-ag it did with this Woman'.- ins, especially when l knelt down to do my housework; or was walking up a hill. I would simply have to tight tor my breath tor about 2.' minutes. But now that has all gone, thanks to Kruschen. l have lost " lbs. in weight, and am able to get about in contort. I can work all day and not reel tired. 1 teel so much better, and am so pleased to have lost some ot the tat that was steadily gaining ground with me, and ruining my gen- eral lietu'h."--tMitrtn A. K. "1 used to have a great deal ot tat that seemed to nearly stop me breath- There are six vita- mineral salts in Kruschen. These salts combat the cause ot tat try assisting the internal organs to pertorm their functions pro- perly-to throw on each day those waste products and poisons which, it allowed to accumulate, will be convert- ed by the body's chemistry into fatty tissue. Unlike ordinary aperients, Kruschen does not eontine its action to a single part at th; system. Its tonic elects extend to every. organ, gland, nerve a1 vein. Size 16 requires " yards of 39- inch material. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain-) ly, giving number and size of such‘ patterns as you want. Enclose 15c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Aervice, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Little things that nin and quail And die in silence and despair; Little thing that tight and tall All tall on earth and sea and air; The mouse, the conéy, hear our prayer. All trapped and trizhtened little Better after Losing 14 lbs. As we forgive those done to us, The lamb, the Unmet, and the hare, Forgive " all our trespasses. Little creatures everywhere. -Jnmes Stephens, in "Modern British Entry.†.-- "f want d bucket." he said. "tt must be one that will bold plenty or water." ’URGENT Adolphus walked into the trow monzer’s shop. The nonmonger produced his larg- est bucket. Adolphus examined it. "That will no," he uld at mt. “Please send it round to No. M, BpringMId Road." ï¬ne strolled to the door. Then he turned attain. .. "Oh, and ion might, send it soon." he added. "Yoa see, our house bu caught tire." I'l-9greernent 20--State ot tempera, Little Things Seeks Honey Market in Britain ONTARIO ARCAivEs TORONTO Prof. E. J. Dyce. head ot the Apiary Department ot the Ontario Cover:- ment, who sailed tor Europe last week in the "Auscnia," the lost Cunnrder to leave the St. Lawrence tro Montreal this season. Prof. Dyce will not " expert 'wr the Ont..uo Honey :0- duce -in Britain in their contemplated effort to obtain a wider "ti rket In the Old Cov'nry tor their products. The Pas, Man. - Dog priees have slumped to a new low level in thin northern city. A beautiful team ot huskles plus harness and Alaskan sled sold for $75, " compared with about $300 the ottttit would hare tetched three years ago. The Manitoba pro- vincial police disposed of them "on the bid." Dog Outfits Offered At New Bargain Prices At present all signs point to great activity in the God's Lake gold coun. try northeast ot here. In other years runny dog trnlns would have been engaged in freightlng supplies trnd equipment into the district. Bo fur this Winter there hove been only I few cells for dogs. prospectors pre- ferring to use I plane. And the sale has more than pass- ing ssigttitietutee. Dog teaming out of The Pas. famous all over the world as the mecca ot mushers, he: now come to an end. Railways and air- planes have put an end to treightin: with dogs. The trip from Mile 137 on the Hud. son Bay Railway to God's Lake oc- cupies eight days by dog team. A plane covers the distance in a few hours. So dogs so into the discard. London - Radio-telephone service to South Africa has now been extend. ed to Durban, it is announced by the Potrttnagter-41eneral here. The charge tor a. can trom London to any place in South Africa open to service is $30 tor the tirtst three