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Durham Review (1897), 22 Dec 1932, p. 5

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932 AED pair tack auto pair pail pair odious pair 47 ted TO CANADA 'Eg , EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND WINTER FARES Full information from but»: VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE DECEMBER 22, 1932 Township of Etobicoke 6 per ct. bonds, at roi), 81000, $500 or odd amounts, yield-6 per ct; Town of Wiarton 81000 or odd amount bonds, 5 per cent, to yield 52 per cent. Good Municipal Bonds ", Dominion ot Canada and Provincial Bonds yielding from 43 to 6 per cent. Write, Call or Phone No. 6, to The New National Blue Flame Burner No more Coal to earrr-. No ashes to fun with No soot to dirty the homo- No ash can. around; No ttret. to ma"--, No cold "torrtlng_ No coal dust to contend with-- Local Agent F. W. Moon Sumplest in operation - Absolutely odorless - Bake with con- fidenee-- Use your present Stove - Order a Blue Flame today. CUSTOM CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Phone ' Get our one“ before purchasing eleewhere. " will pay you. Return Fare CANADIAN PACIFIC Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock DO KHAM MACHINE SHOP Royal Household Flour Bran '0 Canada' " 05' Pilot " C keep in Stock tor Sale the following Goods: T H E PEOPLE'S MILLS JOHN MCGOWAN Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. FLOUR T. M. McFadden, Agent, Durham $113.05 L RAMAGE, Durham - also to Seattle, Washington For health and pleasure escape tram Winter to Damask Evergreen Piay- ground on the sunny Ptutitte Coast-- to balmy days of so)! and other sum- mer activities. with winter sports near by amid mountain grandeur. Puree this winter Ire approximately $60 lower than ever before and re. duced rates at hotels make your hoir day still more economical. Tickets good going until Feb. M. Re- turn limit April 30. Generous atop-ov- er privileges at intermediate palms. Low Short-Limit Tickets also on sale until Dec. " to other PatMe Coast points, including California, return limit Jan. M. REDUCED BY $50 Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED T0 vhNc00mt.-- VICTORIA, B. C. Durham, Ont. PHONE 140 DURHAM. ONT. Shorts lo=0= D=LEO at“: We too, heard over the radio. re- 'our hoir form! to last. week, the Rev. Wm. Allan, ot lhrvetNgourt Road Presby- terian Church commending his devo- V M. Re- tlonal exercises to the Town of Dur- ' stopov. Nun. We were absorbed in wonder- ' paints. ment. why , At Iturt we thought ot it _ all at once. They perhaps required it, ol lo IOEO Rev J. Mair, B. A., was able to at- tend service- on Sunday last and on inritrrttmt of Rev. Mr Bennett came to the platform and expreued his gratitude to all tor their kind empres- sions of sympathy, good wishes and Prayers during his sickness " hos- pital. The congregation are glad to Rev J. MtRvor was unable to take the services Sunday owing to an at- tack of lumhego, got while helping the bore to m a rink. Mrs Mclv- or and Rev. Mr Sutherland iiiled the pulpit in the morning and the even- ing service was released. We take pleasure in congratulating little Aileen Kan-stem on winning the ttae diver cup trophy with its handsome gold inlaid cover, donat- ed by the T. Eaton Co., Tomato, for the greatest number at points, secur- ed at the Rural School fair held " F'1esherton, Artemesla. It is a. beau- ty and puts Pdceville oncé more in the glitter. all at once. Therperhtrps required It, ephone Eh, what? of loan In this connection too, the village Carried. of Elmwood, was commended to the The f throne ‘of grace by the Rayner even- by regal Say, are we still in the Queen's Durham, 81.50: Rom PM, , cords Bush of long ago? It ls very kind cedar tar hall $4: w. N. Whitman. though. salary as SA. omcer tor 1932 no: The Y.P.S. of St Columbe return- J. McKechnle, salary as B. A. om- ed the kind visit of Bt John's young cer 1932 $10: Mun'l World. supplies people. on the 13th inst in Flesherton dated Nov. M, 82.68: Election ex- and provided the whole program. penses D.R.O's, poll clerks and pol- Thla included seven papers on Far- ling places 857.50: Ralph Staples. icus tsubjects: Temperance, Christ delivering ballot boxes 85: T J Bro. mas. observances of other lands and d"e, % day com. work $1.25: John other literary subjects. We