ERTY F Keep you in id random. dependable ing. MclLRAlTH r 23. 1933 naive SALE 501119 Bottoms 1 night CHIS R SALE " mtue ot h )0 Mr W. Armstrong from Tara, has purchased from Mr Chas Macmi- vray, the vacant lot matte the Ford stage, " one time occupied by the old skating rink, and purposes emc- ting sn up-todste page and eer- vice station thereon this spring, to cost $3000 to 84000. It will male quite an immanent to the proper- ty and extend the business district of the town. Will Hold Old Time “In. Many members,ol Knox ladies Aid Society enjoyed themselves " s nee- dlework tea on My. It the home the president, Mrs G. B. Kearney, when social chat and Maine. relat- ing to the Society. were interming- led. An old-time congregational your- ('0 was planned for Thurshy. Inch f), at6pm..tobeheldlnthebsse- merit of etturett,-il for the modest re _. ct 25c. The mum is to be such that the most critical epicureen will te delighted. Miss Hale Kearney rruvided piano numbers 2 Miss W. Blyth mud Mrs C. MoGirr solos and Mrs Sparlinz a. reading. Light re- freshments were served at close and the social hour gave great pleasure. Barn D’stroyed by Fire Tin barn in rear of Traffle Ulcer C "or d'? rraidenre, in upper town. went up in ttames last Thursday " ternon and is a total loss. It was us- rd a»: a. strrehause and garage. but furtunately thr "P were no conuhtartt great value to be consumed. Hot ashra had been dumped at west end cf ham and with a strong wind blow- ing, a spark had probably been car- ried thrmgh crack. or eaten its way thrumh boards to quickly combustib- le straw inside. for when first notic- ' d "mm 2 were enveloping the inter- ior trom.west and. The sheet metal 1 T , prevcvit‘ d sparks and cmberses- rct'ne. to ordangnr other barns and buildings nearby. before the ttre bri- pa":, gm two streams phying and they soon had the blue In control. The structure was a. well-built one. owned by Dan McAulllfe of Gleoelg, and it carried a fair insurance. Rev. Mr racket), Walkerton, will give an Iris addreu. accompan- led try siidms, on why. m M, at x p. m., in the yterian Church. Musical numbers interspersed. Afternoon Dnl'wtry on R. R. ' Mr John S. Drysdale, Hamilton, istturmorGrandRmrutmrot the Grand Chapter. Royal Arch Masons ot Canada, elected " the recent wo- sions at London. Mr Drysdnte won cut in a three cornered election con- Phone 605, r 3 _R.R. 1, W10 The members " e Women's In- stitute and their ends, will hold their annual At Ho . in the A. Y. Beainnlott next Monday, the mall owner on R. R. 3, Durham, will commence the summer mhedulo, lew- ving Durham Post Office after arriv- al of noon mail, instead of at 9 Ban. VOL LVI, NO 9 tiit New Garage for Durham MRS GORDON HASTIE Many were the expressions of re- gret and sorrow. when it became known that Mrs Gordon Hustle (nee Mary Pampbon McKechnie) had pos- sod nwav Wodnesday hat at the hog- pita] at Watsonville, California. Death haw been the outcome of a seven" ttu attaeh. which so weakened the patient down. that there was no roaistance left to turht other compli- oNions that arose. Mrs Mekeehnie left ten days previous to be at her dauRhter's bedside, and everything posaible was done to stay the hard of Mm. But to no tryail. Mrs Home was 29 year.- of no. In November 1931. deceased loft the only home aha ever had. for Cat trunk. to Fe wedded to Gordon Has- tie. non of the late Walter We And Mrs Howie. of Holstein. They took up hon-skewing at Wumvmo om wrrything pointed to a long and mam-tries but rennin. She Is deeply moi-med by her husband, mother at! hm“ Mary was the possum†oeaeheer- - -H.r.-_ ml 9nd winning personality and had Mr A. Riett, butcher for C. B. the faculty ct making friendships L'Iwronce for me time, has this whrraver she went. She was trmsur- week bandit NI wife and - pr for sauna your: of Knox United Cece tron Elmer and mommy!