minutes and $10 for each subsequent minute. book than with pity on I. brother's tall, But dwell not with stem anger on his malt; The sues ot God alone holds thee, holds all; Were that withdrawn, thou too would swerve and halt. Spirit of the Age It has never been the particular "Spirit of the ge" that has worked tor knowledge and progress, but the individual. The spirit ot the use len- tenced Socrates to dea '. by poison; the spirit ot the use bur ~25. Hues; t1 . spirit ot the "i)" always rennin: 1.0 "mee-Goethe. tt were better to accept It as " comes and be cheerful. whichever way thrwlnd blows. whether it be hot or cold. rainy or dry. DON'T TAKE NOXIOUS DRUGS WI New 11mm MEN SMOKE PLUG TOBACCO " 20° A BIG PLUG gAFB--tRmrlrrrNi1 MORE SUFFERING OR UNCIRTAIN- TY-NO NAUSEOUB MEDICINE. Insured Run". from Butticlent for several sreatmentA in mm. unpri- with fun Directions. Regulu- III. " 890cm 31:0 t WP WALTANNE REHEDIEI. M W , Gonna tbtmet, Toronto. Trade, supplied by Dru: Tuning Co. Ltd. and NM O Lynn Ltd. Pity j,'i"tl DIXIE -J. Edmeston MENSTRU-AID ABSOLUTELY HARMLES. LADIES WANTED TO DO LIGHT -trtq " home; gum "av. work sent chute- DIM. Nntronat Manufac- turing Co., Dept. M, “Human. M ’PENSN’EEV.’ 'rcTaitTo-ti.. trriiarir " l, Bushman. N OFFER TO rn ERY INVI‘NTOR. # List of I’lllled Hnemionl rd full nmrmulon Bent tree. The In...) Com- m. World "tent Attorneys, 273 tune Street. Ottawa, Canada. By JOSEPH c. CREW . America Ambassador to Japan The American people are heart and Ion] behind the peace movement nnd behind those who luv. labored to bring about n situation when wnrtnro between civilixea nation- will b. u extinct In human slavery in in civilized unions today. Them ls another matter in \hich the Amerlcan people are interested. and that in I Inahclally stable and prosperous Jinan. Nobody can - preclato better than you business men the! titttutcia and econouxzo prosperity la a corollary ot peace. Organlsed warfare or any natur, ig a heavy ï¬nancial burden. In some uses it ls tttuntil, and ecuumu- call: devastating. The machinery at warfare ls itself one ot the grants: drains upon the exchequer m we world. The peace policy of the L m- ted Mates, tar from being mmraxy to the real Interests or Japan. is wre- clsely ln accord with tttose illtvrmts. Al for any: of workmg out tht probleml Involved in this world movement. dittereneeg of opinion m- eviubly urise. There can m In mum important duty tor 5:3":quva and diplomacy today than to awn-Mm out and align such ditferencts ot opinion. Elm ttart tima, while lenrmn; mt- towitttr My my trader. Garage “ark. welding. harboring. hair drl’sslng Position. open. Inform-Hun ‘w Employment urvlce from 0m" " Coutu‘ApplL 1r"TIn".".t: smuum l RE-TINNING Milk Cur-.1“ Cream I'm-MN. I‘m-~1- Hoops. Your old cans made Mm u. w for lean than half cost "t m-\\. In.» tetgriBere relinned at your Jun on t mm cud-1m! Pt“. . an.“ Earn $5.00 to $10.00 Daily new 7" ottiisUHt Queen no la"!!! Avcuuc‘ Any .utterer from [his “ware “no bu not yet rend the mmk vex-emu MIMI-had ttA/ff, by u t English tr I); iiiaiiii,-a the tremnwnl Inn] \urr M Tuberculosis. may isasc a an.†\\IH1>( the supply 1111!. its“! tr'ee charge to, any cadres; Appllunnuns u; been 3. liloâ€. In my. I " u_W_Tf_WAr'eco msnufwax. Take Lydia E. Pinkhnm’. Vegetable comeyed. -o-rueyt-tPey.'.ot_' "Gii"hFC.rr.Hi.is-,teyp,uoo “II..'OIl'b-lwm Bead"... -iraiaeuuttLe-ot-d.th.rtt - iiiiuiarsiaGe-.hoAtbtertt ar"iimgmndr-drrrr (II-that mm. ,L,__.. -u-_ In..." a. "I! -... -- --- - armGirriaiaTiikigeyeeasPAy _ Sh- .hould "I LY“ E. PM†ln-‘o Venou- (Jo-m“ “an. " 'Gi7iaici7'rTia%iiiirttttpetff.fg WaltonkmUnM “and “tho-4m- ii7i5ii2iiit2'u"g'gsh't"gTlff a many that If. Md by "all iaiieiiG.6iriSeeser'erott.t+ mm...nndnwhmmullu rim: :13“ 'm3. Moo TO BE GIVEN AWAY NERVOUS WOMEN Cuticura Y6imG MEN! TO SAVE YOUR m rm Cams! " on SChtmls. W.. Toronto. L EB Ki 1F