are glad McKechnle, may cum. work $1.25: to hear from that village that the J. Mekechnie % day com. work " good name of this town had not aut- M: J. McGlrr, % day can. work tl. tered by all: loving neighborly ex- 25: J. McGlrr, telephoning 25c: w. change. A pleasant eveningmsathere Banks, tsalary as caretaker $12.50: after spent in the usual pteaaantriea. Treats., balance salary $51.88: Treats., The Bali held under the auspices preparing Pin. Statement $15: Clerk, of the newly organized Hockey Club, balance on salary $61.25. passed on very pleasantly in the Ag- Wm Hill was refunded $4 dog tax dealtural Hall. The severe cold and ermr on roll, dog having been re- the rather short advertising militat- moved to another Tp., soon after as- ed against Ita success tinaneiauy. 30580? was around_ the rather short advertising militat- ed against its success tinaueiauy. Extensive preparations are being made tor the Xmas entertainment. in St Columbe, on Thursday, 22nd. A ttne program is on the agenda, in addition to a youthful orchestra that will make their debut. The tree will be in evidence, lit and loaded as per usual. The tree in front of the monument has been planted, of tlne dimensions 28 feet high. One ot our hilarious and versatile young men with an aptitude for training. be they children or colts, tried to convince some of the opposite sex grown ups that the tree was a rock elm I with little success. Fine musical selections are being prepared for the Sunday services by the chair ot St Cotumba.. Sorry to hear of the accident that betel our old time friend, Jan Tur- ner, of laurel, in having his arm bro- ken at two places, it is said. In put- ting on a belt, his clothing caught on a set screw. Mrs D. G. McLean went to Toronto for the winter months to be with her daughter, Mrs Richardson. Miss Helen Mitchell, Toronto, is spending over the Christmas season with her parents. We are glad Mrs. Minell is feeling better since her recent illness. (Whitmore and John Boyd as school Ntmdance trmeerg for 1933 for the south and north half of the Tw'p xe- npectively, at a salary of $10 each. ‘Accounts far relief to Demons ro- Mr Ainsworth McPhall took the 3rd stroke Monday forenoon and his hours ot life are now numbered. He has had a rugged constitution to have stood the inroads of disease for such a length of time. Mr and Mrs J. Sinclolr and Wol. tom ottended the {antral of their aunt, Mrs Bell, Durham, Monday. Mr and Mrs Albert Ridden and children, Fergus. visited his mother, Mrs Jas Ridden. The 13 month old child ot Mr and Mrs Geo. Pryde, haa been very sick with double pneumonia, at the home of her brother, Walter Stewart. It in now progressing towards recovery. The community of Hopevllie send the season’s greetings to editor and family, and all readers. We will all hope for prosperity. Met at Township Hall, Saturday, Dee IO, 1932. Members were all in attendance. minutes ot last meeting read and confirmed. Communication was read from C.P.R. 00. regarding their pending application to Board ot Rauway Commissioners for relief from maintaining cattle guards at certain crossings in the Township. The clerk was instructed to write Railway company objecting to remov- al of these crossings. Jno Mekech- nle’s (Glcnroaden) resignation as B. N omcer for north half of Glenelg, was received and accepted to take effect Dee. 31, 1932. By-law No 757 we; passed, appointing W. N. PRIGEVILLE Church commending his devo- exercbea to the Town of Dur- We were absorbed in wonder- why , At last we thought ot it once. They perhaps required it, PRICEVILLE Glenelg Council HOPEVILLE over the radio. re Glrr and the clerk be appointed try this council to inspect said securi- ties and report to council board at the timrt meeting of year on Jan 9, 1933. Carried. look after needs of those requiring relief from Township. The Treasurer was authorized to accept $33.40 or- rears of taxes, 31.90 $10.80 from Earl Smart, error in my sheet tor Nov'r. MeGirr--MeKeohnie. That the boards ot School Trustees of the several achools in Tw'p, be paid 50 per cent of general levy and 50 per cent ot Trustees' levy, the balance to be paid the let day ot Aprll 1933. The total amount of General and Trust easy levies amount to $8997 .95. Car. qulrtng some were pro-outed and paid, amounting to $80.12. The Road Sup’t presented voucher No 11 tor work performed