“ Aunt-w. and um Society fomrd- tho We. turnout. recently va. ad to the bereaved home . te4egruat and by Mr no Ila Inmnce.who bteottdotiatee. Burk! mm " gnomodtomm " We her Jack. in T. M. MW'I m ROLL CALL 1hCeTtiiitl9 Premier Mex Sin Speaker Gov't Shut Course Classes gQPIFfS: at ‘Father and Sm' Banquet in Durham are Compleud , 1ifht itil maximum ifltgitittt ---not by laws, or the League of Na- tisns. His (eh-sing wards was a chal- lrngo to live and die the Christ lilo. i Brief addresses by Rev W. H. 19mm: and Rear w. C. Almack tol- "owed and Glen Lloyd received a well-deserved tribute for his energy {in rromozing the banquet. A vote of â€hanks to the ladies then, "Auld I Lang Sync" closed B well spentnittht. Sunday and Monday were import- ant days for the Tuxigand Trail Rtur. ger boys. On Sundny, Wilbur Haw- ard, a ooiored boy, who was : candl- date for the Ontario Boys' Premier“ December parliament, took morning and evening services here in Queen St and Knox United Churches re- spectively. Both ediBcegt were mm to capacity and his most messages wm attentively beam, though a number in the audience tailor] to cat- ch all he traid, owing to a low-pitch- ed voice. Glen Lryd, of town, a lea. der in Tuxis work, conducted both Rev J. Blllingsle'y. "Our Country", found in George Noble 8. good upon-l (mt, the response being singing "ol Canada." Glen Lloyd proposed the, toast to "the Fathers" and Mr R. E. Richardson responded, proposing s. toast to the sons. Baht Milne pro-i posed "Our Mothers" to which Mrs. Ahnack suitably replied. "The on-l tario Boys 'Work Board" was pro- posed by Harold C McKechnie and responded to by Premier Alex Slur; of Holstein, in the address of the, night, his subject being "Training, for Life." ', services, while boy: chairs were a. feature in both churches, contributing a voiuntary at each service and sing- ing it Trel. About a hundred dads and their lads, and others unattached, enjoys! the second annual “Father and Son" banquet Monday evening in Queen St. Church, which was featured by the presence of, and a splendid ML :lr,ess trom Alex Sim, Premier ofthe Ontario Older Boys' Parliament. Fol- lowing an excellent supper served by the ladies? Aid, the night’s program opened with a sing-song led by the premier. In training tor the me of life, we should have a. deitutte plan. We must learn tself-denial-aa any athletewell knows, who must deny himself many things. " is the little things that mum and life is made up ot little things. "Have you). plan for your With Dr J. P. Grant as toastmas~ ter, a bright hour or two ot toasts and addresses was in store. The tlrtrt was! to the King, was responded to by singing the National Anthem. "The Church" was ably propotmd and riwsporuied to by Geo. Ahnack and lite?" he enquired. The best training tor It. he was advised, is to live each day at Its best. It is the simple choices. refusals and decisions that count. Everything in life is a decis- lm: wrrlre over deciding between right and wrong. Do we hold thelaws of health stored as we should? Our thoughts mould our lives. What are our stray thoughts and actions? Asa man thinketh, so is he. He challeng- ed the boys to live as Jesus did-the supreme example of life. The trouble with the world tc-day may be summed utr-selfishness. Sel- fish destres and interests prevail. Lloyd George says only two men in the world know where they're going --Btalitt and Mussolini. What are we doing to advance Janis as the Sav- iour of the world? to bring "Thy K 1mm an)?†on earth? The con- stitution of the 'Kingdom of God' in the sermon on the mount. Great changes must come in human hearts, Knox Auxiliary were' entrr’eined RF their regular monthly meeting at the manse, on Monday evening, Feb. 27. The president. Mrs C. McGirr was in the chair. The meeting opened with devotional exercises. hymn “Just as I Am" and Mrs Cation leading In prayer. The Devotional Study was taken by Mrs (Rem) Smith. The pa- WI" on Stewardship and Finance was given by Miss Barbara Ritchie. The chapter from the Study book, "A half ventury of Missions" was given by Mrs Jas McLachlan. Miss Alice Ramage rendered a solo "He was r, cplssr' trom Hazdelea 'Mesiriah.' It was decided to have n Jig Snw Puzzle Social on “My evening. Much 16. in soboolmom ot church. A pleasant hour was spent in saving for the bale. Ugh: unanimous were served. . KNOX AUXILIARY MEET AT THE MANSE Lgue ot Na- Friday evening, Feb 24th, the Joint was a chat. thaves, together with their friends Christ liftt. and their parents, gathered at a. bam " w. H. quet in the basement ofthe Presby- Almack tol- terian Church. One hundred and thitu received a ty one sat down to a sumptuous sup- hls energy per that was indeed a credit to the A vote of ladies in charge and their assistants. 3190. "Auld the menu consisted of baked ham, sirentnitriat. , with brown gravy. Potatoes: Vegetab -- ie combination: cabbage salad: apple RY pie and cheese: mils and coffee . NSE Between the various courses while {the dishes were being removed and . replaced. the classes under the choir telyit't'"y! leader, Mrs c. M. Leeson and pianist vmeeiing at Miss Norma Gagnon entertained with caning; 3:330:13: and yells, most of which were Ji, C,','),'?:,,"?:?";?.:?, and quite apmvpriate. Under " the guidance of our capable toast- hymn Jugt master, Mr G. M. Engel, the various t leading le, toasts and responses were carried out P1e!tre'iiai much success. IORGANIZATION OF JUNIOR FAR. l mans a JUNIOR INSTITUTE 3 Friday. Feb 24th, marked theolose lot Durham classes In Home Econ- Iomics o.rd Agriculture. At the clue of the course, a Junior Farmers' Org- anization was opened in the Boya' Class and a Junior institute from the Girls 'C'xiass. The following omeerg ' were elected: ;Junicr Farmer: iPresidcnt, Geo. A. McCulloch: vice I pres., Jasper Traynor: Secy. Ewen '; McNab: Treasurer, Geo. Bailey. Junior lmtltuto President, Mrs. Clarence Robinson: vice pres., Gladys Firth: Secretary _ Mable Sharp: Treats, Mary Moftat. _ Monday, Feb 27, at 2.30 the execu- tives of the above organizations with the very kind assistance ot T. S. Cooper and Mr G. M. Engel met at the Hahn House and drew up a pro- gram tor the next six months. Mes- srs C. M. Lemon, Win Bogle and D. Aijoe were also in attendance. With the ext-rnsive knowledge gained from our classes and the capable kind as- sistance of our Representative and his assistant, there is no reason why - the: above organizations should not become the greatest amhmost success- ful of their kind in Grey Co. The iirst mouing is to be held by invitation. at the home of Mr and Mrs J. C. Hamilton on March 8th. There is a goal deal of business to be discussed and it is hopod that all those inter- ested in the development and carry- ing on of there organizations will be present. The members of the Durham Short Course Classes in Home Economics and Agriculture, held their second literary meeting on Petr. 23rd. The pres., Miss Annabelle MtgaArthttr oe- cupied the chair and was responshble tor the tine program following. Ab ter the usual preliminaries the pro gram was introduced by a. chorus. There's a. long, long trail.' The min. utes ot last meeting were read and adorned. Then tollowedaarauviy skit try three of the boys 'General Repairs' in the course of which Clarence Har- grave underwent a. serious opcmtion under tho capable hands of Dr Joe McCulloch and his able assistant, G. Mighton. A duet by Mrs J. MoCaslin and Mrs C.'M. Leewn was wellren- dared: a reading by Mrs Vie Blythe, was both humorous and interesting. The reading ot the 't1aztytte' by John Coutts claimed unusual attention