on thship roads, amounting to $311.15 which was accepted and payments ordered. Mekethnie-Boyd: That, in order to comply with new Gov't regulations requrlng Treasurer's securities to be approved by council. and then tor. warded to clerk ot Peace; Mr J. Mc- MeGirr-MNCeahrtits: That trees. of Durham be paid 821.62 re town de- benture re Young farm. Car. Wright-Boyd: That the tress. pay to Sec'y Trees. of Ghee]; Mun. Tel- ephone System $168.42, repayment ot loan of Aug. 6, 1932. with interest. The following accounts were paid by resolution: Bank ot Toronto. ex- change on transfer from Royal Bank, Durham, 31.50: Robe Pout, , cords cedar for hall $4: W. N. Whitman. salary as SA. omcer for 1932 $10: J. McKechnle, salary as B. A. om- cer 1932 $10: Mun’l World. supplies dated Nov. 25, $2.68: Election ex- penses D.R.O's, poll clerks and pol- ling places 857.50: Ralph Staples. delivering ballot boxes $5: T J Bro- die, % day com. work $1.25: John J. Cook's application for refund of dog tax, by mason ot dog having died in July. After close of business, meeting with John MeGirr in chair, brief remarks were made by menr bers. Regret was expressed at part- ing with two members ot 1932 coun- cil, Messrs McKechnie and Boyd. The Reeve thanked all members tor co- operation and help in various ways during the year. The council for 1982 adjourned. H. H. MacDonald, clerk Death of Mrs John Bell Widely Moumed (Continued from Page 1) _ Knox Church, Durham, from her ear- liest years, she was ever "diligent in business, serving the Lord." The missionary schemes ot the church carried tor her great interest and at the annual meeting of the Women's Miss'y Society recently held, she was lit-norm with the office of an 'Honorary President.' She was for many years in charge of the Christian Stewardship and Finance department of the Society and never tailed an opportunity to bring before the memr. bers their obligations and responsi- bilities in the evangelism ot heathen unzions. At a meeting recently she she gave expression to the trenchant statement in her speech there that 'we were only playing with Missions’. Her interests were wide as were her friends and Knox church and community is the poorer tar her pats- sing. Surviving her are tive sons and two daughters: Dr. Alex M., of Al- vinaton; Thomas, on the home tarm; Rev. John, of Brandon, Manitoba: Miss Jessie, Toronto; George, on the former Binnie farm; Oscar, ot Sioux Lookout, Northern Ont. ; Miss Mary, teacher at U.S.S. No l, Eg't and Normanby. Of a. family of nine originally ot the Binnie brothers and sisters, but three remain: Elisabeth, Mrs Thus. McGirr, Durham; Thos., of New Westminster, B. C. t Rev. James, of Toronto. The funeral on Monday in Knox church. was a marked tribute to the memory of deceased, when the build- ing was filled to capacity. Her pes- tor, Ree W. H. Smith conducted the service. basing his remarks on Prov- erbs 28:31: “Her children rise up and call her blessed.” This, Mr Smith commented, “was the moat beautiful tribute that could be paid to any mother." There was no word more gracious than "blessed." She was blessed in her home where she point- ed the way of salvation; she was blessed in the work in that home. where the heart's love went into and where cooperation could notheip but follow; her work was blessed in the community where hospitality and charity ever held out their hand. Finally. she was blessed in the Lord. She fully realized that the church played a sunreme‘pnrt tn her life and the opportunity for service and inr- Conn. McGlrr was appointed to THE DURHAM REVIEW No action was taken regarding w A In "all?! and a heighbor, Mr Robt McFadden. tunerai addresses, that we In“ naked The latter is the only neighbor horror its puttitioet.