and was well received: Miss Mabel Sharp gave a humorous matador: in her usual (ramble manner. A skit "The arrival of Uncle’ by ' boys and 3 girls and read try Mrs J. Hamilton, added to the variety of program : a solo by Miss Norma Gagnon was well rendered and quite aplrrxrpriate. Chor. us “She's Just an all Canadian girl" dosed the program Mrs M Lowe, R. N., then gave her critios' report, in which she favorably commented on arch number and applauded the tal- ent shown in the production ot the entire program. The National Anth. em closed the meeting. Mr Engel proposed the Mast to The King," - responded to by the National Anthem. The toast to 'Our Country' found its response in "O Camda"and beautifully responded to by Mina Marjorie Caldwell. The toast to "Our Guests" was proposed by Mr Jack Cams and responded to by er Warden Bell. Mayor W. H. Kress, Reeve W. S. Hunter, Rev'a Armstrong and Billingsley. The tout to the "Ag- 'Bora' Gland m prom-ed try um swing. we hope. Ethel mrgmveandreqptntdetttto,trr q 1~1cultum1 2teprssentetive" was pro- posed by Miss Myrtle uwrence sud responded to by T. 8. Cooper. "The Btatr'toastwaapropmredby MrJoe home. AaDurhamantrMsdeb--1 vie. McCulloch and responded to by Mrs. tory here in ttmt match, the Sumner- M. Lowe, Mrs Joan Hemilum Shear- nan took the mud T-a. Erin will erand G. M. Engel. Them home new peouhir be attained with Inl- 'Oirte Clad was proposed try Geo. Vertex: and Pulley with Palmerston McCullooh and responded to try Mitts in tretnMatgt smuggle: end the two Marjorie Pickering. The toast to the View" my off, sometime before LITERARY MEETING BANQUET FEB. 24th DURHAM, THURSDAY {MARCH 2, 1933 With which is 1acoftro-atret the Holstein Ln“, Then came the pruentuion of pri- MM, with Miss Annabelle MacArthur receiving the prize hr the Sewing Clue: Me., Ethel Harmve for the Nursing clans: Misc Mary Mount for the Cooking class: Mrs J. C. Ham- ilton for General Malena. In the Boye' Clams, Mr Jew Tmynor rp. ceived the prime in mm Judging: Mr Geo. Bailey tor etooh Judging and G. McCullooh the General Pmt1eiency prize. The singing of the National Anthem closed this part of the enter- tort'tinmettt, and thot it was getting 1ote, the rnrty made their way to the Town Hall, where a. couple of hours wm'e spent in dancing, music provid- ed by Mr and Mrs Jack Teeter. Mr Jasper Tmynor. Mr E. K. 11mm. Hamilton, the guest speaker of evening, gave an ir,. torestmg and lustrucdve midi-we. The banquet and the social hours after, were many 1 part of the class work and. as such. were necessarily connucd to the members of the two classes, their friend and their parents. A number of new acquaintances were made during the classes In Dur. ham and it Is hoped, that through the various channels of the new org- anizatlons formed, these friendships may be strengthened and maintained. Every single member of both classes was indeed sorry that the classes were over and it was with much re- gret that we bade our teachers adieu. We trust to be kept In touch with them and be favored by frequent vis- lts from them. Durham 2, Port Elgin 2, was the outcome ot a. stirring 60-minute bat- tle In the ttrat ot the Junior Bnaig in Port Elgln on Tuesday night. To- night's game (Thursday) In Durham wfll decide the championah'p. Durham Tied Port Elgin in Fits! of him Finals The contest m one of the rough- mt ot the season. Referee M. Howke of Southampton, had a busy time waving the boys to the cooler and the home team drew the lion's share of the penalties. With keen tee to Mart, a hurt clip was set with several sensational at. tacks in the firtt 15 min. However Patton and mill stepped into the at'ackcrs with strong body checks. while the lakesidertf husky defence were equally etteet1ve. In the clos- ing minutes however, McKay broke Durham defence and passed to Dav- idson In front ct the nets, who beat Schutz for the tVst counter. Right at- tr: Cpttrill picked up a. 1osoe puck behind Durham not and slipped, it in the earner, for No 2, when Schutz thought 3. Durham player had it on the other side of net. Durham scored once in first period and again in second, but neither was allowed, because a. home goal um- pire refused to admleuck bad enter- ed nets. After he was removed and trubstituted, Durham lads secured justice. Following a steady attack, Ed Patton unloos-ed asensati-snal rush and shot, to beat Jeffr‘ea cleanly to: Durham’s tirgt. That made it '2-1 for Port Elgin. The hamcsters failed to count agam, but halt way through third period, Elmer Tucker’s drive found the nets and Durham had evened it up. Both trams fittightxd cautiously, wtutfaur for a. break, but none appeared. Davidson at centre, who played tor both Southampton and Port Elgin this year was the Pan’s star perfor- mer, while McKay and Jetrries were also good. Durham presented a well- balanced outttt, who played one ot their smartest games. Arnul on de- tense, Is now equal to the best of them and wfth Patton-blocked many a charge. Lender and Tucker were also prominent and the second line of N. Tucker, MoGirr and Lawrence. displayed the snappieat team play of the night, but were out-lucked in the goal-getting. _-_ Erin Eliminated Durha- in Senior Northern Durham - goal, Schutz: defense, Patton and Arni1P._eentro - Bolger: wlntrtr--Tucker and lander .. alter- nates, McGuirr, Wrens, N Tucker, Goodchnd. Port Eltrirr-gotu, Jettdes: defense, McKay and Lamont: centna, David- son: wings, McLean and McGllllmy. alternates ---heLean, Campbell, Cotb ml and Schrank. key Wednesday night a" Dani-m drop. the “I" opt-llama - tn Durham 1105th for turpmtdictotay by Dr. H. G. Mumy. ot Owen Bound. Mr and Mrs Howard McDonald of town, became suddenly ill last week, Mr Gowman Tmu and his aunt. Min Maria. Brown, at HamiPam were guests of Mr and Mrs Thoa E. Brown over the week end, while up on the and mission at the burial of latter: sister at Dmmore. Mr and Mrs John Burgess are visi- tors a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs Thus. Met, near Price. ville. _ Dr D. B. Jamieson was in Tomato last week end, seeing his father, who was laid aside a few days with nurse in attendance. with a nasty ttu attack. The Hon. Doctor was back to his duties again this Tuesday. Mrs Thos Banks who spent the past month or two wlth her brother. Mr Angus McArthur, returned to her home Wednesday. [Miss Ethel Watson. aged 16 years. of con 14, Egremont, was operated upon only Wednesday momlng at Durham hospital tor turpendietorny. Dr D. B. Jamieson was the surgeon. Mr Dennis Clark, Durham, is under. godng treatment ht Durham hospital. Mrs J. B. DutBeld entertained on Wednesday. a. number of friends to tea and bridge. RmDELL--4n Durham hospital. on Wednesday, March 1, to Mr. and Mrs Gordon Ridden, Glenda. (nee Glenna Firth) a daughter. BPROULB--At Wamus, Bask., on Feb. 18,, to Mr and Mrs T. J. Sproule. a. non. GRANT-ah, Wednesday, Pb. 22, at Victoria. Memorial Hospital, Toron- to. to Mr and Mrs E. W. Grant, New Toronto, (Ursie Matheson) a Trinity (hmh A.Y.P.A. Present Amusing Play BAiLEry--m Glenelg, on Feb M, to Mr and Mrs Mike Bailey, a daugh- There were no dull moments on Tuesday night Par a capacity audience im the Town Hall, when "Am I In. truding" was presented by a youth- ful dozen ct the members of Trinity Church A. Y. P. A. That the come- dy "went over big" may be attribu- ted to the zip and zest the players put into their actions and linea.thtir clear enunciation and thotxrutrtttrairr lug, they received, with MrlA. L.' Baldwin as director. 