--Editor.) itee"'d'eer1,i, “mi: 21' Ji',',,',,"," "Mr life ia qo m. .., w. - . honed by tour square walls, Pine Hill an a bride. V the “1de the Behave: and friends p.r.rrttere,1a'i',e,."rdol,'l, distance at the funeral were: Ree. tt ow uy tulle. hill James Binnie, Toronto: Ju. Binnie Mr eyes wander oft to the tops, Kinney i but ever my been stoop. down 'ltfuiJ,t1'i'ufi'l,,er ',rr'fg,t't"f,rr','i.',L " tmatrion ot love tor the babieg Alex Willett, Toronto: Messrs Oscar' that helplessly cling at my gown. Green and Stevens, Tomato: Mr uni in the light of the new day dawning, Mrs Ju thndh, Mr and Mrs John I see an angelic band, Stevenson, Holstein: Janice Bell, ot And the tuidt, that are white for the It; god in hum endeavor for lut- lng happiness. Miss Hamlet Hunter, organist. rendered softly, suitable music and the hymn: sung irere favorites of de- ceased 'O God of Bethel' and 'The Sands of time are sinking.' Mr Chas Lang rendered with feeling the 5010. “He wipes the tear from every eye.' The null bearers were the ttve sons and a neighbor, Mr Robt McFadden. Tomnto: Mr and Mrs Alfred Hor nock, Owen Sound: Mr and Mr: 1110 McLean, Shelhurne: Mr and Mrs N. MeDoutrtttl and sou Hubert, Mt For- est; Mr Geo. Ruth, suyner: Mr and Mrs Juo. Sinclair, Hopevllle. Floral tokens were from the fam- Ily; W. M. S. Knox Church ", Knox chotr; s. S. No tr, Glenelg: Mr and Mrs Allan Bell: Mrs T. McGlrr and daughters; nephews and nieces: Mrs Geo. Binnie and daughters: Mr and and Mrs R. Willem. oi ver wore am an indecent dressln public again he'd break our Ingage meat." Mistress (angrily) --"Mo11y, I and you wore one ot my bail gowns to a dance last evenlng. It's the worst piece of lmpudence I ever heard of. You ought to be ashamed of your- Belt." Molly tmeeklyr--"Oi was mum, otwtut:trnmeyoungrnantraitttusit Buildings which will house the World's Grain Exhibition and Con- ference at Regina next July 1nd August are rapidly approaching completion and preparations are already being made tor the ex- tensive exhibits. Canada's apple-growing belt is moving northward. Standard apples hare been grown this year at the Dominion Experimental Farm at Beaverlodge. Alberto" which is 428 miles north of the international boundary between Canada and the United sates. Canada has entered the British West Africa market for tobacco with a trial shipment of 25 can ot Canadian-grown tobacco. ro- ccntly. About " per cent. d British West Africa tobacco has been secured tram the United States. but Canada hopes to get the market under the new inter- Empire preference. Irs National Fish Week between October 24-31 has been supported by the Canadian Pacific Runny since 1918 and this year wu no exception. The company marked the celebration with special menu cards listing fish products of the sections of Canada through which the railway runs between Saint John, NR. and Vancouver, Brit- ish Columbia. Canada lost one of its best- known and popular railroad om- ciuls recently when A. Althea. assistant superintendent of the Bruce Division, Canadian Paeitie Railway. dropped dead in Toronto on his way to his office. Mr. Aitken was 60 years of age 1nd had spent M years in the com- The Canadian Pacific liner Em- press of Britain was the scene at a wedding reception and break- fast at Quebec recently, following the marriage ot Mlle. Marthe Bt. Laurent. daughter of the pres!- dent ot the Canadian Bar Associa- don. to Dr. Mathieu Samson. "" hundred guests med put the wed- ding group unturned in the May- fair Lounge ot the Empreu. pany'é service Not forgetting his work " db. rector-general of ita Notional Flood Relief Wiggle! in Itll, China bu asked Bir John Hop. Simpson. famous British oran- tzer, to tous It: newly ereated Na- tional Economic Councll. Slr John nailed recently about! the Btn- press of Canada for Shanghai to wlnd up the flood rend eomrnio- slon affairs. The United sates Middle Went and the Province of Quebec - honors as winners ot the Can:- dian Pacific Bunnlow Camps Fishing Trophies which have been awarded at French River, Niplgon River and Devils Gap. G. A. Hoffman, of Cleveland, ind s 2716 lb. musealumre; C. O. Kahntut, ot St. Paul. Minn., had A " 1h. square uiied speckled trout: and O. C. Btcinrrterer, Westmount, Que..had I. has: weighing 4 lbs. " ounces. Leaving a money belt contain- ing round-the-world steamship and rail tickets and a cool thou- sand dollars or so in cut: st hll Vancouver hotel, Charles Cluke. Lott Angeles. only decovered his loss after his ship, the Empress ot Canada had sailed from Vancou- ver. Wireless messages to the Canadian Paeitie steamship m- oral passenger agent resulted in recovery ot the belt and its for- warding by airplane In time to reach the vessel before “Le-left ere and There Mr and Mr: Jno Mr and Mrs N. Hubert, Mt For- Stuyner: Mr and (815) ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO And the new that are white for the lax-vent. I an lured by u beckoning But I have no place with the moan, no wt In the gtouiothhntt Me. I must stay with my babes by the ttearttt+tone and and: than the lesson of lite. “The Sheaves that I lkini Poem quoted at late Mrs John 80W. funonl mic. " Knox Church. (The following beautiful mourn-Io I must nourish their souls and their bodies with Int1nite, WW are. Take thought of the loavea and ashes and the nunent that they must The Ladies' Aid Society met at the home ot Mrs he Hepburn, when the reports ot the new and unwr- er for the year's business were heard. Miss Julia Weir presided. Despite: difBeu1t ttnanetal year, the ladies have closed their books with some- thing over $400 clear. The beau on Saturday Inst realized them 870.00. Election of otBeem resulted in the following slaw: President. Mrs J. M. Burgess 1st Vice Pres., Mrs J. Ledinghun 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs J. H. McMyen 3rd Vice Pres, Mrs B. D. Armstrong 4'h Vice Pres" Mrs C. Mortal Secretary. Mrs In. Hepburn Treaarurer, Miss J. M. Weir Executive Gum .. Mrs Harding, Mrs. W. H. Lender, Mrs W. C. Picker- ing, Mrs T. M. McFadden, Mrs C. Howell, Mrs P. Mecormaek, Mrs. W. Firth. Mrs T Millikan. Mrs B. MacArthur, Mrs W. Derby, Jr., Mrs G. Geddes, Mrs MeCannel, Mrs W. Kellar, Misses A. Renwick, M. McFayden. Press sec'y, Mrs C. Moftst Pianist, Miss Leah McComb Flower com., Mrs G. McKechnie, Mr: Burgess, Mrs W J McFadden, Mrs J. Tobin. reaper: before Thee at set of sun, When the sheaves of the harvest are gathered and life And itat labor are I shall lay at Thy feet mane mychll- dren, to my heart and my gnrments they cling: Imarnotgoforthwtththermrpem --theae are the sheaves that I xT Brick More. 24 and basement I new location ; 'ff Apply B. swneon PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' AID OFFICERS FOR 1933 "You are Indeed to be congru- tumed on your shcceu In col- lecting It}: account, whichhu been on my books I long tune. Accept my sincere than." Bo runs 1 letter from I. New- market client dated New. 11th. proval too. Try us. KELLY & All!!! The Collectors, ORANGEVILLE No Collection, No Charge Telephone 90 - Eat. 1.” Monday, Doc. 19, by Rev. w. HOUSE TO RENT GRATIS nn. --- FARM FOR B, LOGS I RENT 100, main floor rural ; good busi- t and shelving. Be, Sec’ry 1.0.0.F.. WANTED " HAROLD E. MOUNTAIN. M. B. , anemone, ONT. , on. Hours: . 1ttotp.m. 6:089... Lamina: St, tharhnm, om. on“ Noun: 1.” to 4.” pJI. 7.” to no . A once an widen“: Comet h Mudumbwn sum.“ Manhunltougm. mud ."c.ttrt".rrs., Bum-M EDWARD LADDER M.D.,C.M.,F.m " SECOND AVENUE EAST OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO Speculum: In Andaman-b DIW of Erm Proton“ and tttting of Telemann. Glut“ "I W. C. PICKERING. DDS. L08 Drainage work will receive mach] invention and the benettta of a wide Experience. once Ind Reaidenee on Falkner M. Telephone tl, Ouncevule. Ont. Honor Grunts Toronto University Grunts Rorat Coll. Dental Sum ot Ontario. one. mad at Ben“ 0300.0. am. also through Durha- lem nu Ontario & Dominion [and Surveyor Registered Professional Engineer Surveys. Reports. Phns. Esumtes Limo“ Avalon-or tor Ge. Residence: R. R. No. I, Lieu-m Auction." hr any My J. L. SMITH. M.B., M.C.. M. bemoan the lam. Flo-henna Mano; Goal. Dun Dunduk P. o. Phone " r " To remove the cause of diese try Chiropractic adjustments, I no. and Ultra Violet any. Bee your 100.] Chiropractors [DURHAM BIMN SCHQOL Intondlu plum Ihotld m u enter “the beginning ottbhl tom. Information " to can. in; be obtained from the Hindu-l. Denali-y In all It. lunch“ ' RAY GAO EXTRACTION. once: um Strut. DURHAM, Ont. and: member of the“ to Unlvomty [Mum m u an. The School In thaeortgttlr equiv... to take up the following 'tt_.--. I. Junior Nunavut.” 2. Entrance to the Normal M The Sew In: t and“ not!!! tn the not qrMtttt tt hop- b - tttht In the an... an be obtained n We at... I. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. L.D.S. ROYDEN BURNETT, M. B. We. our Royal Bank; Dal-Mn HOURS: 2 - . p. m. C. u. AND I but] Mall lain: TM All logs! documents "lei-ttr and artfully prop-M. J. H. MCQUARRIE. B. h. Durban In an unmet!" And has} GEORGE E. DUNCAN OM“: 1 door north at " L-u'hun'o can“ T. tt. SNEATH. M. B. Notary Public. Rutter, I'm P. F. lhehll11iljll Your CHIROPRACTIL MO O’IEIL BESSHE McGILLIvm F. M. EAGLESON John Morrison, Chalm- J. A. M. no... ”In“ IN W

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