3| As Jerry) the simple country youth, 3' Rev J. Billingsley kept the audience convulsed with laughter and the restl of the east well fitted into their parts, and staged many amusing scenes and) saylngs in the numemus critical (Hg situations they ran Into. There were' no weak spots, whether as the hem. the lover, or loved ones, or the vit. lain, they depicted their roles in a manner worthy of pttrfesstfonalts. And this was only the debut for most of then! The cast included: the housekeep- er, Miss Emily Hunt: an adventurer, Lawn Hopkins: Mr Van, the fath- er, Reg. Steeda: his daughters. Mis- ses Alma Kreur, Anne Baldwin '. a Mend, Miss Jean Webster '. their 1c;vera--iJerry) Rev J. Billingsley. Don Kn'ght. Jack Gagnon: Vare's niece, a writer-Mit. Dorothy Me.. Nhute: her secretary and lover-- Robert Webster. Misses Olleda Hahn and Marjorie Noble supplied music between tthe new. Offering large b 3 Manitoba flour, First Patent 81.69 h while it lasts. G. B. Kearney & . Chan's Nerve Food 40: Gin Pills .'........ Mtt Italian Balm . . . ... . 29tt Matt a God Llam- Oil 85!: Ginseng Pub . . . . .. 500 Pure Cod lecr Oil .. 50: a 1.00 Wampolo'c Extract v.00 was Mona McDonald, daughter of TORONTO The Society will clear about $50. McFADDEN’S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE BORN “Everything in Medicine for man or beast" BEST Olive Oil In bulk for taking no "THE HOME OF CARR'S COUCH SYRUP." Junior Northern Final Here To-night Thumdty night, lurch 2nd, will see the Junior Northern Champion- ship decided in Durham rink. Hold- ing Port Elgln ma tie me at home, Durham's prayed: tor n second tlt- le are bright, all!) the low boys do not underestimate their culvert op- ponents. and realize they will have a 8mm battle to sun and hold Lheleul. Raybould of Wilkes-hon will be ref- eree. Our Junior: are phyla; real hockey now and should draw a. rec- ord crowd tar 1933 tor tonight'- 11n- al league game of the .6080!) here. Here's success to them! IN MEMORIAM McNALL n loving memory of our art, belov wife of John Manlly. who placed my Much 5. 1932. Time smooths ay the mitreattrnef, But memory t back every teat; A silent thought. sum-9.1 war, Keeps your man ever dear. Big Nigiit, Monday, Mar. 6 COUPLE RACE, OPEN TO ALL GIRLS' RACE, mm lt novs' RACE, under COUPLE RACE, LADWand SENT. (maker: Only) HARD-TIME ttttttTu' new COUPLE . FANCY Gtyatumtr--LADY " FANCY Conume - GIRL FANCY Coeumq.-aENT. FANCY Costume - BOY COMIC Costume-LADY " COMIC Costume - GIRL COMIC Goeume--. GENT. COMIC Costume - BOY Hockey- Old-Tapers vs. Sr. 0.H.A. All Tick“: Numbered. Lucky Nu Ber win: Walnut End Table. ADMISSION, 25c; Public School hildren, 15c; Makers, 10: Paul-nod W-okly at £3.00 a "a tn Munro. To (Van-1| Bum-u an a "at In mums 0. "Mat" b SON. PIN“... new Wallpapers ‘poclll Price at 12: my. roll 60 yam herd" Eight charming .-tgusrtsaaih and family ink Durham Rink Under auspiu\\ of the Queen St. Young People N RACES PRIZES on ExhibitionVn D. M. saunden' Window CE, RNIVAL mother, Skating 316‘; the Game. BAND IN A TENDANCE CQSTUMES New China "BhteWilhtw" 6 he†Plat“. 1.6 I Inch Plat-Ne CID" "u.. . Atte Have Seen Fifty Five Years of Wedded life Dr Ind Mrs A. C. Wolle Ingrow- kn; old Why. While the halal oftEtsWefet-ttotbeeetthettcat of we. she 13 able to converse with all unmadher and nothing gin-sum couple mm pie-um than to meet and eats-min old friends. Sum-y. Feb. um, m the 55th wedding u:- ntvanry at Dr And In wane and m We») quietly. On suuruy eventing, Rev Waiter C. Aim-ck and seven! members a! Queen Sued Un- Red Church Bond Mere-d at the luxe the“ ot ttowerg and voiced their minim of their splendid active service they had always given their church. he udder AM, represented try In G. Swim; and In Rabi Alice. called the acme a". ning and meat-med them with a pha- ue and extended the good ‘1th ot the mieiy. Many Manda have all“! in the Int tew (hy- to extend onu- FREE I Jig- Saw Puzzles 100 Moon Fm Tooth Fun. .0. Window. " "At